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Questions: 20 (+4/-1) Total Test time: 2 Hrs
1. Present sum of money amounts to Rs. 800 in two 8. Five racquets needs to be placed in three boxes. Each
years and to Rs. 920 in three years, then the present box can hold all the five racquets. In how many ways
sum of money is can the racquets be placed in the boxes so that no box
(a) 420 (b) 690 can be empty if all racquets are different but all boxes
(c) 560 (d) None of the options are identical?
(a) 24 (b) 25
2. Bhavani invested an amount of Rs. 13900 divided in
(c) 27 (d) 26
two different schemes, A and B at the simple interest
rate of 14% per annum and 11% per annum 9. How many signposts can be made using 6 different
respectively if the total amount of simple interest coloured symbols when any number of them can be
earned in two year be Rs. 3508, what was the amount posted at a time?
invested in Scheme B? (a) 1988 (b) 1976
(a) 6400 (b) 6500 (c) 1966 (d) 1956
(c) 7200 (d) 7900
10. There are 12 copies of Beetles CDs, 7 copies of Pink
3. What is the square of root of 99999? Floyd CDs, 3 different CDs of Michael Jackson, and 2
(a) 316.23 (b) 316.22 different CDs of Madonna. Find the number of ways in
(c) 316.21 (d) 316.20 which one or more than one CD can be selected?
(a) 3388 (b) 3376
4. What is cube root of 55555?
(c) 3366 (d) 3327
(a) 38.17 (b) 38.16
(c) 38.15 (d) 38.14 11. Please calculate in how many ways can a platoon of
sixteen soldiers be chosen out of a total of twenty
5. In a factory there are three types of machines b1, b2,
soldiers for a surgical strike?
and b3 which produces 20%, 15%, and 32% of the
(a) 4845 (b) 4800
total products respectively. Further, machines b1, b2,
(c) 4855 (d) 4955
and b3 which produces 3%, 7%, and 2% defective
products respectively. Find the percentage of non- 12. A box contains 2 white shirts, 3 black shirts, and 4 red
defective products? shirts. In how many ways can 3 shirts be drawn from
(a) 46% (b) 30% the box, if at least one black shirt is to be included in
(c) 53% (d) 64% the draw?
(a) 60 (b) 40
6. In a 1000 meter race Rishi beats Koustab by 50
(c) 64 (d) 82
meters. In the same race, by what time margin
Koustab beat Pandey who runs at 4 meter per second? 13. Can you calculate in how many ways can 7 tennis
(a) 100 (b) 50 players can be seated in a circular order?
(c) 75 (d) Data insufficient (a) 330 (b) 730
(c) 720 (d) 820
7. Guru and Chela walk around a circular path of 115 km
14. Imagine that there are four hundred and fifty nine
in circumference, they start together from the same
managers in a hotel. If the number of managers is
point. If they walk at speed of 4 and 5 kmph
enlarged by 36, the expenses of the food increased by
respectively, also they walk in the same direction,
Rs. eighty one per day while the average spending per
when will they meet?
head decreased by one. Find the original spending of
(a) After 115 hours (b) After 125 hours
the hotel on food?
(c) After 120 hours (d) After 210 hours
(a) 7344 (b) 7244
(c) 7044 (d) 7444

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15. The average age of a group of 9 friends is 22 years. 18. The average presence of employees of a company for
LAVGIR is the youngest and his age is 6 years, then yoga sessions in an office on Monday, Tuesday and
what happened to be the average age of the family just Wednesday is thirty two and on the Wednesday,
before LAVGIR was born? Thursday, Friday and Saturday is thirty. If the average
(a) 18 (b) 7 number of employees on all the six days is twenty six
(c) 20 (d) 24 then the number of employees who attended the
sessions on Wednesday is?
16. The height of nineteen people of comic book is in
(a) 38 (b) 40
Arithmetic progression. The average height of them is
(c) 60 (d) 64
19 feet. If the tallest is 37 feet. Then what is the weight
of the shortest? 19. The average spending of Lata Mangeshkar for the part
(a) 2 (b) 1 of week from Monday to Saturday is Rs. 4200. She
(c) 3 (d) 4 spent Rs. 1200 on Monday and Rs. 1500 on Sunday
that week. The average spending for the part of week
17. Average stipend of summer internship of an institute
from Tuesday to Sunday that week is?
is Rs. 20000 per month. Recently the institute
(a) 4100 (b) 4200
announced increment of Rs. 2000 per month for all
(c) 4250 (d) 4300
the students. The new average stipend of students
will now be? 20. Please calculate in how many ways can a set of five
(a) 22000 (b) 23000 players be formed out of a total of ten players such
(c) 24000 (d) 25000 that two particular players should be involved in each
(a) 60 (b) 72
(c) 56 (d) 75

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Questions: 20 (+4/-1)
Directions (Q.21 – Q.22): Answer the following 24. If the odd numbered dice have even number of dots
questions based on the given information: on their top faces, then what would be the total
number of dots on the top faces of their dice?
Eight Girls M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting in a line facing
(a) Eight (b) Ten
north and likes different colours such as Red, Pink, Yellow,
(c) Twelve (d) Fourteen
White, Blue, Violet, Brown and Black but not necessarily
in the same order. 25. In a certain code, 15789 is written as XTZAL and
2346 is written as NPSU. How is 23549 written in
The one who likes yellow sits fourth to the right of M.
that code?
Neither M nor yellow sits at extreme ends. N sits third to
the left of R. The number of girls sits between T and the
one who likes violet is same as S and the one who likes
blue. T sits to the immediate left of black. The number of 26. Saurabh walks 80 meters towards south. Then,
girls sits between the one who likes red and white is same turns to his right & starts walking straight till he
as the one who likes white and pink. P does not sit completes another 80 meters. Then, again turning
adjacent to T. R likes violet colour and O likes brown to his left he walks for 60 meters. He then turns to
colour. One person sits between S and the one who likes his left & walks for 80 meters. How far is he from
yellow. S does not like red colour and does not sit at any his initial position?
of the extreme end. (a) 100 meters (b) 60 meters
(c) 20 meters (d) 140 meters
21. How many girls sit between M and N?
(a) One (b) Two 27. Fact 1: All cats like to run.
(c) Three (d) Four Fact 2: Some cats like to swim.
Fact 3: Some cats look like their masters.
22. T likes which of the following colour?
If the first three statements are facts, which of the
(a) White (b) Yellow
following statements must also be a fact?
(c) Pink (d) Brown
(I) : All cats who like to swim look like their
23. B is the father of Q. B has only two children. Q is the masters.
brother of R. R is the daughter of P. A is the (II) : cats who like to swim also like to run.
granddaughter of P. S is the father of A. How is S (III) : cats who like to run do not look like their
related to Q? masters.
(a) Son (b) Son-in-law (a) I only
(c) Brother (d) Brother-in-law (b) II only
(c) II and III only
Directions (Q. 24): Six dice with upper faces erased are
(d) None of the statements is a known fact.
as shows.
28. Nurse Kemp has worked more night shifts in a row
than Nurse Rogers, who has worked five. Nurse
Miller has worked fifteen night shifts in a row, more
than Nurses Kemp and Rogers combined. Nurse
Calvin has worked eight night shifts in a row, less
than Nurse Kemp. How many night shifts in a row
has Nurse Kemp worked?
(a) 8 (b) 9
(c) 10 (d) 11

The sum of the numbers of dots on the opposite face is 7.

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29. P, Q, R and T answered an Examination. In the 36. Statements:

results, Q was immediately followed by P but no one Some ships are boats.
was there after P. R was ahead of Q but could not All boats are submarines.
score as much as T. Who scored the second highest? Some submarines are yatches.
(a) P (b) Q Conclusion:
(c) R (d) T I. Some yatches are boats.
II. Some submarines are boats.
30. In this question, one term in number series is
III. Some submarines are ships.
incorrect. Find out the incorrect number.
IV. Some yatches are ships
56, 72, 90, 110, 132, 139
(a) Only II and III follow (b) All follow
(a) 72 (b) 110
(c) Only III follows (d) Only IV follows
(c) 132 (d) 139
37. Statements:
31. In a procession, 7 boys are standing in a row.
Some Google is Twitter.
Kavikant is standing left to Anurag but right to
No Twitter is Facebook.
Bipin. Jayant is standing right to Gourav and left to
All Facebook are WhatsApp.
Bipin. Similarly, Komal is standing right to Anurag
and left to Ramu. Find out who is standing in the
(I) Some WhatsApp are Google is a possibility.
(II) Some Twitter can never be Facebook.
(a) Anurag (b) Komal
(a) Only conclusion I follows.
(c) Kavikant (d) Gourav
(b) Only conclusion II follows.
32. A total of 78 celebrities were standing in a row. (c) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
Karan Johar was standing at the 25th position from (d) Both conclusions I and II follow.
the left. Salman Khan was standing at 20th position
Direction (Q.38 – Q.39): Answer the questions
from the right. How many celebrities were standing
based on following information.
between Karan Johar and Salman Khan?
In a trade fair 7 cars of different companies -
(a) 31 (b) 32
Cadillac, Ambassador, Fiat, Maruti, Mercedes,
(c) 33 (d) 34
Bedford and Fargo are standing facing to east in the
33. Find the missing number in the given series 12, 38, following order: Cadillac is next to right of Fargo.
116, 350, 1052, ?. Fargo is fourth to the right of Fiat. Maruti car is
(a) 2200 (b) 1800 between Ambassador and Bedford. Fiat which is
(c) 3158 (d) 2800 third to the left of Ambassador, is at one end.
34. If A+B means A is the brother of B; 38. Which of the cars are on both the sides of Cadillac car?
A-B means A is the sister of B; (a) Ambassador and Marutì
A×B means A is the father of B. (b) Maruti and Fiat
Which of the following means that ‘C is the son of (c) Fargo and Mercedes
M’? (d) Ambassador and Fargo
(a) M – N × C + F (b) F – C + N × M
39. Which of the following statement is correct?
(c) N + M – F × C (d) M × N – C + F
(a) Maruti is next left of Ambassador.
35. Following analogy shows the relationship between (b) Bedford is next left of Fiat.
two words. Select the pair which has the same (c) Bedford is at one end.
relationship. "Theft: Confess " (d) Fiat is next second to the right of Maruti.
(a) Fight : Dare (b) Fault : Admit
40. If A stands for '+', B stands for '-', C stands for 'x',
(c) Murder: Commit (d) Mistake: Agree
what is the value of (10C4) (A) (4C4)B6 ?
Direction (Q.36 – Q.37): Considering given statements (a) 60 (b) 50
as true, select a logical conclusion based on the given (c) 56 (d) 46

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Questions: 20 (+4/-1)
Directions (Q.41 and Q.42): Each question consist of two (II) Of the important themes are to ensure that
words which have a certain relationship to each other students have ready access to the right learning
followed by four pairs of related words, Select the pair material
which has the same relationship. (a) each (b) someone
(c) some (d) one
(a) challenging: knowledge 46. (I) The unemployment rate has dropped sharply this
(b) mnemonic: memory quarter.
(c) vocal : eloquence (II) It may only be temporary.
(d) dramatic: story (a) But (b) Likewise
(c) Though (d) Still
(a) Jealousy : Envy (b) Jealousy : Lust Directions (Q.47 and Q.48): In the question given below
(c) Jealousy : Secure (d) Jealousy : Romance few sentences are given which are grammatically correct
and meaningful. Connect them by the word given before
Directions (Q.43 and Q.44): In each of the following
the statements in the best possible way without changing
questions, a word has been used in sentences in four
the intended meaning. Choose your answer accordingly
different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the
from the options to form a correct, coherent sentence.
sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or
(I) Doordarshan is also a great window to the global
43. Agog
market place. Goods and services are continuously
(a) The boys were all agog to see their parents.
being sold through Doordarshan's dream world.
(b) She was all agog at the surprise announcement.
(II) All news is elite centered; but Doordarshan
(c) The victory set the whole state agog with
telecast is usually more ethnocentric. Its accent is
on people, places and events.
(d) All are correct
(III) With over 1 billion people talking in several
44. Tantamount languages and a variety of lifestyles to boot, it is
(a) To leave a pet home alone is tantamount to obvious one cannot address all of them together
cruelty. all the time.
(b) Overlooking state norms tantamounts to a crime. (IV) Doordarshan's promotions must go beyond mere
(c) His refusal to answer was tantamount to an reportage of facts, and capture the story between
admission of guilt. the lines.
(d) All are correct (a) I – III (b) II – IV
(c) III – IV (d) I – II
Directions (Q.45 and Q.46): In the question given below
two statements are given which are grammatically correct 48. "Because"
and meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given (I) It is ironic, not tragic, that minorities in our country
below the statements in the best possible way without have come to be identified with religion and not with
changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible community or profession.
word as your answer accordingly from the options to form (II) The establishment of many such organizations are
a correct, coherent sentence. testimony to the growing antagonism to secularism.
(III) Secularism today is being taken as a threat to religious
45. (I) Especially in their own languages because it
identities, to the existence of religious diversities,
ensures a better understanding of subjects
though secularism was never conceived as such.

