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Here are the answers that I gave to some questions if you would like to know me


How do you treat your woman?

#1 Be honest with her. Honesty is one of the first things that should be put in
place if you want to treat your girl right. Lying will only make her realize that
she�s being treated like crap � and no girl wants to be with a liar. So be honest
with her about your feelings, likes/dislikes, and really everything.
#2 Listen to her. And I mean REALLY listen to her. Don�t just sit there and nod
along to whatever it is she�s saying. If you really want to know how to treat your
woman right, you have to listen to the things she wants.
Pay attention to what she�s saying because it will reveal everything you need to
know about how to treat her.
#3 Trust her. Girls can tell when their boyfriends don�t trust them. We can just
sense it, and we HATE if we�re not trusted. If there�s not a reason for you to not
trust her, then you have to show that you trust her if you want to make her stay.
#4 Don�t hide anything from her. Obviously, you�re going to have certain things
that you want to be private, and that�s perfectly fine and normal. However, you
shouldn�t purposely hide anything important from her.
If you have an ugly past that you�re not happy about, then tell her now because she
will find out about it eventually. If you�re hiding something, she�ll know it, and
she will feel as though she can�t trust you � which will make her want to leave.
#5 Show your appreciation daily. Guys have a habit of not thinking they need to
show their women how much they appreciate them. They think that once is enough, but
it�s not.
We need reminding of why you chose us over all other girls. Don�t forget to show
this if you want to treat your girl right. When learning how to treat a woman, this
simple step can work wonders.
#6 Openly communicate with her. Girls like to communicate, and guys just don�t feel
the need to because they�re not that type of person. But your girl is, and if you
want her to stay, you have to communicate with her and keep that line of
communication open and clear.
#7 Take care of your own responsibilities. I know this doesn�t seem like it has
anything to do with treating your girl right, but hear me out. When you aren�t
responsible, leave your place a mess, and can�t even handle your own life, she�s
going to feel like she has to do it for you. And that�s not fair, so she�ll begin
to resent you.
#8 Pay attention to her attitude. Many girls� attitudes directly relate to how
you�re treating her or how she�s feeling. If she�s short with you all day and not
very conversational, it means she�s having a rough day.
Use these little clues in order to adjust how you�re treating her that day to make
her happier.
#9 Be respectful of everything that has to do with her. Respect her life, her
family, her friends, and even her exes. Being a respectful boyfriend is something
that�s VERY admirable, and she�ll feel as though you respect her through having
respect for all those aspects in her life.
#10 Support her! I�m not saying that you have to buy her everything and support her
in that sense at all. In fact, she should never rely 100% on you to support her.
Instead, you should support her goals, dreams, and aspirations.
#11 Be a romantic� occasionally. Girls love romance. There�s just no way around
this. If you want to know how to treat a woman right and make her stay, you have to
be romantic from time to time. Planning a really nice surprise dinner for her once
a month and taking her out somewhere she loves is all it really takes.
#12 Be intimate with her. No, I�m not just talking about sex here, although making
sure she�s satisfied in that department will only help. But I�m talking about being
intimate in an emotional way with her. Open up to her and show her that you have a
real emotional side.
Being sensitive and open about your feelings will make her feel special, like she�s
unlocked that special thing within you � which will make her want to stay.
#13 Tell her how you feel sometimes. I know this isn�t always easy for guys, and
girls find it a lot easier to talk about feelings. But you do have to talk about
them if you want to treat your girl right and make her stay. This is one of the
most important things when learning how to treat a woman.
#14 Let her spend time with you and your friends. That�s not to say that she should
be the only girl around when it�s just a guys� night, but she should be included in
your friend group.
By making sure she�s accepted and involved with your friends, she�ll really feel
like a bigger part of your life and that�s a great way to treat your girl.
#15 Be friends with her friends. This is not to say that you should be texting them
and planning hang outs with them because that can be seen as something COMPLETELY
different, but you should make an effort to make sure her friends like you.
If she sees that you�re making an effort to fit into her life, she�ll never want to
As you can see, this isn�t rocket science, but it can take some getting used to.
Hopefully, now you know how I treat a woman.
Would you hit your woman for any reasons?
No I would never hit a woman!
What do u like and dislike in a woman?

