1500 Fuerza de Redención
1500 Fuerza de Redención
1500 Fuerza de Redención
Selections: Matched
Categories: N F O S
[ ]
HQ [11 PL, 201pts]
Aura of
Units within 6" of any enemy Interrogator-Chaplains must subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic.
You can re-roll failed hit rolls during the Fight phase for friendly <CHAPTER> units that are within 6" of
Asmodai. In addition, increase the Attacks statistics of friendly <CHAPTER> INFANTRY and BIKE units by 1
of Hate
whilst they are within 6" of Asmodai.
Inner This unit automatically passes Morale tests. In addition, you can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for
Circle attacks by this unit that target a FALLEN unit.
All friendly <CHAPTER> units within 6" of this model can use the Chaplain's Leadership instead of their own.
Asmodai 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 5 3 9 3+
Selections: Brilliant Stragegist
Categories: W
Abilities: Brilliant Stragegist
Once per battle, if your Warlord is on the battlefie,d you can re-roll a single hit roll, wound roll, damage roll or
saving throw. In addition, if your army is Battle-forged, roll a D6 each time you use a Stratagem; on a 5+ you
gain 1 Command Point.
Company During deployment, all models in this unit must be set up at the same time, though they do not need to be set
Heroes up in unit coherency. From that point onwards, each Primaris Lieutenant is treated as a separate unit.
You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly <CHAPTER> units that are within 6" of this model.
Lieutenants 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 3+
Frag grenade 6" 3 0 1 -
Each time the bearer fights, it can make one additional attack
Heavenfall Blade Melee Melee +2 -3 D3
with this weapon.
Krak grenade 6" 6 -1 D3 -
Plasma pistol,
12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 -
Plasma pistol,
12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain.
[ ]
Troops [15 PL, 285pts]
4x Intercessor [72pts]
Selections: 4x Bolt rifle
Unit: Intercessor, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Bolt rifle, Frag grenade, Krak grenade
If a model is armed with a auxiliary grenade launcher, increace the range of any Grenade weapons they
have to 30"
Combat Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, this unit when containing its maximum number
Squads of models, may be split into two units each containing an equal number of models.
Intercessor 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+
4x Intercessor [72pts]
Selections: 4x Bolt rifle
Unit: Intercessor, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Bolt rifle, Frag grenade, Krak grenade
If a model is armed with a auxiliary grenade launcher, increace the range of any Grenade weapons they
have to 30"
Combat Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, this unit when containing its maximum number
Squads of models, may be split into two units each containing an equal number of models.
Intercessor 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+
4x Intercessor [72pts]
Selections: 4x Bolt rifle
Unit: Intercessor, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Bolt rifle, Frag grenade, Krak grenade
If a model is armed with a auxiliary grenade launcher, increace the range of any Grenade weapons they
have to 30"
Combat Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, this unit when containing its maximum number
Squads of models, may be split into two units each containing an equal number of models.
Intercessor 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+
[ ]
Elites [32 PL, 524pts]
Models in this unit have a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when
determining how far the unit Advances.
Combat Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, this unit when containing its maximum number of
Squads models, may be split into two units each containing an equal number of models.
This unit automatically passes Morale tests. In addition, you can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for
Inner Circle
attacks by this unit that target a FALLEN unit.
During deployment, you can set up this model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the
battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle - set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit
Power fist Melee Melee x2 -3 D3
Redemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 196pts]
Selections: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon [36pts], Onslaught Gatling Cannon [16pts]
Categories: A A ,D ,I ,V ,F :D A ,E
Abilities: Explodes, Unit: Redemptor Dreadnought, Weapon: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Redemptor
Fist, Wound Track: Redemptor Dreadnought 1, Redemptor Dreadnought 2, Redemptor Dreadnought 3
If a model in this unit is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6 it
explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
Redemptor Dreadnought * * * 7 7 13 4 8 3+
Combat Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, this unit when containing its maximum number of
Squads models, may be split into two units each containing an equal number of models.
Enemy units must subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic if they are within 3" of any Reivers.
Reiver 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+
Combat Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this
Melee Melee User 0 1
knife weapon.
Frag Grenade
6" 3 0 1 -
grenade D6
Bolt 12" Pistol 1 4 -1 1 -
Krak Grenade
6" 6 -1 D3 -
grenade 1
A shock greande doesn't inflict any damage. Instead, each time a shock
grenade hits an enemy INFANTRY unit, it is stunned until the end of the
Shock Grenade
6" 0 0 0 turn - it cannot fire Overwatch and your opponent must subtract 1 from
Grenades D3
any hit rolls made for the unit. Second and subsequent hits from a shock
grenade have no additional effect.
[ ]
Heavy Support [8 PL, 165pts]
4x Hellblaster [132pts]
Selections: 4x Plasma incinerator [60pts]
Unit: Hellblaster, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Plasma incinerator, Standard, Plasma incinerator, Supercharge
Combat Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, this unit when containing its maximum number of
Squads models, may be split into two units each containing an equal number of models.
Hellblaster 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+
Frag grenade 6" 3 0 1 -
Krak grenade 6" 6 -1 D3 -
Plasma incinerator, Rapid On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain after all of this weapon's
30" 8 -4 2
Supercharge Fire 1 shots have been resolved.
[ ]
Dedicated Transport [16 PL, 324pts]
Instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, the vehicle can use its Auto Launchers; until your
next Shooting phase your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for ranged weapons that target this
If a model in this unit is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a
6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
Hover Tank Distances and ranges are always measured to and from this model's hull even though it has a base.
Power of the
Machine This model does not suffer the penalties for moving and firing heavy weapons.
Repulsor Your opponent must subtract 2 from any charge rolls made for units that declare a charge against a
Field Repulor.
This model can transport 10 <CHAPTER> PRIMARIS INFANTRY models. Each MK X GRAVIS model takes up
the space of 2 other models. It cannot transport JUMP PACK models.
Repulsor * 6+ * 8 8 16 * 9 3+
Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against targets that can FLY.
Icarus Rocket Heavy
24" 7 -1 1 Subtract 1 from the hit rolls made for this weapon against all other
Pod D3
Grenade 18" 6 -1 D3 -
Las-talon 24" 9 -3 D6 -
Storm bolter 24" 4 0 1 -
Fire 2
Twin lascannon 48" 9 -3 D6 -
Selection Rules
And They Shall Know No Fear: You can re-roll failed Morale tests for this unit.