Esquizofrenia Practica
Esquizofrenia Practica
Esquizofrenia Practica
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology
& Biological Psychiatry
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Keywords: Social cognition deficits are found in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but its neural underpinnings are poorly
Schizophrenia understood. Given the complexity of psychological functions underlying this kind of cognition, we hypothesized
Social cognition that alterations in global structural connectivity could contribute to those deficits. To test this hypothesis, we
Fractional anisotropy studied a group of schizophrenia and bipolar patients with connectomics based on diffusion magnetic resonance
Prefrontal cortex
imaging and assessments of general and social cognition. The latter was assessed using the Mayer, Salovey and
Metacognitive training
Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) for emotional intelligence and the Spanish Group for
Schizophrenia Treatment Optimization (Grupo Español para la OPtimización del Tratamiento de la Esquizofrenia,
GEOPTE) test for behavioral aspects of social cognition. Graph theory applied to fractional anisotropy for the
connections among cortical regions was used to obtain the small-world (SW) index of the structural connectivity
network. In addition, we assessed the possibility of predicting the response of social cognition deficits to Meta-
cognitive Training based on their possible underpinnings in a subgroup of patients. Patients showed lower scores
in emotional intelligence and behavioral social cognition. MSCEIT scores were associated with SW index and
working memory, and GEOPTE scores were related to verbal memory. Improvement in social cognition after
Meta-cognitive Training was associated with lower scores of the social cognition in the baseline, according to the
GEOPTE scale. Our findings support structural connectivity as one of the factors underlying emotional in-
telligence in schizophrenia, and the use of Meta-cognitive Training to improve social cognition in patients with
larger deficits.
Corresponding author at: Dept. of Psychiatry, University Hospital of Valladolid, Av. Ramón y Cajal, 7, Valladolid 48005, Spain.
E-mail address: (V. Molina).
Received 1 March 2019; Received in revised form 7 June 2019
Available online 19 June 2019
0278-5846/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Alvarez-Astorga, et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 94 (2019) 109672
Table 1
Demographic, clinical and cognitive values in the sample. Significant differences in comparison to healthy controls *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.
Patients Chronic SZ FE SZ Bipolar Healthy controls (n = 38)
(n = 79) (n = 37) (n = 19) (n = 23)
2.1. Patients Global IQ was assessed using a Spanish brief version of the Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS-III (Fuentes Dura et al., 2010). We used
We assessed social cognition in 79 patients (37 of them chronic the Spanish version of Brief Assessment in Cognition in Schizophrenia
A. Alvarez-Astorga, et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 94 (2019) 109672
Scale (BACS) (Segarra et al., 2011; Wheeler and Voineskos, 2014) to removal of non-brain structures. On the other hand, anatomically
assess performance in verbal memory (list learning), working memory constrained whole brain tractography was performed using the dMRI
(digit span), motor speed (token motor task), verbal fluency (cate- data, but also the anatomical images in order to guide the tractography
gories), attention and processing speed (symbol coding) and executive process. Also, from DTI, fractional anisotropy (FA) maps were obtained
function and problem solving (Tower of London). after estimating diffusion tensors for each voxel from the diffusion
Social cognition subsumes different specific (for instance, theory of weighted images. FA, which measures the degree of anisotropy of the
mind, emotional intelligence) and general (such as verbal fluency, diffusion tensor, is a well-known descriptor of white matter integrity
working memory and problem solving) psychological functions. We that has been widely employed in the literature.
assessed social cognition using the MSCEIT (Mayer et al., 2003) and Finally, connectivity matrices were computed from the tractography
GEOPTE (Grupo Español para la OPtimización del Tratamiento de la output and the (registered) gray matter segmentation. We defined 84
Esquizofrenia, GEOPTE) (Sanjuan et al., 2003) tools (see Supplemen- regions from FreeSurfer parcellation, therefore 84 × 84 connectivity
tary material). These are complementary instruments, since the MSCEIT matrices were obtained, and mean FA along each connection was em-
is aimed at assessing emotional intelligence and the GEOPTE scores ployed as a connectome metric.
relational and behavioral aspects. The MSCEIT includes faces, designs Throughout the entire processing pipeline, FSL (http://fsl.fmrib.ox.
and pictures to elicit emotions, as well as questions and judgements, FreeSurfer ( and MRtrix
about hypothetical emotional, personal and social situations, yielding ( were used as software tools.
scores in the dimensions of emotional perception, facilitation, under- From the structural connectivity matrices, SW was calculated for
standing and management. Some aspects assessed with the GEOPTE are each subject (Rubinov and Sporns, 2010). SW is a useful description of
difficulties in following conversations with several participants, re- the topology of the whole network, providing a measure of the network
cognizing emotions in others, interpreting their gestures, ability to efficiency. In order to define SW, clustering coefficient (CLC) and path
catch the meaning of conversations, or solving domestic problems, length (PL) need to be defined first. From them, SW is the ratio between
making week-end plans or establishing friendly relations. Using the CLC and PL, both normalized with respect to null-hypothesis networks
GEOPTE, changes in social behavior can be more readily scored, thus (Rubinov and Sporns, 2010). The corresponding mathematical for-
this instrument was selected for assessing changes after MCT. The mulae and definitions can be found in (Gomez-Pilar, de Luis-Garcia,
GEOPTE has the additional advantage of including scores from both 2018, Molina, Bachiller, 2018, Molina, Lubeiro, 2017).
patient and a relative.
2.5. Statistics
2.3. Metacognitive-training
We compared socio-demographical data (age, sex, subjects and
Metacognitive training was administered as a group therapy on parental education) and general cognition between patients and con-
semi-structured sessions aimed to address frequent cognitive bias that trols (t or χ2 tests when appropriate). Total MSCEIT and GEOPTE scores
may increase the likelihood of psychotic symptoms. This kind of in- (obtained from patients, GEOPTE-p, and from relatives, GEOPTE-r)
tervention addresses interpersonal (such as theory of mind) and in- were compared between patients and controls using t-tests.
trapersonal (such as jumping to conclusions) aspects likely related to We used a stepwise multivariate regression in order to assess pre-
social cognition deficit in psychoses. A cycle of MCT includes seven dictors of social cognition in the patients with MSCEIT and GEOPTE
modules (attributional styles, jumping to conclusion, beliefs, theory of scores as dependent variables, and BACS scores and SW index as pre-
mind, memory, and self-esteem). Each session, a module addressing one dictive variables in the regression. Since three regression analyses were
of these biases was developed, encouraging patients participation, ex- performed, p level was set at p = .016. Collinearity and homo-
perience sharing and vicarious learning. Complete information can be scedasticity were tested using tolerance statistics and the distribution of
found at residuals. The relation between social cognition and illness duration
psychosis/ and treatment dosage (mg/d in chlorpromazine (in mg/d in CPZ)
equivalents) was explored using Pearson's correlations.
2.4. Diffusion MRI acquisition and processing To assess the prediction of social cognition deficits to MCT, we first
assessed its efficacy comparing GEOPTE scores from both patients and
Acquisition and processing of MRI images to obtain FA-based con- relatives before and after a cycle of such therapy using t-tests for related
nectivity values were performed as explained in more detail in previous samples. Then, we explored the possible correlates of improvement
reports (Gomez-Pilar, de Luis-Garcia, 2018, Molina, Bachiller, 2018, with this therapy using Pearson's correlations between change in
Molina, Lubeiro, 2017). Acquisitions were carried out using a Philips GEOPTE scores and, on the other hand, baseline GEOPTE scores, and
Achieva 3 Tesla MRI unit (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) in general cognition and connectivity measurements found to be asso-
the MRI facility at Valladolid University, and were composed of T1- ciated to social cognition basal scores.
weighted and diffusion weighted images.
