WB-P179311 Hgjnon9
WB-P179311 Hgjnon9
WB-P179311 Hgjnon9
May 2023
Afghanistan Water Emergency Relief Project
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AKDN Aga Khan Development Network
AKF Aga Khan Foundation
AREU Afghanistan Renewable Energy Union
AUWSSC Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewage Corporation
CB Capacity Building
CBI Community-Based Institutions
CBNRM Community-Based Natural Resource Management
CBSGs Community-based Savings Groups
CCVA Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
CBCM Community-based Complains Mechanism
CDC Community Development Councils
CIGs Common Interest Groups
DACCAR Danish Committee for Aid to Afghanistan Refugees
DDA District Development Assembly
DRC Danish Refugee Council
E&S Environmental and Social
ECA Entry Criteria for Access
ESCP Environmental and Social Commitment Plan
ESF Environmental and Social Framework
ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework
ESS Environmental and Social Standard
GRM Grievance Redressal Mechanism
IDP Internally Displaced Person
INGO International Non-Governmental Organization
IP Implementing Partners
IRC International Rescue Committee
ITA Interim Taliban Administration
LMP Labor Management Procedures
MAIL Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock
MEW Ministry of Energy and Water
MRRD Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development
MSMEs Medium Small and Micro Enterprises
NEPA National Environmental Protection Agency
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
PAIL Provincial Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
HH House Holds
PIU Project Implementation Unit
PME Participatory and gender-sensitive monitoring
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
PPA Participatory Poverty Assessment
PPI Poverty Probability Index
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
PSCE Private Sector Company
PWD Person with Disability
PWR Participatory Wealth Ranking
SCA Swedish Committee for Afghanistan
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SHG Self-Help Groups
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan
TA Technical Assistance
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services
WB World Bank
WERP Water Emergency Relief Project
WUA Water User Association
1. Introduction/Project Description
The Afghanistan Water Emergency Response Project (WERP) aims to restore access to vital water supply and
surface water irrigation services in a selection of Afghanistan’s extreme and severe drought-affected rural
areas. The project will be undertaken against a backdrop of an ongoing drought and political instability, that
has resulted in significant challenges in the provision of shelter, food, health care, as well as essential drinking
water and sanitation services. Water supply and hygiene services are an essential part of human life and
critical for preventing transmission of water-borne diseases, protecting human health during infectious
disease outbreaks, including the current COVID-19 pandemic, in particular amongst women. Restoring and
maintaining water supplies and irrigation will also improve communities’ climate resilience, including
extreme weather events.
Project Components: The Project consists of five components that will be implemented across 16 drought
affected provinces in the country which are facing problems in accessing safe water and sanitation facilities.
WERP will be implemented by Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) for component 1 and 3 and UNOPS for component
2, in a coordinated manner. Component 1: Provision of emergency water supply services in identified rural
areas. This component will finance several emergency interventions in the identified rural regions of extreme
and severe drought-affected provinces. This component will support short- to medium-term interventions
for drinking water and hygiene provision, including the drilling of new wells and rehabilitation and
replacement of priority drinking water supply infrastructure/equipment.
Component 2: Improved Surface Water Irrigation Using Solar Technologies in Selected Rural Areas. This
component will finance the provision of off-grid solar systems, and where applicable energy efficient
equipment to support installation and improved efficiency of surface water irrigation in the selected areas.
This will include installation of solar pump systems, and battery systems in high priority areas.
At the completion of Component 2, the ownership of all assets provided as part of the Project including solar
pumps (in cases where solar pumps are paid through the Project) will be retained by the private energy
service companies (PESCs).
Component 3: Technical Training and Public Awareness Campaigns: This component will finance
consultancy service to develop and deliver technical training modules for water-related entities. Potential
training recipients might include technical departments of MEW, MRRD, AUWSSC, along with communities
and water-related departments of the Afghanistan universities.
Component 4: Implementation Support: This component will support the costs of AKF and UNOPS, to
manage and oversee the program, including technical support, training, monitoring, and reporting.
Component 5: Contingent Emergency Response: This zero-cost component is included in the Project to
enable the rapid mobilization of funds in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency following an adverse
natural or man-made event.
The project will involve and/or affect directly or indirectly, a vast and diverse number of stakeholders at the
individual, community, provincial, regional, and national level in the context of a severe political, economic,
social, and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. The World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standard 101
The World Bank, Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), 2018.
recognizes the importance of open and transparent engagement with all project stakeholders, based on the
recognition that effective stakeholder engagement can improve E&S sustainability of project activities,
enhance project acceptance, and implementation, and allow stakeholders to contribute to project design.
This SEP outlines stakeholder engagements for the project activities in a systematic way. It defines legal and
policy requirements in regard to stakeholder engagements, lists stakeholder engagements that have already
been undertaken, provides a stakeholder analysis of all relevant project-affected parties, including members
of vulnerable groups, and lays out the means of dissemination of information to different parties as well as
means and ways to continue to consult different stakeholder groups throughout the project cycle.
Furthermore, it contains a monitoring plan for the implementation of the SEP.
This Preliminary SEP will be updated based on the results of further consultation with consortium partners
and other stakeholders, especially as exact subproject locations are identified.
The SEP will be implemented by AKF, UNOPS and all other implementers. Both, AKF and UNOPS will each
implement Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) and will be responsible for handling all project-related
grievances, as described in this SEP.
This SEP will apply to all components of the project. It aims at facilitating stakeholder engagement
throughout the Project’s life cycle and across the various project components.
The application of these standards, by focusing on the identification and management of environmental and
social risks, will support recipients in their goal to reduce poverty and increase prosperity in a sustainable
manner for the benefit of the environment and their citizens. The standards will:
a. support recipients in achieving good international practice relating to environmental and social
b. assist recipients in fulfilling their national and international environmental and social obligations.
c. enhance non-discrimination, transparency, participation, accountability, and governance; and
d. enhance the sustainable development outcomes of projects through ongoing stakeholder engagement.
Stakeholder engagement is also provided for in the various forms of national legislation including the
constitutions and legislation on environmental and social impact assessments and audits. The
instruments unanimously advocate for meaningful involvement of project stakeholders in decisions that
affect them, participatory planning, and trans-parent grievance management mechanisms.
Given that engagement with the Interim Taliban Administration (ITA) is not possible, and that specific
subproject locations are not identified yet, no further consultations have taken place. In-depth stakeholder
consultations will be conducted after the Effectiveness Date, and the preliminary SEP will be updated
accordingly by AKF and UNOPS and re-disclosed in country via IAs’ website.
Details about the meetings and consultations held with stakeholders are presented below.
AKF will engage INGOs, including the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) agencies, in the implementation of
various components of this Project.
