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In order to determine the factors influencing the productivity of employees at

Nemickho Builders Corporation, Group 6 of Informatics College Manila's BSBA

Marketing Management students conducted a quantitative study titled "An Evaluation of

Selected Nemickho Builders Corporation's Employees’ Productivity: Basis for

Implementing Effective Strategies." Under the direction of our research adviser, Dean

Jose Magat Jr., and our subject matter expert, Dean Lalaine Divinagracia, we are looking

into a number of topics related to employee productivity, such as intercultural workplace,

incentive programs, effective communications, addressing factors hindering productivity,

training and skills development opportunities, feedback and recognition on employees’

effort, work-life balance, feedback mechanism, proper tasks delegation, and aligned

trainings for professional growth and development. In order to collect quantitative data

for the study, a structured questionnaire is given to a subset of employees. The data is

then examined statistically. The study's conclusions offer insightful information on

Nemickho Builders Corporation's present productivity level as well as suggestions for

putting into practice practical tactics that will improve worker productivity and overall

organizational performance.


The productivity of the workforce had a significant impact in the growth and

profitability of the business. Employee productivity was also the common factor in the

results of the company's perceived outcome. Nemickho Builders Corporaton is a

company that provides mechanical, fire protection, and plumbing services with thirty-five

completed projects and over five hundred and sixty employees. Nemickho Builders’
Corporation aims to bring about the quality work with sincerity and integrity for the

utmost satisfaction of their clients. Sustainability of company’s success must provide

concrete strategies to have productivity to its employee. The purpose of this research

study was to evaluate the employees’ inputs on what company’s potential strategies and

its effects to their work performance.

From an article, Hay Report 2001, business success could be attained by being

competitive in the market, the people, and adopting new technology. Without people, the

business strategy could not be implemented and no strategy, no matter how good can

succeed. People were the resource that cannot be neglected not even partially, if goals

were to be achieved (Jauch and Gleuck, 1980).

Nemickho Builders Corporation, formerly Nemickho Plumbing and Mechanical

Services was established in 2013 after it has served the industry as a back support for

various contractors, mainly on fire protection and plumbing. The company aims to bring

out quality works with sincerity and integrity for the utmost satisfaction of their clients.

The researchers searched on the employees’ productivity of Nemickho Builders

Corporation to identify and discover the effective strategies improve employees’

productivity. From the selected RRL, the researchers were testifying that there had been

no duplication of the said research title found in the Philippines and with Nemickho

Builders Corporation.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to identify and describe the employees’ productivity of

Nemickho Builders Coporation through the enumerated factors below:

1. Demographic Profile

1.1 Position in the Company

1.2 Years of Experience in the Construction Industry

1.3 Department / Project Handled

2. To what extent do the employees of Nemickho Builders Corporation

perceive the following factors as contributing for their work efficiency and well-


2.1 Intercultural Workplace

2.2 Incentive Programs

2.3 Effective Communications

2.4 Addressing Factors Hindering Productivity

3. To what extent do employees of Nemickho Builders Corporation

perceive the following factors as contributing for their professional improvement?

3.1 Training and Skills Development Opportunities

3.2 Feedback and Recognition on Employees’ Effort

3.3 Work-Life Balance

3.4 Feedback Mechanism

3.5 Proper Tasks Delegation

3.6 Aligned Trainings for Professional Growth and Development

4. H1 There was a significant effect on employees' productivity on work

performance improvement when personal well-being and professional growth

factors are identified.

5. H2 There was no significant effect on employees' productivity on work

performance improvement when personal well-being and professional growth

factors are identified.

Theoretical Framework

Mayo's motivation theory had made significant contributions in business

management psychology and employee productivity. According to Elton Mayo, employee

relations and cohesiveness improve productivity. He believes that short-term incentives

alone will not result in satisfaction among employees. It could only be accomplished by

staff participation. For example, if a manager establishes a positive connection with

employees, they are more likely to reciprocate with hard labor and effort. Thus, this

theory asserts that relationship considerations motivate employees more than monetary


The theory was based on analyzing employees’ productivity levels under a variety

of settings. It consisted of many group norms and group cohesion, which influenced the

team's productivity. Mayo's motivation theory presented a quadrant with square forms
and an X and Y axis. It displayed four characteristics from Mayo's motivation theory:

some positive impact, high positive impact, no impact, and negative impact. Furthermore,

the X axis depicted group cohesion, whereas the Y axis exhibited norms.

