ASHRAE Building Thermal Loads Validation
ASHRAE Building Thermal Loads Validation
ASHRAE Building Thermal Loads Validation
ABSTRACT: The ASHRAE has recently published a standard (ASHRAE 140-2001) for the validation
of computer programs for the thermal analysis of buildings. This standard presents a large number of
test-cases, characterized by different values of building thermo-physical properties and
environmental conditions. The validation of a program is based on the comparison of the yearly
heating and cooling loads for each case with the values obtained from eight reference validated
programs. The standard also proposes a sensitivity test to find out the weak points of the tested
This paper discusses the application of such a validation tool to a building energy simulation program
based on the Admittance Procedure (AP). The paper presents a detailed description of the validation
procedure and the assessment of the model.
The admittance and the decrement factor are Eq. (5) is a time-dependent function; it can be
defined as follows [2]: solved through a matrix approach, by splitting it into
24 equations, each one relative to each hour of the
~ ~ ~
qe day. Then the solution equation can be written as:
q qi
Y = ~i f = ~ = ~ (1)
Ti ~
Te =0
U ⋅ Te ~
Ti =0
U ⋅ Ti ~
Te =0 [Q 0 ] = M ⋅ [t i ] (6)
where U is the thermal transmittance of the wall, Here M is the transfer matrix, while Q0 is a vector
while the subscripts i and e refer to indoors and whose components are the hourly heat loads. The
outdoors, respectively. The terms T and ~q are the solution equation can be solved in order to determine
the hourly indoor air temperature ti; if ti is imposed,
sinusoidal components of temperature and heat flux. the hourly thermal load can be calculated.
If the sinusoidal functions are represented as vectors
rotating in the imaginary plane, we can write:
Figure 1 shows the test cases considered in this 4. VALIDATION OF THE AP CODE
paper; two cases connected in series on the block
diagram differ from each other for only one variable. 4.1 Preliminary remarks.
The main data about the test cases are reported in In Fig. 2 the base building with two windows on
Table I, where only the variation with respect to the the south wall is shown. The size of the rectangular
case coming just before in the block diagram is building are the same for all the test cases, while the
reported. windows can change their position and size. In some
All the cases of Table I are classified as “low- cases an opaque window (high-conductance wall)
mass test cases” as the floor and the exterior walls replaces them: it has the same transmittance of the
are lightweight structures; their composition is shown transparent windows but it is opaque to the solar
in Table II (see [6] for more details). radiation.
The floor insulation is always considered very
thick - as high as the program allows – in order to
220 make heat losses negligible; in fact even the most
reliable energy simulation program can’t correctly
210 215 230 240 250 270 describe heat transmission to the ground.
6.0 m
In this work, average monthly weather data have the external combined surface coefficients he of the
been defined, by averaging hourly data amongst all walls and of the opaque windows (Table VI).
the days of the same month. The determination of the This means that the AP code is not sensible
annual heating and sensible cooling load is thus enough to the effects of this variation. However, the
simplified, only 12 simulations being now necessary. error is not too big, as the annual sensible cooling
As far as solar radiation is concerned, only the load falls slightly outside the “optimal“ range for both
hourly total solar radiation on a horizontal surface is the cases. Besides, εe = 0.1 is a very unusual
provided, so the computation of the radiation on the condition, as almost all the building materials –
vertical surfaces is left to the program to be tested. At plaster, concrete, bricks - show a high infrared
this purpose the Liu-Jordan model was used [7]. emittance (εe = 0.85 ÷ 0.95).
In Table III, a comparison is made between the
annual solar radiation on the vertical surfaces Table IV: Annual heating load for each test case
determined through the Liu-Jordan model, and the (MWh/year).
range of the values used by the eight reference
programs of the Standard. This comparison is useful Case Nr Min Aver. Max AP
to check possible errors in this early phase of the 195 4,17 4,99 5,87 4,76 OK
work, which can reflect on the validation procedure. 200 5,23 6,39 6,88 6,51 OK
As it can be seen, the Liu-Jordan solar radiation to 210 6,46 6,68 6,97 6,56 OK
surfaces due west is out of the range resulting from 215 5,55 7,07 7,94 7,71 OK
the Standard, while results prove to be quite good for 220 6,94 7,67 8,79 7,88 OK
the other exposures. On the contrary, Liu-Jordan
230 10,38 11,18 12,24 11,51 OK
solar radiation transmitted by transparent windows
240 5,65 6,40 7,45 6,49 OK
does not match the values used by the reference
programs: such an outcome will be accounted for 250 4,74 6,03 7,02 6,23 OK
when discussing the results of the validation. 270 4,51 5,21 5,92 5,43 OK
280 4,67 5,48 6,15 5,68 OK
Table III: Annual solar radiation on vertical surfaces 300 4,76 5,44 5,96 5,69 OK
Table V: Annual sensible cooling load for each test
Incident solar radiation (kWh/m ) 2 case (MWh/year).
Min Average Max Liu-Jordan
Case Nr Min Aver. Max AP
South 1456 1490 1566 1512
195 0,26 0,44 0,51 0,37 OK
East 959 1080 1217 1208
200 0,57 0,65 0,72 0,52 NO
West 857 1019 1090 1152
210 0,16 0,57 0,68 0,50 OK
North 367 429 457 457
215 0,64 0,73 0,85 0,62 NO
Transmitted solar radiation (kWh/m2) 220 0,19 0,64 0,84 0,61 OK
Min Average Max Liu-Jordan 230 0,45 0,93 1,14 0,82 OK
South 914 962 1051 1082 240 0,42 0,99 1,25 0,98 OK
West 563 675 735 818 250 2,18 2,79 3,38 2,26 OK
270 7,53 8,92 10,35 9,30 OK
280 4,87 6,03 7,11 6,05 OK
4.2 Results: absolute tests. 300 4,30 5,87 7,10 7,06 OK
Table IV and Table V show the annual heating
and sensible cooling loads, respectively, obtained by
the AP code, as well as the comparison with the Table VI: External combined surface coefficients for
range of the values provided by the eight reference different infrared emittance (W/m2K).
