Arohanui, by Shoghi Effendi
Arohanui, by Shoghi Effendi
Arohanui, by Shoghi Effendi
Dedicated to the memory of Shoghi Effendi in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of New Zealand.
AROHANUI The word Arohanui is a Maori word and, as with many Polynesian words, there is no direct translation into English. The literal meaning is big love, or much love or great love. And, like most words in most languages, it has several meanings. In naming this book, Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand, Arohanui is used in its more expressive meaning, enfolding love, or that love which binds a community together, or that love which creates bonds of mutual trust and loyalty, or that love which builds and carries forward culture or civilization. You are destined to achieve great things for our beloved Cause and my constant prayer is that your vision may be clear, your purpose unshaken, your zeal undiminished, your hopes undimmed. Let not obstacles and disappointments, which are inevitable, dishearten you and whenever you are faced with trials recall our Beloveds innumerable sufferings. From a letter to the first New Zealand Bah dated August 12th, 1926. The letters in this compilation were written by various secretaries of the Guardian at his specific direction. Spelling and other inconsistencies are a reflection of the fact that different secretaries were used. Those passages actually written by the Guardian himself are printed in italics. The messages are numbered sequentially for the convenience of the reader and as an aid to indexing. The numbers appear before the date of each letter.
Our dear Shoghi Effendi wants you not to look at your own capacity, but at the power of the Holy Ghost of God. He sends you all his loving greeting and tender affection. With warm wishes and Bah love, I remain, Your humble brother in His love, Azizullah S. Bahadur
relations in this Cause but to make of some of them earnest and whole-hearted believers and supporters of the Faith. Shoghi
I wish to assure you personally of my appreciation of your devotion to the Cause, and your earnest efforts to promote it as well as my fervent prayers for your spiritual advancement, success and happiness. I will always remember you most tenderly in my hours of visit at the three holy Shrines and beseech for you and the New Zealand friends the blessings of our loving and almighty Master. You true brother, Shoghi
Mrs Schopflocher arrived here last night after a very successful tour in Russia, Persia and Iraq. [From the Guardian:] My dear co-worker: I was very glad indeed to learn about your experiences and visit to the friends and your firm determination to labour unceasingly in the Divine Vineyard. I will continue to pray for you that all your relatives and friends may recognise and be illumined with the resplendent Light of this Divine Revelation. Never feel disheartened and trust me ever your affectionate, grateful and true brother in the service of the Cause. Shoghi
You will be interested to know that the new pilgrim house is being completed, and it will be all ready in a month time for the new pilgrims that will come. We still have our dear sister Effie Baker with us, and we all love her so; she is so sweet and helpful. We have just now two American lady friends with us, Auntie Victoria Bedekian and Mrs R. Kehlervery fine Bahs they are and we are expecting some more soon. I always remember the happy day I spent with you and Effy in London and shall look forward to the pleasure of meeting you again some dayperhaps here in Haifa or in New Zealand, who knows? I am back at home now for the present, and I am trying to help Shoghi Effendi a little in his enormous task. He is keeping in good health I am glad to say in spite of his many activities and heavy and manifold responsibilities. To you he sends his brotherly love and the assurance of his prayers for your welfare and happiness. With all good wishes and loving greetings, Your sister in His Service, Ruh-Anguiz Rabbani [From the Guardian:] My dear and precious Bah sister: I cannot but add a few words personally expressing my deep appreciation of your persistent, self-sacrificing services to the Cause. I have devoted your gift towards the Fund for the Western Pilgrim House and I wish to assure you that when I visit the Holy Shrines I tenderly supplicate for you Divine Guidance and strength in your labours for our beloved Cause. Your true Brother, Shoghi
There is no special news here except that we have removed to the new pilgrim house. Miss Baker is well and very busy entertaining the friends and arranging the new home. Shoghi Effendi as well as the other members of the family are well and send you their love and greetings. They earnestly pray for your success and hope to hear, before long, the news of your many victories in the field of services to the Cause. Please convey my loving greetings to your son and daughter. Yours most sincerely, Ruhi Afnan [From the Guardian:] My dear fellow-worker: I wish to express in person my deep sympathy in the heavy loss you have sustained. May the Beloved Comforter strengthen you and sustain you in your bereavement. The memory of your visit to the Holy Land is still fresh and vivid in my mind and I pray and supplicate at the holy Shrines that your labours in the Cause may yield an abundant harvest. Your sympathising brother, Shoghi
With best wishes and kindest greetings I remain, Yours ever sincerely, Ruhi Afnan [From the Guardian:] My dear fellow-worker: I am touched by this expression of the loyalty and devotion of the Auckland Bahs whose welfare, and spiritual advancement are the object of my earnest and constant prayer. I shall devote it to further the interests of the Cause in ways that are dearest and nearest to my heart. I shall supplicate the Almighty that strength and wisdom may be given you to face and overcome the obstacles and trials that you will inevitably encounter in future. The end is glorious if we only persevere. Your true brother, Shoghi
Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 119-26. He was most gratified to learn that the Cause is becoming more and more known and appreciated by the people in New Zealand. This is as important as the actual increase of the number of the friends, for it means that the principles are gradually permeating the thoughts of the people and making them more ready and receptive to the full identification of their beliefs with the precepts of the Cause. Shoghi Effendi wishes me to assure you of his prayers for you as well as for the other friends in New Zealand. He hopes that they will increase both in number as well as in spiritual understanding and insight. The reports that we occasionally receive from there are most encouraging and hopeful. It seems that the people there due to their breadth of mind and lack of traditional draw-backs show better prospect than many other places. With deepest loving greetings, Yours in His Name, Ruhi Afnan [From the Guardian:] My dear co-worker: Your letter rejoiced my heart. I request you to persevere and renew your splendid efforts for the consolidation of the work already achieved. I have great hopes in the Herald of the South and trust that the Editor will be guided and strengthened in his noble undertaking. I shall be obliged if you send me copies of any newspapers that may publish anything on the Cause as I am preparing a collection of them in the Holy Land. Please assure the friends in New-Zealand of my continued prayers at the holy Shrines for the success of their pioneer work. Your true brother, Shoghi
[From the Guardian:] My dear co-worker: I shall pray from all my heart for the steady development and the growing influence of the Herald of the South. May its voice grow in strength and power, and may its pages increasingly reflect the dynamic spirit of the Faith and mirror forth the ever-expanding activities of the friends in Australasia as well as in distant lands. Persevere in your efforts, let not obstacles damp your zeal and determination and rest assured that the Power of God which is reinforcing your efforts will in the end triumph and enable you to fulfil your cherished desire. Shoghi
Miss Palter was the fiancee of Bertram Dewing. The name is possibly misspelled, and may be Miss Patton. (Department of the Secretariat, Universal House of Justice. August 16th, 1979)
Yours in His Service, Ethel J. Rosenberg [From the Guardian:] My dear and able co-worker: I have read the issues of the Herald with deep joy and thankfulness. I will continue to pray at the holy shrines that the invincible power of Bahullh may add to your present opportunities, extend the sphere of the Journal, and enable you, individually and collectively, to mirror forth the beauty and the power of this Divine Revelation. Your true brother, Shoghi
As a far away outpost of the Bah Faith in New Zealand, he is always delighted to hear from Auckland and especially yourself and your promising Assembly there. You own a warm spot in his heart and he is looking forward to the day when through the efforts of the Auckland Assembly, centres will be established in every town in New Zealand. A firm faith and a golden heart is yours, there still remains to turn other hearts into gold. Miss Butler is well and often thinks of you. Assuring you of our Guardians prayers and the love and best wishes of the family who always remember you. Ever yours in His Service, Soheil Afnan [From the Guardian:] My dear and precious co-worker: You should exercise your judgement and tact in delivering the message. You should make an effort to understand the character and mind of the seeker before you speak to him on the Cause. I will pray that you may be inspired and guided to follow the path of moderation and may become an exemplary herald of His message in that far-away land. Your well-wisher, Shoghi
Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated April 6th 1930 written from London. He was very happy to learn that wherever you have been you have received wonderful reception from the friends. Surely, it is only through such acts of hospitality that the true spirit of the Cause is manifested. Shoghi Effendi wishes me to assure you of his prayers and extend to you his hope that wherever you go you will feel the divine help and guidance. He hopes that in America you will experience the true spirit of love that animates the friends there and that you will give them Shoghi Effendis greetings. Yours ever sincerely, Ruhi Afnan [From the Guardian:] My dear and precious co-worker: I was much pleased to hear from you and to learn of your experiences. I trust that the same welcome and loving-kindness will be extended to you by the American friends. You are often in my thoughts, and I will continue to pray for your spiritual as well as material welfare and advancement. Convey, when you write to your Mother, my loving and affectionate greetings. Your true brother, Shoghi
of such literature will be acquainted with the teachings and will receive the light of guidance brought to the world by Bahullh. I believe the Guardian has already intimated his approval of this pamphlet and the desire that the friends in Australia publish and circulate it among the Maoris. As regards the passages in the sacred writings indicating the wrath of God; Shoghi Effendi says that the Divinity has many attributes: He is loving and merciful but also just. Just as reward and punishment, according to Bahullh, are the pillars upon which society rests, so mercy and justice may be considered as their counterpart in the world to come. Should we disobey God and work against His commands He will view our acts in the light of justice and punish us for it. That punishment may not be in the form of fire, as some believe, but in the form of spiritual deprivation and degradation. This is why we read so often in the prayers statements such as God do not deal with us with justice, but rather through thy infinite mercy. The wrath of God is in the administration of His justice, both in this world and in the world to come. A God that is only loving or only just is not a perfect God. The divinity has to possess both of these aspects as every father ought to express both in his attitude towards his children. If we ponder a while, we will see that our welfare can be insured only when both of these divine attributes are equally emphasised and practiced. In closing may I express the Guardians loving greetings and best wishes for the progress of your work in serving the Cause. Yours ever sincerely, Ruhi Afnan [From the Guardian:] May the Almighty bless your efforts, deepen your understanding of the essentials and distinguishing features of His Faith, guide your steps, and aid and assist you to extend the range of your activities and services. Your true brother, Shoghi
their hearts. Not until all the friends come to realize that every one of them is able, in his own measure, to deliver the Message, can they ever hope to reach the goal that has been set before them by a loving and wise Master. It is no use waiting for some able and eloquent teacher to take all the responsibility for the spread of the Cause. For such a thing is not only contrary to the spirit of the Teachings but to the explicit text of the writings of Bahullh and AbdulBah, both of whom place the obligation of teaching not on any particular class, as in former ecclesiastical organizations, but on every faithful and loyal follower of the Cause. The teaching of the Word is thus made universal and compulsory. How long then shall we wait to carry out this command, the full wisdom of which only future generations will be able to appreciate? We have no special teachers in the Cause. Everyone is a potential teacher. He has only to use what God has given him and thus prove that he is faithful to his trust. Visiting teachers, who are, at least in a general way, supposed to be more competent and able than the rest, are undoubtedly of a great help. But these can never replace the mass of individual believers and fulfil what must be inevitably accomplished through the collective effort and wisdom of the community at large. What visiting teachers are supposed to do is to give the final touch to the work that has been done, to consolidate rather than supplement individual efforts and thereby direct them in a constructive and suitable channel. Their task is to encourage and inspire individual believers, and to broaden and deepen their vision of the task that is to be done. And this, not by virtue of any inherent spiritual right, but in the spirit of simple and whole-hearted cooperation. It is in this light that Shoghi Effendi views the whole problem of teaching not only in New Zealand but in all the Bah world. He would, therefore, encourage you to take a leading part in the carrying out of his wishes on this point, to take yourself an active interest in teaching, not only private but also public, and in this way stimulate the friends to follow your example. It is then, and only then, that there can be a need for a qualified and competent visiting teacher in order to bring to full fruition individual teaching efforts. Assuring you of our Guardians fervent prayers on your behalf, so that you may be increasingly blessed in your efforts for the spread of the Message. Yours in His Service, H. Rabbani [From the Guardian:] May the Beloved guide your steps, cheer your heart, deepen your understanding of the distinguishing features of His Faith and enable you to render the sacred Threshold unique and inestimable services, Your true brother, Shoghi
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand
The Guardian well remembers her pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and has always cherished the hope that she would once more be enabled to visit the shrines. But alas, her departed soul has taken its flight from this world, leaving her friends and relatives in a state of profoundest grief. Their only consolation now is the realization that through her painstaking and sustained labours for the Cause in Auckland Mrs Blundell has left an abiding monument to her memory, and one which will continue for many years to come to inspire and strengthen them all in their collective endeavours for the establishment of the Faith in New Zealand. Shoghi Effendi is fervently praying for the soul of our departed sister, and is entreating Bahullh to give her her full share of divine blessings in the other world. May I also assure you of his ardent supplications for you, and for all the friends in Auckland. Yours in His Service, H. Rabbani
Dick Alexander was the fiance of Miss Vera Dewing. (Department of the Secretariat, Universal House of Justice. August 16th, 1979)
Assuring you too of his special prayers on your behalf at the Holy Shrines, and with warmest greetings, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbani [From the Guardian:] Assuring you of a most hearty welcome, and wishing you good-health, happiness and success, Your true brother, Shoghi
teaching the Message. May Bahullh give you patience to courageously withstand these tests, and full guidance to use them as a means to more active, concentrated and selfless service to His Cause. Do assure, therefore, your daughter not to feel disheartened, but to confidently endeavour to overcome her domestic sorrows and cares. In closing may I express the Guardians hope that, as soon as your family problems are solved, you may be able to undertake your long-cherished pilgrimage to the Holy Shrines. He is ardently praying for the materialization of your hopes and plans in this connection. It is a pleasure to learn of the successful visit of Mr Schopflocher1 to Auckland, and of the warm welcome he has been accorded by you and the friends. This is a true evidence of the strong ties of fellowship so closely uniting the friends throughout the world, and of the deep affection which the believers in New-Zealand cherish for their fellow-believers in every region and clime. With renewed and warmest greetings to you and to the friends in Auckland, Yours in the Guardians Service, H. Rabbani [From the Guardian:] Assuring you of my loving and ardent prayers for the removal of every obstacle from your path, and for the speedy realization of your dearest hopes, Your true brother, Shoghi
Fred Schopflocher was appointed Hand of the Cause of God in Canada on February 29th, 1952.
