Impacto de Temperatura
Impacto de Temperatura
Impacto de Temperatura
School of Science, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
College of Mechanical Engineering, HuaiAn Vocational College of Information Technology, Huaian 223003, China
The parameters of In0.3Ga0.7As PV cell applied in laser wireless power transmission (LWPT) system dependence on temperature was investi-
gated at a temperature range of 5-90○ C under 100mW/cm2 laser intensity with 1070nm wavelength. The pollination algorithm method was
The photovoltaic (PV) cell is the determinant factor of laser- Much literature about the parameters dependence on temper-
electrical conversion efficiency at the receiving end of laser wire- ature under solar irradiation condition has been published. 14–16 To
less power transmission (LWPT) system,1–4 as well as one of the the best of our knowledge, however, there is no report has been
main factors limiting the development of LWPT systems. There- pub- lished concerning the condition with laser irradiation. In this
fore, the performance of PV cells used in LWPT has attracted wide study, we investigated the temperature dependence of the
attention.1,3,5–8 However, in many cases, the performance of PV performance and cell parameters of In0.3Ga0.7As PV cell under
cells may be influenced by the operating conditions, especially the 1070nm fiber laser irra- diation condition. As Mason10 has reported
temperature.2,9–11 The performance of a PV cell is determined by that the fiber laser and the custom-made InGaAs PV cells are the
the parameters (viz., short circuit current Isc, open circuit volt- most promising chooses in LWPT system. The results in this paper
age Voc, fill factor FF, and conversion efficiency η). Temperature are quite different from the condition with solar irradiation. It offers
variation affects above parameters and, hence, the performance a reference for the pro- duction of PV cells used in LWPT, and can
of PV cells.11–13 In LWPT systems especially used in air vehicle, predict the performance of PV cells under different temperatures.
however, loading the cooling system is not convenient and will Parameters for the performance evaluation of a PV cell are
reduce the payload.10 So, the study of the parameters dependence extracted from the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. Among the
on temperature under laser irradiation condition can provide a mathematical models available to describe these I-V curves, 17,18 the
reference for manufacturer to produce temperature-insensitive PV most widely used is the single-diode model, due to its simplicity
cells. and accurate results.19,20 The equation describing this model can be
written as:17
q(V + IRs) V + IRs
I = Iph − I0{exp[ ] − 1} − . (1)
nkT Rsh
where, I and V are the current and voltage of the module terminal,
Rs and Rsh are the series and shunt resistance, n is the diode ideality
factor, Iph and I0 are the photocurrent and reverse saturation cur-
rent, q, k and T are the elementary charge, Boltzmann constant, and
temperature, respectively. In our previous work, we validated the
applicability and accuracy of the pollination algorithm method to
extract parameters of PV cells under laser irradiation condition, 21,22
and we use the same method in this paper.
The PV cell used in this experiment was a single-junction
In0.3Ga0.7As, the same with our previous work.21 The PV cell was
mounted on a thermostat within 0.2 C. The illuminated I-V char-
acteristics were obtained by a digital source meter (Keithley model
2450) at temperature varying from 5○C to 90 C, and used to extract
the diode parameters (i.e. Iph, I0, n, Rs, and Rsh) of PV cell by the FIG. 2. Variation of open circuit voltage and short circuit current with temperature (the
○ formula is a linear fitting function of the open circuit voltage).
pollination algorithm method. For all measurements presented in
this work, the irradiation intensity of the laser was 100mW/cm 2.
Finally, the diode parameters obtained by the algorithm were used
to calculate the I-V curves by the Newton method. the open circuit voltage of a PV cell, and it decreases with increas-
Ten groups of I-V curves of the PV cell measured at various ing temperature.12,14,17 Therefore, the open circuit voltage exhibits a
values of temperature (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and○ 90 C) strong dependence on temperature.
are shown in Fig. 1. The symbols and lines in the inset are the The short circuit current approximates exponential decline in
experi- mental and calculated results, respectively. (The a small range with the increase of temperature. In the range of 5-
temperature value of 30 C is chosen only as an example.) It is 90○C, the relative change of the short circuit current is 2.7%. This
result is totally different from the condition with solar irradiation.
FIG. 3. Variation of efficiency and fill factor with temperature. FIG. 5. Variation of reverse saturation current and ideality factor with temperature.
the I-V characteristics of a PV cell, which means decay in the fill the resistance of the active layer leads to the decrease of the ideal-
fac- tor.17,27 We all know that series resistance accounts for the ity factor with increasing temperature. While the increase of carrier
ohmic losses due to the sum of contact resistance to the front and recombination in the bulk promotes the increase of the ideality fac-
back, resistance of the bulk and the sheet resistance of the active tor with increasing temperature.17,21,30,31 The ideality factor remains
layer. With temperature increasing, the resistance of the latter two almost constant attribute to the above reasons.
factors decreases. So the change of the trend is first exponentially The value of reverse saturation current increases exponentially
and then linearly,15 as shown in Fig. 4. Therefore, the reduction rate
J. Mukherjee, S. Jarvis, M. Perren, and S. J. Sweeney, “Efficiency limits of laser
power converters for optical power transfer applications,” J. Phys. D Appl. Phys.
46, 264006 (2013).
FIG. 4. Variation of series and shunt resistance with temperature. H. Yugami, Y. Kanamori, H. Arashi, M. Niino, A. Moro, K. Eguchi, Y. Okada,