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Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Authors: Erin E Endom, MD, Scott R Dorfman, MD, Anthony P Olivé, MD
Section Editors: Joshua Nagler, MD, MHPEd, B UK Li, MD
Deputy Editor: Alison G Hoppin, MD

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.

Literature review current through: Feb 2023. | This topic last updated: Jan 27, 2023.


Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS) is a disorder of young infants caused by

hypertrophy of the pylorus, which can progress to near-complete obstruction of the gastric
outlet, leading to forceful vomiting.

The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of IHPS are discussed below. The
differential diagnosis of vomiting in infants and other related content are discussed separately.
(See "Approach to the infant or child with nausea and vomiting" and "Anesthesia for
pyloromyotomy in infants".)


IHPS usually develops between three and five weeks of age and very rarely occurs after 12
weeks of age [1]. A trend toward earlier diagnosis was illustrated in a study comparing the
presentation of a total of 283 infants diagnosed in the decades prior to 1975, 1985, and 1995
[2]. The mean age at presentation was significantly younger in the more recent decades (mean
age 5.4 weeks in 1975 versus 3.4 weeks in 1995) [3]. The earlier diagnosis of IHPS might be
explained by advances in diagnostic imaging or by increased awareness of the disorder among

The condition occurs in approximately 1 to 3.5 per 1000 live births, although rates and trends
vary markedly from region to region [4-10]. Several reports from resource-rich countries
suggest a declining incidence, with variable rates [5,8,9,11]. piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 1/34

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The incidence of IHPS is associated with:

● Male sex – Male:female ratio approximately 5:1 (prevalence ratio [PR] 5.0) [4,7-9]

● Preterm birth – PR approximately 1.4 for gestational age <37 weeks [8,12-15]

● First born – PR 1.3 to 1.5 for first born compared with later birth order [8,12]

● Younger maternal age – PR approximately 1.3 for mothers <20 years, 1 for those 20 to <35
years, and 0.8 for those ≥35 years [8]


The etiology of IHPS is unclear but probably multifactorial, involving genetic predisposition and
environmental factors [16].

Macrolide antibiotics — Both erythromycin and azithromycin are associated with increased
risk of IHPS, particularly when administered to infants younger than two weeks of age [17-23].
The risk of IHPS with clarithromycin is not known [24]. (See "Pertussis infection in infants and
children: Treatment and prevention", section on 'Choice of regimen'.)

In a retrospective cohort of more than 1 million infants younger than 90 days, the overall rate of
IHPS was 2.29 per 1000 [17]. The risk of IHPS varied with the age of exposure to azithromycin or
erythromycin, as follows:

● Azithromycin prescribed at age 0 to 14 days – Adjusted OR (aOR) 8.3, 95% CI 2.6-26.0

● Azithromycin prescribed at age 15 to 42 days – aOR 3, 95% CI 1.2-7.2
● Erythromycin prescribed at age 0 to 14 days – aOR 13.3, 95% CI 6.8-15.9
● Erythromycin prescribed at age 15 to 42 days – aOR 4.1, 95% CI 1.7-9.9

A possible association between the use of macrolide antibiotics during late pregnancy or while
breastfeeding and the development of IHPS in offspring has been suggested [23,25-27] but is
not supported by a meta-analysis [18].

Cases of IHPS after the use of oral macrolide antibiotics should be reported to the US Food and
Drug Administration safety information and adverse event reporting program ( MedWatch).

Other environmental factors

● Smoking – Maternal smoking during pregnancy increases the risk for IHPS by 1.5- to 2-
fold [12,13,28-30]. piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 2/34

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● Bottle feeding – Bottle feeding is associated with increased risk for IHPS [14,28,31-35]. As
an example, a large population-based study from Denmark found that bottle feeding
during the first four months of life was associated with a more than fourfold increase in
risk for IHPS (hazard ratio 4.62, 95% CI 2.78-7.65); a similar increase in risk was seen for
infants that were both bottle- and breastfed [33]. In bottle-fed infants, similar risks were
also seen in those who were never breastfed compared with those who had been formerly

Genetic factors — Approximately 6 percent of siblings of an affected patient develop IHPS; this
is approximately 30 times the rate of the general population [16].

Familial aggregation of IHPS was examined in a large population registry from Denmark, in
which the rate was nearly 200-fold higher among monozygotic twins and 20-fold higher among
dizygotic twins or siblings compared with individuals with no affected relatives [7]. Heritability
estimates from this and one other study are 87 and 30 percent, respectively [7,36]. The
maternal and paternal contributions to heritability were similar, suggesting that the
intrauterine environment was not an important causal factor.

Genome-wide association studies have identified several genetic loci that confer a
predisposition to IHPS, possibly implicating genes involved in lipid metabolism (eg, APOA1),
as well as several genes that are highly expressed in the stomach and involved in
gastrointestinal tract development ( EML4, MTA3, NKX2-5, BARX1) [36].


Typical presentation — IHPS typically presents with immediate postprandial vomiting in an

infant between two and six weeks of age [1]. IHPS rarely presents after 12 weeks of age. A
minority of infants present before two weeks of age, and these infants are more likely to have a
positive family history of IHPS [3].

The vomiting is nonbilious and forceful ("projectile") or may become more forceful over time,
with associated weight loss as symptoms progress. A minority develop electrolyte imbalances,
particularly hypochloremia, due to loss of gastric hydrochloric acid [37]. The classically
described "olive-like" mass in the right upper quadrant is not frequently appreciated on
examination with early diagnosis of IHPS. Infants who are premature or who present very early
tend to have more subtle signs and symptoms at presentation. (See 'Atypical presentation'
below.) piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 3/34

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Later presentation (classic) — If the IHPS is not diagnosed and treated in the early stages, the
condition usually persists and worsens. Thus, infants who are identified later in the disease
course tend to have more severe symptoms, including marked weight loss and dehydration.
Classically described features are an infant demanding to be refed soon after vomiting (a
"hungry vomiter") and intestinal peristalsis visible through the thin abdominal wall. Infants with
prolonged symptoms may have a hypochloremic, metabolic alkalosis due to the loss of large
amounts of gastric hydrochloric acid, the severity of which depends on the duration of
symptoms prior to evaluation [38]. Hypokalemia is also common in infants who have been
vomiting for longer than three weeks but typically is not seen in those with a more recent onset
of symptoms [39].

These classic symptoms were seen in a series of 132 infants who were diagnosed with IHPS in
the 1970s, in which 91 percent presented with projectile vomiting after feedings [40]. In another
review of infants diagnosed between 1957 and 1969, the mean age at which the infants began
vomiting was 22 days [41]. In classic reports, the frequency of palpation of the pyloric "olive"
typically was quite high (up to 92 percent in a report from 1975) [40] but has been noted to be
less common in subsequent reports [42-44]. This change is probably due to increasing
availability and reliance on ultrasound to make the diagnosis immediately upon suspicion, so
that clinicians in the modern era have less practice at palpating the pyloric "olive" [45]. In
addition, infants are now more likely to be evaluated earlier in the course of the disease, when
they are well nourished, which makes palpation of the "olive" more difficult. (See 'Abdominal
examination' below.)

Atypical presentation

● Premature infants – The presentation of IHPS in premature infants may be more subtle:
The vomiting is less forceful, infants may lack the voracious appetite and exaggerated
gastric peristalsis described in term infants, and the ultrasonographic criteria for
diagnosis may not apply [46-49]. Premature infants may also present at an older
chronologic age compared with term infants [15,50]. One study found a mean age at
presentation of 7.6 weeks in infants born prior to 34 weeks gestation versus 5.4 weeks in
term infants [50]. In hospitalized premature infants, nonprojectile vomiting, weight loss,
and lethargy may initially be attributed to sepsis. (See 'Differential diagnosis' below.)

● Other infants – In addition to the presenting symptoms described above, the diagnosis of
IHPS should be considered in young infants with repeated nonbilious vomiting,
hypochloremic alkalosis, and/or rapid clinical improvement after rehydration, even in the
absence of projectile vomiting or a palpable "olive" [46,47]. In a few infants with IHPS (<2
percent), the vomiting may be bilious [51]. piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 4/34
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In infants with other medical or surgical problems, the presentation may be atypical or the
symptoms initially attributed to other etiologies. In infants with congenital anomalies that
affect swallowing (eg, central nervous system anomalies, cleft lip and palate), vomiting
may not be projectile [46]. In infants with gastrointestinal anomalies, postoperative
vomiting may initially be attributed to adhesions or obstruction at an anastomotic site

Clinical associations — The following clinical associations with IHPS have been described:

● Hyperbilirubinemia – Hyperbilirubinemia is one of the most frequent clinical associations

of IHPS (occurring in 14 percent of cases in one series [52]). The combination of IHPS and
hyperbilirubinemia is known as the icteropyloric syndrome. Unconjugated
hyperbilirubinemia is more common compared with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia; it is
often related to the poor hydration and nutritional status of the presenting infant and
tends to resolve soon after surgical intervention [53]. In some of these cases, the
unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is an early manifestation of Gilbert syndrome, a benign
condition caused by mutations in the UGT1A1 gene [52,54]. (See "Etiology and
pathogenesis of neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia" and "Gilbert syndrome and
unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia due to bilirubin overproduction" and 'Differential
diagnosis' below.)

If the hyperbilirubinemia is conjugated, other etiologies should be considered, including

liver disease or sepsis. (See "Causes of cholestasis in neonates and young infants".)

● Esophageal atresia – An association with esophageal atresia has been shown in several
studies [55-58].

● Malrotation – Midgut malrotation has been described in 0.1 to 5 percent of infants with
IHPS (a higher percentage than that of the general population), but it is unclear whether
this is due to closer diagnostic surveillance [55,59-61]. A familial syndrome with
malrotation, congenital short bowel, and IHPS also has been reported but is rare [62-64].
(See "Intestinal malrotation in children".)

● Hypoplastic frenulum – Small case series have suggested a possible association between
IHPS and an absent or hypoplastic mandibular frenulum, as well as joint hypermobility
[65,66]. These minor abnormalities are not functionally significant but may provide clues
to the pathogenesis of the disorder. Other small case series did not find such an
association [67]. piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 5/34

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Other reported associations include hiatal hernia [68], diaphragmatic hernia [61,69], congenital
heart disease [55,61,70], cleft lip and palate [61], obstructive defects of the urinary tract [55],
propionic acidemia [71], congenital nephrotic syndrome [72], and congenital hypothyroidism
[73]. A clinical picture of IHPS was described in a one-month-old infant with familial
hyperlipidemia who had an intense hyperechogenicity of the thickened pyloric muscle on
ultrasound and fatty infiltration of the pyloric muscle layer at surgical exploration [74]. The
symptoms resolved after implementation of a fat-restricted diet.


History — The history should include details on:

● Vomiting – Vomiting in IHPS is typically projectile (very forceful) and nonbilious and tends
to occur immediately after feeding. The force and timing can help to distinguish IHPS from
physiologic gastroesophageal reflux, in which most episodes of vomiting are not forceful
and may occur 10 minutes or more after a meal. A history of bilious vomiting does not
exclude IHPS but should raise concern about more distal intestinal obstruction, such as
malrotation with volvulus or Hirschsprung disease.

● Appetite – Classically, infants with IHPS have a strong appetite.

● Urine output – Low urine output (four or fewer wet diapers daily) suggests dehydration.

● Diet – Document the infant's diet and whether there were any changes prior to onset of
symptoms. Vomiting that begins after a change in diet (eg, introduction of formula) or that
is associated with diarrhea or bloody stools raises the possibility of a food allergy rather
than IHPS. (See 'Differential diagnosis' below.)

● Medications – Exposure of the infant to macrolide antibiotics is an established risk factor

for IHPS. (See 'Macrolide antibiotics' above.)

● Exposures – Acute gastrointestinal symptoms in caregivers or contacts raise the

possibility of an infectious process rather than IHPS.

● Family history of IHPS – The risk of IHPS is substantially higher in infants with affected
first-degree relatives. (See 'Genetic factors' above.)

Abdominal examination piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 6/34

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● Auscultation and inspection – The abdomen should be evaluated for distension and
bowel sounds. Peristaltic waves may be seen progressing across the child's upper
abdomen from left to right just before emesis. Abdominal distension or high-pitched
bowel sounds suggest intestinal obstruction (eg, stenosis or volvulus) rather than IHPS,
especially if associated with bilious vomiting. Such infants should be evaluated promptly
with abdominal radiographs.

● Palpation of the "olive" – Traditionally, the hypertrophied pylorus (known as the "olive")
was palpable in 50 to 90 percent of infants with IHPS. When present, it is virtually
pathognomonic of the disease (99 percent specificity in one study [75]).

The hypertrophied pylorus is felt as a firm mass at the lateral edge of the rectus
abdominis muscle in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, approximately the size
and shape of an olive. To palpate it, the abdomen should be examined when the infant is
quiet to avoid interference from tensed abdominal muscles; providing a pacifier dipped in
a sucrose solution may be helpful to quiet the infant during the examination. Ideally, the
examination should be performed immediately after an episode of emesis because the
mass is less likely to be obscured by a distended antrum. As an alternative, the gastric
contents can be emptied with a nasogastric tube, which helps to decompress the
distended stomach and enhances the palpability of the pyloric mass.

If the "olive" is palpated, some surgeons will proceed directly to surgery, without further
testing. However, in the current era, the diagnosis of IHPS is typically made or confirmed
by ultrasonography. Consequently, this sign is now identified in fewer than one-third of
cases [43,44].

Other physical findings — The infant should also be assessed for the following physical
findings to evaluate for complications and help exclude disorders that can cause symptoms
similar to IHPS:

● Weight and length – Measure weight and length to assess nutritional status, especially if
the infant has had prolonged vomiting. When serial growth points are available, plotting
them on a growth chart helps to establish whether there has been chronic or acute growth

● Mucous membranes and skin turgor – To assess hydration.

● Skin and sclerae – Inspect for jaundice, which occurs in patients with IHPS and
icteropyloric syndrome but also raises the possibility of underlying liver disease. The piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 7/34

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presence of eczema raises suspicion for a food allergy. (See 'Clinical associations' above
and 'Differential diagnosis' below.)

● Stool – A stool should be visually inspected for mucus and blood and tested for occult
blood. Rectal bleeding raises the possibility of cow's milk protein intolerance in a healthy-
appearing infant or of intussusception in an unwell infant. Marked diarrhea raises the
possibility of certain types of food allergy or infectious process (gastroenteritis). (See
'Differential diagnosis' below.)

● Genitalia – Assess for atypical genital appearance or other anomalies. Congenital adrenal
hyperplasia (CAH) can present in the neonatal period with adrenal crisis, which can
present with vomiting. CAH is associated with virilization of the genitalia in female infants
but not in males. (See 'Differential diagnosis' below.)

