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Q2 2022 Newsletter

Coats Digital Connect Coats Digital Quarterly Newsletter

Industry Insights Customer View

Akash Shah joins Learn about the Hirdaramani shares
the Sustainability future of PLM in the their Coats Digital
Conclave 2022 2022 PLM Report experiences
Page 6 Page 7 Page 9

PT. Sumbiri boosts productivity

by 13% with GSDCost
Leading global lingerie significant variation in the time
taken to produce garments,
manufacturer improve between operators, and across
capacity planning & line lines and factories. This variability
balancing in method and time resulted in
lost efficiency, variation in the
quality due to increased defects,
Located in Indonesia, PT. Sumbiri
and made accurate production
(PT. Sumber Bintang Rejeki)
planning a real challenge.
started its journey as a warp
knitting factory in 1973 and
Find out how a scientific approach
started manufacturing garments in
to standardising manufacturing
1985. Currently employing 6,000
methods has delivered fact-
workers in 3 factories in Indonesia,
based, optimised garment costing
Myanmar and Ethiopia, PT.
resulting in significant efficiency
Sumbiri has a monthly production
gains. Read more.
capacity of 2,000,000 pieces. With The Results
an absence of standardised and
optimised manufacturing methods,
PT. Sumbiri were faced with • Increased productivity by 13%
• Method standardisation and optimisation
• Fact-based garment costing
• Accurate SMVs used
“GSDCost helped us to boost and align our efficiency globally. • Improved capacity planning and line balancing
We can now use more accurate information in our business,
improving our sewing method and standardising the sewing
process. This helped us to achieve significant productivity
General Manager,
PT. Sumber Bintang Rejeki

Congratulations to our Q2 iPad winners!

Due to popular demand, we’re happy

to announce an extension of our iPad

For more details on the Q2 winners and

to find out how to enter, see Page 9.

Proud of our heritage!

Coats Digital is the software business of Coats Group, the world’s
leading industrial thread company and a trusted industry player.
Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter

03 Coats Digital
A special message from Coats Digital’s Managing Director
08 Coats Digital solutions
Coats Digital connected solutions and product
updates highlighting key new functionality.
Solution Focus: Unlock the full potential of people, method
and machine

04 New customers
Featuring: LGG (Vietnam), Zhangjiagang Top Textile (China),
09 New customer video
Watch Rakhil Hirdaramani talk about how his century
old family owned business has been able to retain it’s
SAE-A (Global), RA Intertrading (Argentina) and Vertical Knits
(Mexico) leading position in the industry.

05 Customer successes
Featuring: Viet Vuong (Vietnam) and Jolanka (Sri Lanka)
Learn more about the significant ROI achievements
10 Regional updates
Regional news from our teams across the globe
covering Q2 2022.

06 Thought leadership
Expert opinion, industry insights, interviews and more. Learn
from leading experts.
12 Leading green
Coats Digital is dedicated to playing a fundamental
role in the future of sustainable garment
manufacturing across the fashion supply chain.

Q1 2022

Tusuka boosts GSDCost improves Taking action on fair wages: Why

employee job efficiencies for Top people are still missing a piece of
satisfaction and Form the sustainability puzzle
increases OTDP Top Form identified a need to
COVID-19 has highlighted brands’ and retailers’ sustainability
with FastReactPlan replace existing processes which
relied on estimates and historical strategies, with consumers and regulators demanding greater
data for SMV calculations. By visibility, transparency, and accountability than ever before.
Award-winning Bangladesh implementing GSDCost, Top If you missed The Interline’s roundtable discussion, featuring
garment manufacturer, Tusuka, Form can ensure garments are speakers from Coats Digital, The Living Wage Network and
has seen efficiency gains by designed and developed at the Hirdaramani Group, you can still watch it on-demand or read
streamlining their production plan- right price point. Find out more the article published in The Interline.
ning and much more. Click ‘read about the additional benefits.
more’ to see the results! Roundtable Article
Read More Read More Watch Now Read More

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter

A personal message from
Akash Shah, MD, Coats Digital
Q2 has been nonstop for I’m thrilled to be engaging with
everyone at Coats Digital as we you in person once again, building
resume face-to-face meetings further conviction and excitement
once more. I took the opportunity about the about the opportunities
to jump on the road, traveling to digitally transform the industry
across Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, and how Coats Digital is primed to
Bangladesh and finally Vietnam make this happen!
for much needed contact with
customers, partners and our local We hope to connect with as
Coats Digital teams. many of you as possible over
the coming months and we look
I am seeing first hand, how the forward to exploring ways in which
rare combination of apparel we can partner, collaborate and
manufacturing, supply chain take our industry forward to new
industry depth, technology heights for the benefit of everyone.
expertise and the locally relevant
experience in our teams is
insurmountable. Q2 has been a
hugely rewarding quarter and we
have so much to look forward to.
Akash Shah
Akash Shah,
Director, Coats Digital

