Bhakti Oza YLP 1 2
Bhakti Oza YLP 1 2
Bhakti Oza YLP 1 2
ROLL NO. 031005
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Women Awareness and Investment Preference 2023
I, Bhakti Oza student of MBA IInd year, studying at Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of
Management Studies, S.N.D.T Women’s University, Juhu, hereby declare that the
yearlong project on “Women’s Awareness and Investment Preferences”
submitted to Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, is in fulfillment of
Degree of Master’s of Business Administration.
It is based on my own work carried out during the course of my study under the
supervision of Prof. Balkrishna Parab faculty at JDBIMS.
The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my
knowledge and due acknowledgement has been given to all the sources that may
be printed, electronic or personal.
This project report is not being submitted to any other University for award of any
other Degree, Diploma or Fellowship.
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Women Awareness and Investment Preference 2023
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Women Awareness and Investment Preference 2023
Behind every study there stands myriad of people whose help and contribution make it
It has been a remarkable experience of satisfaction and pleasure for me to work out my
project under the guidance of Prof. Balkrishna Parab . I am grateful to him and truly
appreciate his kindness in giving me thoughtful advices, guidance and suggestions for the
completion of the report.
I take this opportunity to thank Prof. Dr. T. Geetha for his constant concern, support and
I also extend my sincere appreciation to all the respondents who have spent their precious
time in helping me fill the questionnaire. It would have been impossible to complete my
report without their support and efforts.
I have been benefited from discussions and would also take the opportunity to thank my
friends whose support helped me a lot. A cordial and encouraging environment made it very
easier for me to complete the dissertation.
So this acknowledgement is a humble attempt to earnestly thank all those who were directly
or indirectly involved in preparation of this dissertation.
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Women Awareness and Investment Preference 2023
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
Importance of Investment Awareness
Areas of Investment among Women
Financial Planning of a Women
What is Investment?
1.2 Objective of the study
1.3 Need for the Study
1.4 Scope of the Study
1.5 Chapter Scheme
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Review of the Literature
3.1 Study
3.2 Year of Study
3.3 Sample
3.4 Type of Data
3.5 Data Source
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Respondents Demographic Profile
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Women Awareness and Investment Preference 2023
5.1 Introduction
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Women Awareness and Investment Preference 2023
“Financial planning is that process through which life goals will meet through the proper
management of finances so it’s very important for today’s independent women to plan their
savings and investment for meeting their future goals and getting a better return.” In today’s
society women’s play a major role in almost every field and even they are becoming
Financially independent at a large scale so in future years women will be the major contributor in
The economy. This study has been done to know the awareness and preferences for investment
Avenues by women. The respondents include both working (working in various fields) adnoun-
Working women. The study is based on women, to understand their investing patterns .For
the purpose of this study the primary data which was collected by questionnaire using convenient
sampling technique with the sample size of 200 respondents. In India the women’s population is
almost equal to men’s population and the education of them is also almost equal to men’s
education. Women are that part of society on which development of future generation depends.
The role of women in India has changed over the past decades as now in 2021 they are serving at
top important official places such as the president of India, Prime Minister of India, Executive
officers of companies and participating in almost all the areas such as
education,sports,politics,service sectors, science and technology. The constitution of India even
provides and guarantees that all Indian women have the right to Equality in terms of opportunities
and wages. As per the economic census 2021-22 almost 21.49% of the total establishments
are owned by the females and even among the workers employed in the organization 18.29%
are females and if we talk about politics there are almost 12% women ministers in central
council and 46% of the elected representatives in panchayati raj institutions are women. Due to
this changed role of women in the society, the need of financial planning for them increased
a lot as planning the financial aspects is that specialized skill which matches the need and
preferences of an investor with adequate risk and return.
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Women Awareness and Investment Preference 2023
1.1 Background
The status of women in India from the ages is well documented. It is evidenced by the famous
Sanskrit saying “Yatra naryastu pujiyante ramante tatra devata “it means Goddess reside in those
places where the women are worshipped.
Though many rules and customs restricted on woman’s life until very recent times, the position of
women in ancient India was free & emancipated & women were well-educated & respected
members of society. A wife shared all her husband’s privileges percentage was his companion &
helpmate in his activities. This freedom for women continued even after the Vedic age, & it is
only when we reach the time of Manu that we find women regarded as chattels, whose place is
nowhere but in the home. But Manu’s attitude is summed up in the following quotation:
“A women’s father protects her in childhood , her husband protects in her youth & her
sons protects her in old age; she is never fit for independence.”
Why women lost their high position is not quite clear, nor why Manu depreciated them. Later,
when years of study in learning the Vedas were required of a priest, women were necessarily
excluded because their household duties left them no time to prosecute Vedantic studies. Whatever
be the cause, gradually women were deprived of rights & given a status inferior to that of men.
The women of ancient India, like the great majority of women in this country today, possessed a
calm philosophy & a tranquil receiving the highest honours that could be paid to mortal beings
with the same equanimity. Prosperity did not turn their heads or misfortunes deflect them from the
path of duty. But as the time passes the position of women also changes. In modern times
definition of women has been changed from chattels to powerful women. It means empowering
them with all their rights they should have in the family, society, school, college & country just
like a man. It is to make them able so that they can make their own independent decisions for their
personnel development. The status of women in India is still backward because of the gender
inequality. They should not be treated as weak gender of the society as they occupy half of the
country so they are half strength of the country. Women have more patience & effort; they can
better develop their country. It is very essential that she doesn’t feel gender discrimination in any
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field. As a women constitute above half of the world population. Most women through education
& familial privileges have in today’s world realized possible manner. They come to realize their
worth & potential in the face of a male dominated country. Interest of women in doing investment
is also increasing day-by-day. Their contribution is about 50% including their unpaid economic
activities. Women are fascinated with money & wanted to take control of her finances .Its fact that
about two-third of women control household finances, so why was most substantive financial
advice full of industry jargon that catered to men? It seemed like the purpose of financial news
was to frighten people into thinking they needed an economics degree to manage their money.
Having big idea & a passion to help herself, she went out to raise investment capital in order to
lend wings its growth, but society criticize them by saying, “ Women don’t care about managing
money, they just want to spend money.” Some told them,” Women are not a good investor.”After
being bullied so much her heart never sank in fact it makes women stronger than before.
Investment is saving money and engaging them with the expectation of earning profit in future.
Investment behavior of an investor depends on his/her risk perception and risk attitude. As per
modern portfolio theory risk taking of an investor depends on his risk attitudes. Her decision to
invest or not will depend on her risk/return expectations and her risk attitude. Perception is the
first step in decision-making followed by considering various avenues and making choice out of
them and then taking the action, which is behavior of the investor. There are different motives for
investment. The most prominent among all is to earn a return on investment. However, selecting
investments on the basis of return is not enough. The fact is that most investors invest their funds
in more than one security suggest that there are other factors, besides return, and they must be
considered. The investors not only like return but also dislike risk.
Women are great at setting goals but less consistent in maintaining their personal goals if family
needs arise. Accountability can help women retain a clear perspective of the importance of
investing and keep them on track to a secure financial future. Women are great decision-makers on
many topics. Women research in detail and are typically more informed than men when making
purchase decisions. However investment decision-making is often not a priority. Women prioritize
decisions about family, careers, household and community matters. This leaves them with little
time or energy to prioritize personal investment decisions. This is not a matter of viewing
investing as unimportant and therefore not a priority. Women face greater financial challenges
than men in several ways - they generally live longer, often earn less over their lifetime and tend to
invest more conservatively One of the big problems, with women, is that they do not treat Personal
Finance as something that’s important for them. For ages, they have not participated in Personal
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finance, regarding it as the man’s domain, just as they felt cooking was theirs. Obviously, this is
not true now, in this day and age. Cooking is as much a guy’s activity as Personal Finance ought
to be a woman’s. Women, in general, do not show real eagerness for these activities, for some
reasons like Women treating their earning as time pass activity. Women investors are under-
represented in private equity investment and folks are starting to notice. Advisors have long
viewed women investors, at best, as a secondary market or, at worst, as a minor niche market to be
served by a few specialists. However, significant social and economic trends are gradually putting
more women investors in the driver’s seat, and advisors who do not develop successful approaches
for serving them may be left in the dust in the coming years. With so much recent media coverage
about the nation's economic woes, it is easy to miss important news about trends that signal the
emergence of women as a primary economic force and a major growth opportunity for advisors.
Earning power, spending power, business ownership and high net worth are typically key
attributes that successful advisors look for when they pursue new clients. When it comes to
women, however, these attributes and the potential they signal are often overlooked. Many
advisors view women investors as a niche market, served by a handful of specialists, while others
recognize the business opportunity women represent but do not know how best to pursue it. One
reason why many advisors overlook the opportunities represented by women is that they work
with women investors, if at all, solely through their husbands. Even though these wives are indeed
clients - and may have assets separate from those they share with their husbands - too many of
them are not invited to face-to-face meetings. Or, if they are, they are largely ignored.
With the increase in role of women in the economic activities and by nature, women are being
identified as a better saver than man, the decision making process by women for investment
purpose gains its importance. Traditionally, women have generally been more hesitant when it
comes to financial investments. They are more cautious when it comes to money. The new women
investment clubs take the fear out of investing for women. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the
world is popular saying about women. Saving is a habit specially embodied to women. Even in the
past, when mainly depended on their spouse’s income, they used to save to meet emergencies as
well as for future activities. In those days, women did not have any awareness about various
investment outlets. But as time passed, the scenario had totally changed. Now, the present women,
who is equally employed, through their education have knowledge about various aspects of
investment and as a result they invest in various investment avenues such as shares, debentures,
mutual funds, commodities and bank deposits. Indian savings market has been expanding over the
period and there is a steady increase of household savings. Moreover, general profile of women
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investors is changing in tune with time. But they lag in various spheres of investment such as
awareness and preference of investment. So, an attempt has been made by the researcher to
identify the factors influencing women investor’s behavior to evaluate the level of awareness
among women investors and to analyze the preference of women investor towards various
investment outlets.
Employed women have a greater propensity to save and invest because of their independent
earning power. They are also motivated by the investment behavior of their colleagues in their
work place. They are supposed to be risk adverse, safety oriented and guided by certainty of
returns. With increasing level of knowledge and awareness, Women are slowly participating in the
risk investment portfolios and they are becoming analytic in their investment behavior. Women in
India now participate in all activities such as education, politics, media, science and technology,
etc. With a changing scenario, women has started actively participating in investing their surplus
money, though it all depends upon the various parameters such as degree of their risk taking
capability, influence of family members and friends and the dare to get exposed to modern and
innovative investment avenues. The present research study is focused on the working women’s
attitude towards investment and the marital status and age factors responsible for investment
behavior of women. While investing, the family related matters such as child education, child
marriage, life protection and medical expenses have a much more impact on the minds of married
working women than on unmarried ones. Women entrepreneur is a woman or a group of women
who take initiative to setup a business enterprise & to run it smoothly. A term women entrepreneur
deals with the selection of the female population who venture out into industrial activity. It is
accepted fact now that women have to play a prominent role in the overall economic development
of our nation, as they constitute 50% of the total population, Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru quoted women in
beautiful line as, “when women move forward, the family moves, the village moves,” It is
recognized throughout the world that only when women are in the mainstream of progress can
economic and social development be possible & meaningful. Women investor’s preferences are
showing the willingness to invest in a particular or a set of assets in the present situation. The
Indian capital market has proved a fertile ground for investors to make money. Of late, the
investor’s preference seems to have shifted from equity to debt capital. The investor’s preference
may significantly differ according to their location. The rural and urban background of the
investors may lead to the investor’s preference among the various choices.
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Individuals across the globe have become aware & show increasingly active in financial markets.
With the advent of new hi-tech, the availability of various financial products, the liberalization of
the economy & the support of an efficient banking system have all facilitated the participation of
investors in Indian financial markets ( both primary & secondary). Household savings form a
significant part of investments in any economy. In context to India, the %age of savings is quite
high. The high %age of savings in India is primarily on account of the savings made by women in
India. The role & importance of women in investment decision-making in India can’t be ignored.
Therefore, the objective is to provide insights into the characteristics that act as strengths &
weaknesses of women & to bring out the opportunities & threats faced by them as investors.
Investment decisions of women have been explored. It has been analyzed that women are holistic
thinkers, balanced intuitive, quality conscious & risk taker. They adopt a futuristic approach &
perform in-depth research prior to investing. They are good savers & at the same time self-
controlled. All these characteristics acts as their strengths while undertaking investment decisions.
On the other hand risk aversion, conservative attitude, too much dependence on guidance from
others, lower level of financial knowledge, reluctant to cause unnecessary change in status quo are
their weaknesses. The Microfinance, financial literacy & women empowerment initiatives intend
to provide opportunities for their growth & development whereas a lesser amount to pay, shorter
& interrupted employment history & exclusion from informal networks act as threats to women’s
financial well-being. There is a need that the Endeavour’s must be made by women & the support
from the society is needed in order to convert the weaknesses & threats of women into their
strengths & opportunities.
The shifting landscape of the wealth management sector has moved industry participants to
refocus business strategies. Simultaneously, women have emerged as interested, committed, and
knowledgeable investors. The spending power of women and the amount of wealth they control
has grown significantly. Today, women represent a meaningful investor segment and capturing
this segment is a massive opportunity for wealth management firms. However, to capture the
segment, firms not only need to develop specific capabilities, but also the focus to meet the needs
of the female investor. Seizing the opportunity to engage with this valuable and underserved
investor segment requires implementation of a holistic approach to address the investment needs
and interests of women. It is no longer enough to just tailor services to women investors. Wealth
management firms should learn to successfully attract, engage, and retain this critical segment.
While this may require firms to reorient their strategies, women investors and the wealth they
control are too great an opportunity to pass up. Women have become an influential and critical
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force in the wealth management industry and their impact is not likely to go away. It is rightly
said, “If wealth management firms recognize the power of women investors—namely, that they are
an untapped market managing an increasing amount of wealth—they may significantly improve
revenue”. It means that today’s firms recognize that ignoring women investors can result in
missing a viable and valuable potential market segment, they will need to assess their own abilities
to serve women. Firms should understand women’s investment needs and preferences and
actively choose to develop and deploy specific tactics, services, and products to attract, engage,
and retain them. To do so, firms should utilize a structured and tailored approach. Firms should
consider the following points while promoting investment avenues for women:
I. Modify current brand, marketing, and services to align with the needs of women
a. By refining the client experience, wealth management firms can better meet the specific
needs of women investors. When firms align their client experience with client needs, they
establish themselves as investment destinations for investors. To become these destinations, firms
b. Establish and communicate a mission driven brand aligned with opportunity creation for
c. Market tailored initiatives aligned with the mission , demonstrating a commitment to serve
the needs and interests of their investors
d. Refine their services to meet the needs of women and build meaningful relationships and
align investment options with female preferences. If women tend to be drawn to socially
responsible corporations with diverse leadership, firms offering investment options aligned with
this preference reveal a keen understanding of the female investor
e. Create investment tools to better serve women. Learning programs that educate and inform
women about wealth management topics and investment options are one option for firms looking
to give women what they want
II. Create a culture that enables all financial advisors to better understand the needs of
women investors:
a. Establishing and integrating a culture of inclusion into talent strategies drives the
identification, development, and promotion of innovative ideas and products. Underserved
markets can be better served. To develop an inclusive culture, firms should:
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c. Target diverse candidate pools and provide internships, fellowships, and opportunities for
leadership development. This can increase employee diversity, which may introduce diversity of
thought, perspectives, and experiences
e. Measure their advisors on the diversity of their book of business and their efforts to learn
about different customer segments; this can encourage employees to seek out and understand
diverse investors
III. Build a cohort of financial advisors attuned to the needs of women investors:
Adjustment throughout the talent lifecycle can help create a cohort of advisors attuned to the needs
and preferences of women. A diverse cohort allows firms to acquire and to develop the talent and
expertise required to engage, serve, and retain female clients. To build a cohort attuned to the
needs of women, firms should:
a. Understand their current capabilities and talent gaps in meeting the needs of female
b. options aligned with this preference reveal a keen understanding of the female investor
c. Create investment tools to better serve women. Learning programs that educate and inform
women about wealth management topics and investment options are one option for firms looking
to give women what they want
IV. Create a culture that enables all financial advisors to better understand the needs of
women investors:
Establishing and integrating a culture of inclusion into talent strategies drives the identification,
development, and promotion of innovative ideas and products. Underserved markets can be better
served. To develop an inclusive culture, firms should:
b. Target diverse candidate pools and provide internships, fellowships, and opportunities for
leadership development. This can increase employee diversity, which may introduce diversity of
thought, perspectives, and experiences
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d. Measure their advisors on the diversity of their book of business and their efforts to learn
about different customer segments; this can encourage employees to seek out and understand
diverse investors
a. Understand their current capabilities and talent gaps in meeting the needs of female
b. Conduct targeted recruiting for advisors that would fill gaps. As they hire advisors with an
affinity toward women investors, they ought to look for candidates with emotional intelligence and
diversity and inclusion competencies
c. Invest in learning and development programs that will allow employees to build the key
competencies and knowledge base needed to serve women investors
d. Recognize and reward advisors that excel in building a portfolio of women investors and
are innovative in attracting and retaining them as client
e. Additionally, firms should cater to investment preferences of women.
f. Generally women, unlike men, tend to be more interested in investing and/or motivated to
invest in companies to which they assign meaning and purpose. They typically view investments
more personally and have a greater attachment to where they choose to direct their money.
Women are also more inclined to invest in companies with diversity in leadership. They may
gravitate and prioritize, to a greater degree than men, to using their investments/investment
opportunities to make a positive impact on society. Financial advisors should recognize and
respect these preferences as they try to serve female investors.
g. Firms should also aim to provide the desired investor experience
h. In order to capture market successfully firms should strive to serve the nuanced needs of
the woman investor. While marketing campaigns tailored toward women are useful, firms should
develop more comprehensive services for women. Education is a critical service offering, as
women are quite interested in knowing what investments are being made and why. Women want
to learn from their advisor; firms should recognize this and work to provide this offering.
Others are:
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a. Ability & desire to take risk
b. Attribute to work hard
c. imagination
By providing a client experience, manifesting an inclusive culture, and offering a cohort of
advisors who can meet the needs of women investors, wealth management firms can capture this
market segment. Facing declining profits, expanding into this market is all the more critical
although tapping into the segment of women investors may require strategic changes, firms should
recognize women are an influential force in wealth management who are here to stay.
a. As unmarried women : Being unmarried & undertaking higher studies or working full
time or doing both on part time basis, at this stage women have all the freedom to try new things,
take risk & go the extra mile as they are at very particular juncture in their life . This is the best
period when one should ideally start investing. Investing is not a one-time activity; it’s a life-long
process. Like any other task, investing may need to give some time to learn about various
instruments and risks associated with them, then make investment, and learn from mistakes. This
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phase would act as a back-bone for future investing. Being unmarried, you may be saving for
various reasons – for your higher education, your marriage or other long term goals such as buying
a flat. When it comes to investing for short term goals like your higher education which may be
due in 3 years or sooner, you do not have much time to give to your investments to grow. For such
short-term investments it is advised to invest in traditional instruments such as bank FDs, post-
office deposits, liquid mutual funds and FMPs. Here the possibility of capital loss is close to zero
and these investments can be withdrawn with limited deductions (for premature withdrawal).
Alternatively you may also opt for hybrid savings accounts of banks which shift your money in
savings account above a particular threshold viz. amount above Rs. 1 lakh to fixed deposits. This
way your money will earn higher returns as well and at the same time you will enjoy high liquidity
as availed in normal savings account. For long term goals like buying a car or buying a house for
example, you may choose to invest into good rated equity mutual funds, bullion or debt mutual
funds. Amongst them, you may choose the midcap equity funds as they have a greater growth
potential in longer term (greater than 5 years).
b. Married women: Being married and working women, you may be having the twin tasks of
managing your house-hold and your job/business at the same time. You might not be having the
sufficient time required to make informed-financial decisions and to track them regularly. So the
best investments for you may be the ones that have minimum/limited risk and the ones that
manage themselves or take assistance from a good financial planner. As an earning member of the
family you need to plan for your children’s education, their marriage, your retirement and other
goals as buying a flat or car. If you are investing for your retirement, invest in PPF and NPS which
are the most tax-efficient schemes and are the best suited for retirement planning. When planning
for your child’s education and marriage, you are advised to plan in consultation with your
financial advisor and make investments in recommended asset class like Equity, Debt, Corporate
FD’s, Bullion etc. Diversification across different asset class will help minimize concentration risk
and proper plan will help you meet your goals with higher expected yield. Asset allocation shall
depend upon your age, your risk profile and risk profile of your goals. Investing is a life-long
process and tracking your investments is equally important as making the right investments. So it
is necessary to review the performance of your investment portfolio frequently (recommended at
least once a month)
c. Housewives: If you are a housewife and personally do not have any source of income, you
may look for investing that very savings you make month-on-month by efficiently managing your
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family’s budget. If you are a housewife and do not have a source of income, you can generate one
from your own savings. As, money earns money in today’s world. Get your money at work rather
than keeping it idle in your safe. Invest your savings into hybrid bank accounts as discussed above
which earn higher interest vis-à-vis normal bank accounts. You may also opt for recurring deposit
of Indian post which allows you to invest every month and gives an attractive interest rate of 8.3%
on your investments. You may also invest into electronic form of gold every month with as low as
Rs. 500 a month through investing into gold mutual funds. This way you will save a lot on making
charges you pay (approximately Rs. 350/gram) when you buy jewellery and also earn the same
return as physical gold.
d. Single women (widow) /single parent (divorced): If you are a widow or divorced, you may
be fully responsible for earning for yourself and your kids, their education, their marriage, and
your own retirement as well. In either case, you would like to be ready for the worst
independently. Hence, you should be looking for investments that do not leave any of your goals
to chance. If you are in your twenties or early thirties, you have substantial time to give to your
retirement. Hence, you may invest into PPF or National Pension Scheme (NPS). Both of these are
highly tax-efficient, safe and low-cost investment options. While PPF is a 15-year scheme earning
a return anywhere between 7-9% (as per yield on 10-yr Government bond), NPS is a market-
oriented scheme that is similar to a high-rated mutual fund with ultra-low costs. You may invest
the proceeds of both these schemes to buy an annuity plan from insurance company which may act
as pension for you after your retirement. Build an emergency fund which is sufficient to cover at
least your 3 month’s house-hold expenses (including EMIs if any) by investing in a liquid fund or
hybrid savings account. As discussed above, opt for investments in various asset classes in
consolation with your financial advisor to plan for finances for your kid’s
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Life Insurance Equity Share Market Bank Savings Account Virtual Real Estate Real Estate
Private Equity
Mutual Funds Commodity Market Bank Fixed Deposits Gold/Silver
Debenture Forex Market Public Provident Funds Hedge Fund Chit Fund
National Savings
Some of them are marketable and liquid while others are almost riskless. The people have to
choose proper avenues among them depending on their specific need, risk preferences and return
Saving form an important part of the economy of any nation. With the savings invested in various
options available to the people, the money acts as the driver for the growth of the country. India
financial scene too presents a plethora of avenues to the investors. Though certainly man to invest
his savings.
One needs to invest and earn return on their idle resources and generate a specified sum of money
for a specific goal in life and make a provision for an uncertain future. One of the important resins
why one needs to invest wisely is to meet the cost of inflation. Inflation is the rate at which the
cost of living increases.
The cost of living is simply what it cost to buy the goods and services you need to live. Inflation
causes money to lose value because it will not buy the same amount of a good or service in the
future as it does now or did in the past. The sooner one starts investing the better. By investing
early you allow your investments more time to grow, whereby the concept of compounding
increases your income, by accumulating the principal and the interest or divided earned on it.
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● Invest Early
● Invest regularly
● Invest for long term and for short term
Investment is the sacrifice of certain present value for the uncertain future reward. It entails
arriving at numerous decisions such as type, mix, amount, timing, and grade etc of individual and
disinvestment. Further such decision making has not only to be continuous but rational too.
Instead of keeping the savings idle you may like to use savings in order to get return on it in the
future, which is known as 'Investment'. There are various investment Avenues such as equity,
Bonds, Insurance, and Bank deposit etc. A portfolio is a combination of different investment
assets mixed and matched for the purpose of achieving an investor's goal. There are various factors
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which affects investor’s portfolio such as annual income, government policy, natural calamities,
economical changes etc.
Each investment alternative has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some options seek to achieve
superior return (like Equity), but with corresponding higher risk. Other provide safety (like PPF)
but at the expense of liquidity and growth. Other options such as FDs offer safety and liquidity,
but at the cost of return. Mutual fund seeks to combine the advantages of investing in arch of these
alternatives while dispensing with the shortcomings.
Indian stock market is semi-efficient by nature and, is considered as one of the most respected
stock markets, where information is quickly and widely disseminated, thereby allowing each
security's price to adjust rapidly in an unbiased manner to new information so that, it reflects the
nearest investment value. And mainly after the introduction of electronic trading system, the
information flow has become much faster. But sometimes, in developing countries like India,
sentiments play major role in price movements, or say, fluctuations, where investors find it
difficult to predict the future with certainty. Some of the events affect economy as a whole, while
some events are sector specific. Even in one particular sector, some companies or major market
player are more sensitive to the event. So, the new investors taking exposure in the market should
be well aware about the maximum potential loss, i.e. value at risk.
This document aims to provide information on the basics of fundamental analysis; Chart Analysis
and Technical Analysis are some useful indicators of the Fundamental Analysis and interpretation
of those indicators.
What is Investment?
Investment is the employment if funds with the aim of achieving additional income or growth in
value. The essential quality of income is that, it involves 'waiting' for a reward. It involves the
commitment of resources which have been saved or put away from current consumption in the
hope that some benefits will occur in future. The term 'investment' does not appear to be a simple
as it has been defined. Investment has been categorized by financial experts and economists. It has
also often been confused with the term speculation.
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1. Financial and Economic Meaning of Investment
Investment is the allocation of monetary resources to assets that expected by yield some gain or
positive return over a given period of time, these assets range from safety investment to risky
investment. Investment in this form is also called 'Financial Investments'.
To the economist, 'Investment' means the net additional to the economy's capital stock which
consists of goods and services that are used in the production of other goods and services. In this
context the term investment implies the information of new and productive capital in the form of
new construction, new procedures' durable equipment such as plant and equipment. Inventories
and human capital are included in the economist's definition of investment.
In simple words investment means buying securities or other monetary or paper (financial) assets
in the money markets or capital markets, or in fairly liquid real assets, such as gold as an
investment is worth its price. Types of financial investment include shares or other equity
investment, and bonds (including bonds denominated in foreign currencies). These investments
assets are then expected to provide income or positive further case flows, but may increase or
decrease in value giving the investor capital gains or losses.
In choosing specific investments, investors will need definite ideas regarding features, which their
investment Avenue should posses. These features should be consistent with the investors' general
objectives and in addition, should afford them all the incidental convenience and advantages,
which are possible under the circumstances. The following are the suggested features as the
ingredients from as the ingredients from which many successful investors compound their
selection policies.
● Safety of principal
The investors, to be certain of the safety, should carefully review the economic and industry trends
before choosing the types of investment. Errors are avoidable and therefore, to ensure safety of
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principal, the investors should consider diversification of assets. Adequate diversification involves
mixing investment commitments by industry, geographically, by management, by financial type
and maturities. A proper combination of these factors would reduce losses.
● Liquidity
Even investor requires a minimum in his investment to meet emergencies. Liquidity will be
ensured if the investors buy a proportion of readily saleable securities out of his total portfolio. He
may therefore; keep a small proportion of cash, fixed deposits and units which can be immediately
made liquid investment like stocks and property or real estate cannot ensure immediate liquidity.
● Income stability
Regularity of income at a consistent rate is necessary in any investment pattern. Not only stability,
it is also important to see that income is adequate after taxes. It is possible to find out some good
securities, which pay particularly all their earnings in dividends.
Investors should balance their portfolio to fight against any purchasing power stability. Investors
should judge price level inflation, explore their possibility of gain and loss in the investments
available to them, limitation of personal and family considerations. The investor should also try
and forecast which securities will possibly appreciate. A purchase of property at the right time will
lead to appreciation in time. Growth stock will also appreciate over time. These, however should
be done thoughtfully and nit in a manner of speculation.
All investment should be approved by law, Law relating to minors, estates, trusts, shares and
insurance be studied will bring out many problems for the investor. Life insurance Corporation or
saving Certificate. The management of securities is then left to the card of the trust that diversifies
the investment according to safety, stability and liquidity with the consideration of their
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investment policy. The identity of legal securities and investments in such securities also help the
investors in avoiding many problems.
● Tangibility
Intangibility securities have many times lost their value due to price level inflation, confiscatory
laws or social collapse; some investors prefer to keep a part of their wealth invested in tangible
properties like building, machinery and land. It may, however, be considered that tangible
property does not yield an income apart from direct satisfaction of possession or property.
Most people in their later stage of life realize that the financial strain suffered by them could have
been avoided if they had started saving or had invested wisely in their early stage of earnings. It
takes every little to ensure financial security if one begins to plan his/her investment timely. Our
study on investment Avenues focuses on is they aware of the investment options available to
them? If yes than in which investment options are they investing?
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The study intends to find out the inclination of investors towards different investment Avenues
like Equity, Mutual funds, PPFs, FDs etc. Every person has different approach towards his
investment some may be very aggressive, some may be very moderate and some may be very
In this research study, there are in all 6 chapters give in depth information about the introduction
of the study, theoretical background, past research papers review and the research methodology of
the study undertaken. There is a chapter that gives an investor's preference on investment. The
remaining chapter includes analysis of the collected data and their interpretation, findings,
limitations, recommendations and conclusion of the research study.
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This chapter includes the reviews secondary data of other researchers that they have collected
from journals, books and primary data. It outlines the literature regarding employee
performance and workforce diversity. Therefore, it becomes necessary to study the
relationship between independent variable and dependent variable.
1. Pankhuri Agarwal, Professor (Dr.) Vipin Jain, Dr Surabhi Goel (July 2021) -
conducted a study which has been done to know the awareness and preferences for
investment Avenues by women. The respondents include both working (working in
various fields) and non old schemes but agreed with the fact that tax savings
schemes plays an important role in increasing the purchasing power. Mostly women’s
required return on Investment more than 20% but still they rely on life insurance
schemes and provident fund more than other options to save tax and Investments
followed by post office savings. There is a need of making them aware about various
other schemes other than insurance policies and provident fund.
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investment decisions, because Jaffna is a male dominant society. The study concludes
that awareness level of working women in Jaffna is not significantly related to age,
occupation and educational qualifications. The investment preference order of the
respondents indicated towards secured investment attitude. Bank deposits and gold were
popular investment avenues for majority of the investors.
4. Pooja Chaturvedi Sharma, Riya Goel (November 2019) conducted a study Indian
women are now actively participating in all activities such as education, politics, media,
science and technology and in the process they are becoming financially independent as
well. With a changing scenario, women have started actively participating in investing
their surplus money, although it all depends upon various parameters such as degree of
their risk taking capability, influence of family members and friends and the challenge to
get exposed to modern and innovative investment avenues. This research study is
focused on the identification of various factors affecting investment decisions of
working women of Delhi-NCR region. The survey is undertaken on 100 educated
women investors of Delhi-NCR and the results highlight that certain factors like
attachment, source of information, risk, quality of life and independent decisions make
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significant impact while deciding the investment avenues. The study is based on
personal interviews with working women using a structured questionnaire. The study
will be immensely useful to investment advisors, distributors, and potential investors and
last but not least to academics as well. Earning money is only half the equation for
achieving financial independence. Effectively putting money to work for an individual is
equally important. Considering the various uncertainties of life and relationships, it is
imperative for working women to take control of their finances. The challenges of
investing are unique for each individual. Since this research has been conducted on the
working women investors and a study of their investment behavior, it becomes important
to understand the different types of investors. Women Investors have their own investing
styles and majorly they are turning out to be risk takers. Further, the findings of the
research were based on the factors considered relevant for making investment decisions
by working women investors. It reveals that attachment, source of information, risk,
additional income, quality of life and independent decisions are the factors which have a
higher impact on investment decision making. These factors give them the required
boosting in the investment process.
6. Ms. B. MANASA (September 2018) conducted a study on the term financial literacy
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indicates the way to know, to understand how the money works. Good financial literacy
throws light on one’s awareness on various avenues, skills and investment decisions.
Investment is done for the benefit of the mere future, either for short term or long term.
This study aims to investigate the financial literacy, awareness of working women on
investment avenues, preferred avenues and factors influencing their investment decision.
It is a small scale empirical study consisting of 92 samples. The samples are drawn at
random from the Government, semi-government and non-government sector of Sullia
Taluk of Dakshina Kannada district using convenience sampling technique. The result
reflects that women are less aware of various avenues. Along with the demographic
factors like marital status, income, certain specific factors namely liquidity, safety, risk
and return associated with avenues influence in their investment decision.
7. Dr. R. Sellappan, Ms. S. Jamuna, Ms. Tnr. Kavitha (2013) conducted a study to gain
knowledge about the marital status and age factors influencing the investment behavior
of women towards financial instruments with special reference to Erode district.
Through the existing literature it can be known that there are certain age and marital
differences that occur in the behavior of selecting the investment sources. Younger and
unmarried are usually risk takers. Older and married people avoid taking risks. So the
descriptive study is carried out to identify these factors which are influencing the
investment decision. Convenient sampling techniques are used to identify the
respondents and it is limited to Erode District. The study will be helpful to the
government or non-governmental organizations to launch various saving schemes based
on the age and marital status of the women to ensure their saving habits so as to promote
economic development of the country. From the above study it can be concluded that
married women are more curious in making investments than the unmarried. The
younger women are mostly likely to invest in shares, mutual funds, insurance and fixed
deposits than the older women. The middle aged people prefer to invest in real estate. So
the government, Bankers and Financial institutions can introduce a lot of schemes of
investment based on segmentation of the age and marital status factors to acquire more
8. Mansi Jain (2 June 2019) conducted a study on the association of demographic factors
with the investment objectives affecting the preference of investment options of the
women investors. The investors’ decisions depend on the risk and return relationship of
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various investment avenues influenced by the psychology of the investors. In this study,
a survey approach has been adopted using a structured questionnaire. The sample has
been collected from 100 respondents. The study has been taken within the geographical
area of the Bhopal district in Madhya Pradesh State of Central India. This study has
helped in finding the relationship between investment objective and investment
preference of the investors. It is concluded that high return is the main objective for
preferring shares and real estate as an investment option. A mutual fund is preferred with
the tax-saving objective. Safety objective is fulfilled by investing in fixed deposit and
NSS/PPF/PF and insurance. Gold silver is the most liquid investment option.
9. Prof. (Dr.) Frince C Thomas, Prof. (Dr.) Naresh K Patel (June 2021) conducted a
study on Women in India who are now actively participating in all activities such as
education, politics, media, science and technology & becoming financially independent.
With this changing scenario, women have started actively participating in investing their
surplus money. Their decision though depends upon the various parameters such as the
degree of their risk-taking capability, the influence of family members and friends, and
income level etc. For the study, only two of the Investment Avenues were chosen which
are Mutual Funds and Stock Market. A mutual fund is a professionally managed
investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase securities. A stock
market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks (also called shares), which
represent ownership claims on businesses. The main focus of the research paper is to
identify the investment pattern of working women belonging to different economic
conditions, social strata, and the purpose of their investments in the Stock market and
Mutual funds. The main objective of the study is to determine the factors that women
investors consider and their purpose while investing.
