Unit 3 VPNS, Intranets and Extranets

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Virtual Network management and planning – VPNs for small businesses –

Secure remote access in VPNs – IPSec VPNs – Integrating data centers
with Intranets – Implementing and supporting Extranets.



COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM that provides access control and
network configuration changes using software control. It functions
like a traditional network but is built using switches.

The switched virtual network offers all the performance of the

bridge with the value of the router. The constraints of physical
networking are removed by the logical intelligence that structures and
enforces policies of operation to ensure stability and security.
Regardless of access technology or geographic location, any to any
communications is the goal.
The switch could be considered a third generation
internetworking device. First generation devices, or bridges, offered a
high degree of performance throughput but relatively little value,
because the bridge’s limited decision intelligence resulted in broadcast
storms that produced network instability. Routers, the second
generation of internetworking devices, increased network reliability
and offered great value with firewalling capabilities, but the tradeoff
was in performance. When routers are used in combination with each
other, bandwidth suffers, which is detrimental for delay sensitive
applications such as multimedia.

Both the business manager and the technical manager should find
interest in this new virtual networking scheme. The business manager
is usually interested in cost of ownership issues. Numerous studies from
organizations such as the Gartner Group and Forrester Research have
found that only 20 percent of networking costs are associated with
capital equipment acquisition. The other 80 percent of annual budgets
are dedicated to items such as wide area networking charges, personnel,
training, maintenance and vendor support, as well as the traditional
equipment moves, adds, and changes.
It is important for IS managers to remember that capital
expenditure happens in year one, even though the equipment may be
operating for another four years. Wide area network (WAN) charges
can account for up to 40 percent of an organization’s networking
budget. For every dollar that the technical staff spends on new
equipment, another four dollars is spent on the operation of that
equipment. Therefore, focus should be on the cost of ownership issues,
not necessarily the cost of the network devices.
3.1.2 Network Reliability

Business managers are also looking for increased reliability as

the network plays a major role in the core operations of the
organization. Networks have become a business tool to gain
competitive advantage they are mission critical and, much like a utility,
must provide a highly reliable and available means of communications.
Every office today includes an electrical outlet, a phone jack, and a
network connection. Electrical and phone service are generally
regarded as stable utilities that can be relied on daily. Networks,
however, do not always provide comparable levels of service.

3.1.3 Network Accountability

Managers also can benefit from the increased accountability

that virtual networks are able to offer. Organizational networking
budgets can range from hundreds of thousands of dollars to hundreds
of millions per year. Accounting for the use of the network that
consumes those funds is a critical issue. There is no better example
than WAN access charges. Remote site connectivity can consume a
great deal of the budget, and the questions of who, what, when, and
where with regard to network use are impossible to determine. Most
users consider the network to be free, and the tools to manage and
account for its use are increasingly a requirement, not an option.

3.1.4 The Technology Case for Virtual Networking

The IS manager’s needs for higher capacity, greater

performance, and increased efficiency can be met through the
deployment of switched virtual networks. Each user is offered
dedicated bandwidth to the desktop with uplinks of increasing
bandwidth to servers or other enterprise networks. Rather than
contending for bandwidth in shared access environments, all users are
provided with their own private link. This degree of privacy allows for
increased security because data are sent only to intended recipients,
rather than seen by all.
The most attractive feature to the technical manager, however,
may be the benefits gained through increased ease of operation and
administration of virtual networks. A longstanding objective has been
to deliver network services to users without continually having to
reconfigure the devices that make up that network. Furthermore, many
of the costs associated with moves, adds, and changes of users can be
alleviated as the constraints of physical networking are removed.
Regardless of user location, they can remain part of the same virtual
network. Through the use of graphical tools, users are added and deleted
from workgroups. In the same manner, policies of operation and
security filters can be applied. In a sense, the virtual net work
accomplishes the goal of managing the individual users and individual
conversations, rather than the devices that make up the network.

3.1.5 Virtual Networking Defined

The ideal virtual network does not restrict access to a particular

topology or protocol. A virtual network that can only support Ethernet
users with Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
applications is limited. The ultimate virtual network allows any to any
connectivity between Ethernet, Token Ring, Fiber Distributed Data
Interface (FDDI), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Internet
Protocol (IP), Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), AppleTalk, or
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) networks. A single virtual
network infrastructure under single management architecture is the
Network management software becomes a key enabling
requirement for the construction of switched virtual networks. The
greatest challenge net work designer’s face is the separation of the
physical network connectivity from the logical connection services it
can provide. Many of the design issues associated with networks can
be attributed to the physical parameters of protocols and the routers
used as the interconnection device. A challenge for any manager is to
remain compatible with existing layer 3 protocols and routers and still
preserve the investment in existing local area network (LAN)
equipment to the greatest extent possible. Using Telephony as a Model

The principles of operation for switched virtual networks are

concretely founded in the success of the global communications
systems. Without doubt, the phone system is the world’s largest and
most reliable network. Built using advanced digital switches controlled
by software, extensive accounting and management tools ensure the
success of this highly effective means of communication. The
connection oriented switch is the key. End to end connections across
multiple switches and various transmission types ranging from copper
to fiber optics to microwave to satellites allow millions of calls per
day to be successfully completed, regardless of the type of phone or
from where the user is calling. The telephony model is used throughout
this chapter to help illustrate the workings of a virtual network. FEATURES OF SWITCHING SOFTWARE

The software that runs on switches is just as important as the

switches themselves. A salesperson from Lucent Technologies, Fujitsu,
or Northern Telecom does not focus the potential customer on the
hardware aspects of the telephone switches. On the contrary, the
salesperson conveys the benefits of the call management software,
accounting, and automatic call distributor (ACD) functions. Switched
virtual networks should also be evaluated for their ability to deliver
value because of the software features. The Virtual Network Server

Network management software has traditionally been thought of

as soft ware that passively reports the status and operation of devices in
the net work. In the switched virtual network, the network management
software takes on a new role as an active participant in operations as
well as configuration and reporting. A new middleware component
known as the virtual network server (VNS) enforces the policies of
operation defined by the net work administrator through management
software applications. The switches provide the data transport for the
users of the network.
Directory Service. One of the software features in the VNS is
the directory service. The directory service allows the identification of
a device by logical name, MAC address, network protocol address, and
ATM address, along with the switch and port that the user is connected
to within the virtual network domain. The directory listing could be
populated manually or dynamically as addresses are discovered. To
fully realize the benefits of switched virtual networking, automatic
configuration is absolutely essential. The directory service allows end
nodes to be located and identified.
Security Service. The VNS security service will be used during
call setup phases to determine whether users or groups of users were
allowed to connect to each other. On a user by user and conversation
by conversation basis, the network manager would have control. This
communications policy management is analogous to call management
on a telephone private branch exchange (PBX) where 900 numbers,
long distance, or international calls can be blocked. Users could be
grouped together to form policy groups in which rules could be applied
to individual users, groups, or even nested groups. Policies could be
defined as open or secure, inclusive or exclusive.
A sample default policy can ensure that all communications are
specifically defined to the VNS in order to be authorized. Policy
groups can be manipulated either through drag and drop graphical user
interfaces or programmatically through simple network management
protocol (SNMP) commands.
Finally, and most important, the directory service can work in
conjunction with the security service to ensure that policies follow the
users as they move throughout the network. This feature alone could
save time spend maintaining a router access list, as occurs when a user
changes location in the traditional network. However, it is important to
realize that switched virtual networks ease administrative chores, they
do not eliminate them.
Connection Management Service. The VNS connection management
service is used to define the path communications would take through
the switch fabric. A site may be linked by a relatively high speed ATM
link and a parallel but relatively low speed Ethernet link. Network
connections with a defined high quality of service (QoS) could traverse
the ATM link and lower QoS connections could traverse the Ethernet.
This connection management service allows for the transparent
rerouting of calls in the event of a network fault. Connection
management could also provide ongoing net work monitoring in
which individual user conversations could be tapped or traced for easy
Bandwidth Service. The VNS bandwidth service is used during the
call setup when a connection request is made. Video teleconferencing
users may require a committed information rate (CIR) of 10 Mbps
whereas the terminal emulation users may only require 1 Mbps. This is
where ATM end stations and ATM switches negotiate the amount of
bandwidth dedicated to a particular virtual circuit using user to network
interface (UNI) signaling. Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI nodes do
not recognize UNI signaling, but the switches they attach to could
proxy the signal for the end station, thus allowing a single bandwidth
manager for the entire network, not just the ATM portion.
Broadcast Service. The VNS broadcast service uses as its base the
concept of the broadcast unknown server (BUS) that is part of the
ATM Forum’s LAN emulation draft standard. This is how broadcasts
are flooded through the network to remain compatible with the
operation of many of today’s protocols and network operating systems.
A degree of intelligence can be assigned to the VNS that would allow
for broadcasts or multicasts based on protocol type or even policy
Virtual Routing Service. The VNS virtual routing service is one of
the most critical components of a virtual network. Just as traditional
networks required traditional routers for interconnection, virtual LANs
will require virtual routers for internetworking between virtual LANs.
In other words, routing is required, but routers may not be. Some
protocols such as TCP/IP actually require a router for users on two
different sub networks to speak with each other. In addition, most
networks today are logically divided based on network layer protocol
addresses with routers acting as the building block between segments.
The difference in operation between a virtual router and a traditional
router goes back to the connection oriented vs. connectionless
distinction. Routing allows for address resolution between the layer 3
protocol addresses and the layer 2 MAC address just as it happens
through the address resolution protocol (ARP) process in TCP/IP
networks. The VNS virtual routing service performs the address
resolution function, but once the end station addresses are resolved,
establishes a virtual connection between the two users. Two users
separated by a traditional router would always have the router
intervening on every single packet because the router would have
resolved the protocol addresses to its own MAC address rather than the
actual end station’s MAC address. This VNS routing service allows the
network to route once for connection setup and switches all successive
Accounting Service. The VNS accounting service is beneficial
because it allows the creation of the network bill. Similar to the way a
telephone bill is broken down, the accounting service details
connection duration with date and time stamp along with bandwidth
consumption details. This is most directly applicable in the WAN. For
many managers, WAN usage is never really accounted for on an
individual user basis, yet it can consume up to 40 percent of the
operations budget.
As usage based WAN service options such as integrated
services digital network (ISDN) gain popularity, accounting becomes
that much more critical. Interexchange carriers (IXCs), competitive
access providers, and the regional Bell operating companies (RBOCs)
continue to deliver higher bandwidth links with usage based tariffs. In
the future, they could install a 155 Mbps synchronous optical network
(SONET) OC3 link and only charge for the actual bandwidth used.
Unless managers have tools to control access to and account for usage
of WAN links, WAN costs will continue to rise. This service lets IS
managers know who is using the WAN.

3.1.6 Virtual Networks vs Virtual LANS

Throughout this discussion, words have been carefully chosen

to describe the operation of switched virtual networks. Many of the
current vendor offerings on the market have as their goal the
construction of a switched virtual LAN. These virtual LANs are
interconnected using a traditional router device. However, the router
has been viewed as the performance bottleneck. Routers should be
deployed when segmentation or separation is the need; switches
should be used to deliver more bandwidth.
The virtual LAN (VLAN) concept is merely an interim step along the
way to realizing the fully virtual network.
The ATM Forum’s draft LAN emulation standard allows ATM
devices to internetwork with traditional LAN networks such as
Ethernet and Token Ring. However, it seems ironic that it essentially
tries to make ATM net works operate like a traditional shared access
LAN segment. Although it is required for near term deployment of
ATM solutions into existing LAN architectures, its position as an end
all solution is questionable. A more logical approach uses ATM as the
model that LANs must emulate.




LINKS between mobile users, customers, and third parties on both a
temporary basis (project based) and permanent basis. Virtual Private
Networks (VPNs) can provide significant business benefits by
overcoming the barriers to achieving widely available and secure
communication. VPNs provide the appearance of a single network
connecting corporate offices, telecommuters, customers, and even
competitors, while using separate public and private networks. A
company retains control of user access and the privacy and integrity of
its data even though the data travel on the public Internet. VPNs can
provide as much as 60 percent cost savings over private leased lines
and significantly reduce telecommuter dialup charges.
VPNs and their many benefits, however, have traditionally been
the domain of larger organizations. These huge companies enjoy access
to the capital and scale necessary to build VPNs and have the technical
staff to maintain them. They are able to use VPNs to enhance and
sustain their competitive advantage over their smaller and less
technically sophisticated competitors. In practical terms, the benefits of
VPNs have been off limits to small and medium sized businesses. And,
even larger organizations have had difficulty deploying VPNs in
branch offices because they are often too small to justify onsite IT
The barriers to creating and maintaining a VPN include the
need to construct and maintain a secure physical infrastructure and
administer a wide range of data communications services. The
infrastructure challenges include setting up access equipment,
firewalls, servers, telecommunications services, and maintaining
connections to multiple Internet Service Providers (ISPs) at hundreds
or even thousands of enterprise locations.
Administrative challenges include maintenance of servers,
synchronization of software upgrades, replication of Web servers, and
sophisticated policy management spanning the whole network.
Services that must be supported include email, directory, internal and
external Web, firewall, FTP, and access control.
Virtual Services Management (VSM) technology and secure
VPN transports are making VPNs realistically deployable for smaller
organizations and branch offices. VSM solves the service related
headaches of multiple points of administration required when setting
up multiple sites, users, devices, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
Through use of low cost, easily managed, and secure VPNs, the
benefits of improved business management practices can be realized
by even medium and small companies.
Small Office
Remote Office
Home Office Access

voice vpn

Transport Nets
· frame relay
· leased line
Voice Access (Similar
Headquarters Internet Headquarters

Enterprise A Enterprise B

Today’s enterprise networks.

3.2.1 Emergence of the Virtual Private Network

Today’s private networks resemble the network in Figure. Basic
connectivity is provided to a wide variety of locations, but the
overhead costs are severe. The functionality includes the following

3.2.2 Remote Access

Remote access has matured from a “nice to have” option to a

business critical requirement to support a mobile workforce and
For example, utility companies are increasing the productivity of
their field service workers and eliminating the cost of maintaining
distribution centers by applying remote access technologies. Line crews
take their vehicles home with them and receive their day’s work orders
through either telephone or wireless dispatching systems. This setup
eliminates the time it takes to report to the service center, pick up the
service vehicle, and drive to the first job site. Remote access creates a
win win situation for the company, worker, and customer. The utility
company realizes increased worker productivity, reduced transportation
costs, and reduced building and land costs. The worker eliminates
commuting time and expense, while customers obtain faster, more
responsive service, and lower rates.
Sales and marketing organizations are especially reliant on
remote access capabilities. The use of remote access capabilities and
laptop computers enables salespeople to complete contracts and obtain
real time technical sales support while being face to face with customers,
meeting customer needs and resolving buyer objections through a single
sales call and resulting in more successful sales and shorter sales cycles.

