Life Science Report
Life Science Report
Life Science Report
Date of Mishap:
Date and time of YOUR involvement with the MDS, AGE or vehicle ____________
Mission Times:
Brief: Step: Taxi: Takeoff: Land:
Mission Profile:
Mission Times:
Brief: Step: Taxi: Takeoff: Land:
Mission Profile:
*Complete the following if you are giving this statement on a day other than the day of the mishap*
Day of the Mishap
Rate your sleep quality (Circle One): Very Poor / Poor / Average / Good / Very Good
Time of incident (or your involvement):________ Time released from duty day:________
List all food and beverages 1 hour prior to the time of mishap
List all food and beverages 1-4 hours prior to the time of mishap
List all food and beverages 4-8 hours prior to the time of mishap
List all food and beverages 8-12 hours prior to the time of mishap
List any medications and/or supplements used within 12 hrs prior to the mishap (include over-the-
Time taken:_________
Exertion within 12 hours of mishap: Very Light / Light / Strenuous / Very Strenuous/ Extremely
Additional Info/Comments:
How many hours did you sleep during the sleep cycle that started this day? _________
Rate your sleep quality (Circle One): Poor / Somewhat Poor / Average / Good / Very Good
Time departed for work: _________ Time reported for duty: _________
Morning activities:
Afternoon activities:
Evening activities:
Medications/supplements used today, to include over the counter (OTC)? Yes / No Time
Medications and/or supplements - names and amounts taken:
Any alcohol this day/night? Yes / No Times/Amount_______/______Type:_____________
Exertion this day (circle): Very Light / Light / Strenuous / Very Strenuous / Extremely Strenuous
Type of exertion/exercise:
Additional Info/Comments:
How many hours did you sleep during the sleep cycle that started this day? _________
Rate your sleep quality (Circle One): Poor / Somewhat Poor / Average / Good / Very Good
Time departed for work: _________ Time reported for duty: _________
Morning activities:
Afternoon activities:
Medications/supplements used today, to include over the counter (OTC)? Yes / No Time
Medications and/or supplements - names and amounts taken:
Exertion this day (circle): Very Light / Light / Strenuous / Very Strenuous / Extremely Strenuous
Type of exertion/exercise:
Additional Info/Comments:
How many hours did you sleep during the sleep cycle that started this day? _________
Rate your sleep quality (Circle One): Poor / Somewhat Poor / Average / Good / Very Good
Time departed for work: _________ Time reported for duty: _________
Morning activities:
Lunch: Yes / No Time:
Afternoon activities:
Evening activities:
Medications/supplements used today, to include over the counter (OTC)? Yes / No Time
Medications and/or supplements - names and amounts taken:
Exertion this day (circle): Very Light / Light / Strenuous / Very Strenuous / Extremely Strenuous
Type of exertion/exercise:
Additional Info/Comments:
7-Day History
The 7-day history is less detailed than the 72-hour history. Please note any significant life events that
have occurred over the past week (e.g. selected for promotion, death in family, work schedules, sorties
flown, marriage difficulties, financial difficulties, days off, vacation/leave, illness, etc.) Include caffeine,
meds, alcohol, tobacco, exercise and hours slept.
Mishap day:
1 day prior to mishap:
2 days prior to mishap:
3 days prior to mishap:
4 days prior to mishap:
5 days prior to mishap:
6 days prior to mishap:
7 days prior to mishap:
Had your sleep/wake cycle changed recently (time zone or shift change)? Yes / No If Yes, describe.
Average number of hours slept per night in the 7 days leading up to the mishap.___________________
Extra duties and any education programs you may have participated in (describe):
Lifestyle Data
Was your food and fluid intake during the 24 hours prior to the mishap characteristic of your normal
eating/fluid intake habits? Yes / No If No, explain___________________________________________
Were you on a special diet? Yes / No If yes, what type (weight loss/maintenance, weight gain,
low carb, Adkins, South Beach, etc)?
Do you use tobacco? Yes / No If so, what types?________________ How much daily?
How long have you used tobacco? ________ Have your tobacco use habits changed recently?
Beers per week _______ Glasses of wine per week _______ Hard drinks per week
Other comments: