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Pri Yanshu CDP Report

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UDEMY: Instructor- TJ WALKER

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of

Submitted to

Lovely Professional University

Phagwara, Punjab

Submitted by:

Priyanshu Rai

Registration number:


This Project helps us to to build creative thinking process and evolving behavioral
changes in order to develop the brain concentration and increase awareness
towards the society. We live in a world where every tech billionaire is begging you
(through your cell phone and screens).to multitask to make them richer .But this
splintering of our focus is destroying our quality of life at a professional and
personal level .Now is the time to fight back .You can take back control over your
mind, your attention, and your focus ,every second of the day .

As we try to deal with the increasing amount of information in the world and
increasing demands on our time, it becomes increasingly difficult to concentrate.
As a result, it seems we're increasingly hearing the word "concentration", or
similar words like focusing the mind, controlling the mind, and mindfulness. But
as often as we hear the word concentration, what is it really?

Concentration is the ability to direct one’s attention in accordance with one’s will.
It means control of the attention. It is the ability to focus the mind on one subject
object or thought, and at the same time exclude from the mind every other
unrelated thoughts, ideas, feelings and sensations" ... "Concentration is a state, in
which one’s whole attention is engrossed in one thing only, and being oblivious to
everything else. During concentration, the mind focuses on the object of
concentration, and only one thought occupies the mind.

If someone says 'I have trouble focusing', there may be many psychological,
physiological and environmental causes. Let's explain below a few of the most
common factors that lead to concentration problem in adults:

Sleeping disorders
Our sleeping quality and length are extremely important in every aspect of our
lives. Sleeping disorders may cause memory and concentration problems in adults
or lack of focus in children. Sleep improves us, rejuvenates our body and mind.
Therefore, when we are sleepless, we feel unable to focus at work or to
concentrate on any task at school.
While sleeping disorder makes it difficult to focus, it also creates the need for
constant rest. Creating a sleep pattern is one of the best focusing techniques for
adults that decreases sleeping disorders and the inability to focus and

Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes can cause symptoms in many different ways in the body and in
our life. The most important of these are sleep problems, confusion, fatigue, and
depression. All these symptoms are actually the cause of impaired concentration.

If you have these types of symptoms, you can have a simple blood test to check
for hormonal imbalance. Solving hormonal problems with a professional will also
help concentrating on tasks.

Emotional stress
Our brain secretes adrenaline in case of danger and keeps the body in a state of
stress. Although adrenaline provides high energy and full focus at first, its effect
passes in a short time. This time, the brain activates the cortisol hormone as a
result of continuing stress. During intense focus, the prefrontal cortex of the brain
operates at full capacity.
In this way, it becomes easier for the individual to make healthy decisions, focus,
finish the job to reach the solution. However, the constant presence of cortisol in
the body disrupts the normal mechanism of the prefrontal cortex. When this part
is not working properly, it causes poor concentration and focus quality. In this
case, the individual cannot make logical decisions which leads to short term
memory loss problems and adaptation problems.

The chemical contents of drugs can have quite intense effects on the brain. The
amount or frequency of medication and the use of the right medication are issues
that need to be very carefully addressed in order to maintain mental health.

To use any drugs, you must definitely undergo a doctor’s control. In order to
avoid any complications, you should make sure to tell your doctor if you use any
medications for focusing and concentration.

Reading Difficulties
Reading is also one of the basic elements of learning and self-development. If
your loss of concentration allows you to fail at a task even as simple as reading,
this can directly affect your learning, memory, and success in various areas in life.
Children with focus issues, in particular, often face problems while reading.

Problems Focusing at Work

Even if you love your job, you may sometimes have the question 'why am I having
a hard time focusing'. If you still continue to experience this problem even if you
have removed all kinds of factors from your life that may cause you to have
trouble concentrating or having difficulty focusing, you need to be careful,
because the loss of concentration can directly affect your business performance .

