Mamz Liturgy Reviewer
Mamz Liturgy Reviewer
Mamz Liturgy Reviewer
O-rdinary time, Part 1
P-aschal Triduum
O-rdinary Time, Part 2
A. 52 weeks are situated around and centered in Liturgical Year is an annual celebration in our
the Paschal mystery of Christ church. It plays a special in our adoration, rituals
B.Cross (death) and Easter Candle (resurrection) and worship. This is to show reverence and
symbolize the Paschal mystery. commemoration to the Ark of the New Covenant,
C.The Alpha and Omega, the first and last in the which is Jesus. “ (Prof. Alipao, 2020).
Greek alphabet signify Christ as the beginning and
end of everything.
MODULE 3 Nota Bene: It is the task of the Bishop’s Conference
Various Values of Liturgical Days or Liturgists of respective jurisdiction to adjust the
calendar to respond to the local needs.
What do we mean by values?
Throughout the centuries, the church developed
various systems to classify the individual feasts to
express their importance and priority.
Sunday is the original feast day and weekly
commemoration of the Resurrection of the Lord
going back to the apostolic times.
Thus, it is a day of special importance and can be
replaced only by solemnities or feasts of the Lord.
Saints are great example and continuous challenge Church building is a symbol or image of the
for us. Their examples and life-witnessing of the Church community, the Ekklesia whom God
Saints in their heroic ways of successfully reaching at “assembled out of darkness into his marvelous
least some aspects of Christian perfection in spite of light” (Dwelling Place of God, LG 6).
their sins and weaknesses invite us to imitate them d. Conclusions:
and not to copy them. Church building needs to evoke the original
understanding of the building as house-church
c. Mary has a special place of love and veneration or house of the Church. The church should not
among all Saints. Mary is the greatest among all appear as an office, business, or factory building
Saints because of her unique and outstanding calling or recreational center.
to be the Mother of God. Mary is worthy of special Need to design the interior of the church
veneration not only because of her particular position primarily for the celebration of the Eucharist.
in the history of salvation, but also because she
cooperated in the most perfect way with the plan of The Baptistery
God . A place for baptism; it represents the two basic
sacraments of the Church: Eucharist and baptism
(blood and water of Christ).
MODULE 3 Originally the baptistery was a separate building
Topic 2: Liturgical Places and Things that contained a pool of flowing water. The
building was often octagonal in shape, to evoke
What do we mean by places? Or things? the eighth day whereby Sunday was also called
The Incarnation of Jesus and Space to signify resurrection, immortality and
This describes when God became man he made his eternity.
home among us; his life and activities were Baptistery was incorporated into the Church
circumscribed in spaces: building. The pool became a font for baptism by
Early Life of Jesus- He was born in the town of The church building—nave and sanctuary—is
Bethlehem; he was laid in a manger (Mt. 2:1). for the Eucharist.
The Missionary Activity of Jesus- He preached,
forgave sinners, defended the oppressed, . Christian Cemeteries
healed the sick and raised the dead into life, The final resting place of Christians always
etc. received much attention from the Church.
Final Days of Jesus- He celebrated the last It reminds us of the holy sepulcher where Christ
supper in the cenacle and prayed in the garden lay for three days.
of Gethsemane; He was crucified on the hill of Christians regard death as a form of sleep or eternal
Calvary (cf. Mt. 27:46; Jn. 19:31). rest; hence, the final resting place has been called
koimeterion, a Greek word means cleeping chamber.
Conclusions: In Rome it was the normal practice to bury the dead
A. God occupies every space; he is present in the catacombs or underground cemeteries.
everywhere. Tombs would face the East, this is to signified faith in
B. Jesus lived and walked among us in this world. the resurrection. Christ will come back from the East
C. Architects for Liturgy (Mystery of Incarnation). in the last day to raise the dead to life.
Liturgy and Use of Space In designing cemetery chapels and memorial chapels
the following theological points are helpful:
Liturgical Celebrations extend in time and place what Christian death is restful sleep; it creates the
Jesus did in Palestine twenty centuries ago. Just as he impression of peace and quiet.
preached, healed, suffered, died and rose again at Christians believe and hope in the resurrection of
given places, so the Christian community gathers in the dead on the last day; hence, cemetery chapels
should contain symbols reminding us of our faith.
The mystery of incarnation is the basis for the The Arrangement of a Church for the Liturgy
theology of liturgical space. GIRM 257: “The General plan of the sacred edifice
The incarnate Word entered into the human space should be such that in some way it conveys the image
and made it the locus, the place of his saving work. of the gathered assembly.”
Liturgical space recalls and makes present what Christ The gathered assembly is composed of the
did for us when he came into our world congregation led by priest and ministers.
GIRM 257 explains that “even though these
MODULE 5 elements must express a hierarchical
Topic 1:Norms on Liturgical Space arrangement and the diversity of offices, they
should at the same time form and complete
Churches are Places of Worship and organic unity, clearly expressive of the
SC 124: “When churches are to be built, let great care unity of the entire holy people.”
be taken that are well suited to celebrating liturgical . Sanctuary
services.” GIRM 258: “the sanctuary should be clearly marked
off from the body of the church by being elevated or
Churches are primarily for celebrations; the by its distinctive design and appointments.”
Holy Mass in the first place, the sacraments
(baptism, marriage, ordinations) and blessings Sanctuary is the place for the presider and the
(funeral, religious professions). ministers where they carry out their role.
Suitability means that the space can Altar, lectern, the chair of the presider and the
accommodate the ministers, the assembly and ministers.
the various requirements of liturgical
celebrations, namely: visibility, acoustics, GIRM 259-61: The altar, which is also the table of the
movements, furnishings. Lord’s Supper, may be fixed or movable.
. Churches are for Active Participation Lectern or ambo is the place for proclamation of the
SC 124: “When churches are to be built, let great care word.
be taken that are well suited…to bringing about the
active participation of the faithful.” . Chair for the priest presider “ought to stand as a
The fundamental principle of the liturgical symbol of his office of presiding over the assembly
reform of the Vatican II is active participation and directing the prayer.
which consists in listening to the readings and
homily, in the prayers, in singing and 6. Nave or the places for the faithful should be
responding, in making bodily gestures arranged with care so that the people are able to
(kneeling, standing, sitting, processing), in take their rightful part in the celebration visually and
observing moments of silence. mentally.” (GIRM 273).
The appropriate places are: the nave for the
assembly, the sanctuary for the ministers, and a 7. The Choir and Musical Instruments or place for
place for the choir to lead the assembly in song. the schola cantorum should be located in such way
Churches should be functional for liturgical that the members are shown to be part of the
celebrations. assembly of the faithful.
The Dignity and Beauty of Churches The Place of the Eucharistic Table
SC 124: “In encouraging and favoring art that is truly The place of the Eucharistic food in the church; it
sacred, Ordinaries (bishops) should strive after noble should be only one and has a solid and absolutely
beauty rather than mere sumptuous display.” secure.
Beauty implies harmony and proportion of
parts, whether they are architectonic or Chasuble, Alb and Stole
decorative. Nobility is often marked by The chasuble is seen to represent the charity of Christ
simplicity. which “covers all things”.
Noble beauty is meant to focus the attention of It is a symbol of authority of Christ and the Church in
the assembly on the liturgical action, rather general.
than on the individual components of the
building. b. Amice
SC 123 recognizes the contribution of Hygienic and practical value when priests share the
contemporary arts coming from every race and same albs.
region to the beauty and suitability of places of
worship. c. Cincture
It is also important to take into consideration It is a narrow girdle to fasten the alb
the social and economic conditions obtaining
the community. d. Dalmatic
Wore by deacons of the Church where stoles are
placed on the left side of their shoulder.
Pallium m. Monstrance/Ostensorium
Worn only at Eucharistic celebrations of great Designed like a sun with rays where the big host is
solmenity. being placed
g. Pastoral Staff/Crossier/Crozier
A symbol of pastoral office of a bishop/s.
To reserve the Eucharistic bread for the sick and the
dying (just like the pyx).
j. Pyx
Holds the Eucharistic bread for reservation
. Custodia
It is metal case where benediction host is place in it.
l. Lunette
It is something like a watchcase