Module 4

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TOPIC: Samples of Oral Communication Activities to France.

I was sad to leave my beloved homeland, my

caring neighbors, childhood friends and extended family.
TEACHING DATES AND TIME: October 10-14 But I knew that bright opportunities awaited me. Had I
(Week 6) stayed in my village -assuming I was spared from bullets
or bombs – my life would have been very different. I
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner values the would not have become the first woman in my family to
functions/purposes of oral communication. graduate from college to work and live abroad. I would
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner writes a not have had the chance to call Harvard my home this
250-word essay of his/her objective observation of the past year.
various speakers watched and listened to. As we are graduating today, I still find myself asking –
LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Examines sample of Why did this wonderful man run after my mother? A
oral communication activities. simple gesture of writing a stranger’s name on a page
offered an entire family hope for a better life. He will
"Handle them carefully, for words have more power than probably never know the difference he made, but from
atom bombs." -Pearl Strachan Hurd the small seeds of his goodness have grown fruits of
prosperity for my family, myself, and everyone whom
Read the speech by heart, or if you have access to we touch. I now have the ability to shape my world, but
internet you can watch it in YouTube, click the link this ability was sparked by one little encounter which lit up the course of my life. So, that is the real power, the
Answer the questions that follow. power of little things, the least you can do can bring true
change. Perhaps you have been blessed in your life with
 In simple words, what does the speaker want to small gifts that made big changes.
tell you? Why do you think she chose this topic?
 Have you done well to someone lately? Please Maybe it was a teacher who instilled in you her love of a
tell the story. certain subject. Or a kind stranger who helped you with
directions when you were lost. At Harvard, I see it every
The Least You Can Do day, in the smiles of the cafeteria staff who keep me so
well caffeinated, and in ad hoc baby-sitting circles.
As Harvard graduates, you will be asked to go into the Small things… such small things… but from these small
world and do the most you can do. I am here to ask you things grow inspired people, lasting friendships, and
to do the least. stronger communities. When one person thanks another,
that second person often replies, “Oh, it’s the least I can
I was born in Algeria. Every Friday, my sister and I had
do” ... because, often, the least you can do can be more
our weekly shower at the public baths. We didn’t have
than enough.
running water at home. On winter nights, we cuddled
against the cold because our heat was cut off. And, on You don’t need to move mountains. Maybe it’s a matter
some days, we hid our hunger in order not to worry our of translating documents for a family at the immigration
parents. When I was seven years old, my country office or offering a car ride to a pregnant lady. You
plunged into a bloody civil war. Every night, I prayed to never know how these small gestures can affect people’s
God that tomorrow, there would not be an empty seat at lives. But I can tell you: they do.
our dinner table.
Fellow graduates, of course, do the most you can do:
On one hot summer day in 1994, my life was changed your education and legacy demand it. But also do the
forever by a man whom I never met, do not know, and least you can do. Because, the least you can do might
can never thank. My mother was at the local market turn out to be the most significant.
when she noticed a chaotic gathering. Wading into the
crowd, she learned that the French government was To that gentleman in Algeria, I now say ‫كر ش ا هلل و ع ی‬
allowing some Algerians to find refuge from war. ‫ – یك اف‬thank you and God bless you. And to each of you
today, I ask of you: what is the least you can do – now –
All you had to do was write your name on a list. My to make the world around you a little better? (Harvard
mother desperately wanted to sign that list. That list Magazine, 2019)
might promise her daughters a better future. But there
was one problem: my mother was illiterate; she did not Verbal communication refers to an interaction in which
know how to write her name: Fadila Takjerad. Dejected, words are used to relay a message. For effective and
she walked away. A man noticed her and ran after her. successful verbal communication, use words to express
He got my mother’s name and wrote it down on the list. ideas which can be easily understood by the person you
A few months later, my family was fortunate to emigrate are talking to.
5. It makes you appear more dynamic and
Verbal cues include auditory language like sound and animated in your delivery.
words in order to deliver or exchange information. 6. It serves as a channel to release tension and
Consider appropriateness, brevity, clarity, ethics, and 7. It helps make your speech more dramatic.
vividness when engaging in this type of communication. 8. It can build a connection with listeners.
1. Appropriateness 9. It makes you a credible speaker.
The language that you use should be appropriate to 10. It helps you vary your speaking style and avoid
the environment or occasion (i.e., whether formal a monotonous delivery.
or informal).
2. Brevity
Speakers who often use simple yet precise and
powerful words are found to be more credible. Try
to achieve brevity by being more direct with your
words. Avoid fillers and insubstantial expressions
which do not add to the message, such as “uh,”
“you know,” “I guess,” and others.
3. Clarity
The meanings of words, feelings, or ideas may be
interpreted differently by a listener; hence, it is
essential for you to clearly state your message and
express your ideas and feelings. Advantages
4. Ethics  Oral communication is more personal and less
Words should be carefully chosen in consideration formal than written communication.
of the gender, roles, ethnicity, preferences, and  There is also more flexibility in oral
status of the person or people you are talking to. communication; you can discuss different
5. Vividness aspects of an issue and make decisions more
Words that vividly or creatively describe things or quickly than you can in writing.
feelings usually add color and spice to  Oral communication can be especially effective
communication. Hence, you are encouraged to in addressing conflicts or problems.
find ways to charm your audience through the use  Oral communication is a great way to promote
of vivid words. morale and maintain energy and enthusiasm
within a team.
Nonverbal communication refers to an interaction Disadvantages
where behavior is used to convey and represent  For example, a lot of transactions in the business
meanings. All kinds of human responses that are not world require some type of written record, and
expressed in words are classified as nonverbal you will find that even strong verbal skills are
communication. not a substitute for putting things in writing.
 Oral communication tends to be less detailed
Non-verbal cues are your total presentation and self- and more subject to misunderstanding than
expression apart from spoken words. You will miss written communication. It's best to always think
some non-verbal cues when you are not in a face- to face carefully about which method of communication
interaction like on the phone or using the Messenger. best fits your objective.

