cstp3 Kerkhoff Final
cstp3 Kerkhoff Final
cstp3 Kerkhoff Final
Students are taught key Students are taught Students use mnemonics
vocabulary words for a vocabulary words and then write down new
lesson. 9/22/22 through mnemonics. vocabulary words in their
journals. They learn how to
use a dictionary and find
During a lesson a student
ways to clarify words. To
makes connections to The teacher creates add they also learn a new
mistakes. I teach them movements that go with word each day to increase
that mistakes are good each vocabulary word. their awareness of
and help our brain grow. This helps students synonyms.
9/22/22 remember the word and
definition. The teacher wears and uses
3/15/23 new words everyday and I
wear them on a name tag. I
use it in as many ways as I
can and encourage students
to use it as well. 10/30/23
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning