AAA Early - Response - Review - 2019 - Pre-Print
AAA Early - Response - Review - 2019 - Pre-Print
AAA Early - Response - Review - 2019 - Pre-Print
Beard, J. and Delgadillo, J. (2019) Early response to
psychological therapy as a predictor of depression and anxiety treatment outcomes: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Depression and Anxiety, 36 (9). pp. 866-878. ISSN
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Beard, JI, Delgadillo, J. Early
response to psychological therapy as a predictor of depression and anxiety treatment
outcomes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Depress Anxiety. 2019, which has been
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Author’s Manuscript
Note: This is a pre-print peer reviewed article, accepted for publication on 25.05.2019. Please
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Citation: Beard, J.I.L., & Delgadillo, J. (in press). Early response to psychological therapy as
a predictor of depression and anxiety treatment outcomes: A systematic review and meta-
analysis. Depression and Anxiety. doi: 10.1002/da.22931
Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Clinical Psychology Unit, Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, United
* Correspondence:
observed during the first 4 weeks of psychological therapy, is associated with positive
treatment outcomes for a range of mental health problems. However, the replicability,
Aim: The present study reviewed the literature on early response to psychological
Methods: A systematic review and random effects meta-analysis was conducted, including
studies found in Medline, PsychINFO, SCOPUS, Web of Science, and through reference lists
Results: Twenty-five eligible studies including 11091 patients measured early response and
calculate effect size data from 15 studies to conduct a meta-analysis. A large pooled effect
size (g = 0.87 [95 % CI: 0.63, 1.10] p < .0001) indicated that early responders had
significantly better post-treatment outcomes compared to cases without early response, and
this effect was larger in anxiety (g = 1.37) compared to depression (g = 0.76) measures. Most
studies were of good quality and there was no evidence of publication bias. The main
limitations concerned insufficient statistical reporting in some studies, which meant that the
meta-analysis only included 60% of reviewed studies, and it was not possible to examine
Conclusions: There is robust and replicated evidence that early response to therapy is a
Symptomatic improvements that occur during the initial sessions of psychological therapy,
and which are of a statistically and/or clinically significant magnitude, have been termed
early response. As early as the 1980s, psychotherapy researchers have observed that the bulk
of symptomatic improvement occurs within the first month of therapy, with 60% of total
improvement in cognitive behavioural therapy for depression occurring by week four (Rush,
Kovacs, Beck, Weissenburger, & Hollon, 1981). Since then, numerous other studies have
reported early response patterns across different mental health problems and psychological
therapies (Bell, Waller, Shafran, & Delgadillo, 2017; Bradford et al., 2011; Delgadillo et al.,
2014; Doyle, Grange, Loeb, Doyle & Crosby, 2009; Gois et al., 2014; Hunnicutt-Ferguson,
Some studies have found that early symptomatic response is associated with better
post-treatment outcomes (e.g., Crits-Christoph et al., 2001; Grilo, Masheb & Wilson, 2006;
Lutz et al., 2017; Stauffer et al., 2011; van Calker et al., 2009). However, the magnitude of
this association varies considerably across studies and clinical samples. For example, in
samples of patients accessing guided self-help for depression, Tadić et al. (2010) reported an
odds ratio of 1.33 whereas Delgadillo et al. (2014) reported an odds ratio of 12.60.
Furthermore, others have found mixed results. For example, Arnow et al. (2007) found no
significant associations between early response and treatment dropout. Başoğlu et al. (1994)
found that early response predicted some post-treatment outcomes (panic attacks) but not
others (anticipatory avoidance). In addition, there is still no agreed-upon time scale of when
early response occurs by in psychological therapy (Haas, Hill, Lambert & Morrell, 2002;
Rubel et al., 2015). For example, some studies have shown that this can happen by week two
or three, whilst others have examined this by week eight or later (Arnow et al., 2007; Bell et
al. 2017; Rubel et al., 2015; Tadić et al., 2010). Also, different psychological therapies have
varying numbers of sessions within the first month of treatment. For example, Tang and
DeRubeis (1999a) state that there are not always four sessions within the first month of
to 60% of sessions occur within the first month. Studies assessing early response are also
heterogeneous, since they use different symptom measures and baseline levels of distress
tend to have a better prognosis, the replicability, statistical significance and magnitude of the
association between early response and post-treatment outcomes remains unclear. The current
systematic review aimed to synthesise what is known about the association between early
response and psychological treatment outcomes in adult patients seeking treatment for
Table 1 specifies the inclusion and exclusion criteria that guided this review. Four databases
were searched in order to search for titles, abstracts and key words (Appendix A) on February
13, 2018: Medline, PsychINFO, SCOPUS and Web of Science. The search was limited to
peer reviewed articles or book chapters published in English. No date restrictions were
applied. A full list of excluded studies and reasons for exclusion are listed in Appendix B.
