Sicily - Recipes From An Italian Island - Katie
Sicily - Recipes From An Italian Island - Katie
Sicily - Recipes From An Italian Island - Katie
– Unless otherwise stated: all fruit and vegetables are
medium-sized; all fruit and herbs are fresh; all eggs are
free-range and medium-sized.
– Oven temperature: these are given for fan ovens. If you are
using a conventional oven, increase the heat by around
20°C (you can also check with the manufacturer’s
Sicily is a unique and extraordinary tapestry – intricate, vibrant and
brightly coloured in parts, shot through with exquisite strands of gold and
silver; worn bare, faded and patched up in others. Look behind the fabric
holding it together and you will see a complex tangle of thousands of
threads that give it its outward appearance. Like all treasured possessions,
it has passed through the hands of various owners, each leaving their mark.
From the 7th century BC, the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs invaded
Sicily, followed by the Normans, Spanish and more. When I started researching
Sicilian food, I thought I could unpick these threads and follow them back to
their source to see singular origins for particular dishes. I would be able to say
with assurance, ‘This is an Arabic recipe from the west of the island, this is
Greek from the east,’ and so on, but it is not as simple as that. Actually, the
tapestry is very tightly woven; it is impossible to unravel. Sicily’s culture as well
as its cuisine is the result of all of these threads knotted together. It is this exotic
mixture of influences from the East and West that makes the Sicilian kitchen so
different from the rest of Italy.
The cassata, a sweet ricotta-filled sponge cake covered in green icing
(frosting) and decorated with jewels of candied fruit, is a perfect example of this;
it is the history of a cake and an island. The name comes possibly from the
Arabs, who used a domed dish called a qas’at, or from the Latin for cheese,
caseum. The Greeks made ricotta-style cheese but the Arabs brought over sugar
cane and sweetened it and flavoured it with citrus fruits, almonds and cinnamon.
During the Norman period, marzipan came into vogue and the cassata’s pastry
case was cast off in favour of the new almond paste. The Spanish introduced a
light layer of sponge and added bitter chocolate to contrast with the sweet
ricotta. The English coated the cake in icing, which made it last longer, and
finally during the baroque period of the 18th century, bright candied fruit and
intricate swirls of icing were added to top the whole creation.
Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean and is the market of Italy.
Nowhere else can boast the variety and quality of its natural produce, the best
and freshest fish from clear blue waters, fruits of every kind ripened in the hot
sun, sheep and goat cheeses from the mountains.
As Giancarlo and I drove up the winding road to Polizzi Generosa, towards
central Sicily, we passed jujube trees, fig, walnut, apple and pear trees laden
with their autumn harvest. With fish from the sea, game from the land and the
ability to grow crops easily on the fertile soil, it is easy to see why people would
want to settle there. It is a natural paradise yet over the years it has been ravaged
not only by some of the cruellest invaders from the outside but also by the Mafia
within. The problem now is the lack of work and you will pass derelict houses
and even small villages that have been abandoned. My heart goes out to the
region; you just want it to work, for the situation to improve and for the people
to prosper. Most Sicilians welcome you with such generosity of spirit and are
keen to share with you what they have.
The island has throughout the centuries suffered appalling poverty; between
1951 and 1975, for example, one million Sicilians were forced to emigrate to the
US. Those who stayed learnt to use the free and readily available ingredients
around them to flavour a diet of simple grains and vegetables. Wild fennel is
everywhere and mint gets trodden underfoot. I looked at some old steps in
Modica and realised that, in the corner of each one, a different herb was
growing. We saw mint, fennel, angelica, borage, oregano, capers – all growing
wild. No wonder Sicilian food has such vibrant flavours.
Depending on where you go in Sicily you could have vastly differing opinions
of the island. Most tourists will only see the manicured towns of the baroque
south-east or clean and tidy Taormina, while others plump for the wild, rugged
and barren coastline of the west where tourism has hardly left a mark. Palermo is
not like other cities in Italy; it still has a gritty, unkempt feel in places, despite its
tourist attractions. That’s not to say it isn’t likeable – it is, and there is plenty to
do for a weekend. Just don’t expect the order of Rome or the wealth of Florence.
You will have great food, buzzing markets, fascinating history to discover,
stunning beaches, good-value accommodation and a real and unique experience
unlike anywhere else.
Having tasted the strong flavours of Sicilian produce, how, we thought, are we
going to find truly Sicilian recipes that will work back home in the UK with the
paltry selection of fish and forced, polytunnel-grown vegetables on offer in our
local supermarket? ‘E fresco?’ is the question you will hear your average
Sicilian ask when buying fish, (bell) peppers, and, well, anything really. Sicilians
are obsessed with the provenance of their food and with it being fresco, fresh. I
just don’t hear people back home saying that. We know the fish in our local store
wasn’t caught that morning.
The older generation still doesn’t like to eat out of season. The sheer idiocy of
asking for strawberries in October made our friend Mimmo, who runs his
restaurant Osteria Bacchus in Sant’Ambrogio, practically hysterical. He thought
it was so funny that people would come to his restaurant in autumn and ask for a
strawberry sorbet – he told them to come back in June! He chuckled for ages at
the ridiculous notion. As we drove away from his restaurant one chilly January
day, we realised that, in the days before, we had been served strawberries at each
restaurant we’d visited, even at that time of year. ‘Come on Sicily,’ I thought,
‘stick to your roots. Don’t eat food out of season; it isn’t in your nature.’ Now
the island is covered in polytunnels to extend the season and, to my mind, that
should be the only reason, to extend the growing season, not to go completely
against nature. None of the strawberries we tasted had much flavour – better to
wait for June, as Mimmo said.
One of our managers, Marianna, from our restaurant Caffè Caldesi, is Sicilian
and I asked her what she was going to enjoy eating as soon as she was home for
Christmas (secretly hoping for a completely original addition to my collection of
Sicilian recipes). ‘Ah,’ she said, with a teary eye, ‘fresh fish.’ ‘Really?’ I asked.
‘How will your mother cook it?’ (I was still holding out hope for a secret sauce
recipe passed down a long line of maternal grandmothers.) ‘Simply,’ she
answered. ‘On the outside grill, just simple; a little oil and salt, but the freshness,
Katie, aah.’
Oh for goodness’ sake, I wanted to cry out, they are obsessed. However, it did
show me the passion for ingredients that even the young hold dear.
Seeing over the years how the Italians shop and cook, Marianna’s delight at
the thought of fresh fish and Mimmo’s laughter at October strawberries makes
me realise how important it is to get the best produce. That might mean growing
what you can, choosing to shop at farmers’ markets or travelling to our
remaining fishmongers or independent butchers for the best and freshest
ingredients. Then you keep the preparation simple; you do little to your food, but
sit back and enjoy the outcome for supper. This is weekday food and the recipes
we have included in our ‘use three ways’, which are scattered throughout the
book, make the most of seasonal produce.
The exceptions to this are the complex, Arab-inspired dishes such as the sweet
and sour aubergine caponata, pasta with sardines, pine nuts, currants and wild
fennel, or couscous. These recipes are more elaborate, contain a hotchpotch of
ingredients and are wonderful, but cannot be ‘knocked up’ in two minutes. This
is our weekend way of eating, dishes that take a little longer to make but are the
In this series of books about the Italian regions, I have always summed up the
primary ingredients in my introductions: in Amalfi it was first catch your fish, in
Venice grind your spices in your pestle and mortar, in Rome it was grow your
chilli and rosemary, and now in Sicily my advice would be to find lemons and
oranges with leaves on to ensure their freshness.
There are too many invasions spanning 4,000 years of Sicilian civilisation to
mention here. Suffice to say that the genetic history of your average Sicilian
must be fascinating to follow. You will find Sicilians of Norman descent with
red hair, Greek green eyes and stature, and those from dark-skinned and dark-
haired Moorish ancestry.
This is our abbreviated guide to who introduced which foodstuff to the island.
It is an incredible list of diverse cultures and helps us understand why Sicilian
food is so wonderfully eclectic and unlike the rest of Italy and indeed the rest of
the world. Perhaps it is the first real fusion food in a land where East meets
West. Eat your way around the island, sampling the dishes along the way, and
you will have a lesson in its history as well as its cuisine.
From slices of bright red and green watermelon sold to refresh you in
summer, to hot salt-baked chestnuts and the curls of white smoke
emanating from their stalls in winter, there is always something to tempt
you on the streets of Palermo.
Street food dates back at least to Roman times and possibly before. For centuries
people had no ovens at home and fuel was short, so hot food would only have
been available on the street. We decided to take a food tour around the capital. It
was years since we had been to Palermo and all I remember from the last time is
running away from drug dealers I had inadvertently filmed on a small video
camera at the edge of Ballarò market. Such was my wonder at the place, the
dilapidated buildings, a shadow of their former grandness, the beguiling smiles
and cheerful shouting of the market stallholders bragging about their best
produce. Palermo is gritty, visceral and edgy. And the produce against this
backdrop? Such perfect tomatoes, bumpy skinned, ripe and colourful; huge
distorted (bell) peppers; celery with leaves you can smell as you pass, bright
freshly caught fish often still alive or in rigor, courgettes (zucchini) in all shapes
and sizes – nothing uniform for the supermarket, each piece unique.
Our guide to the street food of Palermo was Salvatore Agusta, who runs tours
around his city. Sicily has the right climate for street food and enough poor
people and now inquisitive tourists to demand it. He told us there are five key
points to street food:
– It is soft – so it is easy to eat with no cutlery (and possibly, in the past, few
– It has few ingredients – five or six max, so it doesn’t take too much time or
money to make.
– It must be cheap and is usually made or coated with filling carbohydrate.
– It has a historical connotation – each type of street food tells a story of the past.
– It is fresh – the food is usually sold very soon after the final step in making it,
which might be frying it off or putting the meat in the bun.
The word arancine comes from the Italian for oranges since they are the same
colour and shape. They have been made in various forms since the days of Arab
rule and were made originally by the Tuareg, the pastoral nomads, with goat
meat and couscous. It was the chef of Frederick II who replaced the couscous
with rice so that the arancine held together better. Saffron was added as it was
thought to make them last longer. Arancine were taken on hunting expeditions
by the aristocracy so that they could eat without having to light a fire and thus
draw attention to themselves. The chef also covered them in egg and
breadcrumbs to provide further protection and it is this coating that gives the
arancine their crunch. In this way, they are similar to Cornish pasties, as you
were supposed to eat just the inside and discard the crust, which was dirty from
being handled. The Sicilians have a particular kind of rice for this – an old
variety that becomes sticky when cooked. They use the same rice in Spain for
In Palermo, the different flavours are denoted by the shapes: the cones are
spinach, the rounds are mushroom, the oblongs are mozzarella and ham, and the
balls are the original one, the ragu. They are huge and one is enough for a whole
meal. In eastern Sicily, around Catania, the arancine have a more conical shape,
reminiscent of Mount Etna. When the Spanish came they brought their French
chefs, the monzù, and they made more delicate arancine, more like canapés.
The ragu in arancine is a little like the filling for cottage pie. It has minced
(ground) meat, carrots, tomatoes and onions and is a little spicy. It contains a
full-bodied red wine such as the typical Sicilian Nero d’Avola and lots of black
pepper. The béchamel is a binder and helps the ragu hold together. Do play
around with the flavours but a little béchamel is always a good idea. Here we
have made one batch and split it in half for two different flavours. The rice in
Palermo is yellow with saffron and has no tomatoes in it. Good arancine should
have a lot of stuffing. The breadcrumbs should be fine and ideally the balls
should be fried in lard, but seed oil is a good replacement.
Flavours are open to the imagination or what you have left over in the fridge.
At the recently opened Ke Palle, a shop devoted to arancine in Via Maqueda,
Palermo, you will find everything from pistachio, stracchino and speck to prawn
(shrimp), spinach and ricotta, and even sweet ones filled with Nutella or
pistachio cream.
Cook the rice in plenty of lightly salted water for 17–20 minutes or until soft.
Remove from the heat and drain, keeping a little of the cooking water. Mix the
saffron with a couple of tablespoons of the starchy rice cooking water and stir
into the rice with the butter. Taste the rice and adjust the salt and saffron flavours
as necessary. Pour into an open wide bowl and allow the rice to cool quickly.
Don’t keep it out of the fridge for any longer than 1 hour.
To make the béchamel, warm the milk with the bay leaf in a saucepan over a
medium heat. Warm the butter and flour in another saucepan and stir to
combine. Let the flour mixture bubble a little in the pan then pour into the hot
milk and immediately whisk through, keeping the pan over the heat. Season with
salt, pepper and nutmeg. When the sauce starts to thicken, remove the pan from
the heat and divide between two bowls, discarding the bay leaf. Cover both with
cling film (plastic wrap) touching the surface and allow to cool. When cold, stir
the ham, cheeses and peas into one bowl, and the ragu into the other.
Make the coating by mixing the flour with the water and blending until
smooth with a whisk or a stick blender. Set aside in a bowl large enough to dip
in the arancine. Put the breadcrumbs into a separate bowl.
Work the rice through with your hands, squeezing and breaking down the
grains, for around 5 minutes (it’s actually quite therapeutic and enjoyable!). If
you dip your hands in cold water first, the rice will stick less. Weigh out around
120 g (4 oz) of rice and flatten it a little into the palm of your hand. Make a
small well in the centre. Put around 30 g (1 oz) of either the ragu or the cheese
and ham mixture into the hollow, then close the rice around it, squeezing and
pushing the rice together into a ball in your palms. Dip the arancina into the
batter and, as you bring it out, let the batter drain off. Now roll it in the
breadcrumbs. Pick up more breadcrumbs and scatter them over, lightly pressing
them into the surface. Put the arancine straight into hot oil to fry, or finish
making them all before cooking. At this point they can be frozen, but should be
defrosted in a fridge overnight before cooking.
To fry them, heat the oil in a deep-sided saucepan or a deep-fat fryer to around
175°C (347°F) and fry the arancine for 5–7 minutes, or until they turn a deep
orangey-brown. Use a skewer to pierce the arancine through to the centre and
pull them out of the oil. Touch the tip of the skewer to see if it is hot. If it isn’t,
cook the balls for longer. Drain on kitchen paper and eat straight away.
Sauté the cooked spinach in the oil with the garlic and seasoning for a few
minutes. Remove from the heat, discard the garlic and finely chop the spinach.
Put into a bowl and, when cool, add the remaining ingredients and stir to
combine. Fill and cook your arancine as.
These are pop-in-your-mouth, all-in-one-go sized rice balls that are perfect
for a party. Prepare them in advance and keep them in the fridge, then fry
or oven bake the arancine at the last minute to serve warm to guests. By
dipping them in batter and breadcrumbs they will form a crispy coating
which is lovely around the soft rice centres. For ease, especially when
entertaining, you can simply oven bake the arancine. We serve these as
amuse-bouches at our restaurant Caldesi in Campagna, where instead of
crab we often mix the rice with truffle oil, cooked porcini mushrooms or
simply lots of finely grated cheese and chopped herbs. You can also make
them with leftover risotto.
½ quantity of the rice (250 g/9 oz/generous 1 cup) cooked and mixed with
saffron and butter as the recipe for Arancine
300 g (10½ oz) white crab meat (or a mixture of brown and white crab meat)
large handful of parsley, finely chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper
seed oil for frying or extra-virgin olive oil for brushing
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Once the rice has cooled, mix in the
crab meat, parsley and seasoning and form 20 walnut-sized balls. Now either dip
them in the batter and breadcrumbs as in the Arancine recipe, or simply brush
them with a little olive oil and put them on a lightly oiled baking tray. Bake in
the oven for 15–20 minutes or until hot and the oil is slightly bubbling at the
If you wander around any market in Sicily you will see panelle, meaning
‘little breads’, for sale. These chickpea fritters are often served in a bun – so
it will be pane e panelle. Panelle are made from pouring chickpea (gram)
flour into boiling water with salt and sometimes herbs. They are cooked in
vats of bubbling oil for just a few minutes. Tipping them onto a marble slab
(not wood as it is absorbent) means they cool quickly on the cold surface.
Serves 6–8
Brush a standard shallow oven tray with a tablespoon of the olive oil and set
aside. Brush the remaining olive oil over a piece of baking parchment the same
size as the tray and set aside. Put the flour, salt and water into a saucepan and
whisk together well. Put the pan on to the heat and bring to the boil, whisking
continuously. When the mixture starts to thicken and splutter remove from the
heat and add the parsley or fennel seeds. Pour the mixture on to the baking tray
and cover with the oily side of the baking parchment. Press it down all over so
that you have an even layer of chickpea batter around 5 mm (¼ in) thick.
Remove the parchment and set the tray aside to cool and the mixture to set for
30–40 minutes. Cut the cooled mixture into squares approximately 5 x 5 cm (2 x
2 in) for traditional panelle. Heat the oil in a large saucepan or a deep-fat fryer to
175°C (347°F) or hot enough to brown a small piece of bread instantly. Fry the
fritters for about 5 minutes or until golden brown on all sides. Drain on kitchen
paper and sprinkle with a little salt before serving while still warm.
We saw this dish in Ballarò market in Palermo, where a father and son
were a wonderful double act, calling out for people to come and admire
their cheese stall. They had every imaginable local cheese on offer, as well as
a few inventions of the father. He took great pride in asking me to come and
see his tiny oven where he was baking fresh ricotta. The smell alone of
roasting onions and rosemary was enough to draw a crowd. It seemed such
a simple idea I couldn’t wait to get home to try it. It’s brilliant and a recipe
I keep returning to when I have people coming round. Serve the ricotta hot
from the oven with one of the focaccia recipes – it is lovely like this and even
more special with the Sun-dried Tomato & Chilli Relish.
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4) and line a baking tray with baking
parchment (I tear a piece so that it has rough edges and serve the ricotta on a
wooden board on the paper, as it browns lightly in the oven). Drain the ricotta by
tipping out any water from the container and turn it out onto the baking tray.
Gently make a dip in the top of the cheese and scatter over the seasoning,
rosemary and chopped shallot, piling it up on top. Pour over the oil and bake for
20–30 minutes or until lightly browned. Serve with crusty bread.
On pizza,
Baked Sea
bass, pasta
Serves 4–6
Mix the flour, yeast, salt, water and 2 tablespoons of the oil in a mixer with a
whisk attachment at a medium speed or an electric whisk for 10 minutes. Use a
tablespoon of the oil to thoroughly grease a 23–25 cm (9–10 in) round tin and
pour in the dough. Pour the remaining oil over the whole surface so that the
dough can rise in the tin but won’t dry out. You can spread the dough with your
fingers if you dip them in oil first. Leave in a warm place to rise and double in
volume. This could take anywhere between 1 –2 hours, depending on the
warmth of the room. The slower the rise, the better the flavour and larger the
holes in the bread, so it is better not to rush it. You will know the dough is ready
when you press an oiled finger into the surface and it returns back to shape
Meanwhile, fry the onion in the oil over a low heat with the anchovies and a
little black pepper until soft and slightly caramelised. This will take up to 15
minutes – you don’t want the onion to take on any colour but you want the
sweetness to come through. Add the tomatoes, tomato purée and oregano and stir
through. Bring to the boil then simmer for 40 minutes over a medium heat to
allow the sauce to reduce. Transfer to a bowl to cool.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). When the dough is swollen, gently
pour over approximately 150 g (5 oz) of the sauce. Transfer the bread to the
oven and bake for 20 minutes. Scatter over the cheese and continue to bake for a
further 5–10 minutes or until the sauce has started to brown around the edges
and the cheese has melted. Take out of the oven and remove from the tin straight
away. Allow to cool on a rack.
After much experimentation we are really happy with this nutty focaccia. It
even has the typically big holes of traditional focaccia. We love the flavour
of chestnut flour; it offers sweetness to the dough and deepens the colour.
However, if you can’t find it, substitute it with extra gluten-free flour
instead. This recipe can be used to make either the Sicilian Pizza or the
Sicilian Focaccia with Sesame Seeds.
Serves 6–8
Mix the flours, yeast, xantham gum, salt, water, eggs and 1 tablespoon of the oil
in a mixer with a whisk attachment at a medium speed or an electric whisk for
10 minutes. Use a little of the remaining oil to thoroughly grease a 23–25 cm (9–
10 in) round tin and pour in the dough. Pour the rest of the oil over the whole
surface so that the dough can rise in the tin but won’t dry out. You can spread
the oil with your fingers if you dip them in oil first. Scatter over the sesame
seeds and oregano. Leave in a warm place to rise and double in volume. This
could take anywhere between 1–2 hours, depending on the warmth of the room.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Transfer the bread to the oven and
bake for 20 minutes. Take out of the oven and remove from the tin straight
away. Put back into the oven on a rack for 5 minutes to cook through. Remove
from the oven and allow to cool on a rack.
Variation: To make this gluten-free focaccia into the Sicilian Pizza, follow the
instructions adding the sfincione sauce and cheese. When it is cooked, remove it
from the tin and give it 5 more minutes in the oven on a rack to ensure it is
cooked through.
All around the island, round, flattish loaves such as Monreale bread, sesame
seeded loaves or simple focaccia are split in half and filled with the most
delicious combinations. These ‘sandwiches’ used to be poor man’s food and
could be taken to the fields for lunch. Now cafés and wine bars such as the
Enoteca Rossorubino in Cefalù serve them cut into wedges with wonderful local
wines and olives.
Here, Francsco and Mimmo from Osteria Bacchus in Sant’Ambrogio showed
us their favourite combination of sliced tomatoes, mozzarella, lettuce, anchovies
broken into pieces and smeared over the bread, oregano, pepper and salt. It is
important that the bread is not too hard to bite through and it should be
moistened with good olive oil and sliced tomatoes. Or try tinned sardines, a few
anchovies, plenty of chopped parsley and lemon juice or soft goat’s cheese,
sliced tomatoes, rocket (arugula) leaves and the Sun-dried Tomato & Chilli
As our friend Anne Hudson pointed out when we made these together,
every culture has a version of pastry wrapped around a filling, usually
developed to eat as food on the run. Think of the Cornish pasty, the Indian
samosa, the French crêpe or the Mexican burrito. It’s a great way to use up
leftovers such as cooked sausage with onions, roasted vegetables and ricotta
or sautéed mushrooms with cheese and thyme. Our favourite flavour while
experimenting was smoked cheese with the Cherry Tomato Sauce. Scacce,
although available in a couple of shops in Palermo, are not from the same
area. They originate in the south-east of the island and are typical of the
pretty town of Modica. The recipe makes enough for two long rolls of
scacce. We have given the ingredients to make two different fillings. Scacce
keep well in a sealed bag in the fridge and are great to take on picnics.
Put all of the dry ingredients for the dough into the bowl of a mixer and, using a
dough hook, blend together (or do this by hand in a bowl). Add 1 tablespoon of
the olive oil followed by the water, a little at a time, until you have a soft, pliable
dough that leaves the sides of the bowl clean. You may not need all of the water
– it depends upon the absorbency of the flour. If you are making a gluten-free
version, be prepared to add a little more water as necessary. Continue to knead in
the mixer or by hand for 5 minutes. Lightly oil a bowl with 1 teaspoon of the
olive oil, and transfer the ball of dough to it. Cover with cling film (plastic wrap)
and leave to rise for approximately 1–1½ hours at room temperature, or until
doubled in size.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6) and grease a baking tray with 1
teaspoon of the olive oil. Divide the dough in half and roll each half out on a
floured work surface to a rectangle roughly 50 cm (20 in) long and 30 cm (12 in)
wide. It should be just transparent. Patch up any holes or the filling will come
out. Use the rolling pin to help lift both halves, each one onto a floured tea
Use one filling for one dough half, and the other filling for the second one.
Evenly spread the filling ingredients over the dough, starting with either the
ricotta or the Cherry Tomato Sauce and layering up the rest of the ingredients,
leaving a border of around 2 cm (¾ in) clear around the edges. Drizzle the olive
oil over the filling and fold in the clean edges. Lift one long edge of the tea towel
and roll up the pastry like a fat, slightly flattened Swiss roll and place on the
baking tray. It should be around 6 cm (2½ in) wide. Wipe the surface with the
remaining oil using your fingers. Put into the oven straight away and bake for 35
minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool a little before eating. It can be
cooled completely and eaten cold, but it never makes it to that stage in our house
– it’s just too tempting.
In the market in Ortigia I met an Australian woman enjoying a late breakfast of a
glass of mellow white wine and a board of antipasti: tiny samples of the local
food, such as caponata, the sweet and sour vegetable dish served in various
guises all over the island, accompanied by panelle (the Chickpea Fritters),
locally sun-dried tomatoes, olives, sliced meats and cheeses, and, typically, a
hunk of Sicilian Focaccia with Sesame Seeds. The idea of eating several dishes
at one sitting dates back to Roman times in Sicily and has changed little since.
During the period of the Bourbons, the Sicilian people couldn’t afford meat
and substituted fish for the meat in meatballs. Actually, it was probably far
healthier than the meat version and full of nutritious omega-3 fatty acids
and vitamins. Sardine patties are great for party canapés, served at room
temperature with a squeeze of lemon just before serving. Alternatively, they
can be made into the size of small hamburgers and served warm with the
Orange & Fennel Salad, the Sweet & Sour Onions or in the Cherry Tomato
Sauce as a starter or main course. Traditionally, they are deep-fried but
they work well fried in just a little oil in a non-stick frying pan; or you could
bake them in the oven to be healthier. Don’t be put off using tinned sardines
– they are as healthy as fresh and a great way to use this inexpensive source
of protein.
Cut the flesh of the fresh sardines into small pieces no bigger than 5 mm (¼ in),
discarding the spines and heads. If using tinned, drain them and roughly mash
with a fork. Mix the sardines with the rest of the ingredients (except the seed oil
or olive oil for brushing).
Test the flavour of the patties by making just one to begin with. Form the
mixture into a ball in your hands, approximately 3 cm (1¼ in) across. Flatten it
slightly and fry it in a little oil on both sides until lightly golden and cooked
through. Taste and adjust the seasoning and flavours of the remaining mixture as
necessary. Make up the rest of the patties and fry in batches in more oil as
To cook them in the oven, space them out on a baking tray lined with baking
parchment and brush with a little olive oil. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C
(350°F/Gas 4) for 15–20 minutes or until cooked through.
1 onion, cut in half from root to tip and thinly sliced into half-moons
25 g (1 oz/2 tablespoons) salted or unsalted butter
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
150 g (5 oz) artichokes from a jar in oil, drained
200 g (7 oz) young fresh or frozen broad (fava) beans
200 g (7 oz) fresh or frozen peas
500 ml (17 fl oz/2¼ cups) chicken or vegetable stock or hot water
large handful (approximately 30 g/1 oz) of finely chopped green herbs such as
wild fennel, parsley, celery leaves, dill, mint
2 teaspoons red or white wine vinegar
100 g (3½ oz) baby spinach (optional)
Fry the onion in the butter and half of the oil with the seasoning over a medium
heat until soft. Add the rest of the ingredients (except the spinach) and bring to
the boil. Turn the heat down to a simmer and continue to cook for around 15
minutes. This might seem longer than usual for young vegetables but cooking
them for longer brings out the sweetness and improves the whole dish. Towards
the end of cooking, stir in the spinach leaves to wilt, if using. Serve hot or at
room temperature with the remaining olive oil swirled over the top.
I have always wondered what to do with the long, slim red peppers that
appear in the shops in summer. We ate these delicious peppers stuffed with
a meat filling as part of antipasti cooked by our friend Mimmo at Osteria
Bacchus, in Sant’Ambrogio, perched on a hill just outside Cefalù. I love
herbs and have included a huge handful in this recipe, but don’t feel it has
to be made up solely of parsley – a mixture of leaves, such as rocket
(arugula), oregano, basil or celery, would do just as well.
Preheat the oven to 240°C (475°F/Gas 9). Boil the rice in salted water for 25–30
minutes until soft. Rinse in a sieve under cold running water to cool, and set
aside to drain. Meanwhile, fry the onion with some seasoning in the oil in a non-
stick frying pan until soft – this should take around 10 minutes. Transfer the
onion to a plate and allow to cool. Put all the stuffing ingredients into a bowl and
mix well with your hands. Test the mixture by rolling a small patty and frying it
in a pan with a little seed oil. If you are happy with the taste of the mixture go
ahead and stuff the peppers, or adjust the seasoning and add more cheese and
then continue.
Halve the peppers around the middle and use your fingers to pull the seeds
and core out of each cavity. Stuff the insides with the mixture. Make up any
leftover mixture into walnut-sized meatballs and cook alongside the peppers
(these are ideal for fussy children who don’t like peppers – not mentioning any
names!). Place on a baking tray and roast for 12–15 minutes or until the peppers
are lightly blackened and the pork is cooked through. To test this, pierce one of
the peppers with a skewer and make sure the juices that run out are clear and not
pink, or use a probe thermometer and check the internal temperature has reached
75°C (167°F). Allow to cool a little before serving. The peppers can be eaten as
they are with a salad, with the Sicilian Chips or a vegetable dish, or cut into rings
and served as canapés.
Pat Frustaci’s grandmother Rosina Alongi was born in Sicily and emigrated
to the US in the early 1900s. She cooked every day, even when she turned
101. According to her, the true Italian dish was aubergine (eggplant)
parmigiana. She liked to claim that Sicilians created the dish because of the
abundance of aubergines grown in the region, but offered the possibility
that it was invented in Parma, Italy, where the cheese originated. Pat’s
guess is that even today the two regions are probably still arguing over the
ownership of this fabulous dish.
This is Giancarlo’s version, which we sell in our restaurant Caffè Caldesi.
We don’t fry the aubergines or coat them in breadcrumbs as we find our
customers prefer the lighter version (and this way the recipe is gluten-free).
However, you will see variations on a theme throughout Sicily: some recipes
use a batter or breadcrumbs, and others simply fry the aubergines after a
light dusting in flour. There is no need to salt the long purple variety as any
bitterness was bred out of them years ago.
Serves 8
6 aubergines (eggplants), topped and tailed and cut lengthways into 1 cm (½ in)
thick, even slices
100 ml (3½ fl oz/scant ½ cup) extra-virgin olive oil for brushing
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 quantity of Cherry Tomato Sauce, blended until smooth
250 g (9 oz) cow’s milk mozzarella, drained and cut into 5 mm (¼ in) cubes
100 g (3½ oz) Parmesan, finely grated
20 basil leaves
Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7) and line a baking tray with baking
parchment. Brush the aubergine slices with the olive oil and season lightly and
evenly on both sides. Lay them on the baking tray and roast in the oven for 12–
15 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from the oven and turn the heat
down to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4).
Pour one-quarter of the tomato sauce into an ovenproof dish measuring
approximately 25 x 25 cm (10 x 10 in) and lay over one-quarter of the aubergine
slices. Top with a quarter of the mozzarella, Parmesan and basil leaves. Repeat
three times more, finishing with a layer of the two cheeses. Bake in the oven for
45–60 minutes.
Mix the ingredients together in a bowl and adjust the seasoning to taste.
I bought a tub of this useful paste at the market in Ortigia. The lady at the
stand explained how it could be used. It makes a lovely relish to eat with the
Ricotta with Basil recipe above and hot sourdough toast, or you can spread
a layer onto a fillet of fish before grilling, spoon over roasted cauliflower
florets or simply stir into pasta and top with finely grated pecorino or
Parmesan cheese (see the photo). The fennel seeds and chilli give a little
spice and heat to the paste.
Serves 6 for fish and 12 for crostini with Ricotta with Basil (above)
Soak the fennel seeds in hot water for 10 minutes to soften, then drain. Chop the
seeds, tomatoes and chilli together on a board with a large cook’s knife until you
have a coarse paste. Spoon the paste into a bowl and add the oil. Taste and add a
little salt if necessary. You probably won’t need any as sun-dried tomatoes are
salted when dried.
Wild leaves such as chard, chicory, rocket (arugula) and other nutritious
herbs are collected in bundles by foraging Sicilians. We might not be so
lucky to find wild alternatives here in the UK, so you will be pleased to
know a bag of spinach leaves freshly gathered from the local supermarket
will suffice. In the right season, I find this an ideal way to use up my rather
dog-eared spinach or chard from our garden glut. Alternatively, use the soft
leaves from young spring greens or a mixture of them all. The recipe comes
from our friend Ada, who runs the beautiful hotel Monaci delle Terre Nere
on the slopes of Mount Etna. They grow their own organic vegetables on the
fertile black earth. Ada loves healthy Mediterranean recipes and makes this
pie without a pastry crust, which is why it’s ‘naked’!
Serves 4
Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3) and butter a 24 cm (9½ in) loose-
bottomed cake tin or line a flan tin with baking parchment.
Bring a large pot of water to the boil while you wash the chard. When the
water is boiling, salt it generously and add the chard leaves. Blanch the chard for
5 minutes (if you are using spinach instead it might only need a minute or two),
drain thoroughly and chop medium-fine. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and
add the garlic. Fry for just 30 seconds, making sure the garlic doesn’t burn, then
add the chard. Fry for a couple of minutes, tossing frequently to coat the chard in
the garlicky oil, and season to taste. Remove from the heat, transfer to a large
mixing bowl and set aside.
Blend together the eggs, goat’s cheese, grana padano and some seasoning.
You can do this in a bowl with a fork or much more quickly in a food processor.
Stir in the chard to combine.
Pour into the prepared tin and bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes or
until firm to the touch. Allow to cool for 5 minutes, then remove the pie from the
tin. Eat straight away or allow to come to room temperature. The pie is lovely
with a light salad, on its own with bread or served with the Cherry Tomato
Serves 8
2 large aubergines (eggplants)
sunflower oil for deep-frying or 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil for roasting
salt and ground white or black pepper
1 onion, cut in half from root to tip and thinly sliced into half-moons
1 garlic clove, peeled and lightly crushed
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 celery heart and leaves, roughly cut in 1 cm (½ in) cubes
50 g (2 oz/¼ cup) stoned green olives, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons capers in salt, rinsed
200 g (7 oz/1 cup) tinned whole tomatoes, roughly chopped
2 heaped tablespoons caster (superfine) sugar
3–4 tablespoons white wine vinegar
To serve
cocoa powder
toasted almonds or pine nuts
a few mint leaves
Top and tail the aubergines, removing a few strips of the skin along the length of
each one as Vincenzo thinks too much skin makes the caponata bitter and
chewy. Cut them into 2 cm (¾ in) cubes. Either deep-fry them in the sunflower
oil until crisp and light brown, then drain on kitchen paper. Or, if roasting, toss
the aubergines in a bowl with the 2 tablespoons of olive oil and some salt and
pepper, then spread them out on a baking tray lined with baking parchment and
cook in a preheated oven at 180°C (350°F/Gas 4) for around 20 minutes or until
crisp at the edges and golden brown.
Sweat the onion and garlic in the 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a large frying
pan with the celery, some salt and pepper and a little water over a low flame
with the lid on. Check and stir frequently until the onion is soft – this will
probably take 15–20 minutes.
Add the olives, capers and tomatoes to the celery in the frying pan and stir
through. Turn up the heat to bring the mixture to a boil and add the sugar and 3
tablespoons of the vinegar. Stir and let the vinegar evaporate for 5 minutes.
Taste and adjust the balance accordingly for sweet and sour, adding more
vinegar if necessary. Remove the garlic.
Pour the celery mixture over the fried aubergines and allow the dish to come
to room temperature before serving. The flavour improves further if it is
refrigerated overnight and reheated the next day. However, always allow the
caponata to come to room temperature before serving, and add a scattering of
cocoa powder, toasted nuts or mint leaves as you wish.
Raw fish dishes are enjoyed all over Italy as so much of the country lies on
the coast. To eat fish raw it should be very fresh or previously commercially
frozen at very low temperatures – this process kills any parasites, if you are
concerned. We asked the chef-patron Carlo, at Apollonion restaurant in
Ortigia, what was important about pesce crudo dishes. ‘You must taste the
fish and not the vinegar,’ he told us; the marinade should be leggera, weak,
so as not to dominate the subtle flavour of the fish straight from the market
that morning. This recipe from Caterina Valentino at Il Palladio restaurant
in Giardini Naxos features the ubiquitous salmoriglio dressing used for
cooked fish as well as raw. Try adding little cubes of fruit such as peach,
melon or strawberry give it a summery feel. The lemon juice ‘cooks’ thinly
cut fish in minutes, turning it from translucent pinkish grey to opaque
Serves 6 as a starter
1 red onion, very finely sliced into rings
4 × 125 g (4 oz) fillets of very fresh sea bream, sea bass or haddock, pin-boned
and skinned
¼–½ red chilli, according to taste, finely chopped
small handful of mint leaves, roughly chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 quantity of Salmoriglio dressing
Put the red onion slices into a bowl of cold water for around 15 minutes to
reduce their strength of flavour. Slice the fish with a sharp knife at a 45 degree
angle across the fillet so that you end up with pieces about 3 mm (⅛ in) thick.
Lay the slices onto serving plates. Drain the onions and briefly dry on kitchen
paper. Scatter the onions, chilli and mint over the fish. At this point, the plates
can be stored in the fridge.
When ready to serve, season the fish evenly and pour over the dressing. Leave
it for around 5 minutes at room temperature. The longer you leave the dressing
on the fish, the more it will be ‘cooked’ by the acidity, so serve straight away or
leave a little longer for a more ‘cooked’ texture.
Serves 4
Heat a non-stick pan over a high heat. Mash the anchovies, oregano and zest
with a fork in a small bowl with the oil until you have a paste. Cut the cheese
into 1 cm (½ in) slices. Dry-fry the slices in the hot pan until lightly blackened
on one side. Turn the slices over and brush on a thin layer of the anchovy paste
while the slices are still in the pan. When the underside is just blackened, remove
from the pan and serve straight away with fresh crusty bread and, if you have
some, the Roast Peppers Palermo Style.
A bowl of velvety soup warms and fills you up and is like a big cuddle. Soups
made from grains, legumes, vegetables and wild greens have been on the staple
peasant menu for centuries when there was little else available. It was probably a
very healthy way to eat even if it did leave them yearning for meat and fish.
Beans have always been referred to as poor man’s meat, because they are a rich
source of protein. Now pasta is such a big part of the Mediterranean diet, there is
a choice of soup or pasta as primi piatti, first course.
Above: Broad Bean & Fennel Seed Soup. Below: Chickpea & Apple Soup
Dried broad (fava) beans have a distinctive, earthy flavour and a velvety
texture unlike their former fresh selves. Do try them, I think the taste is
perfectly lovely. In the south of Italy you can find a broad been purée
probably introduced by the Romans, cooked from dried like this and served
with the wilted green vegetable cicoria, another wonderful combination and
easily reproduced with spinach.
