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Keywords: Supercritical fluid technology and supercritical carbon dioxide were used for the preparation of hybrid materials
Supercritical foams – scaffolds from PCL foams and chitosan aerogel beads. In a simple straightforward processing method, the
Aerogels advanced biomaterials for potential tissue engineering applications were fabricated, and loaded with indo
methacin as a model drug. The obtained aerogels, foams, and scaffolds were evaluated through various char
acterization techniques: N2 adsorption-desorption analysis, TGA/DSC, microscope/SEM, and FTIR. The results
Indomethacin revealed that the addition of mesoporous chitosan aerogels to the macroporous structure of PCL influenced the
textural, morphological, and thermal properties of the initial foams. Unlike foams, the scaffolds showed a
mesoporous structure, and, consequently, as the aerogels share in the formulation increased, larger specific
surface areas. Scaffolds obtained under different conditions (40 ◦ C/150 bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar) showed different
swelling behavior and degradation. Lastly, the indomethacin showed distinct release profiles, depending on the
formation and deposition conditions.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: zoran.novak@um.si (Z. Novak).
Received 26 July 2023; Received in revised form 18 January 2024; Accepted 29 January 2024
Available online 2 February 2024
2212-9820/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
good mechanical properties. Moreover, using supercritical foaming as a Na2SO4 (CAS 7757–82-6, Sigma Aldrich, p.a. purity ≥ 99.0%), Tris
processing method gives the possibility to tune the size and density of (hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, NH2C(CH2OH)3 (CAS 77–86-1, Sigma,
the prepared scaffolds [12]. purity ≥ 99%) and hydrochloric acid, HCl (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany)
Polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds have been investigated extensively were employed for the preparation of simulated body fluid (SBF) for the
for tissue engineering applications, due to their biocompatibility, swelling and in vitro dissolution tests. SBF with pH= 7.4 was prepared
biodegradability, structural stability, and mechanical properties [13]. by mixing 7.996 g of NaCl, 0.350 g of NaHCO3, 0.224 g of KCl, 0.174 g of
Chitosan aerogels have also been an emerging area of interest in the last K2HPO4, 0.129 g of MgCl2, 0.278 g of CaCl2 * 2 H2O, 0.071 g of Na2SO4,
decade for various applications, e.g., drug delivery systems, wound 6.057 g of NH2C(CH2OH)3 and 40 mL of 1 M HCl.
healing, and bone engineering [14]. As they form porous 3D networks
and possess excellent textural properties, they are great candidates for 2.2. Preparation methods
evaluating their incorporation in composite polymeric-based scaffolds
[15]. Chitosan aerogels themselves resulted in promising osteoblast vi 2.2.1. Preparation of chitosan aerogel beads
abilities and good mechanical properties [16]. A 2% (w/w) chitosan solution was prepared by dissolving a weighed
Hybrid PCL-starch scaffolds have been prepared using both xerogels amount in 0.1 M CH3COOH at room temperature. In the next step, the
[10] and aerogels [12]. While starch xerogels improved interactions solution was added dropwise to 2 M NaOH in an ethanol solution. The
between the PCL and growth factors, starch aerogels improved the po NaOH acted as a non-solvent for the chitosan, so the chitosan beads were
tential uses of PCL for bone regeneration significantly. Silk fibroin-PCL formed [15]. The obtained chitosan alcogel beads were cured in NaOH
scaffolds have also been fabricated and impregnated with dexametha in an ethanol solution for 1 h. They were afterwards transferred to ab
sone for potential bone regeneration. Hybrid PCL-aerogels scaffolds for solute ethanol to remove the excess NaOH. After 1 h the ethanol was
all the mentioned cases were prepared from powdered mixtures. While changed with a fresh quantity, and the alcogel beads were kept in
the PCL was in a powder form, both the starch and silk fibroin aerogels ethanol until drying. In the final step a supercritical drying technique
were prepared in the form of microparticles (from water-in-oil emul was employed to obtain aerogel beads. All the samples were subjected to
sions) [17]. already optimized conditions for polysaccharide gel drying at 120 bar,
Chitosan aerogel incorporation can have an immense influence on 40 ◦ C for 6 h [20].
