STD 10InterNobilianSyllabus202425op

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De Nobili Schools

Inter Nobilian Syllabus

Std. 10

 Value Education
 English Language
 English Literature
 Hindi
 Mathematics
 Computer Applications
 Economic Applications
 Physics
 Chemistry
 Biology
 History & Civics
 Geography
 Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW)
Class 10

Text Book : Discovering Myself - Value Education Bk 10 Andre Bruylants, SJ, Carol Braganza,
Anuradha Choudhury. Published by: Oxford University Press
Total Marks : 50 / 50

Chs: 1. Dreaming To Be
2. The Little Extra That Spells Success
3. A Beautiful Feeling
4. Falling In Love
6. The Cradle Of Society
7. Live And Let Live
8. Why Do Millions Go Hungry Everyday?
NB: Be familiar with the school diary.

Chs: 9. A Tale Of Two Nations
10. Violence In A Woman’s World
11. Active And Passive Voice
12. Displacement Of Tribal Communities
13. The Right To Know And Communicate
14. Alive In A Media Environment
NB: Be familiar with the school diary.

Part I : Internal Assessment [50 Marks]
1. General Behaviour (5)
(Attendance, Regularity & Promptness to Class, Uniform, Cleanliness, Politeness etc.)
2. Class Participation etc. (5)
3. Written Work, Scrap Book, Bulletin Board etc. (5)
4. Social Sensitivity/Helpfulness especially to the poor and the weak (10)
5. Participation in Sports & Games (25)

Part II : Semester Exam [50 Marks]

Duration: One Hour
(For Classes 6 - 12; 10 Marks Questions for the I & II Semester are from the School Diary and 40 Marks
Question from the Text Book.)
Question Pattern & Distribution of Marks:
1. Objective Type Questions 1x10 (10)
(Cross the Odd one, Choose the correct Answer, Fill in the Blanks, True or False)
2. Give Reasons 2x5 (10)
3. Give Short Answers 2x5 (10)
4. Answer briefly in a paragraph or two 5x4 (20)
(Note: All the questions should be made keeping in mind the moral values.)
Class 10

Text Books : Total English 10 (Revised Edition) – P. Pinto, X. Pinto

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of English (Recommended).
Total Marks : 20 / 80

 Composition Writing ( about 300 -350 words) :
a) Descriptive Composition b) Narrative Composition c) Argumentative Composition
d) Picture Composition e) Story Writing
 Letter Writing:
a) Formal Letter
b) Informal Letter
 Notice Writing and E-mail Writing
 Comprehension Passage of about 500 words :(Vocabulary, Question-Answer and Summary Writing)
 Functional Grammar :
a) Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
b) Verb Patterns and Subject-Verb Agreement
c) Transformation of Sentences
d) Conjuctions

1st Weekly Test : Functional Grammar
2nd Weekly Test : Notice and Email Writing

PART I: Internal Assessment: [20 Marks]
 Weekly test: (10)
(Two Weekly tests of 10 marks each; Average of the marks obtained in the 2 weekly tests.)
 Listening skill: ( One assessment of 10 marks; total marks obtained to be halved.) (5)
 CW , HW, Attentiveness , Class Participation (5)

PART II: Semester Examination : [80 marks]

 Composition Writing (One composition of 300-350 words from a choice of subjects) (20)
 Letter Writing (One letter from a choice of two subjects ) (10)
 Notice (5 marks) and E-mail (5 marks) (10)
 Comprehension Passage of about 500 words (20)
 Functional Grammar (20)

 Question Paper Pattern and Internal Assessment: as per Council direction. (Question paper setters should
take care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of
the Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to
make the question.)
 Internal Assessment Pattern: as per instructions given above.
 For Listening Skill Assessment, refer to Pg. 17, Pg.19 and Pg. 20 of ICSE 2025 Regulations and Syllabus.
 Composition Writing (about 300 -350 words) :
a) Descriptive Composition b) Narrative Composition c) Argumentative Composition
d) Picture Composition e) Story Writing
 Letter Writing:
a) Formal Letter
b) Informal Letter
 Notice Writing and E-mail Writing
 Comprehension Passage of about 500 words: (Vocabulary, Question-Answer and Summary Writing)
 Functional Grammar:
a) Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
b) Verb Patterns and Subject-Verb Agreement
c) Transformation of Sentences
d) Conjuctions

1st Weekly Test : Letter Writing

PART I: Internal Assessment: [20 Marks]
 Weekly test: (One Weekly test of 10 marks) (10)
 Speaking skill: (One assessment of 10 marks; total marks obtained to be halved.) (5)
 CW , HW, Attentiveness , Class Participation (5)
PART II: Semester Examination : [80 marks]
 Composition Writing (One composition of 300-350 words from a choice of subjects) (20)
 Letter Writing (One letter from a choice of two subjects ) (10)
 Notice (5 marks) and E-mail (5 marks) (10)
 Comprehension Passage of about 500 words (20)
 Functional Grammar (20)

 Question Paper Pattern and Internal Assessment as per Council direction. (Question paper setters should
take care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of
the Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to
make the question.)
 Internal Assessment Pattern: as per instructions given above.
 For Speaking Skill Assessment, refer to Pg. 17, Pg .19 and Pg. 20 of ICSE 2025 Regulations and


The Listening and Speaking Skill assessments, conducted during the course of the year ( in the 1st Semester
and the 2ND Semester )shall be used as the Board Examination Internal Assessments .

The assessment will be conducted jointly by the subject teacher and the external examiner
 Listening Skill (Conducted in the 1st Semester ) 10 marks
 Speaking Skill (Conducted in the 2 Semester ) 10 marks
The total marks obtained out of 20 are to be sent to the CISCE. (Refer to pgs. 17, 19 and 20 of the ICSE
Syllabus 2025)
Listening Skills:
A passage of about 300 words is to be read aloud by the examiner twice, the first time at normal speed
(about 110 words a minute) and the next time at a slower speed .Candidates may make brief notes during the
readings. They then answer an objective type test based on the passage, on the paper provided. The
recommended number of candidates at a sitting is 30.

Speaking Skills:
 Each candidate is required to make an oral presentation for about two minutes, which will be followed
by a discussion with the examiners, for about three minutes.
 The candidate may refer to brief notes in the course of the presentation but reading or excessive
dependence on notes will be penalised.
 It is recommended that candidates be given an hour for preparation of their subject for presentation and
that they be given a choice of subject on a common paper.
 The assessment is to be conducted jointly by the subject teacher and the external examiner, who
will each assess the candidate.
 Subjects for presentation may include :
 narrating an experience,  expressing an opinion,
 providing a description ,  giving a report ,
 giving directions how to make or operate  relating an anecdote
something ,  commenting on a current event .

Schools are required to maintain a record of all assessments in Listening and Speaking skills of each
candidate for a period of 2 months after the ICSE examinations of the candidates are over. These may
include the copies of the assessment tests, topics for presentation and marks awarded.


Teachers, please note that presently both patterns of letter writing for both FORMAL and INFORMAL
letters are acceptable to the Council. Teachers should familiarize both patterns, as given in SAMPLE 1
and SAMPLE 2. However, it must be made clear to the students that while writing, they must STRICTLY
follow any one pattern. They should not mix/blend/overlap them.


Write a letter to the Police Commissioner of your city drawing his / her attention to the menace of hawkers
outside your school. Tell him / her what dangers they pose and offer solutions for their rehabilitation.
Sender’s address Flat 236, Block C,
Hill Crest View Apartments,
Salem Street,
Date 7th April, 2023.
Receiver’s address The Police Commissioner,
Police Commissioner’s Office,
6, Cavalry Road,
salutation Dear Sir,
Opening sentence I, the Secretary of the Swachh Bharat Club of St. Paul’s School in Nehru Nagar,
[purpose] write to draw your attention to the menace of hawkers outside our school.
The food items sold by some of these hawkers are not covered and are exposed
Body to dust, flies and other pollutants . They also litter the place with garbage
[problem and inviting stray dogs and insects, Thus, there is a great risk of germs and diseases
probable solution] being spread. People crowd around them and the lane in front of our school gets
congested making commuting to and from the school difficult many a times.
I would request you to look into this problem and have the hawkers move to the
field beside the market place, some distance away from the school . This would
ensure that they are not deprived of their livelihood and the area in front of our
school is kept clean and congestion free.
The hawkers must also be made aware of the importance of necessary hygiene
and cleanliness and inspections must be carried out at regular intervals.
I trust that you will consider my suggestions and take necessary steps to deal
Closing sentence with the menace of hawkers outside our school.
Thanking you,
Subscription Yours faithfully, / Yours truly,
Full name of the sender Santosh Haldar

** NOTE: There is no full stop after the sender’s name

Sender’s address Flat 236, Block C,
Hill Crest View Apartments,
Salem Street,
Date (Date/month/year) 7th April, 2023.
Receiver’s address The Police Commissioner,
Police Commissioner’s Office,
6, Cavalry Road,
salutation Dear Sir,
Opening sentence I, the Secretary of the Swachh Bharat Club of St. Paul’s School in Nehru Nagar,
[purpose] write to draw your attention to the menace of hawkers outside our school.
The food items sold by some of these hawkers are not covered and are exposed
Body to dust, flies and other pollutants. They also litter the place with garbage
[problem and inviting stray dogs and insects, Thus, there is great risk of germs and diseases
probable solution] being spread. People crowd around them and the lane in front of our school gets
congested making commuting to and from the school difficult at times.
I would request you to look into this problem and have the hawkers move to the
field beside the market place, some distance away from the school. This would
ensure that they are not deprived of their livelihood and the area in front of our
school is kept clean and congestion free.
The hawkers must also be made aware of the importance of necessary hygiene
and cleanliness and inspections must be carried out at regular intervals.
Closing sentence I trust that you will consider my suggestions and take necessary steps to deal
with the menace of hawkers outside the school.
Thanking you,
Subscription Yours faithfully, / Yours truly,
Full name of sender Santosh Haldar

** NOTE:
 There is no full stop after the sender’s name
 Teachers are to instruct students not to mix Formal Letter Sample Format 1 with Formal
Letter Sample Format 2.


Imagine that you are in a boarding school and have performed poorly in your terminal examination. Write a
letter to your mother, explaining the reasons for your poor performance, and tell her how you plan to do
better in the forthcoming examinations.