The search also included the terms “sudden gains”, which can be defined as sudden
and statistically significant symptomatic improvements that occur between two consecutive
sessions during therapy (Tang & DeRubeis, 1999b). Although sudden gains are conceptually
different to early response (which can be gradual and over more than two sessions), sudden
gains that occur early in treatment can overlap with and contribute to an early response
pattern. Therefore, studies where the median sudden gain session occurred within the first
four weeks of therapy were also included; consistent with evidence that most sudden gains
occur within the first month (e.g., Tang & DeRubeis, 1999a). Titles and abstracts were
screened by the first author, followed by a full-text review. Of the studies eligible for the
review, reverse-citations and reference list searches were conducted by hand to identify
further eligible studies. A PRISMA diagram summarising the study selection process is
presented in Figure 1.
[Table 1]
[Figure 1]
Two reviewers independently assessed the quality and risk of bias for each study using the
Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-sectional Studies and the
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions for Controlled Trials (Higgins,
Altman & Sterne, 2017). Quality ratings were highly consistent and did not require mediation
2.4. Data Analysis
was conducted using the statistical package Meta-Analysis via Shiny (MAVIS; Hamilton,
2011). Studies that examined the predictive value of early response and which reported
sufficient statistical information to calculate standardised effect sizes were included in the
meta-analysis. Hedges g was calculated to adjust for unequal sample size across groups,
comparing post-treatment outcomes between early responders versus cases without early
response. Heterogeneity was examined using the Q and I2 statistics (Higgins et al., 2003).
Potential publication bias was examined using a weight-function model (Vevea & Hedges,
1995) as well as the fail-safe N calculation using Rosenthal’s method (Rosenthal, 1991).
There were several sources of heterogeneity in the design of the studies, including in
the symptom measures used, the time-point at which early response was defined, and the
selected the outcome measure with the largest effect size (in studies with multiple outcomes),
at the measurement point closest to session 4 (in studies with multiple measurements), with
the outcome defined at the end of treatment (or most proximal follow-up assessment). In a
treatments and study design were examined by removing systematically different studies
from the meta-analysis and examining the influence on pooled effect sizes and indices of
heterogeneity. The small number of studies (<20) that were included in meta-analysis and the
imbalance in the number of studies per each of the above categories of heterogeneity
[Table 2]
Design and sample characteristics. Twenty-five studies met the inclusion criteria and are
described in Tables 2 and 3, including analyses of controlled trials (n= 16) and observational
studies (n= 9). Many studies focused exclusively on depression (n= 16), whilst only three
focused exclusively on anxiety disorders. Sample sizes ranged from 23 to 5484 participants,
with nearly all of the studies including more females than males.
Measures. A wide range of measures were used to assess early response, as shown in
Table 2. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Hamilton rating scale for depression
(HAMD) were most commonly used to assess depression symptoms. A variety of different
measures were used to assess anxiety, including the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Penn
State Worry Questionnaire, and Panic Disorder Severity Scale-self report. Measures of
psychological distress included the Outcomes Questionnaire (OQ-45), and the Clinical
Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (CORE). Only two studies used general psychological
distress measures rather than disorder-specific measures to assess symptom change (Lutz et
al., 2017; Rubel et al., 2015), whilst two used a combination of both (Lutz, Stulz & Köck,
changes between intake assessments and week four of treatment, as reported by 15 of the 25
studies, while others conceptualised this as far as the 8th week. Sixteen studies used standard
and similar criteria to define early response, including reliable change (RC; Jacobson &
Traux, 1991) a specific percentage reduction on the measures used (e.g., >25% reduction of
symptom severity from baseline to the week of early response), or early remission of
symptoms based on established diagnostic cut-off scores. Other studies defined early
response using methods such as hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis (HAC) or Growth
The three studies measuring sudden gains used Tang and DeRubeis’ (1999b) definition, and
each study modified the criteria to fit the measures used and the diagnosis of patients. With
regards to the relationship between early response and outcomes, 18 of the 25 studies clearly
stated the methods used to predict outcomes among early responders. These methods
included receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC), logistic regression, general linear
models (GLM), GMM, trajectory analysis, linear modelling of growth curves, cluster
15), where cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) was the most commonly studied
cognitive-behavioural therapy, one used group telephone therapy, and another pooled data for
patients who accessed individual, group and internet-delivered therapies. Other psychological
psychotherapy (SPSP), behavioural therapy and self-control therapy. Thirteen studies used a
information about each type of therapy, and the different therapies were not all analysed
Overall, most reviewed studies had low risk of bias. More than half (15 = 60%) were rated as
“good” quality studies and a further 8 (32%) were rated as “fair”. Only two were rated as
“poor” quality studies with high risk of bias. The most common sources of bias included the
blinding in clinical trials. A detailed risk of bias assessment for each study can be found in
supplementary Appendix C.
Pooling available data across studies indicated that approximately half (47.9%) of study
participants were classified as early responders. The majority of these studies found support
for a positive association between early response and post-treatment outcomes as summarised
in Table 3. Some studies additionally investigated the influence of pre-treatment changes that
may have occurred prior to exposure to therapy (e.g., between intake assessments and the
first therapy session). These studies found that early response to therapy remained a
significant predictor after controlling for pre-treatment changes that might denote regression
to the mean (Delgadillo et al., 2014; Lutz et al., 2017). Furthermore, early response was
associated with clinical outcomes across different severities of psychological distress (e.g.,
Only one study did not support an association between early response and outcomes,
although they specifically focused on dropouts (Arnow et al., 2007). Two studies found
equivocal relationships between early response and positive outcomes. Başoğlu et al. (1994)
anticipatory anxiety and avoidance at post-treatment. However, they did find an association
between early improvement in phobia symptoms and a reduction in panic attacks. Van et al.
final non-response. However, this was not the case for remission rates. In the combined
therapy condition, both final non-response and remission rates differed significantly for those
who showed early non-response and early response. This may suggest that the medication in
the combined therapy influenced the predictive value of early response. Therefore, the
Some of the reviewed studies did not specifically test early response – outcome
associations, but instead focused on when the largest changes occurred, how many cases
showed early response, or which variables predicted early response (Gildengers et al., 2005;
Heckman et al., 2017; Jordan et al., 2014; Rabin, Kaslow & Rehm, 1984). The key findings
[Figure 2]
3.4. Meta-analysis
A primary meta-analysis was conducted using effect size data from 15 studies (including 18
unique samples and 3956 participants) to examine associations between early response and
post-treatment outcomes. The weighted mean effect size was g = 0.87 [95 % CI: 0.63, 1.10] p
< .0001, indicating that early responders had significantly better treatment outcomes
compared to cases without early response (see Figure 2). Cochrane’s Q-test revealed
evidence of significant heterogeneity in the sample (Q(17) = 246.12, p < .0001) and the I2
statistic was 87.73%, indicating a large degree of heterogeneity. The weight-function model
likelihood ratio test did not indicate evidence of publication bias; x2(1) = 3.08, p = .08.
Calculation of the fail-safe N indicated that 3200 studies with non-significant results would
be needed to conclude that the effect of early response is not statistically significant.
symptom trajectories, samples (k = 4) from studies that investigated sudden gains, and
samples (k = 6) from studies with “fair” (instead of “good”) quality ratings made little
difference to the pooled effect sizes (g = 0.82 to 0.92) and indices of heterogeneity (I2 =
observational studies considerably reduced the pooled effect size (g = .74) and indices of
heterogeneity (I2 = 79.69%; Q(13) = 66.72, p < .0001) observed in the subgroup of RCT
samples. Removing two studies (Başoğlu et al., 1994; Steinman et al., 2013) that specifically
examined panic disorder interventions also considerably reduced the pooled effect size (g =
.77) and indices of heterogeneity (I2 = 79.70%; Q(15) = 230.87, p < .0001) observed in the
different effect sizes (depression g = 0.76 [0.58, 0.94]; anxiety g = 1.37 [0.86, 1.88]) and
indices of heterogeneity (depression I2 = 76.27%; anxiety I2 = 90.00%). Forest plots for these
This systematic review provides robust evidence of a positive association between early
significant overall effect size (g = 0.87) indicated that early responders tended to have better
treatment outcomes compared to other patients. Translating this effect size into an odds ratio
scale (4.84), would indicate that early responders were at least four times more likely to attain
positive treatment outcomes compared to other cases. This association was replicated across
and guided self-help interventions delivered in person, in groups, via telephone and via
internet. Furthermore, there was low risk of bias in most of the reviewed studies, which were
The effect of early response on anxiety outcomes was considerably larger (g = 1.37)
heterogeneity for anxiety studies was much higher (I2 = 90% vs. 76%), suggesting that the
influence of early response may vary across anxiety disorders. In particular, large effect sizes
(g = 1.80 to 1.87) were observed in the studies that examined early response to panic disorder
treatments (Başoğlu et al., 1994; Steinman et al., 2013), and the exclusion of these two
studies reduced the overall heterogeneity of meta-analytic findings. The design of studies was
another relevant source of heterogeneity, as we found that the index of heterogeneity was
applied in clinical trials, which typically yields more diagnostically homogeneous samples
4.2. Methodological Considerations
The studies included in this review varied considerably in the methods used to assess early
response. For example, Rubel et al. (2015) compared three different approaches: growth
