080 Collaborativerobotsystems

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DGUV Information

Collaborative robot systems

Design of systems with the function „Power and Force Limiting “
Draft 11/2015 FB HM-080

Collaborative robot systems can be applied in the Table of contents

function „Power and Force Limiting“ without
traditional protective devices such as fences and light
curtains. Concerning the requirements of standards,
1 Legal regulations and standards
rules and regulations and the use of research results,
there exists a need for practical guidance for 2 Risk assessment
manufacturers, system integrators, users, accident
__ insurance Institutions and certification bodies. 3 Power and Force Limiting / PFL

4 Requirements on robots

5 Robot system (application)

6 Determination of the biomechanical

loads (force and pressure)

7 Documentation and marking of

__ equipment

8 Summary and limits of application

this technical specification. On completion of ISO TS

15066, its contents will be used for the planned revision of
the standards EN ISO 10218-1 and EN ISO 10218-2.
During this stage and beyond that, this information is
intended to support manufacturers, system integrators and
certifiers with the development, construction, certification
and assessment of safe collaborative robot systems.
Figure 1: Sign collaborative robot system
2 Risk assessment
1 Legal regulations and standards
The risk assessment is a necessary document according
__ Collaborative robot systems fall within the scope of the EC- to the Machinery Directive. It has to be available with the
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC [1]. For placing them on machine manufacturer or the integrator at the time of
the market, they have to be provided with an EC placing onto the market at the latest. Risk assessments for
Declaration of conformity and a CE mark. The harmonized collaborative robot systems do not generally differ from
European standards EN ISO 10218-1 [2] and EN ISO procedures for other machines and robot systems.
10218-2 [3] induce the so-called presumption of conformity. Examples for risk assessments are included in [4].
If these standards are applied, it can be assumed that the
requirements of the EC Machinery Directive are complied Risk assessments for collaborative robot systems should
with. particularly consider the immediate proximity of the human
and the robot system and derive appropriate protective
Due to this very new technology, the requirements measures. A comprehensive list of possible hazards which
specifically for collaborative robot systems are not yet have to be taken into account on collaborative robot
completed in EN ISO 10218-1 and EN ISO 10218-2. systems is mentioned in [3] and [5]. The protective
measures to be derived from the risk assessment may be
The same applies to DGUV Information 209-074 „industrial
traditional protective measures (e. g. light curtains, laser
robots“ [4].
scanners) but also new types of protective measures (e. g.
Within the scope of the technical specification ISO TS force limitations, limitations of the range of motions) or a
15066 [5], the requirements are currently being further combination of both. The basic requirements are stated in
developed. In particular, research results will be included in EN ISO 10218-1 and EN ISO 10218-2 as well as in ISO TS
15066 and are explained in the following.
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Collaborative robot systems - Design of systems with the function „power and force limiting“

3 Power and Force Limiting / PFL deselect the safety limits or to change them such that a
hazardous situation arises. Since the safety limits
Among the types of collaboration according to ISO TS - except robot systems with inherently safe design
15066, (miniature robots) - can normally be parameterized, the
 hand guiding absence of mode selection switch and enabling switch
is normally not possible. On the first putting into service
 safety-related stop
or subsequent modifications by the user (e. g. new
 speed and separation monitoring parts program), safety limits must be changed. This has
 power and force limiting to be done by means of an enabling switch.
this DGUV Information does only consider the power and
force limiting. This function enables a so-called fenceless
operation. The robot systems are designed in such a way
that in case of contact between e.g. robot tool, robot parts
or the workpiece and the person, biomechanical limit
values are not exceeded (force, pressure). The force or
pressure application depends among other factors on the
following protective measures:
 active technical protective measures in the robot
system, e. g. tactile safeguards, torque sensors, force
sensors, speed and range limits (see also figure 4).
 passive protective measures, e. g. elastic grippers,
padding, shaping of the robot, the tool, the workpiece Figure 2: control architecture according to EN ISO 13849-
and of all other devices involved in the work process.
1 category 3

