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International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022

© 2022 INASED

Relationship Between Scientific Literacy and the Attitude Towards Reading Scientific
Texts: A Study on Primary School Teacher Candidates

Sümeyye Aydın Gürler i

Gaziantep University


The current study sought to determine the association between primary school teacher candidates’
levels of scientific literacy and their attitudes about reading scientific texts. The study used a
correlational survey technique. The sample population consisted of 287 primary school teacher
candidates who were enrolled in a public university in South-Eastern Anatolia's education faculty for
the 2020–2021 academic year. The "Personal Information Form," "Universal Science Literacy Scale,"
and "Attitude Scale towards Reading Scientific Texts" were used to gather the data. During the data
analysis stage, frequency and percentage values for the variables were determined. Correlation, simple
regression, and multiple regression analyses were then performed. The results revealed that although
teacher candidates' reading and scientific text reading rates were insufficient, their attitudes toward
scientific literacy and scientific text reading were "good." The attitude toward reading scientific
materials and the sub-dimensions of scientific literacy were found to be positively and statistically
correlated. Along with the "habits of mind" and "meta-cognition and self-direction" sub-dimensions, it
was also noted that scientific literacy is a statistically significant predictor of attitude toward reading
scientific materials. Based on their findings, the researcher came up with several recommendations.

Keywords: Scientific Literacy, Attitude Towards Reading Scientific Texts, Correlation, Primary
School Teacher Candidate

DOI: 10.29329/ijpe.2022.467.7

Sümeyye Aydın Gürler, Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Nizip
Education Faculty, Gaziantep University, ORCID: 0000-0003-2651-4395

Email: s.aydingurler@gmail.com

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED


Countries that don't want to fall behind in the race for science and technology should prioritize
providing their population with solid science education. Many nations that attempt to keep up with
global studies have made the idea of scientific literacy the centerpiece of their educational objectives
for this reason (Salc , 2020) In summary, as scientific fields become more significant, the idea of
scientific literacy has inevitably become necessary (Boujaoude, 2002). In order to avoid falling behind
these achievements on the international stage, our nation has likewise made the required efforts to
emphasize scientific literacy in its science curricula (Ministry of National Education [MoNE], 2018).
As a result, this idea has been covered in the 2000 Science curriculum under the heading "literate in
science," in the 2005 Science and Technology course curriculum under the heading "science and
technology literate," and in the 2013 and 2018 Science course curricula under the heading "science
literate." Furthermore, regardless of individual differences, it has been a goal of these curricula to
guarantee that all students are trained as science-literate individuals. As they educate themselves and
their pupils to be science-literate individuals, instructors have tasks and responsibilities that include
developing the skills necessary for scientific literacy (Bacanak, 2002; Çepni and Bacanak, 2002; Iş k
Terzi, 2008). For the purpose of developing science-literate people, reading and writing exercises are
carried out throughout the science learning process (Glynn and Muth, 1994).

Scientific Literacy

The ability to converse, read, and write about science is how the concept of scientific literacy
is defined (Norris and Phillips, 2003). Miller (1983) claims that the idea of scientific literacy is divided
into two elements. The first is a person's capacity to read and comprehend a scientific document. The
other is functional scientific literacy, which shows that a person is capable of expressing ideas on
science-related topics as well as having an appropriate understanding of those topics. The skills,
knowledge, importance, and positive attitude toward science disciplines are all highlighted in the
educational curricula, along with the connections between science and technology, society, and the
environment (MoNE, 2005). While Choi et al., who consider each person a universal citizen, made a
little modification to this idea and called it universal scientific literacy.

Attitude towards Reading Scientific Texts

Conceptually complex scientific texts differ greatly from fictional works in terms of both
structure and content. It's possible for scientific literature to include graphs, tables, figures, formulas,
and images. This kind of material enables readers to organize their scientific knowledge even if they
have erroneous opinions or no background in the sciences. Scientific texts include, but are not limited
to essays, scientific publications, and textbooks on chemistry, physics, and biology (Kumlu et al.,
2017). Unquestionably, one of the most significant things influencing how people read these texts—
which are very different from fiction—is how they feel about reading them. According to Petscher
(2010), there is a positive correlation between reading attitude and academic success.

Scientific Literacy and the Attitude towards Reading Scientific Texts

According to Shamos (1995), there are three alternative methods to define scientific literacy:
cultural scientific literacy, true scientific literacy, and functional scientific literacy. The simplest type
of scientific literacy, known as "cultural science literacy," is the possession of the bare minimum of
information. While accurate scientific literacy is the most challenging of all levels of scientific
literacy. For proper scientific literacy, people should possess advanced understanding. When someone
has effective scientific literacy, they can read a scientific paper or article and use scientific vocabulary
to discuss it or communicate about it. Koch and Eckstein (1995) assert that people who are
scientifically literate should be able to comment on a scientific text, identify the principal emphasis in
these texts, and form an accurate and critical perspective on scientific materials. In addition to its
cognitive component, scientific literacy also has an emotive component. In order to ensure that
students develop a good attitude, it is important to boost their interest in and curiosity about science.

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

Even while it is not enough to raise scientifically literate people on its own, cultivating a positive
attitude and enthusiasm for science is one of the most crucial aspects of scientific literacy (Çelik,
2016). In order to make wise decisions, it is crucial for people who are scientifically literate to first
read and comprehend scientific resources and then critically evaluate the scientific contents in these
references (Gökdemir, 2020) ur thermore, one of the three competencies outlined in the I SA 2015
scientific literacy framework, evaluating data and evidence scientifically, includes outlining the
premises, reasoning, and conclusions in scientific texts (MoNE, 2016). This puts forth the importance
of scientific texts in scientific literacy. Therefore, an individual who is able to identify the
assumptions, findings, and logic in scientific texts should first be able to have a positive attitude
towards reading such texts.

Relevant Literature

A review of local and international literature revealed that numerous investigations had been
carried out to determine scientific literacy (Akdur, 2002; Chin, 2005; Corrigan, 2014; Dani, 2009;
Heinsen, 2016; Huyugüzel Çavaş, 2009; Iş k Terzi, 2008; Sarkar & Lee, 2001; Sülün, Iş k, & Sülün,
2008; Süren, 2008) Majority of these studies have been performed with students and teachers In
addition, it was also observed that studies performed on teacher candidates had been conducted mostly
on science teacher candidates (Bacanak, 2002; Can, 2007; Macaroğlu-Akgül, 2004; Özdemir, 2010)
and that the number of studies on primary school teacher candidates is limited (Bacanak & Gökdere,
2009). There are few studies that concentrate on identifying the attitudes toward reading scientific
textbooks (Harder, 1989), the attitudes of science teacher candidates toward reading scientific texts
(Can & Öztürk, 2019), and the knowledge and attitudes of people related to reading from scientific
texts, according to a national and international literature survey on studies that have focused on
identifying the attitudes toward reading scientific texts (Nigro & Trivelato, 2012). In addition, studies
on scientific and technological literacy levels and attitudes towards science (Yetişir, 2007); scientific
attitude, and scientific literacy associating with daily life (Ürey & Cerrah Özsevgeç, 2015), along with
studies examining the correlations between scientific literacy and science teaching self-efficacy belief
(Uludüz, 2017) were identified when a literature survey was conducted for determining studies on
other concepts that may be related with the scientific literacy of primary class teacher candidates. It is
considered that teaching the science course to smaller age groups will contribute to the positive
development of the interest and attitudes of students toward science and being scientific literate
individuals starting from an early age (Uludüz, 2017) Science and primary school teachers
undoubtedly play the most important role in increasing the scientific literacy of students (Huyugüzel
Çavaş, 2009) A small amount of research has been published in the related literature to determine the
levels of scientific literacy of primary class teacher candidates, but no studies have been done in the
national literature to determine how teachers or teacher candidates feel about scientific materials.
Additionally, there were no studies that looked at prospective teachers of primary classes' levels of
scientific literacy and attitudes about reading scientific texts Additionally, eña and aco (2004)
noted that although students are interested in science and nature, they are not particularly eager to read
scientific publications. The current study seeks to determine the levels of scientific literacy among
primary school teacher candidates as well as their attitudes toward reading scientific texts. This is done
in light of the fact that attitudes toward reading scientific texts are crucial for fostering the
development of scientific literacy in children. Thus, answers have been sought to the following

1. How frequently do teacher candidates read?

2. How frequently do teacher candidates read different kinds of texts (novels, short stories,
poems, memoirs, history, politics, philosophy, health, personal development, science,

3. What are the perception levels of primary school teacher candidates towards scientific
literacy and reading scientific texts?

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

4. Is there a statistically significant correlation between scientific literacy and its

subdimensions and the attitude towards reading scientific texts?

5. Is scientific literacy a statistically significant predictor of the attitude towards reading

scientific texts?

6. Are the subdimensions of scientific literacy statistically significant predictors of the

attitude towards reading scientific texts?


Study Model

A correlational survey model from among the general survey models was used in the present
study that aims to examine the correlation between the scientific literacy states of primary school
teacher candidates and their attitudes towards reading scientific texts. The reason for preferring this
model was to measure two or more variables to put forth whether they are correlated or not (Lodico,
Spaulding, & Voegtle, 2010). In the model, the attitude toward reading scientific texts was considered
as the prediction that is the dependent variable, whereas scientific literacy and its subdimensions were
considered as the predictor, that is, independent variables.

Population and Sample Group

The study population was comprised of 477 primary school teacher candidates continuing
their education at two faculties of education of a state university in the South Eastern Anatolia Region
during the 2020-2021 academic year. Target population was tried to be reached however, only 302
primary school teacher candidates stated that they would volunteer to take part in the study. Therefore,
the sample group of the present study was comprised of 302 primary school teacher candidates
selected based on the proper sampling method. Of these implemented scales, 287 were included in the
analysis, as a result of which it was observed based on the calculations that the sample size (95 %
confidence interval, α= 05 statistical significance) is sufficient ( i eld, 2009) Table 1 presents the
participant data.

Table 1. Attributes of the Participants

Values Groups f %
Female 208 72.50
Male 79 27.50
1st grade 79 27.50
2nd grade 61 21.30
Class level
3rd grade 66 23.00
4th grade 81 28.20
17-18 7 2.40
19-20 100 34.80
21-22 114 39.70
23-24 47 16.40
25-26 12 4.20
27 and above 7 2.40

It can be observed when Table 1 is examined that 72.50 % of the participants are female, and
27.50 % are male. Class levels indicate that 27.50 % of the participants are in 1st grade; 21.30 % in 2nd
grade; 23.00 % in 3rd grade; 28.20 % in 4th grade. It was observed when age intervals were examined
that 2.40 % of the participants were in the 17-18 age interval; 34.80 % in 19-20 age interval; 39.70 %
in 21-22 age interval; 16.40 % in 23-24 age interval; 4.20 % in 25-26 age interval and 2.40 % in 27
and above age interval.

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

Data Collection Tools

“ er sonal Information orm ”, “Universal Science Literacy Scale” and “Attitude Scale
Towards Reading Scientific Texts” were used for collecting data

Personal Information Form: The personal information form prepared by the researcher
includes information on the participants, such as gender, age, class level, and reading frequency.

Universal Science Literacy Scale: The universal science literacy scale was developed by Mun
et al (2015) and was adopted into Turkish by Çelik and Can (2017) The scale is comprised of 48
items, four dimensions (habits of mind, character, and values, science as human endeavor,
metacognition, and self-direction), and eight factors. The scale is of a 5-point Likert type scale with
values ranging between; (1) “I strongly disagree” to (5) “I strongly agree” The reliability of the scale
was calculated using Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient; with the value determined as .91
for the general scale, as .85 for metacognition and self-direction dimension, as .81 for habits of mind
dimension, as .79 for science as a human endeavor and as .76 for character and values dimension. In
addition, CFA was conducted for the construct validity of the scale in order to identify whether the
scale developed in another culture provides the same factor structure in the Turkish culture or not. The
reliability-validity studies were repeated for the scale since a different sample group was used for the
present study. The Cronbach alpha value calculated for the scale reliability was determined as .96 for
the scale in general, as .93 for the metacognition and self-direction dimension, as .91 for the science as
human endeavor dimension, as .87 for the character and values dimension. CFA was conducted for
testing the construct validity of the scale. There is no consensus among the related researchers in the
literature regarding which goodness of fit values should be reported. However, Kline (2016) states that
it is sufficient to report the values of χ2/df, p, CFI, RMSEA, and SRMR. Therefore, these values have
been reported in the present study. The goodness of fit values for the model are; χ2/df=1.884, p=0.00,
CFI=0.886, SRMR=0.0501 and RMSEA=0.056. It can be stated that these acquired values are at an
acceptable level (Gürbüz, 2019, s 34; Tabachnick and ide ll, 2013) Thus, the previously determined
eight factor model was also verified with the study sample group.

Attitude Scale towards Reading Scientific Texts: The attitude scale towards reading scientific
texts has been developed by Kumlu et al. (2017) for measuring the affective characteristics of
students. The scale is comprised of 30 items and three factors (contribution of reading science texts to
learning and skills, denial, and making use of science texts when possible). The scale is of a 5-point
Likert type scale with values ranging between; (1) “I strongly disagree” to (5) “I strongly agree”
Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated for scale reliability which was .94 for
the whole scale in general, .92 for the making use of science texts when possible dimension, .92 for
the denial dimension, and .86 for the contribution of reading science texts to learning and skills. CFA
was conducted to identify the compatibility of the scale. The reliability-validity studies were repeated
for the scale since the present study was conducted on a different study group. The Cronbach alpha
values calculated for the reliability of the scale were calculated as .92 for the scale in general, .90 for
the making use of science texts when possible dimension, .92 for the denial dimension, and .86 for the
contribution of reading science texts to learning and skills. The goodness of fit values for the model
was calculated as χ2/df=2.231, p=0.00, CFI=0.896, SRMR=0.0720 and RMSEA=0.066 as a result of
the repeated CFA. These acceptable values indicate that the predetermined three-factor model has also
been verified for the sample group of the present study.

Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and the Pearson Product Moments correlation
coefficient were calculated using SPSS 21.0, and the construct validity analysis (CFA) was performed
using AMOS 21.0. Candidates for primary school teachers' scientific literacy and attitudes toward
reading scientific texts were assessed using descriptive analysis, whereas the relationship between
scientific literacy and its subdimensions and attitudes toward reading scientific texts was examined
using correlation analysis. For the purposes of interpreting the correlation coefficients, the values

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

proposed by Pallant (2016) were taken into account (low correlation if the correlation coefficient is
between= .10-.29; moderate correlation if the correlation coefficient is between=.30-.49; high
correlation if the correlation coefficient is between= .50-1.0). In contrast to multiple regression
analysis, which was used to determine the degree to which the dependent variable (attitude toward
reading scientific texts) could be predicted by the independent variables (scientific literacy
subdimensions), simple linear regression analysis was used to predict the attitude toward reading
scientific texts by the state of scientific literacy. For both basic and multiple regression studies on the
dataset, specific requirements must be met. Regarding simple linear regression analysis, it was found
that the distribution is normally based on the findings of the normality test for the predictor (scientific
literacy) and the predicted (attitude toward reading scientific texts) variables (skewness for scientific
literacy -.235 and kurtosis -.310; skewness for the attitude towards reading scientific texts .226 and
kurtosis -.458). Moreover, scatter diagram was examined, as a result of which it was observed that
there is a linear correlation between the predictor and the predicted variables. Certain assumptions
were checked prior to starting the multiple regression analysis. The fact that the VIF values ranging
between 2.41 and 2.95 are below the value of 10 (Belsley, Kuh & Welsch, 1980), that the tolerance
values in the .33 and .41 interval are above .20 (Field, 2009) and that the paired correlation
coefficients for the dependent variables are below .80 (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013) indicated that
there is no multicollinearity issue in the dataset. In addition, outlier values were determined for 15
participants, which were excluded from the analysis to ensure that the dataset meets the normal
distribution assumption. Thus, it was illustrated that the skewness and kurtosis values of the dependent
(skewness .226 and kurtosis -.458 for the attitude towards reading scientific texts) and independent
(skewness -.023 and kurtosis -.121 for the habits of mind dimension; skewness -.179 and kurtosis -
.721 for the character and values dimension; skewness -.453 and kurtosis -.583 for the science as
human endeavor dimension; skewness -.335 and kurtosis .094 for the metacognition and self-direction
dimension) variables vary between – 1,5 and +1,5. Hence, it can be stated based on these values that
the data are distributed normally (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013). Moreover, it was also observed that the
independent variables are distributed equally in the dependent variable (homoscedasticity) and that the
errors are also distributed normally.


Reading Frequency of Teacher Candidates

The word cloud for the responses of primary school teacher candidates to the question, “How
frequently do you read?” are presented in igure 1

Figure 1. Word Cloud for the Reading Frequency of Teacher Candidates

Figure 1 shows that the reading frequency of primary school teacher candidates is classified as
every day (f=82), and once a week (f=75), every two days (f=53), once a month (f=48), once a year
(f=25), and never (f=4).

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

Reading Frequencies of Teacher Candidates for Different Types of Texts

Table 2 presents the reading frequencies of primary class teacher candidates for different types
of texts such as novels, short stories, poems, memoirs, history, politics, philosophy, health, personal
development, science, and religion).

Table 2. Reading Frequencies of Teacher Candidates for Different Types of Texts

Text Types Never Rarely Sometimes Generally Always
f % f % f % f % f %
Novel 4 1.39 22 7.66 40 13.93 126 43.90 95 33.10
Short Story 23 8.01 65 22.64 110 38.32 71 24.73 18 6.27
Poem 50 17.42 75 26.13 87 30.31 37 12.89 38 13.24
Memoir 96 33.44 117 40.76 54 18.81 17 5.92 3 1.04
History 51 17.77 78 27.17 88 30.66 44 15.33 26 9.05
Politics 107 37.28 70 24.39 57 19.86 33 11.49 20 6.96
Philosophy 79 27.52 98 34.14 56 19.51 33 11.49 21 7.31
Health 78 27.17 105 36.58 69 24.04 22 7.66 13 4.52
Development 41 14.28 54 18.81 93 32.40 72 25.08 27 9.40
Science 80 27.87 111 38.67 65 22.64 21 7.31 10 3.48
Religion 44 15.33 86 29.96 86 29.96 39 13.58 32 11.14

According to Table 2, it is observed when the frequencies of primary school teacher

candidates for reading different text types are examined that novels (f=95) are indicated most among
the types of texts that are always read, whereas politics (f=107) is stated most frequently among the
least read types of texts. Moreover, it was observed when the frequencies of reading scientific texts
were examined that 38.67 % of the teacher candidates stated that they rarely read scientific texts,
27.87 % indicated that they never read scientific texts, 22.64 % stated that they sometimes read
scientific texts, 7.31 % stated that they generally read scientific texts and 3.48 % indicated that they
always read scientific texts.

Attitudes of Teacher Candidates towards Scientific Literacy and Reading Scientific Texts and
Related Perception Levels

Table 3 shows the results of the descriptive analysis conducted for determining the attitudes of
primary school teacher candidates towards scientific literacy as well as their attitudes and perceptions
related to reading scientific texts.

Table 3. Descriptive Analysis of the Attitude towards Scientific Literacy and Reading Scientific
Variables N SS Std. Error
1. Scientific Literacy 287 4.02 .51 .03
2. Attitude Towards Reading Scientific Texts 287 3.46 .57 .03

The fact that both scales were of a 5-point Likert type scale was taken into consideration when
interpreting the arithmetic mean scores presented in Table 3. Hence, the scientific literacy states and
attitudes towards reading scientific texts of the primary school teacher candidates who took part in the
study were at a “good” level (X= 4 02; X= 3 46)

Correlation between Scientific Literacy and Its Subdimensions and the Attitude towards
Reading Scientific Texts

Table 4 presents the results of the correlation analysis conducted to identify the correlation
between the scientific literacy and subdimensions of primary school teacher candidates and their
attitudes towards reading scientific texts.

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

Table 4. Correlation Coefficients Related with the Correlation between Scientific Literacy and
Sub-Dimensions and the Attitude towards Reading Scientific Texts
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Habits of the mind 1
2. Character and values .707** 1
3. Science as human endeavor .715** .755** 1
4. Metacognition and self-direction .708** .662** .694** 1
5. Scientific literacy .883** .866** .901** .881** 1
6. Attitude towards reading scientific texts .487** .431** .426** .493** .523** 1
The correlation coefficients presented in Table 4 reveal a positive and high level (r=.523,
p<.01) of correlation between scientific literacy and the attitude towards reading scientific texts. In
addition, there is a positive and moderate correlation between the attitude towards reading scientific
texts and the habits of mind (r=.487, p<.01), character and values (r=.431, p<.01), science as human
endeavor (r=.426, p<.01), metacognition and self-direction (r=.493, p<.01) subdimensions. Hence, it
can be interpreted that an increase in the scientific literacy levels of primary school teacher candidates
leads to the development of a positive attitude towards reading scientific texts, while a decrease in
their scientific literacy levels results in developing a negative attitude towards reading scientific texts.

Prediction State of the Attitude of Reading Scientific Texts by the Scientific Literacy States of
Primary School Teacher Candidates

Table 5 presents the results of the simple linear regression analysis conducted with regard to
the prediction of the attitude toward reading scientific texts by the scientific literacy states of primary
school teacher candidates.

Table 5. Results for the simple linear regression analysis conducted with regard to the prediction
of the attitude of reading scientific texts by the scientific literacy states of primary school teacher
Variable B Standard Error β t p
Constant 1.126 .228 4.929 .000
Science Literacy .583 .056 .523 10.348 .000*
R=.523 R2=.273
F(1,285)= 107.083 p=.000
After doing a regression analysis to determine whether or not the level of scientific literacy
has a statistically significant effect on one's attitude toward reading scientific materials, it was
discovered that this attitude is predicted by scientific literacy (R=.523, R2=.273, F (1,285)= 107.083,
p<.05). In addition, scientific literacy explains 27 % of the attitude towards reading scientific texts.

Prediction State of the Attitude towards Reading Scientific Texts by Scientific Literacy

Table 6 presents the multiple regression analysis results conducted for the prediction of the
attitude towards reading scientific texts by the subdimensions of scientific literacy (habits of mind,
character, and values, science as human endeavor, meta-cognition, and self-direction).

