Bio 2
Bio 2
Bio 2
$00/ /85078, is te movement or transport oI
seeds away Irom te parent plant. Plants ave
limited mobility and consequently rely upon a
variety oI dispersal vectors to transport teir
propagules, including bot abiotic and biotic
vectors. Seeds can be dispersed away Irom te
parent plant individually or collectively, as well
as dispersed in bot space and time. %e
patterns oI seed dispersal are determined in
large part by te dispersal mecanism and tis
as important implications Ior te demograpic
and genetic structure oI plant populations, as
well as migration patterns and species
interactions. %ere are Iive main modes oI seed
dispersal: gravity, wind, ballistic, water and by
animals. Some plants are serotinous and only
disperse teir seeds in response to an
environmental stimulus
%ypes oI dispersal
1. Gravity
Gravity is a simple means oI acieving seed
dispersal. %e eIIect oI gravity on eavier Iruits
causes tem to Iall Irom te plant wen ripe.
Fruits exibiting tis type oI dispersal include
apples, coconuts and passionIruit and tose wit
arder sells oIten roll away Irom te plant to
gain Iurter distance. Gravity dispersal also
allows Ior later transmission by water or animal.
Wind dispersal is one oI te more primitive
means oI dispersal. Wind dispersal can take on
one oI two primary Iorms: seeds can Iloat on te
breeze or alternatively, tey can Ilutter to te
Wind dispersal oI dandelion seeds.
%e classic examples oI tese dispersal
mecanisms include dandelions, wic ave a
Ieatery pappus attaced to teir seeds and can
be dispersed long distances, and maples, wic
ave winged seeds (samara) and Ilutter to te
ground. An important constraint on wind
dispersal is te need Ior abundant seed
production to maximise te likeliood oI a seed
landing in a site suitable Ior germination.
Selfdlspersal or auLochory ls Lhe physlcal and
ofLen exploslve dlscharge of seeds from Lhe
frulL 1he seeds are Lyplcally e[ecLed from Lhe
frulL by elasLlc conLracLlon of Lhe frulL Llssues
and ofLen Lhe frulLs are shaped such LhaL seeds
are flung away from Lhe parenL planL Whlle
balllsLlc dlspersal does noL ofLen achleve Lhe
same dlsLance as anlmaldlspersed seeds many
balllsLlc dlspersed seeds also have a form of
secondary dlspersal Some common examples
of specles employlng balllsLlc dlspersal lnclude
Lhe apLly named 1ouchmenoLs whose frulLs
exploslvely dehlsce
seed dispersal mecanism oI Geranium pratense
Many aquatic and some terrestrial (ground)
plant species use /rocor, or seed dispersal
troug water. Seeds can travel Ior extremely
long distances, depending on te speciIic mode
oI water dispersal.
%e water lily is an example oI suc a plant.
Water lilies' Ilowers make a Iruit tat Iloats in
te water Ior a wile and ten drops down to te
bottom to take root on te Iloor oI te pond. %e
seeds oI palm trees can also be dispersed by
water. II tey grow near oceans, te seeds can
be transported by ocean currents over long
distances, allowing te seeds to be dispersed as
Iar as oter continents. %is is te road te palm
trees use to move its seeds (coconuts) to teir
new ome.
Mangrove trees live rigt in te water. %eir
seeds Iall Irom te tree and grow roots as soon
as tey touc any kind oI soil. During low tide,
tey migt Iall in soil instead oI water and start
growing rigt were tey Iell. II te water level
is ig, owever, tey can be carried Iar away
Irom were tey Iell. Mangrove trees oIten
make little islands as dirt and oter tings
collect in teir roots, making little bodies oI
.Dispersal by animals
Anlmals can dlsperse planL seeds ln several
9lanL specles LransporLed exLernally by
anlmals can have a varleLy of adapLaLlons
for dlspersal lncludlng adheslve mucus and
a varleLy of hooks splnes and barbs