10.2478 - Bhee 2019 0003
10.2478 - Bhee 2019 0003
10.2478 - Bhee 2019 0003
Abstract: This paper analyses and compares the conventional lightning protection systems proposed in IEC 62305 to the lightning protec-
tion systems based on the application of early streamer emission lightning rods proposed in NF C 17-102. Comparison between the two
approaches to the lightning protection of structures was presented, both from a technical and economic point of view. Some inconsistencies
in the conventional air termination system design methods are pointed out. The critical attitude of the scientific community regarding the
declared protection characteristics of the early streamer emission lightning rods is discussed.
Keywords: lightning protection, lightning air termination system, early streamer emission lightning rod, lightning protection system
Sažetak: U ovome radu analizirani su i upoređeni konvencionalni sistemi gromobranske zaštite objekata koji su predloženi u standardu IEC
62305, sa sistemima zaštite koji se baziraju na primjeni gromobranskih hvataljki s ranim startovanjem, predložene u standardu NF C 17-102.
Na jednostavnim primjerima je s tehničkog i ekonomskog aspekta izvršeno poređenje ovih dvaju pristupa gromobranskoj zaštiti objekata.
Ukazano je na određene nedosljednosti kod konvencionalnih metoda za projektovanje prihvatnog sistema gromobranske zaštite objekata.
Također je ukazano i na kritički stav naučne zajednice koji se odnosi na deklarisane zaštite karakteristike gromobranskih hvataljki s ranim
Ključne riječi: gromobranska zaštita, gromobranska hvataljka, hvataljka sa ranim startovanjem, projektovanje gromobrana
An internal lightning protection system is implement- According to [1], the following risks must be considered to
ed by equalizing the potential (equipotential bonding) evaluate the need for lightning protection of the structures
of all metallic installations within the facility in order to or services:
prevent sparking between the metallic components at - risks R1, R2, R3 for structures,
different potentials [2]. Sparks could cause a fire, mal- - risks R1 and R2 for services.
functions of the electric and electronic equipment or
Risks R1, R2, R3 are defined as follows:
injury of the people operating devices during the oc-
- R1 - risk of loss of human life,
currence of atmospheric discharges. In addition to the - R2 - risk of loss of service to the public,
potential equalization, a very important aspect of the - R3 - risk of loss of cultural heritage.
internal lightning protection is application of the surge
protection devices (SPD) [3]. For each risk (R1, R2, R3) of interest the following steps
shall be taken:
This paper deals with the air termination systems and - identification of the components RX which make up
particularly down-conductors system design and different the particular risk (R1, R2, R3),
possibilities for their implementation. Two concepts of the - calculation of the identified risk components RX,
air termination system and corresponding down-conduc- - calculation of the total risk R (R1, R2, R3),
tors system design are analysed: - identification of the tolerable risk value RT (RT1, RT2, RT3),
- comparison of the calculated risk value R (R1, R2, R3)
- Conventional air termination systems (CATS), which
with the tolerable value RT (RT1, RT2, RT3). In the case
are based on the application of standard Franklin
of R≤RT, lightning protection is not necessary, but in
rods, catenary wires or meshes [2]. the case of R>RT lightning protection measures must
- Early streamer emission air termination systems be applied in order to satisfy the condition R≤RT for
(ESEATS) [4]. all risks of interest.
Comparisons of these two lightning protection philoso-
phies from the aspect of economy, engineering and sci-
ence are presented in this paper.
Procedures for calculation of risks R1, R2, R3 can be sized. The mesh method defines the protection area of
found in [5]. However, suggested procedures can be the conductors’ grid placed on or above the protected
complicated for the engineering application. Because of surface, as in Figure 2 a). According to this method, the
that, there are many software solutions that can be used mesh of the conductors placed on or above the protect-
to perform risk assessment calculations as Furse Strik- ed surface, can assure its required LPL.
eRisk v6.0, DEHNsupport Toolbox, or some freeware
online programs as [6]. Protection angle method is also easy to use. It can be
applied for estimation of the lightning protection zone of
1.2. Conventional air termination systems (CATS) vertical rods or catenary wires, as in Figure 2 b). The pro-
design as per IEC 62305 tection angle values as a function of the required LPL are
defined in Figure 3 [2]. More precise values of the protec-
After the risk calculations are performed it is possible to tion angle can be found in [7]. Protection angle method
decide if the structure needs to have lightning protection can be applied only for values defined in Figure 3, while
system or not. In the case that lighting protection system in other cases mesh method or the rolling sphere method
is needed, the following three methods, or a combination must be used.
of those, can be used to design CATS [2]:
1) Mesh method,
2) Protective angle method,
3) The rolling sphere method.
Table II: The values of mesh size and rolling sphere radius corre-
sponding to the selected LPL [2] Figure 4: Determination of the protection angle value
Parameter The rolling sphere method is the most difficult to apply
I II III IV in comparison to the other two analysed methods, but it
Minimum peak current Imin 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 16 kA is an universal method, which can be applied to design
Probability that I > Imin 99% 97% 91% 84% almost every lightning air termination system. When us-
Mesh size [m] 5×5 10×10 15×15 20×20 ing this method, the equivalent protection zone of many
lightning rods cannot be estimated by superposing the
Rolling sphere radius 20 m 30 m 45 m 60 m
Volume 13 January/December 2019 27
= h ( 2 R − h ) + L(2 R + L) , h ≥ 5m
RP = h ⋅ RP (5m) / 5 , 2 m ≤ h ≤ 5m
where: h is the height of the ESEATS tip relative to the
surface to be protected [m], R is the striking distance
from the classic Franklin rod, 20 m for LPL I, 30 m for
LPL II, 45 m for LPL III and 60 m for LPL IV, L is equal
to ΔT×106 [m], where ΔT is characteristic of the applied
Another important advantage of the ESEATS based light- Table III: Typical values of the distance between down-conduc-
ning protection systems is reduced required number of tors as a function of the required LPL [2]
down-conductors. According to [9] required number of
down-conductors is two for non-isolated down-conduc- LPL Typical distance
tors, or even only one in the case of the special isolated I 10 m
II 10 m
III 15 m
IV 20 m
required number of down-conductors is two for non-iso- - Mesh conductors in the CATS and down-conductors
lated systems, or even only one for the special isolated in CATS and ESEATS are implemented by using Fe-
systems [9]. In Figure 13 down-conductors are designed Zn conductors with dimensions 20×3 mm2 which
with the aim to achieve their minimum length. price is 1.1 €/m.
- Holder of roof conductors’ price is 1.3 €/piece.
- Roof conductors’ joints price is 0.8 €/piece.
- Wall holders of down-conductors price is 0.7 €/piece.
Table IV: Technical and economic analysis of CATS and ESEATS and corresponding down-conductors systems for the structure
with dimensions 50×50 m for different required LPLs
Table V: Technical and economic analysis of CATS and ESEATS and corresponding down-conductors systems with LPL I for
structures with different dimensions
previous calculation. The aim is to present influence of the discussed in [11]. As per [2] mesh of conductors can be
structure dimensions to the selection of the optimum light- placed at the roofing structure and in that way efficient
ning protection solution. air termination system can be implemented. However, the
rolling sphere method predicts that direct lightning strikes
According to the Table V CATS solutions are more cost ef- can attach the protected structure between the mesh
fective at the structures with small dimensions. In the anal- conductors unless the mesh is elevated above the top of
ysed examples, prices of the two solutions are nearly equal the structure [11]. This situation is illustrated in Figure 14.
for the structure with dimensions 30×30 m, while for the larg-
er structures ESEATS based solution become much more
cost effective. For the structure with dimensions 100×100
m. ESEATS based solution for the LPL I is almost 6 times
cheaper in comparison to CATS. Also, on structures of big
dimensions it is very difficult to implement CATS and corre-
sponding down-conductors, especially for LPL I or LPL II.
For example, at the structure with dimensions 100×100 m
length of roof conductors necessary for mesh implementa-
tion in CATS system is 4200 m, while required number of
roof conductors’ holders is 3801. Required number of roof
conductors’ joints is 441. Also, 40 down-conductors must
be used to implement LPL I or LPL II for this structure.
It is important to note that the rolling sphere method pre- - Between 0,8×105 m/s and 2,7×105 m/s for three de-
dicts lightning strikes to the side of the structures lower tected upward leaders [17],
than 60 m, but in [2] such lightning strikes are neglected, - Typically, about 104 m/s for positive upward-connect-
Figure 15. ing leaders in laboratory experiments [11].
ical aspect and exploitation experience. It seems that ad- Rod, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electri-
ditional experimental analysis with the natural lightning are cal Insulation Vol. 22, No. 2, 2015
necessary to prove or disprove efficiency of the ESEATS. [13] M. Becerra, V. Cooray: The early streamer emis-
sion principle does not work under natural light-
ning, IX International Symposium on Lightning
FUNDING Protection, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 26-30 Novem-
ber 2007
This work was supported by the Ministry for Scientific
[14] M. Becerra, V. Cooray: Laboratory experiments
and Technological Development, Higher Education and
cannot be utilized to justify the action of early
Information Society of the Republika Srpska through the
project “Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Ef- streamer emission terminals, J Journal of Physics
fectiveness of Early Streamer Emission Lightning Rods”. D: Applied Physics, Vol. 41, No. 8, 2008
[15] V. Cooray: The Similarity of the Action of Frank-
lin and ESE Lightning Rods under Natural Con-
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34 B&H Electrical Engineering Bosanskohercegovačka elektrotehnika