A Survey On DNS Security Issues and Mitigation Techniques

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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K34-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8

A Survey on DNS Security Issues and Mitigation


Anju Ramdas Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan

Center for Cybersecurity Systems & Networks Least Authority TFA GmbH
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Berlin
Amritapuri, India

Abstract—The Domain Name System (DNS) is the backbone DNS servers hold all mappings. There are 13 root DNS servers
of the internet. It is a distributed hierarchical database which distributed across the world. This server stores the resource
stores resource records like A, MX, AAAA, CNAME. The whole records of the TLD servers. There are many TLD servers like
DNS is classified into three layers - root, top-level domain (TLD) for GOV, EDU, COM, MIL, ORG, NET. Each TLD server
and authoritative DNS servers. Each level has its own will return the resource record for the corresponding
responsibility to resolve certain categories of domain names. It is authoritative DNS server which maintains the domain. In the
very difficult for us to memorize the IP address of each site which final step, the authoritative DNS server will return the IP
we need to visit. In this case, the DNS comes into rescue to figure address of the website. There is one more class of DNS server
out the corresponding IP address a domain points to. In the
called local DNS server. This server is maintained by the
current world, the internet is an inevitable part of our life and
DNS is the soul of the internet. Due to this reason, DNS is a
Internet Service Provider (ISP). The DNS lookup can be
major attack target like amplification attack, cache poisoning performed in two ways - recursive and iterative. In the
attack, DNS hijacking, NXDomain attack and Phantom domain recursive technique, the root, TLD and authoritative DNS
attack. These attacks could create a serious security threat to servers communicate with each other to figure out the IP
internet users. Threats can be a simple redirection to potentially address and the final answer will be sent from the root server to
stealing user credentials. Even though different mitigation the local DNS server. Whereas in the iterative method, the
techniques are available, the threat still exists. In this paper, we local server will only do all the communication to figure out
present our survey of the existing research and its shortcomings the IP address. To minimize the lookup time, each server cache
on securing the DNS. We have also introduced a novel idea which the response. So whenever a request came for a domain name,
uses blockchain technology to validate the response sent by the it will check its cache. But if the stored IP address is fake, it
DNS servers. will lead to cache poisoning attack.
Keywords—DNS security, cache poisoning, hijacking, DNSSEC The DNS lookup is done using DNS query. The query and
the response in the DNS are not encrypted and no
authentication is done before communication. This is the main
reason why DNS is vulnerable to many attacks. Popular attacks
I. INTRODUCTION in DNS are amplification attack, DNS cache poisoning, DNS
As internet usage is increasing tremendously, so is the hijacking, NXDomain attack, and phantom domain attack. In
number of websites. To visit any website, we need the IP this paper, we present the popular attacks happened on DNS
address of the web server which hosts the site. Searching the and the defence mechanism & approaches for hardening the
website using the IP address is not an easy task. Moreover, the DNS security. The main contribution of this research study are:
IP address of a site will be changing. This will create more  Review of DNS protection mechanisms.
overhead to the user.  Proposal for introducing the blockchain technology to
This is the time where DNS comes into play. It is a validate the response sent by the DNS servers.
hierarchical database which is mainly used to map the domain
The rest of this paper is organized as: Section II provides
name to the corresponding IP address. Along with the IP
our observation of each of the significant research works
address, the DNS server stores other records like MX, AAAA,
towards securing the DNS. Section III presents a summary of
and CNAME. DNS is an application-layer protocol which
our future work, which essentially consists of the blockchain
enables a user to query the distributed database. The DNS uses
technology to validate the DNS response. Section IV consists
UDP as its underlying protocol and uses port 53. DNS consists
of the conclusion. Table I shows the summary of some DNS
of a large number of servers which is organized in a
protection mechanism.
hierarchical manner. These servers are distributed across the
world. Basically, there are three layers of DNS servers - root
DNS server, TLD and authoritative DNS servers. No single

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Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal. Downloaded on April 24,2024 at 09:14:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K34-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8

