DLP English 7

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Subject Technology and Livelihood Education
Grade Level 9
Number of Students 34
Quarter 2
Topic Preparing Sandwich
The learners demonstrate understanding of
1. Describe the different types of sandwiches according to its layer.
Content Standard
2. Explain the methods and techniques in making sandwiches.
3. Cite the different fillings and spreads and methods of preparing sandwiches.
The learners should be able to
1. Present sandwiches creatively and attractively.
2. And store sandwiches properly.
The learner:
1. Explain how the open faced, Regular sandwich and Multidecker made and looks like.
Learning 2. Identify the different techniques and methods in making a sandwich.
3. Create their own handmade spreads and sauces that suit in sandwich.

2nd Session
1st Session
January 9, 2024
Date January 8, 2024
Preparing Kitchen Tools and Equipment and the ingredients in Food Components of a Sandwich according to its layer and suitable
Preparation toppings, fillings and spreads and sauces for sandwiches
1. Define mise en place - Explain how the sandwich primarily consists of the following
2. Identify the different cooking equipment and utensils in cooking components.
different types of dishes. - Describe the difference between Toppings, Fillings, and
3. State the general guidelines in the cleanliness and sanitation of spreads.
the kitchen and the kitchen tools, utensils and equipment’s - Explain the layers of the sandwich
Materials PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing

Basbas, Leonora D., Ph.D. (2018). Learning and Living in the 21st Century Cookery 9 worktext in Technology and Livelihood Education.
Resources Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Evaluation Type Diagnostic Formative

A. Preparation
Evaluation  Prayer
In whole sheet of paper answer the following: (Virtual Video Prayer)
1. Why is there a need to clean and sanitize kitchen tools and equipment
before and after use?  Greetings
2. How important is mise en place in food preparation. Good morning, class!

 Checking of attendance
Secretary of the class, how many students are absent
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Very Good! So We are complete today
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
B. Objectives
Learning Process -define sandwich
B. Objectives
- identify the components of a sandwich
-identify the functions and used of the tools and materials
- differentiate between fillings and spreads, and flavorings to
-list some precautions or guidelines in the cleanliness and sanitation of
the area in the workplace.
The teacher will divide the class into two groups and then access
Guide Questions:
or cite the given link https://wordwall.net/resource/61202619 and
a. What do you think is the connection of those words in our
discussion? o You will guess the jumbled letters on the screen.
o And the first group who will get the correct and
D. Presentation complete answers will be the winner.
Discuss performing mise en place on p. 3, preparing the tools and o Are you ready, class?
equipment’s to use on pp. 3-5 and guidelines in the cleanliness and o Good! Let’s start!
sanitation of the area.

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Guide questions:
a. If you are already in the workplace, how will you perform mise en
b. What are the different tool and equipment used in cooking and
their uses?
c. Is it important to follow the general guidelines in cleanliness and
sanitation of the kitchen?

What do you think is the connection of those words in our

 Before we begin our lesson, let’s have a short review
regarding our topic last meeting. Anyone who remembers
the topic?
 Student: Miss, the topic that we discussed yesterday is all
about tools and equipment used in preparing a sandwich.
Very Good!
 And what are tools and materials needed in making a

Guide questions:
a. What do you think is the importance of making your own
sandwich in the morning?
b. What are the roles of sandwiches in our meal
c. How can you make sandwiches appealing to

The teacher will give an activity. And the student will create
a slogan about the layer of a sandwich.


SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
And after your activity let’s have a Game, This Called a
Pinoy Henyo Game. The teacher will group the students into two
groups and each group have a representative that who will
participate in the Game. The student will guess the given words
from the teacher and the first group who will guess the right
answer is the winner.

Words: Chicken, cheese, tomato, and etc.

E. Evaluation
Directions: Identify the correct answer/s in the following statements. Match
column A to Column B.

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
The integrated values is responsibility, students are responsible to The integrated values are responsibility, students are responsible
Values Integration
actively participate in the discussion. to actively participate in the discussion.
Have an advance reading a about a. Assembling and preparing Watch some video in YouTube about how they plan and prepare
ingredients for menu items, b. planning for the process of work, c. time before cooking. Observe from the video if they done the methods
allotment and importance of organizing and preparing food. and techniques in making sandwiches. Write all your observation
Answer this question after reading the lesson: what is the connection of in your notebook and share it with the class in our next meeting
a, b, and c?
Are those things important in preparing food?