Mastery of nonverbal communication is important for

several reasons: Types of Oral Communication Activities
1. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your
There are six broad types of oral communication
speech, thus making it more meaningful,
activities that might be incorporated into the curricula in
truthful, and relevant.
many fields of study. Most are conductive to either
2. It can communicate feelings, attitudes, and
formal or informal assignments. Some are realistically
perceptions without you saying a word.
possible only in smaller classes or recitation sections,
3. It can sustain the attention of listeners and keep
while others are appropriate for large lecture as well.
them engaged in the speech.
4. It gives the audience a preview to the type of 1. One-on-one speaking (Student-Student or
speaker you are. Student-teacher) - can range from moments
punctuating a lecture, where students are asked
to discuss or explain some question or problem or examination. Difficult with very large groups,
with the person next to them, to formal student but an excellent way to determine the depth and
conferences with their instructor. range of student knowledge and to estimate high
levels of preparation.
Example: classroom-oral-graded recitation,
telephone conversation Examples: thesis defense, court interpellation

2. Small-group or team-based oral work - Smaller Other oral communication activities include:
scale setting discussion, deliberation, and Conversing, speechwriting, interviewing, presenting,
problem solving. Appropriate for both large performing individual performances, presenting group
lectures and smaller classes and allows levels of performances.
participation not possible in larger groups.
1. Conversing - Example: face-to-face
Examples: group reporting, panel discussion, conversation
business meeting
2. Speechwriting - Examples: oration,
3. Full-class discussions (Teacher-Student) - extemporaneous speech, graduation speech
Typically less agnostic, argument-based, and
competitive than debate and deliberation but still 3. Interviewing - Example: job interview,
dialogic in character. Often times has the quality assessment interview
of creating an atmosphere of collective, out-loud
thinking about some question, idea, problem, 4. Presenting - Example: sales’ talking, advertising
text, event, or artifact. Like deliberation and 5. Performing individual performance could be
debate, a good way to encourage active learning. presented in an extemporaneous speaking,
Examples: argumentation, open-forum in a impromptu speaking, dramatic reading, story-
meeting telling, and many more.

4. In-class debates and Deliberations - A structured 6. Presenting group performance refers to speech
consideration of some issue from two or more choir, Chamber Theater, interpretative or
points of view. Debates typically involve dramatic reading, and reader's theater. He has to
participants who argue one side throughout, remember the same thing in individual
while deliberation allows for movement by performances.
individuals within the process. Both feature Examines Samples of Various Oral
reason-giving argument. Can be applied to Communication Activities
issues of many kinds, from disputed scientific
facts to theories, policy questions, the meaning A. REVIEW OF FUNCTIONS OF
of a text, or the quality of an artistic production. COMMUNICATION
Can range from two participants to a lecture hall.
1. Regulation or control
Example: classroom debate
Communication enables the control or
5. Speeches and presentations - Classically, the regulation of behavior in many ways. Rules
stand-up. Podium speech delivered by an are for our protection. Have you noticed that
individual from an outline or script. Also many people died of motorcycle accidents
includes group presentations or impromptu because they refused to wear helmets? It
speaking. A strong element of monologue, but was never imposed for the sake of rules, it is
dialogue can be built in with question and for protection.
answer or discussion with the audience
afterward. In school, one’s behavior in any organization is expected
to be in agreement with its goals and objectives.
Examples: impromptu speaking, trainings,
congressional sessions In a formal communication network, a leader may post
the following memorandum to impose a policy that
6. Oral examinations - can take place in the regulates a school procedure. See the example below:
instructor's office, in small groups, or before a
whole class. Range from one oral question on an Date: June 1, 2019
otherwise written exam to an oral defense of a
written answer or paper to an entirely oral quiz
Memo The wife, instead of answering, pulled up her collar
To: All Student Leaders again to her eyes, so as to hide her face.
From: Office of the Principal
Re: Submission of Class/Club Reports “Nasty world,” muttered the husband with a sad smile.