When the client sends the DNS query, the Questions double query (UDQ).
section in the query contains information about the query. In
the DNS response, the Answers section contains the resource C. E-DNSSEC
record for the domain name in the Questions section.
The proposed technique uses E-DNSSEC (Encrypted
The Identification flag in the query contains the Query ID. DNSSEC) [4] for preserving the privacy of DNSSEC queries.
The client will accept the DNS response only when 1) the In the traditional DNSSEC, both the query and the response are
response arrives on the same UDP port as sent by the client 2) not encrypted. As a result, anyone can read the query and
the Query ID matches the pending query and the Question tamper it according to the way they want. In the proposed
section matches the Question in the pending query. In the technique, the recursive resolver will encrypt the query using
traditional DNS, the Query ID is incremented for each DNS the RSA algorithm and inserts it inside the request. The
request. As a result, the attacker could easily guess the Query authoritative server will extract the query from the request and
ID and will succeed in sending the DNS response that matches decrypts it. All other processing is done using the DNSSEC
with all the requirement the client machine is looking for in a protocol. The proposed technique will only allow an authentic
response. In this case, the Answers section will have the IP user to see the query.
address of the website created by the attacker. Then the
attacker could steal login credentials and also will poison the
D. Oblivious DNS
cache of the server. This is DNS cache poisoning. This attack
affects all the servers which are connected to the poisoned In the traditional DNS, the recursive resolver can see the
server. query, the response and the client’s IP address. This creates
huge privacy issues for the client. For preserving the privacy of
Lack of origin authentication [13] is another serious issue the client, Schmitt and the co-authors introduced Oblivious
in DNS. The client system will blindly trust the DNS response DNS (ODNS) [5]. The proposed technique introduced two
even without authenticating the source or validating the components – ODNS stub and ODNS resolver. ODNS stub sits
response. This issue creates room for DNS hijacking attack. between the client browser and the recursive resolver. It will
Privacy is another issue affected by DNS. Both the DNS query obfuscate the DNS query sent from the client. Thus the
and response are not encrypted. As a result, ISP or anyone who recursive resolver cannot see the domain name the client
could intercept the message could identify the user and the requests. ODNS resolver sits between the recursive resolver
website that the user is visiting. and the authoritative DNS server. It obfuscates the client’s IP
Further, in this section, we will discuss our perspectives address when the recursive resolver sends the request to the
and observations of the prominent research works and authoritative DNS server. ODNS prevents an attacker from
publications that have contributed to secure the DNS. linking a DNS query with the client IP address that issued the
A. Blockchain Backed DNSSEC
Gourley [1] and the co-authors proposed an extension to the E. DNS Guard
DNSSEC [14]. The proposed technique prevents availability DNS Guard [6] is proposed to prevent IPv6 DNS
issues and minimizes the number of request for signature reconnaissance attack [15]. DNS guard is implemented in the
verification in DNSSEC. Instead of the two signing keys, they Intrusion Detection System (IDS). DNS guard consists of 4
have introduced a new key called Combined Signing Key components - packet inspector, packet detection engine, packet
(CSK). This reduces key management complexity. To reduce decision maker and packet DB. The packet stream from the
the number of request for signature verification, they make use network is fed to the packet inspector. It uses rules which are
of X.509 certificates. This certificate is linked to a domain configured to filter out the specified packets and forward them
name and a CSK. The X.509 certificates are stored inside to the packet detection engine. The packet detection engine will
X.509 blockchain [2]. The blockchain is maintained by the consult the packet DB for the historical record of that query. If
Certificate Authority (CA). Whenever the recursive resolver there is a previous record, then it will check for DNS
receives the A record of a server, it will first validate it using reconnaissance patterns. If the pattern is found, then it will save
the X.509 certificate. If it is valid, the resolver will forward the this captured packet detail in the packet DB and sends this
A record to the client. Otherwise, it will discard the A record. information to the Packet decision maker. The Packet decision
maker will drop the packet and sends an alert to the network
administrator. In the paper itself, they have mentioned that this
B. CGuard
technique is not compatible with all IDS like Snort.
CGuard [3] protects the recursive resolver from cache
poisoning attack. In cache poisoning attack the attacker will
send a lot of responses to the targeted server. In the proposed F. A Large Scale Analysis of DNS Water Torture Attack
technique, a server will detect the attack by recording the Luo [7] and the co-authors conducted a large scale analysis
number of responses it received for a query. When the number of the water torture attack [10] and found that the DNS water
of responses for a query is greater than a threshold value, it will torture attack is larger in number and more random than that of
operate using high confidence channel. This high confidence disposable domains. So they introduced a technique to mitigate
this issue at the local DNS server. They have analyzed first