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand
With the warmest good wishes of the Guardian to you and to the friends, and assuring you again of his hearty welcome to visit the Holy Shrines during next autumn, and with greetings, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbani [From the Guardian:] Dear and valued co-worker: I shall indeed grieve if the situation in Palestine should prevent our meeting and prevent your pilgrimage to the Holy Shrines. I pray that this may not be the case. I am so eager to meet you, and express in person my deep and abiding sense of appreciation of the splendid and historic services you have rendered. I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi
Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer your letter to him of May 10th, which just came. He was, as already expressed in the cable he sent you, greatly impressed by the statement in the Quarterly on the true Bah attitude at the present time. It displayed a correctness of viewpoint, a courage, and a loyalty to Bahullh which has led him to disseminate it far and wide: in the American News Letter, in the two Haifa News Letters, English and Persian, etc. It was indeed a timely and most noble contribution to the Faith. The friends in both Australia and New Zealand seem to have developed a most outstanding soundness in their relation to the teachings. This leads Shoghi Effendi to believe that they will make great contributions to the unfoldment of the world-wide aspects of the Faith. His prayers are always with you, and he most deeply appreciates the splendid services you are rendering the Cause, and will pray that the way will open for you to do even greater work and in an ever widening field. Please assure all the dear friends of Auckland of his loving remembrance and his prayers for their work. With Bah love, R. Rabbani [From the Guardian:] Dear and valued co-worker: I cannot refrain from adding a few words in person to assure you of my lively appreciation of your constancy and of the distinctive services you are so ably and devotedly rendering our beloved Faith. That you may be able to extend their range is my fervent and constant prayer. Persevere, and be confident and happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi
existence with whose platform we wholly agree, and we must abstain from membership in such parties. Likewise people who join the Faith must have the courage and conviction to leave their political affiliations behind. There is no reason why this should cause enmity as they are not joining another party, but a universal Faith striving for the advancement of the entire human race. He thinks there is very little possibility of any politician joining the Faith. The sacrifice of such individuals personal ambitions is too great a one for them to make. The condition of the world today is such that it is obvious no political solution to its problems is going to be found. We Bahs must therefore concentrate on Bahullhs World Orderthe true solution. He assures you he will pray your teaching labours may be very successful. He will also pray for your dear mothers welfare. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani [From the Guardian:] Assuring you of my loving prayers for your welfare and success in the service of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi
May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve with such zeal and devotion, reward you for your labours, and graciously assist you to win great victories for His Faith and its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi
[From the Guardian:] May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi
Yours ever in His Service, Soheil Afnan [From the Guardian:] Dear fellow-worker: I wish to reassure you in person of my continued prayers for you as well as for those friends who in the distant city of Auckland are labouring for the advancement of the Cause in New Zealand. Please convey to them my brotherly greetings and very best wishes. I can never forget them and they are ever near to me. Your true brother, Shoghi
...In connection with the N.S.A.s1 decision regarding the appointment of Mrs. Axford and Mr. Inman to keep records of Australian and New-Zealand activities for the Bah World; the Guardian wishes you to assure your fellow-members in the assembly that he fully endorses their choice. He also wishes you to impress the newly-appointed correspondents with the vital importance of their task, and to urge them to acquit themselves of it with thoroughness, efficiency and vigour.... (Extract from Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand 19231957. p. 10. Published by The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia Incorporated, 1970.)
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand
He wishes you to write the Auckland Assembly assuring them of his approval of the request they have made on behalf of Miss Kitty Carpenter for permission to visit Haifa. He has every hope that through this pilgrimage she will be greatly refreshed and strengthened spiritually, and will upon her return home impart to the friends in New-Zealand some measure of the inspiration she will gain through close contact with the Holy Shrines.... (Extract, ibid., p. 24)
...The passing of yet another staunch and indefatigable worker, Miss Stevenson, constitutes yet another loss to the believers in that continent. The work which that exemplary pioneer has achieved however is imperishable. Kindly assure her relatives of my deepfelt sympathy. Sh. (Extract, ibid., pp. 38, 39)
Yours with Bah love, R. Rabbani P.S. He appreciated very much your sending Naw-Rz greetings. [From the Guardian:] May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide your steps, sustain you in your devoted endeavours, and enable you to promote effectively the best interests of His Faith. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi
The acquisition of the site for the New Zealand Summer School was a great step forward in the progress of the Faith there, and he was very pleased about it. He was also delighted to hear of the formation of the Devonport Assembly, and he hopes next year there will be still more.... (Extract, ibid., p. 83)
Dear Bah Brother: ...He was very happy to see that Mrs Dunn was able to attend the New Zealand Bah Summer School. For a woman of her age, this was surely a remarkable achievement, and must have been a great inspiration to the New Zealand friends, coming as she did so freshly from the last Intercontinental Teaching Conference held in New Delhi.... He attaches great importance to teaching the aboriginal Australians, and also in converting more Maoris to the Faith, and hopes that the Bahs will devote some attention to contacting both of these minority groups.... [From the Guardian:] Dear and valued co-workers: ...The multiplication of Bah isolated centres, groups and local assemblies, in both Australia and New Zealanda process that has been steadily and rapidly developing since the inauguration of the Ten-Year Plan, is likewise of paramount importance in the years immediately ahead. The development of these institutions, particularly in New Zealand, will no doubt hasten the emergence of an independent National Spiritual Assembly in that territory, and will lend a tremendous impetus to the onward march of the Faith in those regions.... The purchase of a building in Auckland destined to serve as the National Hazratul-Quds of the Bahs of New Zealand, is yet another objective on which attention should be immediately focusedin anticipation of the erection of yet another pillar of the future House of Justice in that remote part of the world.... (Extract, ibid., pp. 118, 119, 121, 122)
should be discharged prior to the emergence of an independent national assembly in that distant and promising island. Whilst these immediate goals are being steadily and resolutely pursued, attention should, likewise, be particularly directed to the vital need for the constant multiplication of isolated centres, groups and local assemblies, as well as to the necessity of increasing, to an unprecedented degree, the number of the avowed adherents of the Faith who can directly and effectively contribute to the broadening of its foundations and the expansion of its nascent institutions. Particularly in the Dominion of New Zealand, where a pillar of the future Universal House of Justice will soon be erected, must a fresh impetus be lent to this vital process which can alone reinforce the foundations on which this projected institution must ultimately rest.... (Extract, ibid., pp. 123, 125, 126, 127)
With warm Bah greetings, R. Rabbani [From the Guardian:] Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi
Dear Bah Friends: Our beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you on his behalf and inform you that the Hand of the Cause, Mr Varq, will shortly be forwarding to your assembly the equivalent of five hundred English pounds, as the Guardians contribution to your newly established National Fund. He hopes that in the formulation of your plans, particular attention will be given to the allimportant teaching work, the foundation of all the activities of the Faith and the most urgent task facing the friends in this critical period the world is passing through. You may be sure he will pray for your success, With Bah greetings, R. Rabbani
With warmest Bah greetings, Rhyyih [From the Guardian:] Dear and valued co-workers: The emergence of the New Zealand National Spiritual Assembly, as a result of the convocation of the first Bah historic Convention held in that far-away and promising Dominion, will be hailed by posterity as an event of the greatest significance, marking the erection of another pillar designed to support, in the South Pacific area, the future Universal House of Justice. My heart overflows with happiness and is filled with gratitude as I contemplate the splendid progress achieved, in recent years, in that far-off island, and note the loyalty and devotion with which the members of this valiant community, now standing on the threshold of unprecedented achievements, have discharged their manifold and sacred responsibilities. The six brief years that now lie ahead must witness a swift expansion in the scope of Bah activities throughout the length and breadth of that Dominion, as well as a steady consolidation of the