I like a woman with some confidence and appreciation, and someone who I can really
talk to. She has to be able to carry a conversation, but also want to know about my
opinions and beliefs. I also prefer a woman who takes care of herself and is
conscious of her body. You don't have to be a model or have a rocking bod, but you
have to want to take care of yourself, because if you can't, how can you take care
of or look after your boyfriend? Confidence is also a major turn on, don't leave
the guy with all the burden of making moves and initiating dates and get together.
Show some initiative!
What are the qualities you seek for in a relationship?

1. Kindness, loyalty, and understanding (not looks, status, and excitement).

2. Similarity. (You should seek someone who is similar to you)
3. Conscientiousness is about being reliable, practical, rule-following, and
4. Emotional stability. The personality trait that affects our relationships most
is emotional stability.
5. The belief that relationships take work. When you�re just starting a
relationship, it�s hard to anticipate how things will change after months or years
together, and how a partner will deal with the inevitable bumps in the road.
6. These are just a few qualities that you can look out for early in a
relationship. This is not an exhaustive list; there are other qualities also
associated with relationship success.
I hope that your day is going well and that you�re happy. I believe our future is
bright and you won�t be disappointed. Give us some time to develop into a great
couple. As long as you�re there I will be happy.

What did u seek in a woman?

I�m looking for someone who is God-fearing, funny, who has a love for life, who is
trustworthy and overall energetic. That�s how I try to live my life, I�m definitely
not perfect, but you always need rules to govern the way you live, so I want
someone who is on the same page with me. Especially if you�re talking about
I�m looking for someone who is God-fearing, funny, who has a love for life, who is
trustworthy and overall energetic. That�s how I try to live my life, I�m definitely
not perfect, but you always need rules to govern the way you live, so I want
someone who is on the same page with me. Especially if you�re talking about
Tell me the roles of man in a relationship ? and What are the roles you want your
woman to play in the relationship ?
A man�s role is to take care of the financial responsibilities of the household.
His job is to provide a warm roof, clothes on our backs, food on the table,
security, keep the lights and heat on, etc. He is, in fact, the leader and the
ultimate decision maker for his wife and children. A woman�s role is to support her
husband and bear and nurture the children so that they grow up to be productive
members of society. (Genesis 3:16). The man�s role is to help their mother
discipline them if necessary and to help with goal-setting and providing the
necessary educational foundation and support for growth and development. A father
provides tough love; a mother often provides love through understanding, and the
two make one team.

What are the things that matters in a relationship and what do they mean to you ?

I wish both of us would take on an equal share of household or family

responsibilities. It means to me a relationship should be equal!
There are plenty of romantic movies out there to see, but personally, I would you
skip Hollywood movies and focus on European ones. Why? They are not Cinderella
like, they have real-life situations and they can be pretty interesting. My
favorites are these two: Les Hommes Riches Sont Ses Proies and Count of Monte-

Being silly together means that we are comfortable with each other, that you have
embraced one another and could be a great reminder why we fell for each other in
the first place. We as a couple who can laugh and play together is a happy
Say thank you is important to me it means a lot to me!
It�s not hard to say thank you means a lot to me, because it complimenting
significant other.
Compliments are wonderful. It�s an instant lift when someone acknowledges you in a
positive light, especially when it�s coming from someone you love.
What�s important is what you want to do not what I want to do.
Traveling together is important to me. It means we will avoid boredom.
I gift is important to me, it means we will feel good about each other.
Cuddling is the best way to show that we love each other.
Taking your side in an argument means I lot to me, because it shows that Love you.
Long distances will work and it is important to me to travel to you. It means a
lot to me.
Communication is important, because it is essential to avoid arguments. It means a
lot to me because it keeps the partnership together.

What are the roles you want your woman to play in the relationship ?
First of all a man has to offer a woman something and that means that the role
should not be up to the man. It should be up to the woman. I believe a man should
adapt to the woman and I should not tell her what her role should be.
What are the things you want your woman to do to you always ?