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

Table 6. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results for the Prediction State of the Attitude
towards Reading Scientific Texts by Scientific Literacy Subdimensions
Variable B Standard Error β t p
Constant 1.094 .233 - 4.701 .000
Habits of mind .253 .092 .228 2.758 .006
Character and values .073 .078 .079 .945 .345
Science as human endeavor .013 .083 .014 .160 .873
Meta-cognition and self-direction .257 .073 .273 3.500 .001
R= .535 R2= .287 corrected R2= .277
F(4, 282)=28.330 p= .000

It was observed as a result of the multiple linear regression analysis conducted to determine
how variables such as habits of mind, character ,and values, science as human endeavor, meta-
cognition, and self-direction predict the attitude towards reading scientific texts that the attitude
toward reading scientific texts is predicted at a statistically significant level by the habits of mind
(β= 228, t=2 758, p< 05) and meta-cognition and self-direction (β= 273, t= 3 500, p< 05)
subdimensions of scientific literacy. In addition, it was also observed that the character and values
(β= 079, t= 945, p> 05) and science as human endeavor (β= 014, t= 160, p> 05) subdimensions of
scientific literacy are not statistically significant predictors of the attitude towards reading scientific
texts A 1 unit increase in the “Habits of mind” sub-dimension leads to an increase by .228 units in the
attitude towards reading scientific texts A 1 unit increase in the “Meta-cognition and self-direction”
sub-dimension leads to an increase by .273 units in the attitude towards reading scientific texts. Of the
attitude towards reading scientific texts, 27.0 % is explained by the habits of mind and metacognition
and self-direction subdimensions of scientific literacy (correctedR2=.277; p<.05). In short, it can be stated
based on the acquired findings that an increase in the “habits of mind” and “meta-cognition and self-
direction” sub-dimensions of scientific literacy will contribute to ensuring that primary school teacher
candidates will have a more positive attitude towards reading scientific texts.


The present study aimed to determine the correlation between the scientific literacy states of
primary school teacher candidates and their attitudes towards reading scientific texts to identify the
reading frequency of teacher candidates and the frequencies with which they read different text types.
In the present study, 28,57 % of the teacher candidates stated that they read every day, 26,13 %
indicated that they read once a week while 18,46 % read every two days, 16,72 % once a month, 8,71
% once a year, and 1,39 % stated that they never read. It was illustrated as a result of the study by
Kuşdemir et al (2020) with a sample group comprised of primary school and Turkish teacher
candidates that 3 % of the participants stated that they last read six months ago, 11 % stated that they
last read three months ago, 32 % stated that they read once a month, 27 % indicated that they read
once a week while 25 % stated that they read every day. The number of teacher candidates who read
every day and once a week is similar in both this study and the present study. These ratios were set
forth in the study by Kolaç (2007) conducted with primary school teacher candidates as 39 % reading
every day, 22,8 % every two days, 21 % once a week, 15,2 % every two weeks, 1 % once a month and
1 % stated that they do not remember. Hence, it can be indicated based on these percentages that the
reading frequencies of primary school teacher candidates are not at a sufficient level in neither the
aforementioned studies nor the present study. In addition, it was observed when the frequencies of
reading different text types were examined that the teacher candidates always most frequently
mentioned the novel (f=95), with politics indicated as the text type that is never read (f=107). The
frequency of reading scientific texts illustrated that majority of the teacher candidates (66.54 %) stated
that they rarely (38.67 %) or never (27.87 %) read scientific texts Contrary to this study, Kolaç (2007)
carried out a study as a result of which it was observed that the primary school teacher candidates
mostly prefer books with adventure, social and emotional content; that they least prefer books with
mystery and horror content with a frequency of preferring books with a scientific 8 4 % Aslantürk
(2008) conducted a study in which it was reported that primary school teacher candidates mostly
prefer reading humor, art, newspapers, and magazines while they least preferred scientific books and

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

books on scientific and technical as well as culture books According to a study by Arslantürk and
Saracalolu (2010), teachers and teacher candidates prefer reading newspapers, novels, and short stories
more than academic texts, technical manuals, books on science, and books with humor. The findings
of both studies are consistent with the notion that people read novels more frequently than other types
of literature, while they read scientific publications less frequently. Furthermore, despite the fact that
primary school teacher candidates' favorite genres of books vary among research, it is notable that they
dislike scientific books, even though these books have a high likelihood of including scientific
materials. Future teachers' lack of interest in reading scientific texts will surely have a negative effect
on their pupils' ability to do research and ask and answer questions. There could be numerous causes
for this. The fact that applicants to primary class teaching programs are typically graduates of equally-
weighted departments prevents them from taking enough science courses. Their previous negative
attitudes toward the science course, and their perceptions of the difficulty of scientific texts may all be
taken into account. The fact that teachers encourage their students to read short stories and novels,
particularly during the primary school years, and that they also set aside more time to read such texts
may be the reason why novels are identified as the most often read text category.