foundations of the institutions that have been so painstakingly laid. The Six-Year Plan upon which the New Zealand believers have now so auspiciously embarked must be diligently prosecuted and brought to a triumphant conclusion. All must participate, whether young or old, veterans as well as newly enrolled believers, all must contribute their share to the ultimate success of this mighty collective enterprise, however limited their means, however modest their abilities, however restricted the range of their previous experiences. The increase in the number of the avowed adherents of the Faith; the multiplication of isolated centres, groups, and local assemblies; the incorporation of the newly formed National Spiritual Assembly as well as all firmly grounded local assemblies; the recognition of the Bah marriage certificate by the civil authorities, and of the Bah Holy Days by the Superintendent of schools in that island; the rapid conversion of the Maoris and their close association with the white believers in the administration of the affairs of the community; the consolidation of the work energetically initiated in the South Island; the selection and purchase of the site for the Mother Temple of New Zealandthese stand out as the foremost objectives of the Plan now demanding of its high minded determined prosecutors, the utmost consecration, unrelaxing vigilance and the noblest self-sacrifice. The tasks, challenging the spirit and resources of this community, whose numerical strength is as yet so limited, whose material resources are so circumscribed, whose past experiences have, in many respects, been confined to a narrow range, are truly formidable. The alloted time, during which so stupendous an undertaking is to be consummated, is short. The obstacles confronting its members are varied and manifold. Yet the sustaining grace promised to all those who will arise, with single-mindedness, courage, dedication and high resolve to aid in the attainment of these noble objectives, is of such potency that no earthly power can resist the ultimate fulfilment of so glorious a task, or even delay its eventual fruition. I appeal most earnestly to all those who, in both the teaching and administrative fields, are committed to carry out so magnificent an enterprise, as well as to those who, in an unofficial capacity, are called upon to further, by every means in their power, the interests of this epochmaking Plan, to dedicate themselves, at this hour to the arduous, yet infinitely precious task they have shouldered, and to devote, in the days and years that lie ahead, every ounce of their energy to the systematic prosecution of a Plan, on which the immediate destinies of the entire New Zealand Bah community directly depend; and which can alone provide the stepping-
stone to the still more brilliant achievements destined to ennoble the annals of the Faith in that remote island of the globe. Shoghi
With warm Bah greetings, R. Rabbani [From the Guardian:] May the Almighty sustain you in your constant and meritorious endeavours, guide every step you take, and bless every effort you exert, for the promotion of the interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi
You had asked in connection with the subject of prohibition. Of course in every country one must take into consideration the exact conditions as to whether by force of legislation people can be stopped from drinking, but as a principle the Bah teachings are quite against drinking intoxicating liquors and from the Bah point of view every thing that helps to stop drinking is welcome. (Extract, letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, December 30th, 1925)
We cannot prove man was always man for this is a fundamental doctrine, but it is based on the assertion that nothing can exceed its own potentialities, that everything, a stone, a tree, an animal and a human being existed in plan, potentially, from the very beginning of creation. We dont believe man has always had the form of man, but rather that from the outset he was going to evolve into the human form and species and not be a haphazard branch of the ape family. You see our whole approach to each matter is based on the belief that God sends us divinely inspired Educators; what they tell us is fundamentally true, what science tells us today is true; tomorrow may be entirely changed to better explain a new set of facts. When Abdul-Bah says man breaks the laws of nature, He means we shape nature to meet our own needs, as no animal does. Animals adapt themselves to better fit in with and benefit from their environment. But men both surmount and change environment. Likewise when He says nature is devoid of memory He means memory as we have it, not the strange memory of inherited habits which animals so strikingly possess. These various statements must be taken in conjunction with all the Bah teachings; we cannot get a correct picture by concentrating on just one phrase. (Extract, letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, June 7th, 1946
We must not take many of Abdul-Bahs statements as dogmatic finalities, for there are other points which when added to them round out the picture. For instance, when He calls Aristotle and Plato Philosophers of the East, He is obviously placing them in that category because He believes they belong more correctly to Eastern culture than to Central European and the New World cultures of the West. When He calls the philosophers of the West materialistic this does not for a moment mean He includes all Western philosophers for, as you truly point out, many of them have been very spiritual in their concepts....