The following are the reasons which are affecting you while concentrating:

1) Lack of sleep

2) Hunger

3) Anxiety

4) Excess stress

5) Excess Alcohol Consumption

6) You are not dealing with the problem effectively

7) You are working in a messy environment

8) Not doing enough physical exercise

9) Not having a balanced diet

10) You are excessively working

11) Too much social activity

12) Toxins, pollution, chemical substances, and insecticides.

13) Also may be you have – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
chronic fatigue syndrome, concussion , Cushing syndrome, dementia, epilepsy,
insomnia, major depressive disorder.

 We want a society where we have power to focus on a single objective at a

 We want ability to obtain and sustain appropriate attention to a task in
 The ability to focus can be developed, like any other skill. A person that
trains his or her mind is able to focus, without being distracted by thoughts,
noises or anything else.
 In today’s generation where everywhere is distraction we want our coming
generations to not be distracted .
 The importance of focus cannot be overestimated. It is important in every
area of life and for everyone.
 This skill can help us when we need to be focused on our studies, when you
read, work, drive, get tasks done, meditate, and for everything else.
 We want our upcoming generations should work more efficiently than us
and can improve their memory.
 In future we can get faster results with creative visualization and free from
many distractions.
 We can control our mind and reject the thoughts that we don’t want.
 We can free our mind from annoying thoughts and gain inner peace.
 While doing meditation we are free from many disorders, and hormonal
 When children grow up, it is no wonder that their power of concentration is
weak. They might be aware of its importance, but subconsciously, they
might stay away from it.

1) Assess Your Mental Focus-

Before you start working toward improving your mental focus, you might want to
begin by assessing just how strong your mental focus is at the present moment.

2) Eliminate Distractions-
While it may sound obvious, people often underestimate just how many
distractions prevent them from concentrating on the task at hand. Such intrusions
might come in the form of a radio blaring in the background or perhaps
an obnoxious co-worker who constantly drops by your cubicle to chat.

One way to deal with this is to set aside a specific time and place and request to
be left alone for that period of time. Another alternative is to seek out a calm
location where you know you will be able to work undisturbed. The library, a
private room in your house, or even a quiet coffee shop might all be good spots to

3) Practice Mindfulness-
Practicing mindfulness can involve learning how to meditate, but it can also be as
simple as trying a quick and easy deep breathing exercise.

Members of the meditation group were able to stay on task longer, switched
between tasks less frequently, and performed the work more efficiently than the
other groups of participants.

4) Reduce multitasking-
Attempting to perform multiple activities at the same time makes
us feel productive. It’s also a recipe for lower focus, poor concentration, and
lower productivity. And lower productivity can lead to burnout. Examples of
multitasking include listening to a podcast while responding to an email or talking
to someone over the phone while writing your report. Such multitasking not only
hampers your ability to focus but compromises your work quality.
5) Connect with nature-
Research has found that even having plants in office spaces can help increase
concentration and productivity, as well as workplace satisfaction and better
air quality. Finding time to take a walk in the park or appreciating the plants or
flowers in your garden can boost your concentration and help you feel

6) Train your brain-

Scientific research is starting to amass evidence on the ability of brain training
activities to enhance cognitive abilities, including concentration, in adults.
Such brain training games can also help you develop your working and short -
term memory, as well as your processing and problem-solving skills. Examples
of such games include jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, chess, and brain -stimulating
video games.

7) Exercise -
Start your day with simple exercise and get your body moving.
According to the May 2013 issue of the Harvard Men's Health Watch, regular
exercise releases chemicals key for memory, concentration, and mental
sharpness. Other research found that exercise can boost the brain's dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin levels and all these will affect focus and
attention. Individuals who do some form of exercise or sports perform better
on cognitive tasks when compared with those who have poor physical health.
Physical movement helps relax the muscles and relieve tension in the body.
Since the body and mind are so closely linked, when your body feels better so,
too, will your mind.

