Thesis Format Aug 2023

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Shri G.S.

Institute of Technology and Science, Indore

Final phase of Project Thesis of UG courses
PG Courses
(M.Tech./ M.E./ M.Sc./ M.Pharm. / M.B.A./ M.C.A.)

Part A
2.Inner first page (inner cover page)
3.Recommendation Roman page nos.(start)
a) Certificate from industry/ R & D Institute, if applicable
5. Declaration
6. Acknowledgement
Note - Cover and Inner first page will be same. If there are more than one supervisor then the
names of both the supervisor shall appear on cover and inner page.
Part B
1. Abstract/Synopsis
2. Index/Contents
3. List of Figures
4. List of Tables
5. List of Symbols
6. List of Abbreviations Roman page nos.(end)

Part C Chapters (General Guidelines)

1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. About Case Study/ Data Collection/ Material Testing
4. Analysis and Design/ Analysis and Methodology
5. Implementation/ Experimentation
6. Results and Discussion
7. Conclusions and Scope of Future Work
Note- Part C may vary as per the problem and domain of work

Part D
1. Appendix, if required
2. References
3. Check for Plagiarism: Must contain the receipt indicating “page count” by using
Approved Plagiarism software.
4. List of papers published from the presented work (if any)

Note: Print on side edge of cover should bear branch, title, name of student and


Quality: The thesis shall be printed/Xeroxed on photocopier paper of 75 GSM (min).

Size: The size of the paper shall be standard A4 (height 297 mm, width 210 mm).
Type •Setting, Text Processing and Printing: The text shall be printed employing LaserJet
or Inkjet printer. Thesis should be free from typographical errors.

The font type of the general text of the thesis shall be in Times New Roman with a line
spacing of 1.5.


Chapter No. & Title 16, Bold Upper Case
Section No. & Title 14, Bold Title Case
Sub-section No. & Title 12, Bold Title Case
Title of Figures, Tables 12, Bold -
Tables, Quotations, References 10 Single Line Spacing
Other written matter 12 1.5 Line Spacing

Page Format: The Printed Sheets shall have the following margin settings:

Top Margin 1.00 inch

Bottom Margin 0.80 inch
Left Margin 1.50 inch
Right Margin 1.00 inch

 Content should not extend beyond the bottom margin except for completing a footnote, last line of
chapter/subdivision, or figure/table caption.
 A sub-head at the bottom of the page should have at least two full lines of content below it. If the sub-
head is too short to allow this, it should begin on the next page.
 Color may be used for figures.
 Students should also submit the thesis in soft form (PDF) for storage and archival.
 Pages containing cover page, recommendation, certificate shall be adjusted accordingly.

Pagination (Page Numbering)

 Page numbering in the text of the thesis shall be Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…) at the footer.
 The beginning of each Chapter shall be marked using a separate page consisting only the Chapter
Number and the Chapter T itle (Refer the sample attached at the end of this document).
 Page number for the first page of the each Chapter shall not appear in print, only the second
page will bear the corresponding page n umber.
 Pagination for pages before the Introduction chapter shall be in lower case Roman numerals, e.g.

Except for the First page of every Chapter, all other pages shall bear the respective Chapter Title in the
Header flushed to the right (i.e. outer edge of the page). The first letter of each word should be
capitalized. It should be completed in one line. If the title is too long then write first two words and last
two words separated by three dots. The size should be 10 and follow the same font type.

Footer should contain name of department on left, Name of College as’S.G.S.I.T.S., Indore’ in right
and page number at center.

Paragraph format
 Vertical space between paragraphs shall be about 2.5 line spacing.
 The first line of each paragraph should normally be indented by five characters. A
candidate may, however, choose not to indent if (s) he has provided sufficient paragraph
 A paragraph should normally comprise more than one line.

The candidates shall submit single or double side printed hard bound
thesis/dissertation/report with the following color specification:

Color of Binding Color of Lettering on The

Material Cover
B.Tech. Light Pink Black

M.Tech. / M.E. Sky Blue Black

M. Pharma Black Black
MCA Sky Blue Black
MBA Sky Blue Black
M.Sc Sky Blue Black

Blank Sheets
In addition to the white sheets (binding requirement) two white sheets shall be put at the
beginning and the end of the thesis.