the textural, mechanical, and structural properties of supercritical foams
prepared from PCL. The aim of the following work was to develop hybrid 2.2.2. Preparation of supercritical foams and scaffolds
materials - scaffolds made from PCL foams and chitosan aerogels. The PCL foams were obtained using the gas foaming technique [21]. The
novelty of this technique is reflected in using a simple, straightforward polymer was fixed in cylindrical glass molds and placed together in a
processing method. This made the preparation of scaffolds easily high-pressure autoclave. The working parameters were set to 40 ◦ C/150
manageable, uncomplicated, and permissive. The method consisted of bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar, to obtain foams under different conditions. The
mixing PCL pellets and previously prepared chitosan aerogel beads system was kept under constant temperature and pressure for 4 h before
further subjected to supercritical carbon dioxide. The prepared scaffolds depressurization. The depressurization rate was chosen to avoid damage
were deposited with indomethacin simultaneously with their formation. to the porous network of the prepared aerogel beads and form appro
Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID, BSC II priate pores in the foams. It was set to 3 bar/min. The obtained foams
model drug) with very low aqueous solubility (5 μg/mL) and limited were removed from the glass molds and used for further characteriza
solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide [18]. It is effective in the tion. The PCL-chitosan scaffolds were obtained in the same manner and
management of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoar under the same conditions. The chitosan aerogel beads were synthesized
thritis, and acute gout [19]. The incorporation of indomethacin may in the first step, independently from the preparation of the resulting
lead to different release profiles, resulting in different tissue regenera scaffolds. Once the chitosan aerogel beads were obtained, they were
tion outcomes. The resulting scaffolds were, therefore, evaluated placed together into a glass mold with the polymer at different ratios:
regarding their textural, morphological, and thermal properties, as well 1:10, 1:20, and 1:40 (w/w). The following steps were identical to the
as their swelling behavior and indomethacin release profiles. steps applied for the preparation of foams.
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
(Micromeritics, Norcross, GA, USA) was used for that purpose. The automated sampling station (Agilent 850-DS) and UV-Vis Spectropho
samples were first degassed at 50 ◦ C for 1000 min under a vacuum until tometer (Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis). The vessel was filled with 600 mL SBF
stable pressure was obtained. Afterwards the samples were analyzed and heated to 37 ± 0.5 ◦ C. The samples were placed into the vessel, and
using N2 as the adsorptive gas. The specific surface areas were calculated the stirring rate was set to 50 rpm. The sampling (1 mL) was performed
using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller model (BET), while the pore volumes automatically after 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 16, and 24 h, and then
and pore diameters were calculated using the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda in increments of 24 h until complete indomethacin dissolution. The
model (BJH). The determined adsorption isotherms presented the samples were analyzed automatically in the UV apparatus at 265 nm for
adsorption capacities of the prepared aerogels, foams, and scaffolds. indomethacin, and the concentration was determined from the calibra
tion curve. The cumulative release was calculated by Eq. (2).
2.3.2. Thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calo cumulative release[%] = × 100 (2)
rimetry (DSC) were performed simultaneously to determine the thermal
stability of the aerogels, foams, and scaffolds. The analyses were carried where c is the concentration of indomethacin in the release medium
out on TGA/DSC1 apparatus (Mettler Toledo, Columbus, OH, USA). The after the selected time intervals in mg/mL, V is the volume of the release
samples were cut and placed into 100 µl aluminum crucibles with medium in mL, and mt is the total amount of the drug within the release
covers. The measurements were performed under an air atmosphere, medium in mg, obtained after 9 days. The drug dissolution test was
from 30 to 600 ◦ C, with a heating rate of 10 ◦ C per minute. performed in duplicate.
2.3.4. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy The foams and scaffolds obtained under different conditions differed
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) on IRAffinity-1 s in height (the diameter of the glass mold determines the diameter of
apparatus (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) was applied for the characteriza foams/scaffolds), color, structure, pore sizes, and pore distribution, as
tion of the aerogels, foams, scaffolds, and loaded scaffolds. The ATR-IR presented in Fig. 2a. The foams prepared at 60 ◦ C/200 bar resulted in 2-
method was applied to the aerogels, foams, and scaffolds, while the KBr fold higher forms compared to the foams prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar.
method was applied to the indomethacin. KBr pellet formation is a Consequently, the resulting scaffolds were also higher for the conditions
classic technique for the analysis of powder samples. The measured of higher temperatures and pressures. Furthermore, as the aerogels`
spectra of the aerogels and foams were used to identify the characteristic share in the formulation increased, the height of the scaffolds increased.
