Afirm Organotin Compounds v2
Afirm Organotin Compounds v2
Afirm Organotin Compounds v2
Other Names Tin organic compounds Organotin compounds (organotins) are substances
Organostannic compounds
composed of tin directly bound to different organic
groups. Generally, the mono-, di-, or tri-substituted
CAS Number Substance organotins have the most applications in the apparel and
Various Dibutyltin (DBT)
footwear industry.
Chemical Information Sheet
Version 2.0 | March 2021
▪ Pay special attention to PU materials, including synthetic leather and coatings, as organotins are commonly used as
catalysts during PU production.
▪ Self-cross-linking silicone or polyester polymers may contain organotins used as catalysts during production.
▪ Leather and textiles treated with biocides may also contain organotins.
Safer Alternatives
The following substances have been identified as examples of safer alternatives and may be suitable for your production needs.
Any chosen alternative must be ZDHC MRSL compliant whenever applicable.
▪ Calcium-zinc stabilizers may be used in the form of metal carboxylates. These stabilizers are suitable for production
of products with a high degree of clarity, good mechanical properties, excellent organoleptic properties, and good
▪ Organic-based stabilizers are calcium-zinc stabilizers with zinc nearly or completely replaced with organic co-
stabilizers. Benefits of these stabilizers include low migration, low odor, low VOC emissions, good initial color, and
excellent transparency.
▪ Bismuth, titanate, titanium, and zirconium catalysts can be used for PU production.
▪ Titanate catalysts can be used for polyester production, but may change material properties/aesthetic.
Additional Information
▪ Visit ECHA’s Candidate List of substances of very high concern to view dossiers for many restricted substances
▪ Impact assessment of potential restrictions on the marketing and use of certain organotin compounds –
Continued list of CAS numbers and substance names from first page:
CAS Number Substance
Various Tricyclohexyltin (TCyHT)
Various Trimethyltin (TMT)
Various Trioctyltin (TOT)
Various Tripropyltin (TPT)
Various Tributyltin (TBT)
Various Triphenyltin (TPhT)
Chemical Information Sheet
Version 2.0 | March 2021
1 European Commission Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (2006). Revised Assessment of the Risks to Health and the
Environment Associated with the Use of the Four Organotin Compounds: TBT, DBT, DOT and TPT. Retrieved August 15, 2017, from
2 Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management Group Restricted Substances List (AFIRM RSL)
3 ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)