Laboratory testing — In most infants with suspected IHPS, and especially in those who are ill-
appearing, basic laboratory testing is appropriate to assess for dehydration and electrolyte
depletion. At a minimum, the evaluation should include an electrolyte panel and complete
blood count (CBC).

● Electrolytes – Interpretation is as follows:

• Normal – Patients with recent onset of symptomatic IHPS usually have normal
laboratory results.

• Hypochloremic alkalosis – Low serum chloride and potassium and elevated bicarbonate
are common in infants with prolonged symptoms due to IHPS. Either hypernatremia or
hyponatremia may be present. One study showed that serum pH >7.45, chloride <98,
and base excess >+3 gave a positive predictive value of 88 percent in diagnosing IHPS
in infants presenting with vomiting [76].

By contrast, elevated serum potassium with low bicarbonate is not consistent with
IHPS; infants with this finding should be urgently evaluated for other causes, including
adrenal crisis (eg, CAH). (See 'Differential diagnosis' below.)

● Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine – These tests help to assess for dehydration
and renal insufficiency (eg, prerenal azotemia due to dehydration). Because infants
normally have lower serum creatinine values compared with older children, their
BUN:creatinine ratio is higher; Therefore, a BUN:creatinine ratio >20 in an infant is not a
useful indicator of dehydration. (See "Neonatal acute kidney injury: Pathogenesis, etiology, piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 8/34

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clinical presentation, and diagnosis" and "Clinical assessment of hypovolemia

(dehydration) in children".)

● CBC – The CBC is usually normal in infants with uncomplicated IHPS. Abnormal results do
not exclude IHPS but should raise suspicion of another cause of vomiting (eg, infection).

● Bilirubin – Infants with jaundice should be evaluated for total and conjugated bilirubin,
aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline
phosphatase or gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP).

• Elevated unconjugated bilirubin without other abnormalities is consistent with IHPS

(see 'Clinical associations' above)

• Elevations in conjugated bilirubin, ALT, or AST are not consistent with IHPS and warrant
further evaluation for underlying liver disease (see 'Differential diagnosis' below)

Infants who are severely dehydrated or ill-appearing may warrant further evaluation to rule out
other causes including sepsis, intestinal obstruction, or a primary metabolic disorder. (See
"Clinical features, evaluation, and diagnosis of sepsis in term and late preterm neonates".)

Imaging — For infants with new onset of nonbilious vomiting who are between two weeks and
three months of age, with typical clinical features of IHPS, ultrasound is recommended as the
first imaging modality. Plain radiographs have limited utility but can show a dilated stomach, a
nonspecific finding ( image 1). For infants with bilious vomiting, a fluoroscopic upper
gastrointestinal (UGI) study may be needed to evaluate for or confirm a diagnosis of
malrotation with midgut volvulus (although advances in ultrasonography may allow for
evaluation of these conditions). Imaging strategies for infants with vomiting are detailed by the
American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria for infants.

Ultrasonography — Ultrasound is the preferred imaging modality for suspected IHPS. Unlike
radiography, ultrasound allows for the direct visualization of the pyloric muscle and canal and
also has the benefit of lack of ionizing radiation. In the hands of an experienced sonographer or
radiologist, the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography for the diagnosis of IHPS
approaches 100 percent [77-79].

The diagnosis of IHPS is based on measurements of thickness of the muscle and the length of
the canal. The thickness of the muscle can be measured on a transverse view (the "target" sign
( image 2)) or in the sagittal plane ( image 3). A measurement above 3 mm is considered
positive. The length of the pyloric canal above 18 mm also indicates IHPS [79]. The presence or
absence of fluid passage across the pylorus is not a useful diagnostic sign. If the ultrasound is piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78&… 9/34

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negative or equivocal but the clinical picture remains concerning for IHPS, a repeat pyloric
ultrasound should be considered within a few days as muscle hypertrophy can develop quickly.

There are a few potential pitfalls with ultrasound. Pylorospasm can mimic IHPS with failure of
relaxation of the muscle. This is rarely a diagnostic challenge in clinical practice, but if
sonographic findings are equivocal, repeat imaging can be performed after 15 to 20 minutes.
Another pitfall may be the inability to visualize the pylorus due to a large amount of air within
the UGI tract. Administration of water and placement of the patient in the right lateral
decubitus position can provide an improved acoustic window.

More recent ultrasound techniques include direct visualization of the superior mesenteric
artery and vein and identification of the third portion of the duodenum as it courses between
the aorta and superior mesenteric artery. Identification of these features of normal anatomy is
highly accurate in evaluating for malrotation and/or midgut volvulus [80,81].

Fluoroscopic upper gastrointestinal series — For infants with bilious vomiting, a UGI study
is indicated to evaluate for intestinal malrotation and/or midgut volvulus.