mixture modelling (GMM), reliable change (RC) and clinical improvement. They found that
at session three approximately 35% of the participants met criteria for RC, and 16.3% had
achieved clinically significant improvement. On the other hand, when using GMM, only
7.2% showed early positive response by session three. This shows that GMM is a more
conservative approach, identifying much fewer patients as showing early response than the
RC and clinical improvement methods. This was also found when comparing the studies by
Gilboa-Shechtman and Shahar (2006) and Lutz et al. (2009) which re-analysed the same
dataset (Elkin et al., 1989). Although both studies included the same number of participants
from the same dataset, they used different methods to identify early response and to predict
outcomes. Consistent with Rubel et al. (2015), Lutz et al. (2009) identified fewer patients as
showing early response (n=99) when using GMM, compared to Gilboa-Shechtman and
Early response was most often defined by week 4, although other cut-offs were used
in different studies. For example, Steidtmann et al. (2013) used weeks four, six and eight as
they are considered to be clinically useful decision points. Similarly, Schibbye et al. (2014)
used week five as it represented the first half of the treatment. The studies by Arnow et al.
(2007), Başoğlu et al (1994) and Tadić et al. (2010) defined early response by week two of
treatment. Alternatively, some studies retrospectively identified a week of early response via
the use of statistical methods that modelled latent trajectories of change (e.g., Heckman et al.,
2017; Lutz et al., 2009; Steinman et al., 2012). In spite of these methodological differences,
subgroup analyses removing latent trajectory profiling studies from meta-analysis did not
considerably change the pooled effect size or indices of heterogeneity. However, Rubel et al.
(2015) argue that a minimum of three sessions are required to conduct GMM, suggesting that
there may not have been enough information within the first two weeks of treatment to assess
the predictive value of early response. Therefore, it may be that week two is too early to find
significant differences between those who do and do not show early response, which may
possibly explain the mixed results found by Arnow et al. (2007), Başoğlu et al (1994) and
Tadić et al. (2010). Overall, studies that defined early response by week four or later
In total, only 10 of the 25 (40%) studies clearly stated how they handled missing data
in their analyses. Not appropriately managing dropouts can lead to biased interpretations of
results (Dumville, Torgerson & Hewitt, 2006; Mallinckrodt et al., 2001). Therefore, it may be
that including and examining all participants who dropped out of treatment could potentially
influence the results concerning early response and treatment outcomes. However, reviewed
studies that used an intention-to-treat approach still found large and statistically significant
To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analytic review to assess the association between
early response and psychological therapy outcomes. Strengths of this review include the
prospective registration of the review protocol and the study selection across multiple
databases, which had no date restriction in order to gather all eligible studies. Reverse and
forward citation searches were also conducted. The review also included a quality assessment
by two independent assessors. However, the review excluded grey literature, studies
published in languages other than English, and authors of eligible studies were not contacted
to request data.
Some limitations should be taken into account when interpreting the findings of this
review. Due to such a wide variety of measures and methods used to assess early response,
directly comparing findings was difficult. Although a series of subgroup analyses were
carried out, there was still a large amount of heterogeneity left unexplained. This is likely to
have been due to the large number of measures used across the studies, with only two studies
in the meta-analysis using the same depression measure. This meant that a subgroup analysis
to assess the effect of specific measures was not possible. We also note that only 60% of
cases with and without early response. In spite of the limited number of studies that
contributed to meta-analysis, there was no evidence of publication bias and the fail-safe N
Sudden gains that occur early in treatment arguably overlap with the early response
phenomenon. On this basis, we imposed inclusion criteria to ensure that we only analysed
data from studies where the median sudden gain session occurred by week 4. This a priori
exclusion criterion resulted in a stricter exclusion of sudden gains studies and a more liberal
inclusion of early response studies. We argue that this is appropriate, given the focus of the
current review. A more liberal inclusion of sudden gains studies would risk confounding
these constructs, making it difficult to ascertain whether or not early response predicts better
treatment outcomes (over and above the already known effect of sudden gains). We note that
a subgroup analysis excluding sudden gains studies made no difference to the pooled meta-
analysis results, so the inclusion of these studies is unlikely to bias results in any way.
Whilst the inclusion of RCTs and observational studies allowed for the inclusion of a
greater number of studies, there are limitations in both designs. Observational studies have
the advantage of including patients who are encountered in routine practice, thus
strengthening the external validity of results. However, internal validity can be compromised
in observational studies, since they often lack rigorous features that are present in RCTs, such
as the use of control groups, randomisation and blinding, adherence to treatment manuals,
and stringent inclusion and exclusion criteria. RCTs included in this review also varied
considerably in their patient selection criteria and how well they handled missing data.
Although the study design accounted for a proportion of heterogeneity (as described above),
it is nevertheless clear that early response is a phenomenon that occurs across a wide variety
of study designs and settings. Another point to consider is that a large number of secondary
analyses were included in the review. These studies should be interpreted with caution as
secondary analyses can lack statistical power and multiple testing can inflate the chances of
type 1 error.
It is important to consider the findings of this review in the context of previous research.
Although sudden gains are conceptually different from early response, unless they occur by
week four of therapy, they are both important for predicting post-treatment outcomes. A
meta-analysis conducted by Aderka, Nickerson, Bøe and Hofmann (2012) found results
consistent with the current review. They found robust evidence for a positive association
between sudden gains and primary outcomes in depression and anxiety symptoms. However,
whilst the current review focused on primary symptoms of depression and anxiety, Aderka et
al. (2012) also examined secondary symptoms. Compared to the large effect size in primary
symptoms (g=0.62, [0.43, 0.80]), the effect size for secondary symptoms was small and non-
significant (g=0.37, [-0.34, 1.07]). This suggests that sudden gains in primary symptoms may
not necessarily lead to improvements in secondary symptoms. As the current review did not
address this, future research or reviews into early response should also focus on secondary
symptoms. Secondly, Aderka et al. (2012) found effect sizes of sudden gains to be much
larger in CBT interventions compared to non-CBT interventions. Only eight of the 25 studies
in the current review used therapies other than some form of cognitive therapy. This
highlights the need for more research into early response in treatments other than cognitive
therapies. Additionally, Aderka et al. (2012) found no differences in effect sizes across
depression and anxiety, while the present review indicates a stronger influence of early
Previous authors have suggested that the early response effect could be explained by a
trend of improvement that began prior to the start of treatment, which might be indicative of
regression to the mean (Beckham, 1989). Two of the reviewed studies did in fact observe that
early pre-treatment gains are associated with trajectories of improvement, however both
studies still found significant effects of early response during treatment after controlling for
pre-treatment gains (Delgadillo et al., 2014; Lutz et al., 2017). On this basis, the effect of
early response cannot be entirely explained by regression to the mean. Furthermore, the
pooled rate of early response across studies (47.9%) was considerably higher than the rate of
trials (Posternak & Miller, 2001; Whiteford et al., 2013); hence the early response effect
An alternative explanation could be derived from the findings by Tadić et al. (2010),
which indicated that individuals in a placebo control group also experienced early response at
an equal or higher rate than the CBT group and with similar effects on the eventual remission
Ilardi and Craighead (1994), who suggest that early response may simply be due to a
hope and expectations of improvement. Howard et al. (1993) have previously referred to this
as a remoralisation effect which they attributed to common factors that are likely to be
present in most forms of psychotherapy. This explanation fits within the wider literature on
the placebo effect in healthcare. For example, prior studies have shown experimentally that
perceiving clinicians as warm, friendly, empathic and competent enhances the placebo effect
(Howe, Goyer, & Crum, 2017; Kaptchuk et al., 2008). However, given that the four other
studies in this review using a control condition either only reported early response in the
treatment condition or pooled the data, it was not possible to determine whether early
response occurs consistently across the placebo conditions. Future individual patient data
meta-analyses of trials comparing psychotherapies with placebo could help to elucidate the
extent to which the early response phenomenon may be partly or fully explained by a quasi-
placebo effect.
the first month is a reliable prognostic indicator across multiple forms of psychological care
for common mental health problems. The fourth session could be seen as a timely
which is consistent with the principles of routine outcome monitoring and feedback-informed
4.5. Conclusions
In conclusion, a robust evidence-base supports the notion that patients showing reliable
symptomatic improvements within the initial therapy sessions tend to have a much better
importance, as it has the potential to identify those who may have a protracted or limited
response to treatment. A clinical review using validated outcome measures at the fourth
obstacles to improvement in cases that have not yet shown reliable symptomatic
All relevant data sources will be made available upon written request to the corresponding
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Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Review question
Does early response to psychological therapy predict post-treatment depression or anxiety outcomes?
