Lesson 3 Self Awareness and Self Management
Lesson 3 Self Awareness and Self Management
Lesson 3 Self Awareness and Self Management
At the end of the lesson student is expected to:
✓ Understand What is Self-Awareness
✓ Understand what is Self-management
✓ Explain the differences between Sel-Awareness and Self-Management
What is Self-Awareness?
• is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts,
beliefs, motivation, and emotions
• Allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your
responses to them in the moment.
• Is the first step in creating what you want and mastering it. Where you can focus your
attention, your emotions, reactions, personality andbehavior determine where you go in life.
Characteristics of a Person
Eddie Babor discussed in his book ―The Human Person, Not Real But Existing‖ that the
human person have several characteristics, among which are the following:
1. Rational - Every person is a rational being. This is what distinguishes a person from all other
creatures in the world. As a rational being, a person is free to think and has the capacity to
reason. He can distinguish what is right and what is wrong because he has intellect.
2. Free - All human beings are born free. A person has the freedom to do or not to do a specific
action. However, every person must be responsible for his own action. In other words, a person
can do whatever he pleases but not to the extent of doing harm to his co-creatures.
3. Unique - Every person is unique. Every person has his own identity such that no two persons
are the same. Generally speaking, human beings have the same characteristics and physical
features and but no two persons are the same because every person has its own perception,
has different sets of values and priorities in life.
4. Social being - Every person is intrinsically a social being. He cannot detach his ―being‖from
others and all other creatures in the universe. Human nature is characterized by his
togetherness and relationship towards other creatures; be it a thing, object or his fellowman.
5. Sexual - All created living things are sexual in nature but the uniqueness of expression of
a person‘s sexuality makes it all different. The expression of a person‘s emotions, attitudes,
feelings, actions and thoughts in sexual activity best exemplifies his uniqueness from animals.
You as You
1. Know the difference between your biological or inherited traits and your environmental or
acquired traits.
2. Self-awareness is an awareness of one’s own personality or individuality.
✓ Be your own best friend and believe in yourself, so that you become the person you want
to be. ✓ You are you and you are what you think. ✓ You are unique in your own way. ✓ Only
you can control your destiny and make a difference in your life.
You as a Filipino
1. Being aware of and remaining constantly on guard against the Filipino tendency towards
2. Use your “lakas ng loob” (courage and strength) to move away from the fatalisitc “gulong
ng palad” (wheel of fortune) and “bahala na” (come what may) attitude. ✓ Begin by getting
involved with your own life. ✓ Begin without expecting instant miracles. ✓ Believe in your
abilities and work unyieldingly to reach your objective.
1. behavior ➢ Means our ACTIONS- How we act, what we do, each moment of each day will
determine whether or not we will be successful that moment or that day in everything we do.
➢ What we do or do not do
2. Feelings ➢ How we feel about something will always determine or affect what we do and
how we will do it. ➢ Our feelings will directly influence our actions. ➢ Our feelings are created,
controlled, determined, or influenced by our attitudes.
3. Attitudes ➢ Are the perspectives from which you view life. ➢ Good attitudes are created,
controlled, or influenced entirely by our beliefs.
“The difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude”
4. Beliefs ✓ What we believe about anything will determine our attitudes about it, create our
feelings, direct our actions, and influence us to do well or poorly, or succeed or fail. ✓ Belief
is a power to make something appear to be something different than what it really is! ✓ Belief
does not require something to be true: it only requires us to believe that it’s true.
5. Programming ✓ Our conditioning from the day we were born has created, reinforced, and
nearly permanently cemented most of what we believe about ourselves and what we believe
about most of what goes on around us.
I am fit, within it, and exist as a shining spark in a firmament of divine goodness”