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Design and Implementation of Multi-core Parallel Compiler Based on

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CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

Design and Implementation of Multi-core Parallel Compiler

Based on OpenMP

Xiaojian Liu*, Hao Lv, Shuo Liu

Computing Technique Research Institute, Aviation Industry Corporation, Xi’an, PR,

*Corresponding author:

Abstract. OpenMP supports parallel incremental development, and has become a

mainstream parallel programming standard for shared memory systems. A parallel
compiler running on multi-core DSP is designed for OpenMP programs. The main
achievement includes translator and runtime. The translator converts OpenMP
instructions in source files into function calls in runtime where the specific
implementation is provided. The core problem of parallel compiler is how to design
parallel strategy to allocate computing tasks to each core, which corresponds to the
concept of parallel domain in OpenMP standard. The compiler realizes the of master-
slave core by transforming parallel instructions and supporting runtime, which has
guiding significance for the design of parallel compiler.

Keywords: OpenMP, parallel compiler, multi-core DSP, parallel execution

1. Introduction
In the face of the increasing demand for computing, the improvement of clock frequency of single-
core processor has reached the bottleneck. Processor manufacturers compensate for the performance
impact of reducing clock frequency to reduce power consumption by increasing the number of
processor cores, which makes multi-core processor show obvious computing advantages compared
with single-core processor. With more applications needed to be developed on multi-core platform,
parallel programming mode is gradually favored by programmers. The concept of parallelism has been
embodied in the way of threads in operating systems. However, the thread library represented by
Pthread is more inclined to task parallelism, and requires programmers to spend more energy on the
underlying operations related to threads. In order to make programmers focus more on business
process logic, some easy-to-use parallel programming specifications have been proposed at present,
such as OpenMP based on shared memory, MPI based on message passing mode and so on [1]. In
order to improve the efficiency of parallel programming on multi-core DSP, this paper introduces in
detail the compiler's scheduling and task allocation for multi-core DSP in parallel domain, and
explains how to implement parallel computing in fork-join mode on multi-core DSP platform.

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

2. Openmp standard and parallel programming model

2.1. Introduction to OpenMP Standard

OpenMP standard provides a set of compiling instructions and application programming interface
based on shared memory model, which is independent of hardware platform. It can be added to the
program written in C/C++ and FORTRAN to show the parallel mode of a serial program. It uses
multithreading technology and uses fork-join mode to realize parallelism. Because of its good
portability, easy to use and supporting parallel incremental development, it has become the
mainstream standard in shared memory models [2].
OpenMP includes four types of instructions and clauses: parallel domain creation, task sharing,
synchronization and mutex, data environment control. The application program interface is used to set
or return the relevant information in the parallel domain [3]. The parallel domain creates an instruction
and declares a parallel domain. The statements in the code block will be completed in parallel by
multiple threads. The task sharing instruction indicates that multiple cores jointly complete tasks in the
parallel domain, which can be iterative task for loop or non-iterative task blocks. Synchronization and
mutex instructions are used to coordinate the timing constraints of multi-core in the execution process,
and ensure the correct reading and writing of shared resources. The data environment control clause is
used to indicate the shared attributes of variables in the parallel domain.

2.2. OpenMP parallel programming model

The following is a parallel program written by adding OpenMP instructions on the basis of the
standard C language. The purpose is to assign an array. The 100 loops in the for statement are
allocated to be executed by different threads. The statement block under #pragma omp parallel
instruction is a parallel domain and is executed by multiple threads. OpenMP standard API was called
to set the number of threads to 8. #pragma omp for instruction means that eight threads work together
to complete the subsequent for loop. Array a is shared by threads, so the assignment of array members
by each thread is visible to each other. Outside the parallel domain, the whole program is executed by
a single thread [4].
void main(){
int i, a[100];
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for
OpenMP implements multithreading parallelism based on fork-join model. Fig.1 shows the model
diagram of fork-join. After encountering the parallel domain creation instruction in OpenMP standard,
the main thread will generate multiple slave threads (i.e. fork operation) before the code execution in
the parallel domain. The main and slave threads are allocated by the system on different processors to
execute the code in the parallel domain in parallel, and execute the join operation at the end of the
parallel domain. When a parallel domain is generated again, repeat the above steps.

Main Thread

Parallel Domain Parallel Domain

Figure 1. OpenMP execution model

CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

3. Parallel compiler design and translation transformation

3.1. Introduction to Hardware Platform

The parallel compiler implemented in this paper is based on TI's TMS320C6678 DSP (C6678)
hardware platform. Based on keystone I architecture, this chip integrates eight processing cores with
the same structure. Each core can read and execute instructions independently, with the main
frequency up to 1.25GHz. Each core has 32KB L1P cache, 32KB L1D cache and 512KB local L2
cache. In addition, all cores can share 4MB multi-core shared memory which can store program or
data [5].

3.2. Multi-Core Parallel Scheme

In order to implement the fork-join model on multi-core platform, the master-slave core running
scheme is designed as shown in Fig.2. Once the program starts running, both the master and slave
cores start, and execute different processes. The master core executes the serial code in OpenMP
program, and the slave core waits for the master core to send tasks. When the master core enters the
parallel domain, it generates multiple task threads similar to fork operation, and then sends the task to
each slave core one by one. Slave cores start to execute after receiving the task and once the task is
completed, they need to give feedback to the master core immediately. After the tasks are assigned to
the slave cores, the master core starts to execute its own task, and then waits for the messages from the
slave cores. It does not exit the parallel domain (equivalent to join operation) and continue to execute
the serial code until all slave cores have completed the task. The slave core enters the wait state again
after the task is completed. If it needs to enter the parallel domain again, the above process is repeated.

3.3. Compilation Process and Transformation Operation

The whole compiling system is composed of translator, runtime and local compiler. The main work of
this paper is the design of translator and runtime. The processing flow of OpenMP program is shown
in Fig.3. The input is OpenMP program (source 1), which is a .c file containing OpenMP instructions.
The interpreter translates the OpenMP instructions in the source program into library functions
implemented in the runtime, and generates a .c file containing the runtime interface (source 2). The
local compiler uses the compiler cl6x provided by Ti to compile source 2, and finally generates the
executable file running on c6678 DSP combined with the runtime link.

Master Core Slave Cores

Execute Serial Code Waiting For Task

Creating Parallel Domain

Send Task To Slave Cores

Execute Task Functions Execute Task Functions Domain
Report The Completion Of
The Task

End Parallel Domain

Execute Serial Code Waiting For Task

Figure 2. Parallel mode of master-slave cores

CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

OpenMP Program Translator Standard C Code Local Compiler Executable Program

(Source 1) (Source 2) Runtime (.out File)

Figure 3. Processing flow of OpenMP program by parallel compiler

The translator includes two steps: analysis and transformation. Source 1 generates the intermediate
code in the form of abstract syntax tree (AST) after lexical, grammatical and semantic analysis, and
then transforms AST to output source 2. In this process, we use Lex and Yacc tools to complete lexical
and grammatical analysis, and complete the construction of AST in the process of executing semantic
Fig.4 shows the AST corresponding to a simple OpenMP program. Each box represents an AST
node and different types of AST nodes are designed according to different types of statements in the
program (such as variable declaration, function definition, expression, etc.). The information recorded
in each node is different. For example, in Fig.4, the AST node of function definition records the
function name (decl member) and function body (body member). Function call belongs to the class of
expression, and the corresponding AST node records the left value (member left) and right value (right
member) of expression. OpenMP instruction corresponds to a type of node, which will be dealt with in
the transformation step. These nodes are connected and organized into a tree, so the whole program
can be represented by an AST node at the top.
After the AST is established according to source 1, the transformation is started. In the process of
traversing the whole AST the transformation is completed, but most of the AST nodes corresponding
to the standard C language statements do not need to be transformed. Only the OpenMP nodes need to
be processed. The specific operation is to crop the corresponding subtree of OpenMP node and replace
it with the AST subtree of the expected changed code. The corresponding Fig.4 shows that the
OpenMP node in the dashed box is removed from the original AST and replaced with a new subtree.
At the same time, the new subtree must be completely embedded without changing other structures in
the original AST. After the new AST is constructed, the code program in the form of output characters
is traversed again, i.e., generating source 2.