Mayo’s motivation led him to find certain key aspects that would help

management create a seamless work environment with team dynamics. First, he claimed

that a group with minimal cohesion and norms may be ineffective and have no influence

since none of its members are driven. Similarly, a group with high cohesiveness and low

norms would most likely have bad consequences since team members float with

undesirable conduct, but a group with low cohesion and strong norms was more likely to

behave favorably considering individual behaviors. Lastly, a business with employees

that are cohesive and hold high standards will have the biggest beneficial influence. This

idea demonstrated that a group with the highest level of acceptability was more likely to

perform successfully.

Conceptual Framework


enhance staff productivity at Nemickho Builders Corporation, a conceptual framework

can function as a guiding structure for the identification and analysis of diverse inputs,
processes, and outcomes. We may examine the complex relationships between various

elements that affect employees' productivity, well-being, and professional growth inside

the company by using the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model.

Knowing the factors that affect employees' total productivity is the first stage in

our conceptual framework. Among these inputs are – demographic profile of the

respondents, the factors as contributing for the work efficiency and well-being of the

employees of Nemickho Builders Corporation and the factors as contributing for their

professional development.

After identifying the inputs, we proceed to the processes that convert them into

initiatives and plans that can actually be implemented. Among these processes are:

Demographic Profile Analysis:

Position in the Company: Outlining each employee's duties and obligations at Nemickho

Builders Corporation.

Years of Experience in the Construction Industry: Evaluating the length of service and

level of construction industry experience of staff members.

Departmental / Position under NBC: Identifying the particular departments or divisions

that house employees.

Factors as Contributing to Work Efficiency and Well-Being:

Intercultural Workplace: Establishing an atmosphere that values cultural variety and

encourages inclusivity.

Incentive Programs: Putting in place reward structures to spur workers' motivation.

Effective Communications: Establishing clear lines of communication to promote

cooperation and the exchange of information.

Addressing Factors Hindering Productivity: Determining and removing roadblocks or

difficulties that impede workers' wellbeing and productivity.

Factors as Contributing to Professional Development:

Training and Skills Development Opportunities: Offering pertinent training courses to

improve staff members' competencies.

Feedback and Recognition on Employees’ Effort: Giving staff constructive criticism and

acknowledging their accomplishments is important.

Work-Life Balance: Supporting workers in striking a healthy balance between their

personal and professional lives.

Feedback Mechanism: Providing avenues for staff members to offer comments and ideas

for enhancements.

Proper Tasks Delegation: Allocating duties and responsibilities in an efficient manner to

maximize burden dispersion.

Aligned Trainings for Professional Growth: Providing training programs in line with the

goals of the company and the career goals of staff members.


Our conceptual framework's ultimate objective is to pinpoint elements that can improve

workers' productivity at Nemickho Builders Corporation. Our goal is to identify

particular tactics and interventions that can boost worker productivity, happiness, and

professional growth by examining the inputs and processes.

Objectives of the Study

The researchers aimed to assess factors influencing work efficiency, employee

well-being, and professional growth at Nemickho Builders Corporation to enhance

productivity. They sought to identify these factors within the organization and propose

strategies to improve professionalism and well-being, thus boosting productivity.

Significance of the Study

The study offered insightful information about how workers view tactics and how

they affected output. Nemickho Builders Corporation decision-makers utilized this

information to make well-informed decisions on how to improve upon existing strategies

and launch new ones.

The study's overall significance stemmed from its ability to improve employee

performance and well-being, spur positive organizational transformation, and position

Nemickho Builders Corporation for long-term success in the cutthroat construction


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this study was to identify factors that would greatly affect the work

performance of Nemickho Builders Corporation employees on their professional and

productivity growth. The number of the respondents depended on the selected employees

from different departments. Due to the time and space, the study was limited to certain

11.68 percent of the total number of employees.