Samples have been provided at the end of this document for the following:

o Cover Page
o Recommendation
o Declaration
o Certificate

Index/contents: Enlist the titles of all the chapters, sections and subsections using decimal notation, as
in the text, with corresponding page number against them, flushed to the right.
Abstract: The thesis/dissertation/report shall contain an abstract highlighting the important features of
the thesis/dissertation/report in not more than 500 words. It shall be self-complete and contain no
citations for which the thesis has to be referred.
List of Figures and List of Tables: Two separate lists of Figure captions and Table titles along with their
numbers and corresponding page numbers against them shall follow the Abstract.
List of Symbols/abbreviation: A complete and comprehensive list of all abbreviations, notations and
nomenclature including Greek alphabets with subscripts and superscripts shall be provided after the list
of tables and figures. (As far as possible, generally accepted symbols and notation should be used).

Chapters: Each chapter shall begin on a fresh page with an additional top margin of about 1.5 inch from
top of the page. Chapter number (in Arabic numerals) and title shall be printed with right alignment in
16pt font size in bold face using upper case (all capitals).
Sections and Subsections: A chapter can be divided into Sections, Sub-sections and Sub-sub-Sections
so as to present different concepts separately. Sections and sub-sections can be numbered using decimal
points, e.g. 2.2 for the second section in Chapter 2 and 2.3.4 for the fourth Sub- section in third Section
of Chapter 2. Chapters, Sections and Sub-sections shall be included in the contents with page numbers
flushed to the right. Further subsections need not be numbered or included in the contents.
Table / Figure Format
 As far as possible, tables and figures should be presented in portrait style. They should be inserted
as close to the textual reference as possible. Small size table and figures (less than half of writing
area of a page) should be incorporated within the text, while larger ones may be presented on
separate pages.
 Tables, figures and equations should be numbered chapter-wise using Arabic numerals. They are to
be referred to in the body of the text.
 Capitalizing the first letter of the word and number, as for instance, Table 5.3, Figure 3.11, Equation
(4.16), etc.
 Table number and title will be placed above the table while the figure number and caption will be
located below the figure. Reference for Table and Figures reproduced from elsewhere shall be cited
in the last and separate line in the table and figure caption, e.g. [Ref. Jaiswal (2001)] or [Ref [4]]
 All tables (tabulated data) and figures (charts, graphs, maps, images, diagrams etc.) should be
prepared, wherever possible on the same paper used to type the text and conform to the specifications
outlined earlier.


Detailed information, lengthy derivations, raw experimental observations etc. are to be presented
in the separate appendices, which shall be numbered in English Alphabet Capitals (e.g. Appendix A,
Appendix F etc.). Since reference can be drawn to published/unpublished literature in the appendices,
these should precede the Literature Cited/Reference section.
Literature Cited/References
The list of references should appear as a consolidated list with references listed either
alphabetically or sequentially as they appear in the text of the thesis. Spacing and font size should be
consistent inside a single reference, and there should be double spacing between two different references.
A few examples of formats of references are given below in case of single and multiple authors and the
student should be consistent in following the style. The style should be as per standard prevailing formats
such as; ASCE/ASME/IEEE/ISME or equivalent.

Template for Research Papers:

Author Surname,Author Initial. (Year Published). 'Title'.Publication Title,Volume
number(Issue number), Pages.
Gupta, L. M. (2003). “Factors of safety in construction.”Journal Structure Engineering. ASCE, 122(2),
Ingle, R. K., Jaiswal, O. R., Bakre, S. V., Sonparote, R. S., Datta, D., and Kumar, R. (2010). “Team of
structural dynamics and earthquake engineering.”civil Engineering. Mech.,15(4),309-315.
Mahajan, M. M. (2003). “Parametric study of well foundation”, Proc., 11thWorldCongress on Structural
Engineering. (WCSE-2003),Washington D.C., USA,385-393.

Gupta, L. M., Mahajan, M. M., Ronghe, G. N., Vyavahare, A. Y., Borghate, S. B., and Khatri, A. P.
(2007). “Team of structural engineering”, Proc., National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Engineering & Technology (FRONTIER 2007),BNCOE, Pusad, Yeotmal, Maharashtra, India, 57-66.

Gupta, L. M. (2005).Composite steel structures,Wiley & Sons, New York, USA. Edition 2
Bakre,S.V.khatri, A.P., andKumar,R . (2011).Seismic vulnerability of buildings, Pearson Education in
South Asia, Chennai,India.

IS 1893. (Part 1) (2002).Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures, Part 1 general provision
and buildings (fifth revision),BIS, New Delhi, India.

AASHTO. (2004).LRFD bridge design specification, Washington, D.C., USA.