4 Requirements on robots The safety functions shall meet EN ISO 13849-1 [6]
category 3/PLd. In addition, all parts of the robot (robot
The robots intended for use should be designed and arms, tool holder) should have rounded edges. Padding
selected particularly with regard to the safety functions enlarges the surfaces and has positive effects. In order to
required in the application. If no adequate safety functions keep contact forces low due to inertia, the loads should be
are provided, they have to be retrofitted. If necessary, an low as well.
alternative robot type has to be selected.
Besides the obligatory safety functions stated in EN ISO 5 Robot system (application)
10218-1, such as e.g. emergency stop, industrial robots
Besides the robot, the robot system also comprises the
intended for the human-robot collaboration usually have to
robot tools, the workpieces, the handling system as well as
be provided with the following safety functions in the
all devices and safeguards involved.
function power and force limiting:
According to the current state of the art, large, angular and
a) safe monitoring / limitation of torque or force
heavy workpieces are not suited for this kind of
taking into account the edge geometry of the robot collaboration. The inertia of heavy workpieces normally
system surfaces which are involved in the work leads to exceeding the force and pressure limits (see
process, it results from the monitoring of force or torque Annex A).
on the robot that also the pressure is monitored at the
contact surfaces. Furthermore, the robot movements (paths) intended for
collaborative operation are decisive. Normally, the robot
b) safe speed monitoring travel ranges have to be limited by means of the function
in order to ensure e. g. for force and/or torque „Safe limitation of range of motion”, in order to e. g. exclude
monitoring that a stop reaction within the intended sensitive body parts such as head and neck from the work
reaction time can take place, normally a safe speed area in the scope of the intended use. If risks persist, these
monitoring is necessary. areas have to be excluded from access, e. g. by additional
c) safe position monitoring guards (even transparent ones) and provided with com-
plementary instructions to the users (see also section 7).
in order to be in a position to define and limit work areas
according to the load limits which are assigned to the
body regions, (e. g. exclusion of neck and head),
normally, a safely monitored position (range of
movement) is required. Depending on the hazard
exposure, in addition to the monitoring on the tool, a
monitoring of individual axes has to be provided as well.
d) mode selection and enabling switch
according to EN ISO 10218-1, a lockable mode
selection switch as well as an enabling switch are
obligatory safety functions of industrial robots. For
collaborative robot systems, an enabling switch may be
dispensed with according to ISO TS 15066, if safety Figure 3: Avoidance of points, sharp edges and shearing
limits (e. g. speed, force, range of motion) ensure that edges
all activities, such as servicing, maintenance, repair, For selecting the robot movements (paths) which have to
setting, programming can be carried out as safely as by be expected on contact with corresponding body regions,
the use of an enabling switch. It must not be possible to
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Collaborative robot systems - Design of systems with the function „power and force limiting“

typically the following foreseeable situations have to be process (edges, corners, points). It applies: the smaller the
assumed: surfaces, i. e. the more sharp-edged, e. g. the tools are, the
 manual intervention into the tool area higher the pressure. The limit values in ISO TS 15066 result
from the latest research on the determination of pain
 observing the work process, e.g. by leaning into or thresholds [7].
leaning over
 detection and intervention in the event of failures
 bumping of the robot arms against the body
 bumping of the tool and the workpiece against the body

Figure 4: Exclusion of head and neck from the work area

by means of safe area limits Figure 6: Pressure distribution on an edged contour
Moreover, the safety requirements according to EN ISO (example).
10218-2 apply to the robot system. Particular care must be Besides the pressure, a limit value for the force is required.
taken to ensure that emergency stop devices are easily This is of particular relevance e. g. for extensive or
accessible and provided in sufficient number. Resulting cushioned parts of the robot system. On contact with body
from the possible direct contact between person and robot parts, the measured pressure is thus minimal or
system, it shall always be possible to free oneself. insignificant. In this case the force has to be limited, so that
despite a soft impact on the body no overloads are applied
6 Determination of the biomechanical to the deeper tissue. Furthermore, the operator must not be
loads (force and pressure) knocked-over.