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand
Historians cannot be sure Socrates did not visit the Holy Land. But believing as we do that Abdul-Bah had an intuitive knowledge quite different from our own, we accept His authority on this matter.... The Guardian hopes this will better enable you to understand our wonderful Faithfor a living religion it is, and not merely a philosophy! (Extract, letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, June 7th, 1946)
As to the Scout movement, they afford a great disciplinary lesson to the young boys and girls provided they are not prepared directly for the army. In some towns here we have in some of the schools Scout troops who are also students of the Colleges and it has proved to be a great educational scheme for helping the development of the children but they are never taught to carry arms or even the use of firearms. And furthermore they are often taught the evils of war rather than encourage them to become in future active soldiers with imperialistic designs. This of course is my own personal view. (Extract, letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, December 30th, 1925)
Appendix: Notes
Note 1. (Letter No. 1)
Margaret Stevenson, the first New Zealand Bah was born on November 30th, 1865. Her first intimation of the Bah Faith was through reading The Christian Commonwealth and she admitted later that she did not think any more about it. She received this journal from her sister who was in London studying music and had heard Abdul-Bah address the congregation of St. Johns, Westminster at the invitation of Canon Wilberforce. She was so impressed that when another discourse given by Abdul-Bah at City Temple, London was printed in The Christian Commonwealth dated March 27th, 1911, she sent a copy of the journal to Margaret in New Zealand. In 1912, Miss Dorothea Spinney arrived in Auckland from London and stayed with Margaret at her home, Clunie, 3, Cowie Street, Parnell where she talked about the Bah Cause and her own meeting with Abdul-Bah. To quote Margarets own words: As a child, I used to wish I had lived when Christ was on earth. As Miss Spinney spoke, I remembered my childhood wish, and the thought came to me that I too might have denied Him as so many others had done. It was this secret thought that made me seriously think of what I heard from Miss Spinney, and through Gods grace and mercy I was enabled to grasp and believe in Bahullh and His Message.1 Margaret spoke to others of her belief and obtained literature from America, becoming a subscriber to Star of the West. Eventually a study group was formed in Auckland and for ten years, Margarets home was a venue for these classes. It was here that the first Bah Feast in New Zealand took place in January, 1923. In 1925, Margaret was one of a small group who journeyed from New Zealand to the Holy Land on pilgrimage, and after an inspiring nineteen days in Haifa, travelled on to England where she met with the English Bah community. The pilgrims arrived back in Auckland in December, 1925, bringing with them some dust from the Tomb of Bahullh which was placed in New Zealand soil at the Stevensons home in a ceremony held on February 14th, 1926. In such a geographically remote country, the early New Zealand believers had scant knowledge of Bah administration and erroneously called themselves an Assembly as early as 1924. This was corrected with the receipt of a booklet on the subject and the first properly constituted Bah Assembly in New Zealand was formed on April 21st, 1926, with Margaret Stevenson as its Secretary. A steadfast worker, Margaret was a member of the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand which was elected in 1934, and served the Bah Cause with faithfulness and efficiency until her passing to the Abh Kingdom on February 11th, 1941.
The Bah World, Vol. IX, 19401944, pp. 600602. Bah Publishing Committee, Wilmette, Illinois, 1945
creaturesa Message from the Supreme to the sons of men.1 Recognising the Truth, Hyde Dunn interrupted the conversation, and accepted immediately the Revelation of Bahullh. The year was 1905. In 1912, he was present at a meeting with Abdul-Bah in San Francisco and declared it was the Masters penetrating glance, his life giving words, he felt gave him the power that enabled him later to become the spiritual conqueror of a continent. Accompanied by his English born wife, Clara, he answered the call of the Tablets of the Divine Plan and on April 18th, 1920 reached Australia whence they travelled to New Zealand in 19223, not knowing there was already a believer there (Margaret Stevenson). With their arrival in Auckland, the Cause grew in that country and when Hyde Dunn left to return to Australia, Clara remained for a time to organise a study group in New Zealand. Known affectionately among Bahs as Mother and Father Dunn, they carried the Message of Bahullh from New South Wales to Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, across the desert to Perth and to tropical Queensland and became the spiritual parents of Australia. After Mother Dunn returned from a lone pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Father was elected a member of the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand in 1934. After his passing on February 17th, 1941, Mother Dunns dedication to the Bah Faith continued unabated and in 1952 she was elevated to the station of Hand of the Cause of God by Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bah Faith: Father Dunn was subsequently elevated to the same station posthumously. Despite her advanced years, Mother Dunn returned to New Zealand in 1957 as representative of the Guardian at the formation of the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of New Zealand. In March, 1958, at the request of the Guardian, she placed plaster from the Castle of Mh-K in the foundations of the Australasian Bah House of Worship in Sydney during the Australian Inter-Continental Conference. Until her passing to the Abh Kingdom in 1960 at the age of 91 years, Mother Dunn retained her memory of many Bah prayers and was reciting these at the time of her death.
