TLP - International Business 2023-24 Finance A

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Dr. V. N.

Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, Thane

Teaching Learning Plan - MMS
Academic Year: 2023-2024

Programme: MMS Semester III (Finance A) Period: Oct 2023– Jan 2024
Course Code : MMS-C301
Name of the subject: International Business
Maximum marks: 100 (60+40) No. of Sessions: 13 (Total 40 hrs)
Name of the Faculty: Himanshu Vishnoi
Mobile No: 9898908778 Email:
Program Outcomes (PO) Course Outcomes (CO)
1. Apply knowledge of management theories
1. RECALL the basic concepts of operation
and practices to solve business problems. of International Business.
2. DEMONSTRATE an understanding of the
2. Foster analytical and critical thinking need and importance of International
abilities for data-based decision making. Business by interpreting and stating
3. Ability to develop Value-based Leadership.
main ideas of global business outlook
and management.
4. Ability to understand, analyze and 3. APPLY acquired knowledge to develop
communicate global, economic, legal, and and reinforce a global business mindset
ethical aspects of business. and key International Business skills.
5. Ability to lead themselves and others in the 4. ANALYSE the use of diversity of global
achievement of organizational goals, economy, market, business practices,
contributing effectively to a team culture and traits of effective global
environment. Leadership styles in international
business environment.
6. Ability to develop entrepreneurial skills
keeping in mind socially-sensitive and 5. EVALUATE various ideas required to
innovative approaches. provide better solutions to the
challenges/conflicts faced by a business
operating in a international settings.
6. CREATE a CAGE analysis comparision
between assigned two countires to find
the preferred international business
investment option for an Indian

Text Books:
1. International Business: Mike W, Peng. Kinus E, Meyer C, Engage Learning
2. International Business Environment: The Text and Cases: J. Stewart Black & Anant K
Sundaram-Prentice Hall, India
3. International Business : Charles W , L. Hill, McGraw Hill

Reference Books:
1. International Management : Arvind Pathank , The McGraw Hill
2. Cultural Dimensions of International Business: Gary P Ferrao, Pearson Publications
3. Multinational Management : John P Cullen, Thomson

Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, Thane
Teaching Learning Plan - MMS
Academic Year: 2023-2024

A. Plan:

Ses Planned Topic Ref. Study Course

sion Date Material Outcomes
1 03/10/2023 Introduction to IB Internatinal CO1 and CO2
Business by Mike
Objective, Scope and and Peng
Importance of IB
2 10/10/2023 EPRG Framework by Internatinal CO1,CO2 and
Pearlmutter Business by Mike CO3
and Peng
3 17/10/2023 Country Analysis: International CO1,CO2,
PESTEL analysis Business CO3, CO4
The Atlas of Economic Environment by and CO5
complexity Charles W Hill

4 31/10/2023 Country Analysis: Internatinal CO1,CO2,

Porter’s Diamond model Business by Mike CO3, CO4
Country Risk analysis and Peng and CO5

5 07/11/2023 Cross Cultural Management: International CO1,CO2,

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Business CO3, CO4
CAGE framework Environment by and CO5
Charles W Hill
6 21/11/2023 Cross Cultural Management: Internatinal CO1,CO2,
Culture and Leader Business by Mike CO3, CO4
Effectiveness – The Globe and Peng and CO5
study, Group discussion
7 28/11/2023 Mode of Entry: International CO1,CO2,
Market/Country entry Business CO3, CO4
Strategic alliances, Joint Environment by and CO5
Ventures & Mergers & Charles W Hill

Internal Test
8 05/12/2023 Investment Decisions: Internatinal CO1,CO2,
Drivers of FDI Business by Mike CO3, CO4
Emerging markets and Peng and CO5
Role play activity
9 12/12/2023 Investment Decisions: International CO1, CO2
Offshore Banking Business and CO3
Forex Management- Environment by
American Depository Receipt Charles W Hill
Global Depository Receipt
EU Bonds

Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, Thane
Teaching Learning Plan - MMS
Academic Year: 2023-2024
10 19/12/2023 Role of WTO in Regional Trade Internatinal CO1, CO2
Business by Mike and CO3
and Peng
11 26/12/2023 Managing Multinationals: Internatinal CO1, CO2
Organization structure Business by Mike and CO3
International HRM and Peng
12 02/01/2024 Managing Multinationals: International CO1,CO2,
Integration Response Models Business CO3 and CO4
Global manufacturing and Environment by
Supply chain Charles W Hill
13 09/01/2024 Presentations by Students on CREATE a CAGE CO6
final assignment analysis
assigned two
countires to find
the preferred
option for an
Indian company.

Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, Thane
Teaching Learning Plan - MMS
Academic Year: 2023-2024
B. Practical Approach: Other activities

Sr. Activity Name Topic Covered Learning Outcomes Source

1 Case study Short case studies in To give students the Ref. books,
all topics real perspective of the HR
topics through cases magazines
and HBR
2 Academic Projects - - -

3 Group Discussion Global Culture Understanding & Ref. books,

Management learning additional HR
inputs from peer magazines
learning and HBR

4 Role Play Investment Decisions To help students to Ref. books,

apply content in a HR
relevant & real World magazines
context. It is a good and HBR
tool for engaging
students and allowing
them to interact with
their peers as they try
to complete the task
assigned to them in
their specific role

5 Industry Visit - - -

6 Business Quiz / At the end of every To evaluate the MCQ

Business News session effectiveness of the developed
sharing understanding of the
concept taught
7 Videos / Simulation Short videos in all To make students You-tube
topics understand the concept
by watching the videos,
which will be more
8 Use of Software and Country analysis – Activity on PESTEL of htttp://atla
Labs PESTEL analysis emerging future s.cid.harvar
9 Any other activity Individual To create action plan Ref. books
presentation by with specific time-lines & You-tube
students on “Road to achieve the global
map to build & business mind-set by
reinforce skills for adopting the learnings
global business during the whole course
mind-set & then present it.

Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, Thane
Teaching Learning Plan - MMS
Academic Year: 2023-2024
C. Pedagogical Initiative adopted:

1. Use real and relevant examples from the Industry for better understanding of
2. Use small relevant videos of successful leaders & TED Speakers for effective
learning and improve students’ global business skills.
3. Use relevant Case studies to help students analyse and apply the learnings on
International Business topics.
4. Asking one student to share one relevant International business news in every
class will help them to be aware of current developments and challenges in
the global business world.
5. Ask students to make effective small videos/reels for the Social media
channels on the course related topics/learnings will enhance creativity skills &
improve their understanding of the topics.
6. Innovative Pedagogy : Gamification – learning concepts of course through
games in the class room.

D. Industrial sector focused through the course:

Developing global business mindset will help the students to enter and be successful
in any multinational organization and import/export industrial sector.

E. Types of job profile available in the sector:

Business development manager, Data scientist, External auditor, Financial trader,

Human resources officer, Marketing executive, Sales executive & Supply chain
manager in a multinational company.

F. Skill sets for the given job profiles as learning outcomes of the course:

Understanding International business environment factors that impact

International business.

Understand, analyse and apply the learnings to design strategies in international

business context and implement them.

G. Gap identified from University Curriculum:

S. Gap Identified Action taken to
no. bridge the gap
1 New challenges due to epidemic and war Included in TLP
impacting the International Business

Prepared by: Himanshu Vishnoi Approved by:

Faculty Specialisation Head

Date: 30th Sep 2023 Date:

Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, Thane
Teaching Learning Plan - MMS
Academic Year: 2023-2024


Component Details Marks

Attendance Mandatory 5
Class Room Participation Mandatory 5
Mid Term Test Mandatory (MCQ & Descriptive) 10
Presentations Mandatory 10
Case Studies Mandatory 10
Final Exam Mandatory 60

Comments / Suggestions / Recommendations:

Course syllabus needs to be updated every two years to review and include the skill sets
required to counter the challenges of changing International business and economic

Suggestions (if any) to students on subject related Certificate/Diploma or Add-on

program: -

Online Diploma/Certificate in International Business Management from any reputed


Signature of Faculty Signature of Co-ordinator


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