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Subject English
Grade Level 7
Number of Students 42
Quarter 1
Topic Direct and Indirect Speech
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
Content Standard styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb
Performance Students will create a comic strip (9 scenes) consisting of Direct and Indirect Speech conversations about their experiences during the
Standard COVID-19 pandemic.
Create a short story with the use of direct and reported speech appropriately in varied contexts
1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session
Date September 01, 2023 September 04, 2023 September 05, 2023 September 06, 2023
Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Sub-Topic Analogy Genres of Viewing Active Voice and Passive Voice Past and Perfect Tenses

- define the term genre; - distinguish the difference

- identify the active and passive voice;
- explain, discuss and define the different between past and past
- convert the active voice sentence to a
- Define analogy and its type. genres of viewing; and perfect tense of the verb;
Objective/s - Determine the relationship of a - identify the genre of a material viewed passive voice sentence; and - identify the correct form of the
given set of words in analogy. (such as movie clip, trailer, news flash, - identify the verb, verb tenses and the verb; and
internet-based program, documentary, receiver of the action. - create a sentence using past
video, etc.). tense or past perfect tense.
Materials PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation; Youtube PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Resources https://depedtambayan.net/ ; Youtube
Evaluation Type Formative Formative Formative Formative
Learning Process Activity: Activity: Activity 1.1: Activity:
Directions: Identify the types of Directions: In this task, you’re going to Direction: Rewrite the sentences in Direction: Write on the line the
analogy base on the given example. differentiate passive voice. correct form of the given verb in
Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. Karla is drinking a cup of tea. the parentheses to complete each
SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
those genres of viewing (on your own words) – sentence.
_________1. Painter : painting :: by completing the table. (2 points each) 2. My father is washing the car.
baker : bread – 1. The council (write) ________
a.Product and Worker b. Tool 3. Farmer Jonas is milking the cows. _______ down their proposal
and Worker c. Action and Genres – to organize a career seminar
Object Features before they presented it to the
4. She is taking a picture of him. coordinator.
_________2. Carpenter : Hammer :: –
Painter : Brush
1. 5. I am writing a poem. 2. Everyone (express)
a. Worker and Tool b. – _________ ________ their
Worker and Purpose c. Worker 2. 6. We are not playing football. fears about job hunting when
and Product – Ms. Lee assured us that
7. He is not wearing a tie. although it was difficult, it was
_________3. Excellent : Good :: 3. – not impossible.
Fast : Quick 8. Is she preparing the party?
a. Cause and Effect b. – 3. Many (talk) ________ _______
Synonyms c. Antonyms 4. 9. Are they talking about the meeting? to our counselor about
– alternative career options
_________4. checkers : game :: 10. Is she watering the flowers? before they made a decision.
strawberry : fruit 5. –
a. Characteristic b. 4. We (send) _________ already
Degree c. Type Activity 1.2: ________ out our resumes by
6. Directions: Identify the voice of the verb in the time we graduated.
_________5. Liquid: Solid :: Sunny : each quotation. Indicate the verb used and
Cloudy the receiver of the action. Write your 5. Some of us (find)
a. Antonyms b. 7. answers in the column provided on the ___________ ________
Synonyms c. Cause and Effect next page. employment even before the
year ended.
_________6. Crime : Punishment :: 1. “Peace cannot be kept by force; it
Fire : Burn can only be achieved by 6. Harry (try) _________
a. Cause and Effect b. 9. understanding.” _______ unsuccessfully three
Action and Object c. Degree 2. “Harmony makes small things times before he got the job.
grow, lack of it makes great things
_________7. Elephant : big :: ant : decay.” 7. I (know) ________ ________
small 3. “We can never obtain peace in the that I wanted to work in
a. Characteristic b. outer world until we make peace publishing by the time I went to
Synonyms c. with ourselves.” college.
Classification 4. “When the power of love
overcomes the love of power the 8. Louise (win) ________
_________8. Clothes : Closet :: Bee : world will know peace.” ________ that I wanted to
Hive 5. “Whenever you are sincerely work in publishing by the time I
a. Location b. pleased, you are nourished.” went to college.
Characteristic c. 6. “Peace, like war must be waged.”
Classification 7. “Courageous people do not fear 9. Jackie (lose) _________
forgiving for the sake of peace.” almost _________ hope when
SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
_________9. writer : pen :: singer : 8. “You can find peace amidst the she finally received her
voice storms that threaten you.” acceptance letter from the
a. Action and Object b. 9. “At present the peace of the world graduate school.
Worker and tool c. Product and has been preserved, not by
Worker statesmen, but by capitalists.” 10.Alexis (ask) _______ already
10. “Once we have this inner peace, ________ his parents’
_________10. ruler : measure :: world peace can be achieved in permission when he accepted
scissors : cut the twinkling of an eye.” the job.
a. item and purpose b. Voice of Verb Receiver of
product and worker c. tool and the Verb Used the Action
worker 1.

_________11. eagle : bird :: squash : 2.

a. Degree b. 3.
Characteristic c.
Classification/Type 4.

_________12. fly: airplane :: drive :
car 6.
a. Product and Tool b.
Product and Worker c. Action and 7.
_________13. Effect : Success :
Sleep : Energy 9.
a. Characteristic b.
Degree c. Cause and

_________14 Swim : Lake :: Climb :

a. Tool and Worker b.
Classification c. Object and

_________15. Letter : mail :: money :

a. Classification b.
Location c. Degree

Values Integration Concern Responsibility Service Responsibility

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Assignment Directions: Watch and identify the genre being Direction: Create a sentence base
Directions: Search for different genres presented on the given link below. Write your on the following pictures. Use past
of viewing. Write your answers on answer on English Notebook. tense or past perfect tense.
your activity section of your notebook.

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Subject English
Grade Level 7
Number of Students 42
Quarter 1
Topic Direct and Indirect Speech
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
Content Standard styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb
Performance Students will create a comic strip (9 scenes) consisting of Direct and Indirect Speech conversations about their experiences during the
Standard COVID-19 pandemic.
Create a short story with the use of direct and reported speech appropriately in varied contexts
1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session
Date September 08, 2023 September 11, 2023 September 12, 2023 September 13, 2023
Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Scanning, Skimming, and Close Analogy

Sub-Topic Direct and Indirect Speech Phrase, Clause, and Sentence

- identify direct and indirect/reported

- appropriate reading strategies to
speech; - Create phrases, clauses, and sentences
meet one’s purpose (e.g.
- use direct and reported speech appropriately and meaningfully.
scanning, skimming, close
Objective/s appropriately in varied contexts; - Identify the different types of sentences
- change each question from direct - Identify the dependent and independent
- Identify the difference between
speech to indirect speech and vice clause.
skimming and scanning.

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Materials PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Resources https://depedtambayan.net/ ; Youtube
Evaluation Type Diagnostic Formative Diagnostic Formative
Directions: Classify the sentence according to the
structure or form. Write simple, compound or Directions: Give three
complex on the line space provided before each examples from each type of
number. analogy. Write your answers on
Activity section of your
___________1. I went to Venice last April 2006. notebook.

___________2. My friend and I rode on a

___________3. We visited Piazza San Marco
and ate at a nearby coffee house.

___________4. When we visited the plaza, we

saw a lot of pigeons around the square.

___________5. The windows in an old building in

Venice are made of Murano glass.

Learning Process ___________6. I bought a Murano glass bracelet

for my sister and gave fan souvenirs to my

___________7. I never rode a gondola because it

is quite expensive.

___________8. I noticed few restrooms are

around the area, but there was a popular burger
and chicken restaurant in town.

___________9. In the late afternoon, I saw

wooden planks near the plaza.

