Organ Donor

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The new england journal of medicine

review article

current concepts

Care of the Potential Organ Donor

Kenneth E. Wood, D.O., Bryan N. Becker, M.D., John G. McCartney, M.D.,
Anthony M. D’Alessandro, M.D., and Douglas B. Coursin, M.D.

From the Departments of Medicine (K.E.W.,

B.N.B., J.G.M., D.B.C.), Surgery (A.M.D.),
and Anesthesiology (D.B.C.), University of
Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Wood at the
Department of Medicine, 600 Highland
e ven in the face of the urgent need for transplantable organs,
there continues to be a disparity between the number of potential organ donors
and that of actual donors.1 Reducing this disparity is one means of addressing
the current shortage of organs. However, for this strategy to be effective, it is mandato-
ry to retrieve organs that offer the greatest likelihood of successful outcomes for the re-
Ave., Rm. K4/930, Madison, WI 53792-9988,
or at cipients. This strategy necessitates the optimal care of the potential donor, that is, even
after brain death has occurred.2 In this review we present a structured approach to the
N Engl J Med 2004;351:2730-9. key issues for the clinicians involved in the care of the brain-dead organ donor.
Copyright © 2004 Massachusetts Medical Society.

status of the potential donor and consent

A potential organ donor is defined by the presence of either brain death or a catastrophic
injury to the brain with the physician’s and the family’s intent to withdraw life support.
The diagnosis of brain death requires the absence of brain-stem reflexes, motor respons-
es, and respiratory drive in a normothermic, nondrugged, comatose patient with a
known irreversible brain lesion and no contributing metabolic derangements.3,4 Pa-
tients with catastrophic brain injury accompanied by the intent to withdraw life support
are considered to be potential organ donors. This group of patients is an increasingly
important population of donors that has recently been discussed elsewhere.5 The Fed-
eral Conditions of Participation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services re-
quire hospitals to notify their local organ-procurement organization in a timely manner
of an impending death. “Timely” should be defined as before brain death occurs or be-
fore the withdrawal of life support, so that the suitability of the potential donor can be
determined and so that donation can be discussed with the family.
Overwhelming infection generally precludes donation. However, bacteremia or
fungemia are not absolute contraindications to donation.6 Organs transplanted from
bacteremic donors rarely transmit bacterial infection, and the data suggest that the
outcomes for the recipients of organs from donors who have had infection are not sig-
nificantly worse than those when donors do not have infection.7 Organs from potential
donors infected with hepatitis B or C virus may be transplanted into recipients infected
with the same virus and may be considered for those who are not infected and who are
in need of a life-saving transplantation.8 Absolute contraindications to donation are in-
fection with the human immunodeficiency virus, human T-cell leukemia–lymphoma
virus, systemic viral infections (e.g., measles, rabies, adenovirus, enterovirus, and par-
vovirus), prion-related disease, and herpetic meningoencephalitis.9 Cytomegalovirus
carried within organs can induce infection with cytomegalovirus and disease in recipi-
ents, especially in those who do not have cytomegalovirus at the time of transplanta-
tion. Routine prophylaxis against cytomegalovirus has markedly reduced the mortality
and morbidity associated with infection with this virus, although cytomegalovirus re-