Sender’s Address Jingle Bells Residential School,
Pulkit Street,
Igatpuri – 422 402.
Date 10th March, 2008.
The salutation/Greetings My dear Mummy / Mother,
Body of the Letter You must have received my half yearly Examination report card last week. You
(should have minimum three have not spoken to me since then. I understand how disappointed you must be
paragraphs) with my performance. Sorry for having let you down so badly.
I do not want to give excuses, but this last term I have been in and out of the
infirmary several times. I had a bad attack of malaria and was unable to attend
classes for about a week. Barely had I got over this when I broke out in a rash
because of the medication and I had to go back into the infirmary. As a result, I
missed several classes and I scored very poorly in three subjects.
I did not inform you about my ill health earlier as I knew you would be greatly
worried. I have now picked up health and have requested my teachers to give me
some extra assignments. I also plan to do group study with some of the other
boarders of my class.
I am sure this will help me catch up with my studies and I promise to perform
better and live up to your expectation in the Final Examination. Please do not be
worried about my health. I am much better now. I look forward to meeting you
during the mid-term break.
Subscription Yours lovingly, / Yours affectionately, / Your loving son,
First name of the sender Sanjiv
** NOTE: There is no full stop after the sender’s name
The Writer’s Address Jingle Bells Residential School,
Pulkit Street,
Igatpuri – 422 402.

Date 10th March, 2008.


The salutation/Greetings My dear Mummy / Mother,


Body of the Letter You must have received my half yearly Examination report card last week.
(should have minimum three You have not spoken to me since then. I understand how disappointed you
paragraphs) must be with my performance. Sorry for having let you down so badly.

I do not want to give excuses, but this last term I have been in and out of the
infirmary several times. I had a bad attack of malaria and was unable to attend
classes for about a week. Barely had I got over this when I broke out in a rash
because of the medication and I had to go back into the infirmary. As a result, I
missed several classes and I scored very poorly in three subjects.

I did not inform you about my ill health earlier as I knew you would be greatly
worried. I have now picked up health and have requested my teachers to give
me some extra assignments. I also plan to do group study with some of the
other boarders of my class.

I am sure this will help me catch up with my studies and I promise to perform
better and live up to your expectation in the Final Examination. Please do not
be worried about my health. I am much better now. I look forward to meeting
you during the mid-term break.

Subscription Yours lovingly, / Yours affectionately, / Your loving son,


First name of the sender Sanjiv

** NOTE:
 There is no full stop after the sender’s name
 Teachers are to instruct students not to mix Informal Letter Sample Format 1 with Informal
Letter Sample Format 2.


It is recommended that both the notice and email parts be taught as one unit, as the theme is common to
both. It is only the target audience that is different, eg. in our formats given below, Notice is for the pupils,
whereas the Email is meant for the Principal of a neighbouring school.
Your school is organizing a “Book Fair” on the occasion of the World Book Day, where a number of
publishers would display their books. Write a notice to be put up in your school informing students about the
event and inviting them to visit the Book Fair.
Heading -must be catchy and Explore the World of Books
appropriate to the event (Not Notice) (1)
Name of the Event (1) Book Fair
Date of the Event (1/2) on 14th April 2023
Time of the Event (two parts) (1/2) from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
Venue of the Event (1/2 +1/2) at the Football ground , School of Excellence
Main body-details of target audience , Students of all the classes are invited to visit the upcoming book fair
invitees ,etc. (1) and explore the magical world of books.


Write an email to the Principal of a neighbouring school, requesting him/her to visit the Book Fair along
with the students and teachers of his/her school.
Receiver’s address (1/2) To :
subject (must be appropriate to the given Subject: Invitation to visit the Book Fair
topic) (1/2)
salutation (1/2) Sir/Madam,
Opening sentence (1/2) Our school is organizing a Book fair on the occasion of World Book
Day where a number of renowned publishers will display their books .
Body/Expression It will be held on Friday, 14th April, 2023, from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00
(2) noon in the Football ground of the School of Excellence. There will
be a discount of 10% on each book purchased .Food stalls will be put
up to cater to the needs of the book lovers who visit the book fair.
Some authors and poets will be gracing the stalls and reading out
extracts from their writings.
You are cordially invited to visit the Book Fair. The invitation extends
to your teachers and students too.
Closing sentence (1/2) We look forward to your presence on the occasion.
Subscription (1/2) Yours faithfully,
Full name of sender Shanaya Singh
Designation Secretary , Student Council
** NOTE:
 The tone must be formal.
 The message is to be conveyed in clear and simple language.
 Short forms, shoddy language or SMS vocabulary and spelling must not be used.
 Traditional rules for punctuation is to be maintained. (There should be judicious use of capital letters).
 All communications must follow the standard norms of etiquette.
Class 10

Text Books : a) Drama: Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

b) Treasure Chest – A Collection of ICSE Short Stories and Poems – Evergreen Publications
Total Marks : 20 / 80

Drama : Julius Caesar: William Shakespeare (Acts III & IV)
Treasure Chest : A Collection of ICSE Short Stories & Poems (Evergreen Publications (India) Ltd.)
Prose (Short Stories): a) With the Photographer – Stephen Leacock
b) The Elevator – William Sleator
Poetry: a) Haunted Houses – H.W. Longfellow
b) The Glove and the Lions – Leigh Hunt
c) When Great Trees Fall – Maya Angelou

1st Weekly Test : Haunted Houses – H. W. Longfellow
2nd Weekly Test : Julius Caesar- Act III (Scene i and ii)

PART I: Internal Assessment [20marks]
 Weekly test: (10)
(Two Weekly Tests of 10 marks each; Average of the marks obtained in the two weekly tests)
 Assignment: (One Assignment of reasonable length not exceeding 1500 words in total. The marks
obtained to be halved. ) (5)
(Refer to Pg. 17 and 21 of ICSE 2025 Regulations and Syllabus)
 CW, HW, Attentiveness , Class Participation (5)

PART II: Semester Examination [80 marks]

Section A (16 MCQ questions of one mark each from Julius Caesar, Short Stories and Poetry).
This section is compulsory. (16 marks)
Section B (2 extracts of 16 marks each from Julius Caesar)
Section C (2 extracts of 16 marks each from Prose -Short Stories)
Section D (2 extracts of 16 marks each from Poetry)
The candidate must attempt one question from each of the sections B, C and D and one other question
from any of these sections i.e. answer 4 questions (16x4=64 marks)

 Question paper and Assessment pattern: as per Council direction. (Question paper setters should take
care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of the
Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make
the question.)
 Internal Assessment: as per instructions given above.
 The 80 marks of the theory paper will cover questions from the 1 st Semester portion of Std. X only.
Teachers must instruct students that though there is NO cumulative syllabus for Drama, questions
regarding plot or character may need references from the initial scenes of the Drama (which were a part
of Std. 9 syllabus).
Drama: Julius Caesar – Act V
a) The Girl Who Can – Ama Ata Aidoo
b) The Pedestrian – Ray Bradbury
c) The Last Lesson – Alphonse Daudet

a) A Considerable Speck – Robert Frost
b) The Power of Music – Sukumar Ray

1stWeekly Test : The Girl Who Can – Ama Ata Aidoo

PART I: Internal Assessment [20 marks]
 Weekly test: (10)
(Two Weekly Tests of 10 marks each; Average of the marks obtained in the two weekly tests)
 Assignment : (One Assignment of reasonable length not exceeding 1500 words in total) (5)
(Refer to Pg. 17 and 21 of ICSE 2025 Regulations and Syllabus)
 CW, HW, Attentiveness , Class Participation (5)

PART II: Semester Examination [80 marks]

Section A (16 MCQ questions of one mark each from Julius Caesar, Short Stories and Poetry).
This section is compulsory . (16 marks)
Section B (2 extracts of 16 marks each from Julius Caesar)
Section C (2 extracts of 16 marks each from Prose -Short Stories)
Section D (2 extracts of 16 marks each from Poetry)
The candidate must attempt one question from each of the sections B, C and D and one other question
from any of these sections i.e. answer 4 questions (16x4=64 marks)

 Question paper and Assessment pattern: as per Council direction. (Question paper setters should take
care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of the
Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make
the question.)
 Internal Assessment Pattern: as per instructions given above.
 The examination paper will be set ONLY on the portion of the Syllabus that is prescribed for Std. X. The
portion includes the First Semester along with the Second Semester portion of Std. X. Teachers must
instruct students that though there is NO cumulative syllabus (including Std. IX portion), questions
regarding plot or character may need references from the initial scenes of the Drama (which were a part
of Std. IX syllabus).
 The ICSE (Class X) Examination paper will be set ONLY on the portion of the syllabus that is
prescribed for Class X.
 Assignment is to be of reasonable length not exceeding 1500 words in total.
 Assignments should be based on the prescribed textbooks on the following lines:
o Character /thematic analysis
o Socio-economic ,cultural ,historical relevance/background
o Summary / paraphrase
o Appreciation of literary qualities
o Identifying with a character .Putting oneself in the place of a character in given circumstances and
explaining one’s actions
o Imagine alternate outcomes or endings in a literary piece and the effort on all concerned.
o Making a graphic representation of a scene /story/poem. Assume the persona of one of the characters
(from the play /poem/story) and record a diary entry of a particular incident /episode.
 The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner will assess the assignments independently


The 2nd Assignments conducted in the 1st and the 2nd Semesters will be used as the Board Examination
Internal Assignment.
o Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) (10 marks)
o External Examiner (10 marks)
The total marks obtained out of 20 are to be sent to the CISCE.

Class 10

Text Books : ,dkadh lap;& Evergreen Publication

LkkfgR; lkxj & ¼xn~;½ & Evergreen Publication
Total Marks : 20 / 80

Section A ds fy, Nk=ksa ls de ls de rhu fuca/k] rhu i=] rhu vifBr x|ka”k ¼izR;ssd vËkZokf"kZd ds fy,½ rS;kj djok,¡
fuca/k & o.kZukRed] jpukRed] vkRedFkkRed] mn~cks/kukRed ,oa R;¨gkj lac/a khA
i= & vkSipkfjd ,oa vukSipkfjdA Nk=ksa ls O;kdj.k dk i;kZIr vH;kl djok;k tk,A O;kdj.k ds vUrxZr Nk=ksa dks “kCn -
“kqf)] okD;ka”k ds fy, ,d “kCn] foykse “kCn] i;kZ;okph “kCn] Hkkookpd laKk] fo”ks’k.k] rRle -rn~Hko] eqgkojs ,oa
funsZ”kkuqlkj okD; ifjorZu dk vH;kl djok;k tk,A