The current study found that teacher candidates have good levels of scientific literacy. Chin
(2005) found that the scientific literacy levels of teacher candidates are typically at a satisfactory level
after conducting a study with primary school and science teacher candidates Uludüz (2017), however,
reported that the scientific literacy levels of primary school teacher candidates are at a sufficient level.
The conclusions of the current investigation are supported by these results. Additionally, a number of
other research with differing conclusions were seen in the relevant literature. However, it has been
noted that this research involved science teacher candidates. The scientific literacy levels of science
teacher candidates are not at the intended level, according to studies by Bacanak (2002), Yakar (2010),
and Yetişir (2007) However, Ulutaş (2009) and Özdemir (2010) suggested intermediate levels, while
Can and Çelik (2019) and Salc (2020) reported high levels As a summary of this research, it can be
shown that while the scientific literacy status is generally not at the desired level in studies carried out
with science teacher candidates, it is found to be good in studies conducted with primary school
teacher candidates. However, this conclusion is unexpected given that science teacher candidates
enroll in more courses than primary school teacher candidates that will improve their scientific
literacy. In the current study, teacher candidates had a positive attitude toward reading scientific texts.
There are many studies in the related literature that aim to identify the attitudes of teacher candidates
toward reading (Arslan, Çelik, Çelik & 2009; Bozpolat, 2010; Duman & Gökmen, 2018; Y lmaz &
Benli, 2010;), while a limited number of studies was found that strives to determine the attitudes of
teacher candidates towards reading scientific texts Can and Öztürk (2019) examined the impacts of
certain variables (gender, general grade point average, class level, reading frequency) on the attitudes
of science teacher candidates towards reading scientific texts. Nigro and Trivelato (2012) carried out a
study with students aged 14-15 to determine the knowledge and attitudes towards reading from
different science disciplines, as a result of which it was observed that female students have higher
scores compared with male students and that students who read scientific texts have higher scores
compared with those who read textbooks. Research by Harder (1989) showed that adults have good
opinions regarding reading science textbooks (anatomy and physiology). Therefore, no research has
been done to directly assess teacher candidates' attitudes about reading scientific texts. It's also
intriguing that the majority of the teacher candidates in the current study read scientific materials
either occasionally or never, despite having a favorable attitude toward them. The likelihood that
teacher candidates will favor reading scientific texts as future reading material, however, may be
increased if they have a positive attitude toward reading scientific texts. When teacher candidates
begin their careers, it may be said that those who adopt a good attitude toward reading scientific
literature will more likely inspire their pupils to pursue science and study scientific texts.

In the current study, there was an association between scientific literacy and the mindset
toward reading scientific texts that were favorable, significant, and statistically significant. During this
time, it was also discovered that scientific literacy accounts for 27% of the attitude toward reading
scientific texts and is a statistically significant predictor of that attitude. As a result, whereas a rise in
teacher candidates' levels of scientific literacy enables them to acquire a favorable attitude toward

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

reading scientific texts, a drop in scientific literacy may cause them to do the opposite. In the relevant
studies, no study was found that investigated the relationship between scientific literacy and reading
attitudes toward scientific texts. Additionally, it is believed that students who approach scientific
literature positively would also have a positive attitude toward science because of the scientific
content. The few studies that have looked at the relationship between scientific literacy and attitude
toward science in the relevant literature were analyzed in this regard Ulutaş (2009) came to the
conclusion that there is a positive and statistically significant association between scientific literacy
and attitude toward science and that science teacher candidates' levels of scientific literacy and
attitudes toward science are appropriate While Yetişir (2007) showed in a prior study that there is a
statistically significant and linear association between primary school and science teacher candidates'
attitudes toward science and scientific literacy According to research by Güçlüer (2012), boosting
students' scientific literacy in the classroom has a favorable effect on their academic performance,
attitude toward science, and scientific process skills. Yore et al. (2007) claimed that mathematics-
literate people would experience a favorable change in their concerns, beliefs, and attitudes toward
mathematics. For those who are literate in science, the same can be said. Thus, it can be concluded that
people with high levels of scientific literacy will present a favorable attitude toward scientific
materials, which are an essential component of these teachings. Assuring that pupils develop a good
attitude toward science is one of the tasks and responsibilities of instructors for developing
scientifically literate people, according to Bacanak (2002). Simply put, instructors who work hard to
develop their students' scientific literacy or teacher candidates who are certain they will do so may
help to ensure that their pupils have a favorable attitude toward science and reading scientific texts.

