Lecture 4

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During the software design phase, the design document is produced, based on
the customer requirements as documented in the SRS document. We can
state the main objectives of the design phase, in other words, as follows.
The activities carried out during the design phase (called as design process )
transform the SRS document into the design document.

This view of a design process has been shown schematically in Figure 5.1.
As shown in Figure 5.1, the design process starts using the SRS document and
completes with the production of the design document. The design document
produced at the end of the design phase should be implementable using a
programming language in the subsequent (coding) phase.

Figure 5.1: The design process.


The design process essentially transforms the SRS document into a
design document. In the following sections and subsections, we will
discuss a few important issues associated with the design process.

5.1.1 Outcome of the Design Process

The following items are designed and documented during the design

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Different modules required: The different modules in the solution should

be clearly identified. Each module is a collection of functions and the data
shared by the functions of the module. Each module should accomplish some
well-defined task out of the overall responsibility of the software. Each module
should be named according to the task it performs. For example, in an
academic automation software, the module consisting of the functions and
data necessary to accomplish the task of registration of the students should be
named handle student registration.
Control relationships among modules: A control relationship between two
modules essentially arises due to function calls across the two modules. The
control relationships existing among various modules should be identified in
the design document.
Interfaces among different modules: The interfaces between two
modules identifies the exact data items that are exchanged between the two
modules when one module invokes a function of the other module.
Data structures of the individual modules: Each module normally stores
some data that the functions of the module need to share to accomplish the
overall responsibility of the module. Suitable data structures for storing and
managing the data of a module need to be properly designed and
Algorithms required to implement the individual modules: Each
function in a module usually performs some processing activity. The
algorithms required to accomplish the processing activities of various modules
need to be carefully designed and documented with due considerations given
to the accuracy of the results, space and time complexities.
Starting with the SRS document (as shown in Figure 5.1), the design
documents are produced through iterations over a series of steps that we are
going to discuss in this chapter and the subsequent three chapters. The
design documents are reviewed by the members of the development team to
ensure that the design solution conforms to the requirements specification.

5.1.2 Classification of Design Activities

A good software design is seldom realised by using a single step
procedure, rather it requires iterating over a series of steps called the
design activities. Let us first classify the design activities before
discussing them in detail. Depending on the order in which various
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design activities are performed, we can broadly classify them into two
important stages.
• Preliminary (or high-level) design, and
• Detailed design.
The meaning and scope of these two stages can vary considerably from one
design methodology to another. However, for the traditional function-oriented
design approach, it is possible to define the objectives of the high-level design
as follows:
Through high-level design, a problem is decomposed into a set of modules. The
control relationships among the modules are identified, and also the interfaces
among various modules are identified.

The outcome of high-level design is called the program structure or the

software architecture. High-level design is a crucial step in the overall design
of a software. When the high-level design is complete, the problem should
have been decomposed into many small functionally independent modules
that are cohesive, have low coupling among themselves, and are arranged in a
hierarchy. Many different types of notations have been used to represent a
high-level design. A notation that is widely being used for procedural
development is a tree-like diagram called the structure chart. Another popular
design representation techniques called UML that is being used to document
object-oriented design, involves developing several types of diagrams to
document the object-oriented design of a systems. Though other notations
such as Jackson diagram [1975] or Warnier-Orr [1977, 1981] diagram are
available to document a software design, we confine our attention in this text
to structure charts and UML diagrams only.
Once the high-level design is complete, detailed design is undertaken.
During detailed design each module is examined carefully to design its data
structures and the algorithms.

The outcome of the detailed design stage is usually documented in the form
of a module specification (MSPEC) document. After the high-level design is
complete, the problem would have been decomposed into small modules, and
the data structures and algorithms to be used described using MSPEC and can
be easily grasped by programmers for initiating coding. In this text, we do not
discuss MSPECs and confine our attention to high-level design only.

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5.1.3 Classification of Design Methodologies

The design activities vary considerably based on the specific design
methodology being used. A large number of software design methodologies
are available. We can roughly classify these methodologies into procedural
and object-oriented approaches. These two approaches are two fundamentally
different design paradigms. In this chapter, we shall discuss the important
characteristics of these two fundamental design approaches. Over the next
three chapters, we shall study these two approaches in detail.

Do design techniques result in unique solutions?

Even while using the same design methodology, different designers
usually arrive at very different design solutions. The reason is that a
design technique often requires the designer to make many subjective
decisions and work out compromises to contradictory objectives. As a
result, it is possible that even the same designer can work out many
different solutions to the same problem. Therefore, obtaining a good
design would involve trying out several alternatives (or candidate
solutions) and picking out the best one. However, a fundamental
question that arises at this point is—how to distinguish superior design
solution from an inferior one? Unless we know what a good software
design is and how to distinguish a superior design solution from an
inferior one, we can not possibly design one. We investigate this issue in
the next section.

Analysis versus design

Analysis and design activities differ in goal and scope.
The goal of any analysis technique is to elaborate the customer requirements
through careful thinking and at the same time consciously avoiding making any
decisions regarding the exact way the system is to be implemented.

The analysis results are generic and does not consider implementation or
the issues associated with specific platforms. The analysis model is usually
documented using some graphical formalism. In case of the function-oriented
approach that we are going to discuss, the analysis model would be
documented using data flow diagrams (DFDs), whereas the design would be
documented using structure chart. On the other hand, for object-oriented
approach, both the design model and the analysis model will be documented

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using unified modelling language (UML). The analysis model would normally
be very difficult to implement using a programming language.
The design model is obtained from the analysis model through
transformations over a series of steps. In contrast to the analysis model, the
design model reflects several decisions taken regarding the exact way
system is to be implemented. The design model should be detailed enough
to be easily implementable using a programming language.


Coming up with an accurate characterisation of a good software design
that would hold across diverse problem domains is certainly not easy. In
fact, the definition of a “good” software design can vary depending on
the exact application being designed. For example, “memory size used
up by a program” may be an important issue to Characterise a good
solution for embedded software development—since embedded
applications are often required to work under severely limited memory
sizes due to cost, space, or power consumption considerations. For
embedded applications, factors such as design comprehensibility may
take a back seat while judging the goodness of design. Thus for
embedded applications, one may sacrifice design comprehensibility to
achieve code compactness. Similarly, it is not usually true that a criterion
that is crucial for some application, needs to be almost completely
ignored for another application. It is therefore clear that the criteria used
to judge a design solution can vary widely across different types of
applications. Not only do the criteria used to judge a design solution
depend on the exact application being designed, but to make the matter
worse, there is no general agreement among software engineers and
researchers on the exact criteria to use for judging a design even for a
specific category of application. However, most researchers and software
engineers agree on a few desirable characteristics that every good
software design for general applications must possess. These
characteristics are listed below:
Correctness: A good design should first of all be correct. That is, it should
correctly implement all the functionalities of the system.

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Understandability: A good design should be easily understandable. Unless a

design solution is easily understandable, it would be difficult to implement and
maintain it.
Efficiency: A good design solution should adequately address resource, time,
and cost optimisation issues.
Maintainability: A good design should be easy to change. This is an
important requirement, since change requests usually keep coming from the
customer even after product release.

5.2.1 Understandability of a Design: A Ma jor Concern

While performing the design of a certain problem, assume that we have
arrived at a large number of design solutions and need to choose the best
one. Obviously all incorrect designs have to be discarded first. Out of the
correct design solutions, how can we identify the best one?
Given that we are choosing from only correct design solutions, understandability of a
design solution is possibly the most important issue to be considered while judging
the goodness of a design.

Recollect from our discussions in Chapter 1 that a good design should help
overcome the human cognitive limitations that arise due to limited short-term
memory. A large problem overwhelms the human mind, and a poor design
would make the matter worse. Unless a design solution is easily
understandable, it could lead to an implementation having a large number of
defects and at the same time tremendously pushing up the development
costs. Therefore, a good design solution should be simple and easily
understandable. A design that is easy to understand is also easy to develop
and maintain. A complex design would lead to severely increased life cycle
costs. Unless a design is easily understandable, it would require tremendous
effort to implement, test, debug, and maintain it. We had already pointed out
in Chapter 2 that about 60 per cent of the total effort in the life cycle of a
typical product is spent on maintenance. If the software is not easy to
understand, not only would it lead to increased development costs, the effort
required to maintain the product would also increase manifold. Besides, a
design solution that is difficult to understand would lead to a program that is
full of bugs and is unreliable. Recollect that we had already discussed in
Chapter 1 that understandability of a design solution can be enhanced through
clever applications of the principles of abstraction and decomposition.
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An understandable design is modular and layered

How can the understandability of two different designs be compared, so
that we can pick the better one? To be able to compare the
understandability of two design solutions, we should at least have an
understanding of the general features that an easily understandable
design should possess. A design solution should have the following
characteristics to be easily understandable:

It should assign consistent and meaningful names to various design

It should make use of the principles of decomposition and abstraction in
good measures to simplify the design.

