Gellner Text
Gellner Text
Gellner Text
lnst. for ku lturan i op 'lOgi och ctn ologi
I 5
r . What is a Nation?
bandit K., whose deeds are said still to persist in the local folk
memory, not to mention several novels and two films, one of them
produced by the national artist Z., under highest auspices, soon after
the promulgation of the Popular Socialist Republic of Ruritania.
Honesty compels one to admit that the social bandit was captured
by his own compatriots, and that the tribunal which condemned him
to a painful death had as its president another compatriot. Further -
more, shortly after Ruritania first attained independence, a circular
passed between its Ministries of the Interior, Justice and Education,
considering whether it might not now be more politic to celebrate
the village defence units which had opposed the socialbandit and his
gangs, rather than the said social bandit himself, in the interest of
not encouraging opposition to the police.
A careful analysis of the folk songs so painstakingly collected in
the nineteenth century, and now incorporated in the repertoire of
the Ruritanian youth, camping and sports movement, does not dis-
close much evidence of any serious discontent on the part of the
peasantry with their linguistic and cultural situation, howevergrieved
they were by other, more earthy matters . On the contrary, such
awareness as there is of linguistic pluralism within the lyrics of the
songs is ironic , jocular and good-humoured, and consists in part of
bilingual puns , sometimes in questionable taste. It must also be
admitted that one of the most moving of these songs- I often sang it
by the camp fire at the holiday camp to which I was sent during the
summer vacations - celebrates the fate of a shepherd boy, grazing
three bullocks on the seigneurial clover (sic) near the woods, who
was surprised by a group of social bandits, requiring him to sur-
render his overcoat. Combining reckless folly with lack of political
awareness, the shepherd boy refused and was killed. I do not know
whether this song has been suitably re-written since Ruritania went
socialist. Anyway, to return to my main theme : though the songs do
often contain complaints about the condition of the peasantry, they
do not raise the issue of cultural nationalism.
That was yet to come, and presumably post-dates the composition
of the said songs. In the nineteenth century a population explosion
occurred at the same time as certain other areas of the Empire of
Megalomania - but not Ruritania - rapidly industrialized. The
Ruritanian peasants were drawn to seek work in the industrially
more developed areas, and some secured it, on the dreadful terms
prevailing at the time. As backward rustics speaking an obscure and
seldom written or taught language, they had a particularly rough
deal in the towns to whose slums they had moved. At the same time,
some Ruritanian lads destined for the church , and educated in both
the court and the liturgical languages, became influenced by the new
liberal ideas in the course of their secondary schooling, and shifted to
a secular training at the university, ending not as priests but as
journalists, teachers and professors. They received encou~agem~nt
from a few foreign, non-Ruritanian ethnographers, musicologists
and historians who had come to explore Ruritania. The continuing
labour migration, increasingly widespread elementary education and
conscription provided these Ruritanian awakeners with a growing
Of course, it was perfectly possible for the Ruritanians, if they
wished to do so (and many did), to assimilate into the dominant
language of Megalomania. No genetically transmitted trait, no deep
religious custom, differentiated an educated Ruritanian from a simi-
lar Megalomanian. In fact, many did assimilate, often without
bothering to change their names, and the telephone directory of the
old capital of Megalomania (now the Federal Republic of Megalo-
mania) is quite full of Ruritanian names, though often rather comi-
cally spelt in the Megalomanian manner, and adapted to Megalo-
manian phonetic expectations. The point is that after a rather harsh
and painful start in the first generation, the life chances of the off-
spring of the Ruritanian labour migrant were not unduly bad, and
probably at least as good (given his willingness to work hard) as
those of his non-Ruritanian Megalomanian fellow-citizens. So these
offspring shared in the eventually growing prosperity and general
embourgeoisement of the region. Hence, as far as individual life
chances went, there was perhaps no need for a virulent Ruritanian
Nonetheless something of the kind did occur. It would, I think,
?e quite wrong to attribute conscious calculation to the participants
ill ~e movement. Subjectively, one must suppose that they had the
motives and feelings which are so vigorously expressed in the litera-
tur~ of the national revival.They deplored the squalor and neglect of
their home valleys, while yet also seeing the rustic virtues still to be
fo~d in them; they deplored the discrimination to which their eo-
na~onals were subject, and the alienation from their native culture to
which they were doomed in the proletarian suburbs of the industrial
towns. They preached against these ills, and had the hearing of at
least many of their fellows. The manner in which, when the inter-
national political situati.on came to favour it, Ruritania eventually
attained independence, IS now part of the historical record and need
not be repeated here.