Research Design

For this study, a quantitative research design was employed to assess the efficacy

of strategies aimed at increasing employee productivity within Nemickho Builders

Corporation. A quantitative approach allowed for the collection of numerical data that

could be analyzed statistically to identify patterns, trends, and correlations. This design

was well-suited for investigating the perceptions, experiences, and opinions of employees

regarding various productivity-enhancing strategies implemented by the company.

Research Locale

The main research location for this study on practical methods to raise worker

productivity was the Nemickho Builders Corporation Headquarters. The headquarters,

which is situated in Quezon City, Philippines, served as a nexus for a number of

departments and teams, including engineering teams, construction crews, administrative

offices, and project management divisions. The headquarters provided a favorable setting

for research and data collection regarding methods for increasing employee productivity.

The Nemickho Builders Corporation Headquarters research location provided an

ideal environment for examining the use and efficacy of productivity improvement

techniques in a real-world construction industry scenario. Researchers directly engaged

with employees, managers, and stakeholders when doing research at the headquarters.

This allowed them to obtain firsthand knowledge and evaluated how different techniques

affect worker productivity. The information gathered from this study site can help guide
organizational choices and push methods for increasing productivity in the construction


Research Instrument

The primary research instrument for this study was a structured questionnaire

designed to assess employees' perceptions of productivity factors and strategies within

Nemickho Builders Corporation. The questionnaire utilized a scaling system from 1

(Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) which measure respondents' agreement with

statements regarding various aspects of organizational practices and policies aimed at

enhancing productivity.

The questionnaire was consisted of the following questions:

1. Demographic Profiles

1.1 Position in the Company

1.2 Years of Experience in the Construction Industry

1.3 Department / Present Project

2. Questions on Strategies

1. Respecting the opinions and perspectives of the employees regardless of their


2. Giving recognition and incentive programs in terms of motivating and

increasing productivity.

3. Pursuing training or skills development opportunities for career growth


4. Providing feedback and recognition to acknowledge extraordinary efforts and

problem-solving during a difficult project.

5. Allowing employees to have work-life balance that affects your overall job

satisfaction and productivity.

6. Providing feedback mechanism to be extended to the employees, to hear voices,

concerns, and suggestions for improving productivity.

7. Promoting motivation, inspiration and delegating tasks effectively.

8. Providing trainings align to professional growth and development.

9. Communicating and matching its goals with the overall productivity and

success of their employees.

10. Addressing factors that may hinder employee productivity.

Each question will be followed by the scaling system from 1 to 5, where

respondents will indicate their level of agreement with each statement. Additionally,

demographic questions regarding respondents' position, years of experience in the

construction industry, and department/project team affiliation were included in the


The questionnaire was pre-tested with a small sample of employees which

ensured clarity, relevance, and reliability. The data collected through the questionnaire

was analyzed using appropriate statistical methods that examined relationships between

productivity factors and employee perceptions, provided valuable insights into the

effectiveness of productivity strategies at Nemickho Builders Corporation.

Respondents of the Study

Employees from a variety of departments, levels, and positions within Nemickho

Builders Corporation participated in a quantitative research study on efficient methods to

increase productivity. It was imperative to obtain feedback from every employee to

guarantee a thorough comprehension of the workplace dynamics and productivity

determinants. These survey participants allowed the research to compile a variety of

viewpoints and experiences about the productivity factors and techniques that have been

found. By taking a thorough approach, it is ensured that the survey results truly reflected

working conditions and offered valuable insights for proposing practical solutions to

increase efficiency at Nemickho Builders Corporation.


The study's analysis, presentation, and interpretation of its conclusions were

compromised by this chapter. The data analysis, which is quantitative in nature, was done

using the questionnaire findings as a basis.

QUESTION #1: Demographic Profile

Table 1.1: Present Position in the Company Figure 1.1: Percentage of the Respondents

Based on Position

As can be seen from table 1 and figure 1 above, a total of 71 questionnaires were

sent out, and 71 responded to the survey, yielding a 100% response rate. The current jobs

that the responders have inside the organization are broken down in the table and figure.

Among these positions were, construction workers (41 / 57.75%), purchasing officers (3 /

4.22%), foreman (6 / 8.46%), engineers and architects (15 / 21.12%), estimator (1 /

1.41%), autoCAD technician (1 / 1.41%), aircon technician (3 / 4.22%) and time keeper

(1 / 1.41%).
Table 1.2: Years of Experience Figure 1.2: Percentage of the Respondents

in the Construction Industry Based on Years of Experience

A complete response rate of 100% was obtained from the table, which shows that

71 questionnaires in total were delivered. The respondents' years of experience were

broken down into experience categories in the table 1.1 and figure 1.1 showed above.

Among these are the following, less than one year (0 / 0%), 1-5 year experience in the

construction industry (45 / 63.38%), 6 – 10 years (23 / 32.40%), 11 – 15 years (3 / 4.22%)

and for more than 15 years in the construction business (0 / 0%).

Table 1.3: Department / Present Figure 1.3: Percentage Based on

Project Department/Present Project

Above table 1.2 and figure 1.2 showed that 71 questionnaires in all were sent out, and 71

of those were returned, yielding a 100% response rate. A breakdown of the respondents'

department categories is shown in the table. These classifications consisted of

commercial construction (57 / 80.28%), renovation (8 / 11.27%), and operations (6 /


QUESTION #2: Respecting the opinions and perspective of the employees regardless of

their culture.

Table 2.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #2

Figure 2.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #2

Table 2.1 and figure 2.1 above showed that Nemickho Builders Corporation

staff members generally agreed on the company's policy of honoring staff members'

viewpoints and ideas regardless of their cultural background. In particular, 25.35% of

respondents and 74.65% of respondents strongly agreed with the statement. All of these

add up to 100%, which meant that everyone was in agreement with the company's pledge

to uphold inclusivity and diversity in the workplace.

QUESTION #3: Giving recognition and incentive programs in terms of motivating and

increasing productivity.

Table 3.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #3

Figure 3.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #3

Table 3.1 and figure 3.1 above showed that Nemickho Builders Corporation

employees generally thought that reward and recognition programs were good way to

inspire staff and boost output. More specifically, 23.94% of respondents agreed with the

statement, while 76.06% of respondents strongly agreed. This sum of 100% indicated that

there was strong support for the company's incentive and recognition programs as useful

instruments for raising staff productivity and motivation.

QUESTION #4: Pursuing trainings or skills development opportunities for career growth


Table 4.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #4

Figure 4.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #4

Table 4.1 and figure 4.1 above showed a significant number of Nemickho

Builders Corporation employees concurred that seeking training or opportunities for skill
development was crucial for advancing one's career. In particular, 22.53% of respondents

and 73.25% of respondents strongly agreed with the statement. The cumulative

percentage of 95.78% indicates that the company's efforts to give its employees

opportunities for skill development and training were strongly supported. Furthermore,

4.22% of respondents gave a neutral response, suggesting that a tiny percentage of

workers may not have strongly agreed or disagreed with the statement.

QUESTION #5: Providing feedback and recognition to acknowledge extraordinary

efforts and problem-solving during a difficult project.

Table 5.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #5

Figure 5.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #5

Table 5.1 and figure 5.1 above showed that Nemickho Builders Corporation

employees generally agreed on how important it is to give feedback and praise

exceptional work as well as problem-solving during challenging projects. In particular,

29.58% and 69.01% of the respondents agreed and strongly agreed with the statement.

The cumulative percentage of 98.59% indicated resounding approval for the business's

policy of offering praise and acknowledgment for outstanding work completed on

difficult projects. Furthermore, a mere 1.41% of participants provided a neutral response,

suggesting that a minuscule percentage of workers were neither strongly in agreement nor

disagreement with the assertion.

QUESTION #6: Allowing employees to have work-life balance that affects your overall

job satisfaction and productivity.