We had discussed the essential concepts behind the principles of abstraction

and decomposition principles in Chapter 1. But, how can the abstraction and
decomposition principles are used in arriving at a design solution? These two
principles are exploited by design methodologies to make a design modular
and layered. (Though there are also a few other forms in which the
abstraction and decomposition principles can be used in the design solution,
we discuss those later). We can now define the characteristics of an easily
understandable design as follows: A design solution is understandable, if it is
modular and the modules are arranged in distinct layers.
A design solution should be modular and layered to be understandable.

We now elaborate the concepts of modularity and layering of modules:

A modular design is an effective decomposition of a problem. It is a basic
characteristic of any good design solution. A modular design, in simple
words, implies that the problem has been decomposed into a set of
modules that have only limited interactions with each other.
Decomposition of a problem into modules facilitates taking advantage of
the divide and conquer principle. If different modules have either no
interactions or little interactions with each other, then each module can
be understood separately. This reduces the perceived complexity of the
design solution greatly. To understand why this is so, remember that it

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may be very difficult to break a bunch of sticks which have been tied
together, but very easy to break the sticks individually.
It is not difficult to argue that modularity is an important characteristic of a
good design solution. But, even with this, how can we compare the modularity
of two alternate design solutions? From an inspection of the module structure,
it is at least possible to intuitively form an idea as to which design is more
modular For example, consider two alternate design solutions to a problem
that are represented in Figure 5.2, in which the modules M1 , M2 etc. have
been drawn as rectangles. The invocation of a module by another module has
been shown as an arrow. It can easily be seen that the design solution of
Figure 5.2(a) would be easier to understand since the interactions among the
different modules is low. But, can we quantitatively measure the modularity of
a design solution? Unless we are able to quantitatively measure the modularity
of a design solution, it will be hard to say which design solution is more
modular than another. Unfortunately, there are no quantitative metrics
available yet to directly measure the modularity of a design. However, we can
quantitatively characterise the modularity of a design solution based on the
cohesion and coupling existing in the design.
A design solution is said to be highly modular, if the different modules in the solution
have high cohesion and their inter-module couplings are low.

A software design with high cohesion and low coupling among modules is
the effective problem decomposition we discussed in Chapter 1. Such a design
would lead to increased productivity during program development by bringing
down the perceived problem complexity.

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Figure 5.2: Two design solutions to the same problem.

Based on this classification, we would be able to easily judge the cohesion

and coupling existing in a design solution. From a knowledge of the cohesion
and coupling in a design, we can form our own opinion about the modularity
of the design solution. We shall define the concepts of cohesion and coupling
and the various classes of cohesion and coupling in Section 5.3. Let us now
discuss the other important characteristic of a good design solution—layered

Layered design
A layered design is one in which when the call relations among different
modules are represented graphically, it would result in a tree-like
diagram with clear layering. In a layered design solution, the modules
are arranged in a hierarchy of layers. A module can only invoke functions
of the modules in the layer immediately below it. The higher layer
modules can be considered to be similar to managers that invoke (order)
the lower layer modules to get certain tasks done. A layered design can
be considered to be implementing control abstraction, since a module at
a lower layer is unaware of (about how to call) the higher layer modules.
A layered design can make the design solution easily understandable, since
to understand the working of a module, one would at best have to understand
how the immediately lower layer modules work without having to worry about
the functioning of the upper layer modules.
When a failure is detected while executing a module, it is obvious that the
modules below it can possibly be the source of the error. This greatly simplifies
debugging since one would need to concentrate only on a few modules to
detect the error. We shall elaborate these concepts governing layered design
of modules in Section 5.4.


We have so far discussed that effective problem decomposition is an
important characteristic of a good design. Good module decomposition is
indicated through high cohesion of the individual modules and low
coupling of the modules with each other. Let us now define what is
meant by cohesion and coupling.

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Cohesion is a measure of the functional strength of a module, whereas the

coupling between two modules is a measure of the degree of interaction (or
interdependence) between the two modules.
In this section, we first elaborate the concepts of cohesion and coupling.
Subsequently, we discuss the classification of cohesion and coupling.
Coupling: Intuitively, we can think of coupling as follows. Two modules are
said to be highly coupled, if either of the following two situations arise:

If the function calls between two modules involve passing large chunks
of shared data, the modules are tightly coupled.
If the interactions occur through some shared data, then also we say
that they are highly coupled.