Greetings of peace! And he felt it his duty to explain to his traveling

companions that the poor woman was to be pitied for the
It has been observed in the past school year that class war was taking away from her only son, a boy of twenty
and class presidents submit their reports on the last day to whom both had devoted their entire life, even
of the signing of clearance. This posed problem in some breaking up their home at Sulmona to follow him to
instances because the Office had no time to carefully Rome where he had to go as a student, then allowing
review the details of the reports, considering that the him to volunteer for war with an assurance, however,
student leaders were in a hurry to have their clearances that at least for six months he would not be sent to the
signed. In those contexts, the office announces the front and now, all of a sudden, receiving a wire saying
following procedures of submitting reports: that he was due to leave in three days’ time and asking
them to go and see him off The woman under the big
a. All club/class presidents must submit a report about coat was twisting and wriggling, at times growling like a
the meetings, activities and other projects their clubs or wild animal, feeling certain that all those explanations
class have been engaged in. would not have aroused even a shadow of sympathy
b. Reporting will be done in hard and soft copies every from those people who—most likely—were in the same
September, December and March. Soft copies must be plight as herself. One of them, who had been listening
sent in the school’s official website or mail which can be with particular attention, said:
seen in our handbook.
c. All reports must be endorsed by the respective “You should thank God that your son is only leaving
advisers of the class or club. now for the front. Mine has been sent there the first day
d. On-time submission of reports will have a of the war. He has already come back twice wounded
corresponding effect in the points given for the class or and been sent back again to the front.”
club performance. Hence, early or on time submission
will mean one point addition to the performance rating. “What about me? I have two sons and three nephews at
the front,” said another passenger.
If you have queries and clarifications, you are advised to
visit the office. For your strict compliance. “Maybe, but in our case it is our only son,” ventured the

2. Social Interaction “What difference can it make? You may spoil your only
Communication fosters social interaction. son with excessive attentions, but you cannot love him
We interact with people in almost all aspects more than you would all your other children if you had
of our life and in every communication any. Paternal love is not like bread that can be broken
situation. For example, communication is into pieces and split amongst the children in equal
essential in any organization such as the shares. A father gives all his love to each one of his
academe and other sectors- business, children without discrimination, whether it be one or ten,
politics, media, economy, among others. In and if I am suffering now for my two sons, I am not
ordinary life situation, we start a suffering half for each of them but double....”
conversation in order to interact with other
people, even among those we do not know “True ... true ...” sighed the embarrassed husband, “but
personally. suppose (of course we all hope it will never be your
case) a father has two sons at the front and he loses one
Read the following excerpt from the story “War” by of them, there is still one left to console him ... while ...”
Luigi Pirandello. The characters in the train saw the
husband explained to the other passengers the “Yes,” answered the other, getting cross, “a son left to
indifference of his wife, and the others simply engaged console him but also a son left for whom he must
readily, as if they understood what the husband and wife survive, while in the case of the father of an only son if
went through. Read it carefully and try to analyze the the son dies the father can die too and put an end to his
exchanges. distress. Which of the two positions is the worse? Don’t
you see how my case would be worse than yours?”
“Are you all right, dear?”
“Nonsense,” interrupted another traveler, a fat, red-faced
man with bloodshot eyes of the palest gray. It’s easy to have FAITH everything is going to work out,
when everything IS working out.
He was panting. From his bulging eyes seemed to spurt
inner violence of an uncontrolled vitality which his It’s much harder to have faith when you are facing
weakened body could hardly contain. challenges in your life. But that is exactly when you
need to apply your faith.
“Nonsense,” he repeated, trying to cover his mouth with
his hand so as to hide the two missing front teeth. Because faith is believing in the unseen. Faith is taking
“Nonsense. Do we give life to our children for our own the first step .Faith is jumping in the deep end and
benefit?” KNOWING everything will be OK.

The other travelers stared at him in distress. The one It’s easy to be positive when everything is working
who had had his son at the front since the first day of the out… It’s much harder, much much harder when nothing
war sighed: “You are right. Our children do not belong is working out…. But that’s when we need it the most.
to us, they belong to the Country....”
“Bosh,” retorted the fat traveler. “Do we think of the THE FIGHT!
Country when we give life to our children? Our sons are
born because ... well, because they must be born and Everything worth the prize will require a real fight to
when they come to life they take our own life with them. achieve that prize.
This is the truth. We belong to them but they never
belong to us. And when they reach twenty they are If you want the prize you can’t quit at half time. You
exactly what we were at their age. We too had a father can’t quit mid season. You must play the whole game.
and mother, but there were so many other things as Pre season, through the cold, through darkness, through
well ... girls, cigarettes, illusions, new ties ... and the the challenges, the opponents.
Country, of course, whose call we would have answered
—when we were twenty— even if father and mother had You will be knocked down… but you MIST GET UP.
said no. Now, at our age, the love of our Country is still KEEP FIGHTING. DIG DEEP and discover your true
great, of course, but stronger than it is the love for our STRENGTH.
children. Is there any one of us here who wouldn’t
gladly take his son’s place at the front if he could?” Then you will win the real prize:
There was a silence all round, everybody nodding as to EXPANSION.
approve. YOU rising to the next level


3. Motivation NORM.
When people in an organization are clearly TO BREAKTHROUGH THE NORM, I MUST FIRST
informed of the tasks and are praised for SURIVE THE STORMS.
their performance, they are most inspired to TO HAVE MORE THAN MOST – I MUST DO MORE
work. Furthermore, they are encouraged to THAN MOST. BELIEVE MORE THAN MOST.
continuously improve their work in view of LEARN MORE THAN MOST. SACRIFICE MORE
the goals and objectives of the organization. THAN MOST. BELIEVE MORE THAN MOST.

Recently, motivational speeches were born, they have Now, say to yourself:
become visible in YouTube and other platforms and
have been used by many to motivate their students, their LONG TERM, I know what I need will come my way.
workers, and their organization. Below are samples of LONG TERM, I know if I keep at it I will be rewarded
Motivational speeches. A copy is provided for you. You LONG TERM, I know consistency pays off
may also watch them in YouTube, links are provided for LONG TERM I know all my actions, all my discipline
you. all my integrity will pay off in a big way.

It’s Not Easy, But It’s Worth It – Motivational I HAVE FAITH everything will work out. IN THE END
Speech | Fearless Motivation all will be fine… IF I KEEP WORKING. IF I KEEP
LEARNING. IF I CONTINUE TO EVOLVE. IF I conditions. Supportive care for infected persons is highly
CONTINUE TO ADAPT. IF I LEARN NEW WAYS. effective. Most of those infected have recovered with
only supportive care.
Set backs aren’t always negative. Sometimes they are
sent to guide us in a much bigger and better direction… Vaccines and specific drug treatments are currently
But you can only see that if you show character in those being developed and are tested through clinical trials.
hard times. If you remain open minded in the hard times. WHO and DOH are coordinating with those who are
If you show strength through your struggles. developing the vaccines and medicines to determine
possible availability of these resources.
Don’t say “Why me”. Ask: “How can I come out of this
stronger… “What can I learn On the other hand, DOH continuously advises the public
to frequently clean or wash hands, cover cough with a
In the hard times we see who really has the character. In tissue or the bend of the elbow, and maintain a distance
the hard times we see what people are really made of. of at least one meter from people who are coughing or
What are you made of? Tell me, What are you made of? sneezing (for more information, see Section on
protective and preventive measures.