As far as there is no experience available on occurring Therefore, always both values, force and pressure, need to
contact forces and pressures (e. g. simulation tools), the be considered. As soon as one of the limit values, force or
forces and pressures for the selected contact scenarios pressure, is exceeded, the test is considered to be failed.
have to be measured according to table A.2. On the Normally, the safety limits for the force which are set at the
condition of a well-prepared application design and path robot in conjunction with the safely monitored speed have
planning, the measurements for a typical robot system in to be reduced. If, e.g. the pressure values continue to be
the collaborative mode power and force limiting may exceeded afterwards, the design has to be modified, e. g.
reduce to a few selected contact scenarios. The limit values by larger surfaces, cushioning, elastic grippers etc.
are composed of a limit value for the pressure and a limit
value for the force (see Annex A). A contact normally
contains a transient and a quasi-static load effect
(figure 7). Table A.2 shows limit values for both effects.

Figure 5: Preparation of the force and pressure Figure 7: Force or pressure course during a contact
measurement on the tool of a collaborative robot (example) according to ISO TS 15066
system Limitations of force, speed and similar which are not
The limit value for the pressure considers the influence of identified as safety functions must not be considered in the
the geometry of all machine parts involved in the work scope of the measurement. The robot system has to offer
an option to switch off such functions for programming and
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Collaborative robot systems - Design of systems with the function „power and force limiting“

measuring purposes or Worst-Case-assumptions have to It would be desirable for the future, if simulation tools of the
be taken (maximum possible force, speed, range etc.). robot manufacturers enable the phase out of
measurements. For the time being, such simulation tools
For the body regions selected for the measurement, the are not yet available.
spring constants indicated in table 1 may be applied.

Body region Spring Spring 7 Documentation and marking of

const. const. equipment
K1 [N/mm] K2 [N/mm]
Collaborative robot systems fall within the scope of the EC
skull and forehead 120 150 Machinery Directive. According to the legal provisions, at
face 100 75 least the technical documentation or the markings
neck 90 50 mentioned in table 2 have to be provided.
back and shoulders 80 35
chest 75 25
abdomen 35 10
pelvis 110 25
upper arms and elbow joints 70 30
lower arms and wrist joints 85 40
hands and fingers 125 75
thighs and knees 95 50
lower legs 100 60
Table 1: Spring constants for body regions [8] Figure 9: Example type plate with CE mark
Practical experience showed that there were only slight
deviations in the force measurement results after replacing Particularly for collaborative robot systems, further
the diverse springs. Provided that head and neck are documents have to be provided. According to ISO TS
excluded from the work area of the robot system, it may be 15066, clause 7, the biomechanical limit values (force,
sufficient within the intended use and foreseeable misuse pressure) for the individual contact situation to be expected
to use only the Worst Case (hardest) spring of 75 N/mm. have to be indicated. This information together with the
product has to be supplied to the customer.
For the measurement of the biomechanical limit values, a
measuring system according to figure 8 should be applied. Technical documentation or May To be
marking remain supplied with
The measuring device has to be fixed during the
with the the product or
measurement. manufac- marked on
The measuring system must enable either simultaneous or turer the product
subsequent measurements of the time curve of the force
applied as well as the pressure for the relevant contact
situation. It can be assumed that time curves of force and EC Declaration of conformity
for the robot system
pressure correspond with each proportionately. Thus, it
may be sufficient to record the time-force curve only and to Operating instructions for the
robot system
determine the pressure maximum by means of a pressure
indicating film and to assign the clamping pressure. Technical documentation
according to Directive 2006/42/EC X
The force measurement signals resulting from the contact Annex VII
can normally be expected in a range below 100 Hz. The
Risk assessment X
measuring frequency should therefore amount to
1 - 10 kHz. An adequate filtering should be used. Besides Type plate with name and address
the force and pressure effects, also possible reactions of of system integrator (type plate of X
robot manufacturer not sufficient)
the drive controllers should be read in the measuring
signal. CE mark X
Machine designation, e. g.
„Collaborative robot system“
Year of construction X
Series or type designation X
Special additional information acc.
to ISO TS 15066 clause 7, e. g.
biomechanical limit values (force, X
pressure) for individual contact
Table 2: Legal and normative minimum markings and