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current concepts

mains a major cause of virally mediated illness in re- the length of time between the declaration of brain
cipients of solid-organ transplants. A localized in- death and the procurement of the organs.16 The
fection should not preclude the use of uninfected progression from brain death to somatic death re-
organs. Active malignant disease effectively pre- sults in the loss of 10 to 20 percent of the potential
cludes donation, except in the case of nonmelano- donors.17,18 Therefore, timely treatment of the do-
ma skin cancers and certain primary brain tumors. nor is critical. The use of standardized treatments
A history of these or other types of cancer with a and algorithms that are focused on managing the
long cancer-free interval represents a small risk of hemodynamic status of the donor have proved to
transmission of cancer.10 However, patients with be beneficial in maintaining the stability of potential
melanoma, choriocarcinoma, lymphoma, or carci- donors.19-22 These strategies may make possible
noma of the lung, breast, kidney, or colon and po- the recovery of organs that were initially assessed
tential donors with high-grade brain tumors (e.g., as medically unsuitable, minimize the loss of do-
glioblastoma or medulloblastoma), especially those nors during maintenance, and increase the num-
who have undergone a craniotomy or a shunt pro- ber of organs that can be procured and transplanted
cedure, pose a high risk for the transmission of ma- with favorable outcomes. Finally, all organs poten-
lignant disease and use of their organs should be tially benefit from optimal hemodynamic manage-
avoided.11,12 With the permission of the family, ment. The benefit of such management is best ex-
blood sampling to determine the suitability of the emplified by the increase in the percentage of
potential donor may be performed before brain kidneys that are procured and the improved graft
death occurs. Any invasive procedure performed for function when both the heart and kidneys are pro-
the purpose of organ donation requires consent by cured together, as compared with the procurement
the family and should be performed only after the of the kidney alone.22
patient has been declared brain dead.13
The humanitarian aspect of organ donation is cardiovascular effects
critical, as was emphasized in the Organ Donation Postmortem studies in animals and humans have
Breakthrough Collaborative’s final report on best shown that brain death adversely affects the cardio-
practices.13 Before consent for a donation is re- vascular system.23,24 Brain death represents the cul-
quested, it is important to have the family fully un- mination of progressive rostral-to-caudal ischemia.
derstand that brain death means that their loved one At the medullary level, ischemia provokes a sympa-
is dead. It is also important to convey to them that thetic surge to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure
the donor’s body will not be disfigured during the (the difference between mean arterial pressure and
donation procedure and that donation does not pro- intracranial pressure). In human autopsy series and
hibit a funeral or preclude viewing of the body. The in a baboon model of brain death, brain ischemia is
rate of consent is substantially higher when the re- associated with the development of myocyte necro-
quest for the donation is made in a private setting sis that is concentrated in the left ventricular sub-
and is separated from the pronouncement of brain endocardium and with ischemic changes in the elec-
death. This approach affords the family time to trocardiogram.25,26 In controlled models of brain
comprehend the death before the discussion of or- death in dogs, spinal cord ischemia coincides with
gan donation is initiated. It is also advantageous to herniation and results in deactivation of the sympa-
have the request for consent made by experienced thetic nervous system, with the attendant vasodila-
personnel in conjunction with the coordinator of tion, low levels of serum catecholamine, and loss of
the organ-procurement organization.14,15 The treat- cardiac stimulation.27 All these events produce car-
ment of the patient as a donor should begin imme- diac dysfunction and vasodilation, which are usual-
diately after brain death occurs and should contin- ly coincident processes that contribute to hemody-
ue if consent for donation is obtained. namic instability in the potential donor.
The goals of management of the hemodynamic
medical management status of the donor are to achieve normovolemia,
maintain blood pressure, and optimize cardiac out-
The period between the occurrence of brain death put so as to achieve gradients of perfusion pressure
and the procurement of donated organs is often and blood flow that promote organ function with
punctuated by the instability of the condition of the the use of the least amount of vasoactive-drug sup-
potential donor, which increases in proportion to port. Figure 1 presents a stepwise approach to man-

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The new england journal of medicine

