Mge MLDP Lesson Plan
Mge MLDP Lesson Plan
Mge MLDP Lesson Plan
Essential Questions:
-What is the importance of squared roots? Why does the shape of the triangle matter
Standard: HS.G.1.d Identify and apply right triangle relationships including converse
of the Pythagorean Theorem.
IO: Students will analyze a triangle and determine the application of the
Pythagorean Theorem.
This lesson will be taught in a 50-minute period. The purpose of this lesson is to
make sure students can recognize what triangles the Pythagorean theorem can be applied
to and how to apply the theorem.
Each student will start the period by answering a Question of the Day involving
exponents and square roots. After completing and checking the problem, I will begin to
explain what the Pythagorean theorem is and pull information from the book (made into a
PowerPoint) to help me further explain the theorem. Next, as I am teaching the theorem,
the students and I will complete two or three examples of the theorem, giving one
example triangle, using an obtuse or acute triangle, where the theorem does not work.
After, I will have the students create their own examples to solve, by first having them
create the problem and then handing it off to a neighbor for them to solve, as the neighbor
reasons out loud the example on their own, then lastly having them pick out the numbers
to use and finally having them pick the numbers and reasoning how to solve it by
Toward the end of the class, I will ask students questions, “What step will you be
doing here? Are you squaring or square rooting correctly? Will you be subtracting or
adding for this problem?”, to check that they understood the lesson. Then I will give page
numbers from the book with a collection of problems that I want students to complete.
Otherwise, I will also have worksheets for students who may need alternative work or
additional support. I will walk around and check that the students are completing the
homework, and helping the students who need it.
Formative Assessments–
Question of the Day: Students will complete a problem with exponents and square
roots. This question will be used to understand if the student understands how
exponents and square roots are used as they are using the Pythagorean theorem. &
Student Question Check: Students will answer questions asked by the teacher and
fellow peers.
Student-led examples: Students will create and solve examples that they choose
the numbers for and will speak out loud their reasoning.
Homework: Students will complete worksheets and examples from the book.
These worksheets and homework problems will be checked the next school day.
B. Materials/Equipment/Resources Needed:
a. Computer
b. Projector
c. Internet
d. Models and Diagrams
e. Each student’s QoD worksheet
f. Worksheets
g. Homework
h. Math textbook
i. Calculator
j. Pencil/Pen/Eraser
D. Lesson – “Match”
1. Procedures
2. Beginning of class
3. Teacher getting students’ attention
4. Questions/getting teachers’ attention
5. Question of the Day procedure
6. Procedure for signaling when students are not paying attention
7. Alternative class activities/Seamless transition
8. Returning to class after interruption
9. Materials brought to class
10. Class dismissal procedure
11. Work computer
Students interacting with new knowledge
A. Anticipatory Set
a. At the beginning of class, students will already be aware of the daily
procedure of bell work and will begin their anchoring assignment once
they enter the classroom. I will give the students an example to answer for
their Question of Day sheets.
b. “You will also collaborate with each other to better understand the
material. The reason we are going to work on mastering square roots and
exponents is so that we can become better mathematicians. This is a skill
that you may use in different parts of your life, such as calculating the
slope of a roof or which path will be shorter to take, even if it isn’t
-The teacher models the Pythagorean Theorem for the students through
modeling the theorem. The teacher works through an example for students to
better understand how to complete the process.
-“Skills Cues” included here: Students will have to know how to calculate
square roots and exponents, and will be able to know how to add and subtract.
C. WE --- Modeling
a. After I have modeled the Pythagorean Theorem and what the
computations are, we will move on to the student-led examples and begin
to work through examples as a class. During this activity, I will ask
students for a number and will let them lead the discussion on how the
problem is solved.
E. Monitoring
-While we work through the examples as a class, I will encourage students to
answer throughout the process to get a good idea of their understanding. I will
also require that every student speaks while solving to have everyone
Lesson Transition Procedure Autistic students will be given a preview before class
and reminded of how the lesson plan is available for them to look at to know how
the lesson will flow. Students will be broken up into pairs and create problems for
their partners to solve.
Lesson Transition Procedure Autistic students will be given a preview before class
and reminded of how the lesson plan is available for them to look at to know how
the lesson will flow. Students will be directed to begin to pack up their things, shut
off, log out, and plug in their school-provided computers and/or put other devices
away so full attention can be used for the closure.
H. Closure
-“Today, we learned about the Pythagorean Theorem. This is a skill that you may
use unknowingly, like when you decide it will be quicker to cut across the grass
than to walk on the concrete. You will continue to complete your homework
tonight and send me any questions you have.”
To wrap up the lesson I will restate the instructional objectives and purpose. I will
also remind students of their Question of the Day and make sure they have got the
problem written down. To end, I will discuss triangles and preview the obtuse and
acute triangles for tomorrow. Shortly after, the class will be dismissed.
Supplemental Requirements
Differentiation Strategies
Anchoring: Students will connect the Question of the Day problem to the rest of the
lesson. By anchoring at the beginning of the class, students will focus in and prepare for
the upcoming knowledge.
Flexible Grouping: Students will be grouped based on their seating chart. This will offer
them an opportunity to work with a variety of learning styles and approaches and will
give them a different perspective than their own.
This assignment helped me see the work put into lesson planning and how
detailed and differentiated it can be. There was the problem of if I needed to add more or
if I needed to put more details because of how an instruction on the lesson plan might
make sense to me but then when given to someone else would not make sense. This was
interesting because I have heard about the amount of work that can go into children's
educational videos like Sesame Street and such, but it was interesting to be the one
creating the lesson. I have gotten to learn about how even though the lesson might look
simple to the students, I as a teacher must account for differentiation and make sure that I
keep to the Standards while looking at Marzano and Webb-Blooms taxonomy.
Is there a way to have this reorganized or is this one of the better outlines that
teacher candidates can use? I know we were shown some of the outlines that other
schools use but those were more about having the lesson already written, while this was
more about creating the lesson from scratch. I can also see how easy it is to assume as a
student how easy it is to become a teacher because as a student you see the teacher just
giving lessons and making it look easy, and then you get to see the behind-the-scenes that
goes into one lesson plan and get to realize that this is what you will be doing for every
Mastery Lesson Design Plan was a very good assignment as I got to better
understand the knowledge and time that teacher give to their students. This lesson helped
show me that I will have to care and be motivated to teach my students as this is what
teaching will be day in and day out.
This connects to the Role of the Teacher as it is about how you teach and
understand the lesson you are teaching. This also connects to Professional Disposition as
it is about understanding the research and care that goes into creating a well-written
lesson that the students will be able to learn from. It also helps widen the teaching and
educational experience as you understand that this is what you will be doing when you
are not in front of a class.