For the anatomical T1-weighted images, acquisition parameters 3. Results
included: Turbo Field Echo (TFE) sequence, matrix size of 256 × 256,
spatial resolution of 1 × 1 × 1 mm3 and 160 sagittal slices covering the There were not significant differences in age, sex distribution, or
whole brain. Echo time and repetition time were 3.7 and 8.1 ms, re- education years, between patients and controls, except for a younger
spectively, and flip angle was 8°. age in the FE patients. Patients showed a significant deficit in general
With regard to the diffusion weighted images, parameters were: 61 cognition (Table 1).
gradient directions, one baseline volume, b-value = 1000 s/mm2, Patients (n = 79) showed lower total MSCEIT (t = −5.78,
2 × 2 × 2 mm3 of voxel size, matrix size of 128 × 128 and 66 axial df = 120, p < .001) and higher GEOPTE (GEOPTE-p t = 5.095,
slices covering the entire brain. Total acquisition time was around df = 129, p < .001; GEOPTE-r t = 5.441, df = 101, p < .001) scores
18 min. than controls (Fig. S1). Lower MSCEIT and higher GEOPTE scores in-
Essentially, connectome matrices were created, for each subject, by dicate worse social cognition.
analyzing the white matter integrity of the fiber bundles connecting the In the patients (n = 50), total MSCEIT scores were positively pre-
considered gray matter regions. In order to do that, cortical and sub- dicted by working memory (β = 0.323) and SW index (β = 0.309; for
cortical gray matter structures were first segmented into 84 regions the model R2 = 0.228; df = 1,36; F = 5.16; p = .010; Fig. 1). Residuals
from the Desikan-Killiany atlas using the T1-weighted images after the were normally distributed, and tolerance was larger than 0.95 in all
A. Alvarez-Astorga, et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 94 (2019) 109672
Fig. 1. In the upper row, scatterplots depicting the association between emotional intelligence (MSCEIT) scores and SW index of the structural connectivity network
and working memory. These two variables were selected as predictors of MSCEIT scores (R2 = 0.228, p = .010, see text). In the lower row, association between
verbal memory and behavioral social cognition. Verbal memory predicted GEOPTE-r scores at trend level (R2 = 0.167, p = .018, see text). Circles: chronic SZ, crosses
FE Sz, stars: bipolars.
cases. Thus, higher MSCEIT scores, indicating better emotional in- intelligence) were lower in psychotic patients as compared to healthy
telligence, were predicted by higher working memory scores and by controls. These scores were predicted by working memory performance
larger SW index of connective structure. and the SW index of the structural connectivity network. Behavioral
GEOPTE-p scores were not predicted by any variable combination. aspects of social cognition were associated with verbal memory.
GEOPTE-r scores were inversely predicted at trend level of significance The association between emotional intelligence and working
by verbal memory (β = −0.409; for the model R2 = 0.167; df = 1,32; memory might be coherent with a prefrontal role in social cognition,
F = 6.26; p = .018; Fig. 1). Thus, higher verbal memory predicted since working memory is intimately associated with prefrontal function
better social performance according to family perception. (Fuster, 1999). Moreover, this association also seems coherent with the
After MCT (n = 31), there was a significant improvement in social relation between social cognition and SW index. The SW structure of a
cognition as scored by the patients (GEOPTE-p; t = 4.43, p < .001) network, such as the brain, is characterized by a high density of local
and by relatives (GEOPTE-r, t = 2.00, p = .05; Table 1). connections and a smaller number of long-distance connections, con-
The change of GEOPTE-p scores with MCT (post-treatment minus verging in some highly connected nodes (hubs), such as the PFC, a
baseline scores) was inversely associated with basal GEOPTE-p scores region highly interconnected with many other regions. Thus, con-
(r = −0.604, p = .001; Fig. 2). This implies that patients with higher nectivity alterations at the PFC, may decrease the “small-worldness” of
baseline GEOPTE (i.e., worse social cognition) are more likely to benefit the global network (i.e., the degree in which this network approximates
from metacognitive therapy. to an ideal SW structure) and, therefore, its connective efficiency
which, according to our data, might hamper social cognition in schi-
4. Discussion zophrenia. Although we did not measure connectivity in particular re-
gions in this study, specific alterations in the structural connections of
In this sample, total MSCEIT scores (associated to emotional the PFC have been described in schizophrenia (Molina, Lubeiro, 2017),
A. Alvarez-Astorga, et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 94 (2019) 109672
A. Alvarez-Astorga, et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 94 (2019) 109672