agement of the hemodynamic status and assess-

ment of thresholds of stability of the potential Figure 1 (facing page). Management of the Hemodynam-
ic Status of the Potential Organ Donor.
donor. Along with continuous assessment of the
stability of the condition of the donor and conven- In all potential donors, hemodynamic management be-
gins with an evaluation of the thresholds of stability (i.e.,
tional management in the intensive care unit, all pa- mean arterial pressure, vasoactive-drug requirement,
tients considered as potential cardiac donors should urine output, and left ventricular ejection fraction), in-
undergo echocardiographic evaluation. Such test- cluding the use of echocardiography in potential cardiac
ing can identify structural abnormalities that would donors. Donors who meet the thresholds should be
preclude cardiac transplantation and define the monitored up to the time of procurement. The failure to
achieve the thresholds requires the placement of a pul-
ejection fraction. monary-artery catheter in order to assess the volume sta-
Cardiac donation should not be excluded on the tus and to adjust vasoactive-drug support. Continuing
basis of the initial echocardiogram alone, however. failure to achieve the hemodynamic thresholds requires
Hearts from relatively young patients can recover the use of hormone-replacement therapy. DA denotes
left ventricular function both while still in the do- dopamine, DOB dobutamine, EPI epinephrine, and NE
nor and after transplantation.28,29 In donors in
whom thresholds of cardiovascular stability are not
achieved (Fig. 1) or in whom the ejection fraction
is less than 45 percent, pulmonary-artery cathe- should be used to reduce the incidence of hyper-
terization should be performed to define the left natremia (i.e., sodium levels of 150 mmol per liter
ventricular filling pressures and the cardiac output, or higher) in donors. Hypotonic solutions should
guide the administration of vasoactive medications, be used after the initial volume expansion to correct
and adjust the fluid balance between competing or- persistent hypernatremia. The failure to correct hy-
gans. This approach has improved the manage- pernatremia in the donor has been linked with graft
ment of the hemodynamic status of potential do- loss after liver transplantation.36
nors and increased the rates of recovery of donated The infusion of large amounts of dextrose so-
organs.21,30,31 lution to replenish deficits of free water can pre-
Figure 2 presents a model of the circulation that cipitate hyperglycemia, causing osmotic diuresis
is useful in defining the differential diagnosis and and electrolyte abnormalities. Blood glucose lev-
the treatment of hemodynamic instability in poten- els should be monitored closely, and insulin infu-
tial donors. Finally, a longer period of medical man- sions should be used to maintain blood glucose
agement is associated with a poorer outcome for levels between 80 and 150 mg per deciliter (4.4 to
cardiac allografts32; this association reinforces the 8.3 mmol per liter). Hydroxyethyl starch should be
necessity for timely intervention in the care of po- avoided. It can induce injury to renal tubular epithe-
tential donors. lial cells and may impair early renal graft function
Hypotension is associated with a decrease in or- (i.e., graft function during the immediate postoper-
gan function.33 Initial hypotension may be present ative period).37 All infused fluids should be warmed
in up to 80 percent of donors, and sustained hypo- to 37°C (98.6°F) to limit the risk of hypothermia.
tension may occur in 20 percent of donors, despite Competing requirements for organ perfusion
vasoactive-drug support.16 Hypotension is more may produce antagonistic strategies for fluid re-
common in hypovolemic donors treated with vaso- placement. A minimally positive fluid balance is as-
pressors and in patients with diabetes insipidus sociated with higher rates of lung procurement,38
who do not receive antidiuretic hormone.34 Cardiac whereas aggressive volume repletion facilitates the
arrest in the donor, leading to the loss of the organs maintenance of kidney function. The early assess-
to transplantation, is more common in the setting ment of the suitability of the potential donor or-
of hypotension than in other settings.35 Thus, the gans facilitates the development of focused strate-
recognition of multifactorial hypovolemia and its gies for medical management when one or more
correction are crucial. Packed red cells should be organs are clearly not suitable for transplantation.
transfused to achieve a hematocrit of 30 percent in A more liberal strategy for fluid therapy is appro-
order to maintain oxygen delivery. Lactated Ring- priate when contraindications to lung donation
er’s solution or half-normal saline solution (0.45 are evident. Otherwise, the fluid therapy should be
percent), with the addition of sodium bicarbon- guided by measurements made with the use of a
ate at 50 mmol per liter if the donor has acidosis, pulmonary-artery catheter in order to achieve ade-

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current concepts

Evaluation of Stability and Echocardio-

graphic Assessment:
Monitor up to the Mean arterial pressure, ≥60 mm Hg and
Yes Vasoactive-drug requirement,
time of procurement
≤10 µg/kg/min (DA, DOB) and
Urinary output, ≥1.0 ml/kg/hr and
Left ventricular ejection fraction, ≥45%

Instability No

Pulmonary-Artery Catheterization for Assessment

Volume: Pump: Resistance:

Pulmonary-capillary wedge Cardiac index, ≥2.4 liters/min Mean arterial pressure, ≥60 mm Hg
Goals pressure, 8–12 mm Hg Left ventricular stroke work index, Systemic vascular resistance,
Central venous pressure, >15 g•meters/cm5/beat 800–1200 dyn•sec•cm¡5
6–8 mm Hg Urine output, ≥1.0 ml/kg/hr