DIG DEEP! Find that strength that lives inside you. 5. Emotional Expression
TRUST that if you keep doing your thing, you will be Communication allows people in an
rewarded. It might not happen right away, it rarely does, organization to express their feelings,
but it will happen if you keep going. satisfaction, frustration, and needs. As
members of a community, they are given
Don’t allow regret to enter your life. Don’t you dare space or mechanism to communicate their
look back on your life in 5 years and think “I could have sentiments and needs with others. Being
done more”… “If only I stuck it out, I could have been able to communicate their social and ego
in a much better position” No. Look back with pride. needs gives them a feeling of belongingness
Look back and be able to say to yourself, “It wasn’t and boosts their self-esteem.
easy, but I AM SO PROUD I stuck it out… because I

Make sure your story is one of strength. Make sure your 1. Speech to Inform
story is one of someone who refused to give up. Refused This is evident in a lecture where the
to settle. Refused to be normal. speaker presents factual information. Speech
to inform is formal and expository. It is
Keep going. Your future self is begging you. often accompanied with visual presentation
so that the audience will not get tired of the
facts and figures simply read before them.
4. Information The purpose of informing is also
Communication functions to convey commonplace in ordinary conversations.
factuality. Giving information comes usually This can be seen in the following exchange
with statement of facts. Examples are these among friends.
statements: “Did you know that there’s a
secret apartment at the top of the Eiffel Jen: Excuse me guys! I have an announcement to make.
tower? Do you know that there is a museum Our homeroom adviser will meet us today after our last
under the Dambana ng Kagitingan? class.
Kei: Oh, my. I’m supposed to leave early. Is it going to
The article in the next page is an example of be long? What is the agenda?
information. Jen: I guess, it’s gonna last for one hour. She said that
it’s about the upcoming intramural.
COVID-19? Jen: She’ll meet us in the student hall.
Kei: Can I be absent? I can just keep posted through
Not yet. As of now, there is no specific treatment for or Nikki.
vaccine against COVID-19. However, many of the Jen: It’s up to you. But I guess you need to get Ms.
symptoms can be treated based on the patient’s clinical Jean’s permission first.
The truth is, the world does remember no cum laude, no
valedictorian, no best in spelling, no best in writing.
2. Speech to Persuade or Convince
They are appeals to the audience’s intellect It only remembers those who have made an impact on
or emotion. The speakers of this type of the lives of the people they serve. Hopefully, you will
speech want their audience to think and feel serve humanity to the best of your ability.
the way they want them to.
Your future is yours to create. It is yours to design. It is
In literature, you might have come across the speech of yours to embrace. We had our time. And our time is
Shylock in Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare (Act 111 almost over.
Sc 1)
To all parents who are present here today, and this is
Hath not a Jew eyes? important, be ready to provide temporary shelter and
Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, minimum wage to your children. Their first day of “non-
affections, passions? working holidays” starts tomorrow.
Fed with the same food hurt with the same weapons,
subject to the same diseases, Wala yatang maraming available na trabaho so please be
Healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the a good “employer” to these “highly qualified” job-
same winter and summer as Christian is? seekers. Wala silang pwedeng takbuhan kapag na-reject
If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we ang application nila. So, please be kind. Who knows
not laugh? after five more years, may trabaho na sila.
If you poison us, do we not die?
And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? Finally, I will tell you one important truth.

3. Speech to Entertain Life will not guarantee you of anything. You are not
This speech is aimed at lightening the mood entitled to some automatic success. Some of you may
of the audience. This could be a standalone make it. Some of you may not. Some of you may
speech like those done by stand-up stumble and get up. Some of you may stumble and stay
comedians or short segments used as adlib on the ground. Some of you may try one thing and
for long informative or persuasive speeches. succeed at it. Some of you may try many things and
terribly fail at all of them.
Below is an excerpt from a commencement speech for
STI College Munoz by Lloyd de Luna. You may watch But please know that it only happens because life
the whole speech in YouTube. doesn’t have any obligation to guarantee your success. It only gives you one assurance—that you can try to do
time_continue=3&v=ZoZ9V4W8qOo&feature=emb_log anything at any time at any place for as long as you can
o endure.

Just like your parents, I am also incredibly proud of what But if you should move on with your life with kindness,
you have come to take home today. Yeah, an empty if you keep your faith in God and in yourself, and if you
piece of paper called “Diploma.” stay in love in what you do best, amazing things will
come your way.
That piece of paper is important. But diplomas do fade.
Medals get rusty. Certificates get old. Lastly, please don’t take your life so seriously. Please
ask me why. Ilang beses ka na bang nagseryoso pero sa
On the other hand, the wonderful memories and huli ikaw ang iniwan at hindi sineryoso?
experiences and friendships you made here will last long
—perhaps long enough that you can take them off the Remember I told you about the only two things I
shelves of your mind when you feel lost, afraid, remembered from our speaker on my own graduation?
disappointed. Hopefully, you won’t forget these words either:

Your achievement today may be forgotten soon before To the graduating class of 2017, congratulations and
you can even land your first job simply because your God bless.
achievement is nothing but a recognition of what you
have become. It’s never an assurance of what you will It has been an honor of my life to have been your
become. commencement speaker. Thank you.

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