GT-3 Key
GT-3 Key
GT-3 Key
Time: 3.20 Hrs GT-3 Max.Marks: 720
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Pg. 1
Hints & Explanations
A.D f
1. A) , B) m
R.D f u
2. B 0. 3
4 r
3. 0
4. Zf
5. Intensity α Current
6. A
7. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanations of assertion.
8. All a,b,c are correct
9. Electron is excited to second orbit
11. 492.55MeV
12. Conceptual
13. Conceptual
14. Conceptual
1 Q
15. V .
4 0 R
V 0 R is Q
1 C1C2
16. U (V1 V2 )2
2 C1 C2
17. Two significant digits
18. Conceptual
19. Conceptual
2 2
2E E
20. R R 2.25
R2 R 0.5
21. Impendence of circuit decreases
22. V
23. H Tan
24. F= mg only
25. F L
26. N cos mg
N sin mr 2 where sin
27. W m (v 2 u 2 )
28. Conceptual
mr 2
29. F .R 1 I
Pg. 2
m R 3m
30. X
4 2 4
gR 2
31. g1
( R h) 2
32. V
33. Conceptual
34. P
35. F= H(d1-d2)g×area of door where d1 and d2 are densities
1 V
36. . and PV nRT
37. No change in motional emf magnitude
38. P.t = ms.
M kg
39. M
n mole
40. Area of PV - diagram
41. Conceptual
42. V A2 Y 2
43. V and t
44. Conceptual
45. 8 ohm and 16Ω are in series
Id l r
46. dB 0
4 r 3
M e
L 2m
48. F=BILsin
49. m and A1 m2 A0
f u
50. In magnetic dipole, force
4.8 4.8
Hence, new force = 4 0.3N
2 16
2 0
51. r(radius of lower orbit) 0.529 n A
2.116 A0 0.529 n 2 . A0
n2 4
52. He…..1s 2 2 s 2
53. 0.00025 All zeros left to non-zero digits are not significant No.of significant figure = 2
Pg. 3
56. K p pNH 3
. pCO2
Since 2 moles of NH 3 and 1 mole of CO2 are formed
2 1
X NH 3 ; X CO2
3 3
2 1
4 Ptot Ptot
3 3
Ptot 3atm
57. their axes remain parallel to each other and perpendicular to the internuclear axis
1000 1.06 104 1000
59. m k
M 0.01
2 1 mol c
60. +100 J
61. (CH3)2 CH CH2Br
62. Conceptual
63. Trans complex is symmetrical and is optically inactive.
64. Conceptual
65. Maltose has hemiacetal – OH group
66. Conceptual
67. Conceputal
68. n- butyl alcohol
69. Thermodynamically most stable allotrope of phosphorous is white phosphorous
71. Conceptual
72. 2 H 2O (l )
2 H 2 ( g ) O2 ( g )
73. +2
74. Mn in MnO4 is in its highest oxidation state
75. 0.9922
76. SnO, SnO2 & H2O, H2O2
Pg. 4
81. Conceptual
82. K 2CrO4 is yellow coloured
1 VA mB B VA 3 2
83. ; ; 1
mV VB mAA VB 2 3
84. XeF4 H 2 O
Xe XeO3 HF O2
85. NH 4 H 2O NH 4OH H
86. Conceptual
i 1
n 1
i 1
3 1
i = 2.6
T f iK f .m
2.6 K f 0.1
T f 0.26 K f
89. Mole fraction of toluene in vapour phase = YToluene ( P 0 X )Toluene / ( P 0 X )benzene ( P 0 X )Toluene
YToluene 2 / 4 80 / 2 / 4 80 2 / 4 120
40 / 40 60 40 /100 0.4
90. The hybridization state of carbon atoms is
H 2C C CH 2
91. t99.9% 10t1/2
t1/2 10 min
K m
92. XY ( s) X (aq) Y (aq)
2 10 3 103
Ks p [ X ][Y ] 2 103 103 2 106
93. Conceptual
94. Conceptual
Pg. 5
95. Molecular formula of uracil is C4 H 4 N 2O2
Molecular moves of uracil = 112
% of Nitrogen
96. Al Al 3 3e
Ag e Ag 3
0.0591 103
Ecell 2.46 log 1 2
3 (10 )
Ecell 2.46V
97. XeO3 is a polar molecule, 0
98. P4 124 g ; S8 256 g ; Cu 63.6 g ; O3 48g
So, H reaction E f Eb
80 100 20kJ mol 1
100. Te < Se < S < O
101. NCERT XI.P.No:8
102. Author name appears after indica
103. Sac fungi (Ascomycetes) and imperfect fungi (deuteromycetes)
104. a-ii, b-iv, c-iii, d-i
105. Dependent sporophyte on gametophyte
106. Wolffia-Microscopic, smallest angiosperm
107. Potato – Modified stem
108. Fabaceae
109. Tracheids are present usually in all trachaeophytes
110. Monocot stem and leaves
111. Secondary phloem is a part of bark but not periderm
112. Plasmodermata – Intercellular transport of materials
113. In eukaryotic cell, ‘70’s ribosomes are present in chloroplasts and mitochondria
114. Ribose – C5H10O5
115. Transition from prophase to metaphase
116. i-b, ii-d, iii-c, iv-a
117. In virus, DNA or RNA as genetic material with no ribosome
118. Nostoc can fix N2 by nitrogenase,
Nostoc can fix CO2 as it contains Chl.a (photosynthetic)
Nostoc can fix O2 as it is aerobic
119. Light phase is light dependent
120. 11ATP by OP (oxidative phosphorylation) and 1 ATP by SLP(substrate level phosphorylation)
121. i-b, ii-d, iii-c, iv-a
122. Mosses
123. a-4-K, b-2-M, c-1-L, d-3-N
124. Two, One
125. papaya shows dioecy
Pg. 6
126. Both 1 and 2
127. Monohybrid test cross – 1: 1, Dihybrid test cross -1: 1:1:1
128. Linkage – Morgan
129. C4 plants – Two ( Mesophyll cell, bundle sheath cell)
C3 plants – One ( Mesophyll cell)
130. 9 dominant, 1 recessive phenotypes
131. It is RNA dependent DNA polymerase during transcription
132. Both S-I and S-II are correct
133. Allolactose
134. iv,iii,ii,i
135. Isolation of desired DNA fragment
136. All protists do not have cell wall
137. Proteins and RNA are hetero polymers