Table 6.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #6

Figure 6.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #6

Table 6.1 and figure 6.1 above, showed that Nemickho Builders Corporation

employees strongly agreed on the value of giving workers a work-life balance, which
enhanced both their general job happiness and output. More specifically, 25.35% of

respondents agreed with the statement, and 69.01% of respondents strongly agreed. The

aggregate percentage of 94.36% suggested that there is strong evidence for the hypothesis

that work-life balance has a major impact on worker happiness and output. Furthermore,

just 5.64% of respondents gave a neutral response, indicating that a tiny percentage of

workers did not strongly agree or disagree.

QUESTION #7: Providing feedback mechanism to be extended to the employees to hear

voices, concerns, and suggestions for improving productivity.

Table 7.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #7.

Figure 7.1: Pie Chart Illustrating Responses for Question #7

Table 7.1 and figure 7.1 above, showed that there was broad consensus among

Nemickho Builders Corporation staff members about the significance of having a

feedback system in place that enables them to express any issues, recommendations, or

thoughts they may have for raising productivity. More specifically, 32.40% of

respondents agreed with the statement, while 66.19% of respondents strongly agreed. The

view that providing employees with a feedback system is essential for promoting

communication, engagement, and productivity inside the firm is strongly supported, as

indicated by the combined percentage of 98.59%. Furthermore, a mere 1.41% of

participants provided a neutral response.

QUESTION #8: Promoting motivations, inspirations, and delegating tasks effectively.

Table 8.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #8

Figure 8.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #8

Based on table 8.1 and figure 8.1, the analysis of the survey data, it appeared that

Nemickho Builders Corporation staff members strongly agreed on the significance of

encouraging inspiration and motivation as well as efficiently assigning work. In

particular, 29.58% and 66.20% of the respondents agreed and strongly agreed with the

statement. The belief that encouraging inspiration, motivation, and efficient job

delegation is essential for creating a happy work atmosphere and raising productivity

inside the company is overwhelmingly supported—this combined total of 95.78% shows.

Moreover, just 4.22% of respondents gave a neutral response.

QUESTION #9: Providing trainings align to professional growth and development.

Table 9.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #9

Figure 9.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #9

Based on table 9.1 and figure 9.1 above, Nemickho Builders Corporation

employees strongly concurred on the significance of offering training opportunities that

support their professional development. More specifically, 33.80% of respondents agreed

with the statement, while 61.98% of respondents strongly agreed. The view that

providing training programs customized to employees' professional growth and

development needs is essential for improving skills, knowledge, and overall performance
inside the firm is overwhelmingly supported. Furthermore, a small percentage of

employees did not strongly agree or disagree with the statement, as indicated by the

indifferent responses provided by 4.22% of respondents.

QUESTION #10: Communicating and matching its goals with overall productivity and

success of their employees.

Table 10.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #10

Figure 10.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #10

Based on table 10.1

and figure 10.1 above, Nemickho Builders Corporation employees strongly agreed on the
value of communication and matching organizational objectives with workers' overall

performance and productivity. In particular, 32.40% and 67.60% of the respondents

agreed and strongly agreed with the statement. This sum of 100% indicates resounding

support for the notion that successful goal alignment and efficient communication are

essential for fostering productivity inside the company.

QUESTION #11: Addressing factors that may hinder employee productivity.

Table 11.1: Percentage of Responses for Question #11

Figure 11.1: Pie Chart Illustrating the Responses for Question #11
Based on table 11.1 and figure 11.1, it appeared that Nemickho Builders

Corporation employees strongly agreed on the significance of resolving issues that could

be impeding their ability to work efficiently. More specifically, 25.35% of respondents

agreed with the statement, while 73.24% of respondents strongly agreed. This combined

score of 98.59% shows that there is strong support for the notion that improving overall

performance within the business requires recognizing and resolving obstacles that impede

productivity. Additionally, just 1.41% of respondents gave a neutral response, meaning

that a relatively small percentage of workers did not strongly agree or disagree with the





Figure 1: Weighted Mean of Responses to the Questions Below

The results of the survey showed that workers gave high weight (weighted

mean of 4.71 out of 5.0) to the factors that increase their work efficiency and well-being

at work. Intercultural workplace, incentive programs, effective communication and

addressing factors that hinder productivity were all determined to be significant

contributors to employee well-being and productivity.



