ملخص علميه شابتر ١
ملخص علميه شابتر ١
ملخص علميه شابتر ١
In Arabic, the word ترجمmeans “to explain speech into another language” and “transfer
speech into another language”. Rids defines ترجم كالمهas “explained it.” Naturally, one
cannot expect one definition to be an ideal match for a wide range of contexts,
languages, purposes, and readership.
Scholar maintains that “The goal of translation is to achieve linguistic, cultural and
psychological equivalence and judging its quality is a great concern, especially since
there are no specific criteria to guide that process.
Nida introduced formal equivalence focusing on SL message form and content and dynamic
equivalence aiming at an “equivalent effect.” Practically, formal equivalence between Arabic
and English does not pose a challenge unlike the dynamic equivalence because the chances of
achieving the latter heavily rely on paralinguistic factors.
Newmark argues that translation equivalence is useless and that “perfect translation is
Some scholars stress the impossibility of achieving exact equivalence between any language
Some scholars maintain that linguistic and cultural factors make equivalence relative.
On the intralingual level, finding two words bearing the same meaning in all contexts is “a luxury
a language can do without”.
Differences in the components and relations of meaning between a pair of languages can lead
to two consequences for translation as well as equivalence issues.
Being the basis for any translation practice that heavily relies on equivalence relations, 1-
meaning is usually determined through situation and context rather than through the dictionary.
2- Meaning can also be governed by translators’ interference in transferring texts between a pair
of languages.
# What is the result of having the relationship between different components and meaning?
Equivalence and translation
# in the exam, you can use these examples when you illustrate something
Back to page 4-5 to read the examples.
3- Free translation
When adopting free translation, which is usually TL biased, translators are at liberty to render
STs, maintaining the content of the ST message.
4- Adaptation
Translators adopt this translation strategy( adaptation )when the source text contains
something specific to the source language culture to be expressed in a completely different
way that is familiar to the culture of the target language. Adaptation is therefore a shift in
cultural environment.
5- Translation by addition
Translation by addition strategy simply refers to adding something, not present in the ST, to
the TT. This strategy is commonly used when translating from Arabic into English as in
adding the word days to the English translation of منذ الهيمنة التركيةmaking it “since the days of
the Turkish hegemony”. This example is IMP.
6- Translation by omission
translation by omission refers to deleting ST lexical units from the TT. Some scholars
explain that “the most obvious form of translation loss is when something that occurs in
the ST is simply omitted from the TT.” For example , The Arabic phrase ,هذا وused to
introduce information related to a previous textual material, is usually omitted when we
translate into English.
Understanding the source language and target language linguistic and cultural norms is
a decisive factor in the process of translation.
The thorough understanding of a source text linguistic and paralinguistic aspects enables
translators to analyze the components of the text, use suitable translation methods, and
consequently produce accurate translations according to the target language norms.
Misunderstanding the ST can, in certain cases, lead to not only undesired results but also
catastrophic consequences. ✅
An example of a translation that takes target readers’ ideology into account is the
translation of Palestinian terrorist into ,مقاوم فلسطينيwhich indicates a significant departure
from the ST. Cultural references may be deleted from TTs in order to respect the cultural
values of target readers. Consider the following example where bacon was translated as لحم
1.6 Decision making
The essence of translation is nothing but decision making, a stage requiring transla-
tors to select certain alternatives that define the factors governing all aspects of the
translation process.
2- Cognition and knowledge: The authors assert that the translator’s own socio-
cognitive system (the translator’s culture and system of values, beliefs, etc.) is less
subjective than aesthetics. The system plays a significant role in informing
translation decisions.
3- Commission: someone point out that the task specification agreed with clients can
significantly influence the decision-making process. This highlights translation
purpose, loyalty, and conflict of interests, among other factors. Someone maintain
that the nature of the commission is a central factor in defining the purpose of the
#What makes it difficult to achieve the equivalence? The Three factors mentioned
before which are, Aesthetics, Cognition and knowledge, Commission
1.7 Translators tools
The internet has become a quick, valuable, and free source of information for students and
translators. Students can find words easily and quickly in different domains using Google
Search and Google Translate. However, attention should be paid to the linguistic and semantic
problems of translation when using Google Translate to translate sentences between English
and Arabic.
Google translates يا له من كرسي متعبinto What a tired chair!; متعِبmeans uncomfortable rather
than tired.The word, read as ,متَعبmeans tired. The problem here lies in the fact that Google
Translate does not distinguish the different readings of the word and consequently cannot
select the accurate translations associated with these different readings. Translation software
or Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools, especially those having translation memory as in
TRADOS, can be of great use for students and translators. However, translations using such
software many not be accurate due to syntactic structures or lexical ambiguities.