Suit For Dower After Dissolution of Marriage
Suit For Dower After Dissolution of Marriage
Suit For Dower After Dissolution of Marriage
CD.................................................................... Plaintiff
C. F................................................................. Defendant
1. The plaintiff and the defendant are Sunni Mohammedans. They were married to each other
on.................... 19.................... according to Muslim Law applicable to Sunnis, and at the time of
marriage Rs..................... was settled to be the dower debt out of which Rs..................... was
settled to be the prompt dower and the rest as deferred dower.
2. That the defendant paid neither the prompt dower nor the deferred one, and has divorced the
plaintiff by uttering the words "I divorce You, " three times in the presence of the plaintiff,
on.................... 19.................... /or that the defendant has died on.................... without payment
of the dower debt aforesaid to the plaintiff.
3. That as the plaintiff is heir of l/8th share of the properties left by the defendant, she has
disclaimed l/8th share of her dower debt to be deducted from the dower debt.
5. That the cause of action arose on.................... 19.................... when the defendant divorced
the plaintiff/or when the defendant died and this Court has jurisdiction to try the suit.
6. The suit is valued at Rs..................... the amount due of the dower debt, and Court fees is
paid according to the relief claimed.
The plaintiff claims payment of Rs..................... from the defendant/the defendants the legal
representatives of the deceased.
Through Advocate
I, abovenamed plaintiff, do hereby verify that the contents of paras .................... to....................
of the plaint are true to my personal knowledge and those vof paras....................
and.................... thereof are based on legal advice which I believe to be true.
Verified on this................. day of.................... 19.................... at....................