Scoring Rubric

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Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Grade Level, Block, & Section: _______________________________________________________________

Scoring Rubric

Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 2 3 4
Depth of Writing Writing Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates an
Reflection demonstrates lack demonstrates a a general reflection on in-depth reflection on
of reflection on minimal the selected topic, the selected topic,
the selected topic, reflection on the including some including supporting
with no details. selected topic, supporting details details and examples.
including a few and examples.
details and
Required Writing does not Writing includes Writing includes the Writing surpasses the
Components include the the a few required components required components of
required components of of the selected topic. the selected topic.
components of the selected topic.
the selected topic.
Quality of Information has Information Information clearly Information clearly
Information little to do with clearly relates to relates to the main relates to the main topic.
the main topic. the main topic. topic. It provides 1-2 It includes several
No details and/or supporting details supporting details
examples are and/or examples. and/or examples.
Structure Writing unclear, Writing is Writing is mostly Writing is clear, concise,
and disorganized. unclear, and clear, concise, and and well organized with
Organization Thoughts make thoughts are not organized with the the use of excellent
little to no sense. well organized. use of excellent sentence/paragraph
Thoughts are not sentence/paragraph structure. Thoughts are
expressed in a structure. Thoughts expressed in a logical
logical manner. are expressed in a manner.
logical manner.
Grammar There are There are more There are no more There are no more than
numerous than five spelling than five spelling or three spelling or
spelling or or grammar grammar errors per grammar errors per page
grammar errors errors per page of page of writing of writing reflection.
per page of writing reflection. reflection.
writing reflection.

TOTAL SCORE: __________

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