root node

type statement linked list

body type declaration
next body

type function definition

decl main

OpenMP node

type OpenMP instruction

body type parallel

type expression
body type function call
left printf
right hello

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of program AST

CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

3.4. Transformed Code Form

This section will introduce the code form of OpenMP instruction in source 1 after translator
transformation. Firstly, #pragma omp parallel instruction in source 2 is replaced by a parallel domain
to create function interface. Secondly, the code block (parallel statement) under the instruction is
extracted and packaged into new task functions. Finally, the data environment is constructed according
to the shared attributes of variables in the parallel domain declared in source 1.
Further explanation is given combined with the translation result of an OpenMP program. An array
variable z is defined outside the parallel domain in the following source 1 program, and the value of
the element whose subscript is the thread number of the executing thread is output in the parallel
domain. According to the OpenMP standard, z is shared data in a parallel domain. The main function
in source 1 corresponds to two parts in source 2 program after translation: the original function and the
task function in the parallel domain. The main function of source 2 includes the serial statement in
source 1, the information encapsulation of shared variables and the function interface of parallel
domain creation. The newly generated task function _thrFunc0_ includes parallel statements and data
environment preparation before parallel statements. The parallel statements in this example are
relatively simple. If there are other OpenMP instructions in the parallel domain code in source 1, the
translator will replace them with corresponding functions in the runtime in source 2.
/********** Source 1 program *********/
int main()
int z[5]= {1,2,3,4,5};
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(5)
int j=omp_get_thread_num();
/********** Source 1 program *********/
/********** Source 2 program *********/
int main()
int z[5]= {1,2,3,4,5};
/*Record the information of shared variables in shvars*/
}shvars= {&z};
void_thrFunc0_(void* me)
/*Record the information of shared variables in shvars*/
shvars = get_shared_vars(me);
int(*z)[5] = shvars->z;
int j = omp_get_thread_num();
printf(“ %d\\n”,(*z)[j]);
/********** Source 2 program *********/

CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

Parallel domain creation function execute_ Parallel is only called by the master core, and its
specific implementation is provided by the runtime. The function has three parameters, which are the
number of threads participating in the execution in the parallel domain (in this case, In this case, it is
declared by num_threads), task function name (in this case, it is _thrFunc0_) and the structure that
records shared variable information (in this case, it is shvars). Since the shared variables in the parallel
domain are uncertain with the program definition, the translator encapsulates all the shared variables
in a parallel domain into a structure to facilitate the transfer in the form of parameters.
A parallel domain corresponds to a task function, which is called by every core that enters the
parallel domain. In the task function, the data environment declared in source 1 needs to be
reconstructed before the parallel statement in the task function. It is realized by redefining and
initializing the shared variables with the same name and private ones. As can be seen from the above
example, the structure used to record the shared variable information before calling the
execute_parallel function is exactly the same as that used in the task function to build the data
environment. In fact, the structure obtained by get_shared_vars function is the parameter variable
passed in execute_parallel before.
The reason why we need to create shared variables in parallel domain and transfer the information
of shared variables between task functions is that the execution context of each core is stored in its
own local memory. If a variable is declared to be a private variable in the parallel domain, no
additional processing is needed. However, for shared variables, in order to make all cores in the
parallel domain access symmetrically, the variable should be declared in the shared area and its
address should be recorded by the master core and sent to the slave cores. It can be accessed indirectly
through the address in the parallel statements of task functions.

4. Runtime implementation
This chapter introduces the runtime support for the above parallel scheme, including the key data
structure, the implementation of the parallel domain creation function generated in source 2 after the
parallel instruction transformation and the execution flow of the slave cores in the parallel domain.

4.1. Data Structure of Simulating Parallel Domain In Runtime

The processing of parallel domain in runtime revolves around two data structures which are the
execution structure used to record the state of each core in the parallel domain and the thread structure
that the master core distributes tasks to the slave cores.
 Executive structure
In the runtime, each core will create its own independent executive body after entering the parallel
domain, which records its own information in the parallel domain such as its own number in the
parallel domain, the total number of cores entering the same parallel domain and so on. The API in
OpenMP standard can return the total number of threads in the current parallel domain, the thread
number of the current thread, etc., all of which are implemented by querying the values of related
members in the executive body of each core.
The executive structure maintains the parent-child relationship between the master and slave cores
in the same parallel domain. After the master core creates the parallel domain, its executive body will
become the parent node of slave cores’ executive node in the parallel domain. The parent executive
node records the shared information in the parallel domain, such as task functions, shared variables,
etc. which can be obtained by the child node through its parent node.
 Thread structure
Thread is the actual bearing structure that the master core sending tasks to the slave cores, which
encapsulates the pointer pointing to the parent executive body recording the information of the parallel
domain and their respective thread numbers. The relationship between the executive body and the
thread is shown in Fig.5. Threads 1, 2 and 3 are the tasks sent from the master core to the three slave
cores, and the pointers in the threads in the same parallel domain point to the same parent executive.

CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

Therefore, the slave cores receiving the threads will access the same task function and the threads are
distinguished by numbers.
The life cycle of a thread only exists in the parallel domain. In order to avoid the computational
overhead caused by frequently creating and destroying threads, a group of threads are created in the
form of a linked list in runtime to form a thread pool. Each time a parallel domain is created, the
master core applies for a corresponding number of threads from the thread pool and sends them to the
slave cores. After the slave cores complete the task, the threads received from the master core are put
back into the thread pool for use in the next parallel domain.
The task completion status of the slave cores in the parallel domain is monitored by the master core
through the executive body and thread structure. As shown in Fig.5, a key variable is recorded in the
parent executive body - "the number of slave cores that have not completed tasks in the parallel
domain". When the master core creates a parallel domain, the initial value of this variable will be set to
the number of threads in the parallel domain. When the master core sends the thread to the slave core
and the slave core completes the task, it will access the variable through the parent executive body and
subtract 1 from its current value.
Therefore, the variable is shared by multiple cores and its value will change with the execution of
the slave cores. The master core can judge whether there are slave cores that have not completed the
task the current parallel domain by the value of the variable.

void* func(void*); The Number Of Slave Cores That
void* num; Have Not Completed Tasks In The
} Parent Executive Body A Parallel Domain

struct{ struct{ struct{

Parent Executive Body; Parent Executive Body; Parent Executive Body;
id = 1; id = 2; id = 3;
} Thread 1 } Thread 2 } Thread 3

Figure 5. Diagram of the relationship between executive body and threads

4.2. Implementation of Parallel Domain Creation Function

The parallel domain creation function is called by the master core to distribute tasks to the slave cores,
execute tasks by itself and synchronize before the end of the parallel domain. Its implementation
process is as follows.
1) According to the number of cores in the parallel domain specified in the source program, apply
for the same number of threads from the thread pool of the runtime. If the number of threads available
is not enough, it will be terminated and a prompt message will be returned.
2) Set the information of the whole parallel domain and fill in the parameters in the parent
executive body node representing the parallel domain, including task function, shared variables, cores
entering the parallel domain and so on.
3) Send task to the slave cores: fill in the information to be sent in the application threads, mainly
including the pointer to the parent executive body node and the thread number shown in Fig.5. After
setting, as shown in Fig.6, the threads will be sent to the corresponding slave cores in turn.

CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

Thread 1 Core 1

Core 0 Thread 2
(Master Core) Core 2

Thread 3
Core 3

Figure 6. Master core sends tasks to slave cores

4) Execute the task function to complete the tasks that belong to in the parallel domain.
5) Synchronous exit, wait for all the slave cores in the parallel domain to complete the tasks and
then exit the parallel domain. The specific implementation is that after the main core enters the loop, it
does not jump out of the loop until the value of the variable "the number of slave cores in parallel
domain that has not completed tasks" in the executive body is 0.

4.3. Execution Process of Slave Core in Parallel Domain

In the parallel domain creation function, the master core sends tasks to the slave cores in the thread
structure and after receiving the task, the slave cores execute three steps: entering the parallel domain,
calling the task function and exiting the parallel domain. These three steps are all related to the parent
executive body encapsulated in the received thread.
1) Enter the parallel domain: Establish the parent-child relationship with the master core executive
body node and fill in the information in the executive body structure according to the parent executive
2) Call task function: By accessing the task function pointer of the parallel domain recorded in the
parent executive body, the task function generated by the translator is executed.
3) Exit the parallel domain: Put the thread sent by the master core back to the thread pool and
subtract the value of variable "the number of slave cores that have not completed tasks in the parallel
domain" in the parent executive body by 1, which is equivalent to feedback the message that the tasks
have been completed to the master core.

5. Conclusion
This paper designs and implements a parallel compiler for OpenMP programs running on multi-core
DSP platform. By translating the compilation guidance instructions in the source program into the
runtime interface, the local compiler and runtime are used to compile and link the translated C
program. Running on multi-core DSP, the generated executable file can achieve the effect of master-
slave cores executing code in parallel domain in parallel. While making full use of the computing
resources of multi-core DSP, it improves the programming efficiency of programmers in developing
parallel programs. In the following work, the following work can focus on the performance
optimization of compiler, such as quantitative analysis of the computing tasks assigned by each core in
the parallel domain. A more reasonable task allocation strategy is added to achieve load balance of
computing cores.

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CDMMS 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1802 (2021) 032137 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1802/3/032137

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