Initial specific
Fluids or diuretics Inotropic agents Vasopressors


Goals met and stability obtained with

vasopressor- and inotropic-drug requirements,
Monitor up to the
Yes ≤10 µg/kg/min (DA, DOB), ≤0.05 µg/kg/min
time of procurement
(EPI), or ≤0.05 µg/kg/min (NE) and
left ventricular ejection fraction, ≥45%


Hormone-Replacement Therapy
Bolus Infusion
Triiodothyronine 4.0 µg 3.0 µg/hr
Thyroxine 20 µg 10 µg/hr
Methylprednisolone 15 mg/kg Repeat in 24 hr
Vasopressin 1U 0.5–4.0 U/hr
Insulin 10 U (50% dextrose) Maintain glucose
between 80 mg/dl
and 150 mg/dl
(minimum insulin rate,
1 U/hr)

Reassess goals and stability

Identify organs appropriate for procurement

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Figure 2. Hydraulic Model of Circulation in the Potential Organ Donor.

Hypotension frequently occurs as a result of many factors and requires a structured approach to the differential diagno-
sis. Hypovolemia can be either absolute or effective, and an accurate assessment frequently requires the use of invasive
monitoring techniques. Cardiac dysfunction and vasodilation are often coincident, but they can arise from disparate pro-
cesses that should be sought and corrected.

quate urine output while avoiding pulmonary ede- the donor.39 In potential lung donors, colloid solu-
ma. Measurements of the central venous pressure tions are recommended to sustain oxygenation and
may not correlate with those of the pulmonary- minimize the accumulation of pulmonary edema.40
capillary wedge pressure and therefore could in- Vasoactive-drug support is necessary when the
crease the gradient of alveolar to arterial oxygen in hemodynamic instability persists despite adequate