3.2.3 Intra corporate Core Connectivity

Business process reengineering programs and application of

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), such as SAP, succeed by
eliminating barriers to communications across departmental boundaries
and by replacing slow paperwork procedures with shared electronic
databases. These management practices and the associated computer
software require reliable, high speed, and secure communications among
all employees. The same high level of communications connectivity is
required at all of the enter prise’s establishments. This setup typically
requires that small offices and branch offices be upgraded to the higher
standards more commonplace at large headquarters locations. The
payoff for successful ERP implementation is an order of magnitude
reduction in cycle times, increased flexibility and responsiveness, and
sharp reductions in IT overhead costs.

3.2.4 Closed User Groups with Partners, Customers, and Suppliers

Some of the most dramatic improvements in business processes

are obtained by eliminating certain sub processes entirely. The supply
chain is one business process where big improvements are being
realized. For example, Boeing suppliers are required to participate in its
supply network. This enables Boeing to eliminate stores and parts costs
entirely by moving those functions back into the supplier’s operation.
Similar successes have been achieved in sales and marketing. In another
example, Saturn customers can step through the entire sales process
online. Saturn reduces selling costs and provides prospective customers
with full and accurate examination of options and features,
independent of high pressure sales people.
Highly technical sales organizations can create lock in
relationships with their customers through creation of closed user
groups. For example, semiconductor manufacturers provide online
engineering design tools so that circuit designers can incorporate the
manufacturer’s chips directly into finished designs. Closed user groups
not only assure product loyalty, they also provide value to circuit
designers by reducing cycle times.

3.2.5 Public Internet Access

Essentially all functional areas can benefit from public Internet

access. Accounting organizations retrieve forms and advice from
federal, state, and local revenue offices. Human resources organizations
use the Monster Board for recruiting. Mechanical designers can peruse
online parts catalogs and download CAD/CAM drawings directly into
their blue prints. Energy marketers buy and sell natural gas through
Internet based trading systems and retrieve weather data from
government and private sources. Pension fund managers follow the
financial markets and retrieve stock holder information from company
Web pages. IT professionals stay ahead of industry developments and
product releases by studying computer and software vendors’ online
product literature. The business benefit of most of this activity is faster
and better informed decision making.

3.2.6 Internet Based Customer Interaction

Retail sales and service companies operate on thin operating

margins. Their success depends on executing transactions rapidly and at
low cost while giving the customer the appearance of custom tailored
service t h i s is sometimes referred to as mass customization. Industries
such as air lines, utilities, banks, and brokerage, insurance, and mail-
order retailers know that market segmentation, customer loyalty, and
low transaction costs are the keys to their success (or survival). Of
course, the more time customer service representatives spend with
customers and the more they can learn about customers, the better the
market segmentation and the customer relationship. Unfortunately, this
tender loving care costs money and drives up transaction costs.
Well designed Internet based customer interaction systems
resolve this dilemma by eliminating customer service staffing costs and
simultaneously providing customers with many custom choices.
Information provided by the customer during these online sessions flows
directly to the enterprise’s data warehouse and is used by data mining
tools to further refine the market segmentation models. Brokerage and
financial services firms are especially effective at using the Internet to
drive down small lot trading fees and eliminate the cost of account
representatives. For example, a trade of 100 shares that once cost
several hundred dollars can be done on the Internet for $10. As another
example, airlines, including United Airlines, provide Web pages
where customers can shop for the best price and schedule, and book
their travel over the Internet.
3.2.7 Web Presence

The public Internet is rapidly replacing mass media, including

television, radio, and print, as the vehicle for certain product and
institutional advertising. While practically all businesses feel compelled
to have a Web page, it is essential in many industry segments. Use of
Web pages is firmly entrenched in the IT industry itself, financial
services, education, and government services. The key item these
enterprises share in common is a need for dissemination of large
quantities of time sensitive information to millions of people. While
these enterprises gain high value from rapid and cheap dissemination of
information through Internet Web pages, they also face large risks.
Incorrect or false information could destroy the public trust that was
built up over decades. Slow information access or unreliable access
could create an image of ineptitude or unresponsiveness, damaging
institutional loyalty and trust. Failure to safeguard customer data and
protect privacy could, at best, destroy trust and, at worst, cause financial
ruin. Thus, a Web presence can be effective in reaching the mass
market, but security and reliability must be assured.

3.2.8 Getting Real Business Value from Virtual Private Networks

The preceding section describes six ways data communications

can be used to produce business value. However, today’s data
communications networks are failing to deliver the value, because they
are too complex and costly. VPNs provide more efficient and secure
data communications at a fraction of the cost of today’s network
architectures. In particular, VPNs reduce the administrative effort and
costs of building and operating private networks. This is particularly true
as customers, suppliers, and third parties are added to the network.
Figure shows the emerging VPN architecture.
One difference between the VPN architecture and today’s private
net work architecture is that the VPN architecture is seamless. Users in
each enterprise, regardless of whether their location is at headquarters or
on a wireless link, obtain the same access and logical view of services,
despite being served by a number of ISPs and through different physical
media. Another difference between the private data communications
network and the VPN is that business users never see the network
complexity, and net work administrators are freed from complex
network engineering tasks.

Emerging VPN architecture.

3.2.9 Virtual Service Management

Many of today’s VPNs have focused only on providing a secure

transport, the network “plumbing.” But in practical terms, the benefits of
VPN have been off limits to smaller businesses and organizations with
limited IT staff and resources, because of the technical complexity of
setting up and administering a VPN. Virtual Services Management
(VSM) is critical to making a VPN easy to administer and manage
across multiple locations and services.
The administrative challenge of creating and maintaining a VPN
is formidable. A single enterprise often must accommodate
headquarters, campuses, branch offices to home offices, and users who
want to use a range of applications and services, and have specific
accessing privileges and options. In addition, modern management
practice requires many additional links to suppliers, customers, and third
parties, as well as access to the public Internet with its 100 million
Through a single point of administration anywhere on the
network (local or remote), VSM technology simplifies the
administrative burden of setting up multiple branch office email, Web,
firewall, and other user services; multiple domain and user names; and
coordination among multiple ISPs. It also simplifies the administrative
burden through automatic synchronization of software upgrades,
replication of Web servers, and sophisticated policy management. VSM
overcomes the barrier to private network implementation and VPN that
could previously be addressed by only a handful of the largest, more
technically sophisticated enterprises.
VSM can help resellers by making it easy for them to add
services without raising the level of technical support they will need to
provide. This can be done with service providers or as a standalone
value added feature.
Similarly, service providers can take advantage of VSM and
VPNs to provide a value added network feature to their customers. VPN
services are typically provided on a monthly fee basis and often require
customers to perform the network configuration and route determination
for their VPN. Where the customer is doing much of the work already,
customers often acquire the lines and build a VPN network using CPE
products such as an all in one Internet system (described below). Many
enterprises are finding if they partner with their service provider to
produce a VPN solution, it can be a very effective way to take
development costs out of the equation.


To provide secure and reliable transport across the network, three

main issues must be resolved:

1. Overall network security

2. Wide area network tunneling

3. Class of service and quality of service

Products and standards are in place to provide overall network

security while emerging standards will soon resolve the other two
Four functions are key to overall network security:

1. Authentication - verify the identity of the user

2. Authorization - verify which services the user is allowed to access
3. Accounting - create an audit trail of the user’s network activity
4. Encryption- protect data privacy

These four functions are typically provided by access control lists

in routers that restrict access to data packets and network segments in
both directions. Firewalls provide more sophisticated control of
incoming and outgoing packets at the network’s edge. Authentication
and authorization is provided by services such as PAP or CHAP and by
security servers. Proxy application servers and the network operating
system provide additional network security. These necessary services
and products are now widely deployed in ISPs and private networks.
Wide area network tunneling is a technique that establishes a
secure network connection across the public Internet. Trade press
articles sometimes equate VPNs to tunneling. Our view is that tunneling,
while an essential ingredient of the VPN solution is but one element of
the VPN and that administrative and reliability issues are at least as
important to successful VPN adoption. Major networking vendors have
advanced proposed tunneling standards such as Point to Point Tunneling
Protocol and L2F. Much marketplace confusion has resulted from these
competing standards. Happily, it appears that a compromise approach
called L2TP will resolve the differences between these competing
standards and will soon emerge from the IETF standards setting process.


The key to deploying a VPN is to give the appearance of a

seamless net work with identical user services at all locations
headquarters, branch offices, home offices, and those of partners,
suppliers, and customers. One approach to VPN implementation for
small and medium sized organizations is to deploy all in one Internet
systems, sometimes called “Internet edge servers,” at the network edge
between each enterprise site and the local ISP. The all in one Internet
system integrates Internet server, firewall, and networking functionality
for organizations that want to take greater advantage of the Internet
without adding a complex and costly assembly of boxes and IT staff.
VSM capabilities supported by the system can then provide
single point administration of VPN services. Figure shows how the three
versions of VSM technology in branch, remote, and extranet applications
can be used.
A multi branch VPN can be used to connect a company’s
remotely located, LAN attached offices. An all in one Internet system
will be required at each office, in this case. Class of Service policies,
such as access privileges and priorities, can be applied as if the branch
users were physically located at headquarters. Security can be
implemented through the emerging industry standard IP Security
(IPSec) protocol, which will provide DES encryption, authentication,
and key management.
A remote VPN can enable mobile workers and telecommuters
to dial into a local ISP to access corporate information and service,
making it appears as if they were sitting at their desks in the main office.
An all in one Internet system will be required at headquarters and
Microsoft’s Point to Point Protocol (PPTP), available with MS Windows
clients; will be required on the remote user’s desktop or laptop system. A
Point to Point Protocol server in the system can authenticate the remote
user, and then open an encrypted path through which traffic flows as if
through the LAN.
An extranet VPN opens a corporate network selectively to
suppliers, customers, strategic business partners, and users having access
to a limited set of information behind the corporate firewall. An extranet
VPN implementation differs from branch and remote VPN
implementations in that its use is likely to involve temporary virtual
networks which may be set up for specific projects and dismantled as
the project’s end.
It is important that all necessary service management, security,
and Quality of Service functions are combined in the system so that
multiple systems can be administered as though they are on a single
local network. The supported services should include all of the
administrative, security, and reliability requirements of the VPN:
Hardware costs can also be minimized because all the necessary
administrative, security, and reliable transport functionalities are
combined in a single unit. Administrative and operating expenses can be
controlled through VSM, which permits management of all sites from a
single point minimizing the need for costly data communications
VPN Branch

VPN Remote
Mobile User The Internet ISP


T1/FT1, BRI, DDS56K Applications


File Server IPSEC

PC Print Server

Branch Office
Corporate Central Site

The three versions of VSM technology.

• IP router
• Web server
• firewall
• email
• file transfer (FTP)
• Domain Name Service (DNS)
• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
• remote management


NETWORK O V E R ANOTHER NETWORK are connected via a
Virtual Private Network (VPN). As shown in Figure, VPNs accomplish
this by allowing the user to tunnel through the Internet or another public
network in a manner that lets the tunnel participants enjoy the same
security and features formerly available only in private networks.

Using the routing infrastructure provided by a public

internetwork (such as the Internet), VPNs allow telecommuters, remote
employees like salespeople, or even branch offices to connect in a secure
fashion to an enterprise server located at the edge of the enterprise local
area network (LAN). The VPN is a point to point connection between
the user’s computer and an enterprise server from the user’s perspective.
It also appears as if the data is being sent over a dedicated private link
because the nature of the intermediate internetwork is irrelevant to the
user. As previously mentioned, while maintaining secure
communications, VPN technology also allows an enterprise to connect
to branch offices or to other enterprises (extranets) over a public
internetwork (such as the Internet). The VPN connection across the
Internet logically operates as a wide area net work (WAN) link between
the sites. In both cases, the secure connection across the internetwork
appears to the user as a private network communication (despite the fact
that this communication occurs over a public internetwork); hence the
name Virtual Private Network.
VPN technology is designed to address issues surrounding the
current enterprise trend toward increased telecommuting, widely
distributed global operations, and highly interdependent partner
operations. Here, workers must be able to connect to central resources
and communicate with each other. And, enterprises need to efficiently
manage inventories for just in time production.
An enterprise must deploy a reliable and scalable remote access
solution to provide employees with the ability to connect to enterprise
computing resources regardless of their location. Enterprises typically
choose one of the following:


Virtual Private Network

Logical Equivalent

Virtual Private Network.

 an IT department driven solution, where an internal information

systems department is charged with buying, installing, and
maintaining enterprise modem pools and a private network
 value added network (VAN) solutions, where an enterprise pays an
outsourced enterprise to buy, install, and maintain modem pools
and a Telco infrastructure

The optimum solution in terms of cost, reliability, scalability,

flexible administration and management, and demand for connections is
provided by neither of these traditional solutions. Therefore, it makes
sense to find a middle ground where the enterprise either supplements or
replaces its current investments in modem pools and its private network
infrastructure with a less expensive solution based on Internet
technology. In this manner, the enterprise can focus on its core
competencies with the assurance that accessibility will never be
compromised, and that the most economical solution will be deployed.
The availability of an Internet solution enables a few Internet
connections (via Internet service providers, or ISPs) and deployment of
several edge of network VPN server computers to serve the remote
networking needs of thousands or even tens of thousands of remote
clients and branch offices, as described next.

3.3.3 VPN Common Uses

The next few subsections of this chapter describe in more detail

common VPN situations.

3.3.4 Secure Remote User Access over the Internet

While maintaining privacy of information, VPNs provide remote
access to enterprise resources over the public Internet. A VPN that is
used to connect a remote user to an enterprise intranet is shown in Figure.
The user first calls a local ISP Network Access Server (NAS) phone
number, rather than making a leased line; long-distance (or 1800) call to
an enterprise or outsourced NAS. The VPN software creates a virtual
private network between the dialup user and the enterprise VPN server
across the Internet using the local connection to the ISP.

3.3.5 Connecting Networks over the Internet.

To connect local area networks at remote sites, there exist two
methods for using VPNs: using dedicated lines to connect a branch
office to an enterprise LAN, or a dialup line to connect a branch office to
an enterprise LAN.
Using Dedicated Lines to Connect a Branch Office to an
Enterprise LAN. Both the branch office and the enterprise hub routers
can use a local dedicated circuit and local ISP to connect to the Internet,
rather than using an expensive long haul dedicated circuit between the
branch office and the enterprise hub. The local ISP connections and the
public Internet are used by the VPN software to create a virtual private
network between the branch office router and the enterprise hub router.
Using a DialUp Line to Connect a Branch Office to an
Enterprise LAN. The router at the branch office can call the local ISP,
rather than having a router at the branch office make a leased line, long
distance or (1800) call to an enterprise or outsourced NAS. Also, in
order to create a VPN between the branch office router and the enterprise
hub router across the Internet, the VPN soft ware uses the connection to
the local ISP as shown in figure

Using a VPN to connect a remote client to a private LAN.