10. By Manish Sharma (2019) conducted a study of the contribution of Indian women in
family, businesses and society is today being recognized. The role of women in the
family decisions is also increasing with the change in demographics as more women are
now participating in economic activities. With the change in education, employment and
contribution in the earnings of the family, her say in the family decisions are increasing.
When it comes to the investment decisions, women tend to be risk averse, have
conservative attitudes, lower levels of financial knowledge, lack of confidence and
depend on guidance from others as suggested by different researchers worldwide. The
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role of husband becomes particularly important for women while choosing investment
products or taking investment decisions. This article attempts to highlight the role of
women in investment decision making in the family and further examines the role of a
male spouse on the investment decisions. The objectives of the study were to examine
the behavior of working women while making investment decisions; and to identify the
extent to which the investment decisions of the working women are influenced by the
spouse/husband. The article further highlights that, when it comes to investment
decisions, both husband and wife share responsibility for making investment decisions.
There are investment products like Bank deposits, 5 year tax saving FDs, precious
metals, public provident fund, national pension system, post office saving schemes,
mutual funds, life insurance, and commodities, where the influence of women is stronger
than their male spouse. The influence of a male spouse is stronger in products like real
estate, company deposits, debentures or bonds, pension schemes, equity shares and
11. Dr. S. Saravanan, Arun Kumar N (2021) – Conducted a research study which was
focused on the respondents' responses to the salaried women' savings and investment.
There are a range of different investment options available, such as banks, gold, real
estate, postal savings, life insurance, mutual funds, etc. The research was carried out on
various government and private women working sector. This paper is submitted by
referring various papers from different journals with the required knowledge. From the
study we can understand that money plays a critical role in one's life in today's world and
that the working women's community has begun to understand the value of money. They
know the value of money, so they are inspired to plan the budget themselves and reduce
their expenditures to meet the potential consequences. Working women’s are able to
earn cash from several forms of investments, and they are very straightforward about
making the right choices investing in various instruments.
12. D. Umamaheshwari and K. Suganthi (2012), exposed the research was to establish the
salaried women employees investment habits. It was done with the various salaried
women employees of the government and private sectors. The salaried women
employees were investing money for future needs. Today the group of salaried women
employees has begun to recognize the value of capital. Compared to the real costs faced
by salaried women employees, the budget planned expenditures are not impacted by
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other enticing and trendy expenses. The research reveals that the majority of salaried
women employees invest money in the form of bank deposits, gold, deposits from the
post office and LIC.
13. Harshavardhan N. Bhavsar (2013) attempts to assess the relationship between the
salaried women employees savings and investment habits. It illustrates the essential
relationship between income and saving. The research was performed on various
salaried women employees from government and private sector. Working women culture
has begun to understand the importance of the value of money and money. They are set
up to plan a budget for the proposed expenditures and equate it with their actual
expenses, so that they are not impacted by other enticing and trendy expenses. This
study concludes that the key avenues of investment in the form of bank deposits are
mainly related. It is evident from the research undertaken that most salaried women
employees save their money for the schooling, marriage and other welfare costs of their
14. Sreelatha, R.K. and Lalitha, N., (2015) conducted study to know the investment
pattern of working women and concluded that the increase in the level of income make
a direct impact on increase in awareness of various investment avenues and the most
important objective of investment is followed by future emergencies and education
funding and also the most preferred investment avenue among them is public
provident t fund followed by post office savings and life insurance policies.
15. Ms. K. Susmitha and Ms.A.Asha (2018) aims to focus on awareness and preferences of
working women. Women in India are now actively participating in all activities such as
education, politics, media, science and technology& becoming financial independent.
With a changing scenario, women has started actively participating in investing their
surplus money, though it all depends upon the various parameters such as degree of their
risk taking capability, influence of family members and friends and the dare to get
exposed to modern and innovative investment avenues. This study focuses on different
avenues of investments as well as the factors while selecting the investment with the
sample size of 70 respondents by conducting the survey through questionnaire in
Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. The study is based on personal interviews with
salaried women employees using a structured questionnaire. The data has been analyzed
using percentage analysis and chi-square test. The researcher has analyzed that salaried
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women employees consider the safety as well as high return on investment on regular
16. Anjana Sudheer, Devika, S, Rashmi. J. Menon (May 2020) shows us how investment
helps in growing our fund. People now days are widely involved in many different
investment activities. Investments also help in growth of an economy. In the earlier days
only a few women had a source of income on their own. So, only a very few women
were involved in investment activities. In the present-day’s world, women are well
educated and most of them have a source of income on their own. But, unlike the men
women undertake investment only on a small scale, their major investment avenues
being gold and bank deposits. The investing decision of each differs based on their
intention some are focused on high returns whereas others look for the security. This
study deals with the investment preferences among women and factors that influence
women for selecting the avenues from a sample size of 50 respondents by conducting
survey through questionnaire in Ernakulam District, Kerala. The data has been analyzed
through Chi- square test. This study explores the fact that the salaried women prefer
safety and secured returns. The study also shows that age has a significant influence on
investment preference.
17. Sanjeevni Gangwani, Haya Ali Al Mazyad, Suheela Shabir, (2020) focuses on
working women who want to be financially independent & secure. Women want to
invest their money & savings to handle critical situations at any stage of their lives.
This research study is based on the analysis of income and investment behavior of
the working women in India. The study was conducted on working women in both
government and private sectors in India. The data was collected by distributing a
structured questionnaire to 200 respondents. The data has been analyzed using
analysis, descriptive statistics, and percentage and person correlation coefficient
analysis with the help of statistical software.
18. Deepak Sood and Navdeep Kaur (2015): People save money for various reasons such
as children’s education, their marriage and other goals of life. Their study revealed that
people still preferred to invest their savings in traditional investment channels due to
lack of knowledge in stock and commodity markets.
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19. Ishwara P (2014): The author has made an attempt to study the behaviour and levels of
satisfaction towards various investment alternatives by salaried class employees.
Majority of the people behaved in a positive way while choosing their investments. The
awareness level about marketable securities was comparatively low.