In Sicily, you will see the word maccu on menus all over the island; it
comes from the word macare, to squash. Broad beans have been a staple of
the peasant diet for centuries since they can be eaten fresh and raw in
spring with young soft cheeses, boiled briefly through summer and dried for
use in autumn and winter. In this case, dried broad beans are soaked
overnight, then boiled and squashed to make a mash. If you use split broad
beans they will have already been peeled and will take less time to cook.
Leave it rough and ready like the ancient peasant soup that it was, or purée
it for a sophisticated starter like our friend Marco Piraino, who showed me
this recipe. He garnishes it with chopped samphire, drops of good olive oil
and a little lemon zest.
To make it more filling (it’s already pretty substantial!), put toasted
bread drizzled with olive oil into soup bowls and ladle the soup on top, or
leave the soup a little rough and mix in some just-cooked short pasta. The
maccu sets firm when cold and can be cut into slices, breaded and fried.
Use 3 Ways
As a
soup, sliced &
Serves 6
500 g (1 lb 2 oz/2 cups) dried broad (fava) beans, with or without skins
1 white onion, cut in half
2 teaspoons fennel seeds, roughly crushed in a pestle and mortar
1 celery stalk, finely sliced
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1.6 litres (54 fl oz/6¾ cups) water
4 tablespoons white wine
salt, to taste
To serve
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
a little chopped samphire or finely grated lemon zest
freshly ground black pepper
Cover the beans in cold water and soak overnight. The following day, drain the
beans and discard the water. Slip the beans from their skins if not already peeled.
Put all the ingredients together in a medium saucepan and bring to the boil.
Turn the heat to low and let the beans bubble away until they are tender and
easily squashed, up to 2 hours, adding a little more water if necessary. Keep a
couple of tablespoons of the whole beans to one side for garnish. Purée the soup
as much or as little as you like with a stick blender. Pour into warm bowls and
garnish with the reserved beans, a swirl of olive oil and the lemon zest or
chopped samphire. Finish with a twist of black pepper.
As a vegetable side dish
As the beans are cooking, don’t add extra water but let the mixture become
thick. Purée the mixture to a rough or smooth texture and use it as you would
mashed potato. In the south of Italy you will often see this served with garlicky
sautéed spinach or chard leaves on top.
For sliced maccu
After blending the soup pour it into a lined loaf tin and allow to cool. Put it into
the fridge overnight and it will set firm. It can then be cut into 1.5 cm (½ in)
slices and dipped in flour, egg and breadcrumbs (like the Chicken Parmigiana)
and fried in hot oil until browned. Drain it on kitchen paper and serve straight
away, dusted in a little salt.
Serves 6
Cover the chickpeas in cold water and soak overnight. The following day drain
them and discard the water. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the leek for 5
minutes over a medium heat until softened, then add the rest of the ingredients
and stir through. Cook until the chickpeas are soft, which should take around 1½
hours but could be up to 2½ hours depending on how old they are. Add a little
more hot water if it starts to dry out. You can blend the soup as much or as little
as you like with a stick blender in the saucepan. Check the seasoning and adjust
as necessary. Pour the soup into warm bowls and finish with a swirl of good
olive oil and a twist of black pepper.
Serves 6–8
Fry the onion, celery and carrots in the oil and chicken fat (if using) in a large
saucepan over a medium heat until they start to soften. Season well with salt and
pepper and the chilli flakes, if using. In a small bowl soften the estrattu with a
little of the warm stock. Add to the pan with the remaining stock, the rice,
tomatoes, bay leaves and rind of Parmesan, if using. Use a potato masher to
break up the tomatoes to a pulp. Leave to cook for around 25 minutes or until the
rice is cooked and softened.
Meanwhile, make the breadcrumbs for the topping. Preheat the oven to 180°C
(350°F/Gas 4). Whizz the parsley with the bread, garlic and some seasoning in a
food processor to make fine breadcrumbs. Pour them into a bowl and stir
through the Parmesan and olive oil. Spread onto a baking tray and cook in the
oven for 5–7 minutes or until the breadcrumbs become crunchy. Remove from
the oven and tip onto a plate to cool.
When the rice is cooked, stir in the spinach leaves – they will wilt easily in the
heat. Serve the soup in warmed bowls topped with the breadcrumbs.
Serves 6–8
We saw these tiny meatballs ready-made and for sale in a butcher’s shop in
Scicli. The butcher explained they were for a soup. I thought it sounded
delicious. Also in Scicli is La Grotta, a cave-dwelling restaurant, where we
ate this fabulous soup and begged the owner Angelo for his recipe. This is a
meal in its own right, particularly if you serve it with hunks of crusty bread
or add 75 g (2½ oz) rice or tiny pasta shapes such as stelline, ‘little stars’, to
the stock. You can add vegetables if you like, and you can stir in spinach
leaves or shredded kale at the end for a green finale.
First make the stock by frying the vegetables with the herbs, and the bones if you
have them, in the oil until lightly browned and just starting to stick on the bottom
of the saucepan. Pour in the water and bring to the boil. Turn the heat down to
medium and let the stock simmer gently while you make the meatballs. Remove
the rosemary after 20 minutes.
Combine the ingredients for the meatballs in a bowl with your hands. If you
are using cooked meat or stuffing, you may need a second egg to bind the
mixture together. Make one small meatball and flatten slightly. Fry it in a frying
pan with a little of the oil and taste to make sure you are happy with the
seasoning. If not, adjust the mixture accordingly. Then make up the rest of the
meatballs – they should be just smaller than a walnut as they swell in the broth
when cooking. Remove the bones, if using, from the broth with a pair of tongs
and discard.
Fry the meatballs briefly in the remaining oil until browned all over then lift
out with a slotted spoon and add to the stock. Cook for 15–20 minutes until the
meatballs are cooked through. Taste the broth and adjust the seasoning as
To make the breadcrumbs, whizz the ingredients together in a food processor
until they have a coarse, sandy texture. Season to taste and whizz again. The
breadcrumbs can be mixed with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and fried or
oven baked for a crunchy texture or left soft.
Serve the soup in warm bowls with the green breadcrumbs and Parmesan on
the side, ready to sprinkle over.
Any well-travelled vegetarian will tell you Sicily offers no problems for the
plant-based eater. So many interesting dishes are constructed purely from
Salmoriglio is used all over Sicily, mainly for dressing fish, and each cook
has their own special way of making it. We loved this version made by
Caterina at the Palladio hotel in Giardini Naxos; she uses it on courgettes
(zucchini) thinly sliced into almost transparent ribbons, but you could
spiralise them if you have the gadget. This sauce has revolutionised the way
we eat vegetables – you can use it over steamed cauliflower, carrot ribbons,
mangetout (snow peas) or sugar snap peas. The salting and sauce allow the
vegetables to keep well in the fridge for a couple of days and they make a
really healthy and delicious snack when you are feeling peckish. The
salmoriglio sauce will keep for up to four days.
Serves 4–6
Wash the courgettes and trim away the tops and tails. Use a potato peeler to slice
them into ribbons. I usually do this until it becomes hard to hold them, then I lay
the courgettes on a board and continue to scrape away without the fear of injury.
Put the ribbons into a bowl with the salt and lemon juice. Toss with your hands
to combine and set aside for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the dressing. Finely chop the parsley and garlic together on
a board with a large cook’s knife and put into a bowl. Pour over 3 tablespoons of
boiling water and add the oregano. Use the back of a spoon to press the herbs
and garlic down in the water – this helps to release the essential oils and adds to
the flavour. Pour in the oil and set aside to cool.
Take the courgettes from their bowl and give them a gentle squeeze in your
fist to rid them of excess water. Put them into a large mixing bowl. Pour over the
dressing and, using tongs, toss to combine. Serve straight away on a platter and
sprinkle over a little freshly crushed black pepper.
Serves 4–6
Finely chop the anchovies and garlic together on a board. Heat the oil in a large
frying pan and fry the anchovy mixture over a low heat for a few minutes until
the anchovies dissolve. Do keep the heat low so as not to burn the garlic.
Meanwhile, parboil the cauliflower for 3 minutes in boiling salted water.
Drain and add to the frying pan. Keep tossing the cauliflower so that the florets
are well covered with the anchovy mixture and cook for about 5 minutes, taking
care not to let it burn, then add the wine and bring to the boil.
Add the tomato purée, stock and black pepper. Boil again for a couple of
minutes, then stir in the butter and, when melted, reduce the temperature to a
slow simmer for 10–15 minutes until the cauliflower is cooked through. Check
the seasoning and add more pepper and some salt if necessary. Stir in the parsley
and serve.
Serves 4–6
2 aubergines (eggplants)
5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
50 g (2 oz) blanched, unblanched or flaked almonds
1 shallot, finely chopped
3 tablespoons tomato purée (tomato paste)
150 ml (5 fl oz/⅔ cup) water
2 tablespoons white or red wine vinegar
3 tablespoons caster (superfine) sugar small handful of mint leaves, to serve
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6) and line a baking tray with baking
parchment. Top and tail the aubergines, cut into finger-size sticks and place in a
large bowl. Drizzle over 2 tablespoons of the oil and toss to coat with a little
seasoning. Lay the aubergine sticks on the baking tray and roast in the oven for
15–20 minutes until browned at the edges and soft. Toast the almonds in a dry
frying pan (skillet) or a hot oven for up to 10 minutes or until golden brown and
set aside to cool before roughly chopping.
Meanwhile, fry the shallot in the remaining oil in a frying pan until soft and
then add the tomato purée, water, vinegar, sugar and some salt. Bring to the boil
and then turn down the heat to low and simmer, uncovered, for around 20
minutes. It is really important to adjust the balance of sweet and sour to your
taste as well as the amount of salt. Remove the sauce from the heat and add the
aubergines, stir through and serve straight away or allow to cool to room
temperature. Scatter over the almonds and mint leaves before serving.
Serves 6–8
2 red and 2 yellow (bell) peppers, seeded and cut into thin strips
1 onion, cut in half from root to tip and thinly sliced into half-moons
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 tablespoons pine nuts
4 tablespoons raisins
30 g (1 oz) Pecorino Siciliano or Parmesan, finely grated
30 g (1 oz/scant ⅓ cup) fine dry breadcrumbs (can be gluten-free)
1 tablespoon dried oregano
Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3) and line a baking tray with baking
parchment. Mix the peppers, onion, oil, some seasoning, pine nuts and raisins
together in a bowl to combine. Pour the mixture onto the baking tray and cook in
the oven for 40–45 minutes or until it is slightly crisp.
Meanwhile, stir the cheese, breadcrumbs and oregano together and 5 minutes
before the end of the cooking time remove the tray from the oven and scatter
over the peppers. Give a rough stir through and put back into the oven to brown.
When the peppers are slightly browned on the edges and soft the dish is ready to
serve, either piping hot or cooled to room temperature.
Serves 4–6
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6) and line a baking tray with baking
parchment. Toss the ingredients together in a bowl and spread them out evenly
on the baking tray. Bake for 30–35 minutes or until golden brown and cooked
through. Remove from the oven and transfer to a warm serving dish. Serve hot.
Serves 6
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). In a bowl toss the pumpkin in 3
tablespoons of the oil and add some seasoning. Lay the wedges on a baking tray
in a single layer and roast in the oven for up to 30–35 minutes or until they are
lightly browned and soft all the way through. Remove from the oven and use
tongs to transfer the pumpkin to a shallow serving dish.
Pour any leftover oil from the tray into a frying pan and add the remaining oil.
Add the garlic to the pan and fry gently over a medium heat for a few minutes.
Add most of the mint to the pan, keeping aside a little for garnish. Pour in the
caster sugar and vinegar and allow them to bubble for a couple of minutes. Taste
the sauce to check the balance of sweet and sour, and adjust accordingly. Pour
over the pumpkin wedges and allow the dish to sit at room temperature for at
least 1 hour before serving. The pumpkin will keep in the fridge for around 3
days but do bring it to room temperature before serving, scattered with the
remaining mint.
Sicilians love their cruciferous vegetables and throughout the year there will
always be one available such as broccoli, cauliflower or Romanesco. This
crunchy topping will work with any of these. My favourite is purple
sprouting broccoli as it is full of flavour, cooks quickly and makes its
welcome first appearance in late winter/early spring while most other young
greens are still fast asleep.
Serves 6–8
Serves 6–8
Serves 4–6
1 large red or white onion or 5 spring onions, cut into very small dice
4 oranges
1 large lemon
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons white wine
small handful of finely chopped parsley leaves and thin stalks
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Soak the onion in cold water for 15 minutes – this will dispel the strong flavour.
Meanwhile, prepare the rest of the salad. On a board and using a sharp knife,
peel and cut away the pith from the oranges. Cut out the segments from between
the membrane and let them fall on to a large serving dish. Do the same with the
lemon but cut the segments into four and scatter them over the oranges. Pour
over the oil and white wine and evenly scatter over the parsley and season to
This is a really quick salad to throw together and enjoy as a starter or after
a main course. Almost any melon will work for this recipe, depending on the
season. Do pick one that is ripe and has plenty of flavour. You can usually
tell this by smelling the top of it. If there is no scent, choose another one or
wait until it ripens. You need a really good, peppery olive oil for this – the
flavour with the orange and melon is worth the expense.
Serves 6
1 melon (approximately 1–1.5 kg/2 lb 3 oz–3 lb 5 oz), peeled, seeded and cut
into 2 cm (¾ in) thick wedges
2 oranges
2 tablespoons small and torn large mint leaves
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil handful of walnuts, roughly crushed in a
pestle and mortar
1 teaspoon finely grated orange zest
finely grated zest of ½ lemon salt, to taste
2 teaspoons pink peppercorns, roughly crushed
soup, salad,
toast topping
Serves 6–8
Cover the beans in cold water and soak overnight. The following day, drain the
beans, discard the water and put the beans into a large saucepan with twice the
volume of cold water, the sage leaves and garlic. Bring to the boil and then
reduce to a simmer and cook for 2–2½ hours or until soft. Top up with hot water
as necessary. If the skins remain tough after this time add a teaspoon of
bicarbonate of soda and cook for 5 minutes more. Drain and throw away the
water. Discard the sage leaves and garlic. Put the beans into a large bowl and set
Add 2 tablespoons of the oil to a frying pan and fry the onion with the celery
stalks but not the leaves over a low heat for around 10 minutes or until the onion
has softened. Stir through the capers and olives to coat in the cooking juices and
cook for a couple of minutes. Remove from the heat and add to the beans,
stirring to mix.
Make a dressing by combining the vinegar, the remaining oil and some
seasoning. Mix with the beans and leave to cool. When the beans are at room
temperature, stir through the parsley, celery leaves and anchovies. Taste and
adjust the seasoning as necessary and maybe add a couple more anchovies if you
like their flavour. Serve straight away.
Variations: Add a tin of sustainably caught tuna or some roasted red or yellow
(bell) peppers.
This traditional Sicilian salad of fennel and orange is served all over the
island. I like to add chicken as I think it makes a wonderful, light salad for
lunch or on a hot summer’s night. Alternatively, serve the salad with grilled
fish. Pick a strong-flavoured, fruity extra-virgin olive oil for this salad – it
makes all the difference. Try to find Sicilian oranges, if you can, for their
natural sweetness or choose blood oranges when in season. See the photo.
Serves 4
3 oranges
2 white fennel bulbs, woody ends and tough outer leaves removed, finely sliced
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
small handful of pistachios, roughly chopped
small handful of wild fennel or dill sprigs
salt and freshly ground black pepper
handful of pitted green olives, roughly chopped (optional)
½ green chilli, finely chopped (optional)
Peel 2 of the oranges and cut out the segments. Do this over a bowl to catch the
juices. Cut the remaining orange into very thin slices. Put all the ingredients into
the bowl and season to taste. Arrange on a serving platter and decorate with the
orange slices.
Variation: Add 400 g (14 oz) cooked chicken, torn into shreds, for a main
course salad.
Serves 4–6
Cook the beans for 4–5 minutes in boiling salted water. Drain and rinse under
cold running water to cool quickly. Pour into a bowl and add the rest of the
ingredients, seasoning to taste. Serve straight away, or up to a day later, at room
temperature. The flavours meld together after around 30 minutes.
Variation: Older, larger beans can be used but boil them for up to 7 minutes
until tender and squeeze them out of their tough skins.
Pasta is a feeling as well as a fuel. Few plates are more eagerly awaited and
satisfying than a bowl of hot pasta. You know how you are going to feel
Pasta made from flour is a blend of protein and carbohydrate and, with the
addition of a sauce containing protein such as a ragu, it will sustain you for a
good few hours. Just remember, in Italy they serve small portions as it is eaten as
a starter. Giancarlo and our son Giorgio were devastated when they were told
they could no longer eat foods with gluten, but now we have found good brands
of gluten-free dried pasta and we make our own fresh pasta, so life has pretty
much returned to normal.
Wheat was grown in Sicily before the Arab invasion. In fact, pasta was first
introduced to Italy by the Arabs at the beginning of the 12th century, long before
Marco Polo travelled to the East, which blows the myth that he brought the idea
back to Venice. The term ‘maccheroni’ probably comes from the Sicilian word
‘maccarruna’, and it referred to short tubular pasta.
The first tomato sauce recipe dates from the late 18th century – a 1790
cookbook, L’Apicio Moderno. Before tomato sauce was added, pasta was eaten
dry with the fingers. It was the liquid sauce that demanded the use of a fork.
Above: Penne with Sun-dried Tomato & Chilli Relish. Centre: Pesto from Trapani.
Below: Pistachio Pesto.
This makes a light, delicate sauce normally used for pasta but which is also
good on fried fish or spread onto hot sourdough toast. This is the way our
friend Marco Piraino prepares this traditional sauce. It is usually made
without the aubergines (eggplants) but we loved the extra flavour and
texture they offer. Use this sauce with fresh or dried pasta. In Sicily it is
often served with the curly busiate pasta.
Use 3 Ways
On pasta, with
fried fish, on
Make a cross in the top of each tomatoe and then plunge them into a bowl of
just-boiled water for a minute or two until the skins split. Remove from the hot
water with a slotted spoon and plunge into a bowl of ice-cold water to cool for a
few minutes. Meanwhile, blitz the almonds in a food processor to a gritty texture
and heat enough seed oil to deep-fry the aubergine in a small saucepan. Fry the
aubergine cubes until lightly browned and then remove from the oil with a
slotted spoon. Set aside to drain on kitchen paper for a few minutes to cool.
Peel the skins from the tomatoes and discard the skins. Chop the flesh into
small dice. Put the garlic, salt and pepper to taste, Parmesan, basil and olive oil
together in a pestle and mortar. Grind until you have a rough paste, then add the
almonds and tomatoes; give them a bash with the pestle then stir through. Add
the aubergine last and stir to combine. Stir into hot cooked dried pasta, such as
the busiate in the photo opposite (centre).
We met a couple of passionate Sicilians selling jars of this in Ragusa Ibla.
They told us you could fry some onion and bacon together and add the
pistachio paste. You could also add it to a pan with sautéed prawns
(shrimp), before adding pasta and little grated lemon zest. Or stir in a little
cream to enrich it as a pasta sauce. I was sold and bought a jar. However, it
is actually easy to make your own and you can alter the flavourings to suit.
The best pistachios in Sicily come from the area of Bronte in the hills. I have
found that the best flavour comes from the kind you shell at home, but I
don’t suggest you sit for hours slavishly picking them apart. However, a few
of these, roughly chopped, on top of the pasta will enhance the taste and
texture of the dish.
Use 3 Ways
On pasta, with
prawns, on
Put the pistachios into a food processor and grind to the texture of fine gravel.
Add the remaining ingredients and whizz briefly again. Taste and adjust the
seasoning. Use straight away, or store in the fridge covered with a thin layer of
oil for up to a week. To use, stir into hot, just-cooked pasta (see photo).
Serves 4
500 g (1 lb 2 oz) Romanesco or white cauliflower
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
3 anchovy fillets in oil, drained
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon currants or small raisins
1 tablespoon pine nuts
pinch of saffron strands
salt and freshly ground black pepper
handful of dry breadcrumbs or finely grated Parmesan, to serve (optional)
Cut the Romanesco or cauliflower into florets and discard the leaves (you can
use these too if you have lots of them). Plunge them into salted boiling water and
cook until just tender when pierced with a fork. Get a large bowl of iced water
ready. Remove the florets with a slotted spoon and drop them into the chilled
water to cool and to keep their colour. Retain the cooking water.
Drain the Romanesco and use your hands to break the florets into smaller
pieces. Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) and fry the onion and anchovies until
just softened. Add the Romanesco, bay leaf, currants and pine nuts, then top up
with the Romanesco cooking water to cover. Soften the saffron strands in a
tablespoon of hot water and stir into the pan. Break up the Romanesco with a
wooden spoon so that the sauce becomes dense and creamy. Taste and adjust the
seasoning as necessary. Eat as it is or with cooked dried pasta, sprinkled with
breadcrumbs or Parmesan, if you like.
This meaty, as opposed to tomatoey, ragu makes the ideal filling for the
Arancine and is perfect with pasta too. Longer-cooking and fattier minced
(ground) beef will give you a better, richer flavour, as the sauce
concentrates, but when time is short this version is perfectly fine. Estrattu is
a rich, concentrated tomato paste which is very important in Sicilian
cooking. Many people still make their own in summer with the abundance
of cheap, ripe tomatoes. You will see mounds of it for sale in the markets.
Do bring some home and use it in place of tomato purée, but it is salty so be
careful with additional seasoning.
Serves 8
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the carrot, celery, onion and garlic over a
medium heat until softened, around 5 minutes. Add the minced beef and stir
through for a couple of minutes, then add the tomato purée, red wine, two good
pinches of salt and the ground cloves. Cook for around 10 minutes, stirring
frequently with a wooden spoon to break up the meat. Taste and adjust the
seasoning as necessary.
Serves 8–10
Brown the meat in batches in the oil in a large casserole dish over a medium
heat, setting it aside in a large bowl when done. Add the onions to the pan in the
remaining oil with the garlic, bay leaves, rosemary and seasoning and cook over
a gentle heat to soften. It should take 7-10 minutes. Add the meat back into the
pan with the wine and bring to the boil. Allow to reduce for few minutes. Add
the tomato purée, tomatoes and stock and stir to combine.
Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer and allow to cook slowly
for 4–5 hours. The time will depend upon the cut of meat and the size. You need
to cook it until the meat falls easily from the bones. Add the potatoes after
around 4 hours and continue to cook until they are cooked through. Add the
peas, if using, towards the end of the cooking time. Cook for 15 minutes if using
frozen peas and 30 minutes if using fresh ones. Taste and adjust the seasoning as
Eat the stew as it is or ladle off most of the sauce and serve it with pasta,
followed by the meat and potatoes as a main course served with the Purple
Sprouting Broccoli.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the leek for around 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, squeeze the sausage meat from the skins and crumble it into the pan
with the leek. Fry over a medium to low heat until the meat is browned. Add the
red wine and let it evaporate for around 5 minutes, then stir in the wild fennel
(keep a little for garnish) and some pepper. Let the ragu cook slowly over a low
heat for around 30 minutes. Taste and add a little salt if necessary (Italian
sausages tend to be quite salty so go easy). Just before serving, stir in the ricotta
and cream, if using, then add just-cooked pasta to the pan. Stir through and serve
garnished with the reserved fennel and, if liked, some Parmesan on top.
Use a mixture of fish, as each one will impart its own flavour. In Palermo
there was a fishmonger who had a large marble slab covered in tiny or
broken fish, the kind of scraps that would be perfect for this dish. By 10.30
a.m. the slab was cleared and the Sicilians were on their way home with
bags of cheap fish for a tasty ragu. Since we don’t have a fishmonger near
our home, I put a few shell-on prawns (shrimp) into the sauce to give it a
stronger flavour. This sauce is best with dried pasta such as spaghetti.
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the shallot, carrot, celery and garlic with
the bay leaf and parsley stalks over a low heat for 5 minutes. Peel the prawns
and discard the shells. Remove the heads and set aside. Add the tomatoes, chilli
and prawn heads, if using, followed by the stock, to the pan and bring to the boil.
Let it cook slowly for 10 minutes. Use tongs to fish out the prawn heads and
squeeze the juices out into the pan. Discard the heads. Add the fish and the
prawns to the pan and cook slowly for 15 minutes. Taste and adjust the
seasoning as necessary.
Toss freshly cooked and drained pasta with the sauce in a large frying pan and
add a drizzle of olive oil and a little parsley. Serve straight away.
This glorious pasta dish was made to honour Vincenzo Bellini, the composer
of the opera Norma, who was born in Catania in 1801. It ticks all the boxes
for an outstanding dish in Sicilian cuisine; short, bouncy pasta is tossed with
crispy-edged aubergine (eggplant), sweet tomato sauce, basil and salty
ricotta cheese. I have used coarsely grated feta as I can’t find ricotta salata
in my local shops, but do seek it out online or in Italian delis. It has a
crumbly texture and a tangy flavour. This is the way chef Roberto Toro
cooked his Pasta alla Norma at the stunning Belmond Grand Hotel Timeo in
Use 3 Ways
Palermo Style,
Aubergine, the
Serves 4 as a recipe
main course or 6 as above
a starter
Put the shallot, garlic cloves, basil sprig and olive oil together in a pan and heat
gently for a couple of minutes until you can smell the flavourings. Add the
tomatoes to the pan and continue to cook gently for around 20 minutes. Season
to taste with salt and pepper and a little sugar if the tomatoes are too acidic.
Meanwhile, heat the seed oil to around 175°C (350°F) and fry the aubergine
cubes until golden. This will only take a few minutes. Scoop out the aubergines
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.
Put the pasta on to cook in a large pan of boiling well-salted water. Cook until
tender according to the manufacturer’s suggestions. Remove the onion and garlic
from the oil and discard. Add the aubergines to the sauce and stir through gently.
Add the cooked, drained pasta and stir or toss again to combine. Serve in
warm bowls with the feta, a few extra basil leaves, a swirl of olive oil and a twist
of black pepper.
Roasted aubergines:
If you prefer not to deep-fry the aubergines, preheat the oven to 200°C
(400°F/Gas 6). Toss the aubergines in a large bowl with 3 tablespoons of the
olive oil and seasoning. Pour onto a tray lined with baking parchment and spread
out well so they aren’t piled up or they will steam. Put into the oven to roast for
around 30 minutes or until they appear lightly crisp and golden brown. Add to
the tomato sauce as before.
Pasta con le sarde is almost a national dish in Sicily and is found in various
forms all over the island. It is indeed a recipe that serves up a rich, splendid
plate of history, showing Arab and Italian traditions together. The typical
pasta to eat with it is busiate, twirls of pasta made from semolina flour (see
pesto alla trapanese) but spaghetti is a good substitute. This recipe is from
passionate foodie Caterina, owner of Il Palladio hotel and restaurant in
Giardini Naxos. She uses abundant handfuls of wild fennel and local
sardines. In the UK, wild fennel grows both in gardens and in the
countryside, so do seek it out. If you can’t find it, use fresh dill instead. If
you can get hold of the long, Italian pine nuts, they add flavour as well as
crunch to the pasta. They are expensive but if you are travelling in Sicily
they are widely available at the markets.
Fry the onion, garlic and chilli together in the oil until soft. Boil the wild fennel
whole for 5 minutes and save the water to cook your pasta later. Squeeze the
fennel to get rid of the excess water and chop finely. Melt the anchovies in the
oil with the onion and add the pine nuts, raisins, fennel and tomatoes. Season to
Add the sardines and the saffron mixed with 2 tablespoons of hot water, cover
and leave to cook for 5 minutes or until the fish is cooked through. Break the
fish up a little and taste the sauce. Season as necessary. Boil the reserved fennel
water in a large pan and add the spaghetti. Cook until tender according to the
manufacturer’s suggestions and drain. Add just-cooked pasta to the sauce and
toss to combine. Serve in warm bowls topped with the almonds.
This quick-to-cook pasta dish appears in various guises all over the island.
It is made from ingredients that you normally have to hand and never fails
to please. This recipe is from Stefano Gegnacorsi, the hard-working general
manager of the Belmond Grand Hotel Timeo in Taormina. He told us that
after a busy day at the hotel this is what he goes home to cook. Try to find
small capers sold in salt and give them a good rinse – the best ones come
from the sunny island of Pantelleria.
Prepare the sauce by sautéing the onion with the anchovies in a little of their oil
and the olive oil over a low heat for up to 10 minutes or until softened, but make
sure they don’t take on any colour. Add the cherry tomatoes, olives and capers to
the pan and season to taste. You may not need any salt as the anchovies are
already salty.
Put the pasta on to cook in a large saucepan of boiling salted water. Cook until
tender, according to the packet instructions.
Add the just-cooked and drained pasta to the sauce and toss, allowing a little
of the pasta water to fall into the pan – this will help to dilute and emulsify the
sauce. Finish with a swirl of your best peppery extra-virgin olive oil, a scattering
of parsley and the olives. Serve in warm bowls.
risotto, soup,
Fry the carrot, celery and onion in the olive oil in a large saucepan over a
medium heat for around 10 minutes or until soft. Add the tomatoes with a few of
their stalks (if using fresh) to the pan with the basil and seasoning and cook over
a medium heat with a lid on. Stir frequently, bashing the tomatoes with a potato
masher to break them up. Bring to the boil, then remove the lid and reduce the
heat to a low simmer and cook for around 30–40 minutes. Check the seasoning
and adjust as necessary, adding a teaspoon of sugar if the tomatoes still taste
acidic. Use the sauce as it is or remove the basil and stalks and use a stick
blender to blend the sauce to a smooth, velvety consistency.
The general universal pasta recipe is: 1 egg to 100 g (3½ oz/scant 1 cup) ‘00’
flour. In Sicily and the south of Italy the flour used is finely ground semola,
semolina flour. This is a type of flour which, unlike pure white flour, also
contains a little of the bran from around the outside of the wheat kernel,
giving it a slightly creamy pale yellow colour. Ideally, the pasta is rolled on a
wooden surface, as the tiny particles of wood that project from the surface
add texture, helping the pasta to absorb the sauce that will eventually coat
it. Many Italians use a tablecloth for the same purpose. To save time, the
pasta dough can be made in a food processor, which is particularly useful
when making coloured pasta as the blades distribute the colour evenly and
200 g (7 oz/1⅔ cups) ‘00’ or very fine semolina flour, plus a little extra if
2 eggs (preferably corn-fed for colour)
Pour the flour into a bowl and make a well in the centre. Crack the eggs into the
well. Using a table knife, gradually mix the flour into the eggs. Keep mixing the
eggs and flour together until they form a thick paste.
Use the fingertips of one hand to incorporate the rest of the flour and form a
ball of dough. Discard the dry little crumbs. The dough should form a soft but
firm, flexible ball. If it is still sticking to the palm of your hand, add a little more
flour – but be careful to stop adding flour as soon as it stops sticking. If it’s
really dry and has many cracks, add a drop or two of water – do this in a bowl or
the food processor.
Knead the pasta for 5–10 minutes, or until it springs back to the touch, the
colour is uniform and, when cut open, the ball of dough is full of small air
bubbles; this means you have kneaded it for long enough. Leave the pasta to
‘rest’ for at least 20 minutes or up to 1 day, lightly dusted with flour and wrap it
in cling film (plastic wrap) to prevent it from drying out while it rests.
Follow the recipe for Fresh Pasta. After the resting time the pasta can be rolled
out with a rolling pin or a pasta machine. To make any of the long pasta such as
tagliatelle or pappardelle by hand, roll the pasta out using a heavy wooden
rolling pin. Lightly dust the surface of the table, the pasta and the rolling pin
with flour to prevent it sticking.
When it is very thin (about 1 mm thick) and you can see your fingers through
it, it is ready. Dust the work surface and the pasta with plenty of flour again to
prevent it sticking to itself. Gently fold over one short edge, making a flap of
about 3 cm (1¼ in). Now do the same with the other short edge. Fold the edges
over again and again, sprinkling flour over the surface to stop the dough sticking
to itself. Stop when the folded edges meet in the middle. Cut across the folds
into the desired thicknesses to make the pasta lunga, the thinnest being tagliolini
and the fattest pappardelle. Slide a long knife underneath the centre, matching
the blunt edge of the knife to where the two folded edges come together. Hold
and twist the knife in the air and the pasta ribbons will fall down in cut lengths
either side.
When cut, pull out into individual strands and toss with coarse semolina or a
little more flour. Don’t pile the pasta high but leave it in a single layer or the
weight will cause it to stick together. Cook within the hour. The cooking time
should be 2–3 minutes, or until al dente, in a pan of boiling salted water.
3 eggs
50 g (2 oz/generous ¼ cup) white or brown rice flour
50 g (2 oz/generous ⅓ cup) buckwheat flour
175 g (6 oz/scant 1½ cups) tapioca flour (tapioca starch)
1 teaspoon xantham gum
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Crack the eggs into a measuring jug and beat with a fork. They should measure
around 180 ml (6¼ fl oz) – if not, add a couple of tablespoons of water to the
jug. Put the eggs with all the other ingredients into a food processor and blend
until a ball of dough forms. If it is very dry and doesn’t form a ball, add another
tablespoon of water. You are aiming for a firm but pliable dough. Knead the
dough for a few minutes to ensure it is well blended. Wrap in cling film (plastic
wrap) and rest for 30 minutes at room temperature, or if you prefer to keep it
longer it can be left up to a day in the fridge.
If you don’t have a food processor, tip the dry ingredients into a bowl and stir
to combine. Make a well in the centre of the ingredients and crack the eggs into
it with the oil and 2 tablespoons of water. Use a table knife to break up the eggs
and combine the dry ingredients little by little. Eventually your knife will
become ineffective, so use your hands to bring the dough together into a ball. If
it is very dry and hard add a tablespoon more water. Knead and rest the dough as
After the dough has rested use as fresh pasta, rolling the dough by hand or
through a machine, remembering to use gluten-free flour for dusting.
Divide the flour between two bowls and crack an egg into each one. Add the
tomato purée to one bowl and the saffron water to the other. Follow the
instructions for making fresh pasta, adding a little more flour as necessary to
make two firm balls of dough. Now take half of each ball of coloured pasta and
use your hands or a food processor to blend the two halves together. You will
now have three balls of pasta – an orange one, a yellow one and a yellowy-
orange one. Cover all three with cling film (plastic wrap) and rest for 20 minutes
at room temperature.
Meanwhile, make the stuffing. Gently fry the onion and garlic in the olive oil
until soft. Add the pink peppercorns, lightly crushing them with your fingers as
you drop them in. Add the fish to the pan skin-side up to begin with. Cook for 5
minutes, then turn skin-side down and cook for a couple more minutes until
tender. Add the lemon juice, zest and salt. Transfer to a large plate. Peel the skin
from the fish and discard. Use a fork to mash the flesh to a rough paste. Leave to
Line up the three balls of pasta in a row and roll them out with a large rolling
pin at the same time, dusting them lightly with flour every now and again.
Gradually, the three colours will blend together into soft stripes. This can also be
done in a pasta machine: divide each ball of pasta into three, then roll each piece
into small, walnut-sized balls. You will end up with nine balls. Take three
different-coloured balls at a time and roll them together. Feed this into your
pasta machine and blended lengths of coloured dough will appear.
Roll the pasta very thin (around 1 mm thick) and, using a pastry cutter or a
large wine glass, cut the pasta into circles around 9 cm (3½ in) across. Put a
heaped teaspoon of filling onto the pasta circles and brush a little of the beaten
egg around the edge of one half. Fold the circles around the filling and press the
edges together to form a half-moon shape. Expel the air from inside as you do
Cook the agnolotti in boiling salted water for 4–6 minutes, until al dente.
Meanwhile, make the sauce by melting the butter in a large frying pan. Add the
sage, chilli and garlic and season. When the agnolotti are done, drain and add to
the sauce in the pan with the broth or cooking water. Shake the pan to combine
the water and butter. Serve immediately in warmed bowls or plates.
Start by making the filling. Drain the ricotta then combine all the ingredients
together in a bowl. Go easy on the lemon zest as it can be quite overpowering,
but season to suit your taste. This is very important as you want the flavour to
shine through the pasta and sauce.
Bring a large pan of salted water two-thirds full to the boil.
To make the ravioli, roll out half the fresh pasta, keeping the other half
wrapped in cling film (plastic wrap). Dust the work surface with flour, but don’t
dust the top side of the pasta or it will be hard to seal. Roll out the pasta using a
rolling pin or a pasta machine until you can see your hand through it. Set the
machine on the second to last setting – the very last setting makes the thinnest
pasta but this is often too fragile for ravioli.
Now dot a heaped teaspoon of the filling at even intervals (two fingers-width
apart is ideal) on to a sheet of pasta and place another sheet of the same length
over the top. Press down around the filling to expel the air and seal the pasta
sheets together. Using a pasta wheel or a sharp knife, cut the ravioli into even 5
cm (2 in) squares. Set the shapes aside on a surface dusted with flour or semolina
(semolina is good as it doesn’t stick to the pasta).
Cook the ravioli in the boiling water for 4–6 minutes, until al dente – test by
trying the edge of one. Warm your chosen sauce in a large frying pan and toss
the just-cooked ravioli into it, allowing a little pasta water to fall into the sauce
as they are added. Shake the pan to amalgamate the water and sauce. Serve
immediately in warmed bowls or plates with a little lemon zest grated over the
top and a swirl of your best olive oil.
There is an ancient history to rice production in Sicily. It was probably
introduced there before the rest of Italy by the Arabs through the thriving trading
port of Alexandria, where one of the entrances was named ‘Pepper Gate’ in
recognition of the important trade in spices. Rice was written about in Roman
times, but was used for medicinal purposes only. During my research our teacher
friend Giuseppe Mazzarella sent me a very old Sicilian recipe called risu ca
minnulata: the rice is cooked in almond milk with a little salt until tender and
served with a sprinkling of ground almonds on top. It has a delicate but moreish
flavour and was traditionally given to people when they were unwell. It is lovely
and I think even better finished off with a swirl of honey.
The 9th century Arab scholar al-Asma’i said, ‘White rice with melted butter
and white sugar is not of this world’ – meaning that it surely came from
paradise. Rice was originally a rare and exotic foodstuff, but gradually it became
accessible to everyone.
This bright orange risotto packs a flavour punch thanks to Sicily’s famous
cherry tomatoes. I recommend making this when you see Italian cherry
tomatoes, known as datterini, in the shops. The risotto is pretty to look at
and should be served in small amounts as it is filling. This is a recipe from
Monaci delle Terre Nere, a beautiful hotel on the slopes of Mount Etna.
When you are making risotto, it helps to have everything you need within
reach, so that you don’t have to leave it unattended while you find the
cheese from the back of the fridge or discover you have run out of wine.
Have your heated stock ready in a pot by your risotto pan with a ladle to
Serves 4
Heat the oil and half the butter in a large saucepan – the oil helps to stop the
butter burning. When the butter has melted, soften the onion and celery with
some salt and pepper over a low heat for around 10 minutes.
Add the rice to the pan and allow it to toast for 3–5 minutes, stirring
constantly, until all the grains are covered in the butter and oil. Pour in the wine
and allow to evaporate for 2–3 minutes.
Ladle in around 500 ml (17 fl oz/2¼ cups) of the stock and the tomato sauce
and mix quickly into the rice. Stir frequently, keeping the heat medium-low.
When the risotto thickens to the point where you can see the bottom of the pan
when you draw the spoon across it, add another ladleful of stock.
After about 20 minutes taste the risotto to see whether it is done. The rice
grains should be clear on the outside but still have a little white centre; they
should feel soft on the outside with a hint of firmness in the centre. Adjust the
seasoning to taste. Remove the pan from the heat. It is better to leave it slightly
soupy as the liquid will continue to be absorbed over the following few minutes.
Beat in the remaining butter and the Parmesan – this will make your risotto
creamy. Cover the pan and allow the risotto to rest for 3–5 minutes. Serve in
warmed shallow bowls with a swirl of good olive oil, the mozzarella, a twist of
black pepper and a few small basil leaves.
Serves 4
Follow the instructions for the Cherry Tomato Risotto, substituting the tomato
sauce with the zest and juice of the orange and adding the extra stock. Serve in
warm bowls, drizzled with a good olive oil and garnished with a few torn or
small basil leaves.
Serves 8–10
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Heat 3 tablespoons of the oil and the
butter in a frying pan and fry the shallot until soft, then add the rice. Toast the
rice for around 3 minutes – it will start to crackle – then add the wine. Allow the
wine to evaporate and reduce for another 3 minutes, then add the tomato sauce
and 600 ml (20 fl oz/2½ cups) of the stock. Stir through frequently, keeping the
heat to medium, and add a little more stock as necessary until you have a firm,
thick risotto, which should take around 20 minutes. Add 80 g (3 oz) of the Grana
Padano and stir through. Season to taste and remove from the heat.
Cut the mozzarella into 1 cm (½ in) slices and put into a colander to drain.
Sauté the spinach in the remaining oil flavoured with the garlic and seasoned
with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
Spread half of the tomatoey rice in the bottom of a 30 x 21 cm (12 x 8¼ in)
ovenproof dish at least 5 cm (2 in) deep. Then add the spinach, followed by a
layer of mozzarella and half of the Grana Padano. Follow this with the basil
leaves, the remaining rice and top with the rest of the grana padano. Bake in the
oven for 20 minutes. Serve straight away, while the cheese is still bubbling on
Variation: This timbale recipe also makes a beautiful layered savoury cake
when cooked in a cake tin. To do this, generously grease a loose-bottomed 24
cm (9½ in) cake tin with butter. Follow the method above and after removing
from the oven allow the timbale to sit for 10 minutes before removing from the
Couscous, or cuscus, is Arab-Sicilian cuisine and is found mainly on the
western, the Arab, side of the island. There is a whole festival dedicated to it in
San Vito Lo Capo at the end of summer, when chefs come from around the
world to be judged on their vats of fluffy couscous and richly scented broths.
Sicilian couscous is usually made with fish and contains bay leaves, whereas the
typically North African couscous is made with lamb and spices, but these days
there are many crossovers.
Couscous is made from the action of stirring and rolling semolina flour and
water together with your hands in large dish called a mafaradda. I remember
making it with an experienced friend of ours, Nonna Giovanna, who cooked her
couscous in a couscoussière, an old yellow earthenware pot with small holes in
the bottom and the lid, which sits over a pan of boiling broth. The lid was sealed
up with a length of dough to prevent the steam from escaping, forcing it through
the couscous instead.
The tiny pasta grains are steamed for around 45 minutes. The broth can be
made from fish or lamb and is filtered and used to pour over the couscous at the
table. Normally the fish for the broth isn’t eaten, but the filtered broth can be
used to cook filleted fish just before serving, which are then wonderfully tasty
and can be spooned on top of the couscous. Since making couscous from scratch
takes dedication, our recipes use precooked couscous instead, which simply
needs to be revived in hot stock for 5 minutes.
You can make twice the quantity of stock you need and freeze the rest for next
time. This makes it quite quick to throw together and is good for entertaining.
Nowadays you can buy maize couscous or use quinoa instead, which is good for
a gluten-free diet.
In Italy, they often use small or damaged fish, or the bones of particular
kinds like scorpion fish, John Dory or gurnards, as these all have a good
strong flavour to impart to a stock. These types of fish aren’t always easy to
find, so I add the heads and shells of prawns (shrimp) instead. You can use
a bought fish stock for this which is a lot easier but doesn’t have the flavour
of a homemade one. If you do buy one, bump up the flavour by adding the
cinnamon, chilli, wine and tomato purée from the recipe below.
Use 3 Ways
Fish broth:
Fish &
(above), Fish
Sauce, Sunset
Serves 6–8 Agnolotti
First make the fish broth. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onion,
celery and carrot for 10 minutes or until softened. Add the fish heads and bones,
prawn heads and shells, garlic, bay leaf, cinnamon and chilli according to taste
and stir through. Add the wine and allow to reduce for a few minutes then stir in
the tomato purée and water and cook for around 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, put the ingredients for the couscous, apart from the herbs, into a
heatproof bowl and stir together.
Cut the fish into 5–8 cm (2–3¼ in) pieces.
Strain the broth through a fine sieve and pour into a saucepan. Season to taste
with the salt and a little more chilli, if you like. Prepare the couscous by pouring
over the hot broth following the amounts given for hot water on the packet. You
should still have some broth leftover. Stir into the couscous and allow it to sit for
5 minutes, then fluff it up with a fork and add the fresh herbs.
Meanwhile, cook the fish pieces with the king prawns in the remaining hot
broth until cooked through – this will take only 7–10 minutes, depending on the
size of your fish and prawns. Serve the couscous on a warm serving platter
accompanied by the fish broth and fish in a bowl with a ladle for guests to help
Serves 6–8
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the lamb, vegetables and garlic for the
stock until lightly browned. Add the herbs, spices, apple, tomato and fruit and
stir through. Pour in the wine and allow it to reduce for a couple of minutes, then
add the water and bring to the boil.
Reduce the heat and allow the lamb to simmer uncovered for 2–3 hours, or
until soft and falling away from the bone. The cooking time will depend on the
cut and size of the lamb pieces. Drop the potatoes into the pan around 20
minutes before the end of cooking time. When the potatoes are done and the
lamb is tender, use a pair of tongs to lift them out of the stock and set aside to
cool. Strain the broth and discard the flavourings.
Put the stock back into the pan and bring to the boil. Taste and add seasoning
as necessary. Ladle out some of the broth to cook the quinoa following the
instructions on the packet. Pick off the meat from the lamb bones and add to the
remaining stock in the pan with the potatoes.
When the quinoa is done, stir in the other ingredients and serve still warm
with the stock and lamb in a separate bowl. Guests can help themselves to the
lamb, potatoes and broth as they eat the couscous.
Sicilians may be surrounded by water, and they certainly eat a lot of fish,
but meat is still firmly on the menu when it is affordable.
Pork, particularly the black pig, is rated highly. In the past, meat was a luxury
food, eaten only in the grand houses, and the poor learnt to mimic meat dishes
using vegetables instead. Offal is a popular street food, particularly in the capital
Palermo (see chapter one). Cheaper cuts of meat are used in the long, slow-
cooking ragu and the better cuts are often made to go further by bashing them
out into escalopes, such as in the Rolled Stuffed Roast Beef.
There is a breed of pig in Sicily known as Black Pig, the suino nero. It is
small but has a good layer of fat, which ensures a succulent result to the
meat. Marco Piraino, our chef friend from Palermo, showed us how he
made a stunning Sunday lunch or dinner from a good cut of pork. Do try to
find one from your butchers with a decent layer of fat. Even though you cut
the skin away, you want enough fat under it and around the loin to keep it
from drying out.
Serves 6
Preheat the oven to 240°C (475°F/Gas 9). Allow the pork to come to room
temperature. Remove the skin from the joint, leaving a little fat on the loin and
most of it on the skin. It is easy to do this yourself using a long, sharp knife, or
just ask your butcher to do it for you. Score the fat with a sharp knife, such as a
Stanley knife if you have one, and place in a shallow dish. Pour over half a kettle
of just-boiled water – this will soften the skin and open up the pores to help the
crackling (pork rinds) develop. Drain off the water and dry the skin on kitchen
paper on both sides. Rub with a light sprinkling of salt. Put the skin onto an oven
rack and set aside.
Rub the meat all over with the halved garlic clove, then season the joint all
over. Put the remaining garlic clove with the vegetables, half of the chopped
apples and 2 of the rosemary sprigs into a large, deep roasting pan and lay the
meat on top. Pour in the wine and water (this can be done in two or three stages
as the liquid evaporates, if your dish isn’t deep enough to hold it all in one go).
Roast the pork in the oven with the skin on the rack above it so that the fat
drips down on to the meat. Cook for 30 minutes then turn down the heat to
180°C (350°F/Gas 4) and continue to cook for another 1– 1½ hours or until the
juices run clear when pierced in the thickest part with a skewer or the meat
measures 71°C (160°F) with a probe thermometer.
When the pork is cooked, remove it from the oven and place on a serving dish
to rest covered in foil and a cloth to keep warm. Let the juices in the pan settle.
Remove the crackling and keep warm, but don’t cover or it could become soggy.
Meanwhile, cook the remaining apples in the butter with the 100 ml (3½ fl
oz/scant ½ cup) water and remaining rosemary sprig in a medium saucepan with
a lid until they are just soft but not collapsed. Skim off the excess oil from the
roasting pan and discard. Pour the meat juices and roasted vegetable and apple
mix into a serving bowl.
Serve the pork with the buttery apples arranged around the joint and the meat
juices and vegetables on the side. Enjoy with the crackling and with mashed or
roast potatoes, or soft polenta, and the Purple Sprouting Broccoli.
During the French occupation of the island, fancier ways of preparing meat
were introduced. The name of this dish comes from the French words roulé
for rolled and farcie for stuffed. It is a great way to use up leftovers such as
ragu, spinach, roasted vegetables and cooked ham. Don’t feel you have to
use everything we have; you only need enough to give flavour and colour to
the stuffing. The mozzarella can be swapped for provolone or a young
pecorino, and the ham can be swapped for mortadella, to alter the flavour
or to use what you have in the fridge. It is a popular dish as a little meat can
go a long way. We love to cook this at home for a Sunday lunch or to serve
for a dinner party. It looks impressive, as when cut open it reveals the
colourful stuffing inside. It can be eaten hot or at room temperature.
Serves 6
500 g (1 lb 2 oz) lean topside of beef
salt and freshly ground black pepper
50 g (2 oz/½ stick) salted butter at room temperature
200 ml (7 fl oz/scant 1 cup) white wine
200 g (7 oz) Cherry Tomato Sauce
100 ml (3½ fl oz/scant ½ cup) stock or water
100 g (3½ oz/⅔ cup) frozen or fresh peas
small handful of rosemary sprigs, thyme and oregano (optional)
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
For the stuffing
200 g (7 oz) thinly cut cooked ham (about 6 large slices)
4 eggs, hard-boiled, shelled and cut into 1 cm (½ in) slices
400 g (14 oz) ragu (1 quantity of the Quick Beef Ragu)
100 g (3½ oz/⅔ cup) cooked peas
100 g (3½ oz) Parmesan, finely grated
1 x 125 g (4 oz) ball of mozzarella, roughly sliced
string, for tying the meat
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Make a rectangle of the meat
approximately 30 x 25 cm (12 x 10 in) and place on a piece of baking parchment
bigger than this. To do this, cut the meat into slices around 2 cm (¾ in) thick.
Trim away any obvious tough white sinew. Bash the meat out under cling film
(plastic wrap) with a meat tenderiser or the flat of a small saucepan to a
thickness of around 7 mm (just over ¼ in). Lay the pieces down on the
parchment to make up the rectangle, overlapping them a little as necessary to
form a barrier to prevent the stuffing from escaping. Season with salt and
pepper. Lay the cling film over the meat again and give it a gentle bash to secure
the pieces together. Discard the cling film.
First lay on the slices of cooked ham – they will help to keep your stuffing in
place. Now layer on the rest of the stuffing ingredients, leaving a border of 2.5
cm (1 in) clear at one long edge. Season once more. Roll up the beef tightly
starting at the long edge without the border. Secure it with string. Using your
hands, slather the meat with the butter. Put the roll into a roasting tray and bake
for 5 minutes. Pour over the wine and bake again for 10 minutes. Pour the
tomato sauce, stock, peas and any leftover stuffing that didn’t make it inside
around the roll. Tuck some rosemary sprigs and oregano, if you have some, into
the string and scatter over the fennel seeds.
Cook in the oven for 30–40 minutes or until cooked through. The middle
should reach 60°C (140°F) using a probe thermometer, or a skewer inserted into
the middle should be hot when you touch the end. Remove from the oven and
serve with mashed potatoes, buttery soft polenta or brown rice and the Purple
Sprouting Broccoli.
Serves 6
Let the beef come up to room temperature before cooking. Preheat the oven to
180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Season the beef all over then brown it in the sunflower oil
in a heavy-based casserole dish. Remove the beef and set aside on a plate,
discarding the oil in the pan. Add the butter and olive oil to the casserole and
sweat the onions over a low heat until tender, around 10 minutes. Pour in the
marsala and add the beef. Use a pair of tongs to pile the onions on top of the
beef. Put the lid on the casserole and transfer to the oven for 2 hours.
Remove the beef and let it rest in a warm serving dish covered in foil and a
cloth. If there is a lot of fat, this can be left to settle at this stage and scooped off.
Purée the onions and cooking juices to a smooth sauce with a stick blender or
leave as they are and serve with the beef. This is great with heaps of buttery
mashed potatoes, soft polenta or the Sicilian Chips.
The idea of coating flattened meat and vegetables is popular all over Italy.
In the wealthier houses in Sicily, meat was pounded until just a few
millimetres thick and coated with crunchy breadcrumbs and fried. The
poorer households did a similar thing with aubergines (eggplants).
When large numbers of Sicilians emigrated to the US after the Second
World War they took their traditional recipes with them. As they prospered
abroad, they were able to replace the aubergines with chicken and the
famous American-Sicilian dish of chicken parmigiana was born. Now
forgive me if this recipe is a little off-track in a Sicilian cookbook, but our
family happens to love this dish. For authenticity I asked Americans Pat
and Diane Frustaci, of Sicilian descent, and Howard Roseman, who has
knowledge of the dish, to help me out. They all live in New Jersey and work
with my sister Louise. They remember their grandmothers cooking the dish,
the evolution of it over the years, and were happy to help me recreate these
two recipes for the book.
For a healthier choice, instead of frying the chicken, give it a light spray
with olive oil and bake it in the oven until golden. Then follow the recipe as
before. In America, this dish is served with buttered linguine but I prefer it
with sautéed spinach, steamed greens or a salad dressed with lemon and
olive oil.
Use 3 Ways
With chicken,
Serves 4
Cut the chicken breasts in half along the side and open them up like a book. Cut
through the spine of each ‘book’ so that you have two separate halves. Place the
halves between two pieces of cling film (plastic wrap) and pound the chicken
breasts with a meat tenderiser or the flat of a small saucepan until around 5 mm
(¼ in) thick. Season with salt and pepper and scatter half the oregano over the
flattened chicken, pressing it in with your hands. Turn the chicken breasts over
and season the other side.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Prepare three wide bowls, one with
the flour, one with beaten egg and one with breadcrumbs mixed with half the
Heat a third of the oil with the garlic in a large frying pan and, when you can
smell the garlic, remove the garlic from the pan and set aside. Dip the chicken
breast pieces first in the flour, shaking off any excess, then in the egg and then
the breadcrumbs, making sure they are evenly coated. Pan-fry until light golden
brown on both sides. This should take just a couple of minutes a side. You can
fry the chicken in batches, adding a little more oil and the garlic back into the
pan each time, making sure the oil is hot before frying.
Pour a thin layer of the tomato sauce into a large ovenproof dish and lay over
the chicken pieces. Spoon a heaped tablespoon more sauce over each piece.
Arrange the mozzarella on top of the chicken and scatter over the remaining
Parmesan. Bake in the oven for 10–15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and
the chicken is cooked through (make sure there are no pink juices when you
pierce the thickest part with a skewer or the internal temperature is 85°C (185°F)
when measured with a probe thermometer). Remove from the oven and serve
straight away scattered with the basil.
The same can be done with veal or slices of aubergine: follow the instructions
for the Chicken Parmigiana, but pan-fry until cooked through and eat with a
squeeze of lemon rather than baking further (see the photo). The cutlets are very
good with the Sweet & Sour Aubergines.
The citrus perfume from the crust on this lamb as it cooks fills the kitchen
with the scent of summer. It is quick and easy to put together and looks
splendid for a quick supper or entertaining. The recipe is from Roberto
Toro, Head Chef of the elegant restaurant at one of our favourite places to
stay in Sicily, the hotel Belmond Grand Timeo in Taormina. Either serve
the rack of lamb simply with a swirl of your best extra-virgin olive oil or
make a gravy from lamb bones (this can be done the day before).
Serves 4
If you are going to make a gravy, fry the bones, onion, celery, carrot, bay leaf,
rosemary and peppercorns in the oil in a large saucepan over a medium–high
heat until lightly golden brown and beginning to stick to the bottom of the pan.
Pour in the wine and allow it to sizzle for a few minutes. Add the water and
bring to the boil. Turn the heat down to simmer and leave the stock to bubble
away for 2–3 hours. Strain the stock through a colander and discard the
flavourings. Put the stock back into the pan over a medium heat and reduce it
further until you have around 500ml (17 fl oz). In a small cup, stir 4 tablespoons
of the stock with the cornflour until it forms a smooth paste. Whisk into the
stock with the butter and season to taste. The gravy is now ready to use straight
away or can be cooled and stored in the fridge until you need it. When ready to
serve, reheat in a small pan.
To cook the rack of lamb, heat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Split the
racks into two. Season the lamb all over and briefly sauté on all sides in a large
frying pan (skillet) with 2 tablespoons of the extra-virgin olive oil.
Finely chop the mint, lemon and orange zest together on a board. Spread it out
into a thin layer.
Spread each rack of lamb with a little mustard and dip it into the chopped
orange, lemon and mint to coat. Place onto a baking tray and cook in the oven
for 12 minutes – it will be pink on the inside.
In the meantime, boil the chard or spinach leaves for a few minutes in salted
water. Drain well and squeeze the excess water away. Sauté with the garlic in the
remaining oil. Put the chard leaves on the plate and lay the rack of lamb on top.
Finish with a swirl of your best extra-virgin olive oil or the lamb gravy.
From our room in the Palladio hotel in Giardini Naxos we watched the sun
rise and the fishing boats gather in the harbour, obviously preparing to
follow one another to an area where a shoal had been found. Later in the
morning we went to the market with Caterina, the hotel owner, and saw the
fish being brought in from the boats. We bought swordfish, tuna and
sardines and returned to the hotel to cook them with her. ‘It’s all about the
freshness and provenance,’ she said.
The most popular fish in Sicily are tuna and swordfish and you will find them on
menus raw, cooked and smoked, all delicious. There are plenty of other varieties,
referred to as blue for oily fish, red for fish such as tuna and white for the rest.
In Palermo, you can go to the Borgo Vecchio and watch the locals choose
their fish from the fishmonger’s stand and take it to Da Michele, where it will be
cooked right there and then. At the port you can see fishmongers waiting with
their marble slabs and sharp knives at the ready. As soon as the boats come in,
they are all set to start scaling, cleaning and filleting the fish ready to sell.
There are wonderful seafood restaurants, like Sakalleo in Scoglitti, which
have no menu but instead serve a stream of the freshest seafood until you can eat
no more and say, ‘Stop!’
When we were there, a group of Sicilian men descended on the restaurant
Apollonion in Ortigia and clearly relished their food. They were obviously
regulars and knew the owner Carlo well. He was also the chef and ducked in and
out of the kitchen, bringing out enormous platters of shellfish, mussels, fish in
caponata and tuna to the men. He also found time to cuddle his granddaughter
(who will apparently take over the restaurant one day) and clear plates all at the
same time. The men crushed the skeletons of the crustaceans with their hands
and sucked out the insides, mopping up the juices with bread soaked in oil,
oregano and chilli and quaffing short tumblers of Nero d’Avola. They were all
chefs and had just finished cooking pizza at a culinary fair and were enjoying a
day off. ‘When we eat, we are serious,’ one said to us as dish after dish came out
to satisfy their furious appetites. What a wonderful way to spend your day off, I
Oranges of various types are available most of the year round in Sicily but
the most popular, the blood orange Tarocco, can only be found in the winter
months. Salmon stands up well to the sweet flavour of orange and, married
with the thyme and pepper, this incredibly simple dish becomes more
impressive than the sum of its parts.
Serves 4
2 sweet oranges
4 salmon fillets (approximately 700 g/1 lb 9 oz total weight)
a few sprigs of thyme, leaves stripped
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
100 ml (3½ fl oz/scant ½ cup) white wine
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Cut away the skin and all the white
pith from the oranges. Neatly cut the segments from between the membrane and
set aside, collecting any juice in a bowl. Make four cuts into the salmon fillets at
a 45 degree angle, stopping 1 cm (½ in) short of the skin. Insert an orange
segment into each cut and put the fillets (skin side down) into an ovenproof dish.
Scatter over the thyme leaves and season the fish with salt and plenty of pepper.
Pour over the reserved orange juice, olive oil and wine. Scatter any remaining
segments of orange around the fish. Bake for 20 minutes or until the fish is firm
to the touch and cooked through. Serve hot with the Purple Sprouting Broccoli
or the Couscous Salad.
Much of the west of the island is uninhabited; it is raw and wild, with
random deserted towns, stunning beaches and pretty countryside. In the
middle of nowhere is the village of Cozze, meaning mussels, presumably
where they grew naturally.
The isolated Cozzara restaurant just outside the village is a magnet for
the locals, who come from miles around to eat steaming bowls of the
freshest mussels you are likely to taste. There was what seemed to be a
bottomless bowl of the most delicious seafood, and charred yellow semola
toast to soak up the incredible fish juices in the soup. We used one mussel
shell to pick at the plump pinky-orange morsels inside the rest. Tanks of
seawater outside keep the fish fresh until just before they are cooked. A
huge tank full of lobsters was down to its last by the end of the night. Now I
know why people drive miles just to get here. It is an eating experience like
no other.
Serves 4
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 kg (2 lb 3 oz) fresh live mussels, cleaned and debearded
100 ml (3½ fl oz/scant ½ cup) white wine large handful of parsley, finely
Heat the oil with the garlic and some seasoning in a large frying pan with a lid.
When you can smell the garlic, add the mussels and wine. Cover and cook,
shaking the pan frequently. When the last mussel opens (discard any that stay
shut), add the parsley and serve straight away with the Sicilian Focaccia.
This light and lovely dish comes from the stunning Belmond Grand Hotel
Timeo in Taormina. The method of cooking the tuna in a crust in the oven
means that it is a fantastic dish for entertaining, and we love the contrast of
the buttery, crunchy coating and the pink rare tuna inside. It is also gluten-
free. A quicker version if you are in a hurry is to coat the fish in finely
crushed pistachios instead. The courgette (zucchini) batons are so easy to
make they have become a staple vegetable in our house. I have even had
them for breakfast with scrambled eggs.
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Cook the quinoa in the water with a
pinch of salt until the liquid evaporates completely. Keep stirring the pan with a
wooden spoon; the quinoa will crackle and won’t cook through but you will
have a lovely crunchy result. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the dried-
out quinoa. Sauté the quinoa until it turns golden brown – around 5 minutes
should do it. Transfer to a large plate and allow to cool.
Mix the orange juice, sugar and vinegar together in a saucepan and bring to
the boil, then reduce the heat and let the sauce bubble for 5 minutes. Remove
from the heat and add the spices. Let them infuse for 20 minutes and then strain
the sauce through a sieve into a bowl.
Season the tuna steaks with salt. Dip them in the egg white and then in the
crispy quinoa and bake in an ovenproof dish for 6 minutes. Meanwhile, sauté the
courgettes in the oil with a little seasoning for just a couple of minutes and place
some in the centre of each plate. Cut the tuna steaks in half, put them on the
zucchini and drizzle over a little of the spiced orange sauce, with a few splashes
around the plate. Serve straight away garnished with some sea salt flakes and a
few micro or mint leaves.
Variation: Coat the tuna steaks in 50 g (2 oz) peeled green pistachios roughly
ground in a food processor instead of the quinoa.
Serves 4
4 swordfish steaks
extra-virgin olive oil
For the salmoriglio dressing
2 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped
1 small garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped
1 heaped teaspoon fresh or dried oregano
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
salt and freshly ground black pepper
To make the dressing, put the parsley and garlic together in a bowl, pour over 3
tablespoons of boiling water and add the oregano. Use the back of a spoon to
press the herbs and garlic down in the water – this helps to release the essential
oils and adds to the flavour. Pour in the oil and set aside to cool. Add the lemon
juice and season to taste.
Marinate the fish in half the dressing for 30 minutes, but no longer than 1 hour
or it will start to ‘cook’ in the acidity of the lemon. Grill (broil), barbecue or
cook in a griddle pan with a little olive oil for 1–2 minutes on each side or until
just cooked. If you can, turn the fish 180 degrees midway through so that it has
an attractive crosshatch pattern on the outside. Serve with the remaining dressing
on the side and with the Couscous Salad or the Orange & Fennel Salad.
A full-bodied red wine such as the Sicilian Nero d’Avola is ideal for this
recipe from Gregorio Piazza, our Sicilian head chef from our restaurant
Caldesi in Campagna. The sauce can be left as just that, a sauce.
Alternatively, it can be reduced further to the sticky stage of a relish, which
makes it ideal to eat with cheese, sausages or the Sardine Patties. Both the
sauce and the relish can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.
Use 3 Ways
With fishm
Serves 4–6
3 red onions, cut in half from root to tip and sliced into 5 mm (¼ in) half-moons
1 garlic clove, peeled and roughly sliced
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
25 g (1 oz/scant ¼ cup) sultanas (golden raisins)
50 g (2 oz/scant ¼ cup) caster (superfine) sugar
400 ml (13 fl oz/1¾ cups) red wine, such as Nero d’Avola
600 g (1 lb 5 oz) sustainably caught fresh tuna, cut into 4–6 steaks
25 g (1 oz/2 tablespoons) salted butter a little parsley, finely chopped
Put the onions and garlic into a large non-stick frying pan with 4 tablespoons of
the oil and some seasoning. Sweat them gently for 30 minutes, or until really soft
and dark in colour. Add the sultanas, sugar and half the wine and cook slowly
for 10–15 minutes to reduce the wine. Stop when the reduction has the
consistency of a sauce (or reduce further to a relish).
Season the tuna with salt and pepper and fry in the remaining oil in a pan for
about 2 minutes each side. Pour in the remaining wine and let it bubble and
reduce for a couple of minutes. Tip the pan to one side to collect the sauce and
spoon it over the fish. Add a good spoonful of the onions to the pan and top with
a knob of butter. Shake the pan to combine. You might not be able to do this all
in one go, in which case cook two steaks at a time, each with a little of the wine
and butter, and leave on a warm plate while you cook the rest. Serve the tuna
with the onions on top and garnished with a little parsley. This is good with the
Sicilian Chips, mashed potato or sautéed spinach.
With meat,
fish, cheese
Serves 4
4 mackerel fillets
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 quantity of caponata handful of parsley, roughly chopped
Put a griddle pan over a medium heat to get it hot. Brush the mackerel fillets
with olive oil on both sides and season with salt and pepper. Place the fillets
skin-side down on the hot griddle pan and cook for around 3 minutes until the
skin is crispy. Turn and cook the fillets on the other side for 2 minutes or until
cooked through. Remove from the pan with a fish slice and lay on warm serving
plates. Serve with the caponata on the side and scattered with parsley. The
Sicilian Chips or a simple green salad go well with this dish.
Originally, this dish was made with small birds. Translated literally,
beccafico means ‘fig-peckers’. You will find various forms of this traditional
Sicilian dish all over the island. This is Gregorio Piazza’s way of cooking it;
he comes from Augusta, to the east of Sicily, where they use spinach and
Serves 6
Steam the spinach briefly until soft. Drain and allow to cool. Squeeze out the
water so that you have a dryish ball of spinach. Chop it finely on a board. Heat 3
tablespoons of the oil in a large frying pan and fry the garlic for just a minute
over a medium heat. Add the spinach to the pan and season. Use a wooden
spoon to stir it around.
Put the pine nuts and sultanas on a board and roughly chop them together,
then add to the pan with the spinach and stir through. Cook for around 5
minutes, stirring continuously. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Mix
with the breadcrumbs in a bowl.
Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3) and grease an ovenproof dish with 1
tablespoon of the oil. Lay the sardine fillets on a chopping board, season lightly
with salt and pepper and drizzle 1 tablespoon of the oil over them. Place a
sardine in the palm of your hand, lay a line of stuffing down the spine, roll up
the fish and secure with a cocktail stick. Repeat with the rest of the sardines and
put them all into the dish. Put the orange slices and bay leaves between the fish.
Drizzle over the remaining olive oil and bake in the oven for 20–25 minutes.
Serve warm or at room temperature with antipasti, or as a main course with salad
or rice.
Serves 4
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Spread 4 sheets of baking parchment
out on a work surface and spoon on 4 even portions of the sauce. Lay over the
fillets, drizzle a couple of teaspoons of olive oil over each one and season with
salt and pepper. Place a parsley sprig on each fillet, then wrap up the parcels like
presents by pulling the parchment up from the front and back to the centre. Fold
the top edges together over and over again, leaving the join in the centre, then
turn the side ends inwards several times to seal in the juices. Place the parcels on
a baking tray and put into the oven for 12–15 minutes. Feel the fish from the
outside of the bag to make sure it is firm to the touch. Remove, unwrap the
centre join carefully to let out the steam and bring to the table still al cartoccio.
Serve with heaps of courgettes (zucchini) from the tuna recipe.
Serves 4
Cook the onion and celery in the oil with 4 tablespoons of water over a low heat
until very soft – this will take 10–15 minutes. Turn the heat up a little and add
the fresh tomatoes, chilli, raisins and pine nuts. Cover and cook for 5 minutes,
then add the olives, capers and tinned tomatoes and cover again. Add the fish
after about 5 minutes, when the tomatoes have broken down. Leave to simmer,
covered, for 15–20 minutes until the fish is cooked through and the sauce has
concentrated. Check the seasoning and serve with fresh crusty bread.
Sicily is known to be one of the best places in the world for its dazzling
array of sweet delights – patisserie, gelati, granite, marzipan, cannoli and
cassata, to name just a few. With its bounty of citrus fruits, wonderful
sheep’s milk ricotta, almonds and pistachios, as well as the Arab influence
and the once thriving sugar industry, it is no surprise that Sicily is the place
to go if you have a sweet tooth.
It was the Arabs who first mixed the snow from Mount Etna with fruit-flavoured
syrups to produce sherbets, which were later turned into granite. They made
marzipan cubes from water, almonds, honey and gela, a firm jelly made from the
juice of watermelons and cinnamon. They also introduced the flavours of
jasmine, orange water and rose, still popular today, and they sweetened ricotta
with sugar and added spice, which began the history of the cassata and cannoli. I
haven't included either cassata or cannoli here as I feel they are pastries that
really only work in Sicily. The sheep’s ricotta, which is so hard to find in the
UK, is what gives the pleasant tang to the desserts and helps to balance the
incredible sweetness.
The Spanish brought cocoa beans into Modica from Mexico and at the well-
known chocolate shop Dolceria Bonajuto chocolate is produced using the same
techniques as centuries ago. They use cocoa mass as it is, with no added cocoa
butter or soy lecithin. It goes into a double boiler at 40°C (104°F), which doesn’t
melt the sugar. The grainy texture is an acquired taste. It isn’t important to them
that the sugar melts – the important thing is that the cocoa has 100 per cent
The traditional flavourings have always been vanilla and cinnamon and the
best quality you can get. The staff will tell you that the cocoa changes the
flavour of the spice, not the other way around. They run tours so that you can see
the chocolatiers shaking the tins during the battitura as the chocolate cools. The
chocolate was originally used in a drink, which they still make every Christmas.
They also produce a delicious liqueur which is a tribute to the Maya tradition of
mixing chocolate and chilli. Do pick up a bottle when visiting – it is wonderful
on a cold night.
The famous patisserie Casatelle at Erice should probably come with a health
warning. The sweets behind the counter are perfectly beautiful and totally
irresistible. If you are cutting down on sugar, beware the temptations in Sicily!
The sweet smell of the almond blossom is wonderful in spring and it is a great
time to visit the island. Ground almonds are widely used in Sicilian cooking:
they are ground into cakes, used to make milk, ice cream and granite, as well as
chopped and added to salads, couscous and aubergine (eggplant) dishes.
This recipe is based on the one from our book Venice: Recipes Lost and
Found. Almond milk has been made since medieval times in Europe and
was thought to have restorative properties. It was useful as you could make
it as you needed it, rather than cow’s milk, which would have required
refrigeration. This same method can be followed to make hazelnut milk. Use
the nut milk for the Almond Granita, the Almond Milk Puddings or simply
to drink. This recipe will give you a distinctive almond flavour and thickish
milk. If you don’t want the bits or you want a thinner milk, you can strain it
and add more water, but I like to keep them in. If you do strain it, dry the
almond meal out in a low oven and, when completely dry, store in an
airtight container. Use it whenever ground almonds are called for,
particularly in the Almond & Pecorino Biscuits.
Use 3 Ways
To drink, for
granite, for
To make almond milk, place 100 g (3½ oz/⅔ cup) shelled but not peeled
almonds in enough cold water to cover them and soak overnight; change the
water once during this time. Strain, discard the water and put the nuts into a food
processor. Blend them with 400 ml (13 fl oz/1¾ cups) of filtered water until
finely ground. Pour into a large lidded jug or bowl, cover and store in the fridge
for up to 3 days.
From almonds we move on to marzipan, which is called pasta reale, ‘royal
paste’, in Sicily. A mixture of sugar, almonds and egg whites, marzipan can
be sculpted into shapes and sets firm while maintaining a soft interior. We
were struck by the wonderful marzipan sweets on sale in Peccatucci di
Mamma Andrea, Piazza Ignazio Florio in Palermo, where rows of plump
globes of chocolate, lemon, orange or pistachio marzipan line up for you to
pop into your mouth. They are not too sweet and have none of the synthetic
flavours that seem to put people off marzipan. I never liked it as a child but
now I have learnt to make it, I have finally caught the bug.
Apparently, when an important bishop came to visit the Martorana
convent attached to the church of Santa Maria dell’Ammiraglio in Palermo,
the nuns shaped fruits from marzipan and hung them in the trees. Since
then marzipan fruits have been called frutta di Martorana, and to this day
children receive them on All Souls’ Day, the equivalent of our Halloween.
Put the water into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the glucose and stir
through with a wooden spoon. Add the almond extract and the sugar and stir
again. Keep over a low heat and add the ground almonds a little at a time,
stirring continuously, until fully combined and formed into a ball of dough.
Remove from the saucepan and put onto a clean worktop. If the marizpan is
sticky, dust the work surface and your hands with a little icing sugar.
At this point you can knead in the flavourings of your choice, such as finely
grated citrus zest or rosewater – or any others that spring to mind! Add them
according to taste.
Next, roll the marzipan into little balls and either keep them as they are or
form into shapes. Leave them to dry slightly overnight at room temperature.
They will keep for up to a month in a sealed container.
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4) and line a baking tray with baking
parchment. Mix together the ground almonds and icing sugar. Add the honey,
almond extract and egg white and mix until you have a smooth paste. Roll the
paste into small balls, approximately 3 cm (1¼ in) wide, and press the centre
down lightly with your thumb to make a small well. Place the biscuits on the
baking tray, pour ½ teaspoon of your favourite jam into the centre of each one or
press a nut into the well. Bake in the oven for 10–12 minutes or until lightly
golden. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool. Keep in an
airtight container for up to a week, although they will harden with time.
Serves 10–12
Make the pastry by mixing all the ingredients together briefly in a food
processor. Try to touch the pastry as little as possible. Cover with cling film
(plastic wrap) and rest in the fridge for at least 1 hour or overnight.
Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3) and grease a 36 x 13 cm (14¼ x 5
in) (or similar size) loose-bottomed shallow, fluted tart tin with a generous
coating of butter. Roll out the chilled pastry on a well-floured surface to a
thickness of about 5 mm (¼ in). Roll onto the rolling pin and transfer to the tart
tin. Push the pastry well into the corners and mend any holes. Trim round the
edge of the tin and gather the remaining pastry together into a ball. Cover with
cling film and put in the fridge. Meanwhile, pour a layer of marmalade over the
pastry in the tin.
Remove the pastry ball from the fridge, unwrap it, and coarsely grate it over
the marmalade. Mix the icing sugar and almonds together in a bowl and scatter
evenly over the top. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until the almonds are
lightly caramelised. Allow to cool before removing from the tin and cutting into
The texture of granita changes from one café or kiosk to another – it can be
smooth and slushy or rougher and grainier to eat. A version seen in Sicily
and Rome is grated ice with various fruit syrups of your choice poured over.
Hundreds of years in between but remarkably similar to the Arab sherbets
from centuries before.
Sitting between the orange baroque buildings in the stunning town of Noto
we delighted in sampling the local almond granita. Just as well it was served
in small glasses, as it was incredibly sweet, but it was lovely to feel the tiny
ice crystals melt on your tongue. I have cut the sugar right back in this
recipe but do add more if you have a sweet tooth.
Serves 4 in shot glasses
1 tablespoon icing (confectioner’s) sugar
200 ml (7 fl oz/scant 1 cup) homemade Almond Milk
Stir the sugar into the milk in a shallow freezer-proof container and freeze for 1
hour. Use a fork to scrape the mixture from the edges of the container into the
creamy centre. Freeze again for 30 minutes and do the same again. Repeat until
the granita has completely frozen into a sandy texture of ice crystals. You can
either leave it grainy like this or put it into a food processor and briefly blitz to
reduce it to a velvety smooth consistency instead. Serve straight away in chilled
shot glasses with teaspoons.
Swap the almond milk for black filter coffee and sweeten to taste. Freeze as on
granite. To be very Sicilian, slap a scoop of this between a brioche bun and add
whipped cream. This is a Sicilian breakfast – wow!
You will very often see mulberry granita on offer in Sicily but as mulberries
are hard to find here in the UK we have made a raspberry version instead.
It is refreshing served over a simple fresh fruit salad or as a wonderful
palate cleanser between courses. Any leftover granita can be spooned into
ice-cold flute glasses and topped up with Prosecco or champagne for a
decadent treat.
In a large saucepan, heat the milk and cream together over a medium heat until
just bubbling. Meanwhile, in a large bowl beat together the eggs and sugar until
smooth. Add 2 ladlefuls of hot milk to the egg mixture and immediately whisk
together. Pour this back into the pan and whisk everything together until
To sterilise the ice cream, turn up the heat and increase the temperature of the
mixture to 85°C (185°F), stirring constantly. If you don’t have a thermometer,
this is the point when the ice cream coats the back of a spoon. Take off the heat
immediately and pour into a large heatproof bowl. To cool quickly, set this bowl
over another bowl full of iced water, and then cover the surface of the custard
with cling film (plastic wrap) to stop a skin from forming. Stir every so often to
help it cool evenly. When cool, pass the custard through a fine sieve. The custard
can be made into ice cream straight away, or, like Steve, you can rest it for up to
3 days in the fridge for a fuller flavour and velvety texture. Churn in an ice-
cream machine or by hand using the method below.
We tried spritzing some of our Welsh rosewater, Petals from the Valley, directly
on to the frozen ice cream just before serving. It is wonderful and makes you feel
like someone has just given you a bouquet of roses, told you they love you and
asked you to marry them! However, if you don’t have a spray to hand add
approximately 3–4 tablespoons of rosewater (depending on your taste and brand
of rosewater) to the hot custard. Taste and adjust accordingly.
Sitting on this terrace at Sant’Andrea hotel in Taormina eating cool vanilla ice
cream in the hot sun was heavenly. Add the seeds of a vanilla pod to the custard
base while it is still hot. Leave the pod in the mixture too until you are ready to
Saffron strands will vary in flavour depending on their age and quality. To make
this, we use 3 level teaspoons of saffron strands. Add to the base while it is still
hot, according to taste – you may find you need more or less than our
measurement. Do bear in mind that you need a fairly robust flavour as the
strength softens when it is frozen.
We love the subtle flavour of clementines but you could use any citrus fruit to
flavour the ice cream as follows: add 2 teaspoons of finely grated clementine
zest to the hot custard base.
not cream, ice
cream, fruit
Carob trees are plentiful in Sicily. Historically, they provided shade for
cattle and the beans became fodder for the animals. In hard times carob
beans were ground into flour, which is naturally sweet and has a lovely
caramel flavour; it was used to replace coffee in drinks and precious
chocolate, luxuries out of the reach of Sicily’s poor. I have also heard of
carob gnocchi.
I buy huge bags of almonds as I love the milk they produce. They are
cheaper and I believe better for you when they are still brown and in their
thin skins but the recipe will work if you only have blanched almonds. I use
the leftover almond meal from making Almond Milk, and soft Medjool
dates as I like their natural sweetness, but if you prefer you can add sugar
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4) and line a baking tray with baking
parchment. Put the almonds into a food processor and grind to a sandy texture.
Add the remaining ingredients and blend again to combine. You should end up
with a soft and sticky dough.
Wet your hands with water and roll walnut-sized balls of dough. Lay them on
the prepared tray, spaced apart by at least 5 cm (2 in). Flatten them slightly with
the back of a damp fork or spoon and bake in the oven for 8–10 minutes, or until
the biscuits start to crack and become firm to the touch.
On the hilltop above Cefalù in the tiny village of Sant’Ambrogio you will
find a gem of a restaurant owned by the Zito family. Mimmo, the owner and
chef, let me try his latest invention of wild fennel semifreddo. I’m afraid you
will have to take my word for the fact it was wonderful – sadly, I was unable
to extract the recipe from him as he had just made it up that morning and
had no quantities to give me! Instead, we also loved the creamy marsala
semifreddo below, with its surprise of caramelised nuts inside and its
indulgent, warm red wine sauce.
Serves 8–10
First make the caramelised nuts. Line a baking tray with baking parchment.
Dissolve the sugar in a small saucepan with the nuts over a medium heat. Stir
with a wooden spoon and cook until the sugar starts to smell like caramel and
deepens in colour. Pour on to the baking parchment and leave to set. Fill the
saucepan with hot water straight away to avoid a sticky pan – be careful when
doing this as it will spatter and spit. The nuts will set to a brittle toffee and
should then be roughly cut with a sharp knife, or you can pop them into a food
processor and give them a quick blitz. Ideally, you want them roughly chopped
rather than crushed to a sandy texture.
For the semifreddo, line a 22 x 10 cm (8½ x 4 in) loaf tin with cling film
(plastic wrap). Work quickly through the process of whipping by having
everything in bowls in front of you. Beat the egg whites in a spotlessly clean
bowl with an electric whisk until stiff and set aside. Use the same beaters to
whisk the cream until it maintains soft peaks. Whip the remaining ingredients
together until creamy and well combined, around 5 minutes.
Now, again using the beaters, briefly whisk the two creams together and then
add the egg whites. Don’t over-whisk but whisk just enough to combine the
mixture. Pour half the mixture into the loaf tin, then add the nuts in a line down
the centre so they won’t be seen from the outside (reserve a few for decoration).
Cover with the remaining mixture and freeze for at least 3 hours and preferably
overnight. When it is frozen, remove from the tin and cover in another layer of
cling film.
Make the wine sauce by reducing the ingredients in a pan to roughly a third of
the original volume. It will take around 15 minutes to thicken; you can drizzle a
few drops on to a cold plate to see how thick and viscous it is when cold (like
making jam). When you are happy that it is thick enough, remove from the heat
and allow to cool. Pour into a serving jug.
When ready to serve, peel away the cling film and place the semifreddo on a
serving dish. Leave at room temperature for around 10 minutes before slicing
and serving scattered with the reserved nuts and the wine sauce on the side.
Serves 4–6
2 quinces
juice of ½ lemon
2 tablespoons brandy (optional)
juice of 1 orange
100 g (3½ oz/½ cup) brown sugar
finely grated zest of ½ orange
4 cloves
1 medium cinnamon stick, broken up
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4). Core and peel the quinces and finely
slice into cold water with the lemon juice – this will stop them turning black.
Arrange the quince slices in an ovenproof dish so that they are slightly
overlapping. Pour over the brandy (if using) and orange juice, then scatter over
the brown sugar, orange zest, cloves and cinnamon. Bake for 1 hour or until
lightly browned and softened inside. Halfway through the cooking time, tip the
dish to one side and spoon the juices over the quinces, then continue cooking.
Serve hot or allow to come to room temperature. Serve with the Rose or Saffron
Ice Cream on gelati siciliani.
These are amazing, especially with Nutella spread on top as my children do
– I hate to admit it, but wow! Since all flours and pumpkins differ in
moisture content it is really important to be prepared to adjust the quantity
of each. Add a little more flour if necessary, until you achieve the
consistency of a thick batter. You can make the batter the night before and
leave it in the fridge so it’s ready for a quick breakfast in the morning.
350 g (12 oz) pumpkin, peeled, seeded and cut into cubes (from a 1 kg/2 lb 3 oz
pumpkin or butternut squash)
100 g (3½ oz/¾ cup) gluten-free flour
2 eggs
2 tablespoons caster (superfine) sugar
1 heaped teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
pinch of salt, plus extra to serve (optional) seed oil, for greasing
icing (confectioner’s) sugar and mixed spice, or salt, to serve (optional)
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Put the pumpkin on a baking tray and
cover with foil. Bake for 30–40 minutes until softened. Remove the foil and
allow to cool. Put into a food processor with the remaining ingredients (except
the seed oil and icing sugar mix) and blend until you have a thick batter.
Heat a large non-stick frying pan wiped with a little seed oil using a piece of
kitchen paper. Dro level tablespoons of the mixture into the pan and fry for a few
minutes until golden brown. The fritters will be around 7 cm (2¾ in) wide and
you can cook three or four at a time. Turn them over gently when browned and
fry the other side. Remove and place on kitchen paper. Scatter over the icing
sugar mix for a Christmassy feel, or some salt. Eat when just cool enough to
Serves 8–10
Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3) and generously grease a 24 cm (9½ in)
(or similar size) loose-bottomed round cake tin with butter. Toast the walnuts on
a baking tray in the oven for around 8 minutes or until they deepen in colour.
Grind the walnuts in a food processor or chop by hand to a fine breadcrumb
Mix together the walnuts, breadcrumbs, baking powder, coffee and chocolate
chips in a bowl and set aside. Whisk together the butter and sugar until light and
fluffy – this should take around 5 minutes. Add the eggs one by one and keep
whisking. Next, use a spatula to fold the walnut mixture into the wet ingredients
until combined. Pour into the cake tin and bake for 35 minutes. Test for
doneness: if a skewer or toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean, the
cake is ready. Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin before turning
out onto a plate.
This triumphant cake is based on the colourful iced cassata cakes you see all
over Sicily, only it is a much lighter version that is not difficult to make.
There is an expression in Sicilian dialect, ‘You are as beautiful as a cassata’
– how romantic to be likened to a cake! If you can find potato flour, do use
it as it will make the sponge lighter; if not, use cornflour. You can find
potato flour in Asian shops or Italian delis. If you can get hold of sheep’s
ricotta all the better, for these cakes are traditionally made with ewe’s milk,
which has a pleasant, tangy taste.
Serves 8
Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3) and grease and flour a 23 cm (9 in)
cake tin. Whip the egg whites to soft peaks in a spotlessly clean bowl with a
pinch of salt. Slowly pour in 100 g (3½ oz/scant ½ cup) of the sugar while
whisking. Mix the yolks with the remaining sugar in another bowl until pale and
creamy, then use a spatula to fold the two together. Sift in the two flours, add the
lemon zest and fold them in. Pour into the prepared tin and cook for 30–35
minutes, until a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the centre. When
cooked, remove from the tin and allow to cool on a rack. Meanwhile, make the
filling by draining the ricotta and mixing the ingredients, except for the
chocolate, together in a bowl.
Carefully cut a 1 cm (½ in) thick disc from the top of the cake and set aside.
Next cut a 2 cm (¾ in) disc, leaving you with a final one of 1 cm (½ in). Lay one
of the shallower discs back in the tin with the outside surface downwards. Next
cut a circle from the thicker disc so that you are left with a ring of around 1 cm
(½ in) – this will make the border around the hole for the filling. Place it into the
tin and eat the centre as a cook’s treat! Mix together the ingredients for the syrup
and brush two-thirds over the sponge.
Fill the hole with the ricotta filling mixture. Melt the chocolate briefly in a
microwave or in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water. Spread the melted
chocolate over the final disc of sponge with a palette knife. Invert this over the
cake and press down lightly. Brush on the remaining syrup. Leave the cake to
rest in the fridge for at least 6 hours and up to a day. Turn out of the mould.
Whip the cream to form soft peaks and fold into the ricotta and honey or
sugar. Use a palette knife to spread this evenly over the cake. Finish the coating
with a sprinkling of nuts, grated chocolate and icing sugar. Chill in the fridge for
a minimum of 1 hour or up to a day before serving.
Mix the cornflour together with a little of the watermelon juice in a bowl – if it
becomes lumpy simply push it through a fine sieve with a spoon. Add this to the
rest of the juice, with the cinnamon, sugar and rosewater (if using) in a saucepan
and place over a gentle heat. Stir continuously and cook until thickened, then
pour into glasses and chill until set. Serve with a sprinkling of pistachios,
chocolate and jasmine flowers.
Above: clockwise from top left: Climentine & Almond Slice; Almond & Honey Biscuits,
and, Soft Almond Biscuits
These crunchy almond biscuits are from a village called Ciminna near
Palermo and the recipe has been given to us by Zia Vitalba, the aunt of our
friend Marco. Marco told me that foods in Sicily are either salty or sugary,
as large amounts of both were used as a preservative. I have replaced the
sugar in these biscuits with a small amount of honey as we found them
impossibly sweet as they were.
Makes 15 biscuits
On whipped
ricotta, in the
Clementine &
Almond Slice,
in the Sticky
Makes approximately 1.5 kg (3 lb 5 oz)
1 kg (2 lb 3 oz) clementines
juice of 2 lemons
1 litre (34 fl oz/4¼ cups) water
400 g (14 oz/2 cups) granulated sugar
Remove the stalks and hard knobbly bits at the top of the clementines and cut in
half, keeping the skin on. Now roughly chop into smaller pieces by hand or in a
food processor. The pieces should be no bigger than 1 cm (½ in) cubes. Put them
into a large heavy-based saucepan with the lemon juice and water and bring to
the boil. Turn the heat down to a simmer and allow the mixture to bubble away
slowly for 1 hour. By this time the skins should have softened so that you can
squash them easily with a spoon against the side of the pan and the marmalade
will have thickened to a soft, runny set.
Next add the sugar and stir through. Bring to a rapid boil for around 5 minutes
or until the sugar has dissolved. Pour into clean, warm jars (I do this by rinsing
them out with hot water from the kettle) and screw on the lids. Allow the jars to
cool and keep in the fridge for up to 1 month.
Serves 10–12
Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3). Cut a circle of baking parchment
measuring 34 cm (13 in) across and loosely push it into the sides a 23 cm (9 in)
tart tin to line it.
Toast the whole almonds for 10-12 minutes or until the skins start to split in
the oven. Remove and allow to cool. Chop by hand or put into a food processor
and blitz until you have a rough, sandy texture. Set aside and then do the same
with the figs.
Beat the butter and sugar together with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy.
Add the egg yolks, one at a time, and beat in. Add the figs, both kinds of
almonds, orange zest, vanilla extract and baking powder and fold in using a large
spatula or metal spoon. Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks. Use a quarter of this
to loosen the sticky almond and fig mixture by folding it in with a large metal
spoon. Then gently fold in the rest of the egg whites. Pour into the prepared tin
and level the top with a palette knife.
Place the tin in the middle of the oven and bake for about 35–40 minutes or
until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Remove from
the oven and allow to cool in the tin. When the cake is at room temperature
pierce it all over with a skewer and evenly pour over the Marsala to soak it. As
the edges of the baking parchment will have browned in the oven I often serve it
from the lining paper on a large wooden board with a bowl of mascarpone for a
rustic look.
If you are making your own Almond Milk for this, it is a good idea to strain
it through a fine sieve before using, unless you are happy with the slightly
grainy texture. I like it this way; Giancarlo likes it smooth! Homemade
almond milk has a gentle flavour which is perfectly lovely as it is. If you like
more punch in your desserts, think about adding a few tablespoons of
amaretto or rosewater to the mixture before it sets. You will need to do this
if you are using cow's milk. Do try these with shot glasses of Raspberry
Granita and enjoy the flavours of summer and the contrasting textures.
Serves 6
Mix the cornflour with a little of the milk in a small bowl. Place the lemon zest
with the rest of the milk and the sugar in a saucepan to heat, just until the sugar
dissolves. Add the liqueur or rosewater now, if using. Add the cornflour mixture
and whisk through to avoid any lumps. When the mixture begins to thicken, pour
it into heatproof glasses or moulds and let it set in the fridge for 2 hours or
Serve in the glasses for ease, or remove by running a knife around the edges
of the moulds. Then dip them briefly into very hot water to loosen them. Turn
out onto plates and serve, decorated if you like with pine nuts, crushed amaretti
biscuits, lemon zest or edible flowers.
This ancient recipe is still very popular, especially around the time of the
festival of Santa Lucia, patroness of Syracuse, which takes place on 13
December. Wheat berries are soaked and cooked until tender and mixed
with creamy ricotta. You can find precooked wheat known as grano cotto in
Italian delis but otherwise the grain farro or, for the gluten-free, brown rice
are good substitutes.
Serves 8
Soak the berries, farro or brown rice in cold water overnight. Discard the
soaking water and then cook the grain of your choice in plenty of fresh boiling
water until very tender and swollen. Drain and allow to cool. Meanwhile, if the
ricotta is very dry, whip together with the milk to loosen it and then mix in the
cooled grain, cinnamon and candied orange, and add honey or sugar to taste.
Serve in bowls or glasses, decorated with a sprinkling of chocolate shavings and
a few shards of candied orange.
If you look around antiques markets in Sicily, you will see rough moulds
made from clay which were used to make cotognata, quince cheese or paste.
They had designs and initials on them to decorate the finished cheese. Sweet
quince with mature pecorino and the Almond & Pecorino Biscuits is a
lovely way to finish a meal.
Serves 12–14
3 large quinces
5 litres (170 fl oz/21 cups) water
800 g (1 lb 12 oz/3½ cups) caster (superfine) sugar
Peel, core and chop the quinces into roughly 4 cm (1½ in) cubes. Put them into a
large saucepan and cover with the water. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat.
Continue to cook until the quinces become soft, around 45 minutes. To achieve a
deep pink colour to the finished paste, allow the quinces to stand in the water
Drain and purée the quince flesh with a blender and then pass through a sieve.
For every kilo (2 lb 3 oz) of purée you will need to add 800 g (1 lb 12 oz/3½
cups) sugar. Put the sugar and quince purée together in a large saucepan and stir
frequently over a low heat until the sugar dissolves and the mixture has reduced
to a thick paste. This could take up to 1 hour. If a skin forms over the surface,
discard this. The mixture is ready when a spoon drawn across the top leaves a
Pour the mixture into a lined small loaf tin and leave at room temperature
overnight. The following day turn out of the loaf tin and eat straight away, or
keep the paste in an airtight tin for up to a month.
Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3). Using your fingers mix together the
almonds, cheese, baking powder, salt, butter and water to form a dough. Spread
out a sheet of baking parchment and roll out the dough under another sheet of
parchment to around 5 mm (¼ in). Peel off the top sheet, scatter over the
flavouring of your choice, if using, and put the top sheet back in place. (I like to
scatter one area with dark sesame seeds or black onion seeds, another with
fennel seeds and another with pale sesame so that you can cut long biscuits that
fade from one colour to another.) Roll into the dough with the rolling pin.
Slide the parchment onto a baking tray and put into the oven to bake for 15–
20 minutes or until firm to the touch. Remove from the oven and cut into shapes
with a sharp knife, then cool on a rack. The biscuits will keep for a couple of
weeks in an airtight container.
We enjoyed this ice-cold, creamy cocktail after dinner at the Grand Hotel
Villa Igiea in Palermo. We were told by the cocktail maker that it was an
international cocktail, but it seemed to fit Sicily so well with lovely almond
flavour. Here is our version.
Makes 1
Fill a cocktail shaker hall full with ice. Pour the ingredients into the shaker and
shake well. Strain over a few rocks into an Old Fashioned glass or tumbler and
serve with an Almond & Honey Biscuit.
We had great fun watching the talented Alfio at the Belmond Grand Hotel
Timeo prepare cocktails for us. This was one of Giancarlo’s favourites as he
loves Scotch.
Makes 1
Shake the ingredients over ice in a cocktail shaker. Serve in a cocktail glass.
This refreshing cocktail (see photo opposite) is quick and easy to put
together and wonderful throughout the year. Alfio from the Belmond
Grand Hotel Timeo serves it with a simple mint sprig. I like to use the
Clementine Marmalade, but store-bought orange marmalade is fine.
Makes 1
Makes 1
25 ml (1 fl oz) Averna
25 ml (1 fl oz) Grand Marnier
15 ml (½ fl oz) lemon juice
1 length of orange peel
1 sprig of mint
Shake the ingredients together over ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain and serve in
an Old Fashioned glass with a twist of orange peel, the sprig of mint and a few
ice cubes.
Variation: To add a dash of sparkle, divide the Natalia between two white wine
glasses and top with Prosecco or Champagne.
Thank you to …
Marco Piraino for his incredible knowledge of Sicilian food, his impressive
skills (especially at making cassata), his patience and time spent with us. You
are a Sicilian star!
Sheila and Roger Brocklehurst who researched the history of Sicily (no easy
task), and put together the fascinating foodie timeline.
Mimmo Zito, you are an inspiration. You made me fall for Sicily and see what
true Sicilian food is about. Everyone should have the experience of eating at the
fabulous Osteria Bacchus.
Paul Stratton, the Italian Specialist, for finding the best foodie places and people
to visit in Sicily. Prestige Holidays for organising such great trips for us and
finding brilliant places to stay.
Anne Hudson, who patiently tested recipes with me and shared her knowledge.
Gino Borella for the knowledge you have passed onto us.
Ada and her team at the stunning Monaci delle Terre Nere on the slopes of Etna.
Stefano Gegnacorsi, General Manager of the incredible Belmond Grand Hotel
Timeo for all your help.
Giuseppe Mazzarella and Cetti Ferrante for sharing his knowledge and research
with me on Sicilian food.
Louise Ford and friends in New Jersey for their help in sourcing Sicilian recipes
that travelled Brian McLeod for his Sicilian research.
Matteo Berghella and Luca Cappannari for their patient help on the cocktails.
Claire Warner, thank you for our stunning design. Johanna Noack, thank you for
the inspired and wonderful illustrations. Helen Cathcart, we love you and your
photography – we think this is the best ever!
Thank you to our literary agent Sheila Abelman for looking after us (and the
citrus salad!).
Things to do in Palermo
Really interesting street food tours by Palermo Street Food
Fun and informative cooking courses and market tours by Vincenzo at
Ristorante Cin Cin
Prestige Holidays
Mimmo and Francesco Zito at Osteria Bacchus – everyone should eat there. Find
them at Sant’Ambrogio just outside Cefalu.
Tel: +39 320 144 9452
Enoteca Rossorubino is in Cefalu and has great wines and antipasti. It is owned
by two lovely brothers.
Tel: +39 0921 423340
Cucinare alla Siciliana by Carmelo Sammarco, Arnone, 1998
Flavours of Sicily, The by Anna Tasca Lanza, Clarkson Potter, 1996
Food of Italy, The by Claudia Roden, VIntage, 1998
La Cucina Siciliana by Maria Teresa di Marco and Marie Cecile Ferre, Guido
Tommasi Editore, 2010
Midnight in Sicily by Peter Robb, Vintage Classics, 2015
Oxford Companion to Italian Food, The by Gillian Riley, Oxford, 2009
Sicilia by Elisia Menduni, Mondadori Electa, 2014
Sicilian Food by Mary Taylor-Simeti, Grub Street, 2009
Sicily by John Julius Norwich, John Murray, 2016
Sicily, Lonely Planet, 2014
Sicily, Insight Guides, 2016
Spring in Sicily by Manuela Darling-Gansser, Hardie Grant, 2012
Owners of London’s Caffé Caldesi, Caldesi in Campagna in Bray, and the
Marylebone La Cucina Caldesi cooking school, Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi
have a passion for Italian food. They have spent over 16 years teaching students
at every level, and have written nine cookbooks. Katie and Giancarlo have two
children, Giorgio and Flavio.
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations separated from their recipe
agnolotti: sunset agnolotti stuffed with sea bass 1
almonds 1
almond & honey biscuits 1
almond & pecorino biscuits 1
almond granita 1
almond milk 1
almond milk puddings 1
carob biscuits 1
citrus couscous salad from
Mandranova 1
clementine & almond slice 1
marsala semifreddo with caramelised nuts & red wine reduction 1
marzipan 1
pesto from Trapani 1
pistachio, almond & orange cake with saffron or rosewater syrup 1
purple sprouting broccoli with spicy almond crunch 1
ricotta cake 1
soft almond biscuits 1
sweet & sour aubergines with toasted almonds 1
anchovy, bean, celery & caper salad 1
baked cheese with anchovies & lemon zest 1
cauliflower in red wine 1
quick ricotta sfincione 1
Romanesco with pasta 1
round sandwiches 1–2, 3
sfincione sauce 1
Sicilian pizza 1
spaghetti with anchovies, capers & cherry tomatoes 1
antipasti 1
artichoke, broad bean & herb casserole 1
baked aubergine with tomato sauce & mozzarella 1
baked cheese with anchovies & lemon zest 1
naked wild chard pie with goat’s cheese 1
raw sea bass with a mint & lemon dressing 1
Romano peppers stuffed with pork mince & herbs 1
sardine patties 1
sun-dried tomato & chilli relish 1
sweet & sour aubergines 1
chickpea & apple soup 1, 2
roast pork with apples & rosemary 1
arancine 1, 2
mini crab arancine 1
spinach & mozzarella arancine 1
artichoke, broad bean & herb casserole 1
baked aubergine with tomato sauce & mozzarella 1
breaded veal cutlets or aubergines Palermo style 1
griddled mackerel with caponata 1
pasta with aubergine & tomatoes 1
pesto from Trapani 1
scacce 1–2
sweet & sour aubergines 1
sweet & sour aubergines with toasted almonds 1
Averna: Natalia 1
Bailey’s: Toasted Almond 1
orange & basil risotto 1
ricotta with basil 1
arancine 1
beef & onions 1
meatballs in broth 1
quick beef ragu 1
rolled stuffed roast beef 1
slow-cooked pork, beef & sausage ragu 1
almond & honey biscuits 1
almond & pecorino biscuits 1
carob biscuits 1
clementine & almond slice 1
soft almond biscuits 1
gluten-free focaccia 1
round sandwiches 1–2, 3
Sicilian focaccia with sesame seeds 1
broad beans
artichoke, broad bean & herb casserole 1
broad bean & fennel seed soup 1
broad bean salad with lemon & feta 1
broccoli: purple sprouting broccoli with spicy almond crunch 1
coffee, chocolate & walnut cake 1
pistachio, almond & orange cake with saffron or rosewater syrup 1
ricotta cake 1
cannellini beans: anchovy, bean, celery & caper salad 1
anchovy, bean, celery & caper salad 1
spaghetti with anchovies, capers & cherry tomatoes 1
sweet & sour aubergines 1
swordfish with tomatoes, capers & olives 1
griddled mackerel with caponata 1
sweet & sour aubergines 1
carob biscuits 1
meatballs in broth 1
quick beef ragu 1
quinoa & lamb couscous style 1
tomato & rice soup 1
artichoke, broad bean & herb casserole 1
slow-cooked pork, beef & sausage ragu 1
cauliflower in red wine 1
Romanesco with pasta 1
anchovy, bean, celery & caper salad 1
meatballs in broth 1
quick beef ragu 1
quinoa & lamb couscous style 1
a soup of two halves 1
sweet & sour aubergines 1
Champagne: Sticky Finger 1
chard: naked wild chard pie with goat’s cheese 1
chestnut flour: gluten-free focaccia 1
chicken parmigiana 1
chickpea flour: chickpea fritters 1
chickpeas: chickpea & apple soup 1, 2
chilli flakes
purple sprouting broccoli with spicy almond crunch 1
sun-dried tomato & chilli relish 1
chips: Sicilian chips 1
chocolate & cinnamon ice cream 1
coffee, chocolate & walnut cake 1
farro & ricotta creams 1
ricotta cake 1
clementine & almond slice 1
clementine ice cream 1
clementine marmalade 1
Duilio 1
The Natalia 1
Sticky Finger 1
Toasted Almond 1
coffee, chocolate & walnut cake 1
coffee granita 1
contorni 1
anchovy, bean, celery & caper salad 1
broad bean salad with lemon & feta 1
cauliflower in red wine 1
citrus couscous salad from Mandranova 1
courgette ribbons in lemon & oregano dressing 1
lemon & orange salad 1
melon, orange & walnut salad 1
orange & fennel salad 1
purple sprouting broccoli with spicy almond crunch 1
roast peppers Palermo style 1
Sicilian chips 1
sweet & sour aubergines with toasted almonds 1
sweet & sour pumpkin 1
courgette ribbons in lemon & oregano dressing 1
tuna steaks in a quinoa crust on courgettes 1
couscous 1
citrus couscous salad from Mandranova 1
fish & shellfish couscous 1
crab: mini crab arancine 1
the ice-cream base 1
marsala semifreddo with caramelised nuts & red wine reduction 1
dates: carob biscuits 1
desserts see also granitas; ice cream almond milk puddings 1
farro & ricotta creams 1
marsala semifreddo with caramelised nuts & red wine reduction 1
pumpkin fritters 1
quinces alla Anna 1
watermelon jellies 1
di Saronno Amaretto: Toasted Almond 1
citrus couscous salad from Mandranova 1
courgette ribbons in lemon & oregano dressing 1
raw sea bass with a mint & lemon dressing 1
Duilio 1
the ice-cream base 1
rolled stuffed roast beef 1
farro & ricotta creams 1
orange & fennel salad 1
sardine & wild fennel sauce 1
sausage & wild fennel ragu 1
fennel seeds
broad bean & fennel seed soup 1
chickpea fritters 1
sun-dried tomato & chilli relish 1
feta cheese
broad bean salad with lemon & feta 1
pasta with aubergine & tomatoes 1
fish 1
fish & shellfish couscous 1
fish sauce 1
gluten-free focaccia 1
Sicilian focaccia with sesame seeds 1, 2
Frangelico: Duilio 1
chickpea fritters 1
pumpkin fritters 1
garlic: sautéed mussels in garlic & white wine 1
gin: Sticky Finger 1
gluten-free focaccia 1
gluten-free fresh pasta 1
goat's cheese: naked wild chard pie with goat’s cheese 1
grana padano
naked wild chard pie with goat’s cheese 1
rice timbale 1
Grand Marnier: Natalia 1
granitas 1
almond granita 1
coffee granita 1
raspberry granita 1
gremolata: rack of lamb with citrus gremolata 1
halloumi cheese: baked cheese with anchovies & lemon zest 1
arancine 1
rolled stuffed roast beef 1
artichoke, broad bean & herb casserole 1
Romano peppers stuffed with pork mince & herbs 1
a soup of two halves 1
honey: almond & honey biscuits 1
ice cream 1
chocolate & cinnamon 1
clementine 1
the ice-cream base 1
rose 1
saffron 1
vanilla 1
jam: quince paste 1
jellies: watermelon jellies 1
quinoa & lamb couscous style 1
rack of lamb with citrus gremolata 1
chickpea & apple soup 1, 2
a soup of two halves 1
baked cheese with anchovies & lemon zest 1
broad bean salad with lemon & feta 1
citrus couscous salad from Mandranova 1
courgette ribbons in lemon & oregano dressing 1
lemon & orange salad 1
quinces alla Anna 1
rack of lamb with citrus gremolata 1
ravioli stuffed with ricotta & lemon 1
raw sea bass with a mint & lemon dressing 1
swordfish with salmoriglio sauce 1
mackerel: griddled mackerel with caponata 1
clementine & almond slice 1
clementine marmalade 1
marsala semifreddo with caramelised nuts & red wine reduction 1
ricotta cake 1
marzipan 1
meatballs in broth 1
melon, orange & walnut salad 1
almond milk 1
almond milk puddings 1
farro & ricotta creams 1
the ice-cream base 1
mint: raw sea bass with a mint & lemon dressing 1
mozzarella cheese
arancine 1
baked aubergine with tomato sauce & mozzarella 1
breaded veal cutlets or aubergines Palermo style 1
cherry tomato risotto 1
chicken parmigiana 1
rice timbale 1
rolled stuffed roast beef 1
round sandwiches 1–2, 2
scacce 1–2
spinach & mozzarella arancine 1
mussels: sautéed mussels in garlic & white wine 1
Natalia 1
olive oil, vanilla 1
citrus couscous salad from Mandranova 1
Sicilian chips 1
sweet & sour aubergines 1
swordfish with tomatoes, capers & olives 1
beef & onions 1
drunken tuna with sweet & sour onions 1
lemon & orange salad 1
quick ricotta sfincione 1
sea bass baked in a parcel with sfincione sauce 1
sfincione sauce 1
Sicilian chips 1
Sicilian pizza 1
citrus couscous salad from Mandranova 1
lemon & orange salad 1
melon, orange & walnut salad 1
orange & basil risotto 1
orange & fennel salad 1
pistachio, almond & orange cake with saffron or rosewater syrup 1
quinces alla Anna 1
rack of lamb with citrus gremolata 1
salmon baked with oranges & thyme 1
oregano: courgette ribbons in lemon & oregano dressing 1
Parmesan cheese
cherry tomato risotto 1
orange & basil risotto 1
pasta 1
cherry tomato sauce 1
fish sauce 1
fresh pasta 1
gluten-free fresh pasta 1
long pasta 1
pasta with aubergine & tomatoes 1
pesto from Trapani 1
pistachio pesto 1
quick beef ragu 1
ravioli stuffed with ricotta & lemon 1
Romanesco with pasta 1
sardine & wild fennel sauce 1
sausage & wild fennel ragu 1
slow-cooked pork, beef & sausage ragu 1
spaghetti with anchovies, capers & cherry tomatoes 1
sunset agnolotti stuffed with sea bass 1
clementine & almond slice 1
naked wild chard pie with goat’s cheese 1
scacce 1–2
patties: sardine patties 1
peas: artichoke, broad bean & herb casserole 1
pecorino: almond & pecorino biscuits 1
roast peppers Palermo style 1
Romano peppers stuffed with pork mince & herbs 1
a soup of two halves 1
pesto from Trapani 1
pistachio pesto 1
pies: naked wild chard pie with goat’s cheese 1
pine nuts
citrus couscous salad from Mandranova 1
roast peppers Palermo style 1
Romanesco with pasta 1
sardine patties 1
stuffed sardines with spinach, pine nuts & raisins 1
marsala semifreddo with caramelised nuts & red wine reduction 1
pistachio, almond & orange cake with saffron or rosewater syrup 1
pistachio pesto 1
watermelon jellies 1
pizza: Sicilian pizza 1
pork 1
roast pork with apples & rosemary 1
Romano peppers stuffed with pork mince & herbs 1
slow-cooked pork, beef & sausage ragu 1
quinoa & lamb couscous style 1
Sicilian chips 1
prawns: fish sauce 1
pumpkin fritters 1
sweet & sour pumpkin 1
purple sprouting broccoli with spicy almond crunch 1
quince paste 1
quinces alla Anna 1
quinoa & lamb couscous style 1
tuna steaks in a quinoa crust on courgettes 1
quick beef ragu 1
sausage & wild fennel ragu 1
slow-cooked pork, beef & sausage ragu 1
roast peppers Palermo style 1
stuffed sardines with spinach, pine nuts & raisins 1
raspberry granita 1
ravioli stuffed with ricotta & lemon 1
relish: sun-dried tomato & chilli relish 1
rice 1
arancine 1
cherry tomato risotto 1
mini crab arancine 1
orange & basil risotto 1
rice timbale 1
Romano peppers stuffed with pork mince & herbs 1
spinach & mozzarella arancine 1
tomato & rice soup 1
ricotta cheese
farro & ricotta creams 1
oven-baked ricotta with onions & rosemary 1
quick ricotta sfincione 1
ravioli stuffed with ricotta & lemon 1
ricotta cake 1
ricotta with basil 1
sausage & wild fennel ragu 1
scacce 1–2
a soup of two halves 1
cherry tomato risotto 1
orange & basil risotto 1
Romanesco with pasta 1
Romano peppers stuffed with pork mince & herbs 1
oven-baked ricotta with onions & rosemary 1
roast pork with apples & rosemary 1
pistachio, almond & orange cake with saffron or rosewater syrup 1
rose ice cream 1
saffron see also arancine
pistachio, almond & orange cake with saffron or rosewater syrup 1
saffron ice cream 1
anchovy, bean, celery & caper salad 1
broad bean salad with lemon & feta 1
citrus couscous salad from Mandranova 1
lemon & orange salad 1
melon, orange & walnut salad 1
orange & fennel salad 1
salmon baked with oranges & thyme 1
salmoriglio dressing
courgette ribbons in lemon & oregano dressing 1
raw sea bass with a mint & lemon dressing 1
swordfish with salmoriglio sauce 1
sandwiches: round sandwiches 1–2, 3
round sandwiches 1–2, 3
sardine & wild fennel sauce 1
sardine patties 1
stuffed sardines with spinach, pine nuts & raisins 1
cherry tomato sauce 1
fish sauce 1
sardine & wild fennel sauce 1
sausage & wild fennel ragu 1
slow-cooked pork, beef & sausage ragu 1
scacce 1–2
sea bass
raw sea bass with a mint & lemon dressing 1
sea bass baked in a parcel with sfincione sauce 1
sunset agnolotti stuffed with sea bass 1
semifreddo: marsala semifreddo
with caramelised nuts & red wine reduction 1
sesame seeds
gluten-free focaccia 1
Sicilian focaccia with sesame seeds 1, 2
sfincione sauce
quick ricotta sfincione 1
sea bass baked in a parcel with sfincione sauce 1
Sicilian pizza 1
shellfish 1
fish & shellfish couscous 1
fish sauce 1
smoked cheese: scacce 1–2
soup 1
broad bean & fennel seed soup 1
chickpea & apple soup 77, 2
meatballs in broth 1
a soup of two halves 1
tomato & rice soup 1
sourdough bread: quick ricotta sfincione 1
spaghetti with anchovies, capers & cherry tomatoes 1
rice timbale 1
spinach & mozzarella arancine 1
stuffed sardines with spinach, pine nuts & raisins 1
tomato & rice soup 1
sweet & sour aubergines 1
sweet & sour aubergines with toasted almonds 1
sweet & sour pumpkin, contorni 1
Swiss chard: rack of lamb with citrus gremolata 1
swordfish with salmoriglio sauce 1
swordfish with tomatoes, capers & olives 1
thyme: salmon baked with oranges & thyme 1
timbales: rice timbale 1
baked aubergine with tomato sauce & mozzarella 1
breaded veal cutlets or aubergines Palermo style 1
cherry tomato risotto 1
cherry tomato sauce 1
chicken parmigiana 1
fish sauce 1
griddled mackerel with caponata 1
pasta with aubergine & tomatoes 1
pesto from Trapani 1
quick ricotta sfincione 1
ravioli stuffed with ricotta & lemon 1
round sandwiches 1–2, 3
scacce 1–2
sea bass baked in a parcel with sfincione sauce 1
sfincione sauce 1
Sicilian chips 1
Sicilian pizza 1
slow-cooked pork, beef & sausage ragu 1
spaghetti with anchovies, capers & cherry tomatoes 1
sun-dried tomato & chilli relish 1
sweet & sour aubergines 1
swordfish with tomatoes, capers & olives 1
tomato & rice soup 1
drunken tuna with sweet & sour onions 1
tuna steaks in a quinoa crust on courgettes 1
vanilla ice cream 1
vanilla olive oil 1
veal: breaded veal cutlets or aubergines Palermo style 1
fish sauce 1
a soup of two halves 1
tomato & rice soup 1
coffee, chocolate & walnut cake 1
melon, orange & walnut salad 1
watermelon jellies 1
whisky: Duilio 1
cauliflower in red wine 1
drunken tuna with sweet & sour onions 1
marsala semifreddo with caramelised nuts & red wine reduction 1
sautéed mussels in garlic & white wine 1
Sicily by Katie & Giancarlo Caldesi
The moral rights of Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi to be identified as the authors of this
work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of the Publisher.
eISBN: 978-1-74358-445-3