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Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed.

, 38(3), 411–422 (2017)

DOI 10.1007/s10483-017-2171-7
Applied Mathematics
c Shanghai University and Springer-Verlag and Mechanics
Berlin Heidelberg 2017 (English Edition)

Folding beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal with low-frequency

and broad band gap∗

Shan JIANG1,2 , Longxiang DAI1,2 , Hao CHEN1,2 , Hongping HU1,2,† ,

Wei JIANG3 , Xuedong CHEN3
1. Department of Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,

Wuhan 430074, China;

2. Hubei Key Laboratory of Engineering Structural Analysis and Safety Assessment,

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China;

3. State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology, Huazhong

University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Abstract A folding beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal model is proposed to

isolate vibration. Two piezoelectric bimorphs are joined by two masses as a folding
structure to comprise each unit cell of the piezoelectric phononic crystal. Each bimorph
is connected independently by a resistive-inductive resonant shunting circuit. The folding
structure extends the propagation path of elastic waves, while its structure size remains
quite small. Propagation of coupled extension-flexural elastic waves is studied by the
classical laminated beam theory and transfer matrix method. The theoretical model is
further verified with the finite element method (FEM). The effects of geometrical and
circuit parameters on the band gaps are analyzed. With only 4 unit cells, the folding
beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal generates two Bragg band gaps of 369 Hz to
1 687 Hz and 2 127 Hz to 4 000 Hz. In addition, between these two Bragg band gaps, a
locally resonant band gap is induced by resonant shunting circuits. Appropriate circuit
parameters are used to join these two Bragg band gaps by the locally resonant band gap.
Thus, a low-frequency and broad band gap of 369 Hz to 4 000 Hz is obtained.
Key words folding beam-type structure, phononic crystal, band gap, wave propagation,
Chinese Library Classification O175.9, O735, O342
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification 15A18, 74J10, 74K10

1 Introduction
Many efforts have been devoted in recent years to study propagation of elastic waves in
phononic crystals (PCs)[1–2] . The PC is an artificial crystal in which materials and structures
∗ Received Mar. 23, 2016 / Revised Aug. 7, 2016
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.11272126,
51435006, and 51121002) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
(Nos. HUST:2016JCTD114 and HUST:2015TS121)
† Corresponding author, E-mail:
412 Shan JIANG, Longxiang DAI, Hao CHEN, Hongping HU, Wei JIANG, and Xuedong CHEN

are periodically arranged. The elastic waves are modulated by the periodic materials and struc-
tures of the PC, and thus elastic waves within some frequency ranges named band gaps are
forbidden or attenuated to spread. The main interest for proposing new PCs is to explore
their potential applications in engineering, such as resonators[3], frequency filters[4] , vibration
isolator[5], transducers[6] . Meanwhile, micro-vibration on the order of nanometers poses chal-
lenges for the improving precision of ultra-precision machine tools and metrology equipment[7] .
Owing to the band gap, PCs are expected to be used for the micro-vibration isolation.
However, to be a vibration isolator of the ultra-precision mechanical system, a PC still
needs to be improved on the following properties: (i) miniaturization; (ii) low-frequency band
gap; (iii) broad band gap; (iv) frequency range of band gap can be tuned; (v) strong vibration
attenuation in band gap for a PC with a few unit cells[8–9] .
Based on the generation mechanisms, band gaps are divided into Bragg band gap and locally
resonant band gap[10] . Many studies have shown that the spatial modulation must be of the
same order as the wavelength in the Bragg band gaps. This would require a big size PC to
isolate low-frequency vibration. In other words, a normal size PC only can bring Bragg band
gaps with high frequencies, which are far beyond the mechanical vibration frequency. However,
for a PC with the same size, locally resonant band gaps can appear in a frequency range of two
orders lower than the Bragg band gaps[10–12] . Although with the merit of low-frequency, locally
resonant band gaps are too narrow to make the PCs as low-frequency sound and vibration
shelters in engineering. Recently, smart materials and structures have been applied in PCs
to control the propagation of vibration[13–14] . By replacing a commonly heavy mass-spring
oscillator, a piezoelectric patch and a resonant shunting circuit act as an inductor-capacitor
oscillator to compose a locally resonant unit. Hence, periodic piezoelectric structures shunted
by electrical resonant circuits can also produce locally resonant band gaps.
Besides the light weight, the piezoelectric PCs have another significant advantage that the
band gaps can be easily tuned by the circuits without necessity to reconfigure the structure. To
obtain low-frequency band gaps, researchers have proposed different piezoelectric PCs. Wang
et al.[15] experimentally investigated low-frequency locally resonant band gaps induced by ar-
rays of resonant shunts with Antoniou’s circuit. Thorp et al.[16] applied a periodic array of
resistor-inductor-shunted piezos-mounted on fluid-loaded shells to create band gaps. Chen et
al.[17] studied propagation and attenuation of elastic wave in plates with periodic arrays of
shunted piezo-patches. Shu et al.[18] presented a circular plate PC placing periodically with
piezoelectric rings along the radial direction. Among these proposed PCs, piezoelectric bi-
morph beam and the bending mode are the most commonly used structure and operational
mode respectively[19–21] .
Furthermore, compared with a long straight beam, a folding structure owns a low natural
frequency but with a smaller size. Hence the folding structure is always employed by the
low-frequency actuator or isolator[22–23] . But to the best of our knowledge, little research has
been done on the PCs with folding structures. We propose a new piezoelectric PC with a
folding structure in which bimorphs are joined by masses periodically. The folding structure
extends the propagation path of the elastic wave, which generates low frequency band gaps
while the structure size remains quite small. Coupled extensional and flexural motion of the
folding structure is studied. The band structure and vibration transmission are calculated
by transfer matrix method. Vibration transmission is further examined by the finite element
method (FEM) to confirm the existence of band gaps predicted by the transfer matrix method.
We aim to reduce the center frequency of the band gap, broaden the band gap and enhance the
vibration attenuation.
The paper is organized as follows: the mathematical model of the new PC is established in
Section 2. A theoretical analysis on the structure is conducted, and analytic solution is obtained
in Section 3. The numerical results are presented in Section 4. Finally, some conclusions are
drawn in Section 5.
Folding beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal with low-frequency and broad band gap 413

2 Mathematical model of folding beam-type piezoelectric PC

2.1 Governing equations

A folding beam-type piezoelectric PC model consists of bimorphs and masses arrayed period-
ically as illustrated in Fig. 1. One bimorph is composed of a host beam and a pair of piezoelectric
patches attaching on its upper and lower surfaces. The pair of piezoelectric patches is polarized
along the x3 direction, and is connected by a resistive-inductive shunting circuit independently.
Every periodic unit comprises of two masses, and two bimorphs which are denoted by I and
II respectively. 2c and h represent thicknesses of host beam and a piezoelectric patch of the
bimorph respectively. l and b represent the length and the width of the bimorph. The mass
has the same width as the bimorph, and its length and thickness are denoted by a1 and a2 .

Fig. 1 Folding beam-type piezoelectric PC model

Consider flexural motion of the bimorph in the x3 direction and the extensional motion in
the x1 direction. From the Euler beam theory on laminated beam in coupled vibration between
extension and flexure, the axial strain S1 (x1 , t) is expressed as

S1 = −x3 u3,11 + u1,1 , (1)

where u3 (x1 , t) and u1 (x1 , t) represent flexural and extensional displacements of the bimorph
The constitutive relations of the bimorph are