The facilities that connect the branch office and enterprise offices
to the Internet are local in both cases. To make a connection, both
client/server, and server/server VPN cost savings are largely predicated
on the use of a local access phone number. It is recommended that the
enterprise hub router that acts as a VPN server be connected to a local
ISP with a dedicated line. This VPN server must be listening 24 hours
per day for incoming VPN traffic.
3.3.6 Connecting Computers over an Intranet

The departmental data is so sensitive that the department’s LAN

is physically disconnected from the rest of the enterprise internetwork in
some enterprise internetworks. All of this creates information
accessibility problems for those users not physically connected to the
separate LAN, although the department’s confidential information is

Using a VPN to connect two remote sites.

Virtual Private Network

VPN Server


Secured or Hidden Network

Using a VPN to Connect to two computers on the same LAN.

VPNs allow the department’s LAN to be separated by a VPN

server but physically connected to the enterprise internetwork. One
should note that the VPN server is not acting as a router between the
enter prise internetwork and the department LAN. A router would
interconnect the two networks, thus allowing everyone access to the
sensitive LAN. The network administrator can ensure that only those
users on the enterprise internetwork who have appropriate credentials
(based on a need to know policy within the enterprise) can establish a
VPN with the VPN server and gain access to the protected resources of
the department by using a VPN. Additionally, all communication across
the VPN can be encrypted for data confidentiality. Thus, the department
LAN cannot be viewed by those users who do not have the proper


Normally, an enterprise desires to facilitate controlled access to

enterprise resources and information when deploying a remote
networking solution. In order to easily connect to enterprise local area
network (LAN) resources, the solution must allow freedom for
authorized remote clients. And, in order to share resources and
information (LAN to LAN connections), the solution must also allow
remote offices to connect to each other. Finally, as the data traverses the
public Internet, the solution must ensure the privacy and integrity of
data. Also, in the case of sensitive data traversing an enterprise
internetwork, the same concerns apply. A VPN solution should therefore
provide all of the following at a minimum:

 Address management: the solution must assign a client’s address on

the private net, and must ensure that private addresses are kept
 Data encryption: data carried on the public network must be
rendered unreadable to unauthorized clients on the network
 Key management: the solution must generate and refresh encryption
keys for the client and server
 Multiprotocol support: the solution must be able to handle common
protocols used in the public network; these include Internet Protocol
(IP), Internet Packet Exchange (IPX), etc.
 User authentication: the solution must verify a user’s identity and
restrict VPN access to authorized users; in addition, the solution
must provide audit and accounting records to show who accessed
what information and when

Furthermore, all of these basic requirements are met by an Internet

VPN solution based on the Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) or
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). The solution also takes advantage
of the broad availability of the worldwide Internet. Other solutions meet
some of these requirements, but remain useful for specific situations,
including the new IP Security Protocol (IPSec).

3.3.8 Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

PPTP is a Layer 2 protocol that encapsulates PPP frames in IP

datagram for transmission over an IP internetwork, such as the Internet.
PPTP can also be used in private LAN to LAN networking.
PPTP is documented in the draft RFC, “Point to Point Tunneling
Proto col.”1 This draft was submitted to the IETF in June 1996 by the
member enterprises of the PPTP Forum, including Microsoft
Corporation, Ascend Communications, 3Com/Primary Access, ECI
Telematics, and U.S. Robotics (now 3Com).
The Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) uses Generic
Routing Encapsulation (GRE) encapsulated Point to Point Protocol
(PPP) frames for tunneled data and a TCP connection for tunnel
maintenance. The payloads of the encapsulated PPP frames can be
compressed as well as encrypted. How a PPTP packet is assembled prior
to transmission is shown in Figure. The illustration shows a dialup client
creating a tunnel across an internetwork. The encapsulation for a dialup
client (PPP device driver) is shown in the final frame layout.
3.3.9 Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F)

L2F (a technology proposed by Cisco Systems, Inc.) is a

transmission protocol that allows dialup access servers to frame dialup
traffic in PPP and transmit it over WAN links to an L2F server (a
router). The L2F server then unwraps the packets and injects them into
the network. Unlike PPTP and L2TP, L2F has no defined client.

Construction of a PPTP packet.

3.3.10 Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

A combination of PPTP and L2F makes up L2TP. In other
words, the best features of PPTP and L2F are incorporated into L2TP.
L2TP is a network protocol that encapsulates PPP frames to be
sent over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), IP, X.25, or frame relay
networks. L2TP can be used as a tunneling protocol over the Internet
when configured to use IP as its datagram transport. Without an IP
transport layer, L2TP can also be used directly over various WAN
media (such as Frame Relay). L2TP is documented in the draft RFC,
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol “L2TP” (draftietfpppextl2tp09.txt). This
draft document was submitted to the IETF.
For tunnel maintenance, L2TP over IP internetworks uses UDP
and a series of L2TP messages. As the tunneled data, L2TP also uses
UDP to send L2TPencapsulated PPP frames. The payloads of
encapsulated PPP frames can be compressed as well as encrypted. How
an L2TP packet is assembled prior to transmission is shown in Figure .
A dialup client creating a tunnel across an internetwork is shown in the
Figure. The encapsulation for a dialup client (PPP device driver) is
shown in the final frame layout. L2TP over IP is assumed in the

Construction of an L2TP packet

3.3.11 L2TP Compared to PPTP. PPP is used to provide an initial

envelope for the data for both PPTP and L2TP. Then, it appends
additional headers for transport through the internetwork. The two
protocols are very similar. There are differences between PPTP and
L2TP, however. For example,

 L2TP provides for header compression. When header compression

is enabled, L2TP operates with four bytes of overhead, as compared
to six bytes for PPTP.
 L2TP provides for tunnel authentication, while PPTP does not.
However, when either protocol is used over IPSec, tunnel
authentication is provided by IPSec so that Layer 2 tunnel
authentication is not necessary.
 PPTP can only support a single tunnel between endpoints. L2TP
allows for the use of multiple tunnels between endpoints. With
L2TP, one can create different tunnels for different qualities of
 PPTP requires that the internetwork be an IP internetwork. L2TP
requires only that the tunnel media provide packet oriented point to
point connectivity. L2TP can be used over IP (using UDP), Frame
Relay permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), X.25 virtual circuits
(VCs), or ATM VCs.


The secured transfer of information across an IP internetwork is

supported by IPSec (a Layer 3 protocol standard). Nevertheless, in the
context of tunneling protocols, one aspect of IPSec is discussed here.
IPSec defines the packet format for an IP over an IP tunnel mode
(generally referred to as IPSec Tunnel Mode), in addition to its
definition of encryption mechanisms for IP traffic. An IPSec tunnel
consists of a tunnel server and tunnel client. These are both configured
to use a negotiated encryption mechanism and IPSec tunneling.
For secure transfer across a private or public IP internetwork,
IPSec Tunnel Mode uses the negotiated security method (if any) to
encapsulate and encrypt entire IP packets. The encrypted payload is then
encapsulated again with a plaintext IP header. It is then sent on the
internetwork for delivery to the tunnel server. The tunnel server processes
and discards the plain text IP header and then decrypts its contents to
retrieve the original payload IP packet. Upon receipt of this datagram, the
payload IP packet is then processed normally and routed to its destination
on the target network. The following features and limitations are
contained within the IPSec Tunnel Mode:

• It is controlled by a security policy: a set of filter matching rules.

This security policy establishes the encryption and tunneling
mechanisms available in order of preference and the authentication
methods available, also in order of preference. As soon as there is
traffic, the two machines perform mutual authentication, and then
negotiate the encryption methods to be used. Thereafter, all traffic is
encrypted using the negotiated encryption mechanism and then wrapped
in a tunnel header.
• It functions at the bottom of the IP stack; therefore, applications
and higher level protocols inherit its behavior.
• It supports IP traffic only.

The remainder of this article discusses VPNs and the use of these
technologies by enterprises to do secure remote access (e.g., by traveling
employees and sales reps) over the Internet in greater detail.


While squeezing the maximum possible from budget and support

staffs, today’s enterprises are asking their information technology
groups (ITGs) to deliver an increasing array of communication and
networking services. It appears that the situation is no different at
Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, Washington). The Microsoft ITG
needed to provide secure, Internet based remote access for its more than
35,000 mobile sales personnel, telecommuters, and consultants around
the world.
Microsoft’s ITG is currently using and deploying a custom
Windows based remote dialup and virtual private networking (VPN)
solution by using Windows based clients and enhanced Windows 2000 ®
RAS (Remote Access Server) technology available in the Windows 2000
Option Pack (formerly named Windows NT 5.0). Users are given quick,
easy, and low cost network access. Additional user services are provided
with new Windows based network services from UUNet Technologies,

3.4.2 Integrated RASVPN Clients

According to Microsoft, its ITG has learned that the widespread

adoption and use of technology largely depends on how easy and
transparent the experience is for the end user. Likewise, Microsoft’s
ITG has learned not to deploy technologies for which complexity results
in an increased support burden on its limited support staff. Microsoft’s
ITG provided a single client interface with central management to
simultaneously make the remote access solution easy to use and
manage. Single Client. A single client is used for both the direct dial up
and virtual private network connections. Users utilize the same client
interface for secure transparent access, whether dialing directly to the
enterprise network or connecting via a VPN, by using Windows
integrated dialup net working technology (DUN) and Microsoft
Connection Manager. In fact, users do not need to concern themselves
with which method is employed. Central Management. Central management is used for remote
dialup and VPN access phone numbers. According to Microsoft, its ITG
has found that one of the most common support problems traveling users
face is deter mining and managing local access phone numbers. This
problem translates into one of the principal reasons for support calls to
Microsoft’s user support centers. Using the Connection Manager
Administration Kit (CMAK) wizard (which is part of Microsoft’s
remote access solution), Microsoft’s ITG preloads each client PC with
an electronic phone book that includes every dialup remote access phone
number for Microsoft’s net work. The Windows solution also allows
phone books to be centrally integrated and managed from a single
remote location, and clients to be updated automatically.


In order to provide a flexible and comprehensive network

solution, the open extensibility of the Windows 2000 allows Microsoft’s
ITG to preserve its current hardware network investments while
partnering with UUnet Technologies, Inc. According to Microsoft, the
Windows platform enabled its ITG to integrate the best of breed network
services and applications to best meet its client and network
administration needs. High Speed Internet Access on the Road

Microsoft employees can also connect to high speed Internet

access by plugging into public IPORT4 jacks in hotels, airports, cafes,
and remote locations. The Microsoft ITG integrates the IPORT 5 pay per
use Internet access features into its custom remote access solution.
According to Microsoft, this high bandwidth, easily available
connection helps Microsoft employees be more productive and have a
better online experience while on the road.
3.4.4 Secure Internet Access and VPN

Microsoft’s ITG, like its counterparts at every enterprise, must

ensure that the edge of its network is secure while still providing all
employees with the freedom needed to access information worldwide.
Microsoft’s ITG has also deployed Microsoft Proxy Server to securely
separate the LAN from the Internet to meet this need.
To ensure that no intruders compromise the edge of network, the
Microsoft Proxy Server firewall capabilities protect Microsoft’s network
from unauthorized access from the Internet by providing network
address translation and dynamic IPlevel filtering. Microsoft’s ITG uses
the powerful caching services in Microsoft Proxy Server to expedite the
delivery of information at the same time.
The Proxy Server is able to service subsequent user requests of
already requested information without having to generate additional
network traffic by reusing relevant cached information. In addition, in
order to operate at peak efficiency with the utmost security, ITG uses
Microsoft Proxy Server to enable the Microsoft intranet and remote

3.4.5 RAS Reporting and Internal Usage Chargeback (Billing)

Microsoft pays a substantial amount for remote access fees due to

the need to maintain private leased lines and dedicated 800 numbers like
many large enterprises with a multitude of branch offices and remote
employees. In addition, according to Microsoft, the sheer number of
LAN entry points and autonomy afforded its international divisions made
centralized accounting and retail reporting for remote access use and
roaming users important.
Microsoft’s ITG is deploying a VPN solution — bolstered with
centralized accounting and reporting of enterprise wide remote access
and VPN use — by using Windows 2000, integrated user domain
directory, and RADIUS services. As part of this solution, Microsoft is
also deploying TRU RADIUS Accountant™ for Windows 2000 from

Furthermore, Microsoft’s ITG is also able to generate detailed
reporting of remote access and VPN network use for internal cost
accounting purposes while using familiar Windows 2000 management
tools by using Telco Research’s product. In addition, Microsoft’s ITG is
able to quickly and easily deploy a turnkey reporting solution built on
the intrinsic communication services of Windows 2000 in this manner.
According to Microsoft, while maintaining the flexibility to
accommodate future change, they receive better security as a result,
reduced implementation costs, and enhanced reporting to improve
remote access management and charge back service.

3.4.6 VIP Services: Economical Internet Access and VPN

By working with UUnet Technologies, Inc. (the largest Internet service

provider in the world), the Microsoft ITG supplemented its private data
network infrastructure and RAS with VPN services. Microsoft’s VPN
solution is integrated with the UUnet Radius Proxy servers through the
Windows 2000 native support for RADIUS under this relationship.
Through the Windows 2000 Remote Access Service integrated
RADIUS support, Microsoft’s ITG made reliable and secure local
access to UUnet Technologies IP network available to all Microsoft
mobile employees. This resulted in the delivery of high quality VPN
services over the UUnet Technologies, Inc. infrastructure at a reduced
cost. The ITG conservatively estimates that this use of VPN service as
an alternative to traditional remote access will save Microsoft more than
$7 million per year in remote access fees alone. Additional savings are
expected from the elimination of call requests for RAS phone numbers
and greatly reduced remote access con figuration support.
The ITG utilized the integrated support for RADIUS based
authentication available from the Windows Directory in Windows 2000.
This allowed them to retain all existing authentication rights for both
Internet and LAN access, avoiding change or redundant replication of
directory, and provided for enhanced network security.
According to Microsoft, their ITG was able to instantly extend
network access to its more than 50,000 employees in more than 100
countries through its relationship with UUnet Technologies. So that
Microsoft employees can access information locally anywhere with
reliability guarantees and the support of UUnet, UUnet Technologies’
transcontinental backbone provides access throughout North America,
Europe, and the Asia–Pacific region.

Finally, Microsoft’s ITG wanted to ensure that its current investment in

the remote access infrastructure would not only be able to meet today’s
needs, but also enable it to make the most of opportunities provided by
the digital convergence of network aware applications in the near future.
Evidence of an increased need for higher degrees of client/server
network application integration is found in the momentum of Windows
2000 as a platform for IP telephony, media streaming technologies, and
the migration to PBX systems based on Windows 2000.
The flexibility needed to economically address current and future
needs of Microsoft’s ITG is provided through the use of Windows 2000
as the backbone of the remote access solution. Through partnerships
with multiple service providers such as UUnet Technologies, the
selection of a Windows based solution allows ITG the freedom to both
centrally manage and incrementally extend the Microsoft direct dial and
VPN infrastructure at a controlled pace and in an open manner.
In order to connect Microsoft subsidiaries, branch offices, and
extranet partners securely to the enterprise network over private and
public net works, Windows 2000 Routing, RAS, and VPN services —
along with tight integration with Microsoft Proxy Server — are already
enabling Microsoft’s ITG to seamlessly extend its RAS–VPN
infrastructure. Furthermore, to meet Microsoft’s enterprise needs into the
future, the broad application support enjoyed by the Windows
communication platform ensures that ITG will continue to have access
to a host of rich application services made available by developers and
service providers, such as ATCOM, Inc., Telco Research, and UUnet
Technologies, Inc.