Same thing as above I work never tell the woman what to do I would speak about it
and see what we could do about it and compromise.
Tell me your likes and dislikes ? do's and don't do ?
Like - Trust and sense of security. Dislike - Controlling and Clingy. I would never
tell you what to do I would ask you and compromise.
Likes- care and attention. Dislike- Nagging and too much expectations. Again I
would never tell you what to do I would ask you and compromise.
Likes: Cuddling, Companion, Cooking. Dislikes: Policing, Clinginess, Restriction.
Again I would never tell you what to do I would ask you and compromise.
Are you Independence in your decision about your relationship or do you seek advice
from people around you ?
Are you Independence in your decision about your relationship or do you seek advice
from people around you?
I always I always seek advice from myself, but then I also seek advice from others.
Do you like to be spontaneous?
Learned a long time ago when things are not planned, it never goes according, so
unless its airline tickets & hotel reservations I leave most stuff up to
spontaneity, it's part of the adventure , get out there and explore your world.
Will you promise to be and stay in love with me?
Yes, for better or for worse. I promise to love and hold you for the rest of my

Will you be with only me or will you try to make me envious?

I will be with you! It is extremely immature to try to force the emotion "jealousy"
on your partner. A relationship is about trust. And if you trust her then there's
no reason to be jealous when other guys are hitting on her, she will tell them you
and her are a couple.

I want you to trust me, will you?

Yes, because trust is about love commitment and strength to realize that you love
me too.

I want you to let me come to you if we both serious about this, i could relocate to
you ??
Yes, It's important to be together in a relationship and of course relocation
either way is ecclesial.

I would like your attention always when we are close.

Yes, attention is vitality. It connects you with you and only you. It makes you
eager. Stay eager.
MOST OF ALL!!! I want you to love me. It really is that easy.
Yes! I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply,
without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other
way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand
upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.
What do you like and dislike in a woman?
I never dislike a woman I like women, because they are feminine, Conversational,
beautiful, Attraction.
Look for in relationship?
I look for trust, honesty, someone I share mutual interests with, someone who will
respect me and someone I can take home to my parents." "I look for someone who has
a good personality." "Somebody who is mentally strong, loyal, trustworthy, honest
and accepting." "Someone who can cook and treat my parents good."
Roles in a relationship?
A man�s true role is to take care of and protect the family. A woman�s true role is
to have children and keep the home environment suitable for the upbringing of
offspring who will become productive members of society.
Turn on and turn offs?
TURN-ONS- A sense of humor, beautiful aftershave (not over powering), old-fashioned
romance like opening the car door or sending me a bunch of flowers with a poem and
chocolates, a little bit of a gut (I don't like muscly men), respect for my mother,
loves animals, supports my beliefs, enjoys cooking me dinner for once, tells me I'm
beautiful when I'm feeling bloated (you ladies know what I'm talking about), can
enjoy a cuddle without it turning sexual.

TURN-OFFS- Poor personal hygiene, pink shirts, an untidy beard, bad table manners,
men who are obsessed with their car and the gym, sleazy men, a bad temper, a bully,
taking his bad day out on me, being unfaithful, a liar, men who brag about their
conquests to their mates, men in their 30s who have naked posters of women on their
bedroom walls, sexist men who are looking for a servant, fake tan, piercings,
jealousy, metro-sexuals.

What do you look for in a lady ?

Trustworthy. Is she dependable? Can you be confident she is going to do what she
commits to do?
Modest. Fearing God means you are


I am one man woman...WHAT I SEEK IN A WOMAN is specific,God fearing lady

orientated lady with good sense of humor and truthfull...................

I would like to find a like-minded female where we can participate in activities

together and encourage each other to pursue eachothers interests as well.