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Population Adult patients 18 years and over accessing psychological Studies exclusively with children and/or adolescents under 18.
interventions for anxiety (including Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,
Studies exclusively with non-clinical samples.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, other anxiety disorders) and/or
Intervention Any form of psychological therapy or intervention with the aim of Studies that do not include psychological interventions for depression
treating depression or anxiety and delivered in any modality and/or anxiety.
(individual, group, internet-based etc.).
Comparator A between-groups comparison of those who do and do not show Studies where no comparisons are made between cases with and
early response to psychological therapy. without early response to psychological treatment.
Studies comparing treatment outcomes between cases that had Studies where sudden gains tended to occur after the fourth week of
sudden gains early in treatment (e.g. sample median sudden gain therapy.
occurred within the first 4 weeks) and cases without sudden gains.
Outcomes The statistical significance and magnitude of the association between Studies where early response is not measured.
early response and post-treatment depression and anxiety outcomes.
Studies where post-treatment depression / anxiety outcomes are not
Setting Any settings where psychological interventions are usually delivered,
including online or telephone therapy, in any country.
Study design Randomised controlled trials and observational studies. Grey literature, such as dissertation theses, which are not published in
peer reviewed scientific journals.
Studies published in peer reviewed scientific journals, in the English
language. Editorials, newspaper or magazine articles and other forms of media.
Literature sources not in published in English.
Table 2. Characteristics of studies included in the review
First Author and Year Study Design Study Setting Primary Disorders Analysed Intervention Outcome Intervention
N Condition Measuresj Duration
Arnow et al. (2007) RCTb NA MDD 681 CBASP, HAMD-24 12 weeks
Nefazadone or
Başoğlu et al. (1994) RCTb UK and US, 2 PD, agoraphobia 154 AE, PE, AR or PR Main phobia 8 to 16 weeksl
outpatient sites targets: avoidance
and feark
Beckham. (1989) Observational US, university-based Depression 23 CBT BDI NA
research site
Bradford et al. (2011) RCTb US, Primary care GAD 76 CBT PSWQ 12 weeks
Braun et al. (2015) Observationalc NA Depression 55 CT BDI-II, HRSD 16 weeks
b e g
Crits-Christoph et al. RCT NA Mixed 98 CT, SE BDI, BAI 16 to 52
(2001) weeksm
Delgadillo et al. (2014) Observationalc UK, 1 primary care Mixede 1850 LiCBT PHQ-9, GAD-7 Up to 10
mental health service weeks
Dew et al. (1997)a Observationalc US, psychiatric Depression 95 Combined NT and HAMD-17 18 weeksn
institute and clinic IPT
Gilboa-Schechtman et al. RCTb US, 3 university MDD 162 CBT, IPT, IMI- BDI, HRSD 16 weeks
(2006) research sites CM or PLA-CM
Gildengers et al. (2005)a RCTb US, university based MDD 395 IPT, NT or PX HRSD-17 12 weeks
research site
Gois et al. (2014) RCT Portugal, 3 outpatient MDD 30 IPT or Sertraline MADRS 24 weeks
diabetes clinics
Heckman et al. (2017) RCTb US, telephone based Depression 103 Group GDS 12 weeks
Hunnicutt-Ferguson et Observational NA MDDf 42 BA QIDS-SR 16 weeks
al. (2012)a
Jordan et al. (2014) RCT pilot study NZ, university clinical MDD, Bipolar II 48 MCT vs CBT QIDS 16-C 12 weeks
research unit
Lewis et al. (2012) Observational US, university training Mixede 173 CBT BDI NA
Lutz et al. (2009) RCTb US, 3 university MDD 162 CBT, IPT, IMI- BDI, HSCL-90 16 weeks
research sites CM or PLA-CM
Lutz et al. (2017) RCT Internet-basedd Depression 409 ICBT PHQ-9 12 weeks
Masterson et al. (2014) RCTb UK, mental health Depression 40 BA PHQ-9 12 weeks
Rabin et al. (1984) RCT NA Depression 98 BT, CT or CBT BDI 10 weeks
and Self-Control
Group Therapy
Rubel et al. (2015) Observational Germany, 26 Mixede 5484 Psychotherapyi GMH Not fixedo
counselling, medical
or mental health sites
Schibbye et al. (2014) Observational Sweden, intenet-based Mixede 112 ICBT OQ-45, CORE- 10 weeks or
10, MADRS-S, 15 weeksp
Steidtmann et al. (2013) RCTb Outpatient sitesd MDD 352 CBASP or IDS-SR 12 weeks
Steinman et al. (2013) Observationalc US, university PD 36 CBGT PDSS 12 weeks
research clinic