___________10. Venice should be seen before it

disappears completely into the surrounding

Values Integration


SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Subject English
Grade Level 7
Number of Students 42
Quarter 1
Topic Direct and Indirect Speech
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
Content Standard styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb
Performance Students will create a comic strip (9 scenes) consisting of Direct and Indirect Speech conversations about their experiences during the
Standard COVID-19 pandemic.
Create a short story with the use of direct and reported speech appropriately in varied contexts
1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session
Date September 15, 2023 September 18, 2023 September 19, 2023 September 20, 2023
Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Sub-Topic Active and Passive Voice Active and Passive Voice Diagnostic Test
- Understand the selection read.
- Answer the questions in each
Objective/s - -
selection (Word Work,
Understanding, and Vocabulary)
Materials Scholastic Reading Drills
Resources Text Materials
Evaluation Type Diagnostic
Learning Process Directions: Underline the verb in each Directions: Rewrite each sentence indicating the Directions: From the given selection,

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
sentence. Then, label it as either active or active verb into the passive voice. read and understand and answer the
passive. following questions.
Example: The critic wrote a sarcastic review.
_________1. Mother boiled six eggs for Answer: A sarcastic review was written by the
her two kids for dinner. critic.
_________2. The maid prepares citrus 1. I will observe proper hygiene regularly.
juices for the family. Answer:
_________3. A complete set of car tires _______________________________________.
was purchased by Daniel.
_________4. Daddy submits the office 2. The school required each student to watch a
documents online. safety video every year.
_________5. The Covid-19 vaccines are Answer:
received by many people now, unlike two _______________________________________.
years ago.
_________6. The launching of newly 3. The Health Department encourages people to
produced vaccine will be witnessed by practice minimum health standards.
selected guests. Answer:
_________7. The quarantine _______________________________________.
requirements shortened the recovery
period of affected Covid-19 patients. 4. Rommel will complete all his academic
_________8. The health workers are requirements after recovering from the
alarmed by the overwhelming number of disease.
people affected by the Omicron variant. Answer:
_________9. Young and old alike _______________________________________.
conscientiously observe good health
habits. 5. The government agency regularly releases
_________10. Stricter implementation of guidelines for identifying quarantine levels.
health protocols will be implemented by Answer:
the respective LGUs. _______________________________________.

6. A group of volunteers participates in the relief

operations for Typhoon Odette victims.

7. The two presidents are signing the teaty.


8. The teachers and students request an

academic break since they are also affected
by the virus contamination.

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
9. The infected patients occupy the maximum
bed capacity in most hospitals.

10. Lina donated more than enough money to the

fire victims and homeless families.

Values Integration

Subject English
Grade Level 7
Number of Students 42
Quarter 1
Topic Direct and Indirect Speech
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
Content Standard styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb
Performance Students will create a comic strip (9 scenes) consisting of Direct and Indirect Speech conversations about their experiences during the
Standard COVID-19 pandemic.
Create a short story with the use of direct and reported speech appropriately in varied contexts
1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session
Date September 22, 2023 September 25, 2023 September 26, 2023 September 27, 2023
Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Sub-Topic Active and Passive Voice

Objective/s -

Resources Text Materials/Scilearn.com
Evaluation Type












Directions: Underline the verb in each
Learning Process
sentence. Then, label it as either active or
SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing

_________1. Mother boiled six eggs for

her two kids for dinner.
_________2. The maid prepares citrus
juices for the family.
_________3. A complete set of car tires
was purchased by Daniel.
_________4. Daddy submits the office
documents online.
_________5. The Covid-19 vaccines are
received by many people now, unlike two
years ago.
_________6. The launching of newly
produced vaccine will be witnessed by
selected guests.
_________7. The quarantine
requirements shortened the recovery
period of affected Covid-19 patients.
_________8. The health workers are
alarmed by the overwhelming number of
people affected by the Omicron variant.
_________9. Young and old alike
conscientiously observe good health
_________10. Stricter implementation of
health protocols will be implemented by
the respective LGUs.