Web Page
Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year Published). 'Title'. <WebsiteURL> (Date of Visit the web page).

U.S. Dept. of the Army, (2002), “”Field manual: Military nonstandard fixed bridging”, U.S. Dept. of
the Army, Washington, D.C. <
343/index.html > (Accessed on March 8, 2009).

The Mathworks, Inc. (2007), Optimization Toolbox user’s guide: MATLAB Programming,
<> (Accessed on June 10, 2007)

Plagiarism report
A authenticate plagiarism report to be generated using institute authorized plagiarism/ integrate check
tools/software and duly signed by the competent committee (Departmental Plagiarism Committee or
TPREC etc). Copy of signed document to be attached in the thesis.

List of Papers Published from the Presented Work: Follow the same format as used in
(Times new Roman 18)

A Dissertation Submitted to
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya,
Bhopal towards the partial fulfillment of the degree of
(Times new Roman 16 Italic bold)
Name of Course
(Times new Roman 18 bold)

(Times new Roman 16 bold)

Supervised by: Submitted by:
[Prof. Name] [Student enrollment no.] Student’s Name
Name of Department Name of Department

Co-Supervised by: (if any)

[Prof. Name]
Name of Department

DEPARTMENT OF (Name of Department)

(Times new Roman 16 bold)
(Times new Roman 14 bold)
(Times new Roman 18 bold)
(Times new Roman 14 bold)
A Govt. Aided Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal
DEPARTMENT OF (Name of Department)
(Times new Roman 16 bold)

(Times new Roman 18 bold)

(Times new Roman 20 bold)

We are pleased to recommend that the dissertation work

entitled TITLE submitted by[Name] may be accepted in
partial fulfillment of the degree of [Name of Course]
[Specialization] of Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki
Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P.) during the [session]. (Times
new Roman 16 bold)

[Supervisor name] [Name of TEPREC Member]

[Designation] [Designation]
(Name of Department) (Name of Department)

[Name of TEPREC Member] Head of Department

(Name of Department)

Forwarded by
Dean Academics
(Times new Roman 14 bold)
A Govt. Aided Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal
DEPARTMENT OF (Name of Department)
(Times new Roman 16 bold)

(Times new Roman 20 bold)

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled TITLE

submitted by [Name] is accepted in partial fulfillment of the
degree of [Name of Course] [Specialization] of Rajiv
Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal during the
[session].(Times new Roman 16 bold)

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Date: Date:
(Times new Roman 20 bold)

I (student name, branch, department)declare that the dissertation Title is my own

work conducted under the supervision of Name of supervisor, Designation, Name of
Department and Institute/ Industry and Name of Co-supervisor, Designation,
Name of Department and Institute/ Industry (if any).
I further declare that to the best of my knowledge, this dissertation work does not
contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any degree or
any other work either in this University or in any other University/ websites without
proper citation.

Signature of the candidate : - - - - ---

Name of the candidate : - - - - - ---

Enrollment No. : - - - - - ---

Date : - - - - - ---

(Times new Roman 14 bold)


(Times new Roman 20 bold)


Enrolment number and Name(s) of Candidate(s)

Table of Contents
(Times new Roman 20 bold)

Recommendation Roman page nos.(start)





List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Symbols

List of Abbreviations Roman page nos.(end)

Chapter Number Title of Chapter Page number


Literature Review

About Case Study/ Data Collection/ Material Testing

Analysis and Design/ Analysis and Methodology

Implementation/ Experimentation

Results and Discussion

Conclusions and Scope of Future Work

Appendix, if required


Plagiarism Ckeck Report

ist of papers published from the presented work (if any)

List of Tables

3.1 Actual and Assumed Values of Cache Parameters ....................................... 12

3.2 Parameters of 500 array size ‘bubble sort’ .................................................... 13

3.3 Parameters of 1500 array size ‘bubble sort’ ................................................. 13

3.4 Parameters of 2500 array size ‘bubble sort’ ................................................. 14

3.5 Parameters of 3500 array size ‘bubble sort’ ................................................. 14
3.6 Parameters of 4500 array size ‘bubble sort’ ................................................. 15

3.7 Hits, Misses analysis forIteration1.......................................................................... 18

3.8 Hits, Misses analysis forIteration2.......................................................................... 18
3.9 Hits, Misses analysis forIteration3.......................................................................... 19
3.10 uiyuiuyi ................................................................................................................... 21

EDGE (left to right)
Cover page

Course Name Student Name (1 inch

(Specialization) TITLE session margin)
Back page

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