Hkk"kk [kaM
bl [kaM ds vUrxZr de ls de rhu fuca/k rhu i= ,oa rhu vifBr x|ka'k rS;kj djok,¡ tk,¡A
1- fuca/k
2- i=
3- vifBr x|ka'k
4- O;kdj.k
Section B ls vËkZokf"kZd ijh{kk ds ikB~;Øe ds vUrxZr ifBr nks iqLrdksa esa ls ,d-,d iz”u dk mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA
“¨"k fdUgha n¨ Á“u¨a dk mRrj nsuk visf{kr gSA

,dkadh lap; LkkfgR; lkxj (xn~; Hkkx)

1-egkHkkjr dh ,d lk¡> 1- cM+s ?kj dh csVh
2- lansg
3- HkhM+ esa [kks;k vkneh +

1st Weekly Test : i= ys[ku ,oa O;kdj.k
2nd Weekly Test : lansg

Suggested Topics for Project:

1- orZeku le; esa fMftVy gksuk vfuok;± fo’k; cu pqdk gSA bl fo’k; esa vius fopkj O;Dr dhft,A ¼300 “kCnksa esa A)
2- ‘lansg’ “kh’kZd dgkuh ds lkjka”k dks vius “kCnksa esa fyf[k,A
¼fyf[kr ijh{kk d¢ fy, ICSE d¢ funsZ'k¨a dk ikyu lqfuf'pr fd;k tk,A Á'u ICSE fgUnh ikB~~;Øe d¢ funsZ'k¨a d¢ vuq:i
g¨us pkfg,A fyf[kr ijh{kk 80 vad®a dk fy;k tk,A O;kdj.k ds iz”u vfuok;Z :i ls cgqfodYih; fn, tk,aA iz”uksa ds fy,
vadksa dk forj.k djrs le; ICSE d¢ funsZ'k¨a dk ikyu lqfuf'pr fd;k tk,A)
lkfgR; [k.M esa uoe~ oxZ ds ikB~;Øe ls vfËkdre nks ç'u fn, tk, A

Hkk"kk [kaM
bl [kaM ds vUrxZr de ls de rhu fuca/k] rhu i= ,oa rhu vifBr x|ka'k rS;kj djok,¡ tk,¡A
1- fuca/k
2- i=
3- vifBr x|ka'k
4- O;kdj.k
,dkadh lap; LkkfgR; lkxj (xn~; Hkkx)
1-nhinku 1- HksMs+ vkSj HksfM+,
2- nks dykdkj
1st Weekly Test : O;kdj.k

Suggested Topics for Project:

1- *vkidh cM-h cgu MkWWDVj cuuk pkgrh gS ftlds fy, og tksjksa “kksjksa ls rS;kjh dj jgh gSA ml ijh{kk esa og lQy gks
tk,] ,slh dkeuk djrs gq, viuh cM-h cgu dks i= fyf[k,A ¼125 “kCnksa esAa )
2- ‘nks dykdkj’ “kh’kZd dgkuh ds vk/kkj ij v:.kk ds pkfjf=d fo”ks’krkvksa dk o.kZu vius “kCnksa esa dhft,A

Part - I: Internal Assessment [20 marks]
1. nks lkIrkfgd ijh{kk dk v©lr& (10 marks)
2. lrr ,oa O;kid ewY;kadu
(i) ifj;kstuk dk;Z, lkekU; O;ogkj ] mifLFkfr ] vkpj.k (5 marks)
(ii) Nk=ksa ls Jo.k dkS”ky ,oa oDr`rk dkS”ky ij vkèkkfjr iz”u vfuok;Z :i ls iwNs tk,A (5 marks)
¼fyf[kr ijh{kk d¢ fy, ICSE d¢ funsZ'k¨a dk ikyu lqfuf'pr fd;k tk,A Á'u ICSE fgUnh ikB~~;Øe d¢ funsZ'k¨a d¢ vuq:i
g¨us pkfg,A fyf[kr ijh{kk 80 vad®a dk fy;k tk,A O;kdj.k ds iz”u vfuok;Z :i ls cgqfodYih; fn, tk,aA iz”uksa ds fy,
vadksa dk forj.k djrs le; ICSE d¢ funsZ'k¨a dk ikyu lqfuf'pr fd;k tk,A) (Question paper setters should take care
to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of the Council
question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make the

nloha oxZ ds fy, Hkk"kk [kaM ls nks ,oa lkfgR; [kaM ls nks ifj;kstuk dk;Z fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls djok,a tk,aA
nloha oxZ ds fy, lkfgR; [kaM esa ICSE ds lEiw.kZ ikB~;Øe lss ç'u fn, tk, A

Class 10

Text Book: Understanding ICSE Mathematics By M. L. Aggarwal (25th Edition 2024, Avichal publication)
Total Marks : 20 / 80

1 - Goods and Services Tax (GST) [ Exclude inter-state related questions ]
2 - Banking
3 - Shares and Dividends
4 - Linear Inequations
5 - Quadratic Equations in One Variable
6 - Factorisation
7 - Ratio and Proportion
8 - Matrices
9 - Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions
10 - Reflection
11 - Section Formula
12 – Equation of a Straight Line
Discuss Assertion-Reason type questions based on the above chapters
1st Weekly Test : Chapters – 1, 2
2nd Weekly Test : Chapters – 4, 5, 6

13 - Similarity
14 - Locus
15 - Circles
16 - Constructions
17 - Mensuration
18 - Trigonometric Identities[ Exclude complementary angle related questions]
19 - Trigonometrical Tables
20 - Heights and Distances
21 - Measures of Central Tendency
22 - Probability
Discuss Assertion-Reason type questions based on the above chapters
1st Weekly Test : Chapters – 13, 14
Part 1: Internal Assessment [20 Marks]
1. Average of all Unit Tests in the Semester - 10 Marks
2. Maths Lab Activity/Project Works - 5 Marks
3. Regularity in Class Work, Homework, General behaviour, Attendance and Viva 5 Marks
Project Work: Refer ICSE Syllabus March 2025.