Unlock the full potential of people,

method and machine
Shopfloor Execution with Res.Q
Unprecedented volatility, operational and financial
increasingly fragmented order performance. Many businesses
books and a move to on-demand have benefited from Res.Q
production, are all driving greater such as Norwood Fashions in
complexity and margin pressure Sri Lanka. They were able to
in the fashion supply chain. As see massive improvements in
manufacturers respond to these their production with a sizable
challenges, capturing and digitizing reduction in garment defect rates.
data in real time across end-to-end Monitoring defects in real time
manufacturing processes is critical was also something Jolanka out
for actionable data insights and of Manchester, UK needed. They
the feedback loop of performance saw an amazing 25% reduction
to plan, standards to enable early in defect rates as a result of
proactive actions, improving implementing Res.Q.
decision making and optimising Learn more

“With Res.Q our defect rate dropped by 25%”

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter

SAE-A Vertical Knits This will allow Vertical
Knits to effectively meet
RA Intertrading
Established in 1986, SAE-A, Leading Mexican sports apparel more challenging customer RA Intertrading is the
is one of the world’s largest manufacturer, Vertical Knits, requirements. A vertically premier Argentinian apparel
fashion manufactures, chose FastReactPlan to meet integrated apparel manufacturer. RA Intertrading
operating in Korea, the increased volume and order manufacturer, Vertical Knits needed to meet increased
USA, Indonesia, Vietnam, complexities due to rapidly S.A. de C.V. specialises in volume demands. They also
Guatemala, Nicaragua, changing consumer demands. full package programs for needed a way to optimise
Cambodia, Myanmar, Haiti renowned global athletic workforce processes that offer
and Costa Rica, and is FastReactPlan will digitize and lifestyle brands, such accurate method standard,
headquartered in Seoul. From manual planning processes as Nike, Converse, VF driving increased efficiency
yarn-production through its and provide a unified version Corporation, Tommy Hilfiger, & productivity while meeting
fabric mills to retail operations of truth to reduce raw material Lacoste and Patagonia. increased volume demands.
in Korea, SAE-A continues inventories and costly Read more. Learn how Coat’s Digital
to invest in technology and manufacturing variances. delivers value.
new innovations to lead the
way in apparel manufacturing.
SAE-A adopted Coats Digital’s
GSDCost to drive improved
cost and production
efficiencies accross all their
factories around the globe.
They expected GSDCost to
create an accurate method
standard for production to
optimise processes, drive
increased efficiency &
productivity. They were elated
to see they could now have
greater transparency around
labour costs to actively support Zhangjiagang Top Textile LGG
corporate social responsibilities
and much more. Find out why In June, a leading Chinese with the ability to respond BAC Giang LGG Garment
SAE-A partnered with Coats apparel manufacturer, Top quickly and effectively to fast Corporation adopted Coats
Digital across 10 countries. Textile, chose FastReactPlan to changing consumer demands Digital’s GSDCost to improve
drive their digital transformation sits nicely with FastReactPlan’s production floor efficiencies and
in order to reduce and optimise functionality and purpose. enhance its partnerships with
OTDP. Alles Yang, General Manager, brands. The solution will also
FastReactPlan will facilitate Zhangjiagang Top Textile, enable the company to forge
a seamless exchange of commented “Coats Digital’s even stronger relationships with
information between a FastReactPlan has become its customers through greater
number of systems. Their the core solution for our digital transparency. Learn more
plan to significantly increase transformation. Read the full about how LGG are creating a
efficiencies by reducing announcement. more sustainable future.
“Coats Digital’s GSDCost overtime and optimise OTDP
solution has the highest
Predetermined Method-
Time Standard (PMTS)
reliability in the world,
and its robust, systematic
training programme,
with expert instructors is
second to none. In short,
we wouldn’t have chosen
any other provider.”

