080 Collaborativerobotsystems
080 Collaborativerobotsystems
080 Collaborativerobotsystems
4 Requirements on robots
3 Power and Force Limiting / PFL deselect the safety limits or to change them such that a
hazardous situation arises. Since the safety limits
Among the types of collaboration according to ISO TS - except robot systems with inherently safe design
15066, (miniature robots) - can normally be parameterized, the
hand guiding absence of mode selection switch and enabling switch
is normally not possible. On the first putting into service
safety-related stop
or subsequent modifications by the user (e. g. new
speed and separation monitoring parts program), safety limits must be changed. This has
power and force limiting to be done by means of an enabling switch.
this DGUV Information does only consider the power and
force limiting. This function enables a so-called fenceless
operation. The robot systems are designed in such a way
that in case of contact between e.g. robot tool, robot parts
or the workpiece and the person, biomechanical limit
values are not exceeded (force, pressure). The force or
pressure application depends among other factors on the
following protective measures:
active technical protective measures in the robot
system, e. g. tactile safeguards, torque sensors, force
sensors, speed and range limits (see also figure 4).
passive protective measures, e. g. elastic grippers,
padding, shaping of the robot, the tool, the workpiece Figure 2: control architecture according to EN ISO 13849-
and of all other devices involved in the work process.
1 category 3
4 Requirements on robots The safety functions shall meet EN ISO 13849-1 [6]
category 3/PLd. In addition, all parts of the robot (robot
The robots intended for use should be designed and arms, tool holder) should have rounded edges. Padding
selected particularly with regard to the safety functions enlarges the surfaces and has positive effects. In order to
required in the application. If no adequate safety functions keep contact forces low due to inertia, the loads should be
are provided, they have to be retrofitted. If necessary, an low as well.
alternative robot type has to be selected.
Besides the obligatory safety functions stated in EN ISO 5 Robot system (application)
10218-1, such as e.g. emergency stop, industrial robots
Besides the robot, the robot system also comprises the
intended for the human-robot collaboration usually have to
robot tools, the workpieces, the handling system as well as
be provided with the following safety functions in the
all devices and safeguards involved.
function power and force limiting:
According to the current state of the art, large, angular and
a) safe monitoring / limitation of torque or force
heavy workpieces are not suited for this kind of
taking into account the edge geometry of the robot collaboration. The inertia of heavy workpieces normally
system surfaces which are involved in the work leads to exceeding the force and pressure limits (see
process, it results from the monitoring of force or torque Annex A).
on the robot that also the pressure is monitored at the
contact surfaces. Furthermore, the robot movements (paths) intended for
collaborative operation are decisive. Normally, the robot
b) safe speed monitoring travel ranges have to be limited by means of the function
in order to ensure e. g. for force and/or torque „Safe limitation of range of motion”, in order to e. g. exclude
monitoring that a stop reaction within the intended sensitive body parts such as head and neck from the work
reaction time can take place, normally a safe speed area in the scope of the intended use. If risks persist, these
monitoring is necessary. areas have to be excluded from access, e. g. by additional
c) safe position monitoring guards (even transparent ones) and provided with com-
plementary instructions to the users (see also section 7).
in order to be in a position to define and limit work areas
according to the load limits which are assigned to the
body regions, (e. g. exclusion of neck and head),
normally, a safely monitored position (range of
movement) is required. Depending on the hazard
exposure, in addition to the monitoring on the tool, a
monitoring of individual axes has to be provided as well.
d) mode selection and enabling switch
according to EN ISO 10218-1, a lockable mode
selection switch as well as an enabling switch are
obligatory safety functions of industrial robots. For
collaborative robot systems, an enabling switch may be
dispensed with according to ISO TS 15066, if safety Figure 3: Avoidance of points, sharp edges and shearing
limits (e. g. speed, force, range of motion) ensure that edges
all activities, such as servicing, maintenance, repair, For selecting the robot movements (paths) which have to
setting, programming can be carried out as safely as by be expected on contact with corresponding body regions,
the use of an enabling switch. It must not be possible to
DGUV Information, FB HM-080 Draft 11/2015 Page 3 / 7
Collaborative robot systems - Design of systems with the function „power and force limiting“
typically the following foreseeable situations have to be process (edges, corners, points). It applies: the smaller the
assumed: surfaces, i. e. the more sharp-edged, e. g. the tools are, the
manual intervention into the tool area higher the pressure. The limit values in ISO TS 15066 result
from the latest research on the determination of pain
observing the work process, e.g. by leaning into or thresholds [7].
leaning over
detection and intervention in the event of failures
bumping of the robot arms against the body
bumping of the tool and the workpiece against the body
As far as there is no experience available on occurring Therefore, always both values, force and pressure, need to
contact forces and pressures (e. g. simulation tools), the be considered. As soon as one of the limit values, force or
forces and pressures for the selected contact scenarios pressure, is exceeded, the test is considered to be failed.
have to be measured according to table A.2. On the Normally, the safety limits for the force which are set at the
condition of a well-prepared application design and path robot in conjunction with the safely monitored speed have
planning, the measurements for a typical robot system in to be reduced. If, e.g. the pressure values continue to be
the collaborative mode power and force limiting may exceeded afterwards, the design has to be modified, e. g.
reduce to a few selected contact scenarios. The limit values by larger surfaces, cushioning, elastic grippers etc.
are composed of a limit value for the pressure and a limit
value for the force (see Annex A). A contact normally
contains a transient and a quasi-static load effect
(figure 7). Table A.2 shows limit values for both effects.
Figure 5: Preparation of the force and pressure Figure 7: Force or pressure course during a contact
measurement on the tool of a collaborative robot (example) according to ISO TS 15066
system Limitations of force, speed and similar which are not
The limit value for the pressure considers the influence of identified as safety functions must not be considered in the
the geometry of all machine parts involved in the work scope of the measurement. The robot system has to offer
an option to switch off such functions for programming and
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Collaborative robot systems - Design of systems with the function „power and force limiting“
measuring purposes or Worst-Case-assumptions have to It would be desirable for the future, if simulation tools of the
be taken (maximum possible force, speed, range etc.). robot manufacturers enable the phase out of
measurements. For the time being, such simulation tools
For the body regions selected for the measurement, the are not yet available.
spring constants indicated in table 1 may be applied.