 T1 = s−1 −1

11 (−x3 u3,11 + u1,1 ) − s11 d31 E3 ,
D = s11 d31 (−x3 u3,11 + u1,1 ) + ε̄33 E3 in c < |x3 | < c + h, (2)
 3
T1 = ES1 = E (−x3 u3,11 + u1,1 ) in |x3 | < c,
414 Shan JIANG, Longxiang DAI, Hao CHEN, Hongping HU, Wei JIANG, and Xuedong CHEN

where s11 is axial elastic compliance constant in fixed  2 electric field, d31 piezoelectric strain
constant, ε33 dielectric constant, ε̄33 = ε33 1 − k31 , k31 = d231 (ε33 s11 ), E Young’s modulus
of the host beam of the bimorph. D3 is electric displacement, T1 axial stress. The electric fields
E3 in piezoelectric patches are[24]
V d h
 E3 = − + 31 u3,11 x3 −
 + c , c 6 x3 6 h + c,
h s11 ε̄33  2  (3)
V d31 h 
 E3 =
 + u3,11 x3 + + c , − h + c 6 x3 6 −c.
h s11 ε̄33 2
The bending moment, shear force, and axial force are given by
 R
 M = A x3 T1 dA = −D11 u3,11 + D12 V,
Q13 =R M,1 = −D11 u3,111 , (4)
N = A T1 dA = D21 u1,1 ,

3 .
where D11 = DE + Dp1 + Dp2 with DE = 2bc3 E 3, Dp1 = 2s−1 − c3 3, and

11 b c + h
Dp2 = −s−1 2 3 2 2 −1
11 k̄31 bh 6, k̄31 = d31 ε̄33 s11 , D12 = 2s11 d31 G h with G=(h + 2c) hb/2, and D21 =
2b(cE +hs−111 ). V is the voltage of top and bottom electrodes of the bimorph, and two electrodes
in the middle are grounded.
From (2) and (3), the electrical displacement of two piezoelectric patches of the bimorph
can be obtained
V h
 D3 = − ε̄33 + s−1
 d
11 31 1,1u − s −1
d u
11 31 3,11 + c , c 6 x3 6 h + c,
h 2 (5)
 D3 = V ε̄33 + s−1 d31 u1,1 + s−1 d31 u3,11 h + c , − h + c 6 x3 6 −c.

11 11
h 2
The charges on the top and bottom electrodes of the bimorph can be written as

Rl  h 
T −1

 Q e = −b 0 D 3 dx 1 = b s 11 d 31 + c u 3,1 l, t − u 3,1 0, t


−s11 d31 u1 l, t − u1 0, t + ε̄33 l ,

h (6)
Rl  h 
B −1
Q = b D dx = b s d + c u l, t − u 0, t

3 1 11 31 3,1 3,1

e 0 2

 −1
+s11 d31 u1 l, t − u1 0, t + ε̄33 l .

The current can be calculated as
I = − Q̇T e + Q̇e .

The complex impedance of each shunting circuit is defined as

Z = iωL + R, (8)
where i, ω, L, and R represent the imaginary unit, angular frequency, inductance, and resistance
respectively. Thus, the current and the voltage satisfy Ohm’s law
I = V /Z. (9)
Equations of motion of a slim beam are expressed in terms of the bending moment and axial
force as follows:
M,11 = mü3 , N,1 = mü1 , (10)
′ ′
where mass per unit length m = ρ2cb + 2ρ hb. ρ and ρ are densities of the host beam and
piezoelectric patches. From (4), equations of motion become
−D11 u3.1111 = mü3 , D21 u1,11 = mü1 . (11)
Folding beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal with low-frequency and broad band gap 415

2.2 Continuity and boundary conditions

As shown in Fig. 1, an arbitrary nth unit is circled by red dashed lines. All left and right
masses are assumed to be rigid bodies by ignoring its deformation. The forces and displacements
of left and right masses are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3 respectively. Bimorphs I in (n-1)th unit
and II in nth unit being joined by one left mass, extensional displacement, flexural displacement,
rotation angle, extensional force, shear force, and bending moment satisfy continuity condition.
Therefore, the rigid body motion of the left mass is governed by
 (n−1)II (n)I (n)I

 u1 (0, t) = u1 (0, t) + (a2 − 2c) u3,1 (0, t) ,
 (n−1)II (n)I

 u3 (0, t) = u3 (0, t) ,
 (n−1)II (n)I
 u3,1 (0, t) = u3,1 (0, t) ,

N (0, t) + N (n)I (0, t) = m0 üC1
1 (0, t) , (12)
(n−1)II (n)I C1

 Q13 (0, t) + Q13 (0, t) = m0 ü3 ,

(n−1)II (n−1)II (n)I  a1
−M (0, t) − M (n)I (0, t) + Q13 (0, t) + Q13 (0, t)

  a2  2
+ N (n−1)II (0, t) − N (n)I (0, t)