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter

Viet Vuong
The Results
Vietnamese manufacturer, As a result of implementing
Viet Vuong, is known for their IntelloCut, Viet Vuong saw a
commitment to sustainable BOM savings of 1.13% with 2% fabric waste reduction
manufacturing processes wherever overall wastage savings of 1.23%
possible. Reducing fabric wastage while optimising productivity and
to zero is their top priority. increasing customer satisfaction. 1%+ BOM savings
Coats Digital offered much more
The company has secured than just solving their original
recognition for being a green-
Improved data visibility and
waste challenge. Find out how
friendly factory from WRAP – a our solution surprised Viet Vuong tracking
charity, working with governments, with more benefits than expected.
businesses and citizens around the 3% improved fabric utilisation
globe to create a more sustainable
world. They’re also recognised
by Better Work which improves
global garment industry conditions
and the sustainable building
programme, LEED.

Jolanka Group
Jolanka began their journey in
Following the adoption of Res.Q,
The Results
1983 as a UK based manufacturer
end line defect rates dropped by
located in Manchester, quickly
25%, enabling Jolanka to increase
moving to set up manufacturing
its On Time In Full shipments and
Factory efficiency increased
in Sri Lanka. The company now
subsequently increase customer
boasts 4 facilities in Sri Lanka
along with design, warehousing
satisfaction. 25% Defect reduction
and distribution facilities in the UK.
Supervisors are able to assess
With a focus on the end-to-end
products within the line to ensure Significant reduction in errors
supply chain, Jolanka produces
that the garments are of expected
over 800,000 units per month
across 30 production lines. As
quality, all in real time. Read their Connected stakeholders and
story. management team
a multi-product manufacturer,
speed, agility and flexibility are at
the heart of Jolanka’s operations,
Manage fluctuating demands
along with a strong focus on their

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter

Sustainability Conclave Brand
2022-Akash Shah helps
lead the GREEN scene
Coats Digital were delighted Are brands
to participate in the getting behind
Fibre2Fashion Sustanability the digital supply
Conclave, with Akash Stuart McCready-Stocks
chain revolution?
Shah sharing how Coats Coats Digital Commercial Brands Director

Digital is driving forward the

sustainability agenda within
the industry. This two-day
virtual conference brought
Thought There is no denying it
together global corporate
leaders and experts from the
Leadership: has taken a long time for
the global fashion supply
chain to start digitizing its
textile-apparel-fashion industry
The Interline interviews sourcing, manufacturing
enabling them to share their
Stuart McCready-Stocks and supply processes.
knowledge, ideas and insights.
In this recently published article by Sourcing Journal, Global
The Interline series contains Director of Brands, Stuart McCready-Stocks, highlights a need
Alongside other industry
exclusive interviews exploring for greater collaboration and data connectivity between design,
experts, Akash participated in
how PLM plays a large role in development and production partners and how this can be
a panel discussion, speaking
enabling DPC (Digital Product achieved. Read the full article.
candidly about the need for
Creation), but also supply chain
technology in the garment
industry: “It’s clear the industry
and agility.
needs greater collaboration
In the
which will ultimately provide
transparency, visibility and
Coats Digital’s Global Director
of Brands, Stuart McCready-
Stocks discusses how
If you missed the live event,
absolutely critical the role PLM
you can still catch it on de-
plays in reshaping the industry
mand on our channel.
as more sustainable, more
intelligent, more efficient, and
more transparent. Read the full

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter
PLM Report 2022 New eBook: Change. Connect. Compete.

WhichPLM recently published their

annual PLM Report. The report
focuses on who’s buying and
selling and how it all connects to
technology’s place in the fashion
industry’s future. Mark Harrop,
CEO & Founder, WhichPLM offers
incredible insight into what the
future of PLM looks like stating,

“As the industry moves forward

with its digital connectivity and
transparency, manufacturers
will need industry standard
benchmarks for method and time

Read the Future of PLM article or

access the full report.

Navigating the way through precision and organised control Download our latest eBook
challenges being placed on of fabric and labour with the and discover futureproof
the industry can be unsettling ability to adapt to increasing strategies that will ensure your
when you have no clear map of demands, it’s equally important business can recover, control
how to overcome them. While to reforge the relationships that and remain resilient.
it is vital that manufacturers have suffered from lockdowns
implement solutions that offer and restrictions. Download

eBook: Top 4 Sourcing Priorities

In the last twenty four months, the to unpredictability and day-to-day
ground has shifted beneath the volatility on a seismic scale.
fashion industry. From uncertainty Today, as the pandemic continues
in raw material sourcing to rapid to ebb and flow unequally around
Point of View: channel changes at the point of
sale, via the complex, fragile web
the world, the question every
brand, retailer and their supply
WhichPLM Report of global sourcing, production and chain partners need to answer
logistics, every long-held assumption is what tomorrow looks like.
2022 has been challenged. Every point of
failure has been stress-tested. And Download
every business has needed to adapt