adsorption bands of the chitosan and PCL, while the spectra of the The height of the initial foams prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar increased
scaffolds were used for identifying the hybrid nature of the materials and by approximately 40% in scaffolds with a 10% aerogel share. The
deposition of indomethacin. maximal increase for foams prepared at 60 ◦ C/200 bar was observed for
the scaffolds with a 5% aerogel share, namely, approximately 20%. In
the latter case, the addition of 10% aerogel in the scaffolds reduced the
2.4. Swelling studies height slightly compared to the scaffolds with 5% aerogel. The higher
mass of the aerogels (due to the highest share of the aerogel compared to
A modified version of the protocol method was used for the swelling the others) led to their deeper penetration inside the scaffold. This effect
studies. The studies were performed for the foams and scaffolds to was not observed for the scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar, due to
investigate how different preparation conditions and adding the chito seemingly smaller pores and more dense and compact structures. The
san aerogels influenced the behavior of the prepared scaffolds. Before aerogels were more concentrated in the upper half of the scaffolds due to
the measurement the samples were sterilized under a UV lamp. Samples their lower densities; however, they were also present in the lower part,
were cut to similar shapes and sizes, having similar masses, and as shown in Fig. 2b. Table 1 shows the obtained heights of prepared
immersed in a swelling medium [23]. They were maintained there for foams and scaffolds. The standard errors were no higher than 5% for all
ten weeks at a constant temperature of 37 ± 0.5 ◦ C. At selected time prepared foams/scaffolds. The diameter was 23.6 mm, determined by
intervals the samples were weighed, to monitor their mass changes. The the diameter of the glass mold.
tests were performed in duplicate. The presented results are the average
value of the measurements. The swelling ratio was calculated by Eq. (1).
3.2. N2 adsorption-desorption analysis
mt − m0
swelling ratio[%] = × 100 (1)
m0 The textural properties, e.g., specific surface areas, pore volumes,
and pore diameters, were measured using N2 adsorption-desorption
where m0 is the initial mass of the sample before the immersion in the
analysis. The determined values are shown in Table 2.
swelling medium (t = 0) in mg, and mt is the mass of the sample
Chitosan aerogel beads have already been prepared by a non-solvent
immersed in the swelling medium for the selected time t in mg.
induced phase separation method in a NaOH in water solution, followed
by a successive water-to-ethanol exchange, and, finally, supercritical
2.5. In vitro dissolution studies drying [25–27]. The reported specific surface areas ranged from 188 –
479 m2/g. The chitosan aerogel beads prepared in this work implied
For the in vitro drug dissolution studies, simulated body fluid (SBF) preparation in a NaOH in ethanol solution. The determined specific
was prepared as described in the materials section. The drug dissolution surface areas showed remarkably high values of 535 m2/g, improved
test was performed on a USP II Apparatus (Agilent 708-DS) with an compared to the reported values. Evidently, the following preparation
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of the preparation procedure for hybrid materials – scaffolds from PCL foams and chitosan aerogel beads.
Table 1
Dimension of aerogels, foams, and scaffolds.
Sample Height, mm
Table 2
Specific surface areas, pore volumes, and pore diameters of aerogels, foams, and
Sample Specific surface area Pore volume* Pore diameter*
(BET), m2/g (BJH), cm3/g (BJH), nm
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
areas did not result in valuable values, due to the macroporous nature of
the foams. On the contrary, the scaffolds showed increased specific
surface areas as the aerogels` share in the formulation increased. The
determined specific surface areas of the scaffolds were between 3 –
13 m2/g. Embedding highly mesoporous aerogels into the macroporous
foams resulted in scaffolds with measurable properties. The bigger the
aerogels` share in the scaffold, the higher the specific surface areas. As
the aerogel beads constitute only 2.5 to 10% of the overall mass, the
scaffolds’ specific surface areas were much lower than the chitosan
aerogel beads. The specific surface areas of the scaffolds are lower than
expected if the aerogel share in the scaffold’s formulation is taken into
account. The possible explanation for this irregularity could be due to
PCL’s molecule intrusion in the aerogels’ pores during the foaming. The
reported specific surface areas for PCL-starch scaffolds were much
lower, namely, 1.2–1.7 m2/g [12], while the values for PCL-silk fibroin
scaffolds were not reported [17].
As presented in Fig. 3a and b, the aerogels and scaffolds had type IV
isotherms, revealing the presence of the mesoporous structures. On the
contrary, the foams showed a flat line and the absence of a mesoporous
structure, as indicated before. Unlike the foams, the scaffolds possessed
adsorption capacities. As expected, these values were lower compared to
the aerogels, yet showing immense potential for drug entrapment.
Fig. 4a and b confirmed the highest mesoporous volumes for the chi
tosan aerogel. As expected, the higher the aerogels’ share in the scaffolds
formulation, the higher the mesoporous volume.
Fig. 4. Pore size distribution (a) aerogels, foams, and scaffolds and (b) foams
and scaffolds. Foams 40/150 and 60/200 had fewer than two points available
for the calculations.
Table 3
Overall mass degradation of aerogel, foams, and scaffolds.
Sample Degradation, %
Aerogel 64.2
Foam 40/150 99.2
Scaffold 40/150_2.5 96.6
Scaffold 40/150_5 96.3
Scaffold 40/150_10 92.0
Foam 60/200 98.2
Scaffold 60/200_2.5 95.3
Scaffold 60/200_5 92.4
Fig. 3. Adsorption isotherms of (a) aerogels, foams, and scaffolds and (b) foams
Scaffold 60/200_10 90.2
and scaffolds.
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
degradation of foams compared to scaffolds with 10% aerogel was Fig. 5b shows the curves for foam and scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/
approximately 8% higher. When comparing the scaffolds with the same 150 bar. The first endothermic peak at 67 ◦ C for all the samples pre
composition of aerogels prepared under different conditions, slightly sented the melting peak of the PCL [29]. It can be seen that the melting
higher stability was observed for the scaffolds prepared at 60 ◦ C/ peak was not affected by the presence of the chitosan aerogel. The
200 bar. second endothermic peak, occurring between 400 and 411 ◦ C, can be
The main mass degradation of all samples occurred at higher tem ascribed to the complete decomposition of the PCL. PCL degrades by
peratures, corresponding to peaks obtained in the Differential Scanning specific chain end scission [30]. Namely, the peak can be associated with
Calorimetry curves. The curves presented by Fig. 5a-c agree with the hydrophilic ester group breakage and long-chain hydrocarbyl rupture,
statements regarding the thermogravimetric analysis. which is in accordance with the literature [31]. The decomposition of
Fig. 5a shows the curve for chitosan aerogels. The endothermic peaks the PCL occurred slightly earlier for the scaffolds, due to the presence of
at 110 ◦ C can be attributed to water evaporation during thermal scan the chitosan aerogels. Lastly, the small exothermic peaks of the scaffolds
ning (traces of moisture present in the aerogels due to storage). The occurring at 265 ◦ C can be attributed to the decomposition of the chi
second thermal event, expressed by the exothermic peaks at 248 ◦ C, may tosan’s amine functional groups. Fig. 5c shows the curves for the foam
be related to the decomposition of the amine functional groups in the and scaffolds prepared at 60 ◦ C/200 bar. Similarly to the foams and
chitosan [28]. scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar, two endothermic peaks are visible.
The first one occurred at 67 ◦ C for both the foam and scaffolds, pre
senting the melting peak of the PCL, as mentioned before. The chitosan
aerogels did not affect the melting peak of the PCL, as described previ
ously. The aerogels` share in the formulations affected the second
endothermic peak occurring between 399 to 415 ◦ C, while the
exothermic peak for the scaffolds, due to the decomposition of the chi
tosan’s amine functional groups, occurred at 265 ◦ C.
Apparently, adding chitosan aerogels (different shares and prepara
tion conditions) did not affect the melting temperature of the PCL. On
the other hand, the exothermic peaks attributed to the decomposition of
the amine functional groups for all the scaffolds occurred at higher
temperatures compared to the aerogel beads, namely, 265 ◦ C and
248 ◦ C, respectively. This means that, by introducing aerogels into the
scaffold, the amine functional groups were protected, so the decompo
sition was postponed slightly to higher temperatures. However, the final
decomposition of the scaffolds was affected by the aerogels` share,
leading to decomposition at slightly lower temperatures, namely,
399–400 ◦ C and 411–415 ◦ C, respectively.
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
Fig. 6. Optical micrographs; A and B: the structures of the foams prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar, respectively; C and D: the structures of the scaffolds
prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar, respectively.
Fig. 7. SEM micrographs; A and B: the structures of the scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar, respectively (400 x magn.); C and D: nonporous
structure of the scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar (5000 x magn.), respectively; E and F: the mesoporous structure of the scaffolds prepared at
40 ◦ C/150 bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar (20,000 x magn.), respectively.