20. Priya Vasagadekar (2014) studied women working in different industrial sectors in
Pune. They were interviewed to understand their investment habits, their role in
investment decision making, preferable investment avenues and risk-bearing capacity. It
was found that majority of women did not have detailed knowledge about all the
investment instruments. Women also generally preferred to invest in safe investment
avenues like bank fixed deposits & post office saving schemes.
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3.1 Study
The study is based on Women Investors preferences on different investment Avenues. This
chapter gives as research design, data collection method, sampling techniques, limitations inherent
in the project and finally coverage of research work. The research requires the most accurate
techniques or methods to indicate a valid and true result. Therefore, it is important to have a well-
designed research methodology as the degree of accuracy and usefulness is affected by the kind of
methodology used.
3.3 Sample
The sample size of this study was 200 individuals, Female with wide range covering the
qualifications, occupation and age group to compare the behavioural pattern of investors.
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The research type used in this study was descriptive in nature. The research carried out was both
quantitative and qualitative in nature. Data and information in this study were collected both
primary and secondary sources. The primary data is collected from the individuals through a
The data collection was done through questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed on the basis
of information available for the required study. Most of the questions were multiple choices. The
study is on Women’s Awareness and Investment preferences on different investment Avenues, in
this nature it is to be considered the study which extends to the city of Mumbai (Maharashtra).
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1) Age
Interpretation – It is observed that age group of 21-25 are more as compared to other age
groups i.e. 49%. Whereas respondents below 20 are 3%, respondents between 26-30 are
15%, respondents between 31-35 are 7%, respondents between 36-40 are 6% and
respondents above 40 are 20%.
2) Marital Status
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Interpretation – Majority of the respondents i.e. 49.5% have completed their post graduation
and 34% have completed their Graduation
4) Field of study
Interpretation – Majority of the respondents i.e. 57.5% are from commerce background and
21% are from Science and 14% are from Arts.
5) Employment
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Interpretation – 31.5% of the respondents are students, 28.5%of them are in service, 18% of
them are homemakers, 12.5% are self employed and rest are divided into business,
unemployed and retired women.
Interpretation – According to the survey, women usually prefer 20:80, 30:70 and 10:90
Savings to Expenditure ratio
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Interpretation – According to the survey, majority of women usually invest less than
1,00,000 Rs per year
Interpretation – Majorly Women expect More than 20% of returns on their investments.
Interpretation – According to the survey, women usually take the advice of their family,
friends and Chartered Accounts or experts for their investments.
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Interpretation – According to the survey, fixed deposits, saving deposits, mutual funds, and
shares and gold are the major investment avenues where women prefer to invest.
● It is observed that age group of 21-25 are more as compared to other age groups i.e. 49%.’
● Majority of the respondents i.e. 57.5% are from commerce background and 21% are from
Science and 14% are from Arts.
● Majority of the respondents i.e. 49.5% have completed their post graduation and 34% have
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completed their Graduation
● 31.5% of the respondents are students, 28.5%of them are in service, 18% of them are
homemakers, 12.5% are self employed and rest are divided into business, unemployed and
retired women.
● According to the survey, women usually prefer 20:80, 30:70 and 10:90 Savings to
Expenditure ratio.
● According to the survey, majority of women usually invest less than 1,00,000 Rs per year.
● According to the survey, women usually take the advice of their family, friends and
Chartered Accounts or experts for their investments.
● According to the survey, fixed deposits, saving deposits, mutual funds, and shares and
gold are the major investment avenues where women prefer to invest.
6.1 Limitations
● The sample size of only 200 was taken from the large population for the purpose of study,
so there can be difference between results of sample from total population.
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● In this study, male respondents are more, thus the interpretation says that male respondent
are more risk bearers compared to female.
● The lack of knowledge of customers about financial instruments can be a major limitation.
● Most respondent were from the service, students, professional and businessman therefore
the retired and housewife’s perspective could not be analyzed.
6.2 Conclusion
● In India the women’s population is almost equal to men’s population and the education of
them is also almost equal to men’s education. Women are that part of society on which
development of future generation depends. The role of women in India has changed over
the past decades as now in 2021 they are serving at top important official places such as
the president of India, Prime Minister of India, Executive officers of companies and
participating in almost all the areas such as education,sports,politics,service sectors,
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science and technology. The constitution of India even provides and guarantees that all
Indian women have the right to Equality in terms of opportunities and wages. As per the
economic census 2021-23 almost 21.49% of the total establishments are owned by
the females and even among the workers employed in the organization 18.29% are
females and if we talk about politics there are almost 12% women ministers in central
council and 46% of the elected representatives in panchayati raj institutions are women.
Due to this changed role of women in the society, the need of financial planning
for them increased a lot as planning the financial aspects is that specialized skill which
matches the need and preferences of an investor with adequate risk and return.
6.3 Recommendation
● Don’t be impatient deal with patience as the market is very volatile don’t make rash
decision on your investment.
● Don’t rely on past returns of investment while investing in other financial instruments.
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● “Nothing goes up forever and nothing goes down forever”. It is highly applicable for
● Agarwal, Pankhuri & Jain, Vipin & Goel, Surabhi. (2021), AWARENESS AND
WORKING AND NON WORKING FEMALES, PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of
Egypt/ Egyptology
● Humaira Siddika, How is the level of awareness of women investors towards investment
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avenues in West Bengal affected by the demographics and the source of information?.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development. 2018.
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The Questionnaire
Dear respondents,
I, Bhakti Oza, final year student from Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies(JDBIMS),
Mumbai .I am currently pursuing Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree, as part of
my coursework for the Research Project ,I am required to conduct a research survey. The title of
my research project is “Women’s Awareness and Investment”. I would be grateful if you could
spend a few minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire. I assure that all information
collected is strictly for academic purposes and will be kept confidential.
Q1. Age
a) Below 20
b) 21-25
c) 26-30
d) 31-35
e) 36-40
f) Above 40
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Q4. Field of Study
a. Science
b. Commerce
c. Arts
d. Other
Q5. Employment
a. Unemployed
b. Student
c. Home Maker
d. Self-Employed
e. Retired
f. Service
g. Business
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