Tadić et al. (2010) RCTb Germany, outpatient Depression 223 Sertraline or CBT HAMD-17 10 weeks
Van et al. (2008) RCTb Netherlands, 2 Depression 190 SPSP or SPSP HAMD-17 16 weeks
outpatient facilities with FX or VX
RCT, randomised control trial; NA, not available; UK, United Kingdom; US, United States; NZ, New Zealand; MDD, major depressive disorder; PD, panic disorder; GAD, generalised anxiety disorder;
CBASP, cognitive behavioural analysis system of psychotherapy; AE, alprazolam plus exposure; PE, placebo plus exposure; AR, alprazolam plus relaxation; PR, placebo plus relaxation; CBT, cognitive
behavioural therapy; LiCBT, low intensity CBT (guided self-help); CT, cognitive therapy; SE, supportive-expressive dynamic psychotherapy; NT, Nortriptyline; IPT, interpersonal psychotherapy; IMI-CM,
imipramine plus clinical management; PLA-CM, placebo plus clinical management; PX, Paroxetine; BA, behavioural activation; MCT, meta-cognitive therapy; ICBT, internet cognitive behavioural therapy; BT,
behavioural therapy; CBGT, cognitive behavioural group therapy; SPSP, short-term psychodynamic supportive psychotherapy; FX, Fluoxetine; VX, venlafaxine; HAMD, Hamilton rating scale for depression;
BDI, Beck depression inventory; PSWQ, Penn state worry questionnaire; HRSD, Hamilton rating scale for depression; BAI, Beck anxiety inventory; MADRS, Montgomery-Åsberg depression rating scale; GDS,
geriatric depression scale; QIDS-SR, quick inventory of depressive symptomatology-self report; QIDS-C, quick inventory of depressive symptomatology-Clinician assessed; HSCL, Hopkins symptom checklist;
PHQ, patient health questionnaire; GMH, general mental health; OQ, outcomes questionnaire; CORE, clinical outcomes in routine evaluation; PDSS-SR, panic disorder severity scale-self report; LSAS-SR
Liebowitz social anxiety scale-self report; IDS-SR; inventory of depressive symptomatology-self report; SG, sudden gain.
Open trial studies, therefore the participants and therapists were not blind to treatment conditions.
RCT refers to a secondary analysis of RCT.
Observational refers to a secondary analysis of observational studies.
Country of study not reported
Mixed refers to a variety of depression and anxiety disorders.
Healthy controls were also enrolled to take part in the study
Here we report the largest sample reported by the authors, which was used to investigate the predictive value of early response.
COMB refers to the psychotherapy used and the medication used combined
Does not state what psychotherapy methods were used
Only measures used to assess early response or early sudden gains
Main phobia targets were modified from Marks and Mathews (1979). Includes avoidance, self and assessor rated, and fear, self and assessor rated.
Psychological treatment lasted 8 weeks, medication could continue to week 16, 20 weeks for patients in the cross validation sample
16 weeks for depression or anxiety with 3 monthly booster sessions, 52 weeks for cases with avoidant or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
The authors focused only on the 18 weeks of therapy before randomisation (secondary analysis of RCT)
Treatment was not fixed to a strict time limit, sessions varied from 4 to 109 sessions (m=9.76, SD = 8.25)
10 weeks for depression and panic disorder, 15 weeks for social anxiety disorder
Table 3. Findings reported by studies included in the review
Başoğlu et al, Week 2-4 NA NA Early improvement (by week 4) in avoidance of main phobia targets explained 45% of variance in
(1994) clinical global impression (CGI) ratings by week 8. Week-4 improvement in fear explained 24%
of variance in patients’ global impression (PGI) ratings by week 8.
Beckham. Session 4-6 NA NA The BDI at session 6 correlated with the final session BDI (r=.80, p<.001).
Bradford et Week 4 23 (30.3%) 53 Responders at 3 months had a significantly larger magnitude of change at 4 weeks compared to
al. (2011) non-responders (t(74)=3.423, p<.001). This was the same for 15 month responders (t(74)=3.069,
Braun et al. Week 4 NA NA Symptom improvements from session 1 to 4 were significant and substantial (d=1.59, t=5.58,
(2015) p<.001).
Crits- Week 4 NA NA Change on the BDI and BAI measures from baseline to weeks 2, 3 and 4 significantly predicted
Christoph et remission at week 16 (all p<.005). At week 4, the Area under the curve (AUC) values for early
al. (2001) change in each outcome measure were .73 for BDI and .77 for BAI.
