About Adizes

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Adizes Institute
Adizes is a world-wide consulting organization that serves clients from start-ups to the
2815 East Valley Road Global 100 in many diverse industries. It is led by an Institute that performs research,
Santa Barbara, CA 93108 licensing and training in the Adizes methodology and is associated with a Graduate
805.565.2901 School that offers Master’s and Doctoral programs in organizational transformation.
Fax 805.565.0741



The purpose of Adizes is to enable our clients to manage

accelerated change without destructive conflict.

Since 1973 Adizes has provided organizations with a change program that unlocked their
hidden value and enabled them to achieve leadership positions in their industries or
We help companies become the leaders of their markets by addressing key management
infrastructure issues with an approach that builds a culture of mutual trust and respect.
Our powerful processes, tools and concepts are
“Dr. Adizes’ methodology has
based on the Adizes Methodology™ (pronounced been one of the reasons that we
“Ah-dee-zus”), which is a highly-evolved have grown from $12 million in
proprietary, structured and pragmatic system for sales to over $750 million without
accelerating organizational change developed by Dr. any outside financing.”
Ichak Adizes. The Adizes Methodology has been Stewart Resnick,
Adizes Institute
President and CEO,
Licensed Offices:
developed over the past 35 years and is used The Franklin Mint
successfully to transform thousands of
Central America organizations worldwide.

This methodology is based on the proven proposition that what makes businesses strong
over the long term, what underlies their ability to improve financial performance, attract
and retain exceptional talent, build and sustain competitive advantage, and become the
champions of their markets, is the presence of a robust and pervasive culture of mutual
trust and respect where there is minimal energy spent on politics and internal fighting, so
that maximum energy can be devoted to competing in the marketplace.
South East Europe

Turkey Services are delivered through Certified Adizes Associates, located in offices around the
USA world. We recruit Associates who have substantial prior experience as senior executives,
and they have to complete a rigorous multiyear Adizes training and certification
Distance Learning:
program. Our Associates have varied cultural backgrounds and many speak several
Adizes Graduate School

Executive Development . Programs for Managing Accelerated Change . Organizational Diagnosis


Adizes specializes in guiding CEOs, top management teams, boards and owners to quickly
and effectively resolve issues such as:
¾ Difficulties in aligning the structure of the “Adizes offers the secret to
organization to achieve its strategic intent. understanding how to stay
ahead of the transitions that
¾ Making the transition from entrepreneurship to organizations make and how to
professional management. provide the leadership through
those transitions to optimum
¾ Bureaucratization and an organization that is performance.”
starting to get out of touch with its markets and James C. Morgan,
Chairman and CEO,
losing entrepreneurial vitality. Applied Materials Inc.
¾ Growing pains.
¾ Conflicts between founders, owners, board members, partners and family members.
¾ Internal conflicts and “politics” to such an extent they are inhibiting the success of
the business.
¾ Failure to step up and make important, but risky decisions.
¾ Inability to make simple decisions, or lack of implementation follow through.
¾ “Culture clashes” between companies undergoing mergers or acquisitions.
We are experts at enabling an enterprise to make fundamental improvements without the
destructive conflicts that plague many major change efforts.

¾ A $ 4 0 0 m i l l i o n h i g h - t e c h c o m p a n y needed to build a changing structure to
capitalize on growing markets. It is now a $5.5 billion company.
¾ A f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n w i t h o v e r $ 1 0 0 b i l l i o n i n a s s e t s was losing market
share and non-responsive to market changes. It reversed its trend and today is a leading
global financial institution.
¾ T h e f o u n d e r o f a y o u n g , f a s t - g r o w i n g c o m p a n y needed to maintain control while
having the freedom to explore other opportunities. With Adizes, he has launched more
than 20 new companies.
¾ A m o d u l a r b u i l d i n g s m a n u f a c t u r e r needed to deal with changing markets and
customer needs while returning to profitability. Today it is competitive and profitable.
¾ A n e l e c t r o n i c s c o m p a n y w i t h a d o m i n a n t p o s i t i o n i n m i l i t a r y s a l e s wanted to
move to other applications. Today, over half of its revenue comes from medical
electronics, and it has expanded into the global market.


At the foundation of our work is the
fundamental working principle that all
organizations, like any living organisms,
have a lifecycle and exhibit predictable
and repetitive patterns of behavior as
they grow and age. At each new stage of
development, every organization is
faced with a unique set of challenges.
How well or poorly leadership
addresses these issues, and makes the
changes needed for a healthy transition
from one stage to the next, determines
the success or failure of that
Leading an organization through lifecycle transitions is not easy, or obvious. The same
methods that produce success in one stage can create failure in the next.
Fundamental changes in leadership and management are all required, with an approach that
delicately balances the amount of control and flexibility needed for each stage. Leaders who
fail to understand what is needed (and not needed) can inhibit the development of their
companies or plunge them into premature aging.

Solutions are created with the active participation, full understanding, and support of the
managers who implement them. By working in this manner, our clients are able to make
needed changes faster and more efficiently.
We are not conventional management consultants who write reports and make
recommendations on what we think our clients “should” do. Nor are we OD specialists or
benign facilitators. Instead, we are change management experts who work side-by-side with
our clients to develop and implement needed changes.
In our change management programs we "The Adizes Methodology for managing
provide comprehensive long-term support sustainable accelerated growth has been a major
to assist the CEO and top management contributor to our success. In the ten years that we
team become the champions of their have worked with and retained the services of
markets. The relationship we forge with Adizes LLC, we have grown our capitalization
from 261 Million in 1992 to 3.5 Billion dollars in
our clients is much like that between the 2002, making us one of the largest corporations of
Olympic Training Center and the the Continent"
complete program of support they provide Ricardo B. Salinas, Chairman &
to athletics that want to become world Chief Executive, Grupo Salinas


Since 1973 we have worked with clients that range from fledgling to the Global 100
companies in 48 countries from 75 different industries. Adizes maintains the confidentiality
of its clients unless it is a matter of public knowledge or client permission is given. Clients
that have given us permission to publicly disclose their names are listed below.
¾ Allegis Group, Maryland ¾ Ministry of Health, (Ghana)
¾ Anadigics, New Jersey ¾ Northland Corporation, Kentucky
¾ Applied Materials (Global) ¾ Northrop Aviation, California
¾ Bank of America, California ¾ Outrigger Hotels, Hawaii
¾ The Body Shop ¾ P.N. Gerolymatos Pharmaceuticals, S.A.,
¾ BRF (Denmark) (Greece)
¾ Campus Crusade for Christ, Oregon ¾ Plate Glass Industries (South Africa)
¾ Coca-Cola Bottling, Louisiana ¾ Progeny Advanced Genetics, California
¾ Commission Junction, California ¾ RGM Group (Indonesia)
¾ Competitive Foods, (Australia) ¾ Safra Bank (Brazil)
¾ Los Angeles Department of Social Services ¾ Salinas Group (Mexico)
¾ Domino's Pizza, Michigan ¾ SanDisk Corporation, California
¾ Elbit Computers (Israel) ¾ Silver & Baryte (Greece)
¾ Ellemtel, (Sweden) ¾ SKF Group (Sweden, India, Canada)
¾ Equifax Services, Georgia ¾ Solid State Stamping, California
¾ Exacto Knitwear (Australia) ¾ Sussan Corporation (Australia)
¾ Francorp, Illinois ¾ TELE Greenland (Greenland)
¾ Franklin Mint, Pennsylvania ¾ Teleflora, California
¾ Gandel Group of Companies, (Australia) ¾ Television Azteca (Mexico)
¾ Government of Mexico (Cabinet of ¾ U.S. Naval Weapons Center, California
President Vincente Fox) ¾ Video Services Corporation, New Jersey
¾ Grupo Elektra (Mexico) ¾ Volvo Komponentverken, (Sweden)
¾ Gruppo Formula (Italy) ¾ York Hunter, New York
¾ International Service Systems, (Denmark) ¾ Young President’s Organization
¾ Kullman Industries, New Jersey (Worldwide)
¾ Lavipharm, S.A., (Greece) ¾ Ziridis Schools (Greece)

“Adizes has been an invaluable resource and insightful advisor in my efforts to restore entrepreneurial vitality
to mature business organizations throughout the world.”
S t e v e n M i l l e r , P r e s i d e n t a nd C E O , S h e l l O i l Co m p a n y

“To remain the market leader in this environment of rapid growth -- in an industry that is projected by market
analysis to grow from $1 Billion today to over $10 Billion by 2005 -- we must continually restructure our
company. Adizes is our primary vehicle for managing these internal transformations.”
Eli Harari, President and CEO, SanDisk Corporation

"Our Company celebrated our first month of positive operating cash flow exactly three years to the month
since we conceived the business. Thank you for your guidance and consultation. We couldn't have done it
without Adizes"
L e x S i s n e y , C o - f ou n d e r & C h a i r m a n , C o m m i s s i o n J u n c t i o n

A Senior Adizes Associate will present and expose your top management team to the Adizes
concepts, process and approach to harness the power of “change”. The presentations,
delivered in 2, 4 or 6 hour formats are always tailored so participants can derive immediate
benefits from this information. Some of the typical benefits areas that can be targeted for the
participants are:
¾ Understand Corporate Lifecycles – How organizations grow and die and what to do
about it
¾ Understand the necessary transitions in moving from Entrepreneurship to Professional
¾ Understand how to rejuvenate an Aging organization
¾ Understand how to predict the quality and effectiveness of decisions
¾ Understand how to predict the quality and efficiency of decision implementation
¾ Understand how to build an effective management team
¾ Understand the problems of organizational transition versus those that stymie an
organization on a continual basis
¾ Understand the nature of conflict, how to harness it and why it is healthy for
organizations to have and maintain functional conflict
¾ Understand the organizational issues and determine which of these are normal,
abnormal or fatal for where the organization is in its stage of the lifecycle.
After this introduction, the organization’s current health is assessed and its organizational goals
are determined.
Adizes is committed to making its client’s extraordinary goals a reality. Following the
organizational assessment, the clients define the “stretch” targets they wish to achieve.
Subsequently, Adizes custom designs a Change Management Program to meet the unique
needs of each client.
In order to achieve a win-win alliance all Adizes engagements are based on mutual
commitments. If the client and Adizes believe that Adizes can help the company achieve its
stretch goals, by making then needed changes faster and more efficiently, then the fees paid
to Adizes are mostly derived from attainment of these goals.


O F Y O U O R G A N I Z A T I O N , P L E A S E C O N T A C T A D I Z E S A T (805) 565-2901.

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