Baghlan, ● AKF conducted brief consultations with
Takhar, national and regional staff in the target
Bamyan, Week of AKF National and geographies to document water sources and
Parwan, October 8th Regional Staff potential challenges of implementing in those
Samangan, communities
● AREU generally confident in PSCEs capacity to
Afghanistan contribute cost-share requirement; AKF
Online 15/11/22 Renewable Energy requires more information
Union (AREU) ● Further discussion required on experience of
PSECs with proposed modality
The following matrix and diagram illustrate different levels of stakeholder engagement and interest in the
Table 1 Levels of Stakeholder engagement
Community Development x Strong interest both in the management, implementation and monitoring of the project High
Councils (CDCs) include ownership. The elected member/s are of a rural community under the existing CDC,
which is headed by a community leader. They are democratically elected by all village
Community members and x Lacking the opportunity of interaction with the Interim Taliban Administration, community High
leaders leaders, including clan and religious leaders play a vital role in community entry and the
attainment and social license to operate.
Water Management x Strong interest in direct management, maintenance and implementation including High
Committees (Community- ownership and monitoring aspects.
based institution)
Irrigation x Strong interest in direct management, maintenance and implementation including High
Associations/Mirab ownership and monitoring aspects.
Non-Agriculture X Strong interest in being consulted and or/engaging in the implementation of project Low
Cooperatives activities.
Health Committees X Strong interest in being consulted and or/engaging in the implementation of project Medium
activities. Health committees are likely
to play a vital role in promoting health and hygiene awareness among the communities.
Women’s Groups (e.g., X Strong interest in being Consulted and or/engaging in the implementation of project Medium
Community-Based Savings activities.
Women and Girls x As collectors of water and frontline household workers women and girls will have great High
interest in the drinking water related projects, and finding employment through the project
Pastoral Nomadic x For labour work and access to drinking water. Medium
Beneficiaries/ Communities x These will be directly affected parties and obviously will have significant interest in the High
in the vicinity of the project’s success of the project.
planned activities.
Residents, business entities x These will be directly affected parties and obviously will have significant interest in the High
such as construction success of the project.
material suppliers, and
individual entrepreneurs in
the project that can be
affected or can benefit from
employment opportunities.
Residents of the other rural x For reasons of employment and training opportunities that could come out of the project. Medium
settlements within the
project area, who can
benefit from employment
and training opportunities
stemming from the project.
Direct workers and contract x To find employment and short-term work. High
Interim Taliban
Administration (ITA)
(Ministries, Directorates)
Providers/Contractors River Basin/Water-related
Public and Private Organizations
In accordance with the ESS10, this SEP categorizes the stakeholders into three groups:
● Affected parties - stakeholders that are affected or may be affected by the project.
● other interested parties - other parties who may have an interest in the project.
● vulnerable/ disadvantaged groups - individuals or groups who may require special engagement efforts
due to their vulnerable status.
The WERP will have multiple stakeholders ranging from the Interim Taliban Administration (ITA), which will be
engaged indirectly, to the private sector, academia, civil society (including CDCs and women groups), and the
public (including vulnerable and marginalized groups). AKF and UNOPS will ensure that consultations are held
with all relevant stakeholders directly bearing upon project outcomes.
For the purposes of their engagement, stakeholders who are likely to be directly affected are classified as
Affected Parties. The stakeholders below are classified under each component.
The complex community landscape dictates that there will be individuals, associations or even private
companies with vested interests overshadowing or influencing the project in ways that may or may not impact
project outcomes.
As such the project’s stakeholders would include parties other than those directly affected. These include:
- Civil society groups and NGOs on the regional, national, and local levels, that pursue or are engaged in
renewable energy interests and may become partners of the project.
- Business owners and providers of services, goods and materials within the project area that will be
involved in the project’s wider supply chain or may be considered for the role of the project’s suppliers
in the future.
- Local conservation organizations and environmental activists
- Mass media and associated interest groups, including local, regional, and national print and broadcast
media, digital/web-based entities, and their associations.
- Community-based organizations, including Community Development Councils (CDCs) and Women’s
- Private Energy Service Companies (PESC)
- Afghanistan Renewable Energy Union (AREU)
- Water Users Associations (WUA),
- Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) groups
- Ministry of Economy - for Project registration
- Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW)
- Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD),
- Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation (AUWSSC),
- Ministry of Economy -for Project registration
- Water-related department of the Universities.
- National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA)
- Government officials from Ministry of Energy and Water and Ministry of Economy (for project
- Water-related department of the Universities.
- Academia/Researchers
- Women’s Groups (e.g., Community-Based Savings Groups)
- Irrigation Associations/Mirab
- Community Development Councils (CDCs)
- Water Management Committees (Community-based institution
Engagement with ITA: Interactions with the ITA will be limited to coordination, accessing the beneficiaries and
the training of managerial and technical ministry staff. Coordination entails participation in NGO coordination
forums, sharing higher-level information about the project plan and intended outcomes, and consultation on
technical matters that require input. Access to beneficiaries requires adherence to the local regulations,
including registration of the project to the Ministry of Economy, provision of biannual progress reports,
exchanging letters of approval with relevant line ministries, participating in the provincial development
committee meetings, compliance with tax regulations, and working closely with the district authorities on the
implementation. These measures are complemented by higher level interactions at the policy level by the AKF
Regional Directors, CEO, and the AKDN’s special envoy to Afghanistan. Managerial and technical ministry staff
participating in project activities will be vetted and no form of compensation will be provided.
Given the diversity of ethnic and linguistic groups across Afghanistan there are always situations where various
groups of people are excluded or in many instances represented disproportionately. Socially excluded groups
often lack voice and the power to influence decisions and to express their concerns or understand the impacts
of a project.
The Project will aim to include all stakeholders and ensure not only diverse representation but meaningful
participation/ engagement, particularly of disadvantaged/vulnerable individuals or groups. This value is
articulated in the ESF, as well as in AKDN’s Ethical Framework which binds AKF programs and provides an
anchor for advancing social engagement agendas.
The following disadvantaged and vulnerable groups have been identified for this project.
- Persons living below the poverty line /ultra-poor households
- Female-headed households, families with 3 or more children, and single headed households
- Internally displaced persons (IDPs), and returnees
- Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
- Population living in hard-to-reach places
- Elderly People
- Pastoral Nomadic Communities
- Ethnic and religious minorities or tribal groups
- Women and girls
- Disadvantaged/ vulnerable individuals or groups such as women, PWDs, children, unemployed persons,
illiterate individuals
Vulnerability can be exacerbated by compounding intersecting factors, such as a person’s origin, gender, age,
health condition, economic deficiency and financial insecurity, disadvantaged status in the community (e.g.,
minorities or fringe groups), dependence on other individuals or natural resources, etc.
Women are considered one of the most vulnerable groups in Afghanistan. They often face multiple levels of
discrimination – as rural women, widows, disabled women, internally displaced women, etc. Overall,
vulnerability of different groups has exacerbated since the loss of livelihoods in the wake of the regime change
in August 2021. The World Bank supported emergency projects have defined inequality and exclusion as key
issues to be addressed and developed Entry Criteria for Access (ECA) which will be customized for this project.
Through the ECA, the Project will promote social inclusion of these vulnerable and marginalized groups by
developing transparent eligibility criteria and selection process. It is important to document the effectiveness
of these inclusion measures and recommend ways to improve them further.