Prior to the development and refinement of ultrasound, UGI was the imaging study of choice
for IHPS. Fluoroscopy is less desirable due to the associated ionizing radiation and the lack of
direct visualization of the pyloric muscle. If UGI is performed in an infant with IHPS, narrowing
of the canal can be seen (the "string" sign) or pointing of the barium at the pyloric canal (the
"beak" sign) ( image 4). An impression on the gastric antrum from the hypertrophied muscle
(the "shoulder" sign) can also be seen. Pylorospasm can mimic the findings of IHPS with a UGI,
and a suspicious UGI should be confirmed with a pyloric ultrasound.

Upper endoscopy — Upper endoscopy usually is reserved for patients in whom other imaging
modalities are inconclusive (or if warranted to evaluate for another gastrointestinal disorder
because of symptoms or signs that are atypical for IHPS). In infants with IHPS, the mucosa of
the antrum and pylorus appear thickened [82]. Endoscopy is useful for obtaining tissue sample
if eosinophilic gastritis is suspected, which can mimic IHPS.


The diagnosis of IHPS is suspected when an infant presents with suggestive features, as
described above. The diagnosis can be confirmed by palpation of an "olive" or by the presence
of typical findings on imaging studies. In many centers, ultrasonography is performed to
confirm the diagnosis of IHPS prior to surgery, even if an "olive" is palpated. (See 'Evaluation'
above.) piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 10/34
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The differential diagnosis of vomiting in early infancy includes the following disorders
( table 1). In most cases, these are easily distinguished from IHPS by the history, physical
examination, and/or initial laboratory tests. (See "Approach to the infant or child with nausea
and vomiting", section on 'Disorders primarily seen in neonates and young infants'.)

● Gastroesophageal reflux – Physiologic reflux in newborns and infants is common and is

characterized by effortless regurgitation in an otherwise healthy infant (a "happy spitter").
The regurgitation may seem forceful at times. Physiologic reflux is not associated with
electrolyte abnormalities, tends to be chronic rather than progressive, and rarely causes
weight loss. (See "Gastroesophageal reflux in infants".)

● Sepsis – In hospitalized premature infants, nonprojectile vomiting, weight loss, and

lethargy could be manifestations of sepsis or IHPS. Clues to the diagnosis of IHPS rather
than sepsis are negative cultures, rapid improvement with intravenous fluids, and
metabolic alkalosis (rather than acidosis which is often seen in sepsis) [46].

● Food allergy – Several distinct gastrointestinal disorders in children are caused by

immunologic reactions to dietary proteins. Considerations for an infant with vomiting
include immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated food allergy, food protein-induced enterocolitis
syndrome, food protein-induced enteropathy, and food protein-induced proctocolitis.
Clinical features and distinguishing characteristics of these disorders are outlined
separately. (See "Milk allergy: Clinical features and diagnosis", section on 'Clinical

● Gastric or duodenal inflammatory disease – Eosinophilic gastritis or peptic ulcers can

cause gastric outlet obstruction that mimics the symptoms of IHPS [83-88]. These
disorders are uncommon in young infants but have been reported. Suggestive findings
are lack of pyloric muscle hypertrophy on ultrasound; the definitive diagnosis requires

● Adrenal crisis – Newborn infants with adrenal insufficiency may present with an adrenal
crisis, manifested by vomiting and dehydration. This is a life-threatening condition and
should be evaluated and treated urgently. Key features of adrenal crisis are
disproportionate hypotension and hyperkalemic acidosis (rather than the hypokalemic
alkalosis typically seen in IHPS). The most common cause of adrenal insufficiency in
infants is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Females with CAH tend to have virilized or
ambiguous genitalia; males usually have no obvious genital abnormalities. (See "Clinical piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 11/34
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manifestations and diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency in children", section on 'Adrenal


● Intestinal obstruction – Causes of intestinal obstruction in early infancy include

malrotation (with or without volvulus), intussusception, congenital antral web, and
Hirschsprung disease. Intestinal obstruction should be considered in infants with bilious
vomiting and abdominal distension, especially if high-pitched bowel sounds or bloody
stools are present. If intestinal obstruction is suspected, the specific diagnosis is often
suggested by the patient's history and then confirmed with appropriate radiologic
imaging, including a plain radiograph. (See "Approach to the infant or child with nausea
and vomiting", section on 'Intestinal obstruction'.)

● Liver disease – Liver disease in infants may present with symptoms resembling IHPS,
including vomiting, poor weight gain, and jaundice. Infants with biliary atresia also may
have acholic (very pale-colored) stools. Infants with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia should
be further evaluated for liver disease, including biliary atresia, biliary cysts, and metabolic
disorders. (See "Causes of cholestasis in neonates and young infants" and "Approach to
evaluation of cholestasis in neonates and young infants".)

Evaluation of isolated elevated unconjugated bilirubin in a young infant is discussed

separately. (See "Evaluation of jaundice caused by unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in


Definitive management of IHPS is surgical pyloromyotomy. The timing of surgery depends on

the clinical status of the infant. If the child is well hydrated with normal electrolytes, and if
surgeons with expertise in the procedure are available, surgery may take place on the day of
diagnosis [89]. Surgery should be delayed in the setting of dehydration and/or electrolyte
derangements [90].

Preoperative fluid and electrolyte management — Fluid and electrolyte therapy should be
individualized according to the degree of dehydration and/or electrolyte abnormalities.

● Normal electrolytes with mild or no dehydration – Infants presenting with normal

electrolyte values and mild or no dehydration, as is the case with >60 percent of patients,
should receive maintenance intravenous fluids. (See "Maintenance intravenous fluid
therapy in children".) piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 12/34

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● Moderate or severe dehydration – Infants with moderate or severe dehydration require

more intensive management by administering isotonic fluids (typically normal saline [0.9%
NaCl]), given as an initial fluid bolus and/or higher rates of administration (1.5 to 2 times
maintenance) until the calculated fluid deficit is repleted, followed by maintenance
intravenous fluids. Renal function should be assessed before adding potassium to the
intravenous fluids. (See "Treatment of hypovolemia (dehydration) in children".)

We suggest the following targets for fluid and electrolyte therapy prior to undergoing
surgery, as recommended by an expert panel [91]:

• pH ≤7.45 and/or base excess ≤3.5

• Bicarbonate <26 mEq/L
• Sodium ≥132 mEq/L
• Potassium ≥3.5 mEq/L
• Chloride ≥100 mEq/L
• Glucose ≥72 mg/dL (4.0 mmol/L)

Infants with significant alkalosis at the time of surgery are at increased risk of
postoperative apnea [92,93]. Patients with severe hypokalemia (serum potassium <2.5
mEq/L) or hyponatremia (serum sodium <120 mEq/L) are at particularly high risk for
perioperative complications and should be managed carefully, with expert consultation if
needed. (See "Hypokalemia in children" and "Hyponatremia in children: Evaluation and


● Technique – The classical operation for IHPS is Ramstedt pyloromyotomy, which involves a
longitudinal incision of the hypertrophic pylorus with blunt dissection to the level of the
submucosa; it relieves the constriction and allows normal passage of stomach contents
into the duodenum. Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy ( picture 1) is a minimally invasive
version of the Ramstedt procedure. In settings where appropriately trained surgical
expertise is available, we suggest laparoscopic pyloromyotomy rather than the open
procedure. Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy is associated with a lower incidence of
postoperative emesis, reduced need for analgesia, and shorter hospital stay; however, it
can rarely result in incomplete pyloromyotomy or mucosal perforation [94-97]. A
transumbilical approach also may be used but has longer operating time [98].

Open and laparoscopic pyloromyotomy were compared in a prospective randomized trial

in 200 infants with ultrasonographically confirmed IHPS [94]. Both groups had similar
operating time, time to full feeding, and hospital length of stay. However, infants in the piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 13/34
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laparoscopic group had fewer episodes of emesis (1.9 versus 2.6) and received fewer
doses of analgesia (1.6 versus 2.2) compared with those in the open group. A similar
randomized study also reported more rapid return to enteral feeding and shorter hospital
stay among infants treated laparoscopically, although in 3 percent of laparoscopically
performed cases, the pyloromyotomy was incomplete [95]. The study was performed at
six centers with extensive experience in laparoscopic techniques.

Anesthesia for pyloromyotomy is discussed separately. (See "Anesthesia for

pyloromyotomy in infants".)

● Resuming feeds postoperatively – For most infants, we suggest resuming ad lib feeding
early (within a few hours) after surgery rather than delaying feeding and slowly advancing.
Modest regurgitation occurs in as many as 80 percent of infants after pyloromyotomy [40]
and should not delay feedings. Anticipatory guidance for the parent(s) to expect some
postoperative regurgitation is helpful. The typical criterium for discharge readiness is that
the infant tolerates at least 2 ounces (60 mL) of formula in two sequential feeds. Most
infants are ready for discharge on postoperative day 1.

Vigorous postoperative vomiting is infrequent. If vomiting persists beyond five days

postoperatively, radiologic evaluation should be considered [99], with the understanding
that interpretation of the study may be difficult because of postoperative swelling.

The practice of resuming ad lib feeds in the early postoperative setting is supported by
observational studies, clinical trials, and meta-analyses [100-102]. The meta-analysis
included 14 studies (11 observational studies and 3 randomized trials) and concluded that
ad lib feeding was associated with shorter duration of hospitalization compared with
structured feeding (mean difference 4.7 days, 95% CI 1-8.4 days) [100]. In the four
included studies examining early versus late feeding, early feeding was associated with a
greater likelihood of postoperative emesis (odds ratio 3.1, 95% CI 2.3-4.4), but the duration
of hospitalization was shorter (mean difference 12 hours); however, the latter finding was
not statistically significant (95% CI 8 hours longer to 32 hours shorter).

● Postoperative monitoring – Infants with IHPS are at risk for apnea postoperatively
because of their young age and effects of anesthesia; we suggest monitoring for apnea
for at least 24 hours postoperatively. Those with underlying alkalosis may be at increased
risk, based on limited and inferential data [93]. As mentioned above, this is one reason
why alkalosis and other electrolyte abnormalities should be corrected prior to surgery.