8) Set a daily priority-

Write down what you want to accomplish each day, ideally the night before,
and identify a single priority that you commit to accomplishing. This will help
focus your brain on what matters, tackling the big jobs first and leaving the
small stuff till later. Break large tasks into smaller bytes so that you will not be
overwhelmed. Identifying true priorities can help relieve distracting anxiety,
and achieving small daily goals can wire your brain to achieve success.

9) Create space for work-

Create a calm, dedicated space for work, if possible. Not everyone can have a
well-appointed office, but desk organizers, noise-canceling headphones, an
adjustable monitor, and adjustable lighting can help. Clear clutter out of sight,
make it as ergonomic and comfortable as possible, and try to keep your space
neat and ventilated.

10) Switch tasks-

While we may want to concentrate on a particular task, sometimes we get
stuck and our brain needs something fresh to focus on. Try switching to other
tasks or something you love to do. Switching tasks can help you stay alert and
productive for a longer period .

11) Use a timer-

Train your brain to hyper-focus on a task by using a timer or phone alarm.
First, decide what task you want to complete. Set your timer for 20 minutes
(generally not more than 30 minutes) and concentrate on the task. When the
alarm rings take a short break for 5 minutes. You can either take a walk and do
some stretching exercise, then reset the timer and start again. This technique
has shown to be effective to improve your concentration.
This project doesn’t require any thing to go to outside my house. As I have
done this project in covid time . In our society I tried that everyone should
known the basic and importance of this in our daily life. I tried this on myself
as try to focus on present moment and tell my family members also that how
this can change our lifestyle. This is very important in our daily life in today’s
busy schedule we have not got enough time to think about this thing. But
when I tried this and started following this course believe me I started feeling
difference from my day to day life. I try to explain this things to my family,
friends and relatives also they also follow the same and they also believe that
this is very important in our life.

If we learn to control the brain then we can visualize new things and kept
away from negative thinking always spread positivity in the society. As in my
society I try to create awareness regarding this and they started to follow this
step. In today’s generation where everything is digitalized everyone can learn
this things from their home without going outside in this covid duration.

In my colony most of peoples are now aware and understand the importance
of this topic. Now people in my colony are try to follow this steps and in future
if everyone understand the importance of brain concentration and meditation
then after few years we feel the changes in our society.

It’s a lot to process. As humans, our ability to focus is fleeting, and we have to
consistently work to enable and maintain our focus. At the same time, we live
with narcissistic tools and devices that constantly demand our attention
regardless of whether they deserve it.

Your ability to focus is a skill, and it takes practice. The most important step in
improving our ability to focus is to learn more about ourselves. What helps us
concentrate? What breaks our concentration? What do we personally have
immediate control over? Then take steps to lay a foundation that encourages
focus and mitigates distractions.

Like most skills, your ability to focus can never be perfected—only improved. And
as life ebbs and flows, external changes will affect what does and doesn’t work.
So you need to stay mindful of how you can maintain and improve your focus.

It would be wonderful if changing ourselves was all it took, but that’s not the way
it works. Much of our ability to focus is affected by forces outside of our control.
Collaboration with teammates. Meetings. Our work environment. Our work
hours. Shifting priorities. All of these and more play a roll, and we often don’t
have the power or control to make changes. That doesn’t mean we should give
up, though.

You won’t be able to implement all of the changes at once, and that probably
wouldn’t be ideal even if you could. Instead, choose the tactics that can provide
the most value, and start there. As time goes on and you’re more aware of your
own productivity, iterate and make changes.
Or maybe approach it in groups. Focus first on nutrition, hydration, and sleep.
Then move on to your physical environment. Follow that with how you organize
your work and plan your days. Take some time to improve with your existing
tools. Automate solutions to frequent distractions. Then start thinking about
improving meetings so they’re less invasive.
The exact solution that will be right for you and your team is out there. None of
this advice is meant to be prescriptive. Instead, it’s organized to be informative so
you can make better decisions and foster productivity.
We want you to be able to spend more time coding and less time managing your
process. More focus. Less overhead and fewer distractions.

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