Figure 2: Weighted Mean of Responses to the Questions Below

Workers also placed a high priority on chances for career advancement, as

shown by their weighted mean score of 4.64 out of 5.0.

Professional growth was largely influenced by training and skill development programs,

feedback and recognition on employee’s effort, work-life balance, feedback mechanism,

proper tasks delegation and aligned trainings for professional growth development.


This quantitative research conducted on Nemickho Builders Corporation’s

employees revealed a strong consensus among respondents regarding various aspects

contributing to productivity enhancement. Employees strongly endorsed practices such as

intercultural workplace, incentive programs, training and skills development

opportunities, feedback and recognition on employees’ efforts, work-life balance,

feedback mechanism, proper tasks delegation, proper and effective communication,

aligned trainings for professional growth and addressing factors hindering productivity.

These findings suggest holistic approach to employee well-being and professional growth

is crucial for fostering a productive work environment. Moreover, addressing factors that

impede productivity emerged as a priority, indicating the importance of mitigating

obstacles to optimize workforce performance.


The research findings on the evaluation of selected Nemikho Builders

Corporation's employees' productivity reveal a critical insight into the company's

operational dynamics. With a weighted mean of 4.80, the statement "Communicating and
matching its goals with the overall productivity and success of their employees" emerges

as a cornerstone for enhancing employee productivity within the organization. This

finding underscores the paramount importance of effective communication and alignment

of organizational goals with individual employee objectives. The research indicates that

when employees are well-informed about the company's goals and their roles in

achieving them, they exhibit higher levels of productivity and engagement. Furthermore,

aligning individual employee goals with the broader organizational objectives fosters a

sense of purpose and direction among the workforce, driving them to perform at their

best. It suggests that Nemikho Builders Corporation can significantly enhance

productivity by prioritizing transparent communication channels and ensuring that

employees understand how their contributions contribute to the company's success. This

approach not only increases productivity but also cultivates a more cohesive and

motivated workforce, thereby positioning the company for sustained growth and success

in the competitive market landscape. Moving forward, implementing strategies to foster

effective communication and goal alignment should be a central focus for Nemikho

Builders Corporation in optimizing employee productivity and driving overall

organizational performance.


The problem statement highlights the critical aspect of work-life balance and its

impact on overall job satisfaction and productivity, reflecting a weighted mean of 4.49,

which signifies its utmost significance. Recognizing the pivotal role of work-life balance

in shaping employees' satisfaction and productivity, the research proposes a multifaceted

approach to address this issue. Firstly, implementing flexible work arrangements, such as
telecommuting or flexible hours, can empower employees to better manage their personal

and professional responsibilities, fostering a harmonious balance. Additionally, promoting

a culture of mindfulness and well-being through initiatives like meditation sessions or

stress management workshops can contribute to reducing burnout and enhancing

productivity. Moreover, providing comprehensive employee assistance programs

covering aspects like mental health support, childcare assistance, and wellness initiatives

can further reinforce the organization's commitment to supporting employees' holistic

well-being. Furthermore, fostering open communication channels and soliciting regular

feedback from employees can help identify specific pain points and tailor interventions

accordingly. Leveraging technology tools and automation where feasible can streamline

processes and alleviate unnecessary workload burdens, enabling employees to focus on

high-impact tasks. Furthermore, investing in ongoing training and development programs

tailored to employees' needs can empower them with the necessary skills and

competencies to perform their roles effectively, thereby boosting productivity. Lastly,

cultivating a culture of recognition and appreciation through rewards, incentives, and

public acknowledgment of achievements can bolster morale and motivation,

consequently enhancing productivity levels. By adopting a holistic approach

encompassing these strategies, Nemikho Builders Corporation can foster an environment

conducive to employee well-being, job satisfaction, and ultimately, heightened

productivity, thus positioning itself for sustained success in the dynamic business


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