● Complications – The rate of serious complications from pyloromyotomy is low. Mucosal

perforations occur in <1 percent of patients and are readily recognized intraoperatively piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 14/34
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[103]. The pyloromyotomy is incomplete in approximately 1 to 3 percent of patients

treated with a laparoscopic approach by an experienced surgeon and is even rarer in
those undergoing the open procedure [94,95,103].

● Follow-up – Infants should be monitored through surgical recovery and return to normal
feeds. Thereafter, they need only routine pediatric care, including monitoring of growth,
unless new symptoms develop. Infants with other persistent or recurrent symptoms
warrant further evaluation, including for disorders other than IHPS. If abdominal
ultrasonography is performed postoperatively, caution should be exercised in
interpretation because the thickened muscle and enlarged diameter persist to eight
months and one year, respectively [104].

Other approaches (not recommended) — Because surgery is both safe and effective,
alternative approaches to managing IHPS are generally limited to infants with very high surgical
risks or situations where pediatric surgical care is not available.

● Atropine – Treatment with intravenous and/or oral atropine sulfate (which relaxes the
pyloric musculature) has been described in small observational studies [105-108] and two
meta-analyses [109,110]. In a meta-analysis, the pooled success rate using atropine was
79 percent [110]. However, this approach typically requires weeks or months of atropine
with parenteral nutrition or postpyloric enteral feeds, as well as prolonged hospital stay

● Conservative management – Conservative management of infants with IHPS has also

been described. This approach typically involves a trial of continuous nasoduodenal
feedings, generally lasting several months, until the gastric outlet obstruction diminishes
as the infant grows [112].

● Balloon dilation – Endoscopically guided balloon dilation for IHPS has been described
[113]. However, balloon dilatation does not reliably disrupt the seromuscular ring of the
pylorus and is associated with a significant risk of pyloric perforation [114].


Pyloromyotomy is curative in the vast majority of infants [103]. Gastroesophageal reflux in

patients previously treated for IPHS is common, as it is in other healthy infants, and does not
warrant concern unless it is very severe or accompanied by other symptoms. (See
"Gastroesophageal reflux in infants".) piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 15/34

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In long-term follow-up, individuals who underwent pyloromyotomy as infants had no clinically

significant differences in gastroesophageal reflux or other gastrointestinal symptoms during
adulthood compared with age- and sex-matched controls [115]. Similarly, most studies show
normal gastric emptying despite altered pyloric tone and motility in long-term follow-up [116].


UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the
Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade
reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given
condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer
short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more
sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading
level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some
medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print
or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a
variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

● Basics topic (see "Patient education: Pyloric stenosis in babies (The Basics)")


● Pathogenesis – Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS) is characterized by

hypertrophy of the pylorus, eventually progressing to near-complete obstruction of the
gastric outlet. The etiology of IHPS is obscure but probably multifactorial, involving
genetic predisposition and environmental factors. In particular, IHPS has been associated
with the administration of macrolide antibiotics to infants during the first few weeks of life
and perhaps to their mothers during late gestation or lactation. (See 'Pathogenesis'

● Clinical presentation – Symptoms usually begin between three and five weeks of age and
very rarely occur after 12 weeks of age. Typical presenting symptoms are nonbilious
vomiting that is forceful and occurs immediately after feeding, while the infant remains
hungry. In a small percentage of infants, the vomiting may be bilious. In premature
infants with IHPS, the vomiting may be less forceful and they may not display hunger. A piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 16/34

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firm, "olive-like" mass is occasionally palpable in the right upper quadrant of the
abdomen, and there may be signs of dehydration. (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)

● Evaluation – Evaluation of an infant with suspected IHPS includes:

• Physical examination – A firm, "olive-like" mass may be palpable in the right upper
quadrant of the abdomen, and there may be signs of dehydration.

• Laboratory testing – Measure electrolytes and complete blood count (CBC) to assess
for dehydration and electrolyte depletion. Infants with IHPS may have normal results
or may have low serum chloride and potassium and elevated bicarbonate (a
hypochloremic alkalosis). (See 'Laboratory testing' above.)

• Imaging – The diagnosis of IHPS is almost always confirmed by imaging, and

ultrasonography is the modality of choice. Hallmarks of the diagnosis are increased
thickness of the pyloric muscle and elongation of the pyloric canal ( image 3). For
infants who present with bilious vomiting, a fluoroscopic upper gastrointestinal (UGI)
study is indicated to evaluate for intestinal malrotation and/or midgut volvulus,
although more recent advances in ultrasonography may allow for evaluation for these
conditions. (See 'Imaging' above.)

