Simple guide for Medical Expense Pre-approval Service
3 「免找數服務」一經安排,我們/第三方服務供應商會向有關醫院發出「付款保證書」。當你於醫院登 記時,
你可以通知醫院 Bowtie 已為病人發出「付款保證書」 ,並 提供 ( 1 ) 受 保人身份證明文件 ( 2 )入院 /治 療 日期
( 3 ) 付款保證書編號 以作核 實 。
Once “Cashless Settlement ” has been successfully set-up, we/our T hird Party Administrator will send a
“Letter of Guarantee” (LOG) to the concerned hospital. Upon registration at hospital, please notify the
hospital that the LO G has been arranged by Bowtie, also present ( 1 ) insured 's identi fi cation
document ( 2 ) date of admission/treatment ( 3 ) reference number of the LO G for veri fi cation purpose.
4 完成 治療後,醫院會直接向我們遞交醫療單據,我們會替你直接繳付有關已獲批核的醫療開支。如有關 醫療開
支高於合資格保障應支付的賠償額,你需要在出院時於醫院繳交差額費用 。如需索償差額費用 ,你可保留收
據並於 Bowtie 網上平台進行申請。倘若理賠程序時發現住院/治療中有醫療開支屬保單的不受保範圍,我們有
The hospital will send us the bills and we will settle the approved medical expense on behalf of you. If
the medical ex pense exceeds the payable amount under eligible benefi t upon claim assessment, you
will have to pay the shortfall amount when you are discharged from the hospital. You can also submit
the receipt with the shortfall amount to Bowtie for additional claim procedure. In case of any
uncovered medical e penses in the policy during claims assessment, we reserve the right to claw back
the amount from you.
5 需要協助? 請聯絡
For en q uiry, please contact
1. 醫療費用預先批核服務或「免找數服務」為一項就受保人於治療 / 住院期間所衍生的受保開支而設的行政安排,
而並非保單保障內容, 我們有權隨時撤銷此項服務而毋須另行通知,並保留絕對決定權。
The “Cashless Settlement” service is not a contractual service but an administrative arrangement offered
in our absolute discretion in respect of covered expenses incurred by the Insured during the treatment/
hospitalization. It is subject to termination by Bowtie at any time without prior notice.
2. 如因保單下的不受保事項而引發之治療或住院,均不會獲發「付款保證書」。
If the treatment or hospitalization is due to illness or disability classified under any exclusion or
whatsoever of the concerned policies, no Letter of Guarantee will be issued.
Date DD /MM /YY
人/受保人之記錄者, 詳情或醫療資料,及/或曾診驗或可能將會診驗本人/受保人者,均可將該等資料提供給保泰人壽保險有限公司。此授權對本人之
I HEREBY AUTHORIZE on behalf of myself/the insured any employer, registered practitioner, hospital, clinic, insurance company, bank,
government institution, or other organization, institution or person, that has any records , knowledge or medical information of me/the
insured and who has attended or may hereafter attend myself/the insured to disclose such information to Bowtie Life Insurance
Company Limited. This authorization shall bind my successors and assignees and remains valid notwithstanding death or incapacity.
A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.
*提示 Note:
1. 如屬團體醫療保單 - 須由受保僱員/會員填寫及簽署。For group medical policy - To be completed and signed by the Employee/ Member.
2. 若受保人未滿18歲 - 須由保單持有人填寫及簽署。If the Insured is under age 18 - To be completed and signed by the Policyholder.
保單號碼 病人姓名
身份證號碼 聯絡電話
Part 3. 病歷 (由主診醫生 / 手術醫生填寫) Clinical History (To be completed by the attending physician / surgeon)
1. 閣下是否病人的慣常醫生?
Yes, Since
Are you the patient’s usual doctor?
2. 病人因此疾病或意外首次求診的日期
5.(a) 最後診斷
Final Diagnosis
6. 引起診斷結果的主因
Underlying cause for the diagnosis
7. 如病人由其他醫生轉介,請提供轉介醫生的姓名和地址
If the patient was referred by another doctor, please provide
the referring doctor’s name and address.
8. 病人曾否因同類或相關疾病接受治療或住院? 是,請說明詳情
Had the patient previously been treated or hospitalized for Yes, Please provide details
the same / related disorder?) 就診日期
Consultation Date
Disease / Disorder
醫生 / 醫院名稱
Name of Physician /
治療 / 住院詳情
Details of treatment /
N o
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9. 病人是否因其他原因,直接或間接引致或加劇有關之受傷/病症?
Was the patient’s injury / illness directly or indirectly due to aggravated by other factors?
是 - 請在下列適當位置劃上剔號並提供詳情 (如適用)
Yes - Please tick where it is appropriate and give details (If applicable)
懷孕 / 分娩 / 墮胎 / 流產 自殺 / 自殘身體
Pregnancy / Childbirth / Abortion / Miscarriage Attempted suicide / Self-inflicted
美容 / 整容 先天性疾病
Beautification / Cosmetic Purpose Congenital condition
矯正視力 / 屈光不正 Disease / Disorder
Correcting visual acuity / refractive errors
性病 / 經由性接觸傳染的疾病
Date of manifestation
Venereal disease / Sexually Transmitted Disease 確診日期
Date of diagnosis
人體免疫力缺乏病毒 其他
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Others
10. 病人過往有否下列的病歷 / 習慣 ?