In the project locations, a vulnerability mapping exercises will be periodically implemented in collaboration
with community groups/ CSOs to identify vulnerable households, namely through the participatory rural
appraisal (PRA) and Poverty Probability Index (PPI3). AKF has been implementing this exercise and is
accordingly very familiar with who is vulnerable and how to reach different groups. Consortium partners will
deploy similar methods. Furthermore, engagement and feedback mechanisms for disadvantaged / vulnerable
individuals or groups will be facilitated through the various engagement forums that will be established during
the project (see section below). In addition, AKF often engages women groups, such as Community-Based
Savings Groups, as a critical entry point to consult vulnerable women at various stages of a project e.g., project
design, community management of water services to ensure sustainability, dissemination of key
messaging/education, etc. AKF and UNOPS will conduct a gender analysis at the onset of the project including
consultations with women, men, community/religious leaders, and CSOs, to ensure that the unique
experiences and needs of women are amply considered and addressed in the project design, implementation,
and monitoring and evaluation.
The Poverty Probability Index (PPI) is a poverty measurement tool AKF has utilized to identify poor households. It has
been proved not be quite effective and is statistically sound, yet simple to use. It answers to 10 questions about a
household’s characteristics and asset ownership which are then scored to compute the likelihood that the household is
living below the poverty line. With the PPI, AKF proposes to identify the households who are most likely to be poor,
integrating objective poverty data into our assessments.
4.4. Summary of Project Stakeholder Needs
Table 2 Stakeholder needs
Community Stakeholder Group Key Characteristics Language needs Preferred notification Specific needs
means (email, radio, (accessibility, large print,
phone, letter) childcare, daytime
meetings etc.)
Provincial Beneficiaries/ Communities in PWD are particularly marginalized Pashto/Dari and local Public meetings Ensure that the
Level the vicinity of the project’s in Afghanistan. The PWD are more languages as relevant in marginalized groups in
planned activities. likely to be excluded from areas where the majority Email, internet, radio, the vicinity of subprojects
participation and benefit from speaks to them. mobile phone, social from different
Disadvantaged/ vulnerable public services. media, and individual backgrounds are
individuals or groups such as meetings considered for
women, PWDs, and children engagement
Direct workers
Contracted workers
Community Stakeholder Group Key Characteristics Language needs Preferred notification Specific needs
means (email, radio, (accessibility, large print,
phone, letter) childcare, daytime
meetings etc.)
Health Committees
Persons living below the Almost 70 percent of the rural Pashto/Dari and/or the Community radio,
poverty line. population depends on local languages in areas telephone, women group
agriculture. Crops are mainly rain- where the majority meetings, notice boards
IDP and returnees fed, which makes agriculture a speaks to them.
vulnerable livelihood. Livestock
Population living in hard-to- levels have fluctuated due to
reach places droughts. Generally, droughts as
well as flooding, and years of
Elderly People protracted conflict have resulted
Pastoral Nomadic Communities in high levels of poverty in rural
Women’s Groups Urban growth has significantly
increased in Afghanistan over the
Female-headed households last couple of decades. In 2020,
the WB recorded 3.4 percent of
Unemployed persons urban growth. The urban
population accounted for over 10
Ethnic and religious minorities million people in the country. This
has come along with increased
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) poverty, many urban poor
households living in slums due to
Pastoral nomadic communities disorganized urban growth.
Community Stakeholder Group Key Characteristics Language needs Preferred notification Specific needs
means (email, radio, (accessibility, large print,
phone, letter) childcare, daytime
meetings etc.)
Vulnerable Communities Vulnerable and little access to Pashto/Dari and/or the Community radio, May require special
assistance local languages in areas community meetings, assistance to attend
where the majority notice boards, and community meetings,
speaks to them. community mobilizers to may not have access to
reach out electronic means
Community Development Experience in prioritization Pashto/Dari and/or the Community radio, They can also be used as a
Councils (CDCs) exercised and consultations local languages in areas telephone, community means to reach the
where the majority meetings, individual broader smaller NGOs
speaks to them. meetings, social media and CSOs, including
support in stakeholder
engagements and
Community Leaders and Their authority will depend on the Pashto/Dari and/or the Community meetings, They can also be used as a
Members presence and strength of local languages in areas individual meetings, notice means to reach the
community leaders of other where the majority boards, social media, broader smaller NGOs
groups; leaders can have a speaks to them. community radio, TV and CSOs, including
significant influence on the support in stakeholder
communities engagements and
Regional NGO Network – ACBAR ● Use of existing network in Pashto/Dari and/or the Community meetings, They can also be used as a
Level Private Energy Companies mapping the NGOs and CSOs local languages in areas individual meetings, notice means to reach the
● Experience in providing where the majority boards, social media, broader smaller NGOs
coordination support in other speaks to them. community radio, TV and CSOs. Roles and
similar projects responsibilities will
include support in
dissemination and
grievance redress
National UN agencies, international Established UN, NGO, and donor English Internet/email, ACBAR, Preparation and
Level NGOs, bilateral donors coordination mechanisms, UNCT implementation support.
including ACBAR
National CSOs, NGOs, Good capacity English Internet/email, individual Preparation and
meetings, telephone implementation support.
Academia and Researchers
Other Agencies operating at Good capacity English Internet/email, individual Preparation and
national level meetings, telephone implementation support.
Community Stakeholder Group Key Characteristics Language needs Preferred notification Specific needs
means (email, radio, (accessibility, large print,
phone, letter) childcare, daytime
meetings etc.)
Private sector companies ● Qualified staff in carrying out English: Pashto/Dari Internet/email, individual Preparation and
(AREU) capacity needs assessment and/or the local meetings, telephone implementation support
● Experience in developing languages in areas where as well as, training and
capacity- building plan the majority speaks to capacity building
● Proven track record of them.
implementing capacity -
building support to NGOs and
5. Stakeholder Engagement Program
The overall objective is to define a program for stakeholder engagement, including public information disclosure
and consultation, throughout the inception, construction, and operation phase of the proposed subprojects.
The SEP outlines the ways in which the implementing agencies and contractors will communicate with
stakeholders and includes a mechanism by which people can raise concerns and provide feedback about the
Implementing Agencies. The SEP will facilitate communications and ensure fruitful interactions between the
implementers or contractors of a sub-project e.g., drinking water, irrigation water via solar pumps, etc., and its
stakeholders, including beneficiaries.
The implementing partners will involve stakeholders as early as possible and will continue their engagement
process throughout the life cycle of the project including planning, mobilization, implementation and
monitoring and evaluation. The dialogues and exchange of information will continue until each project is
handed over to the relevant community or their representative institution – such as the CDC and the private
sector. The engagement process will seek to promote local buy-in for the project activities and ensure that
stakeholder concerns, feedback and suggestions are properly received and addressed, and community
expectations are managed. Continuous dialogues with stakeholders will contribute to reducing conflict and
minimize misinformation with regards to the project interventions.
Implementing partners will build on their pre-existing knowledge of the communities, networks, and
relationships to advance constructive engagements for the project. They will also draw upon various tools and
approaches which are contextually relevant as part of our continuous interaction with the communities and
other relevant stakeholders. Experience demonstrates that methods used for disseminating information to
statutory officials may be different from a format of providing information to local communities (displays, and
visuals with a lesser emphasis on technical aspects). Therefore, for the information dissemination process to be
effective and meaningful, implementing partners will adapt techniques that are specifically tailored to the
identified stakeholder groups.