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(IV) This is the reason that secularism today has come to (b) drop little sugar
mean as preservation of religious minorities in their (c) into a glass of water
traditional modes. (d) No error
(a) II – III (b) I – IV
Directions (Q.54 and Q.55): Read the following
(c) III – IV (d) I - II
comprehension carefully and answer the questions
Direction (Q.49): Kindly choose the appropriate word for accordingly.
connecting the following sentences. One spring, while visiting in the little village among the
High Mountains where her ancestors had dwelt for _____
49. (I) The milkman in my neighborhood likes to talk to
my Aunt kindled the callow fancy of my uncle, Howard
his customers.
Carpenter, then an idle, shiftless boy of twenty-one.
(II) He provides them milk in every morning.
(a) even if (b) in addition 54. Which word, if inserted in the blank, makes the most
(c) rightly (d) while sense in the context of the passage?
(a) days (b) seasons
Direction (Q.50 and Q.51): Complete the following
(c) infinity (d) generations
55. What is the meaning of the word shiftless as it is used
50. Naveen is so lazy that he .......
in the passage?
(a) cannot depend on others for getting his work
(a) amiable (b) ruthless
(c) lazy (d) carefree
(b) cannot delay the schedule of completing the work
(c) can seldom complete his work on time Directions (Q.56 and Q.57): Read the following
(d) dislike to postpone the work that he undertakes comprehension carefully and answer the questions
to do accordingly.
Mahatma Gandhi believed that industrialisation was no
51. "You are thinking very highly about Prashant but he
answer to the problems that plague the mass of India's poor
is not so" means
and that villagers should be taught to be self-sufficient in
(a) You have a good opinion about Prashant but he is
food, weave their own cloth from cotton and eschew the
not as good as you think
glittering prizes that the 20th century so temptingly offers.
(b) Prashant is much better, than what you think of
Such an idyllic and rural paradise did not appear to those
who inherited the reins of political power.
(c) Your view about Prashant is philosophical, keep
it up 56. The meaning of 'glittering prizes that the 20th century
(d) Prashant is as good as you think about him so temptingly offers' is
(a) pursuit of a commercialised material culture
Direction (Q.52 and Q.53): Find the erroneous part of
(b) replacement of rural by urban interests
the given sentence
(c) complete removal of poverty
52. The war of Mahabharata (a) / is the full length (d) absence of violence and corruption
illustration (b) / of a righteous war (c) / No error (d)
57. The basis of 'an idyllic and rural paradise' is
(a) The war of Mahabharata
(a) rapid industrialisation of villages
(b) is the full length illustration
(b) self-sufficiency in food clothes and simplicity of
(c) of a righteous war
the lifestyle
(d) No error
(c) bringing to the villages the glittering prizes of the
53. To perform this experiment (a) / drop little sugar (b) 20th century
/ into a glass of water(c) / No error (d) (d) supporting those holdings powerful political
(a) To perform this experiment positions

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Directions (Q.58 – Q.60): In questions given below, out (b) Fumigate

of the four alternatives, choose the one which can best (c) Decontaminate - neutralize or remove dangerous
substitute the given sentence. substances
(d) All of the above
58. Someone who is willing to take risks or to do
something shocking 60. It's a state in which a person has apprehensions all the
(a) Bodacious (b) Risk-taker time about their well-being and considers that they
(c) Audacious (d) Bold are ill.
(a) Hypoallergenic (b) Hypochondriac
59. To use special chemicals, smoke or gas to destroy the
(c) Hypochondria (d) All of the above
harmful insects or bacteria in a place
(a) Spray

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1. (c) P + 2I = 800 …………(i) 6 different colour → 6! = 720
P + 3I = 920 ………..(ii) 1956
From (i) & (ii) 10. (d) Beefless = 0, 1, 2 … … . .12 → 13
I = 120 Pink Floyd = 0, 1, 2 … … .7 → 8
From (i) P = 560 MJ =2×2×2→8
2. (a) is the correct answer. Modona =2×2 →4
Total no of ways = 13 × 8 × 8 × 4 − 1
= 3327
11. (a) 20C16 20C4 =
= 4845
12. (c) Atleast 1 black shirt = total − no black shirt
= 9C3 – 6C3
= 84 − 20
= 64
13. (c) (𝑛 − 1)! = (7 − 1)! = 6! = 720
14. (a) Let x be the average spending per need
Ans = 6400
495(x – 1) – 459x = 81
3. (b) No Explanation
x = 16
4. (c) No Explanation
Required = 459x
5. (d) is the correct answer.
= 459 × 16
B1 B2 B3
20% 15% 32% = 67% = 7344
Diff 0.6% 1.05% 0.64% = 2.29% 15. (a) At present average age of 9 friends =22 years
(3% of 20) (7% of 15) ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
(2% of 32) 64.71% 6 year ago, average of 9 friends =16 years
So our answer is 64% Total sum of ages of 9 friends age of =9×16
6. (d) Data insufficient. Total sum of 8 friends + age of LAVGIR =9×16
L 115 Total sum of ages of 8 friends + 0 = 9 × 16
7. (a) First meeting at any point = = = 115 hr.
a−b 5−4 Total sum of ages of 8 friends = 9 × 16
L = length of track 9 × 16
Average age of 8 friends = = 18 Years
a = speed of Fast runner 8

b = speed of slow runner 16. (b) Average height of 19 person = height of 10th person
Box Box Box No of ways = 19 feet
8. (b) Case − I 1 2 2 15
Case − II 3 1 1
Box Box Box
Case I
R1 R 2 , R 3 R 4 , R 5
R1 R 2 R 4 R 3 R 5
R1 R 2 R 5 R3R4 Height of the shortest person = 1 feet
R2 17. (a) No Explanation
R2 →3 18. (c) M + T + W = 32 × 3 = 96 ………..(i)
R2 W + Thu + F + S = 30 × 4 = 120 …….…(ii)

M + T + W + Thu + F + S = 26 × 6 = 156 ….(iii)

R5 (i) + (ii) − (iii)
R5 →3 W = 96 + 120 − 156 = 60
R5 19. (c) M + T + W + Th + F + S = 4200 × 6
Total = 15 case T + W + Th + F + Sat = 4200 × 6 −
Case – II 5C3 × 1 × 1 = 10 ways 1200 = 24000
∴ total no of ways = 15 + 10 = 25 Tue + Wed + Thu + Fri + Sat + Sun = 24000 +
9. (d) Single colour → 6 1500 = 25500
2 different colour → 6 × 5 = 30 Average =
= 4250
3 different colour → 6 × 5 × 4 = 120 8!
4 different colour → 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360 20. (c) 8C3 = = 56
3! 5!
5 different colour → 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 = 720 21. (a) is the correct answer.