A level headed individual who is not a procrastinator, who enjoys life to the
fullest and who loves to travel. A woman that respects herself enough to respect
the ones she loves and care for

A conscious person who is serious about having a monogomous relationship. An honest

person who you can count on in times of needs, someone to laugh with someone to cry
with, to share your hopes and dreams in good times and bad times

A woman that will be there for me when i have to extend myself to help others and
not be selfish and thinks the world revolves around her. Someone who looks into
helping others and give freely of herself for the benefit of humankind

I realize that I am 32 yrs plus years old and that you are somewhat older than me,
if you would still like to correspond, that's fine...we'll see how things go after
we get to know each other

Well i can see we have some differences in our age and also we are miles part i
dont' mind about that i feel true love has no boundaries and you never know where
your true love is until you find him/her,if you feel the same then we can
communicate and see how it goes from there

There are no ideal relationships, be honest a relationship is hard work and

compromise, It is as good as you make it, What makes a relationship ideal to
someone is how much time and effort one puts into it and how committed two people
are to it

I'm not one who cheats in a relationship; one woman is enough trouble ; I don't
have the time or energy to juggle 2, 3, or 4 at the same time

But I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust the other person
and not dwell on how the relationship is not working

I do not expect a woman to be a servant to me, spending all her time working and
and cleaning; but be sumisive to her husband like the bible said that man is the
head of the family.I believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I
realize that at times it's more convenient for me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I
have no problem doing that
I consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in
return; I'm not wealthy and don't expect someone to attempt to deceive me or "play"

Everybody makes mistakes and I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but if
the same pattern keeps emerging, it's over. I do not want to meet someone who may
think that they will take advantage of me or lie to me and cheat on me under false

A first date for me does not constitute a perfect date, nor a perfect person. I am
easygoing so a nice intimate sit down dinner would be lovely, so we both can spend
sometime talking and getting to know a little about each other. Having tea or


Hi Angel,
I am new here and thought i should check out how it works on the site and i got to
see your profile among the result that was given to me on the site. I don't know if
anyone on this site has ever told you how good looking you are and how interesting
your profile is. I like your profile and i am very much interested in getting to
know you. So I thought I should send you a note to let you know that someone out
here admires you and willing to do anything to make things work out if i happen to
be the type of man you are looking for. To be honest, you are a very looking good
woman and with the little i read about you i think we may have some things in
common . So why don't you give me the chance to see if the chemistry is actually
there. If you don't mind you can email me directly to my private email on so that
we can both know more about each other because i don't really sign in here often
and i might not get to sign in here to reply back to your message. I will look
forward to hear back from you soon. Take good care of yourself and do have a
wonderful day.Here is my id messenger kindly add me to your buddy list

What is your favorite restaurant?? (1)Carrabba's Italian! And 2nd favorite is
Outback (2)What is your taste in clothing, are you a business casual person?? I
dress casual for work, and when home, I am usually in jeans and t-shirt, lately
I've been trying to expand my wardrobe and try new styles (3)What is your favorite
sport??basketball....but to watch on TV would be football (4)What is
your idea of a romantic evening?? I like both cooking together in the kitchen,
sharing the fun and the work, laughing, talking, and then
settling down together to eat in quiet, maybe some candles, soft music. I love
togetherness, the more together, the more I fall in love (5)How long has it been
since your last relationship?? (6)Are you a
morning person? Or an evening person?I am both, it depends on the mood and
circumstances, when I am anticipating an event, I am excited, and
will act accordingly. I have been known to get so excited about things that will
happen the next day that I don't sleep the night before, and
I"m the first one out of bed. And if something is happening�like talking to you at
night, I will stay up and be active (7)What is your favorite store in the mall?.I
love to shop, even if its just window
shopping, although I have been spending quite a bit of money on things I never got
to have�new cars, clothes, electronics�but that is calming
down now�my fave stores are honey baked or old navy(8)Do you prefer a quiet
demeanor or someone who is outgoing and friendly??I appreciate a
woman that is confident and not particularly shy in public that is willing to speak
up and say whats on his mind, although not being rude, or discourteous, also
friendly to strangers, and not embarrassed if I speak to other people that we may
or may not know. I like to feel protected and yet free to be my myself, which is
quite friendly (9)How would your friends describe you??They would describe me as
outgoing, funny, sarcastic, loud at times, loyal, easy to get along with,difficult
at times,as ungraceful as they come, (I've had many"accidents"), responsible,
loving, and caring(10)How often do you eat out when you are home?? I try to make
myself go out to eat dinner at least once a week(11)you ever been in trouble with
the law? If so,what for?? (12)Are you physically loving when you are with a man??
Hold hands? Hugs? In private? And in Public??I love to hold hands, I think it shows
unity, and it also is acomfort, that the person you are holding hands with is there
for you,emotionally and physically. In private�I love love to fool around,goof off,
and carry on, a shaving cream fight is fun as all get out,and I love laughing,
giggling (13)Do you like kids ..I mean someone kids.??I love kids, when a toddler
giggles, I giggle, I cant help it,to hear that from a baby or small child is a
wonderful thing. I love
to jump in and play with the kids, but I do realize there's a time and place for it depends on the situation (14)Do you have
any annoying habits? If so, what are they??I talk too much. And I tend to say whats
on my mind faster than thinking about the consequences of what I say. Altho, I have
to say, that as I've gotten older and dealt with the things I have in life, I've
gotten more selective in m conversations. That, and I'm a perfectionist on some
things, and other
things (15)What is your favorite childhood memory??spending time at
grandma's house out in the country playing my the river with my
cousins,all went on a road trip to Ohio to see where my step dad grew
up, while we were there, we went to Niagara falls, and that was the
most awesome thing I've ever seen in my life, beside my nephew being
born (16)Were you popular in school??I wasn't very popular, I didn't hang out with
the "cool" kids, but I did have lots of friends, and we were in the medium cool
crowd, most of us were in the better classes,we were more about the grades than the
high school
crowd..............Get back to me and answer all the
Question..........Hope to hear from you soonest


14....How would you know you were in love?when we can read each others
mind and think as one.
15.....What is the most important part of a relationship?Trust,
Honesty and Communication.
16.....Do you feel comfortable asking your partner anything?yes, she
should be my confidant.
17.....Do you feel sex is an important part of staying happy in a
relationship?yes i believe that the physical part of a relationship is
very important not the most , not the least . but an integral
component non the less . besides it is so fun !
18......What is your favorite holiday?Thanksgiving and Xmas.
19....What is your ideal way to celebrate a holiday as a couple?alone
in an intimate setting with a love letter to read out loud and
passionate lovemaking throughout the night.
20......Do you believe in God?Yes, I fear God, and thank him for every
thing i get food and all other stuff.
21.....Do you believe in an afterlife?yes i do and the Ghost
22......Do you believe in living together before marriage?yes so that
they will get to know each other more.
23....What do you think true love is?being honest in your heart and
with yourself that is shared with the person who feel the same about
you and also is the feeling you have for someone and also being ready
to share the pain and the gain of the person.
24......Do you believe in soul mates? I believe each person has a mate
provided by God.
25.....Do you believe in love at first sight?I believe in love at
first sight . I believe that infatuation is the 1st stage of love and
can easily DEVELOPED into love.
26.......What is your idea of romance?soft words , gentle caresses ,
holding hands , looks that just make you melt , a note on the mirror ,
a card on the car seat , a surprise that is for no reason , a long
walk just the 2 of you , a long kiss , sweet hot breath on the back of
the neck .
27....What do you consider to be romantic?it is the personal affection
which each partner shows for one and other slow music dance.
28......Do you think romance is an important part of a relationship?
Why? romance shows your partner your feelings, love, sensuality all
wrapped up in one parcel for the taking also because it develop more
closeness in the relationship.
29.....Do you think friends make better lovers?yes..I think that goes
back to the feeling comfortable and trusting.
30....What have you learned about love from other people?That many
loves are fleeting , few loves last a lifetime , and that true loves
last forever . love is not always easy , but that it is worth the
effort it takes because the reward cannot be compared to anything else
in this life.
31....Do you think love can conquer all? yes I believe that true love
in itself is truly unconquerable , but it has to be true love from
both factions.
32....Favorite Form Of Foreplay? long passionate mouth kisses to start
with , followed by gentle soft kisses all over.
33.....Favorite Way To Kiss?Soft gentle partially opened mouth 1st ,
then maybe just a nibble on the lower lip leading into a slow deep
tong dance.
34......Favorite Sexual Position?on bottom slowly reaching up to feel
all the soft skin , from behind doggies.
35.....Favorite Way To Be Touched?almost tickled , fingers lightly
dragging across skin.
36.......Favorite Place To Make Love? bedroom 1st hot tub second.
37....Favorite Music To Make Love By?everything i do , i do it for you
...Bryan Adams
38....Favorite Time Of Day to Make Love?before I go to bed and when I wake up