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
Fig. 9. (a) FTIR spectra of chitosan aerogels, PCL foams and PCL-chitosan scaffolds; (b) FTIR spectra of indomethacin and PCL-chitosan scaffolds loaded with
days) for the scaffold prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar, while, in the case of the where approximately 90% of the model drug was released. It can be
scaffold prepared at 60 ◦ C/200 bar, it reached complete dissolution concluded that the pore structure and their arrangement influenced the
after 168 h (7 days). When comparing these two release profiles, it can indomethacin deposition and, later, its dissolution highly.
be said that, in the case of the scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar, a
more controlled release was achieved, while the release profile of the 4. Discussion
scaffold prepared at 60 ◦ C/200 bar seemed burst. However, while
observing Fig. 10b and the release profile for the scaffold prepared at The thermal stability, blend compatibility, and low melting point
60 ◦ C/200 bar, the controlled release of indomethacin was achieved in (59–64 ◦ C) of polycaprolactone have inspired huge interest for its
the first 8 h. various applications, such as packaging, loose-fillers, biomedical de
As the results from the swelling studies showed and in vitro disso vices, and scaffolds [35]. As a semi-crystalline polyester with
lution studies confirmed, the scaffolds prepared under different condi outstanding mechanical properties, good biocompatibility and degrad
tions led to a completely different material. The scaffolds prepared ability, PCL is applied widely for tissue engineering [36]. It is important
under lower conditions of pressure and temperature (40 ◦ C/150 bar) to emphasize that the main requirements for ideal scaffolds include the
resulted in materials with a postponed release of the model drug, while presence of macropores (100–1000 µm), as well as high inter
the scaffolds prepared at higher conditions of pressure and temperature connectivity [37]. The main objective of the following work was to
(60 ◦ C/200 bar) gave materials with controlled release over the first 8 h, prepare PCL-chitosan scaffolds from PCL foams and chitosan aerogel
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
Fig. 10. (a) Release profiles of indomethacin from scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar until complete dissolution; (b) Release profiles of
indomethacin from scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar in the first 8 h.
beads, and to investigate their potential as biomaterials for tissue en surface areas and adsorption capacities of the prepared scaffolds
gineering applications. The preparation process included the synthesis increased with the addition of chitosan aerogels. The TGA/DSC analyses
of chitosan aerogel beads and the supercritical foaming of PCL under showed that the addition of chitosan aerogels did not affect the melting
two different conditions: 40 ◦ C/150 bar and 60 ◦ C/200 bar. The prep point of the PCL, set at 67 ◦ C for all formulations. However, the addition
aration of composite materials, so-called PCL-chitosan scaffolds, took of chitosan aerogels to the formulations improved the thermal stability
place under the same conditions used for obtaining PCL foams. The of scaffolds slightly, and postponed the decomposition of the chitosan
conditions for scaffold preparation were chosen based on extensive amine functional groups. By comparing foams and scaffolds prepared
literature research. Firstly, the conditions 40 ◦ C/150 bar were chosen, under different conditions with the same composition, it can be
to respond to the conditions used to prepare the PCL-aerogel formula observed that the materials prepared at higher temperatures and pres
tions available in the literature [12,17]. On the other hand, the higher sures (60 ◦ C/200 bar) showed slightly higher thermal stability. The
pressure and temperature conditions (60 ◦ C/200 bar) were chosen Optical and SEM micrographs revealed the macroporous and meso
potentially to instigate the higher solubility of the model drug indo porous structures of the prepared scaffolds. However, the structures of
methacin, and operate at temperatures close to the melting point of the scaffolds prepared under different conditions were different. The scaf
PCL. The conditions of slow depressurization rate and high saturation folds prepared at higher temperatures and pressures (60 ◦ C/200 bar)
times were chosen based on the data that pore sizes increase with the had larger pores and a wider pore size distribution compared to those
increase of depressurization time and longer saturation times [38,39]. prepared at lower temperatures and pressures (40 ◦ /150 bar). These
Larger pores in the formulations were desirable for fitting in the chitosan results agree with the literature, where it was shown that, with the in
aerogels beads. crease of the foaming temperature, the increase of the pore size occurred
The N2 adsorption-desorption analysis revealed that the specific as a consequence of the decrease of the polymer stiffness [40].