If two modules either do not interact with each other at all or at best
interact by passing no data or only a few primitive data items, they are said to
have low coupling.
Cohesion: To understand cohesion, let us first understand an analogy.
Suppose you listened to a talk by some speaker. You would call the speech to
be cohesive, if all the sentences of the speech played some role in giving the
talk a single and focused theme. Now, we can extend this to a module in a
design solution. When the functions of the module co-operate with each other
for performing a single objective, then the module has good cohesion. If the
functions of the module do very different things and do not co-operate with
each other to perform a single piece of work, then the module has very poor

Functional independence
By the term functional independence, we mean that a module performs a
single task and needs very little interaction with other modules.
A module that is highly cohesive and also has low coupling with other modules is said
to be functionally independent of the other modules.

Functional independence is a key to any good design primarily due to the

following advantages it offers:
Error isolation: Whenever an error exists in a module, functional
independence reduces the chances of the error propagating to the other
modules. The reason behind this is that if a module is functionally
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independent, its interaction with other modules is low. Therefore, an error

existing in the module is very unlikely to affect the functioning of other
Further, once a failure is detected, error isolation makes it very easy to
locate the error. On the other hand, when a module is not functionally
independent, once a failure is detected in a functionality provided by the
module, the error can be potentially in any of the large number of modules
and propagated to the functioning of the module.
Scope of reuse: Reuse of a module for the development of other
applications becomes easier. The reasons for this is as follows. A functionally
independent module performs some well-defined and precise task and the
interfaces of the module with other modules are very few and simple. A
functionally independent module can therefore be easily taken out and reused
in a different program. On the other hand, if a module interacts with several
other modules or the functions of a module perform very different tasks, then
it would be difficult to reuse it. This is especially so, if the module accesses the
data (or code) internal to other modules.
Understandability: When modules are functionally independent, complexity
of the design is greatly reduced. This is because of the fact that different
modules can be understood in isolation, since the modules are independent of
each other. We have already pointed out in Section 5.2 that understandability
is a major advantage of a modular design. Besides the three we have listed
here, there are many other advantages of a modular design as well. We shall
not list those here, and leave it as an assignment to the reader to identify

5.3.1 Classification of Cohesiveness

Cohesiveness of a module is the degree to which the different functions of the
module co-operate to work towards a single objective. The different modules
of a design can possess different degrees of freedom. However, the different
classes of cohesion that modules can possess are depicted in Figure 5.3. The
cohesiveness increases from coincidental to functional cohesion. That is,
coincidental is the worst type of cohesion and functional is the best cohesion
possible. These different classes of cohesion are elaborated below.

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Figure 5.3: Classification of cohesion.

Coincidental cohesion: A module is said to have coincidental cohesion,

if it performs a set of tasks that relate to each other very loosely, if at
all. In this case, we can say that the module contains a random
collection of functions. It is likely that the functions have been placed in
the module out of pure coincidence rather than through some thought
or design. The designs made by novice programmers often possess this
category of cohesion, since they often bundle functions to modules
rather arbitrarily. An example of a module with coincidental cohesion has
been shown in Figure 5.4(a).Observe that the different functions of the
module carry out very different and unrelated activities starting from
issuing of library books to creating library member records on one hand,
and handling librarian leave request on the other.

Figure 5.4: Examples of cohesion.

Logical cohesion: A module is said to be logically cohesive, if all

elements of the module perform similar operations, such as error
handling, data input, data output, etc. As an example of logical
cohesion, consider a module that contains a set of print functions to
generate various types of output reports such as grade sheets, salary
slips, annual reports, etc.
Temporal cohesion: When a module contains functions that are related by
the fact that these functions are executed in the same time span, then the

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module is said to possess temporal cohesion. As an example, consider the