Values Integration


SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Subject English
Grade Level 7
Number of Students 42
Quarter 1
Topic Direct and Indirect Speech
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
Content Standard styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb
Performance Students will create a comic strip (9 scenes) consisting of Direct and Indirect Speech conversations about their experiences during the
Standard COVID-19 pandemic.
Create a short story with the use of direct and reported speech appropriately in varied contexts
1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session
Date September 29, 2023 October 02, 2023 October 03, 2023 October 04, 2023
Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Sub-Topic Active and Passive Voice Active and Passive Voice Direct and Indirect Speech Direct and Indirect Speech

Objective/s - -

Materials Essential English Book Microsoft word

Resources Text Materials/Scilearn.com
Evaluation Type Formative Formative Formative




Directions: Rewrite each sentence indicating the B. Directions: Complete the sentences
Learning Process
active verb into the passive voice. using reported speech. Change the
SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
tense if necessary.
CY Example: The critic wrote a sarcastic review.
Answer: A sarcastic review was written by the Example: How I make my COMIC
critic. Dan: “I cleaned the backyard STRIPS
11. I will observe proper hygiene regularly. yesterday.” Link:
Answer: Dan told me that he had cleaned the https://www.youtube.com/watch
_______________________________________. backyard the day before. ?v=jCe0MUHNVBU

12. The school required each student to watch a 1. Emily: “Our teacher will go to
safety video every year. Cebu City on Wednesday.”
Answer: Emily said that
_______________________________________. ___________________________.

13. The Health Department encourages people to 2. Helen: “There is no class on the
practice minimum health standards. 25th.”
Answer: Helen told me that
_______________________________________. ___________________________.

14. Rommel will complete all his academic 3. Abby: “The whole family flew to
requirements after recovering from the Singapore last year.”
disease. Abby told me that
Answer: ___________________________.
4. Lisa: “Rainier went to the mall an
15. The government agency regularly releases hour ago.”
guidelines for identifying quarantine levels. Lisa said that
Answer: __________________________.
5. Patricia: “My mother will celebrate
16. A group of volunteers participates in the relief her 59th birthday next month.”
operations for Typhoon Odette victims. Patricia said that
Answer: ___________________________.

17. The two presidents are signing the teaty. C. Directions: Rewrite each sentence.
Answer: Correct shifts in verb tense. Some of
_______________________________________. the verbs do not need to be changed.

18. The teachers and students request an 1. Tony said, “I live in the suburbs.”
academic break since they are also affected ______________________________
by the virus contamination.
Answer: 2. Marie said, “I am cooing dinner.”
_______________________________________. ______________________________

19. The infected patients occupy the maximum 3. They said, “We have visited the
SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
bed capacity in most hospitals. island twice.”
Answer: ______________________________
4. She said, “My brother went to Sulu
20. Lina donated more than enough money to the last week.”
fire victims and homeless families. ______________________________
_______________________________________. 5. Victoria said, “I had already closed
the gate.”

Values Integration


SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Subject English
Grade Level 7
Number of Students 42
Quarter 1
Topic Direct and Indirect Speech
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
Content Standard styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb
Performance Students will create a comic strip (9 scenes) consisting of Direct and Indirect Speech conversations about their experiences during the
Standard COVID-19 pandemic.
Create a short story with the use of direct and reported speech appropriately in varied contexts
1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session
Date October 06, 2023 October 09, 2023 October 10, 2023 October 11, 2023
Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Sub-Topic Direct and Indirect Speech Direct and Indirect Speech Direct and Indirect Speech Direct and Indirect Speech

Objective/s - -

Resources Text Materials/YouTube
Evaluation Type

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing


Learn English Grammar: DIRECT & Sharing COVID-19 experiences: The Italian
Learning Process

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch? Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=wQIoo8OivsA v=oDeSCVGi-pM

Values Integration



Subject English
Grade Level 7
Number of Students 42
Quarter 1
Topic Direct and Indirect Speech
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
Content Standard styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb
Performance Students will create a comic strip (9 scenes) consisting of Direct and Indirect Speech conversations about their experiences during the
Standard COVID-19 pandemic.
Create a short story with the use of direct and reported speech appropriately in varied contexts
1st Session
Date October 13, 2023

Sub-Topic Direct and Indirect Speech

- -

Resources Text Materials/YouTube
Evaluation Type

SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing
Learning Process

Values Integration


SAN GUILLERMO ACADEMY • Faith • Service • Concern • Responsibility • God - Fearing

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