M. Pantić et al. Journal of CO2 Utilization 80 (2024) 102697
Furthermore, less uniform pores were obtained at 60 ◦ C/200 bar. This 5. Conclusion
phenomenon can be ascribed to the PCL phase coalescing before the
crystallization of the polymer matrix, due to the use of temperatures To summarize, promising mesoporous-macroporous materials were
above the melting point of the PCL [41]. Furthermore, higher temper obtained by combining PCL foams and chitosan aerogel beads. The
atures led to a pale yellowish color and completely different structures, addition of aerogels to the composition of PCL foams improved the
pore sizes, and pore uniformity of the prepared scaffold. Nevertheless, textural properties (increased specific surface areas and adsorption ca
the foaming temperature of 60 ◦ C is well below the degradation tem pacities) and increased the thermal stability of the foams slightly. The
perature of PCL, so the foaming should allow for the preservation of the successful deposition of indomethacin, confirmed by FTIR, was achieved
chemical structure of the polymer. in a simple process of simultaneous foaming and deposition. It was
The performed swelling studies and in vitro dissolution tests proved shown that materials with completely different properties can be pre
that forming the scaffolds under different conditions led to materials pared simply by adjusting the temperature and pressure parameters. The
with different properties and behavior in simulated body fluids. optical and SEM micrographs gave an insight into the morphology of the
Apparently, preparation at 40 ◦ C/150 bar led to the formation of more obtained scaffolds. While the scaffolds prepared at 60 ◦ C/200 bar can be
stable scaffolds than preparation at 60 ◦ C/200 bar. The swelling studies used for the shorter-term replacement with a crucial release of the model
performed over ten weeks revealed that the scaffolds prepared at lower drug in the first 24 h, the scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar can be
temperatures and pressures reached the maximal swelling ratio later, used for a longer-term replacement with a release of the drug for one
afterward showing good stability for the tested period. Contrarily, the week.
scaffolds prepared at higher temperatures and pressures reached a
higher maximal swelling ratio in a shorter time, after which they started CRediT authorship contribution statement
decomposing. The degradation of the polymeric graft is desirable, since
it should be replaced gradually by newly formed tissue, being Pantić Milica: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation,
completely resorbed finally. The most important requirement is a Methodology, Visualization, Writing – original draft. Horvat Gabrijela:
controlled degradation rate. The polymer should be resorbed fast Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – review &
enough to allow growth of the bone tissue, but slow enough to provide editing. Berk Bevc Miha: Formal analysis, Investigation. Knez Željko:
the necessary mechanical support [21]. Even though scaffolds prepared Supervision, Writing – review & editing. Novak Zoran: Conceptuali
at 60 ◦ C/200 bar started degrading earlier, the obtained degradation zation, Resources, Supervision, Writing – review & editing.
was controlled. Lastly, simultaneous scaffold preparation and deposition
led to promising results. The main advantage of this process is that an Declaration of Competing Interest
influence on the loading can be made simply by manipulating the ratio
between the PCL, chitosan aerogel, and indomethacin. The scaffolds The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar showed a controlled release of indomethacin interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
over seven days. This is in agreement with the swelling studies, showing the work reported in this paper.
slower swelling and higher stability in the simulated body fluid. In
contrast, the scaffolds prepared at 60 ◦ C/200 bar showed burst release Data Availability
compared to the scaffolds prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar. Nevertheless,
these scaffolds still showed controlled release of the indomethacin over Data will be made available on request.
the first 8 h. The scaffolds prepared at 60 ◦ C/200 bar swelled more and
faster, leading to a faster release of the indomethacin. The behavior of Acknowledgments
the scaffolds in the simulated body fluids can be related to their struc
tures. The more compact structure with a narrower pore size of scaffolds Special thanks to the Slovenian Research Agency (ARIS) for their
prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar led to materials with prolonged stability and financial support of Research Programme P2–0046 and Research Project
release of the model drug in the simulated body fluid. The deposition of L2–3175. The authors acknowledge the use of apparatus for supercriti
indomethacin was influenced by the structure of the prepared scaffolds, cal drying, procured within the project "Upgrading national research
which led to different release profiles. Studies on hybrid PCL-starch and infrastructures - RIUM", which was co-financed by the Republic of
PCL-silk fibroin scaffolds reported release profiles of the tested drugs as Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and
well. PCL-starch scaffolds showed comparable results to the scaffolds the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
prepared at 40 ◦ C/150 bar in this study [12]. The tested drug showed an
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