Generally, the format of information dissemination seeks to meet basic requirements on accessibility, i.e.
information will be provided at venues that are easily reachable and do not require long commutes, entrance
fee or preliminary access authorization, cultural appropriateness (i.e. with due respect to the local customs and
current norms including gender segregation), and inclusiveness, i.e. engaging all segments of the local society,
including women and girls, people with disabilities, the elderly, minorities, and other vulnerable individuals.
Implementing partners will seek to raise the communities’ and stakeholders’ awareness about the planned and
current activities of the project.
If necessary, logistical assistance may be provided to enable participants from remote areas, persons with
limited physical abilities, and those with insufficient financial or transportation means to attend public meetings
scheduled by the project.
The preliminary SEP (English, Dari, and Pashtu versions) will be publicly disclosed on AKF, UNOPS websites and
locally in a manner that is accessible and culturally appropriate. The updated SEP will be re-disclosed on local
websites as per a timeline agreed in the ESCP.
Table 3 Information Disclosure Strategy
Project Stage List of information Methods proposed Timelines: Target Stakeholders % of target Responsibilities
to be disclosed locations / dates population
Project Design SEP (incl. GRM), ESMF Virtual / Kabul National-level stakeholders 50% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
(incl. LMP) Internet/email, (UN agencies, int. NGOs,
individual meetings, 3 weeks after bilateral donors, private sector
telephone Effective Date companies, academia)
Community meetings, Regional capitals / Regional-level stakeholders 20% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
individual meetings, Kabul (NGO Network – ACBAR)
notice boards, social
media, community 3 weeks after
radio, TV Effective Date
Public meetings At community level Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
Email, internet, radio, (once locations are (beneficiary communities,
mobile phone, social decided) disadvantaged/vulnerable
media groups – persons living below
3 weeks after the poverty line, IDPs and
Effective Date returnees, elderly people,
pastoral nomadic
communities, ethnic and
religious minorities, women,
PWD, children - residents,
business entities, workers)
Community radio, At community level Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
telephone, women (Water User Associations,
group meetings, 3 weeks after Community-based Natural
notice boards Effective Date Resource Groups, CDCs, etc)
Other relevant project Internet/email, Virtual / Kabul National-level stakeholders 20% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
documents and individual meetings, (UN agencies, int. NGOs,
information telephone 3 weeks after bilateral donors, private sector
Effective Date companies, academia)
Community meetings, Regional capitals / Regional-level stakeholders 20% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
individual meetings, Kabul (NGO Network – ACBAR, etc))
notice boards, social
media, community 3 weeks after
radio, TV Effective Date
Public meetings At community level Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
(once locations are (beneficiary communities,
decided) disadvantaged/vulnerable
Email, internet, radio, groups – persons living below
mobile phone, social 3 weeks after the poverty line, IDPs and
media Effective Date returnees, elderly people,
pastoral nomadic
communities, ethnic and
religious minorities, women,
PWD, children - residents,
business entities, workers,
Community radio, At community level Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
telephone, women (once locations are (Water User Associations,
group meetings, decided) Community-based Natural
notice boards Resource Groups, CDCs, etc)
3 weeks after
Effective Date
Project Activity – or site Internet/email, Continuous National-level stakeholders 50% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
Implementation specific ESMPs or individual meetings, (UN agencies, int. NGOs,
other site-specific E&S telephone bilateral donors, private sector
instruments companies, academia)
Community meetings, Continuous Regional-level stakeholders 20% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
individual meetings, (NGO Network – ACBAR, etc))
notice boards, social
media, community
radio, TV
Public meetings Continuous Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
Email, internet, radio, (beneficiary communities,
mobile phone, social disadvantaged/vulnerable
media groups – persons living below
the poverty line, IDPs and
returnees, elderly people,
pastoral nomadic
communities, ethnic and
religious minorities, women,
PWD, children - residents,
business entities, workers,
Community radio, Continuous Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
telephone, women (Water User Associations,
group meetings, Community-based Natural
notice boards Resource Groups, CDCs, etc)
Any project-related Internet/email, Continuous National-level stakeholders 50% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
information (on individual meetings, (UN agencies, int. NGOs,
activities, beneficiary bilateral donors, private sector
selection etc…) companies, academia, etc))
Community meetings, Continuous Regional-level stakeholders 20% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
individual meetings, (NGO Network – ACBAR, etc))
notice boards, social
media, community
radio, TV
Public meetings Continuous Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
Email, internet, radio, (beneficiary communities,
mobile phone, social disadvantaged/vulnerable
media groups – persons living below
the poverty line, IDPs and
returnees, elderly people,
pastoral nomadic
communities, ethnic and
religious minorities, women,
PWD, children - residents,
business entities, workers, etc)
Community radio, Continuous Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
telephone, women (Water User Associations,
group meetings, Community-based Natural
notice boards Resource Groups, CDCs, etc)
GRM Internet/email, Continuous National-level stakeholders 50% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
individual meetings, (UN agencies, int. NGOs,
telephone bilateral donors, private sector
companies, academia, etc)
Community meetings, Continuous Regional-level stakeholders 20% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
individual meetings, (NGO Network – ACBAR, etc)
notice boards, social
media, community
radio, TV
Public meetings Continuous Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
Email, internet, radio, (beneficiary communities,
mobile phone, social disadvantaged/vulnerable
media groups – persons living below
the poverty line, IDPs and
returnees, elderly people,
pastoral nomadic
communities, ethnic and
religious minorities, women,
PWD, children - residents,
business entities, workers, etc)
Community radio, Continuous Provincial-level stakeholders 10% AKF and UNOPS PIUs
telephone, women (Water User Associations,
group meetings, Community-based Natural
notice boards Resource Groups, CDCs, etc)
5.3. Proposed Strategy for Consultation
Implementing partners will deploy a variety of engagement techniques to build relationships with stakeholders
and to consult all relevant communities and stakeholders. The following set of consultation techniques will be
utilized and adapted to broaden consultations of the stakeholders.
Efforts will be made to implore public feedback through pre-existing community structures, such as CDCs, where
people have grown comfortable providing feedback. This feedback can subsequently be used as input into the
project’s mitigation and enhancement measures. As discussed above, proper consideration will be given to the
cultural suitability and inclusiveness of the consultation environments, as well as to gender and other
sensitivities that may prevail in the local community.
In addition to stakeholder consultations that will accompany the project throughout all phases, the team will
prepare a rapid gender analysis (RGA), which will include primary data collection consisting of consultations
with women, men, community/religious leaders, and other key stakeholders to examine contextual needs of
women and girls, men and boys, across intersecting factors, such as ability, marital status, ethnicity,
geographies, and other identities. The findings of the RGA will identify key gender gaps, which will be used to
inform the Gender Equality Strategy (GES). The GES will outline key gender equality principles, priorities, and
gender-smart solutions to enhance equitable access and improve WASH services and practices, in turn,
strengthen the project’s overall objective of improving access to water supply and surface water irrigation
services in rural areas.
Frequent consultations with the communities and other stakeholders will be organized throughout the course
of the project. In particular, public consultations will be organized to consult stakeholders about their needs
and the project activities, as well as potential environmental and social risks and impacts and planned mitigation
measures – of the entire project and of specific subprojects. Moreover, public consultations will be held on an
ongoing basis as part of the overall citizen engagement process during the project cycle.
All implementing partners will record and document minutes of these public meetings, both for the purposes
of transparency and the accuracy of capturing public comments. These will be used as a record of consent or
Table 4 Stakeholder Consultation Strategy
Project stage Topic of consultation Suggested Method Location and Date Target stakeholders Responsibilities
Project Design Overall Project activities and Email, individual meetings, Kabul National-level stakeholders (UN AKF and UNOPS
E&S risks and impacts telephone agencies, int. NGOs, bilateral PIUs
During Project inception donors, private sector companies,
Beneficiary selection method phase academia)
Community meetings, individual Regional capitals Regional-level stakeholders (NGO AKF and UNOPS
meetings, social media Network – ACBAR, etc) PIUs
During Project inception
Community meetings, individual Selected communities for Provincial-level stakeholders AKF and UNOPS
meetings, social media, FGDs project implementation (beneficiary communities, PIUs
(not yet known) disadvantaged/vulnerable groups
– persons living below the poverty
During Project inception line, IDPs and returnees, elderly
phase people, pastoral nomadic
communities, ethnic and religious
minorities, women, PWD, children
- residents, business entities,
workers, etc)
Public meetings, mobile phone, Selected communities for Provincial-level stakeholders AKF and UNOPS
social media, and individual project implementation (Water User Associations, PIUs
meetings, FGDs (not yet known) Community-based Natural
Resource Groups, CDCs, etc)
During Project inception
Project Community infrastructure Email, individual meetings, Kabul National-level stakeholders (UN AKF and UNOPS
Implementation workplans, prioritization telephone agencies, int. NGOs, bilateral PIUs
exercises Prior to commencement donors, private sector companies,
of subprojects academia, etc)
Community meetings, individual Regional capitals Regional-level stakeholders (NGO AKF and UNOPS
meetings, social media Network – ACBAR, etc) PIUs
Prior to commencement
of subproject
Community meetings, individual Selected communities for Provincial-level stakeholders AKF and UNOPS
meetings, social media, FGDs subproject (beneficiary communities, PIUs
implementation disadvantaged/vulnerable groups
– persons living below the poverty
Prior to commencement line, IDPs and returnees, elderly
of subproject people, pastoral nomadic
communities, ethnic and religious
minorities, women, PWD, children
-residents, business entities,
workers, etc)
Public meetings, mobile phone, Selected communities for User Associations, Community- AKF and UNOPS
social media, and individual subproject based Natural Resource Groups, PIUs
meetings, FGDs implementation CDCs, etc)
Prior to commencement
of subproject
Sub-Project Specific ESMPs Email, individual meetings, Kabul National-level stakeholders (UN AKF and UNOPS
telephone agencies, int. NGOs, bilateral PIUs
Sub-project specific E&S risks Prior to commencement donors, private sector companies,
and impacts and mitigation of subprojects academia)
measures Community meetings, individual Regional capitals Regional-level stakeholders (NGO AKF and UNOPS
meetings, social media Network – ACBAR, etc) PIUs
Prior to commencement
of subproject
Community meetings, individual Selected communities for Provincial-level stakeholders AKF and UNOPS
meetings, social media, FGDs subproject (beneficiary communities, PIUs
implementation disadvantaged/vulnerable groups
– persons living below the poverty
Prior to commencement line, IDPs and returnees, elderly
of subproject people, pastoral nomadic
communities, ethnic and religious
minorities, women, PWD, children
- residents, business entities,
workers, etc)
Public meetings, mobile phone, Selected communities for User Associations, Community- AKF and UNOPS
social media, and individual subproject based Natural Resource Groups, PIUs
meetings, FGDs implementation CDCs, etc)
Prior to commencement
of subproject
5.4. Proposed Strategy to Incorporate the Views of Vulnerable Groups
Engagement with vulnerable groups and individuals often requires the application of specific measures and
assistance aimed at the facilitation of their participation in the project-related decision-making so that their
awareness of and input to the overall process are commensurate to those of the other stakeholders. This
includes addressing barriers which prevent vulnerable groups from participating. For example, ensuring
that activities are scheduled at a time of day in which all groups are available (ex. women who have
domestic work in the early morning would likely be better able to attend in the afternoon, to be determined
in consultations). The project team will ensure that disadvantaged/ vulnerable individuals or groups are
appropriately identified, made aware of project activities, and have opportunities to provide
Consultations using FGDs as an appropriate tool for the engagement of vulnerable groups will be carried
out with representatives of people with disabilities, women, minorities, and marginalized ethnic groups.
The FGDs will be documented where vulnerable groups will provide their views and put forward their
concerns that may be integrated into the delivery of various sub-projects.
Implementing partners will carry out a beneficiary satisfaction survey during the 3rd and 4th quarters of the
project which will also cover vulnerable groups and attention will be paid to ensure that all stakeholder’
opinions and feedback is reflected in the data collection mechanisms. The survey results and the lessons
learned from it will be incorporated and will be used to inform decisions on the subprojects as they are
rolled out.
Annual reviews will be conducted on the Gender Equality Strategy, which will be adapted as required in
light of changing circumstances or new learnings to ensure that the GES is continually improving, relevant,
and effective to the needs of the communities.
As such the engagement mechanisms and frequencies will be designed and customized based on the
contextual needs of the vulnerable people. This will continue throughout the project life cycle.
Implementing partners will also build on its existing understanding of vulnerable people’s needs and will
integrate this in the inception phase as well.
In view of the current ban of female NGO staff, AKF and UNOPS will ensure that women are adequately
informed and consulted. UNOPS will continue to inform and consult women directly. Where direct
consultations are not possible, male CDC members will be trained in conducting consultations with women
and will serve as proxies in gathering and understanding women’s inputs and concerns.
5.5. Timelines
Information disclosure and consultations are especially relevant throughout the early stages of the project,
but also throughout the project cycle. Project design has therefore been based on consultations. Activities
under each Component will include further consultations prior to their commencement to ensure
transparency and accountability on project modalities, and to allow stakeholder voices to form the basis of
the concrete design of every intervention and consultations will continue throughout the project cycle.
This is an emergency response project with a fixed time frame spanning two and a half years. There may not
be any future phases of the project. However, the implementing partners will communicate to stakeholders
when appropriate about the (i) subprojects preparation and development (ii) bidding; (iii) implementation;
and (iv) handover to the community and operations mechanisms. Accordingly, they will not provide any
additional information or make commitments with the communities and stakeholders beyond the scope of
the current project and its subcomponents. However, they will provide necessary and more detailed
information about the operations and maintenance of each drinking water and sub-surface irrigation water
subproject implemented.
The following estimated resources will be required for the implementation of this SEP:
Total cost (USD)
Stakeholder Engagement Activities Unit Cost, USD # of years for all
included in PIU
AKF – please list staff staff costs
included in staff
Operational Costs (Travel, Logistic Support, Security, 2
Transportation & Accommodation).
12 2 30,000.00
Communication materials (leaflets, posters,) Per month
2 30,000.00
Radio broadcasts, social media (twice per year) Per year
12 2 48,000.00
Connectivity cost Per month
Total 338,000.00
7. Management Functions and Responsibilities
The Aga Khan Foundation USA (AKF) will be implementing Components 1 and 3 . The AKF team wil
comprise one environmental specialist and one social specialist, a GRM officer, one security risk
management specialist dedicated to the project to support AKF, and a Gender and SEAH Specialist.
UNOPS will set up an environmental and social unit which will comprise of one Environmental specialist and
one Social Specialist, one security risk management specialist, a gender and SEAH specialist and a GRM
officer, which will be working out of the UNOPS Project Implementation Unit (PIU). They will be reporting to
the UNOPS Project Manager. The Environmental and Social unit will be responsible for the implementation
of this SEP for Component 2 related activities. The GRM Officer will be dedicated to the implementation of
the UNOPS GRM for Component 2.
The SEP implementation will be led by AKF’s Community Development (CD) sector in close coordination with
dedicated staff drawn from the MERL and Gender units. AKF is already a very experienced, highly
knowledgeable and locally connected network of social mobilizers who invariably act as the primary
interface between AKF and the communities at large and the assortment of stakeholders.
8. Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
A grievance is an issue, concern, or claim (either perceived or actual) that an individual or community group
wants addressed or resolved by the programme. These may include complaints of impacts, damages or harm
caused by the project or related activities during construction, operation, or decommissioning phase.
A GRM will be established by the Project to provide a formal process for managing complaints from
stakeholders (members of the public, employees, and partners) as provided under ESS10 of the ESF.
Two different sets of GRM will be implemented for this project. AKF will set up and implement a three tier
GRM system (with separate GRCs at national and regional levels) for Component 1 and Component 3
activities, and UNOPS will implement a three-tier GRM (with separate national and regional level GRCs)
specifically for Component 2 activities. Both organizations have already functional GRMs in place in various
projects in Afghanistan and will therefore continue with systems already in place. Given the exact location
and scope of the sub-projects under all three components are not known at this stage, the compositions of
GRCs will be detailed in the updated SEP. The local GRCs can be cross-cutting covering grievances linked to
all three components- further details will be given in the updated SEP.
AKF is committed to safeguarding staff, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders and provides the needed
support at all levels to create a safe environment for all. AKF has an established Country Safeguarding Unit
(CSU)4 which has the same functions as those of a grievance redressal mechanism. For the purposes of this
project, AKF will henceforth use the term Grievance Redressal Unit (GRU). The GRU ensures that staff and
partners prevent harm to beneficiaries, particularly affected communities, and vulnerable groups, including
exposure to abuse or exploitation; protects staff from inappropriate behavior such as bullying and
harassment; and strongly penalizes everyone involved in financial misconduct including bribery, money
laundering, and fraud. The Country Social Development Expert (CSDE), Social Officer (SO), and Social Focal
Persons (SFPs) within each regional office monitor GR processes and reporting. They regularly conduct
orientations and training for staff and partners on the social safeguards policy to ensure that staff and
beneficiaries fully understand their rights and responsibilities. The policy also makes sure an effort will be
made that everyone involved understands social safeguard policies and reporting procedures. This is done
through intermittent training, dissemination of information through leaflets, and consultation dialogues that
The functions of the Safeguarding Unit (SU) are the same as those of a grievance redressal mechanism. For the
purposes of this project, AKF will henceforth use the Grievance Redressal Unit to refer to SU. While conceptually
identical where appropriate AKF will use grievance redressal in place of safeguarding to align terminologies with
World Bank requirements and for ease of understanding.
are held with the communities and beneficiary partners.
Proposed Measures and Actions for GRM Strengthening: AKF has active Memorandums of Understanding
(MoU) with Awaaz Afghanistan, a toll-free, confidential humanitarian helpline in Afghanistan (signed in July
2019) for referring issues raised by callers on the ground and acting as a repository for information to
stakeholders. Beneficiaries can call the Awaaz Afghanistan hotline number to report any concerns related
to program implementation or social issues. AKF will distribute Awaaz Afghanistan cards to the individual
beneficiaries and attach Awaaz Afghanistan posters in accessible and visible formats to encourage the
beneficiaries to raise their voices and report any concerns.
AKF has also piloted a community-based complaint mechanism (CBCM) project through a community
consultation process to develop reporting mechanisms based on how the community would prefer to report.
This project was underpinned by a survivor-focused approach to mitigate risks to survivors and others in
reporting and responding to safeguarding concerns. AKF will draw on this experience and adapt for different
communities considering various contexts.
Socio-cultural norms have been taken into consideration in all safeguarding policies and procedures
including reporting and responding mechanisms. There are male and female CBCM focal points in the
regional offices who are responsible for reporting grievances from beneficiaries of both genders.
AKF’s GR unit will be headed by a dedicated GR manager and a GR officer based in Kabul. In addition,
dedicated staff across provinces, and at the regional, provincial, and at the district levels will be appointed.
AKF will strengthen internal reporting and coordination mechanisms for the project.
Grievance Redressal Steps: Grievances through Awaaz Afghanistan are forwarded directly to AKF’s
Safeguarding Unit within 24 hours of complaint registration with Awaaz. The safeguarding unit will see the
nature of the grievance if it’s a safeguarding case so it will be responded to base on AKF safeguarding
investigation guideline for allegations of misconduct towards beneficiaries. Other grievances e.g., the
management or program-related issue will be referred to HR or program. And the safeguarding unit will
have a follow-up on every grievance to make sure it's handled and responded back to the complainant
According to AKF’s Safeguarding Policy, anyone receiving safeguarding cases should notify the designated
focal person within 24 hours. Within 72 hours of a formal allegation being made, AKF will convene a
Strategy Meeting to agree on next steps. Any urgent attention required should be provided to parties
involved in an incident (e.g., where a child or adult has been harmed) such as medical attention or
immediate protection from further harm. Based on the severity of the allegation, it is decided in the
Strategy Meeting the timeline of investigating and responding to a grievance.
AKF will communicate its grievance mechanism with stakeholders through regional safe programming and
CBCM focal persons in the regional offices. In both cases where a grievance is upheld or not, AKF will
provide a response/explanation to the complainant.
Sorting and Verification Oversight and
Registration Acknowlegemtn Action/Resolutin
Porcessing /Investigation moiniotirn
Stakeholders can submit their grievances regarding any element of the project without any restriction
through a variety of means as listed below:
AKF will also explore grievance uptake channels already in existence to boost the grievance redress
mechanism proposed, including the uptake channels at the regional and national levels.
While the existing mechanisms would be leveraged for this project, in order to address other requirements
of ESS10, the system would be augmented for the purposes of this project in accordance with the objectives
articulated above and the following steps:
● Step 1: Uptake – Project stakeholders will be able to provide feedback and report complaints
through several channels. The aggrieved party must be able to select the most efficient institution,
the most accessible means of filing a grievance, and must be able to circumvent partial stakeholders
in the Project, who may be implicated in the complaint. He or she must further be able to bypass
some grievance channels that are perceived as potentially not responsive or biased. The means to
file a grievance would include the toll-free hotline Awaaz, SMS, email, filling up grievance forms,
verbally, sending a letter, to implementing agencies via the implementing institutions’ websites,
help desks and collection boxes stipulated for walk-ins at the sites of project activities. Anonymous
grievances can also be raised. All uptake channels should permit grievances in Dari and Pashto as
● A help desk will also be set up by AKF and implementing parties during the implementation of
activities at the central and regional levels. At the help desk, aggrieved parties can inquire about
project activities, or they can file a grievance directly with the person manning the desk. Grievances
can be filed in writing or verbally at the Help Desk.
● The staff managing help desks and those operating the toll-free hotline number would be trained by
the PIU for (a) the registration of a grievance; (b) the interaction with complainants; (c) appropriate
responses to SEA/SH issues; (d) grievances of workers; and (e) Project components and
Implementing Partners.
● Step 2: Sorting and processing – All grievances received will be transferred to the GRM Focal Point
at the PIU by the Implementing Partner/AKF. The GRM focal point will categorize the complaint and
forward it to the responsible unit. The GRM focal point will also record the grievance in the same
format as would be used at the PIU.
● Step 3: Acknowledgement and follow-up – Within three (3) days of the date a grievance is
submitted, the GRM focal point will communicate with the aggrieved and provide information on
the likely course of action and the anticipated timeframe for resolution of the grievance. The
information provided to the aggrieved would also include, if required, the likely procedure if the
grievance had to be escalated outside the unit and the estimated timeline for each stage.
● Step 4: Verification, investigation, action, and documentation – This step would involve gathering
information about the grievance to determine the facts surrounding the issue and verifying the
validity of the grievance, and then developing a proposed resolution. It is expected that many or
most grievances will be resolved at this stage. All activities taken during this and the other steps will
be fully documented, and any resolution logged in the register. In case the grievance is not resolved
at this stage, it will be escalated to the next tier.
● Step 5: Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting – Monitoring refers to the process of tracking
grievances and assessing the progression toward resolution. Each implementing agency would
develop and maintain a grievance register and record all steps taken to resolve grievances or
otherwise respond to feedback and questions. GRM data would be collated and reported monthly
at all levels.
● Step 6: Providing Feedback – This step involves informing those who have raised complaints,
concerns, or grievances about the resolutions to the issues they have raised. Whenever possible,
complainants should be informed of the proposed resolution in person, which gives them the
opportunity to ask follow-up questions. If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution, he or
she will be informed of further options. The GRM would not prevent access to judicial and
administrative remedies. Each complaint must be closed within thirty (30) days of receipt - either
resolved, withdrawn, or escalated.
Grievances related to SEA/SH: Any grievance that surfaces to the Grievance Committee at the national level
and if it is determined to relate to SEA/SH the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) will establish a case
management team comprising GR focal point, HR and other relevant personnel from senior staff to handle
the case. The case management team will do the investigation and provide the report of the investigation
to the GRC team. Once the report is reviewed by case management team/GRC, they will make the
recommendations based on the findings.
Investigation findings may result in a range of outcomes. The matter may be resolved, dismissed, found to
be false/malicious or upheld. Based on that, the disciplinary process would be initiated. All the investigation
process will be survivor centered and AKF will ensure the protection of the complainant/victims.
Training: AKF will draw on its GRM ToT for GRM staff and focal points who are responsible for delivering
GRM trainings to staff and onwards to the involved communities as relevant. AKF will organize a full-day
training package for all new joiners and a half day refresher training package for existing staff. The main
topic of the training package will encompass AKF GR (or safeguarding) principles for staff, beneficiaries and
implementing partners. The ToT will also provide information and sensitization to staff and beneficiaries on
Do no Harm approaches, safe and positive culture, PSEAH, Speak Up, reporting and responding mechanisms.
The United Nations in Afghanistan has a well-established Grievance Mechanism in place, Awaaz Afghanistan
(Awaaz), which is implemented by UNOPS on behalf of various UN and humanitarian response agencies.
Awaaz is a collective accountability and community engagement initiative that functions as a toll-free,
countrywide hotline number (410) that affected populations can dial to access information and register
feedback on humanitarian assistance programmes. As a two-way communication channel, needs and
priorities as reported on the ground are circulated to partners to help improve the quality of programming
in Afghanistan. Awaaz is based on common principles, has processes and policies for receiving and handling
complaints and feedback, as well as for data protection; and includes inter-agency referral mechanisms. It is
designed to be accessible, collaborative, expeditious, and effective in resolving concerns. Awaaz has ten
multilingual operators (50% of which are women) and has handled more than 201,412 calls since Awaaz took
its first call in May 2018. Awaaz agents speak Dari, Pashto, English and more. Establishing referral pathways
with clusters and partners, cases requiring attention are shared (in agreement with the affected person) in
a timely manner, helping the humanitarian response to swiftly align its delivery to actual needs. The Awaaz
call center also utilizes a short code (specifically, 7575), which anyone can use to send a free SMS with
feedback, a question, or a complaint. More information about Awaaz can be found at Awaaz Afghanistan
Based on the consultations which will conducted for the project, two-tiered Grievance Redressal
Committees will be established. The local level GRC will operate in the field. There will also be a national
level GRC which will operate through UNOPS’ mechanisms. There will be a provision for appeals and any
aggrieved party would be able to directly approach the national level GRC as well. The formation of the GRCs
will be done prior to the commencement of project activities based on consultations.
While the Awaaz and other existing mechanisms will be leveraged for this project, in order to address other
requirements of ESS10, the system would be augmented for the purposes of this project in accordance with
the principles given above and the following steps:
● Step 1: Uptake – Project stakeholders will be able to provide feedback and report complaints
through several channels. The aggrieved party must be able to select the most efficient institution,
the most accessible means of filing a grievance, and must be able to circumvent partial stakeholders
in the Project, which may be implicated in the complaint. He or she must further be able to bypass
some grievance channels that are perceived as potentially not responsive or biased. The means to
file a grievance would include a toll-free hotline, SMS, email, filling up grievance forms, verbally,
sending a letter, to implementing agencies, via the implementing institutions’ websites, helpdesks
and collection boxes stipulated for walk-ins at the sites of project activities. Anonymous grievances
can also be raised. All uptake channels should permit for grievances in Dari and Pashto as well.
A help desk will also be set up by the respective implementing partners during the implementation
of sub-project activities in an area manned proportionate to the nature of the activity. At the help
desk, aggrieved parties can inquire about project activities, or they can file a grievance directly with
the person manning the desk. Grievances can be filed in writing or verbally at the Help Desk.
Relevant assigned CDC members will also be available in each sub-project site. They will be
requested to accept formal grievances and ensure that avenues for lodging grievances are accessible
to the public. The first point of contact for all potential grievances from community members may
be the CDC member. The CDC member will be required to accept formal grievances; or they can
guide aggrieved persons to the Hotline Operator’s number, the Help Desk or Suggestion Box.
The staff manning help desks, CDC members and those operating the toll-free hotline number would
be trained by the PIU for (a) the registration of a grievance; (b) the interaction with complainants;
(c) appropriate responses to SEA/SH issues; (d) grievances of workers; and (e) Project components
and Implementing Partners.