● Differential diagnosis – The differential diagnosis of IHPS includes physiologic

gastroesophageal reflux and cow's milk protein intolerance, which are relatively benign.
More severe disorders that may present with vomiting in the first two months of life
include adrenal crisis, intestinal obstruction (eg, due to malrotation, Hirschsprung disease,
or intussusception), and liver disease (eg, biliary atresia or metabolic defects). These
disorders should be considered in infants with atypical presenting features, including
hypotension, vomiting that is bilious, abdominal distension, or jaundice with conjugated
hyperbilirubinemia ( table 1). (See 'Differential diagnosis' above.)

● Treatment – IHPS is treated surgically. (See 'Pyloromyotomy' above.)

• Timing of surgery – If the child is well hydrated with normal electrolytes, and if
surgeons with expertise in the procedure are available, surgery may take place on the
day of diagnosis.

For infants with moderate to severe dehydration and/or electrolyte derangements,

surgery should be delayed until these abnormalities are corrected. (See 'Preoperative
fluid and electrolyte management' above.) piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 17/34

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• Surgical technique – In settings where appropriate surgical expertise is available, we

suggest laparoscopic rather than open pyloromyotomy (Grade 2B). Laparoscopic
pyloromyotomy is associated with a lower incidence of postoperative emesis, reduced
need for analgesia, and shorter hospital stay. Complication rates are low with both
procedures. (See 'Pyloromyotomy' above.)

• Postoperative feeds – For most infants, we suggest resuming ad lib feeding early
(within a few hours) after surgery rather than delaying feeding and slowly advancing
(Grade 2C). Feeds should not be delayed by mild regurgitation. (See 'Pyloromyotomy'

• Alternatives if surgery cannot be performed – Because surgery is both safe and

effective, alternative approaches to managing IHPS are generally limited to infants with
very high surgical risks or situations where pediatric surgical care is not available.
Options include conservative management with nasoduodenal feeds, with or without
atropine. (See 'Other approaches (not recommended)' above.)

Use of UpToDate is subject to the Terms of Use.


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Radiograph in an infant with pyloric stenosis

This 4-week-old male infant presented with projectile nonbilious emesis and
failure to thrive. Panel A is a supine radiograph and Panel B a left lateral
decubitus radiograph of the abdomen, revealing a dilated air-filled stomach
(asterisk) with a lobulated appearance compatible with peristalsis (arrows)
and a single air-fluid level (arrowhead). These are nonspecific signs but
suggest a gastric outlet obstruction. Further evaluation with ultrasound
identified hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.

Courtesy of Joseph Farnam, MD.

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Target sign in an infant with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Axial ultrasound image through the pylorus demonstrates the "target sign" with concentric hypertrophy of t
pyloric muscle. Pyloric muscle thickness of ≥3 mm (bracket) is abnormal and indicates hypertrophic pyloric

Courtesy of Scott R Dorfman, MD.

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Measurements of pyloric muscle in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Sagittal ultrasound image demonstrates thickening of the pyloric muscle on each side of the pyloric
canal (two "+" pairs, each measuring 0.5 cm) and elongation of the pyloric canal (dashed line,
measuring 1.8 cm), compatible with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.

Courtesy of Scott R Dorfman, MD.

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Fluoroscopic upper gastrointestinal series in an

infant with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Images from a barium contrast upper gastrointestinal series

demonstrate a dilated stomach (asterisk) with:

(A) The "string sign" showing an elongated and narrowed pyloric

canal (arrow). piloro&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~78… 30/34

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(B) The "beak" sign (arrowhead), with contrast pointing toward the
narrowed canal with impressions from the enlarged pyloric muscle.

Courtesy of Scott R Dorfman, MD.

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Important causes of vomiting in early infancy

Physiologic reflux or GERD

Pyloric stenosis

Necrotizing enterocolitis


Malrotation with midgut volvulus

Hirschsprung disease


Congenital atresias, stenoses or webs


Metabolic disorders

Feeding intolerance (may be associated with cardiac, pulmonary, renal, or neuromotor disorders)

Adrenal crisis

Dietary protein intolerance (eg, milk protein enteritis)

Urinary tract infection

Toxic ingestion

Increased intracranial pressure (eg, subdural hematoma from child abuse, or hydrocephalus)

Hepatobiliary disease

GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease.

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Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy

Intraoperative photographs of a laparascopic pyloromyotomy for an

infant with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. The pyloric muscle is
opened using an arthroscopy blade and then spread open with a
grasping forcep.

Courtesy of Mary L Brandt, MD.

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Contributor Disclosures
Erin E Endom, MD No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose. Scott R
Dorfman, MD No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose. Anthony P Olivé,
MD No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose. Joshua Nagler, MD,
MHPEd No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose. B UK Li,
MD Consultant/Advisory Boards: GLG Consulting [Antiemetics]; Takeda [Antiemetics]. All of the relevant
financial relationships listed have been mitigated. Alison G Hoppin, MD No relevant financial
relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.

Contributor disclosures are reviewed for conflicts of interest by the editorial group. When found, these are
addressed by vetting through a multi-level review process, and through requirements for references to be
provided to support the content. Appropriately referenced content is required of all authors and must
conform to UpToDate standards of evidence.

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