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current concepts

volume resuscitation. High requirements for vaso- and the production of ATP. In two studies, the tran-
active-drug support in the donor do not preclude sition from aerobic metabolism to anaerobic me-
successful donation. Several recent series have re- tabolism correlated with organ deterioration and
ported either a limited association or no associa- hypotension,52,53 and in two others exogenous hor-
tion between the vasopressor requirements of the mone replacement led to a dramatic improvement
donor and the recipient and the outcome of trans- in cardiovascular lability, a reduction in electrocar-
plantation.34,41-43 However, in 70 to 90 percent of diographic abnormalities, a reduction in acid–base
donors, hemodynamic support can be managed suc- disturbances, and improvement in the suitability
cessfully with volume resuscitation and low doses of organs for transplantation.54,55
of vasopressors (i.e., 5 to 10 µg of dopamine per However, hormone-replacement therapy remains
kilogram per minute or less).20 The specific goals of controversial. Several series in humans have failed
management of the hemodynamic status of poten- to establish firmly either the presence of an endo-
tial organ donors are shown in Figure 1. Dopamine crine dysfunction associated with brain death56-58
has been the primary vasopressor administered to or a correlation between cardiovascular instabili-
potential donors with hemodynamic instability; ty, inotropic requirements, and levels of serum lac-
requirements for dopamine at a dose exceeding tate and hormones.56,57 Other studies have failed
10 µg per kilogram per minute generally necessi- to show improved outcomes after exogenous hor-
tate the use of additional vasoactive-drug support. mone therapy.59,60 Recently, hormone-replacement
Although there is no consensus on the specific therapy was shown to diminish requirements for
combination of catecholamines that is most use- vasoactive therapy in 100 percent of unstable do-
ful, combination therapy has been associated with nors and to abolish such a need in 53 percent of
a reduction in the rates of acute rejection after renal such donors.61 Similar outcomes have been report-
transplantation and with improved rates of graft ed when hormone-replacement therapy was incor-
survival.42 The finding that the catecholamines and porated into a protocol for hemodynamic stabili-
dopamine all appear to have distinct immunomod- zation before organ procurement,21 and a large
ulatory effects, such as inhibition of the up-regula- retrospective analysis of more than 10,000 donors
tion of adhesion molecules,43 may help to mitigate during the period from January 1, 2000, to Sep-
the inflammation associated with the state of brain tember 30, 2001, found a substantial increase in
death.44-46 Epinephrine not only improves systemic the number of organs transplanted from donors
hemodynamic function but also maintains renal receiving hormone-replacement therapy.62 These
perfusion.47 However, high doses of single agents observations have provided the foundation for on-
that have predominant alpha-adrenergic or vaso- going prospective clinical trials that are examin-
constrictor effects should be avoided. Arginine vaso- ing the efficacy and optimal timing of hormone-
pressin is an alternative vasopressor that can be ad- replacement therapy. Until the results are available,
ministered to support potential donors who have however, it remains prudent to reserve hormone-
hypotension48; it enhances the vascular sensitivi- replacement therapy for unstable donors requiring
ty to catecholamines while maintaining hemody- dopamine at a dose of more than 10 µg per kilo-
namic stability.49 Similarly, hydrocortisone may en- gram per minute or with an ejection fraction of less
hance vascular reactivity in critically ill patients with than 45 percent. Serial echocardiograms after hor-
a relative adrenal insufficiency that is commonly mone replacement are recommended in order to
associated with trauma and sepsis.50 assess its therapeutic efficacy and to define the ac-
When therapy with the use of a pulmonary-artery ceptability of the heart of a potential donor for trans-
catheter fails to achieve hemodynamic stability and plantation.
echocardiographic thresholds, hormone-replace- Cardiac arrhythmias are common and are at-
ment therapy should be strongly considered. A large tributable to conduction-system necrosis that is sec-
body of data from studies in animals and humans ondary to the sympathetic surge (autonomic storm)
supports the finding that dysfunction of the hypo- that results from medullary ischemia, metabolic
thalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis during brain death disturbances, or the presence of electrolyte abnor-
results in the depletion of thyroid hormone and cor- malities. These arrhythmias are highly resistant to
tisol, thereby contributing to organ deterioration.51 antiarrhythmic treatment and frequently occur dur-
Low levels of thyroid hormone may impair mito- ing brain herniation, with the initiation of vasoac-
chondrial function, the use of metabolic substrate, tive-drug support, or as the terminal event within

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The new england journal of medicine

48 to 72 hours after brain death has occurred. When- for transplantation. In cases in which there is ab-
ever possible, the initial treatment is targeted at the normal gas exchange in a donor with unilateral dis-
correction of the causes of the arrhythmias. Stan- ease, bronchoscopy in conjunction with chest radi-
dard antiarrhythmic therapy for ventricular ar- ography can facilitate the evaluation and use of the
rhythmia (lidocaine or amiodarone) or supraven- contralateral lung.
tricular arrhythmia (amiodarone) is appropriate. Atelectasis and excessive fluid resuscitation are
Bradyarrhythmias that are the consequence of va- two correctable causes of hypoxemia that often
gus-nerve disruption in the brain stem will not re- preclude the use of lungs for transplantation.38 Ear-
spond to atropine, and isoproterenol or epinephrine ly bronchoscopy, frequent suctioning, and target-
will be required. In the event of cardiac arrest, stan- ing of ventilatory techniques at lung expansion have
dard advanced cardiac life support should be insti- resulted in dramatic increases in the rate of lung
tuted, because the recovery of cardiac function in procurement and in the quality of the organs.64,66,67
the potential donor can result in successful trans- As noted above, the judicious use of fluid resusci-
plantation.34 tation to ensure end-organ perfusion while mini-
mizing the accumulation of extravascular lung
respiratory effects water frequently requires the use of a pulmonary-
Although there have been no randomized, con- artery catheter. Small changes in hydrostatic pres-
trolled trials of this issue, it is likely that optimal sure may result in substantial increases in lung
management of the respiratory function in the po- water, owing to changes in the permeability of the
tential donor will enhance the donor’s cardiopul- lung.63 Therefore, cardiac filling pressures should
monary status and thereby improve the quality of be adjusted to a pulmonary-capillary wedge pres-
the organs to be donated. Respiratory management sure of 8 to 12 mm Hg (or a central venous pres-
is frequently complicated by injury to the lung, the sure of 6 to 8 mm Hg). The use of diuretic therapy is
presence of neurogenic pulmonary edema induced often necessary to achieve these levels.
by brain death,63 and the potential for multiple res- Albuterol has been shown ex vivo and in ani-
piratory complications, all of which are reflected in mal studies to augment the clearance of pulmonary
the low rate of lung procurement (20 percent).38 edema and may be considered along with the admin-
The implementation of standardized approach- istration of diuretic drugs.68 Corticosteroid (e.g.,
es to the management of the respiratory function methylprednisolone at a dose of 15 mg per kilo-
in potential donors has resulted in the recovery of gram of body weight) may also stabilize lung func-
lungs that were initially deemed unsuitable for do- tion in this setting.69 The greatest yield with this
nation and the successful recovery and transplan- aggressive approach will be the optimization of
tation of marginally suitable lungs without jeopar- lung function in donors whose lungs traditionally
dy to the procurement of other organs.64,65 Table 1 might not have been considered for donation.64,70
lists the goals of the management of respiratory Such therapeutic interventions have resulted in
function. The low arterial carbon dioxide tension the achievement of a ratio of the partial pressure of
and accompanying high minute ventilation fre- arterial oxygen to the inspired oxygen concentration
quently used to treat elevations in intracranial pres- of more than 300 in 49 percent of marginal lung do-
sure should be normalized. Normalization will lim- nors with an initially unacceptable ratio, ultimately
it the potential for ventilator-induced injury to the culminating in successful procurement. Thus, any
lungs and for systemic effects of respiratory alkalo- decision regarding the suitability of a potential do-
sis (e.g., systemic vasoconstriction and the leftward nor’s lungs should be made after all therapies to op-
shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve). timize the pulmonary status of the donor have been
Recent recognition of lung injury and inflamma- exhausted.
tion as a result of the use of mechanical ventilation
suggests that the strategies for alveolar recruitment supportive care
to treat atelectasis should be applied judiciously and The therapies used to control intracranial pressure
that end inspiratory plateau pressure should be lim- (i.e., volume restriction and diuresis) in the pres-
ited to less than 30 cm of water. Increased levels of ence of newly diagnosed diabetes insipidus fre-
inspired oxygen, rather than increased levels of pos- quently precipitate hypernatremia in the potential
itive end-expiratory pressure, should be considered donor. Hypernatremia in the donor can adversely
when the lungs of the donor are clearly unsuitable affect the function of the transplant in the recipi-

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current concepts

els, maintains blood pressure, and reduces the need

Table 1. Management of Respiratory Function
in the Potential Organ Donor.
for vasoactive medications in the potential donor,
with no deleterious short-term or long-term effect
Goals of mechanical ventilation on the function of the donated kidney in the recipi-
Fraction of inspired oxygen, 0.40 ent.48 Serum electrolytes should be monitored in
Partial pressure of arterial oxygen, >100 mm Hg;
or oxygen saturation, >95 percent the potential donor every two to four hours to guide
Partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide, fluid replacement and electrolyte supplementation.
35–40 mm Hg Glucose levels in the potential donor are fre-
Arterial pH, 7.35–7.45
Tidal volume, 8–10 ml/kg of predicted body weight quently elevated. Physical stress, increases in the
Positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cm of water levels of counterregulatory hormones, changes in
Static airway pressure, <30 cm of water carbohydrate metabolism, the infusion of dextrose-
Goals of bronchoscopy
Evaluate anatomy containing solutions, and peripheral resistance
Assess for foreign body and assist in removal to insulin contribute to the development of hyper-
Define and locate aspirated material, secretions, glycemia. The results of glucose-tolerance testing
or apparent infection
Clearance of secretions in donors are biphasic: there is an initial phase of
Goals of pulmonary hygiene suppression of pancreatic endocrine function re-
Prevent atelectasis with the use of suction, percus- sulting in low insulin levels, and a subsequent phase
sion, postural drainage, and lung-expansion tech-
niques of spontaneous normalization of insulin levels and
Goals of fluid management an elevation in C-peptide levels. The histopatho-
Central venous pressure, 6–8 mm Hg logical features of the pancreas are normal.72 Early
Pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure, 8–12 mm Hg
Use of anti-infective therapy elevation of glucose levels should not be used as the
Use of antibiotic agents on the basis of results sole determinant in deciding whether the donor’s
of Gram’s staining of aspirated secretions pancreas is likely to be suitable for procurement
and transplantation. Hyperglycemic damage to pan-
creatic beta cells is a risk factor for graft dysfunc-
tion in the recipient. This risk can be attenuated
ent. Diabetes insipidus results from the absence of with the use of insulin therapy in the donor, a ther-
vasopressin after the destruction of the posterior apy that necessitates strict glucose control by means
pituitary gland. It contributes to hyperosmolarity, of an insulin infusion, if needed, to achieve eugly-
hemodynamic instability, and electrolyte abnormal- cemia.73
ities (e.g., hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hypocal- Disorders of blood coagulation are a common
cemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypomagnesemia) consequence of the release of thromboplastin, cere-
as a consequence of an excessive loss of free water. bral gangliosides, and plasminogen-rich substrate
Diabetes insipidus must be differentiated from the from traumatized or necrotic brain tissue. These
polyuria induced by mannitol, hyperglycemia, or di- factors, superimposed on ongoing hemorrhage,
uretic agents. Matching urine output milliliter for transfusion, hypothermia, acidosis, and dilution of
milliliter with a 5 percent solution of dextrose in coagulant factors, can result in a profound state of
water while monitoring for hyperglycemia should coagulopathy.74 Blood-product replacement should
suffice if the urine output is less than 200 cc per be aimed at providing adequate oxygen delivery (he-
hour. Higher levels of urine output require treat- matocrit, >30 percent) with correction of the co-
ment with either arginine vasopressin or 1-desami- agulopathy (international normalized ratio, <2.0;
no-8-d-arginine vasopressin. Arginine vasopressin platelet count, >80,000 per cubic centimeter) and
acts on the V1- and V2-vasopressin receptors to pro- at minimizing the potential for sensitization by us-
duce vasoconstrictive and antidiuretic effects and ing cytomegalovirus-seronegative blood and leuko-
is administered as a continuous infusion. cyte filters.
1-Desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin is specific The loss of hypothalamic thermoregulation,
for the V2-vasopressin receptor and has predomi- combined with an inability to shiver or vasocon-
nantly antidiuretic effects. It can be given subcuta- strict, results in a poikilothermic donor. This con-
neously, intramuscularly, intravenously, or intra- dition can be exacerbated by environmental factors
nasally and has an extended duration of action and by the infusion of unwarmed fluids and blood
(6 to 20 hours).48,71 Arginine vasopressin at a low products. Adverse effects of hypothermia include
dose decreases serum osmolarity and sodium lev- cardiac dysfunction, arrhythmias, coagulopathy, a

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The new england journal of medicine

leftward shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation ents. Current therapies appear to enhance success-
curve, and cold-induced diuresis. The core temper- ful organ procurement, and these therapies may be
ature should be maintained at higher than 35°C advanced by new insights into the role of hormone-
(95°F) by means of the warming of replacement replacement therapy, the pharmacogenomic iden-
fluids, the humidification and heating of inhaled tification of the donor’s responsiveness to various
gases, and the liberal use of convective warming therapies, and the genomic assessment of charac-
blankets. Hypothermia is easier to prevent than to teristics of the donor and the recipient that would
reverse, and temperatures lower than 35°C pre- make possible individually directed interventions
clude or delay the declaration of brain death. that facilitate successful transplantation.
The care of the donor is essentially the simulta- Supported in part by a grant from the National Institutes of
neous care of multiple recipients. Vigilant medical Health (1K24DK616962-02, to Dr. Becker).
management ensures that the greatest number of Dr. Becker reports having received grant support from Abbott
and Genzyme.
organs can be recovered in the best possible condi- We are indebted to Hans Sollinger, M.D., Ph.D., for his review of
tion to provide optimal outcomes for the recipi- the manuscript.

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