In the scope of the operating instructions even those

protective measures have to be summarized which have to
be implemented as instructions to the operators by the
Figure 8: Example of a measuring system for force and
user. For this, it is very important that the instructions are
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Collaborative robot systems - Design of systems with the function „power and force limiting“

reasonable and understandable to the operators and can Bibliography:

be applied. Reference points are: [1] Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast)
 sufficient lighting at the work area, particularly of - Official Journal of the European Union L 157/24
possible contact areas [2] DIN EN ISO 10218-1 Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements
for industrial robots - Part 1: Robots, 2012-01, Beuth Verlag, Berlin
 stability at the workplace, e. g. slip-resistant floor, [3] DIN EN ISO 10218-2 Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements
suitable standing aid for industrial robots - Part 2: Robot systems and integration, 2012-03,
Beuth-Verlag, Berlin
 simple procedures for stopping and restarting the robot
[4] DGUV Information 209-074 “Industrial robots” (DGUV). Issue January
system 2015.
 prevention of attention restrictions, e. g. avoiding [5] CD ISO TS 15066 Robots and robotic devices - Collaborative robots
disturbances by adjoining workplaces due to noise [6] DIN EN ISO 13849-1 Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of
 employment of operators with sufficient qualification and control systems - Part 1: General principles for design, 2008-12, Beuth-
[7] Scientific final report to project FP-0317: „Collaborative robots –
 prevention of presence of a third person in the Determination of pain sensitivity at the human- machine interface“ -
collaborative area, e. g. further access only under University Medical Center - Institute of Occupational, Social and
Environmental Medicine, Obere Zahlbacher Straße 67, 55131 Mainz
[8] BG/IFA- risk assessment recommendations according to Machinery
 design of work processes and protective measures with Directive - Design of workplaces with collaborative robots. U 001/2009
regard to the avoidance of operator mistakes, e. g. clear Oktober 2009
path design, ergonomic workplace design [9] VDMA-Position paper "Safety in Human-Robot Collaboration" VDMA
Robotics and automation 2014.
 summarized codes of behaviour durably and clearly [10] Yamada, Suita, Ikeda, Sugimoto, Miura, Nakamura: Evaluation of Pain
visible on the system (operating instructions) tolerance based on a biomechanical method for Human-Robot
Coexistence. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical
Engineers. 1997. Page 2814-1819
8 Summary and limits of application [11] D. Mewes, F. Mauser: Safeguarding Crushing Points by limitation of
Forces. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
This DGUV Information (former expert committee (Jose), Vol. 9, No. 2, 177-191
information sheet) is based on expert knowledge gathered [12] Internet: www.dguv.de/fb-holzundmetall publications or
by the expert committee woodworking and metalworking, www.bghm.de Webcode: <626>
subcommittee machinery, systems, automation of
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung DGUV. Picture credits:
Presently, there exist only a few practical instruction The pictures mentioned in this DGUV Information of the expert committee
woodworking and metalworking (FB HM) have been kindly provided by:
guidelines [8, 9]. The aim of this expert information is to
support manufacturers, system integrators and certifiers Figure 1 - 9: FB HM, SG MAF
with the development, construction, certification and
assessment of safe collaborative robot systems according Publisher:
to the requirements of the EC Directives and harmonized
Fachbereich Holz und Metall der DGUV
standards. Sachgebiet Maschinen, Anlagen und Fertigungsautomation
c/o Berufsgenossenschaft Holz und Metall
This DGUV Information only covers industrial robots Postfach 37 80
systems of the collaborative type (Power and Force 55027 Mainz
Limiting). Industrial robot systems of other types as well as
household robots, service robots, medical robots and
similar are not dealt with.
The provisions according to individual laws and regulations
remain unaffected by this DGUV Information. The
requirements of the legal regulations apply in full.
In order to get complete information, it is necessary to read
the relevant regulation texts and the current standards.
This DGUV Information is a draft version. Comments are
requested to the publisher until 29 February 2016,
indicating the code „FB-HM-080, draft 11/2015“ or the title.
This present document is the English translation of the
German DGUV-Information FB HM-080, Draft 11/2015.
The expert committee woodworking and metalworking is
composed of representatives of the German Social
Accident Insurance Institutions, federal authorities, social
partners, manufacturers and users.
This DGUV Information is an initial publication. Further
DGUV Information or information sheets of the expert
committee woodworking and metalworking can be
downloaded from the internet. [12].
As to the aims of the DGUV Information, refer to DGUV
Information FB HM-001 „Aims of the DGUV Information,
published by the expert committee woodworking and
DGUV Information, FB HM-080 Draft 11/2015 Page 6 / 7
Collaborative robot systems - Design of systems with the function „power and force limiting“
Annex A: Biomechanical limit values