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter

Solution eco-system across the fashion
supply chain - from ‘Plan to Pack’

Design and
Development Res.Q is a dynamic suite In our latest bulletin for
of digital solutions focused FastReactPlan, we focus on
on the factory shop floor, materials planning. One of the ‘key
delivering rapid data insights, pillars’ of planning is materials and
Shopfloor Method-Time-Cost improved decision making and what’s the point of having a great
Execution Optimisation
better performance. Solutions capacity plan if we do not know
are focused on quality and the current material status? The
machine management, line simple answer is, there isn’t one!
layout planning and production
tracking. Learn more Find out how FastReactPlan can
take your plan, BOM, stocks and
deliveries into account in a single
view, providing colour coding
which alerts you to any potential
Fabric Production Planning
Optimisation and Control issues before they happen. Read

VisionPLM is an intuitive, flexible After many sessions with SMEs
and scalable, browser-based
fashion PLM and sourcing solution
and external product experts, we
decided to merge Buy and Cut into
that streamlines and integrates key
business processes. Configured
one product that offers a combined
Fabric Optimization Solution to the transforming
the fashion
to reflect industry best practices, apparel tech industry.
VisionPLM offers core product
lifecycle management and extended We’re excited to announce this new
sourcing functionality, creating ‘one
version of the truth’: from design,
feature that allows Buy to transfer
order data to IntelloCut once the
supply chain
material and product development fabric estimation is completed. In a GSDCost is the international
(including tech packs), to sampling, few clicks, orders will be created in standard for establishing and
approvals, costing, vendor capacity IntelloCut for the users to proceed optimising accurate method-time-
management, order allocation and with the planning. This 360-degree cost benchmarks for sustainable
purchase order status updates. feedback loop between buy and garment cost optimisation and
VisionPLM is proven to, Optimise cut will unlock enormous potential manufacturing excellence.
Connect and Accelerate your for manufacturers to optimize
business. their fabric consumption and GSDCost supports a more
Find out how VisionPLM can management. collaborative, transparent and
improve your business. Learn more sustainable supply chain, in which
brands and manufacturers establish
“VisionPLM would meet our current and optimise ‘International
and future requirements, what Standard Time Benchmarks’
was perhaps the most important
using standard motion codes and
factor in our decision to partner
with Coats Digital was their deep predetermined times. This use of a
understanding of the industry, and common language and standards
the confidence that they would be supports accurate cost prediction,
able to add considerable value by fact based negotiation, and a more
supporting us through the change
efficient garment manufacturing
management process.”
process, while concurrently
Jayne Worden, delivering on CSR commitments.
CFO, Radley Read more product information or
view the Q2 GSDCost Update.

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter
Customer Spotlight: Hirdaramani Group
and Coats Digital
Hirdaramani Group has been around for
over 100 years. The secret to such longevity
has been to continually evolve and to
embrace technology is an enabler for digital

In this short
video, we hear
from Rakhil Hirdaramani, Director at
Hirdaramani Group, about why Coats Digital
was chosen as a strategic partner many
years ago and more specifically, about
the benefits currently being delivered by

Watch Now

Rakhil Hirdaramani
Director, Hirdaramani

Congratulations to our Q2 winners!

We’d like to congratulate the winners of the Q2 iPad
draw. One of those lucky winners was Gayan Egodage,
Industrial Engineering Manager at Fashion Garments,
Vietnam. Pictured with Gayan on the right is, Stephen
Dodgson, Sales Director South East Asia who was
delighted to be able to personally hand deliver the prize.

Did you miss the first sweepstakes?

We’ve got another iPad* to give away - in a sweepstakes
draw open to new followers of Coats Digital’s LinkedIn
page. Follow Coats Digital on LinkedIn in July/August 2022 for another
chance to win!

All new followers to Coats Digital’s LinkedIn Page in July and August
will be automatically entered and will stand a chance to win a 2021
Apple iPad* (10.2inch, Wi-Fi, 64GB).
*Subject to local availability.
ELIGIBILITY: The Sweepstakes is open to any individual who is 21 years of age or older at the
time of entry. Only one prize per person and per household will be awarded. Prizes cannot be
transferred, redeemed for cash or substituted by the winner. Read terms and conditions Terms
& Conditions

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter

China EMEA
Team Coats Digital WeChat channel Team
We are thrilled to report that we We are excited to be expanding our
now have a full sales, professional launched! local teams in Egypt and Turkey with
services, solutions consulting and the newest members of the teams:
support team in place in China to Scan the QR code and take a look.*
deliver exceptional local customer
Sales Manager MEA
Sherif Abdelafatah Amin

Customer Focus
Our existing customer, Hop Lun,
is in the process of rolling out Sales Manager Turkey & Europe
FastReactPlan to their Bangladesh Levent Bozkurt
production facility. *Please note that his will only work if you are a
WeChat subscriber

Customer Focus to optimise production processes,
We are delighted to welcome significantly reduce waste,
Manufacturas Eliot of Colombia accommodate unexpected style
into the Coats Digital family. changes and rapidly respond to
Manufacturas Eliot own several emerging new consumer trends.
brands including PatPrimo, Seven
Seven and Facol and are one Team
of the major textile and apparel The LATAM team were excited
manufacturers in Colombia. to move into new offices in Q2
(pictured) where they will be able
Alongside leading sports to better support customers with
apparel manufacturer, Vertical improved access and visibility.
Knits SA de CV, Manufacturas
Eliot is adopting FastReactPlan
to digitally transform manual
planning processes in order

Go lives:
We want to congratulate the following customers on their solution Go Lives over the past quarter:

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter
South Asia
Apparel Sourcing Week 2022
The summit is India’s premiere sourcing show
for the global fashion industry. Apparel
Sourcing Week took place on July 1-2 in
Bengaluru. Coats Digital showcased the latest
solutions alongside Coats Group during the
two-day event. Many sourcing partners and
manufacturers attended a panel discussion
featuring a keynote from Coats Digital.
More will be shared in the Q3 newsletter.

Team New Appointment

During Q2, Akash Shah had the Our India team is really growing!
opportunity to start working more closely We’re excited to welcome Vierendra
and in person with some of the teams. Nikam who joins Coats Digital as
He visited Bangladesh where he was Senior Software Developer.
able to connect with our local Coats
Digital team as well as many of our

South East Asia

New Appointment
We are excited to welcome Piyanit Meesang
to the Coats Digital Thailand team. Piyanit is
the new Digital Sales Manger and keen to
build lasting relationships with industry leading

Customer Success
Stephen Dodgson was able to travel again to
Vietnam, where he and the local team met with
Thygesen in Hai Ba Trung province (outside
Hanoi), a Danish owned company who are
genuinely committed to growing their business
in a sustainable and compliant way. They signed
up for a GSDCost project later in the month. He
and Akash also found time to meet with Thanh
Cong, an existing GSDCost customer, to discuss
how Coats Digital can further support their
digital transformation.

Coats Digital Connect I Q2 2022 Newsletter

Watch our video
We’re proud to power sustainable processes and high
value insights through connected technologies. We
leverage deep industry and technology expertise to
help brands, sourcing companies and manufacturers
optimise, connect and accelerate business critical
processes. From design and development to method-
time-cost optimisation, production planning and control,
fabric optimisation and shop floor execution, Coats
Digital is all you need for better business.
Watch the video in:
English I Spanish I Vietnamese I Korean I Mandarin

Sustainability Sustainability
Week Conclave 2022
In March, Coats Digital joined Coats Group to promote
Sustainability Week. If you missed the Sustainability
In March, Coats Digital joined Coats Group to promote Sustainability Week. Conclave 2022, you can still catch
Sustainability is at the heart of our business model and we are committed to up on-demand.
pioneering new and meaningful solutions that facilitate the widespread acceleration
of sustainability programmes for the global apparel manufacturing sector. Also check out how we are
focused on People, Planet &
Find out more Performance.

Catch Up Now

Want to increase your Are you ready to Optimise,

company’s exposure? Connect and Accelerate?
We’d love to make you If you would like more information on how Coats Digital can
the star of our next help transform your garment production business or brand for a
customer video! sustainable future, contact Marketing.coatsdigital@coats.com

Download our flyer to

learn what, why, how
and where. If you’re
interested, please
Follow us!
reach out to your local
For all the latest on Coats Digital
Coats Digital associate or contact the marketing team at

We can’t wait to tell your story!

Download more information:

English I Spanish I Vietnamese I Korean I Mandarin


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