following situation. When a computer is booted, several functions need to be
performed. These include initialisation of memory and devices, loading the
operating system, etc. When a single module performs all these tasks, then
the module can be said to exhibit temporal cohesion. Other examples of
modules having temporal cohesion are the following. Similarly, a module
would exhibit temporal cohesion, if it comprises functions for performing
initialisation, or start-up, or shut-down of some process.
Procedural cohesion: A module is said to possess procedural cohesion, if
the set of functions of the module are executed one after the other, though
these functions may work towards entirely different purposes and operate on
very different data. Consider the activities associated with order processing in
a trading house. The functions login(), place-order(), check-order(), printbill(),
place-order-on-vendor(), update-inventory(), and logout() all do different thing
and operate on different data. However, they are normally executed one after
the other during typical order processing by a sales clerk.
Communicational cohesion: A module is said to have communicational
cohesion, if all functions of the module refer to or update the same data
structure. As an example of procedural cohesion, consider a module named
student in which the different functions in the module such as admitStudent,
enterMarks, printGradeSheet, etc. access and manipulate data stored in an
array named studentRecords defined within the module.
Sequential cohesion: A module is said to possess sequential cohesion, if the
different functions of the module execute in a sequence, and the output from
one function is input to the next in the sequence. As an example consider the
following situation. In an on-line store consider that after a customer requests
for some item, it is first determined if the item is in stock. In this case, if the
functions create-order(), check-item-availability(), placeorder-on-vendor() are
placed in a single module, then the module would exhibit sequential cohesion.
Observe that the function create-order() creates an order that is processed by
the function check-item-availability() (whether the items are available in the
required quantities in the inventory) is input to place-order-on-vendor().
Functional cohesion: A module is said to possess functional cohesion, if
different functions of the module co-operate to complete a single task. For
example, a module containing all the functions required to manage employees’
pay-roll displays functional cohesion. In this case, all the functions of the

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module (e.g., computeOvertime(), computeWorkHours(),

computeDeductions(), etc.) work together to generate the payslips of the
employees. Another example of a module possessing functional cohesion has
been shown in Figure 5.4(b). In this example, the functions issue-book(),
return-book(), query-book(), and find-borrower(), together manage all
activities concerned with book lending. When a module possesses functional
cohesion, then we should be able to describe what the module does using
only one simple sentence. For example, for the module of Figure 5.4(a), we
can describe the overall responsibility of the module by saying “It manages
the book lending procedure of the library.”
A simple way to determine the cohesiveness of any given module is as
follows. First examine what do the functions of the module perform. Then, try
to write down a sentence to describe the overall work performed by the
module. If you need a compound sentence to describe the functionality of the
module, then it has sequential or communicational cohesion. If you need
words such as “first”, “next”, “after”, “then”, etc., then it possesses sequential
or temporal cohesion. If it needs words such as “initialise”, “setup”, “shut
down”, etc., to define its functionality, then it has temporal cohesion.
We can now make the following observation. A cohesive module is one in
which the functions interact among themselves heavily to achieve a single
goal. As a result, if any of these functions is removed to a different module,
the coupling would increase as the functions would now interact across two
different modules.

5.3.2 Classification of Coupling

The coupling between two modules indicates the degree of interdependence
between them. Intuitively, if two modules interchange large amounts of data,
then they are highly interdependent or coupled. We can alternately state this
concept as follows.
The degree of coupling between two modules depends on their interface complexity.

The interface complexity is determined based on the number of parameters

and the complexity of the parameters that are interchanged while one module
invokes the functions of the other module.
Let us now classify the different types of coupling that can exist between
two modules. Between any two interacting modules, any of the following five

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different types of coupling can exist. These different types of coupling, in

increasing order of their severities have also been shown in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5: Classification of coupling.

Data coupling: Two modules are data coupled, if they communicate using an
elementary data item that is passed as a parameter between the two, e.g. an
integer, a float, a character, etc. This data item should be problem related and
not used for control purposes.
Stamp coupling: Two modules are stamp coupled, if they communicate
using a composite data item such as a record in PASCAL or a structure in C.
Control coupling: Control coupling exists between two modules, if data from
one module is used to direct the order of instruction execution in another. An
example of control coupling is a flag set in one module and tested in another
Common coupling: Two modules are common coupled, if they share some
global data items.
Content coupling: Content coupling exists between two modules, if they
share code. That is, a jump from one module into the code of another module
can occur. Modern high-level programming languages such as C do not
support such jumps across modules.
The different types of coupling are shown schematically in Figure 5.5. The
degree of coupling increases from data coupling to content coupling. High
coupling among modules not only makes a design solution difficult to
understand and maintain, but it also increases development effort and also
makes it very difficult to get these modules developed independently by
different team members.


T h e control hierarchy represents the organisation of program
components in terms of their call relationships. Thus we can say that the
control hierarchy of a design is determined by the order in which
different modules call each other. Many different types of notations have
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been used to represent the control hierarchy. The most common

notation is a tree-like diagram known as a structure chart which we shall
study in some detail in Chapter 6. However, other notations such as
Warnier-Orr [1977, 1981] or Jackson diagrams [1975] may also be used.
Since, Warnier-Orr and Jackson’s notations are not widely used
nowadays, we shall discuss only structure charts in this text.
In a layered design solution, the modules are arranged into several layers
based on their call relationships. A module is allowed to call only the modules
that are at a lower layer. That is, a module should not call a module that is
either at a higher layer or even in the same layer. Figure 5.6(a) shows a
layered design, whereas Figure 5.6(b) shows a design that is not layered.
Observe that the design solution shown in Figure 5.6(b), is actually not
layered since all the modules can be considered to be in the same layer. In the
following, we state the significance of a layered design and subsequently we
explain it.
An important characteristic feature of a good design solution is layering of the
modules. A layered design achieves control abstraction and is easier to understand
and debug.

In a layered design, the top-most module in the hierarchy can be considered

as a manager that only invokes the services of the lower level module to
discharge its responsibility. The modules at the intermediate layers offer
services to their higher layer by invoking the services of the lower layer
modules and also by doing some work themselves to a limited extent. The
modules at the lowest layer are the worker modules. These do not invoke
services of any module and entirely carry out their responsibilities by
Understanding a layered design is easier since to understand one module,
one would have to at best consider the modules at the lower layers (that is,
the modules whose services it invokes). Besides, in a layered design errors are
isolated, since an error in one module can affect only the higher layer
modules. As a result, in case of any failure of a module, only the modules at
the lower levels need to be investigated for the possible error. Thus,
debugging time reduces significantly in a layered design. On the other hand, if
the different modules call each other arbitrarily, then this situation would
correspond to modules arranged in a single layer. Locating an error would be
both difficult and time consuming. This is because, once a failure is observed,

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the cause of failure (i.e. error) can potentially be in any module, and all
modules would have to be investigated for the error. In the following, we
discuss some important concepts and terminologies associated with a layered
Superordinate and subordinate modules: In a control hierarchy, a
module that controls another module is said to be superordinate to it.
Conversely, a module controlled by another module is said to be subordinate
to the controller.
Visibility: A module B is said to be visible to another module A, if A directly
calls B. Thus, only the immediately lower layer modules are said to be visible
to a module.
Control abstraction: In a layered design, a module should only invoke the
functions of the modules that are in the layer immediately below it. In other
words, the modules at the higher layers, should not be visible (that is,
abstracted out) to the modules at the lower layers. This is referred to as
control abstraction.
Depth and width: Depth and width of a control hierarchy provide an
indication of the number of layers and the overall span of control respectively.
For the design of Figure 5.6(a), the depth is 3 and width is also 3.
Fan-out: Fan-out is a measure of the number of modules that are directly
controlled by a given module. In Figure 5.6(a), the fan-out of the module M1
is 3. A design in which the modules have very high fan-out numbers is not a
good design. The reason for this is that a very high fan-out is an indication
that the module lacks cohesion. A module having a large fan-out (greater than
7) is likely to implement several different functions and not just a single
cohesive function.
Fan-in: Fan-in indicates the number of modules that directly invoke a given
module. High fan-in represents code reuse and is in general, desirable in a
good design. In Figure 5.6(a), the fan-in of the module M1 is 0, that of M2 is
1, and that of M5 is 2.

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Figure 5.6: Examples of good and poor control abstraction.


There are two fundamentally different approaches to software design that
are in use today— function-oriented design, and object-oriented design.
Though these two design approaches are radically different, they are
complementary rather than competing techniques. The objectoriented
approach is a relatively newer technology and is still evolving. For
development of large programs, the object- oriented approach is
becoming increasingly popular due to certain advantages that it offers.
On the other hand, function-oriented designing is a mature technology
and has a large following. Salient features of these two approaches are
discussed in subsections 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 respectively.

5.5.1 Function-oriented Design

The following are the salient features of the function-oriented design
Top-down decomposition: A system, to start with, is viewed as a black box
that provides certain services (also known as high-level functions) to the users
of the system.
In top-down decomposition, starting at a high-level view of the system, each
high-level function is successively refined into more detailed functions.
For example, consider a function create-new-library member which
essentially creates the record for a new member, assigns a unique

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membership number to him, and prints a bill towards his membership charge.
This high-level function may be refined into the following subfunctions:
• assign-membership-number
• create-member-record
• print-bill
Each of these subfunctions may be split into more detailed subfunctions and
so on.
Centralised system state: The system state can be defined as the values of
certain data items that determine the response of the system to a user action
or external event. For example, the set of books (i.e. whether borrowed by
different users or available for issue) determines the state of a library
automation system. Such data in procedural programs usually have global
scope and are shared by many modules.
The system state is centralised and shared among different functions.

For example, in the library management system, several functions such as

the following share data such as member-records for reference and updation:
• create-new-member
• delete-member
• update-member-record
A large number of function-oriented design approaches have been proposed
in the past. A few of the well-established function-oriented design approaches
are as
• Structured design by Constantine and Yourdon, [1979]
• Jackson’s structured design by Jackson [1975]
• Warnier-Orr methodology [1977, 1981]
• Step-wise refinement by Wirth [1971]
• Hatley and Pirbhai’s Methodology [1987]

5.5.2 Object-oriented Design

In the object-oriented design (OOD) approach, a system is viewed as
being made up of a collection of objects (i.e. entities). Each object is
associated with a set of functions that are called its methods. Each
object contains its own data and is responsible for managing it. The data

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internal to an object cannot be accessed directly by other objects and

only through invocation of the methods of the object. The system state
is decentralised since there is no globally shared data in the system and
data is stored in each object. For example, in a library automation
software, each library member may be a separate object with its own
data and functions to operate on the stored data. The methods defined
for one object cannot directly refer to or change the data of other
The object-oriented design paradigm makes extensive use of the principles
of abstraction and decomposition as explained below. Objects decompose a
system into functionally independent modules. Objects can also be considered
as instances of abstract data types (ADTs). The ADT concept did not originate
from the object-oriented approach. In fact, ADT concept was extensively used
in the ADA programming language introduced in the 1970s. ADT is an
important concept that forms an important pillar of objectorientation. Let us
now discuss the important concepts behind an ADT. There are, in fact, three
important concepts associated with an ADT—data abstraction, data structure,
data type. We discuss these in the following subsection:
Data abstraction: The principle of data abstraction implies that how
data is exactly stored is abstracted away. This means that any entity
external to the object (that is, an instance of an ADT) would have no
knowledge about how data is exactly stored, organised, and
manipulated inside the object. The entities external to the object can
access the data internal to an object only by calling certain well-defined
methods supported by the object. Consider an ADT such as a stack. The
data of a stack object may internally be stored in an array, a linearly
linked list, or a bidirectional linked list. The external entities have no
knowledge of this and can access data of a stack object only through the
supported operations such as push and pop.
Data structure: A data structure is constructed from a collection of primitive
data items. Just as a civil engineer builds a large civil engineering structure
using primitive building materials such as bricks, iron rods, and cement; a
programmer can construct a data structure as an organised collection of
primitive data items such as integer, floating point numbers, characters, etc.
Data type: A type is a programming language terminology that refers to
anything that can be instantiated. For example, int, float, char etc., are the

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basic data types supported by C programming language. Thus, we can say

that ADTs are user defined data types.
In object-orientation, classes are ADTs. But, what is the advantage of
developing an application using ADTs? Let us examine the three main
advantages of using ADTs in programs:

The data of objects are encapsulated within the methods. The

encapsulation principle is also known as data hiding. The encapsulation
principle requires that data can be accessed and manipulated only
through the methods supported by the object and not directly. This
localises the errors. The reason for this is as follows. No program
element is allowed to change a data, except through invocation of one
of the methods. So, any error can easily be traced to the code segment
changing the value. That is, the method that changes a data item,
making it erroneous can be easily identified.
An ADT-based design displays high cohesion and low coupling.
Therefore, object- oriented designs are highly modular.
Since the principle of abstraction is used, it makes the design solution
easily understandable and helps to manage complexity.

Similar objects constitute a class. In other words, each object is a member

of some class. Classes may inherit features from a super class. Conceptually,
objects communicate by message passing. Objects have their own internal
data. Thus an object may exist in different states depending the values of the
internal data. In different states, an object may behave differently. We shall
elaborate these concepts in Chapter 7 and subsequently we discuss an object-
oriented design methodology in Chapter 8.