Additionally, there is a moderately favorable relationship between the attitude toward reading
scientific literature and the sub-dimensions of the scientific literacy level that address habits of
thought, character, and values, science as a human endeavor, meta-cognition, and self-direction.
However, it was observed that only “habits of mind” and “meta-cognition and self-direction” variables
from among the predictor variables are statistically significant predictors of the attitude towards
reading scientific texts. The use of scientific procedures in the study of the world by an individual is a
habit of mind that is also described as the capacity for questioning. Additionally, the scientific literacy
scale's "systematic thinking/knowledge management" and "communication and cooperation" aspects
are included in the habits of mind dimension. The reason for this was expressed as the fact that there is
a need for individuals with problem-solving skills who can work in cooperation and communication
due to the rapid scientific advancements that take place in the 21st century (Çelik, 2016) While
cooperation skill is the capacity to work effectively and respectfully with various groups and carry out
common duties, communication skill is the ability to effectively express opinions and ideas in
different environments through written, verbal, or nonverbal communication skills, in addition to
being a good listener (Trilling & Fadel, 2009). As a result, people with strong communication and
cooperation skills may conduct group discussions, convey their ideas and opinions in a comfortable
manner when evaluating scientific literature (such as textbooks, journals, articles, and texts), and
appreciate the critical views of others. So it stands to reason that these people will read scientific texts
with a more favorable perspective According to Çelik (2016), the scientific literacy scale's systematic
thinking/knowledge management factor aligns with the analytical thinking sub-learning area covered
by the 2018 science course curriculum. Comparing two or more states, breaking a problem into
manageable bits, articulating how you solved the problem, and criticizing and evaluating the
characteristics of the target subject are all examples of analytical thinking (Sternbeg, 2006). In a
nutshell, analytical thinking emphasizes accessing, analyzing, and extrapolating relevant information
from facts connected to a subject (Gürkaynak et al , 2008). As a result, people with strong systematic
or analytical thinking skills may quickly find a scientific text that suits their needs, break the problem
down into smaller parts, make sense of it, and draw helpful conclusions from it. Therefore, it may be
assumed that these people will read such scientific writings with high regard. The other aspects of
meta-cognition and self-direction (habits of mind, character and values, and science as a human
endeavor) are seen to play a unifying function (Choi et al., 2011). Additionally, the capacity for
metacognition and self-direction is crucial for an individual to govern his or her own cognition while
also being in charge of behavior and learning states (Ulas et al., 2015). Learning requires
metacognition, and those who are adept at it perform better academically and exhibit more strategic

International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 18 Number 5, 2022
© 2022 INASED

thinking (Coutinho, 2007). In this way, metacognitive awareness empowers students to organize,
track, and evaluate their own learning. Therefore, those students who take on their own duties during
the learning process may do so in a way that makes it easier for them to apply what they have learned
to the challenges they run into and thus succeed (Schraw & Dennison, 1994). While self-direction
refers to a person's capacity to manage their own ideas, feelings, and behaviors (Ulaş et al , 2015) It
has been noticed that people with strong self-control achieve greater success, build stronger bonds
with their friends, and behave less aggressively (Tangney et al., 2004). Accordingly, it can be
concluded that students who have high levels of metacognition and self-direction awareness (i.e., those
who are conscious of their learning processes and have self-control over their actions) are better able
to identify the main idea of scientific texts and engage in scientific discussions with their peers.
Therefore, it can be said that these people may have more positive attitudes toward scientific texts than
their contemporaries. On the basis of the discovered information, the following recommendations
might be made:

1. The participants in the current study were aspiring primary school teachers. The association
between the states of scientific literacy and attitudes toward reading scientific texts of
science teachers can be researched using various approaches since the notions of scientific
literacy and the favorable attitude toward reading scientific texts are significant for science

2. According to the survey, both the frequency of primary school teacher candidates' reading
and their frequency of reading scientific texts is below average. It may be ensured that the
faculty or university libraries are better equipped with regard to scientific texts and
publications in order to increase the reading frequencies and the frequencies of reading
scientific texts of teacher candidates.

3. Having reading materials with scientific content at home, reading aloud to one another, and
discussing the texts they read may help children develop positive attitudes toward reading
scientific texts, especially when it is taken into account that parents play a significant role
in ensuring that the habit of reading is instilled in the children from an early age.

4. The faculty or university may organize events (reading days, seminars, briefings on
scientific books, author interviews, etc.) to motivate teacher candidates to read more.


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