It is important to underline that the goal of the Walls Opaque windows
Standard is not to classify as wrong those building εe = 0.1 εe = 0.9 εe = 0.1 εe = 0.9
energy simulation programs which fall outside the he 25.2 29.3 16.9 21.0
range, but to help developers test their program’s
reliability and check incidental errors or bugs. As a
consequence, even when the tested program’s Case number 300, characterized by a window on
results hardly fall inside the range it would be the east and the west wall, shows an annual cooling
worthwhile to check the program or the specific load quite higher than the reference programs’ mean
algorithm. value and very close to the maximum value; so AP
As regards the annual heating load, the AP code apparently slightly overestimates the cooling load due
proves to give good results (Table V). All the values to west and east solar radiation. This deviation is
fall inside the respective range, frequently getting attributable to the high input values of the Liu-Jordan
close to the mean value. On the contrary, the AP incident and transmitted west solar radiation (Table
shows a little disagreement in the calculation of the III). In fact, if the average solar radiation of Table III is
annual cooling load for the cases number 200 and considered as an input, the annual sensible cooling
215. These cases are both characterized by a low load reduces, and it approaches to the average value
external infrared emittance (εe = 0.1), which modifies obtained by the reference programs (Fig. 3).
Plea2004 - The 21th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 19 - 22
September 2004 Page 5 of 6
4 VIII), the deviation from the “optimal” range can be
3 mostly imputed to the difference in solar radiation, as
2 mentioned in sect. 3.1. Such an outcome is evident
from Figure 4 and Figure 5, where the sensitivity of
the AP code is correct if the adopted solar radiation is
the average taken from the reference programs.
Min Average AP (Aver. Max AP (Liu-
sol. rad.) Jordan)
Table VII: Sensitivity tests: difference between annual
heating loads (MWh/year).
Figure 3: Annual sensible cooling load for case
number 300. Case Nr Min Aver. Max AP
200 – 195 1,09 1,60 1,96 1,75 OK
4.3 Results: sensitivity tests. 210 – 200 0 0,28 1,20 0,06 OK
Sensitivity tests are carried out to study the 220 – 215 0 0,34 1,4 0,17 OK
accuracy of every single algorithm. The standard 215 – 200 0,29 0,67 1,26 1,2 OK
procedure considers the case of both heating and 220 – 210 0,47 0,73 1,33 1,31 OK
cooling loads (Tab. VII and VIIII); for each one a 230 – 220 3,43 3,52 3,61 3,63 NO
number of comparisons are made. Each comparison 240 – 220 -1,34 -1,27 -1,20 -1,38 NO
refers to two building configurations, which differ from 250 – 220 -2,19 -1,64 -1,45 -1,65 OK
each other by only one parameter; for instance, the 270 – 220 -2,62 -2,3 -1,95 -2,45 OK
difference between cases 210 and 200 is the value of 280 – 270 0,17 0,27 0,46 0,26 OK
the external infrared emittance εe (0.9 and 0.1, 300 – 270 0,044 0,23 0,59 0,27 OK
respectively). The deviation in the thermal load is a
measure of the sensitivity of the simulation program
to that parameter. Table VIII: Sensitivity tests: difference between
Table VII shows a little deviation from the annual sensible cooling loads (MWh/year).
“optimal” range for test number 230-220 and 240-220,
and this means that AP overestimates the increase of Case Nr Min Aver. Max AP
the heating load determined by outdoor air infiltration 200 – 195 0,16 0,2 0,24 0,15 NO
(case 230) and its reduction due to internal heat gains 210 – 200 -0,41 -0,08 0,008 -0,015 OK
(case 240). As regards air infiltration, its effect on the 220 – 215 -0,45 -0,08 0,012 -0,015 OK
annual sensible cooling load is undervalued, too (see 215 – 200 0,04 0,08 0,15 0,1 OK
Table VIII, test nr 230-220). Then, the algorithm used 220 – 210 0,024 0,075 0,15 0,1 OK
to determine the thermal load produced by natural 230 – 220 0,26 0,29 0,30 0,21 NO
ventilation probably needs a review. The relation used
240 – 220 0,23 0,35 0,41 0,37 OK
by the Authors is:
250 – 220 1,75 2,16 3,03 1,65 NO
~ ~ ~
Qv = ACH ⋅ V ⋅ ρ ⋅ c p ⋅ te − ti ) (7)
270 – 220
280 – 270
300 – 270 -3,25 -3,05 -2,83 -2,24 NO
where ρ and cp are the air density and the specific
heat of the air at the reference site height (1609 m
above the sea level), V is the volume of the room, AP (Liu- AP (Aver.
~ ~ ~ Jordan) Min sol. rad.) Average Max
while Qv (W), te and ti are the time dependent
sinusoidal functions describing the ventilation thermal 0
load, the outdoor and the indoor air temperature, -0,5
(MWh / year)
AP (Aver. AP (Liu-
Min sol. rad.) Average Max Jordan)
(MWh / year)