Object-oriented v e r s u s function-oriented design

The following are some of the important differences between the function-
oriented and object-oriented design:

Unlike function-oriented design methods in OOD, the basic abstraction is

not the services available to the users of the system such as issuebook,
display-book-details, find-issued-books, etc., but real-world entities such
as member, book, book-register, etc. For example in OOD, an employee
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pay-roll software is not developed by designing functions such as

update-employee-record, get-employee-address, etc., but by designing
objects such as employees, departments, etc.
In OOD, state information exists in the form of data distributed among
several objects of the system. In contrast, in a procedural design, the
state information is available in a centralised shared data store. For
example, while developing an employee pay-roll system, the employee
data such as the names of the employees, their code numbers, basic
salaries, etc., are usually implemented as global data in a traditional
programming system; whereas in an object-oriented design, these data
are distributed among different employee objects of the system.
Objects communicate by message passing. Therefore, one object may
discover the state information of another object by sending a message
to it. Of course, somewhere or other the real-world functions must be
Function-oriented techniques group functions together if, as a group,
they constitute a higher level function. On the other hand,
objectoriented techniques group functions together on the basis of the
data they operate on.

To illustrate the differences between the object-oriented and the

functionoriented design approaches, let us consider an example—that of an
automated fire-alarm system for a large building.

Automated fire-alarm system—customer requirements

The owner of a large multi-storied building wants to have a computerised
fire alarm system designed, developed, and installed in his building.
Smoke detectors and fire alarms would be placed in each room of the
building. The fire alarm system would monitor the status of these smoke
detectors. Whenever a fire condition is reported by any of the smoke
detectors, the fire alarm system should determine the location at which
the fire has been sensed and then sound the alarms only in the
neighbouring locations. The fire alarm system should also flash an alarm
message on the computer console. Fire fighting personnel would man
the console round the clock. After a fire condition has been successfully
handled, the fire alarm system should support resetting the alarms by
the fire fighting personnel.
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Function-oriented approach: In this approach, the different high-level

functions are first identified, and then the data structures are designed.

The functions which operate on the system state are:

ring_alarm(); activate_sprinkler();
reset_alarm(); reset_sprinkler();
Object-oriented approach: In the object-oriented approach, the different
classes of objects are identified. Subsequently, the methods and data for each
object are identified. Finally, an appropriate number of instances of each class
is created.
class detector attributes: status, location,
neighbours operations: create, sense-status,
get-location, find-neighbours
class alarm attributes:
location, status
operations: create, ring-alarm, get_location,
resetalarm class sprinkler
attributes: location, status operations: create,
activate-sprinkler, get_location, reset-sprinkler
We can now compare the function-oriented and the object-oriented
approaches based on the two examples discussed above, and easily observe
the following main differences:

In a function-oriented program, the system state (data) is centralised

and several functions access and modify this central data. In case of an

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object-oriented program, the state information (data) is distributed

among various objects.
In the object-oriented design, data is private in different objects and
these are not available to the other objects for direct access and
The basic unit of designing an object-oriented program is objects,
whereas it is functions and modules in procedural designing. Objects
appear as nouns in the problem description; whereas functions appear
as verbs.

At this point, we must emphasise that it is not necessary that an

objectoriented design be implemented by using an object-oriented language
only. However, an object-oriented language such as C++ and Java support the
definition of all the basic mechanisms of class, inheritance, objects, methods,
etc. and also support all key object-oriented concepts that we have just
discussed. Thus, an object-oriented language facilitates the implementation of
an OOD. However, an OOD can as well be implemented using a conventional
procedural languages—though it may require more effort to implement an
OOD using a procedural language as compared to the effort required for
implementing the same design using an object-oriented language. In fact, the
older C++ compilers were essentially pre-processors that translated C++ code
into C code.
Even though object-oriented and function-oriented techniques are
remarkably different approaches to software design, yet one does not replace
the other; but they complement each other in some sense. For example,
usually one applies the top-down function oriented techniques to design the
internal methods of a class, once the classes are identified. In this case,
though outwardly the system appears to have been developed in an
objectoriented fashion, but inside each class there may be a small hierarchy of
functions designed in a top-down manner.

Software design is typically carried out through two stages—high-level
design, and detailed design. During high-level design, the important
components (modules) of the system and their interactions are

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identified. During detailed design, the algorithms and data structures

are identified.
We discussed that there is no unique design solution to any problem and
one needs to choose the best solution among a set of candidate solutions.
To be able to achieve this, we identified the factors based on which a
superior design can be distinguished from a inferior design. We
discussed that understandability of a design is a major criterion
determining the goodness of a design. We Characterised the
understandability of design in terms of satisfactory usage of
decomposition and abstraction principles. Later, we Characterised these in
terms of cohesion, coupling, layering, control abstraction, fanin, fan-out,
We identified two fundamentally different approaches to software design
—function- oriented design and object-oriented design. We discussed
the essential philosophy governing these two approaches and argued
that these two approaches to software design are not really competing
approaches but complementary approaches.

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