Delgadillo et Week 4 NA NA For patients whose treatment lasted ≥5 sessions, reliable improvement by session 4 predicted
al. (2014) post-treatment reliable and clinically significant improvement; with significant odds ratios in
depression (pooled OR = 12.60, p < .001) and anxiety (pooled OR = 21.10, p < .001) measures.
Dew et al. Week 4-6 29 (30.5%) 66 62% of the early response group already had below threshold HAMD scores by week 6. All
(1997) subjects had these low scores by weeks 8-10. By week 4, early responders had a higher
percentage of cases with remission of symptoms compared to non-early responders (x2 = 13.1, p <
Gilboa- Week 4 122 (75.3%) 40 The end of treatment BDI (F = 18.17, p < .01) and HRSD (F = 22.59, p < .01) scores were
Schechtman significantly lower for the rapid responders group compared to others.
et al. (2006)
Gildengers et Week 2-5 181 (47.9%) 197 Early responders in NT+IPT reached HRSD score of 10 by week 5, PX+IPT by week 3 and
al. (2005) NT/PX by week 2.
Gois et al. Week 6 22 (73.3%) 8 Early responders showed significant improvement in depression over time in both IPT and
(2014) Sertraline groups (F(2.4)=27.73, p<.001).
Heckman et Week 4 32 (30.5%) 73 Post-treatment scores for early responders M=7.43, SD=4.2, delayed responders M=6.41,
al. (2017) SD=4.64, non-responders M=17.3, SD=6.17.
Hunnicutt- SG median pre- 15 (35.7%) 27 Sudden gain patients had significantly different rates of treatment response to non-sudden gain
Ferguson et gain session 1a participants (X2=5.09, p<.05).
al. (2012)b
Jordan et al. Week 4 NA NA Participants in both therapies showed clinically significant improvements on the QIDS at week 4
(2014) (MCT d=.74, 95% CI [.30, 1.17]; CBT d=.73, 95% CI [.31, 1.14]).
Lewis et al. Session 5 NA NA Around 76% of total symptom change was observed after intake, reaching 85.47% of total
(2012) symptom change at session 5.
Lutz et al. Week 8 99 (61.1%) 63 Class membership (early response and non-early response) was significantly associated with
(2009) reliable improvement post-treatment (X2(9)=74.8, p<.001).
Lutz et al. Week4 343 (83.9%) 66 Rapid early response effect size d=2.9; moderate early improvement d=1.19.
Masterson et SG median pre- 17 (42.5%) 23 At post-treatment sudden gain groups had a mean PHQ score of M=5.3, SD=3.63, whereas non-
al. (2014) gain session 2a sudden gain participants had M=10.2, SD=6.8; t(35)=2.92, p=.006.
Rabin et al. Week 3-4 NA NA For the majority of depressive symptoms, the largest changes occurred during the first 2 to 4
(1984) sessions.
Rubel et al. Session 3 396 (7.2%) 5088 Early responders showed the highest pre-post effect sizes (ds=1.88-2.16) and the highest share of
(2015) reliably improved patients at post-treatment (90-93%).
Schibbye et Week 4 NA NA The disorder specific measures at week 4 explained variance in outcomes at post-treatment (panic
al. (2014) disorder R2=.34, p<.01; depression R2=.41, p>.01; social anxiety disorder R2=.43, p<.01).
Steidtmann Week 6-8 NA NA Percentage of symptom reduction at weeks 4, 6 and 8 predicted post-treatment HRSD remission
et al. (2013) status in combined treatment (week 4: x2 = 6.26) and psychotherapy (week 4: x2 = 4.05).
Steinman et SG session 2 19 (52.8%) 17 Cluster membership (sudden gains versus others) was a significant predictor of post-treatment
al. (2013) outcomes, accounting for 25% of the variability in six-month follow-up scores.
Tadić et al. Week 2 95 (42.6%) 128 In both CBT and Sertraline, early response was a highly sensitive predictor of later stable
(2010) response (76-82%) and stable remission (71-72%).
Van et al. Week 8 109 (57.4%) 81 Early responders and non-responders in the psychotherapy condition were significantly different
(2008) from each other in terms of final non-response (x2=5.069, p<.01), but this was not the case for
remission rates (x2=.994, p=.319). In combined therapy, there were significant differences in
terms of non-response (x2=16.019, p<.001) and remission (x2=12.435, p<.001).
SG, sudden gain; NA, not available. Overall mean proportion of cases with early response across studies = 47.9%
Median pre-gain session refers to the therapy session immediately preceding the sudden gain (Tang & DeRubeis, 1999b)
Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the systematic study selection
Figure 2. Random effects meta-analysis: post-treatment effect sizes comparing early responders vs. others