The Bah World, Vol. IX, 19401944, pp. 593596. Bah Publishing Committee, Wilmette, Illinois, 1945
the Holy Land in 1925 visit the Holy Family, and the Shrines of the Bb, Bahullh and Abdul-Bah, and to meet in person many other Bahsthis was a crowning gift to one whose spiritual path had been travelled alone.1 She returned to New Zealand after first going home to England to see her relatives and, at the Guardians suggestion, make personal contact with the English Bah community. She continued to work unsparingly in New Zealand to serve the Cause of Bahullh until her passing at the age of eighty-four years on December 20th, 1934. One of her daughters, Ethel Blundell who accepted the Bah Faith in 1925, was a delegate to the first Bah Convention and was elected as a member of the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand in May, 1934. Mrs Blundells son, Hugh, was also destined to serve the Bah Cause. Although not at that time a Bah, Hugh accompanied his mother and sister on their pilgrimage to Haifa in 1925 and accepted the Faith the following year. A tireless worker for the Cause, he was New Zealands first Auxiliary Board Member and passed to the Abh Kingdom on October 16th, 1976 in his ninety-second year.
The Bah World, Vol. VI, 19341936, pp. 496498. Bah Publishing Committee, New York, 1937
Muammad, who was cut down by thirty-three strokes of swords and lances and decapitated: his clothes were torn from him and his naked body trampled by horses hooves.
Individual Addressees
Letters addressed to individuals by letter number. Only letters presented in their entirety are indicated. 1. Margaret Stevenson 2. Sarah Blundell 3. Margaret Stevenson 4. Bertram Dewing 5. Margaret Stevenson
6. Margaret Stevenson 7. Bertram Dewing 8. Margaret Stevenson 9. Sarah Blundell 10. Sarah Blundell 11. Margaret Stevenson 12. Evelyn Watkin 13. Bertram Dewing 14. Sarah Blundell 15. Amy Dewing 16. Amy Dewing 17. Evelyn Watkin 18. Margaret Stevenson 19. ...1 20. Bertram Dewing 21. Amy Dewing 22. Amy Dewing 23. Emily Axford 24. Eleanor Leighton 25. Bertram Dewing 26. Ethel Blundell 27. Amy Dewing 28. Ethel Blundell 29. Emily Axford 30. Emily Axford 31. Emily Axford 32. Emily Axford 33. Kitty Carpenter 34. Emily Axford 35. Emily Axford 36. Emily Axford 37. Bertram Dewing 38. Kitty Carpenter 39. Bertram Dewing 40. Kitty Carpenter 41. Kitty Carpenter
Institution Addressees
Letters addressed to institutions by letter number
42. E. Axford, Auckland Bah Group 43. E. Axford, Chairman, Auckland Spiritual Assembly 44. M. Stevenson, Secretary, Auckland Spiritual Assembly 45. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 46. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 47. H. M. Brooks, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 48. H. M. Brooks, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 49. H. M. Brooks, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 50. H. M. Brooks, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 51. Auckland Spiritual Assembly 52. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 53. Auckland Spiritual Assembly 54. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 55. D. Dive, Secretary, Auckland Spiritual Assembly
Unable to identify. Department of the Secretariat, Universal House of Justice, August, 1979
56. Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Auckland, New Zealand 57. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 58. E. B. Dewing, Secretary, Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Auckland, New Zealand 59. M. G. Bolton, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 60. J. Heggie, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 61. J. Heggie, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 62. J. Heggie, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia and New Zealand 63. Secretary, Regional Teaching Committee for New Zealand 64. The Guardians message to the first Bah Convention in New Zealand, sent to Mrs Clara Dunn; she was asked to read it on behalf of the Guardian at the Convention and then give it to the New Zealand National Spiritual Assembly 65. Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of New Zealand 66. Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of New Zealand 67. N. P. L. Walker, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Australia 68. Secretary, Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of the City of Auckland 69. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of New Zealand
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