Front side of the body Specific localizations Region of the body

1 middle of forehead skull/forehead

2 temple skull/forehead
3 masticatory muscle face
6 shoulder joint back/shoulders
8 sternum chest
9 pectoral muscle chest
10 abdominal muscle abdomen
11 pelvic bone pelvis
16 arm nerve upper arms/elbow joints
17 forefinger pad d hands/fingers
18 forefinger pad nd hands/fingers
21 thenar eminence hands/fingers
22 palm d hands/fingers
23 palm nd hands/fingers
26 thigh muscle thighs/knees
27 kneecap thighs/knees
28 shin lower legs

d dominant side of the body

nd non-dominant side of the body

Back side of the body Specific localization Region of the body

4 neck muscle neck (sides/nape)

5 seventh neck vertebra neck (sides/nape)
7 fifth lumbar vertebra back/shoulders
12 deltoid muscle upper arms/elbow joints
13 humerus upper arms/ellbow joints
14 radial bone lower arms/wrist joints
15 forearm muscle lower arms/wrist joints
19 forefinger end joint nd hands/fingers

20 forefinger end joint d hands/fingers

24 back of the hand d hands/fingesr
25 back of the hand nd hands/fingers
29 calf muscle lower legs

d dominant side of the body

nd non-dominant side of the body

Table A.1: body model

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Collaborative robot systems - Design of systems with the function „power and force limiting“
Annex A: Biomechanical limit values

Body localizations Quasi-static contact Transient contact

Peak pressure Force Peak pressure Force
Specific localization Body region pS [N/cm²] FS [N] PT multiplier FT multiplier
(note 1) (note 2) (note 3) (note 3)
1 middle of forehead 130
scull and forehead 130 none none
2 temple 110
3 masticatory muscle face 110 65
4 neck muscle 140
neck 150
5 seventh neck muscle 210
6 shoulder joint 160
back and shoulders 210
7 fifth lumbar vertebra 210
8 sternum 120
chest 140
9 pectoral muscle 170
10 abdominal muscle abdomen 140 110
11 pelvic bone pelvis 210 180
12 deltoid muscle upper arms and 190
13 humerus elbow joints 220
14 radial bone 190
lower arms and
15 forearm muscle 180 160
wrist joints
16 arm nerve 180
2 2
17 forefinger pad d 300
18 forefinger pad nd 270
19 forefinger end joint d 280
20 forefinger end joint nd 220
21 thenar eminence hands and fingers 200 140
22 palm d 260
23 palm nd 260
24 back of the hand d 200
25 back of the hand nd 190
26 thigh muscle 250
thighs and knees 220
27 kneecap 220
28 Middle of shin 220
lower legs 120
29 calf muscle 210

Table A.2 — biomechanical limit values

Note 1:
The values indicated for the peak pressure have been determined in the scope of a study carried out by an independent institution [7].
100 subjects from industry and public were experimentally examined. The indicated limit values are thresholds of pain occurrence, i.e. the
point of perception threshold when a perceived pressure sense turns into a beginning pain. The indicated peak pressures correspond to
the third quartile which has been determined in the study. The study applied devices which had been particularly developed for that
purpose. The study was commissioned by Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) including consultative cooperation with ISO
TC 184 SC 2 WG 3 and DIN NAM 60-30-02-AA.
Note 2:
The values indicated for the force have been determined in the scope of a literature study which was carried out by the Institut für
Arbeitsschutz for this purpose [8]. 180 literature sources have been evaluated. The indicated limit values refer to thresholds of the
occurrence of injuries below AIS 1. According to previous experience, the limit values are considered to be sufficiently conservative.
Further research as to the specification of force limit values is in preparation.
Note 3:
The limit values for transient contact have to be used as multiplier (multiplication of the values for quasi-static contact). They are derived
from the literature sources [10, 11]. According to literature references, multipliers of at least two are indicated, however, as a rule, greater
than two. The indicated limit values are considered to be sufficiently conservative. Further research for specifying transient biomechanical
limit values is in preparation.
Note 4
The biomechanical limit values according to table A.2 have been taken over in ISO TS 15066.

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