138. Beans – Non endospermic seeds
139. Spreading out branches bearing leaves, flowers and fruits
140. In photorespiration , ATP and NADPH 2 are not produced, but ATP utilised
141. DNA ligase
142. Insect group specific
143. Volume of CO2 evolved/Volume of O2 consumed
144. Matured sieve elements are anucleated living cells
145. Brewing – alcohol formation
146. Microbodies
147. both 1 and 2
148. QB Bacteriophage – ssRNA
149. Secondary xylem, secondary phloem
150. One
151. All of them show bilateral symmetry
152. “The Evil Quartet” is he sobriquet used to describe causes of biodiversity losses
153. Estrogen dominates before ovulation and progesterone dominates after ovulation
154. Dolphin – Lungs., Balanoglossus - Gills
155. FSH and LH are gonadotropins. In males FSH acts on Sertoli cells and stimulates the process of
156. Body covered with feathers; bony endoskeleton; oviparous; direct development - Aves
157. A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
158. In skin, dense irregular connective tissue is present.
159. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
160. In frog, urinary bladder is located Ventral to rectum
161. In HGP, the sequence of chromosome-1 was completed in May 2006
162. A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
163. DNA finger printing is a technique which works on the principle of Polymorphism in DNA
164. During aestivation and hibernation, frogs perform cutaneous respiration
165. A – mean character value, B – other than mean character value
166. Maximum reabsorption occurs in PCT of nephron
167. Secondary lymphoid organs provide the sites for interaction of Lymphocytes with the antigens,
then Lymphocytes proliferate to become effector cells
168. Residual volume is not taken into consideration in measuring of these two capacities of the
lungs Vital capacity and expiratory capacity
169. Smack is an opioid
170. Deoxygenated blood pumped into the pulmonary artery is passed on to the lungs from where the
oxygenated blood is carried by the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. This pathway constitutes
Pulmonary circulation
171. α-1 antitrypsin is used to treat which disease Emphysema
Pg. 7
172. Platelets are cell fragments produced from megakaryocytes
Basophils are not Phagocytic cells
173. In Competition, both partners are adversely affected
174. Proximal convoluted tubule is lined by simple cuboidal brush border epithelium
175. The producer which breed only once in its life time is Bamboo
176. Both statement A and statement B are wrong
177. When number of immigrations and births is more than emigrations and deaths, the growth curve of
the population will show Acceleration phase
178. D – Sternum, to which true ribs attach with the help of hyaline cartilage
179. In most of the ecosystems, the pyramids of number and of biomass are upright
180. In myelinated axons, the gaps between two adjacent myelin sheaths are called nodes of Ranvier
181. Bangarus, Naja, Vipera are poisonous snakes
182. Exopthalmic goitre is a form of hyperthyroidism
183. Sarcoplasmic Retculum is considered as store house of calcium ion’s in muscle fibre
184. Hormone that enhances cellular glucose uptake and utilization is secreted by - cells of Islets of
185. The hormone which suppress immune responses is Cortisol
186. Cranium and vertebral column are cartilaginous in Petromyzon
187. X=26,
188. HGP was closely associated with the rapid development of a new area in biology called
189. Convergent evolution is explained by Eye of octopus and Mamuls
190. Atrial systole increases the flow of blood into the ventricles by about 30percent
191. A haemophilic father passes the defective gene to all his daughters
192. A – (iii), B – (iv), C – (ii), D – (i)
193. Depolarization of nerve fibre is due to Influx of Na+
194. Flippers of penguins and dolphins are the example of Analogy
195. I – (b), II – (c), III – (a), IV – (d)
196. In the ovary of female human, degeneration of a large number of primary follicles occurs from
birth to puberty
197. If a person in infected with some deadly microbes to which quick immune response is required as in
tetanus, we need to inject preformed antibodies and Antitoxins
198. In Intra – Uterine insemination, the semen collected from husband/donor is artificially
introduced into the uterus of the female
199. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
200. Failure of segregation of chromatids during cell division cycle results in ‘aneuploidy’.
Down’s syndrome results due to Gain of extra copy of chromosome 21
Pg. 8