 − c = Jc ü3,1 (0, t) ,

Fig. 2 Displacements and forces of left mass

Fig. 3 Displacements and forces of right mass

416 Shan JIANG, Longxiang DAI, Hao CHEN, Hongping HU, Wei JIANG, and Xuedong CHEN

where superscripts (n) represent nth periodic unit. The mass is made of the same material as
the host beam, and hence m0 = ρa1 a2 b. Jc = m0 a21 + a22 12 is centroidal moment of inertia
of the mass. The relationship between displacements of the centroid of the left mass and the
bimorph I is
 (n)I (n)I
 uC1
1 = u1 (0, t) + − c u3,1 (0, t) ,
2 (13)
 uC1 = u(n)I (0, t) − a1 u(n)I (0, t) .
3 3
2 3,1
Similarly, the rigid body motion of the right mass is governed by
 (n)I (n)II (n)II

 u1 (l, t) = u1 (l, t) + (a2 − 2c) u3,1 (l, t) ,
 (n)I (n)II
u3 (l, t) = u3 (l, t) ,

(n)I (n)II

 u3,1 (n)I(l, t) = u3,1 (l, t) , 

− N (l, t) + N (n)II (l, t) = m0 üC21 , (14)
 − Q (n)I (n)II  C2
13 (l, t) + Q13 (l, t) = m0 ü3 ,

a1 (n)I


(n)I (n)II

M (l, t) + M (l, t) + Q13 (l, t) + Q13 (l, t)

 a  2
2 (n)II

− c N (n)II (l, t) − N (n)I (l, t) = Jc ü3,1 (l, t) ,


 a 
 uC2 (n)II 2 (n)II
1 = u1 (l, t) + − c u3,1 (l, t) ,
2 a1 (15)
 uC2 (n)II (n)II
3 = u3 (l, t) + u3,1 (l, t) .
Additionally, for a PC in engineering with a finite periodicity number, the boundary conditions
are considered to calculate vibration transmission. On one end of the proposed PC, a harmonic
displacement excitation with amplitude A is considered at the x3 direction. As a response end,
the other end is free. Therefore, boundary conditions on two ends of the proposed PC with
periodicity number J are
N (1)I (0, t) = 0, M (1)I (0, t) = 0, u3 (0, t) = Aeiωt ,
(J)II (16)
N (J)II (0, t) = 0, M (J)II (0, t) = 0, Q13 (0, t) = 0.

3 Band structure of folding beam-type piezoelectric PC

For harmonic motions, we use the complex notation

{u1 (x1 , t) , u3 (x1 , t) , V (t) , I (t)} = Re U1 (x1 ) , U3 (x1 ) , V̄ , I¯ eiωt .


Then equations of motion (11) become

−D11 U3,1111 = −ω 2 mU3 , D21 U1,11 = −ω 2 mU1 . (18)

The general solutions of (18) can be written as

U3 (x1 ) = A1 sin(αx1 ) + A2 cos(αx1 ) + A3 sinh(αx1 ) + A4 cosh(αx1 ),
U1 (x1 ) = A5 sin (βx1 ) + A6 cos (βx1 ) ,
1/4 q
where α = mω 2 D11
, and β = mω 2 D21 . Ai (i = 1, 2, · · · , 6) are undetermined con-
Folding beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal with low-frequency and broad band gap 417

Substitution of (4) and (19) into (14) yields the matrix form of the continuity conditions
between the undetermined constants of two bimorphs in an arbitrary nth unit
(n) (n)
K1 φ1 = K2 φ2 , (20)
(n) (n)
where K1 and K2 are coefficients matrices of φ1 and φ2 respectively.
h iT
(n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n)
φj = Aj1 Aj2 Aj3 Aj4 Aj5 Aj6 , (21)

where j = 1, 2 correspond to bimorphs I and II as shown Fig.1. Superscript T represents

matrix transposition. Similarly, substitution of (4) and (19) into (12), the continuity conditions
between the undetermined constants of two bimorphs in two neighboring units can be written
as matrix form
(n−1) (n)
H2 φ2 = H1 φ1 , (22)

where H1 and H2 are also coefficients matrices. From (20) and (22) transmission relationship
between undetermined constants of bimorphs II in two neighboring units becomes
(n) (n−1)
φ2 = T φ2 , (23)

where transfer matrix T = K2−1 K1 H1−1 H2 . From the Bloch theorem, we have
(n) (n−1)
φ2 = eika φ2 , (24)

where k is wave vector, and a = 2l is the lattice constant of the PC. From (23) and (24),
nontrivial solutions may exist if the determinant satisfies

det T (ω) − eika I = 0,


where I is an identity matrix. Thus, the band structure of the proposed PC is obtained. For a
given ω, (25) determines 6 roots of k. These 6 roots correspond to 6 mode functions with respect
to x1 : 2 extensional modes with trigonometric functions, 2 flexural modes with trigonometric
functions, and 2 flexural modes with exponential functions. The real part of k is the wave
number, which can be used to describe phenomena of wave propagation. When k is a pure
real number but not 0 or π/(2a), a flexural wave can propagate without attenuation. On the
other hand, a complex k means the frequency of the wave lies in a band gap. The attenuation
constant µ is defined by the product of the imaginary part of k and lattice constant a, which
indicates the attenuation of the amplitude when the elastic wave propagates from one period
to the next.

4 Numerical results and discussion

In order to illustrate the vibration attenuation characteristic of the proposed PC,we choose
epoxy as the material of the host beams and the masses, and PZT-5H as the material of
piezoelectric patches of the bimorph. The material parameters of the epoxy are: density ρ =
1 185 kg/m3 , Young’s modulus E= 4.35 GPa. PZT-5H has the following material parameters:
ρ′ =7 500 kg/m3 , s11 =1.65×10−11 m2 /N, d31 =–2.74×10−10 C/N, and ε33 =3.01×10−8 F/m.
The geometrical parameters of the unit cell are: l =60 mm, b = 10 mm, h=0.2 mm, c=1.5 mm,
a1 =10 mm, a2 =10 mm. The inductance and resistance of shunting circuits are L =0.06 H and
R =1 Ω. These parameters are fixed unless otherwise stated.
Firstly, the shunting circuits are shorted to consider the effect of the coupling vibration
between extension and flexure on band structure. The band structure of the folding beam-type
418 Shan JIANG, Longxiang DAI, Hao CHEN, Hongping HU, Wei JIANG, and Xuedong CHEN

PC is illustrated in Fig. 4 as frequency versus wave numbers Re(k) and attenuation constants
µ. As we know, a nontrivial attenuation constant µ means the corresponding frequency locates
in a band gap. It is observed from Fig. 4 (b) that frequency ranges below 4 000 Hz all are band
gaps. In addition, these band gaps belong to evanescent wave since the wave number is also not
equal to 0 or π/(2a). In this case, flexural wave and extensional wave spread along the folding
beam-type structure as transverse wave and longitudinal wave respectively. However, we still
cannot tell which kind of wave a certain dispersion curve belongs to.

Fig. 4 Frequency versus (a) wave number Re(k) and (b) attenuation constant µ of folding beam-type

The transmission factor is an important measure on performance of vibration attenuation of

the PC with a finite periodicity number. We focus on discussing transmission factor of flexural
wave which can demonstrate vibration attenuation in the x3 direction. Periodicity number
is fixed at J=4. One attenuation constant curve of the infinite PC and transmission factor
of flexural wave of the finite PC are demonstrated in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b), respectively. The
transmission factor curve illustrates that vibration attenuation is obvious within the band gap.
From Fig. 5(a), we know these two band gaps (abbreviated by BG in the figure) both belong to
Bragg band gap since the attenuation constant curve has no sharp peak. As shown in Figs. 5(a)
and 5(b), the first Bragg band gap exists from 388 Hz to 1 772 Hz for the infinite PC, while it
appears from 369 Hz to 1 687 Hz for the finite PC. Furthermore, the starting frequencies of the
second Bragg band gap are 2 261 Hz and 2 127 Hz, respectively. Therefore, vibration attenuation
can be achieved within band gaps by the finite folding beam-type PC just with 4 unit cells. It
is worth noting that the width reaches 1 318 Hz and the starting frequency lowers to 369 Hz for
the first band gap even though as a Bragg band gap.
Folding beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal with low-frequency and broad band gap 419

Fig. 5 (a) Attenuation constants µ and (b) transmission factors versus frequency of folding beam-type

In order to validate the theoretical model, the transmission characteristic of the folding
beam-type PC is also calculated by the FEM. The FEM is carried using the ANSYS software.
SOLID45 is chosen as three-dimensional element for the host beams and masses. SOLID5 is
chosen for piezoelectric patches with keyopt(1) =3 so that SOLID5 has a voltage degree of
freedom. The resistors and inductors in the shunting circuits are defined by element CIRCU94
with keyopt(1) =0 and 1, respectively. Harmonic response analysis is conducted. Convergent
solutions are obtained by refining the mesh. The comparison on the transmission factor curves
between theoretical result and FEM result is presented in Fig. 6. We can find that the theoretical
results are in agreement with those of FEM.
As the next step, we investigate the influence of parameters of resonant shunting circuits
on the locally resonant band gaps (abbreviated by LR BGs in Fig. 7). First, the effects of
shunting inductances on transmission factor are shown in Fig. 7. The frequency of the locally
resonant band gap decreases with increasing of the inductance. It indicates that a required
locally resonant band gap can be achieved conveniently by just tuning the inductances without
necessity to reconfigure the structure. Second, we study the effect of the resistance on band
gaps by fixing the inductance L = 0.06 H. Figure 8 illustrates the transmission factor versus
frequency for different resistances. The transmission factor amplitude of the frequency within
the locally resonant band gap is reduced dramatically by decreasing the resistance. But for
both locally resonant and Bragg band gaps, the frequencies almost have no change with the
resistance. It is also worth mentioning that the transmission factors are all less than zero for
the frequency from 1 384 Hz to 2 204 Hz when the resistance increases to 100 Ω. Thus, the
frequencies above 369 Hz all become band gap since the first two Bragg band gaps are joined
by the locally resonant band gap.
Finally, we investigate the effect of geometrical parameters on vibration transmission. Trans-
mission factors versus frequency with different bimorph lengths l are illustrated in Fig. 9. It
420 Shan JIANG, Longxiang DAI, Hao CHEN, Hongping HU, Wei JIANG, and Xuedong CHEN

can be seen that frequencies of locally resonant band gap and the Bragg band gap both de-
crease with increase of bimorph length l. Moreover, when the length l increases, the Bragg
band gap becomes narrower, and the attenuation is slightly enhanced. The minimum value of
transmission factor reaches –134 dB. But it has little effect on the width of locally resonant
band gap.

Fig. 6 Comparison on transmission between theoretical model and FEM

Fig. 7 Transmission factors versus frequency for different inductances L

Fig. 8 Transmission factors versus frequency for different resistances R

Folding beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal with low-frequency and broad band gap 421

Fig. 9 Transmission factors versus frequency for different bimorph lengths l

5 Conclusions

A folding beam-type piezoelectric phononic crystal is proposed to control the propagation

of vibration. A theoretical solution for coupled motions of extension and flexure of piezoelectric
bimorph beams is obtained. Theoretical results are verified by the FEM operated on ANSYS
software. The numerical results have demonstrated that Bragg and locally resonant band gaps
are both achieved. Moreover, low-frequency and broad band gaps with strong attenuation
are obtained. The effects of circuit and geometrical parameters on band gaps and vibration
attenuation are also investigated.

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