Am Still Amazed

Dear Baby,

I do not know how to express the conflicting emotions that have surged like a storm
through my heart all night long. I only know that first and foremost in all my
thoughts has been the glorious confirmation you gave me last night - without
effort, unconsciously, of course - of all I have ever thought of your mind and
You have the greatest soul, the noblest nature, the sweetest, most loving heart I
have ever known, and my love and admiration for you have increased so much since
we�ve known each other that it still amazes me.

You are more wonderful and lovely in my eyes than you ever were before; and my
pride and joy and gratitude that you should love me with such a perfect love are
beyond all expression.

Love Always,

Love Across Distance

Dear Amy,

What a wonderful beginning to a new year! It began late in the previous year -- me
finding you, chatting online, confessing my love, and then it happens all over
again. The feelings that I�ve felt for you all along begin to resurface. Only this
time, I am free to act on them without fear of upsetting anyone.

Thank you, Amy. What more can a man say to the woman who opened her heart to him,
allowing him to feel the warmth of her love across the great distance that
separates them? You truly have no idea what I feel for you.

I try to put this feeling into words, but fail miserably. This feeling of being
both scared and at peace, of having both butterflies and a sense of calm, is a
feeling that I have only dreamed about. As the days continue to pass, my love for
you continues to grow. I never thought I had the capacity to love anybody as much
as I love you right now. Yet, my love for you continues to mature, growing beyond
the realm of my heart. It seems that you have become the fiber of my soul, the very
reason for my existence.

I have no other words to describe the way you make me feel. No words, no actions
could even come close. I believe that Ronald Regan said it best to Nancy in a
letter, telling her only that, "I more than love you". Their love was a strong
love, surviving everything, even death. I believe that even after his passing,
Nancy felt Ronald's love for her raining down upon her. That is why she has always
seemed at peace after the death of such a truly loving husband. That is the love
that I feel for you.

Forever Yours,

Aren�t We Lucky?

My Dear,

If only I could have come up with the right words to describe the depth of this
beautiful feeling that I have for you, I would have whispered them to you the first
time we met. The best thing that I can do is to show you now.

I love you so much, Sweetie. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You
are like the best poetry ever composed, the best song ever played, the best picture
ever painted. I never thought that someone like me could get so lucky!

I love you more than my life, more than my world. I love you more and more each day
and that is the most wonderful feeling any man can ever hope to experience.
Forever Yours,

Angels Of Our Name

Dear Angel,

Some of the most superb feelings and tingling emotions come from what love an
Angel, such as yourself, and I make. Our world, as we have come to see it, has no
bearing and an infinite boundary when we are locked lips to lips. No one person can
sever that bond of nothing but pure affection and intimate passion. We are the
Angels of Our Heaven and with merely our names to live with. A name, which consists
of nothing more than symbols of a language taken for granted. I would soon rather
speak nothing. A true test of love of which we have accomplished merely by the
elucidation in our eyes.

Earth moves with such apathy that only Our Heaven can keep the pace of our devotion
for one another. As slow as the heart beat of a goliath at rest. Why would the
world seem so passive? I believe it is a chance for us to make our own time to
spend together. It is love. It is what binds the thoughts of all beings trying to
understand it. It appears that you and I have fallen into love, without having
looked for it. This is Heaven and we are the Angels of Our Name....