Part II: Semester Examinations [80 Marks]

1st Semester: Portion Prescribed For the Semester.
2nd Semester: The Whole Portion of the Year

* Question Paper: (Question paper setters should take care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian
question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of the Council question papers. The Question paper setters
are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make the question.)
* Topics to be covered from each Chapter (Refer March 2025 ICSE Syllabus).

Class 10

Text Book : Computer Applications – A Textbook Of Class X (Publisher: Dhanpat Rai & Co., Authors:
Sumita Arora, Edition : 2024)
Total Marks : 100 / 100

Chapter Chapter Name
1 Revising Basic Java Concepts
2 Class As Basis Of All Computation*
3 User – Defined Methods
4 Constructors
5 Using Library Classes
7 Arrays (Pages 193 to 198) **

* Controlling Access To Members of a Class- Access Specifiers to be discussed in detail in IInd Semester in
Encapsulation Chapter
** Only concepts of Declaration, initialisation, input and display of One dimensional Array should be covered
in Ist semester. No questions (Programs) related to arrays should be asked in Section B of the Ist semester
question paper.

1st Weekly Test : Revising Basic Java Concepts
2nd Weekly Test : User – Defined Methods

Chapter Chapter Name
7 Arrays (Contd.)
8 String Handling
6 Encapsulation
1st Weekly Test : Arrays (Contd.)

Please refer to ICSE syllabus 2025 for Class X for details.

Theory Exam - 100 Marks
Exam Duration - 2 Hours
Question Paper - As per council pattern
Internal Assessment - 100 Marks (20 Marks Unit Test + 80 Marks from Assignments)

* At least 20 programming assignments should be done throughout the year, across two semesters.
* Complexity level of programs in examination should adhere to the standards provided by the
council in the syllabus or the questions asked in the previous 10 years board examinations.
* (Question paper setters should take care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be
EXACTLY the same like that of the Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope
of syllabus STRICTLY to make the question.)

Class 10

Text Book : Economic Applications Writer: J.P. Goel and Kaushal Goel.
Publication: Goyal Brothers Prakashan - Revised Edition; January, 2024
Total Marks : 100 / 100

Ch.No. Chapter name
1. Elementary Theory of Demand
2. Elasticity of Demand
3. Theory of Supply
4. Factors of Production
5. Nature and structure of Markets

1st Weekly Test : Elementary Theory of Demand
Elasticity of Demand
2nd Weekly Test : Theory of Supply
Factors of Production

 ** (Question paper setters should take care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should
be EXACTLY the same like that of the Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the
scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make the question.)
Internal Assessment --- 100 marks
(a) Students are required to do a minimum of two assignments/projects per semester as assigned by the
teacher. ---(2x35) 70 marks
(b) Two weekly tests of 20 marks each (average of two tests) --- 20 marks
(c) Class work/Homework --- 5 marks
(d) Attendance, Class Participation, Discipline etc. --- 5 marks
(B) Question pattern for weekly tests.
(a) MCQs = (4 questions x 1 mark each)
(b) Very Short Answer questions (4 questions x 2 marks each)
(c) Long answer questions (2 questions x 4 marks each) Total =20 marks
(C) Format for the project is given below (optional).

Ch.No. Chapter name
6. The Meaning and Functions of Money
7. State and Economic Development
8. Commercial Banks
9. Central Banks
10. Inflation
It is suggested that case studies may be discussed on the following topics:
 Factors of Production
 Banking
 Inflation.

1st Weekly Test : The Meaning and Functions of Money
State and Economic Development

** (Question paper setters should take care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be
EXACTLY the same like that of the Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope
of syllabus STRICTLY to make the question.)

: as per 1st semester

(B) Question pattern for weekly tests.

: as per 1st semester

(C) Format for the project is given below (optional).

Strictly follow the format given below
1. Page Title: Title of the Project.
2. Index.
3. Introduction: Introduction should not exceed more than 150 words.
4. Acknowledgement.
5. Body of the project.
6. Conclusion: In this section students can write what was accomplished/ learned; what students have done
differently, etc.
7. References: Here in this section mention the name of the books and other Sources that were used for the
8. Certificate of completion.

Class 10

Textbook : Concise, Physics (Part 1, Selina Publications)

Total Marks : 20 / 80

Ch: 1. Force
2. Work, Energy and Power
3. Machines
4. Refraction of Light at plane surfaces
5. Refraction of Light through lens
6. Spectrum
7. Sound

1st Weekly Test : Force
2nd Weekly Test : Work, Energy & Power Machines
Weekly Tests: Pattern of the question paper
Q1. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given option [2 questions of 1 mark each]
(This should include at least one assertion-reason-based question)
Q2. Short reasoning based questions [2 questions of 2 marks each]
Q3. Application based question [1 questions of 2 marks each]
Q4. Question based on critical thinking/numerical/units and its conversion [1 questions of 2 marks each]

* Question paper as Council pattern (Question paper setters should take care to see that the top part of the Inter
Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of the Council question papers. The Question paper
setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make the question.)

Ch: 8. Current electricity
9. Electrical power and household circuits
10. Electromagnetism
11. Calorimetry
12. Radio activity
1st Weekly Test : Current electricity
Electrical power and household circuits
** Pattern and rubrics of the weekly test question paper same as 1st semester weekly test
** Pattern and rubrics of the 2nd Semester question paper same as 1st Semester question paper based on
council pattern.

Portion for Semester Examinations
* 1st Semester: Portion Prescribed in the INTER-NOBILIAN syllabus.
* 2nd Semester: Complete class 10 physics CISCE syllabus 2025.

Part I - Internal Assessment [20 Marks]
Weekly test – average – 10 Marks
Lab experiments graded for - 5 Marks
Practical Notebook graded for - 5 Marks

Part II - Semester Exam [80 Marks]

Class 10

Text Book : Concise ICSE Chemistry for Class 10, by Dr. S.P Singh., Selina Publishers, Edition 2021
Total Marks : 20 / 80

Chapter 1 : Periodic Table, Periodic Properties and Variation in Properties
Chapter 2 : Chemical Bonding
Chapter 3 : Study of Acids, Bases and Salts
Chapter 4 : Analytical Chemistry
Chapter 5 : Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
Chapter 6 : Electrolysis

1st Weekly Test : Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
2nd Weekly Test : Chapter 5

Part I (20 Marks)
 Average of the two unit tests (10 Marks)
 Practical work, C.W/H.W (5 Marks)
 Practical notebook (5 Marks)
Part II: Semester Exam (80 Marks)

 Question paper must be prepared as per council pattern (Question paper setters should take care to see
that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of the Council
question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make the

Note: Weekly test question paper must be of the following pattern:

1. Multiple choice questions (MCQ): 4 Marks (One question must be of assertion type)
2. Subjective Questions: 6 Marks (Subjective questions must be based on Application, Critical thinking and

Chapter 12: Organic chemistry.
Chapter 7: Metallurgy
Chapter 8: Hydrochloric acid
Chapter 9: Study of Compounds B: Ammonia
Chapter 10: Study of Compounds C: Nitric Acid
Chapter 11: Study of Compounds D: Sulphuric Acid

1st Weekly Test : Chapter 12

* Assessment Pattern of second semester is same as that of the first semester.

Class 10


Author: H.S. Vishnoi, Publishers: Selina Publishers (Revised)
Total Marks : 20 / 80

Chapter 2 Structure of Chromosome, Cell cycle & Cell division
Chapter 3 Genetics – Some Basic Fundamentals
Chapter 4 Absorption by Roots – The Processes Involved
Chapter 5 Transpiration
Chapter 6 Photosynthesis
Chapter 7 Chemical Co-ordination in Plants
Chapter 8 Circulatory system
Chapter 9 Excretory System

1st Weekly Test : Chapter 2 Structure of chromosome and cell cycle
2nd Weekly Test : Chapter 3 Genetics
Chapter 10 Nervous System
Chapter 11 Sense Organs
Chapter 12 Endocrine Glands
Chapter 13 Reproductive System
Chapter 14 Human Evolution
Chapter 15 Population -The Increasing Numbers and Rising Problems
Chapter 16 Pollution - A rising environmental problem

1st Weekly Test : Chapter 10 - Nervous System


I SEMESTER : Portion Prescribed for the semester
II SEMESTER : Whole portion for the year. Marks allocation for 2nd Semester exam- 30 marks from
1st Sem, 50 marks from 2nd Sem.
** Question paper as per Council Pattern (Question paper setters should take care to see that the top part of
the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of the Council question papers. The
Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make the question.)

PART I - Internal Assessment [20 Marks]
Average of 2 Weekly Tests Per Semester [10 Marks]
Practical work & practical notebook : [10 marks ]
PART II - Semester Exam [80 Marks]
N.B. – All chapters should be dealt strictly according to the scope of syllabus. Question paper will be as per
Council Pattern.


Class 10

Text Book : Total History and Civics 10, Author: Dolly Ellen Sequeira, Publisher: Morning Star
Total Marks : 20 / 80

History : Chapter 1 : The First War of Independence, 1857
Chapter 2 : Growth of Nationalism
Chapter 3 : First Phase of the Indian National Movement
Chapter 4 : Second Phase of the Indian National Movement
Chapter 5 : The Muslim League
Chapter 6 : Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement
Chapter 7 : Quit India Movement
Chapter 8 : Forward Bloc and the INA
Civics : Chapter 1 : The Union Legislature
Chapter 2 : The President and the Vice President
Chapter 3 : Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
1st Weekly Test : History: Chapter 1 – The First War of Independence
2nd Weekly Test : History: Chapter 2 – Growth of Nationalism
Civics: Chapter 1– The Union Legislature

History : Chapter 9 : Independence and Partition of India
Chapter 10 : The First World War
Chapter 11 : Rise of Dictatorships
Chapter 12 : The Second World War
Chapter 13 : United Nations
Chapter 14 : Major Agencies of the United Nations
Chapter 15 : Non – Aligned Movement
Civics : Chapter 4 : The Supreme Court
Chapter 5 : The High Courts and Subordinate Courts

1st Weekly Test : History: Chapter 9 – Independence and Partition of India
Chapter 10 – The First World War

 80 Marks for the Semester Exam
** Question pattern & Distribution of marks – As per Council Direction. (Question paper setters
should take care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same
like that of the Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus
STRICTLY to make the question.)
 Internal Assessment – 20 marks
Break up of 20 marks
Weekly Test – 10 marks
Projects (per semester) – 5 marks
Participation in extra co-curricular activities and general code of conduct – 5 marks

Suggested list of Topics for Project:

(Students are required to complete one project on a topic from the syllabus)
1) Make a project on India’s Independence & partition.
2) Prepare a report on the contribution of any one of the following agencies of the United Nations –
3) Make a presentation on the influence of Gandhian principles on Martin Luther King/Nelson Mandela.
4) Compare the Parliamentary and Presidential forms of Government with reference to India and the USA.
5) Discuss the relevance of any one of the following firms to understand the History of 20th Century
Europe: The Book Thief, Schindlers List, Escape of Victory, The Boy in striped Pyjamas, Life is
Beautiful, The Sound of Music, Gandhi (Richard Alenborough), Sardar (Ketan Mehta), Netaji Subhas
Chandra Bose – The Forgotten Hero (Shyam Benegal).
Class 10

Text Book : SARASWATI- Geography For ICSE Class – 10, Author- Priyamvada Kher, Ila Patra
Total Marks : 20 / 80

Chapter 1: Location, Extent and Physical Features of India (Through maps only)
Chapter 2: Climate of India
Chapter 3: Soil Resources
Chapter 4: Natural Vegetation
Chapter 5: Water Resources
Chapter 12: Transport
Chapter 13: Waste Generation and Management
Chapter 14: Need for Management of Waste.

1st Weekly Test : Chapter 2:- Climate of India
2nd Weekly Test : Chapter 3:- Soil Resources

Interpretation of Topographical Maps:- (Map No.G43S7 & G43 S10)

1st Semester:
 Locating features with the help of a four figure or a six figure grid reference.
 Definition of Contour and contour interval. Identification of landforms marked by contours (steep slope,
gentle slope, hill, valley, ridge/water divide, escarpment), triangulated height, spot height, bench mark,
relative height/depth.
 Interpretation of colour tints and conventional symbols used on a topographical survey of India map.
 Identification and definition of types of Scale given on the map. Measuring distances and calculating
area using the scale given there in.
 Marking directions between different locations, using eight cardinal points.
 Identify: Site of Prominent villages and /or towns, types of land use/land cover and means of
communication with the help of the index given at the bottom of the sheet.
 Identification of drainage (direction of flow and pattern) and settlement patterns.
 Identification of natural and manmade features.

Map Work (India)

On an outline map of India locate, mark, shade and name the following. (Strictly as per ICSE syllabus)
1st Semester:
a. Mountains, Peaks & Plateaus e. Water Bodies i. Distribution of Minerals
b. Plains f. Passes j. Soil Distribution
c. Deserts g. Longitudes and Latitudes k. Cities
d. Rivers h. Direction of Winds l. Population

Chapter 6 : Minerals and Energy Resources of India
Chapter 7 : Agriculture in India
Chapter 8 : Agriculture-I (Food Crops)
Chapter 9 : Agriculture-II (Cash Crops)
Chapter 10 : Agro based Industries in India (Sugar,Textiles,Cotton,Silk )
Chapter 11 : Mineral based Industries in India
1st Weekly Test : Chapter: 6 (Mineral and Energy Resources of India)

Project work
Suggested topic-(any one)
1. Environment: Wildlife conservation efforts in India.
2. Transport in India: Development of Road,Rail, Water and Air routes.

N.B.- All chapters should be dealt strictly according to the syllabus. (Question paper setters should take
care to see that the top part of the Inter Nobilian question paper should be EXACTLY the same like that of the
Council question papers. The Question paper setters are also to follow the scope of syllabus STRICTLY to make the

Part I (20 marks)
Unit test / weekly test - 10 marks
Project work - 5 marks
Assessment (General Code & conduct) - 5 marks

Part II – (80 Marks) Semester Exam

Portion for 1st Semester Exam – The entire portion of 1st Semester portion.
Portion for Pre ICSE Exam – The whole syllabus of Std.10

Foot note: Teachers kindly refer to the ‘Effective Map reading Book vol-II’ according to the council
syllabus for practice.

Class 10

Total Marks : Students will be awarded Grades.

 Planting of trees and taking care of them.
 Teaching poor children of the neighbourhood.
 Students in groups, roll no. wise should ensure the Cleanliness of the classroom and the school campus
on a daily basis.
 Making posters. Slogans, Speeches, Collecting Newspaper Cuttings, Old Photos, Conducting assemble
presentations addressing a topic of environmental or social significance.

 Visiting Charity Homes, Orphanages, Slums, and giving care packs (blankets, food items) etc.
 Students in groups, roll no. wise should ensure the Cleanliness of the classroom and the school campus
on a daily basis.
 Spreading awareness in the school and the locality regarding important environmental and social issues.

o Teachers may use their discretion to assign any other similar tasks to assess the students.
o Kindly refer to the ICSE regulations and syllabuses 2025 for the assessment.

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