Did the patient have the following past medical history / habit ?
是 - 請在下列適當位置劃上剔號並提供詳情 (如適用)
Yes - Please tick where it is appropriate and give details (If applicable)
Other major, chronic or congenital illness
Diagnosis date
Name of Physician
病歷之現況 完全康復 治療中
Current condition of the
Fully Recoverd
above medical history On Treatment
Name of Hospital
Estimated Fee
$ 日 Days
Room Charges
$ 日 Days
Daily Doctor s Round Fee
Surgical Fee
Anaesthetist s Fee $
手術 室費
Operating Theatre Charges $
手術 儀器及物料等費用
Operating Equipment and Material Fee $
Other Hospital Charges $
預計 總費用
Total Estimated Fee $
A001 / 202207
P Pa ge 6
Part 5. 醫生資料 Physician Details
I hereby certified that I did personally treat the patient and the facts as given above represent my opinion of his / her condition.
主診醫生姓名 資歷
地址 聯絡電話
主診醫生簽署及蓋印 日期
I / The insured hereby declare and agree that: (a) all the foregoing statements and answers in this claim form together with those in any
required medical questionnaire or other document signed or submitted by me/the insured in connection with this claim are full, complete and
true. (b) Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited (Bowtie) may be unable to process this claim if I/the insured fail to provide any information
related to this claim.
保泰人壽保險有限公司 (「保泰」) 可以將從你所收集的個人資料作以下目的,而保泰亦需要你的個人資料以達致該目的:
1. 處理及評估申請/資料遞交;
2. 確認和核實身份;
3. 管理你所持有的保泰產品, 並提供相關服務;
4. 處理及調查你所持有的保泰產品的索償個案;
5. 進行客户調查;
6. 為客戶研究,設計及/或優化的保泰產品與服務;
7. 為你甄選及參與獎賞、忠實或特選客戶計劃,並提供予你有關的服務;
8. 因上述目的與你聯絡;
9. 為遵守所有保泰及其關連公司所受限制的 (香港或其他國家) 法例、 法規、 法規指引、法庭命令或保泰及其關連公司與任何管轄區域的監管機構或政府
之間的協議項目下的義務或其他承諾 (其相關於洗黑錢、恐怖分子資金籌集、逃税或其他);
10. 驗證數據,不論是否為了對你或任何其他第三方行使我們的權利;及
11. 與上述任何目的直接有關的其他目的。
「你的個人資料」包括由你提供有關你本人、你的受養人、受益人、代表及其他人士的資料 (包括但不限於身份辨識資料、聯絡資料、生物辨識資料 (例
如面部圖像及自拍錄像) ) 。如你代表他人提供個人資料,你確認你乃是他們的父母或監護人或你已取得有關人士之同意提供有關人士之個人資料予保泰
1. 為協助保泰就上述用途 (不論在香港或其他地方) 而提供服務的第三方,包括索償調查員、醫療顧問、醫療服務提供者、緊急支援服務供應商、再保險
公司、專業顧問 (條件是有關承辦商須把所有個人資料保密並只會為提供有關服務而使用個人資料);
2. 你的銀行作繳款用途;
3. 保泰的商業夥伴、服務提供者或被保泰任命的人;
4. 保泰的關連公司 (根據公司條例訂明) ;
5. 香港保險業聯會及其會員,以及其他保險公司及金融服務機構;
6. 保泰及其關連公司因受 (香港或其他國家之) 法例、法規、法規指引、法庭命令或保泰與任何管轄區域的監管機構,政府,或於香港境內或境外存在的
財務服務供應商的自律監管或行業組織或協會所提供的,或之間的協議項目下的義務或要求或其他承諾 (其相關於洗黑錢、恐怖分子資金籌集、逃稅或其
他) 限制而需向其作出披露的任何人士或監管當局;
7. 保泰及/或其資產的實際或建議受讓人等、或保泰就其權利的參與人等或附屬參與人等,可以讓其評核擬成為轉讓、參與或附屬參與的交易,及讓實際
8. 代表你行事的任何授權人士、收款人、受益人、戶口代名人或往來及代理銀行;及
9. 研究調查公司,信貸評級機構及保泰僱用的其他公司,藉以加強保泰向你所提供的服務。
保泰打算使用你的個人資料,以不同的渠道包括電話、郵件、電郵、電話短訊或任何電子信息等方法,聯絡你以作直接推廣。除非得到你的同意 (包括表
示不反對該用途),否則保泰不可使用你的資料作為該用途。如你不願意保泰使用你的個人資料作直接推廣之用途,請於保泰每一次收集個人資料 (例
如,經保泰網站) 時所提供的方格,表示你的意願。如你沒有根據以上所述表達你的意願,你於下列確認這個人資料收集聲明,即代表你同意保泰可能使
用你的個人資料作直接推廣用途。如將來你希望更改你對保泰上述使用你的個人資料以作直接推廣用途的意願,請聯絡保泰的私隱保障主任 (參考下述聯
除上述情況外,你的個人資料 (無論如何存取) 將只會由獲得授權的保泰員工或承包商查閱。如果個人資料以電子方式存取,它將會被保存在獨立的伺服
器上,並受密碼保護 (或在相等的保護下),亦只能由授權人士查閱。保泰指定處理個人資料的員工和承包商將會按指示,根據上述目的使用個人資料。
形式郵寄至香港灣仔皇后大道東 58-64 號帝后商業中心 1 樓,或 cs@bowtie.com.hk,保泰的私隱保障主任。保泰可就處理該等要求收取合理費用。
Purpose of collection
Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited (“Bowtie”) may use the personal data collected from you for the following purposes, and your
personal data is necessary for the same:
1. Processing and evaluating applications/data submissions;
2. Checking and authenticating identity;
3. Administering and providing services in relation to the Bowtie products you hold;
4. Processing and investigating claims in relation to the Bowtie products you hold;
5. Conducting customer surveys;
6. Researching, designing and/or enhancing Bowtie's products and services;
7. Selecting you to participate in reward, loyalty or privileges program and providing you with related services;
8. Contacting you for the above purposes;
9. Complying with all applicable laws, regulations, regulatory guidance and/or court orders; or obligation or requirement under an
agreement, or other commitment, between Bowtie or its associated companies and the regulator or government in any jurisdiction (in
relation to money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion or otherwise) to which Bowtie and its associated companies are
subject to (of Hong Kong or any other countries);
10. Verifying data, whether or not for the purpose of taking adverse action against you; and