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Anurag, Komal, Ramu

Thus the order is Gaurav, Jayant, Bipin, Kavikant,
Anurag, Komal, Ramu.
Hence Kavikant is in the middle.
22. (b) 32. (c) So 78 – 25 = 53 person are there after Karan in the
row but Salman Khan was standing at 20th position
from the right, so out of 53 person we will subtract
20 to get persons between Karan and Salman i.e. 53
- 20 = 33.
33. (c) 12×3+2=38
23. (d) is the correct answer.
34. (d) From option (d): M × N – C + F, M x N → M is the
father of N. N - C → N is the sister of C and C + F → C
is the brother of F.
Hence, M is the father of C or C is the son of M.
35. (b) Theft is confessed and fault is admitted.
36. (a) I. Possibility
24. (a) Odd numbered dice are : (II), (III) and (V). No. of dots
II. True
on the top faces of these dice are 2, 2 and 4
III. True
respectively. Required total = 2 + 2 + 4 = 8.
IV. Possibility
25. (c) Looking into the method of coding it is clear that,
2 is coded as N, 3 as P, 5 as T, 4 as S and 9 as L
So, 23549 is coded as NPTSL.
26. (d) Saurabh walks south 80m then he turned right
(means in West) and walks 80m then turn left
(means in South) and walks 60m then turn left
(means in East) and walks 80m. So from initial
position Saurabh is exactly in South direction and at
80m + 60 = 140m away.
27. (b) Statement II is the only true statement. Since all cats 37. (d) I. True
like to run, then the ones who like to swim also like II. True
to run. There is no support for statement I or
statement III.
28. (b) Nurse Kemp has worked more shifts in a row than
Nurse Calvin; therefore, Kemp has worked more
than eight shifts. The number of Kemp's shifts plus
the number of Rogers's shifts (five) cannot equal 38. (c) is the correct answer.
fifteen or more, the number of Miller's shifts.
Therefore, Kemp has worked nine shifts in a row (5
+ 9 = 14).
29. (c) According to the given information, we get:
Hence, R scored second highest marks
30. (d) The numbers are in terms of 7 × 8, 8 × 9, 9 × 10, 10 ×
11, 11 × 12, 12 × 13.
So, 139 is wrong, it should be 156.
31. (c) Kavikant is to left of Anurag and to the right of
Fargo and Mercedes are on both the sides of
Bipin ⇒ Bipin, Kavikant, Anurag
Cadillac car.
Jayant is the right to Gaurav and left to Bipin ⇒
39. (a) Therefore, Maruti is next left of Ambassador.
Gaurav, Jayant, Bipin
Komal is to the right of Anurag and left of Ramu ⇒
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because it is ironic, not tragic, that minorities in our

country have come to be identified with religion and
not with community or profession.
49. (d) The milkman in my neighborhood likes to talk to his
customers while he provides them milk every
50. (c) Naveen is so lazy that he can seldom complete his
work on time.
51. (a) You are thinking very highly about Prashant but he
is not so means you have a good opinion about
40. (b) Using the correct symbols, we have
Prashant but he is not as good as you think.
Given expression = (10×4) + (4×4) – 6
52. (a) The war of “the” Mahabharata
= 40 + 16 − 6
53. (b) Drop “a” little sugar
= 56−6 = 50.
54. (d) is the correct answer.
41. (b) Sedative acts as an aid to sleep. Similarly a
55. (c) Shiftless means lazy
mnemonic acts as an aid to memory.
56. (a) Refer to the second line of the paragraph where it si
42. (a) First is a more intense form of the second. Here
clearly stated that Gandhi believed that Indian
Jeopardy is the more intense form of Peril and
villagers should be self sufficient and avoid
Jealousy is the more intense form of Envy.
commercialized material culture.
43. (d) Agog means full of intense interest or excitement;
57. (b) Refer to the second line of the passage which states
eager. It has been used correctly in the given
that villagers should be self sufficient in food and
avoid the commercialized material culture.
44. (d) Tantamount- equivalent in seriousness to; as good
Therefore, the idyllic and rural paradise is the self-
sufficiency in food clothes and simplicity of the
45. (c) Some of the important themes are to ensure that
students have ready access to the right learning
58. (c) Audacious-showing a willingness to take
material especially in their own languages because it
surprisingly bold risks
ensures a better understanding of subjects.
Bodacious – Excellent, admirable, or attractive
46. (c) The unemployment rate has dropped sharply this
Risk-taker - a person who takes risks
quarter though it may only be temporary.
59. (b) Fumigate - disinfect or purify (an area) with the
47. (c) Doordarshan’s promotions must go beyond mere
fumes of certain chemicals
reportage of facts, and capture the story between the
Spray - liquid that is blown or driven through the air
lines but with over 1 billion people talking in several
in the form of tiny drops
languages and a variety of lifestyles to boot, it is
Decontaminate - neutralize or remove dangerous
obvious one cannot address all of them together all
the time.
60. (c) Hypochondria -People with illness anxiety disorder
48. (b) Secularism today has come to mean as preservation
of religious minorities in their traditional modes

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