Affection Always,

Your Heaven's Angel

Just Thinking About You ...
To: Bonkers ~ From: Shannon

Dear Bonkers,

Hey, Honey ... I miss you. I'm just here thinking about you, like I always do. I
hope you're as happy as me; Sunday is almost here again. The thought of you in my
arms right now sounds so good to me. I just want you to know how much I love you.

Ever since the first time I heard you on the phone and heard your cute voice, I
miss you every second of my life. I knew I found someone special. I will always
remember how sweet you are and how every time my phone rang and I heard your sweet
voice I would smile and I was happy from that point on....

Love always,
Truly Honored To Be Yours

Dear James,

I was on my way to bed and wanted to write you a little note. Thank you so much for
having so much faith in me and in us as a couple. Thank you for making me a better
person, and for giving your heart to me and opening up so much.

Over the last 6 months, it's been wonderful; I never expected to feel this way nor
actually be with you in this way, experiencing life with you. You are wonderful ...
to me, to my friends, to my family. You make me really happy and even though we are
apart so much of the time, it's made up each time I see you again. The feeling that
I get is overwhelming every time that I do get to see you for the first time in
such a long time and as time goes by my feelings for you grow dramatically.

I was thinking so much about that earlier tonight, when I am going to meet you at
the airport. I am getting butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of seeing
you again. You make everything complete and I can't imagine spending time with
someone else and having these feelings for anyone else. I'm anxious to see you
again Jamie. Time is ticking, and it's going by really slow.

It takes a strong man to accomplish everything that you have in your life, I am
proud of you that you stick to your goals, you have improved your life so much from
what it was before and I am so happy that you respect my beliefs as I respect
yours. You say that you are going to make me a happy woman ... well, you have
already done that, just by being you and showing me love and being so open with
your feelings. You are what I dreamed of when I was a little girl, someone with
integrity, honesty, love, affection, handsome, and with such a charming
personality. I never thought I would find you, but here you are.

I love you so much, and can't wait to be with you again. I want to give you my
heart and soul. I don't care about anything else in the world because I am in love
with you, James. I love you. Thank you Jamie, for you have made all of my dreams
come true. I could not ask for more. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be
called your girlfriend, I'm truly honored. Thank you.

Love always,

Visions Of You

Dear Catherine,

I miss you, my darling, as I always do. I can almost feel you beside me as I write
this letter, and I can smell the scent of wildflowers that always reminds me of
you. But at this moment, these things no longer give me pleasure. Your visits have
been less and less frequent, and I feel sometimes as if the greatest part of who I
am is slowly slipping away. I am trying to hold on, though. At night when I am
alone, I call for you, and whenever my ache seems to be the greatest, you still
seem to find a way to return to me.

Last night, in my dreams, I saw you on the pier. The wind was blowing through your
hair, and your eyes held the fading sunlight. I was speechless as I watched you
leaning against the rail. You are beautiful, I thought as I saw you, a vision that
I could never find in anyone else. I slowly began to walk toward you, and when you
finally turned to me, I noticed that others had been watching you as well. "Do you
know her?" they asked me in jealous whispers, and as you smiled at me I simply
answered with the truth, "Better than I know myself."

I stop when I reach you and I take you in my arms. I long for this moment more than
any other. It is what I live for, and when you return my embrace, I give myself
over to this moment, at peace once again. I raise my hand and gently touch your
cheek and you tilt your head and close your eyes. My hands are hard and your skin
is soft, and I wonder for a moment if you'll pull back, but of course, you don't. I
know that this is the moment I have been waiting for, and I pray that the moment
never ends.