11. Fulfilling other purposes which are directly related to any of the above purposes.
It is voluntary for you to provide the personal data to Bowtie. If you do not provide the requested personal data, Bowtie may not be
able to process your application/data submission or continue to provide you with the products or perform the services you require.
personal data includes the data relating to you, your dependents, your beneficiaries, your delegates and other persons provided by you
(including but not limited to identification information, contact information, biometric data (including facial image and selfie video)). If
you provide personal data on behalf of another person, you confirm that you are either his/her parent or guardian or you have obtained
that person's consent to provide his/her personal data for use by Bowtie for the purposes set out in this PICS.
Classes of transferees
Bowtie may disclose your personal data to the following transferees for the purposes mentioned above:
1. Third parties who provide services in Hong Kong or elsewhere which assist Bowtie to carry out the above purposes, including, but not
limited to, claims investigators, medical advisors, medical service providers, emergency assistance service providers, investment
management companies, reinsurers and professional advisors (provided that such contractors are required to keep all such personal
data confidential and may only use the personal data to provide those services);
2. Your bank for payment purposes;
3. Bowtie's business partners, service providers and appointed persons of Bowtie;
4. Bowtie's associated companies (as defined in the Companies Ordinance);
5. Hong Kong Federation of Insurers and its members, and other insurance companies and financial services companies;
6. Any person or authority or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers within or outside Hong Kong
to whom Bowtie is required to disclose under applicable law, regulation, regulatory guidance or court order or obligation or requirement
under an agreement, or other commitment, between Bowtie & its associated companies and the regulator or government in any
jurisdiction (in relation to money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion or otherwise) that Bowtie and its associated companies
are subject to or required to comply with (of Hong Kong or any other countries);
7. Actual or proposed assignees of Bowtie's business and/or assets, or participants or sub-participants of Bowtie's rights in respect of
you, to allow them to evaluate the intended assignment, participation or sub-participation, and enable the actual assignees to use
your data in the operation of the business or rights assigned;
8. Any authorised persons acting on your behalf, payment recipients, beneficiaries, account nominees, correspondent and agent banks;
9. Research companies, rating agencies and other companies engaged by Bowtie to enhance the products and services Bowtie
provides to you.
Except as mentioned above, your personal data, however stored, will be accessed only by Bowtie's employees or contractors who are
authorised to do so. Where personal data is stored electronically, it will be kept on a separate server, password-protected (or under
some equivalent form of protection) and accessible only by authorised personnel. Bowtie employees and contractors authorised to
handle personal data will be instructed to do so for the above mentioned purposes for which personal data are to be used.
YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND CONFIRM that you have read and understood the Personal Information Collection Statement (“PICS”). You
confirm that you have been advised to read and have carefully read the PICS, and you have carefully considered its effect and impact
in respect of your personal data collected or held by Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited (“Bowtie”) (whether contained in this
application/data submission or otherwise). Based on the foregoing, you hereby acknowledge and agree to the use and transfer of your
personal data by Bowtie in accordance with the PICS, including the use and provision of your personal data for the purpose of direct