There is, one must repeat, no need to assume any consciouslong-
term calculation of interest on anyone's part. The nationalist intel-
lectuals were full of warm and generous ardour on behalf of the eo-
nationals. When they donned folk costume and trekked over the
hills, composing poems in the forest clearings, they did not also
dream of one day becoming powerful bureaucrats, ambassadors and
ministers. Likewise, the peasants and workers whom they succeeded
in reaching felt resentment at their condition, but had no reveries
about plans of industrial development which one day would bring a
steel mill (quite useless, as it then turned out) to the very heart of the
Ruritanian valleys, thus totally ruining quite a sizeable area of sur-
rounding arable land and pasture. It would be genuinely wrong to
try to reduce these sentiments to calculations of material advantage
or of social mobility. The present theory is sometimes travestied as a
reduction of national sentiment to calculation of prospects of social
promotion. But this is a misrepresentation. In the old days it made
no sense to ask whether the peasants loved their own culture: they
took it for granted, like the air they breathed, and were not con-
scious of either. But when labour migration and bureaucratic em-
ployment became prominent features within their social horizon,
they soon learned the difference between dealing with a co-national,
one understanding and sympathizing with their culture, and some-
one hostile to it. This very concrete experience taught them to be
aware of their culture, and to love it (or, indeed, to wish to be rid of
it) without any conscious calculation of advantages and prospects of
social mobility. In stable self-contained communities culture is often
quite invisible, but when mobility and context-free communication
come to be of the essence of social life, the culture in which one has
been taught to communicate becomes the core of one's identity.
So had there been such calculation (which there was not) it would,
in quite a number of cases (though by no means in all), have been a
very sound one. In fact, given the at least relative paucity of Ruri-
tanian intellectuals, those Ruritanians who did have higher qualifi-
cations secured much better posts in independent Ruritania than
most of them could even have hoped for in Greater Megalomania,
where they had to compete with scholastically more developed
ethnic groups. As for the peasants and w.0~kers, they did not benefit
immediately; but the drawing of a political boundary aro~nd the
newly defined ethnic Ruritania did mean the. eventual fosterID~ and
protection of industries in the ~rea ,. and ID ~e end drastically
diminished the need for labour migrauon from It.
What all this amounts to is this: during the early period of indus-
trialization, entrants into the new order who are drawn from cultural
and linguistic groups that are distant from those of the more ad-
vanced centre, suffer considerable disadvantages which are even
greater than those of other economically weak new proletarians who
have the advantage of sharing the culture of the political and eco-
nomic rulers. But the cultural/linguistic distance and capacity to
differentiate themselves from others, which is such a handicap for
individuals, can be and often is eventually a positive advantage for
entire collectivities, or potential collectivities, of these victims of the
newly emergent world. It enables them to conceive and express their
resentments and discontents in intelligible terms. Ruritanians had
previously thought and felt in terms of family unit and village, at
most in terms of a valley, and perhaps on occasion in terms ' of
religion. But now, swept into the melting pot of an early industrial
development, they had no valley and no village: and sometimes no
family. But there were other impoverished and exploited individuals,
and a lot of them spoke dialects recognizably similar, while most of
the better-off spoke something quite alien; and so the new concept of
the Ruritanian nation was born of this contra st, with some encour-
agement from those journalists and teachers . And it was not an
illusion: the attainment of some of the objects of the nascent Ruri-
tanjan national movement did indeed bring relief of the ills which
had helped to engender it. The relief would perhaps have come any-
way; but in this national form, it also brought forth a new high cul-
ture and its guardian state.
.This is one of the two important principles of fission which deter-
mine the emergence of new units , when the industrial world with its
insulated cu~tu~al breathing tanks comes into being . It could be
the principle
. of. barriers to communication ' barriers based on
pre~lOus, pre-mdustnal cultures ; and it operates with special force
du~g the early period of industrialization . The other principle, just
~s important , could be called that of inhibitors of social entropy; and
It deserves separate treatment.