Love always,


Hello Angel,.. Thanks for that mail,In terms of beauty and quality you are
extremely beautiful���. and most privilege woman I have ever seen in my life. I
personally like the woman who is intelligent and want to be happy with one man. I
am enchanted how you possess this type of wonderful quality. It could be because of
your good parents and your education.Well i would love to be you husband and that
was why i wrote you at first when i got hooked up with you profile......Although I
am a strong man in physically and mentally but the truth is still I haven�t sex
with any women. As long as my wife character is good, I wouldn�t care the small
wrong in a conjugal life. I am reliable and trustworthy, I strongly declare that I
have a very pure mind and God will help me to find out the right lady for me.....
I would love you to do me a favour by Deleting and Terminating your profile from
migente or any dating sites that your registered as user becuase i dont want you
searching for a partner anymore since we have contacted each other,we need a
breathing space from dating sites so we could be able to get to know ourselves much
better with time out of dating sites and Its nice getting to know you but there are
things i really need to is good and at the same time there are still
some bad things happening in life too.But i believe the bad people have spoilt the
names of the good onesAm not a man that hurt one feelinags or heart breaker cause i
dont want someone to do that to me and i will not want to do that in reply. so
that in life now,.. we try to be sure of the person we are dating.whether he/she
truely loves us or Just there to play us.... I am not into playing games, because
there are no winners, only hurt lossers...I have gone through so much and all i
need is a woman that is trustworthy and reliable.I know you possess the qualities i
need from a woman and that is why i want us to take thgis relationship to another
level.All i need is true love because that is what i want to give to you . I am a
very loving person who likes to be truthful and likes to spend time with friends
and family. I am sensitive and understanding, at the same time I'm very strong when
the time to face problems comes. I'm fun and outgoing but I'm also respectful and
sometimes boring depending on the people around me. I am very passionate to life
with love. Have a charitable heart and the ability to show some emotions. If love
had a face it.. would be yours, just an ordinary lady trying hard to win me first
prize. I would say to you get outta my dreams and get into my life. Telephone is
ringing somebody says baby what you're doing I been wondering where you've been now
and then I think about you and me, now you swear about things I can't recall it
don't matter now at all just come on in to my heart. Im sending this teddy bear
hug. I seem to have some good qualities to offer someone(you).Please don't hurt me
I'm your little lion, I am your average male. Shy at times but great personality
and very easy going. I am looking for someone who is serious about life but can add
some excitement to my sometimes boring lifestyle which you are already doing aand
making feel great and happy. I'm looking for someone who enjoys talking but who
also enjoys quiet that is you baby... Someone who always strives to be honest and
is open to other interpretations. I'm seeking kind hearted, sweet, caring woman. I
want someone who really does want a good man, and might recognize one when she
see's him, even though I take the worlds..worst picture. Simple, sincere, down to
earth with enthusiasm for life and living willing to take chances great
communication skills big hearted kind and gentle these things are what I have to
offer and also what I'm looking for in a woman,which you have gotten already and
are you ready to show me your real color cause i am ready for you ..Remember the
distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life. And i promise to
charish your ways and be of good behaviour to you having daughter and son
will never stop me from loving you cause love is said to be from the bottom of my
heart sweetheart.i want to plan a family with you ..thanks for getting in touch...
i cant wait to get to meet you in person to help out with home helps.. pls do write
back to me on ..Thanks ..
I am new here and thought i should check out how it works on the site and i got to
see your profile among the result that was given to me on the site. I don't know if
anyone on this site has ever told you how good looking you are and how interesting
your profile is. I like your profile and i am very much interested in getting to
know you. So I thought I should send you a note to let you know that someone out
here admires you and willing to do anything to make things work out if i happen to
be the type of man you are looking for. To be honest, you are a very looking good
woman and with the little i read about you i think we may have some things in
common . So why don't you give me the chance to see if the chemistry is actually
there. If you don't mind you can email me directly to my private email on so that
we can both know more about each other because i don't really sign in here often
and i might not get to sign in here to reply back to your message. I will look
forward to hear back from you soon. Take good care of yourself and do have a
wonderful day.

Hello i am john i am single seeking good love from a good woman in life ..and i
gone true so many things on here but i believe i can get to meet my mrs right one
day ....on here i like your profile and you look nice to me i believe in talking
straight may be we chat on whatsapp or viber and my email is john_scotmark @
yahoo dot com i am interested in you and i believe we can be come of good things
together in life if we can give it a try...and you will be free to see my face on
there cos i dont know much about pics on here and hope to ear soon from you.

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