Dealing With Hazards Zenith Safety Toolbox Talks
Dealing With Hazards Zenith Safety Toolbox Talks
Dealing With Hazards Zenith Safety Toolbox Talks
Every single day we are faced with hazards; whether that is walking out of our house or at work. For a workplace to be
safe, the employees must have the training and knowledge to be able to recognize hazards and take actions to mitigate
them. All too often, hazards are recognized or identified, but actions are not taken to eliminate the hazard. When this
occurs, the hazard is left to be dealt with by anyone in that work area.
It is impossible to fully eliminate every single hazard we face while at work. That being said, too many hazards are left for
employees to have to deal with or work around instead of addressing them properly. There are many examples of this
occurring in every single workplace.
Do not just “deal” with hazards, eliminate them whenever possible. All too often, the time or energy is not spent to
properly address hazards to make a work area or work task safe. It is true that taking some action is better than none at
all, but often it does not take much more time to get the problem fully corrected and addressed to be sure no one will be
injured by that hazard.
Discussion points:
1. What is an example of “dealing with a hazard” here at our site?
2. How can we eliminate these hazards instead of working around them?