Organic Farming Report1
Organic Farming Report1
Organic Farming Report1
NAME: …………………………………
USN: …………………………………
Organic Farming
National Service scheme
Table of contents
1 Introduction
4 Photo gallery
6 conclusion
7 Abstract
Organic farming is an agricultural system that uses fertilizers of organic origin such as compost
manure, green manure and bone meal & places emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation
and companion planting. It originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing
farming practices. Certified Organic agriculture accounts for 70 million hectares globally, with
over half of that total in Australia. Organic farming continues to be developed by various
organizations today. Biological pest control, mixed cropping and the fostering of insect
predators are encouraged. Organic standards are designed to allow the use of naturally
occurring substances while prohibiting or strictly limiting synthetic substances. For instance,
naturally occurring pesticides such as pyrethrin and rotenone are permitted, while synthetic
fertilizers and pesticides are generally prohibited. Obtaining and maintaining an organic farming
certification means that a request to an approved organization needs to be done. Businesses
will then get certified of they show evidence of complying with strict specifications which vary
depending on the most common principles of organic farming are:
No use of “synthetic” chemicals- yet, fertilizers or pesticides at their “natural origin” are
No use of genetically modified organisms (GMOS).
Recycle all organic waste.
Crop rotation to improve soil regeneration
Pest control by biological agents
Extensive breeding with organic food & gives priority to alternative medicines & preventions
Ensure animal welfare
Respect for the environment & preservation of natural resources
Maintenance & development of biodiversity
The term “organic” refers to the way agricultural products are grown & processed while the
regulations vary from country to country. In the U.S.. Organic crops must be grown without the
use of synthetic herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers or bioengineered genes. Organic livestock
raised for meat, eggs and dairy products must be raised in living conditions accommodating
their natural behaviors and fed organic feed and forage. They may not be given antibiotics,
growth hormones or any animal by-products. The benefit of organic food:-How your food is
grown or raised can have a major impact on your mental and emotional health as well as the
environment. Organic foods often have more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants than
their conventionally- grown counterparts and people with allergies to foods, chemicals or
preservatives may find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat only organic foods.
. The organic food often more expensive: Organic food is more labor intensive since the farmers
do not use synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers or drugs, organic certification is expensive
and organic feed for animals can cost twice as much organic farms tend to be smaller than
conventional farms, which means fixed costs and overhead must be distributed across smaller
produce volumes without subsidies.
For the cultivation of the land we need to make loose the soil so that seeds may start growing faster
Green chilli: Chilli is a tropical & subtropical plant requiring a combination of warm, humid yet
dry weather. During the growth stage it needs warm & humid weather. However, dry weather is
suitable for fruit maturity. Range between 200-250 c is ideal temperature range for chilli growth.
To reach maximum growth chillies need plenty of warmth. January and February are the perfect
month to start sowing your chilli pepper seeds indoors. Although you can still sow the seeds
right up until the end of march, early sowing gives your chillies plenty of time to ripen before the
end of summer.
Brinjal: Brinjal is a warm season crop and requires a long warm growing season. It is very
susceptible to frost. A daily mean temperature of 13-210 c is most favorable for its successful
production. The growth of the crop is severely affected when the temperature falls below 170c.A
warm season crop, brinjal grows well in loose well draining soil planting can be done in
September-October. Brinjal harvest will be ready in 2-4 months from the time of transplanting.
Ladies finger: Ladies finger is one of the important vegetable crops of India. It is grown in kharif
(June-August) and zaid (January-March) season. It requires a warm climate throughout its
growing period because it cannot bear cold climatic conditions. It requires a temperature range
of 22-350c for its best growth. Seeds are unable to germinate when the temperature is below
200c. Ladies' fingers cannot tolerate temperatures above 400c.
Tomato: Tomatoes are a summer-season vegetable and are usually grown as summer annuals.
Tomato seeds must be started indoors between March to June. The best fruit color and quality is
obtained at a temperature range of 21- 240 c.Temperature above 32o c adversely affects the
fruit set & development. The plant cannot withstand frost and high humidity
I have used cow dung, egg shell & compost for organic farming.
manure--It is virtually odorless and is beneficial for soil. This manure contains an adequate
amount of the nutrients that plants need for optimal growth.
Egg shell- Egg shells will add small amount of calcium, potassium bit of sodium
For organic farming I selected 10 Grow bags & different types of seeds. First I dip seeds in water
for 2/3 hours for sprout, it will help the seed to grow fast. After that suitable top soil is collected
and mixed with goat dung and then it is filled in the grow bag. Then sow the seed in the bag.
Daily morning and evening continually hydrated the seed. After 15 days from sowing egg shells
are added to growbag.
Collecting organic manure from cow
Brinjal: I observe 3-4 small leaves on the surface of the soil within 7-10 days of planting seeds.
The plant grows 40 cm in weeks.
Ladies finger: The seeds germinated within the first 6-8 days. Tiny sprouts will be visible. The first
2 leaves emerged in the second week of germination. The plant
Photo gallery
Adding organic manure to crops
Ideally, weed management in an organic cropping system involves the integration of a broad range of
cultural practices. Although cultivation after planting is usually a key component, a variety of other
factors make important contributions to weed control on organic farms
Final outcome of organic farming
For this organic farming, I use 10 grow bags, vegetable seeds, and manure.
Cost of 10 Grow bags = Rs.100
The manure that I used are, goat dung, egg shell, and compost.
Compared with conventional agriculture, organic farming uses fewer pesticides, reduces soil erosion,
decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water, and recycles animal wastes back into
the farm. These benefits are counterbalanced by higher food costs for consumers and generally lower
Organic farming is an agricultural method that adheres to the principles of sustainable development.
It's an agricultural production management method that does not utilize pesticides, chemical
fertilizers, industrial synthetic products, or genetically modified organisms.