● Step 2: Sorting and processing – All grievances received will be transferred to the GRM Focal Point
at the respective implementation partner at local or national level and the PIU. The GRM focal point
will categorize the complaint and forward it to the responsible unit. The GRM focal point will also
record the grievance in the same format as would be used at the PIU.
● Step 3: Acknowledgement and follow-up – Within three (3) days of the date a grievance is
submitted, the GRM focal point will communicate with the aggrieved and provide information on
the likely course of action and the anticipated timeframe for resolution of the grievance. The
information provided to aggrieved would also include, if required, the likely procedure if the
grievance had to be escalated outside the unit and the estimated timeline for each stage.
● Step 4: Verification, investigation, action and documentation – This step involves gathering
information about the grievance to determine the facts surrounding the issue and verifying the
validity of the grievance, and then developing a proposed resolution. It is expected that many or
most grievances would be resolved at this stage. All activities taken during this and the other steps
will be fully documented, and any resolution logged in the register. In case the grievance is not
resolved at this stage, it would be escalated to the next tier.
● Step 5: Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting – Monitoring refers to the process of tracking
grievances and assessing the progression toward resolution. Each implementing agency would
develop and maintain a grievance register and record of all steps taken to resolve grievances or
otherwise respond to feedback and questions. GRM data would be collated and reported monthly
at all levels.
The TPMA will provide independent operational review of overall project implementation and
project results, including the implementation of the SEP and GRM. The PIU will synthesize all
reporting by TPMA and IPs, as well as its own findings, and produce an overall environment and
social progress report with a distinct section on stakeholder engagement in line with a template to
be provided. The project provides for quarterly reporting.
● Step 6: Providing Feedback – This step involves informing those who have raised complaints,
concerns or grievances the resolutions to the issues they have raised. Whenever possible,
complainants should be informed of the proposed resolution in person, which gives them the
opportunity to ask follow-up questions. If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution, he or
she will be informed of further options. The GRM would not prevent access to judicial and
administrative remedies. Each complaint must be closed within thirty (30) days of receipt - either
resolved, withdrawn or escalated.
GRM for SEA/SH grievances: SEA/SH related grievances are handled through a survivor-centered approach.
All grievance uptake channels can be used to report on SEA/SH issues. No grievance uptake mechanism can
reject such grievances, and all personnel directly receiving grievances will be trained in the handling and
processing of SEA/SH-related grievances. The Awaaz call center also includes support for safe and
confidential reporting for incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). Any recipients of the grievance
should, with the survivor’s informed consent, report the case to one of the Project’s formal grievance
recipients. A survivor can ask someone else to act as a survivor advocate and report on her/his behalf.
Absolute confidentiality would be maintained for all grievances related to SEA/SH issues. This means that no
information shall be disclosed at any time to any party without the informed consent of the person
concerned. The survivor’s consent would also be sought for undertaking any action on the grievance. Under
no circumstances should the survivor be pressured to consent to any conversation, assessment,
investigation or other intervention with which they do not feel comfortable. A survivor can withdraw such
consent at any time as well. If a survivor does not consent to sharing information, then only non-identifying
information can be released or reported on. In the case of children, informed consent is normally requested
from a parent or legal guardian and the children.
Data on GBV cases recorded will only include the nature of the complaint (what the complainant says in
her/his own words), whether the complainant believes the perpetrator was related to the project and
additional demographic data, such as age and gender, will be collected and reported, with informed consent
from the survivor. The GRM provides the survivor referral to pre-identified GBV Service Providers in the area.
Services can include health, psycho-social, security and protection, legal/justice, and economic reintegration
support. This would be offered even if the survivor does not wish to file a formal complaint or if the complaint
is not related to the project before closing the case. The SEA/SH Action Plan will list referral services in the
different Project areas.
Where SEA/SH grievances have been allegedly committed by a Project worker, the grievance will also be
reported to the respective employing agency. The PIU Social Specialist will follow up and determine jointly
with the GRM Focal Point of the respective partner the likelihood that the allegation is related to the Project.
The Social and Environmental Safeguards Specialist will follow up and ensure that the violation of the Code
of Conduct is handled appropriately. The responsibility to implement any disciplinary action lies with the
employer of the perpetrator, in accordance with local labor legislation, the employment contract, and the
code of conduct The GRM focal point will report back to the survivor on any steps undertaken and the results.
All SEA/SH incidents would be reported to the World Bank in accordance with the informed agreement by
the survivor within 48 hours.
9. Monitoring and Reporting
The Project will involve project stakeholders in monitoring of project activities, including project performance
as well as environmental and social risks and impacts. The CDCs, which have been established at the
community level by previous projects will be the key stakeholder serving in a monitoring function.
Representing the community, the CDC members will be able to represent the voices of the community on
project performance and impacts from a local perspective through regular consultation meetings with the
Project implementers (UNOPS and NGO/CSO partners) at the local level (using methods described above).
AKF’s MERL team in Afghanistan will employ participatory and gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation
(PME) methods and approaches to ensure that stakeholders are fully involved in projects’ M&E activities to
facilitate a bottom-up approach which supports people-centered decisions and observations. Such
involvement is made right from the design to the implementation where various local techniques can be used
in any situation, urban or rural, with people of different literacy levels. Furthermore, PME is a process of self-
assessment, collective knowledge generation, and cooperative action in which stakeholders in a program or
intervention substantively and collaboratively identify the monitoring and evaluation issues, collect and
analyze data, and take-action as a result of what they learn through this process” (Research Gate, 2018).
There are several tools to be used during the PME processes, such as, direct observations, semi-structured
interviews, participatory mapping and modeling (social and natural map), transect walk including guided field
walk, seasonal calendar, timelines and local histories, Venn diagrams, problem tree, direct-matrix pair-wise
ranking and scoring and more. Every required tool will be fully administrated with the stakeholders through
a participatory approach where stakeholders will be the owners of processes and the M&E team will be the
facilitators. In addition, the PME also provides a more people-centered approach and methods of reporting
to the various groups of stakeholders using more contextual and local participatory methods.
The SEP will be periodically revised and updated as necessary during project implementation to ensure that
the method of engagement remains appropriate and effective in relation to the project context and specific
phases of the development. Any major changes to the project related activities and to its schedule will be
duly reflected in the SEP.
Quarterly summaries and internal reports on public grievances, enquiries, and related incidents, together
with the status of implementation of associated corrective/preventative actions, will be collated by the
designated GRM officer, and referred to the senior management of the project. The quarterly summaries will
provide a mechanism for assessing both the number and the nature of complaints and requests for
information, along with the Project’s ability to address those in a timely and effective manner. Information
on public engagement activities undertaken by the Project during the year will be conveyed to the
stakeholders in the following manner:
- Publication of a standalone annual report on the project’s interaction with the stakeholders.
- Monitoring of a beneficiary feedback indicator on a regular basis. The indicator used will be the
number/percentage of public grievances received within a reporting period (e.g., monthly, quarterly,
or annually) and number of those resolved within the prescribed timeline.