978-1-5386-8113-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 782

Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal. Downloaded on April 24,2024 at 09:14:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K34-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8

10,000 DNS queries and calculated nq, dd and dc. nq is the The DNS is an application layer protocol used by all
number queries, dd is the number of distinct domains and dc is internet users. As a result, it is a target to a large number of
the number of distinct clients. They concluded that when a attacks. These attacks not only affects the DNS servers but also
water torture attack happens, the value of dd divided by nq or the internet itself. So it is very important to figure out the ways
dc divided by nq is greater than 70%. Then they have identified to secure DNS. In this paper, we discussed some existing
the victim second level domain (SLD) so that the network approaches which can be used to protect DNS. We also
administrator could block the outside traffic to the victim discussed our future work towards securing the DNS using
domain. blockchain technology.

G. Mitigation Process for DNS Flood Attacks

Mahjabin and the co-author proposed a technique [8] to REFERENCES
prevent DNS Flood attack. In the proposed technique two lists [1] S. Gourley and H. Tewari, “Blockchain Backed DNSSEC,” Business
are maintained to handle the traffic. LIST SERVER is used to Information Systems Workshops Lecture Notes in Business Information
maintain the list of servers available to handle the traffic and Processing, pp. 173–184, 2019.
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[5] P. Schmitt, A. Edmundson and N. Feamster, “Oblivious DNS: Practical
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discard it. So just by using the Merkle tree root, the resolver
will be able to check if the IP address is stored in the
blockchain. Since blockchain is tamper-proof, the client can
trust the validation process.


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Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal. Downloaded on April 24,2024 at 09:14:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K34-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8



Blockchain Backed DNSSEC Proposed a new technique as an If an attacker is successful in creating DNS hijacking attack
extension to the DNSSEC. The X.509 certificate for the malicious site,
recursive resolver will validate the then this technique cannot prevent
DNS response by using X.509 hijacking attack.
certificate of the domain. X.509
certificates are stored in the blockchain.

CGuard Switches to high confidence channel Figuring out the accurate threshold Cache poisoning attack
when the number of responses received value is difficult. If the local name
at the server is greater than a threshold server detected the attack, it need to
value. High confidence channel can be resend the query based on any high
DNS lookup using techniques like confidence channel technique.

E-DNSSEC Introduced a new technique called Already DNSSEC have complex key Data leakage
Encrypted DNSSEC for preserving the management. Adding this extra
integrity of the DNS query. The local encryption and decryption may create
DNS server encrypts the query and overhead and can cause delay in
inserts it in the DNS request. The processing.
authoritative DNS servers receives the
DNS request and decrypts it.

Oblivious DNS Introduced Oblivious DNS (ODNS) for ODNS components knows both IP Data leakage
preserving the privacy of the client. address and domain name queried by
It obfuscates the DNS query sent from the client. So it can be compromised to
the client and the client’s IP address link the DNS query with the IP address
from upper levels of the DNS of the client.
hierarchy. ODNS prevents an attacker
from linking a DNS query with the
client IP address that issued the query.

DNS Guard DNS Guard is implemented in IDS. DNSG is not compatible with all IDS IPv6 DNS reconnaissance attack
DNS guard consists of four components like Snort (mentioned in the paper).
- Packet inspector, packet detection
engine, packet decision maker and
packet DB.

A Large Scale Analysis of DNS Water Analyzed first 10,000 DNS queries. The DNS queries collected for analysis Water torture attack
Torture Attack Among them, they found out the victim is done only at the ISP level. So it
second level domain (SLD). Then the doesn’t contain the whole traffic in the
network administrator could block the water torture attack. So the result may
outside traffic to the victim query. be incorrect or can’t predict that it can
stop the attack completely.

Mitigating Process for DNS Flood Maintains LIST SERVER and LIST While the system stops to accept the DNS flood attack
Attacks TRAFFIC to keep track of number of traffic, legitimate user may receive
available servers and number of traffic delayed response.
respectively. When traffic arrives at the
server, the system checks the server’s
list for an available server and directs
the traffic to the server. These steps are
followed till there is no remaining
traffic in the list. After some time, the
system will stop accepting new traffic
and process existing traffic.

978-1-5386-8113-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 784

Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal. Downloaded on April 24,2024 at 09:14:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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