3.5 IPSec VPNS

W A Y COMMUNICATIONS ARE VIEWED. They are also providing
ample fodder for administrators and managers to have seemingly
endless discussions about various applications. On one side are the
possible money savings, and the other are implementation issues. There
are several areas of serious concern:

• performance
• interoperability
• scalability
• flexibility

3.5.1 Performance

Performance of data flow is typically the most common concern,

and IPSec is very processor intensive. The performance costs of IPSec
are the encryption being performed, integrity checking, packet handling
based on policies, and forwarding, all of which become apparent in the
form of latency and reduced throughput. IPSec VPNs over the Internet
increase the latency in the communication that conspires with the
processing costs to discourage VPN as a solution for transport sensitive
applications. Process time for authentication, key management, and
integrity verification will produce delay issues with SA establishment,
authentication, and IPSec SA maintenance. Each of these results in poor
initialization response and, ultimately, disgruntled users.
The application of existing hardware encryption technology to
IPSec vendor products has allowed these solutions to be considered
more closely by prospective clients wishing to seize the monetary
savings associated with the technology. The creation of a key and its
subsequent use in the encryption process can be offloaded onto a
dedicated processor that is designed specifically for these operations.
Until the application of hard ware encryption for IPSec, all data was
managed through software computation that was also responsible for
many other operations that may be running on the gateway.

Hardware encryption has released IPSec VPN technology into

the realm of viable communication solutions. Unfortunately, the client
operating system participating in a VPN is still responsible for the IPSec
process. Publicly available mobile systems that provide hardware based
encryption for IPSec communications are becoming available, but are
sometime away from being standard issue for remote users.

3.5.2 Interoperability

Interoperability is a current issue that will soon become

antiquated as vendors recognize the need to become fully IPSec
compliant — or consumers will not implement their product based
simply on its incompatibility. Shared secret and ISAKMP key
management protocol are typically allowing multivendor
interoperability. As Certificate Authorities and the technology that
supports them become fully adopted technology, they will only add to
the cross platform integration. However, complex and large VPNs will
not be manageable using different vendor products in the near future.
Given the complexity, recentness of the IPSec standard and the various
interpretations of that standard, time to complete interoperability seem

3.5.3 Scalability

Scalability is obtained by the addition of equipment and

bandwidth. Some vendors have created products focused on remote
access for roaming users, while others have concentrated on network to
network connectivity without much attention to remote users. The
current ability to scale the solution will be directly related to the service
required. The standard supporting the technology allows for great
flexibility in the addition of services. It will be more common to find
limitations in equipment configurations than in the standard as it pertains
to growth capabilities. Scalability ushers in a wave of varying issues,
 authentication
 management
 performance

Authentication can be provided by a number of processes, although the

primary focus has been on RADIUS, Certificates, and forms of two
factor authentication. Each of these can be applied to several supporting
databases. RADIUS is supported by nearly every common
authenticating system from Microsoft Windows NT to Net Ware’s NDS.
Authentication, when implemented properly, should not become a
scalability issue for many implementations, because the goal is to
integrate the process with existing or planned enterprise authenticating
A more interesting aspect of IPSec vendor implementations and
the scalability issues that might arise is management. As detailed earlier,
certain implementations do not scale, due to the shear physics of shared
secrets and manual key management. In the event of the addition of
equipment or increased bandwidth to support remote applications, the
management will need to take multiplicity into consideration. Currently,
VPN management of remote users and networks leaves a great deal to be
desired. As vendors and organizations become more acquainted with
what can be accomplished, sophisticated management capabilities will
become increasingly available.
Performance is an obvious issue when considering the increase of
an implementation. Typically, performance is the driving reason,
followed by support for increased numbers. Both of these issues are
volatile and inter related with the hardware technology driving the
implementation. Performance capabilities can be controlled by the
limitation of supported SAs on a particular system a direct limitation in
scalability. A type of requested encryption might not be available on the
encryption processor currently available. Forcing the calculation of
encryption onto the operating system ultimately limits the performance.
A limitation may resonate in the form of added equipment to accomplish
the link between the IPSec equipment and the authenticating database.
When users authenticate, the granularity of control over the capabilities
of that user may be directly related to the form of authentication. The
desired form of authentication may have limitations in various
environments due to restrictions in various types of authenticating
databases. Upgrade issues, service pack variations, user limitations, and
protocol requirements also combine to limit growth of the solution.


Several distinct qualities of VPN are driving the investigation by

many organizations to implement VPN as a business interchange
technology. VPNs attempt to resolve a variety of current technological
limitations that represent themselves as costs in equipment and support or
solutions where none had existed prior. Three areas that can be
improved by VPNs are:

• remote user access and remote office connectivity

• extranet partner connectivity
• internal departmental security Remote Access

Providing remote users access via a dialup connection can

become a costly service for any organization to provide. Organizations
must consider costs for:

• telephone lines
• terminating equipment
• long distance
• calling card
• 800/877 number support

Telephone connections must be increased to support the number

of proposed simultaneous users that will be dialing in for connectivity to
the net work. Another cost that is rolled up into the telephone line
charge is the possible need for equipment to allow the addition of
telephone lines to an existing system. Terminating equipment, such as
modem pools, can become expenses that are immediate savings once
VPN is utilized. Long distance charges, calling cards that are supplied to
roaming users, and toll free lines require initial capital and continuous
financial support. In reality, an organization employing conventional
remote access services is nothing more than a service provider for their
employees. Taking this into consideration, many organizations tend to
overlook the use of the Internet connection by the remote users. As the
number of simultaneous users access the network, the more bandwidth
is utilized for the existing Internet service.
The cost savings are realized by redirecting funds, originally to
support telephone communications, in an Internet service provider (ISP)
and its ability to support a greater area of access points and technology.
This allows an organization to eliminate support for all direct
connectivity and focus on a single connection and technology for all
data exchange — ultimately saving money. With the company access
point becoming a single point of entry, access controls, authenticating
mechanisms, security policies, and system redundancy is focused and
common among all types of access regardless of the originator’s
communication technology.
The advent of high speed Internet connectivity by means of cable
modems and ADSL (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line) is an
example of how VPN becomes an enabler to facilitate the need for high
speed, individual remote access where none existed before. Existing
remote access technologies are generally limited to 128K ISDN
(Integrated Services Digital Network), or more typically, 56K modem
access. Given the inherent properties of the Internet and IPSec
functioning at the network layer, the communication technology utilized
to access the Internet only needs to be supported at the immediate
connection point to establish an IP session with the ISP. Using the
Internet as a backbone for encrypted communications allows for equal
IP functionality with increased performance and security over
conventional remote access technology.
Currently, cable modem and ADSL services are expanding from
the home user market into the business industry for remote office
support. A typical remote office will have a small frame relay
connection to the home office. Any Internet traffic from the remote
office is usually forwarded to the home office’s Internet connection,
where access controls can be centrally managed and Internet connection
costs are eliminated at the remote office. However, as the number of
remote offices and the distances increase, so does the financial
investment. Each frame relay connection, PVC (Permanent Virtual
Circuit), has costs associated with it. Committed Information Rate
(CIR), port speed (e.g., 128K), and sometimes a connection fee add to
the overall investment. A PVC is required for any connection; so as
remote offices demand direct communication to their peers, a PVC will
need to be added to support this decentralized communication. Currently
within the United States, the cost of frame relay is very low and
typically outweighs the cost of an ISP and Internet connectivity. As the
distance increases and moves beyond the United States, the costs can
increase exponentially and will typically call for more than one
telecommunications vendor. With VPN technology, a local connection
to the Internet can be established. Adding connectivity to peers is
accomplished by con figuration modifications; this allows the customer
to control communications without the inclusion of the carrier in the
The current stability of remote, tier three and lower ISPs is an
unknown variable. The arguable service associated with multiple and
international ISP connectivity has become the Achilles’ heel for VPN
acceptance for business critical and time critical services. As the reach
of tier one and tier two ISPs increases, they will be able to provide
contiguous connectivity over the Internet to remote locations using an
arsenal of available technologies. Extranet Access

The single, most advantageous characteristic of VPNs is to

provide protected and controlled communication with partnering
organizations. Years ago, prior to VPN becoming a catchword,
corporations were beginning to feel the need for dedicated Internet
access. The dedicated access is becoming utilized for business purposes,
whereas before it was viewed as a service for employees and research
The Internet provides the ultimate bridge between networks that
was relatively nonexistent before VPN technology. Preceding VPNs, a
corporation needing to access a partner’s site was typically provided a
frame relay connection to a common frame relay cloud where all the
partners claimed access. Other options were ISDN and dial on demand
routing. As this requirement grows, several limitations begin to surface.
Security issues, partner support, controlling access, disallowing
unwanted interchange between partners, and connectivity support for
partners without supported access technologies all conspire to expose
the huge advantages of VPNs over the Internet. Utilizing VPNs, an
organization can maintain a high granularity of control over the
connectivity per partner or per user on a partner network.

Internal Protection

As firewalls became more predominant as protection against the

Internet, they were increasingly being utilized for internal segmentation
of departmental entities. The need for protecting vital departments
within an organization originally spawned this concept of using firewalls
internally. As the number of departments increase, the management,
complexity, and cost of the firewalls increase as well. Also, any attacker
with access to the protected network can easily obtain sensitive
information due to the fact that the firewall applies only perimeter
VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) with access control lists
became a minimized replacement for conventional firewalls. However,
the same security issue remained, in that the perimeter security was
controlled and left the internal network open for attack.
As IPSec became accepted as a viable secure communication technology
and applied in MAC environments, it also became the replacement for
other protection technologies. Combined with strategically placed fire
walls, VPN over internal networks allows secure connectivity between
hosts. IPSec encryption, authentication, and access control provide
protection for data between departments and within a department.


The benefits of VPN technology can be realized in varying

degrees depending on the application and the requirements it has been
applied to. Considering the incredible growth in technology, the
advantages will only increase. Nevertheless, the understandable
concerns with performance, reliability, scalability, and implementation
issues must be investigated. System Requirements

The first step is determining the foreseeable amount of traffic and

its patterns to ascertain the adjacent system requirements or
augmentations. In the event that existing equipment is providing all or a
portion of the service the VPN is replacing, the costs can be compared to
discover initial savings in the framework of money, performance, or
functionality. Security Policy

It will be necessary to determine if the VPN technology and how

it is planned to be implemented meets the current security policy. In case
the security policy does not address the area of remote access, or in the
event a policy or remote access does not exist, a policy must address the
security requirements of the organization and its relationship with the
service provided by VPN technology. Application Performance

As previously discussed, performance is the primary reason VPN

technology is not the solution for many organizations. It will be
necessary to determine the speed at which an application can execute the
essential processes. This is related to the type of data within the VPN.
Live traffic or user sessions are incredibly sensitive to any latency in the
communication. Pilot tests and load simulation should be considered
strongly prior to large scale VPN deployment or replacement of exiting
services and equipment.
Data replication or transient activity that is not associated with
human or application time sensitivity is a candidate for VPN
connectivity. The application’s resistance to latency must be measured
to determine the minimum requirements for the VPN. This is not to
convey that VPNs are only good for replication traffic and cannot
support user applications. It is necessary to determine the application
needs and verify the requirements to properly gauge the performance
provisioning of the VPN. The performance “window” will allow the
proper selection of equipment to meet the needs of the proposed
solution; otherwise, the equipment and application may present poor
results compared to the expected or planned results. Or, more
importantly, the acquired equipment is underworked or does not scale in
the direction needed for a particular organization’s growth path. Each of
these results in poor investment realization and make it much more
difficult to persuade management to use VPN again. Training

User and administrator training are an important part of the

implementation process. It is necessary to evaluate a vendor’s product
from the point of the users, as well as evaluating the other attributes of
the product. In the event the user experience is poor, it will reach
management and ultimately weigh heavily on the administrators and
security practitioners. It is necessary to understand the user intervention
that is required in the everyday process of application use.
Comprehending the user knowledge requirements will allow for the
creation of a training curriculum that best represents what the users are
required to accomplish to operate the VPN as per the security policy.


Like it or not, VPN is here to stay. IP version 6 (IPv6) has the

IPSec entrenched in its very foundation; and as the Internet grows, Ipv6
will become more prevalent. The current technological direction of
typical net works will become the next goals for IPSec; specifically,
Quality of Service (QoS). ATM was practically invented to
accommodate the vast array of communication technologies at high
speeds; but to do it efficiently, it must control who gets in and out of the
Ethernet Type of Service (ToS) (802.1p) allows for three bits of
data in the frame to be used to add ToS information and then be mapped
into ATM cells. IP version 4, currently applied, has support for a ToS
field in the IP Header similar to Ethernet 802.1p; it provides three bits
for extended information. Currently, techniques are being applied to map
QoS information from one medium to another. This is very exciting for
service organizations that will be able sell end to end QoS. As the IPSec
standard grows and current TCP/IP applications and networks begin to
support the existing IP ToS field, IPSec will quickly conform to the
The IETF and other participants, in the form of RFCs, are
continually addressing the issues that currently exist with IPSec. Packet
sizes are typically increased due to the added headers and sometimes
trailer information associated with IPSec. The result is increased
possibility of packet fragmentation. IPSec addresses fragmentation and
packet loss; the over head of these processes are the largest concern.
IPSec can only be applied to the TCP/IP protocol. Therefore,
multiprotocol networks and environments that employ IPX/SPX,
NetBEUI, and others will not take direct advantage of the IPSec VPN.
To allow non TCP/IP protocols to communicate over an IPSec VPN, an
IP gateway must be implemented to encapsulate the original protocol
into an IP packet and then be forwarded to the IPSec gateway. IP
gateways have been in use for some time and are proven technology. For
several organizations that cannot eliminate non TCP/IP protocols and
wish to implement IPSec as the VPN of choice, a protocol gateway is
As is obvious, performance is crucial to IPSec VPN capabilities
and cost. As encryption algorithms become increasingly sophisticated
and hard ware support for those algorithms become readily available,
this current limitation will be surpassed.
Another perceived limitation of IPSec is the encryption export
and import restrictions of encryption. There are countries that the United
States places restrictions on to hinder the ability of those countries to
encrypt possibly harmful information into the United States. In 1996, the
International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) governing the export of
cryptography was reconditioned. Responsibility for cryptography
exports was transferred to the Department of Commerce from the
Department of State. However, the Department of Justice is now part of
the export review process. In addition, the National Security Agency
(NSA) remains the final arbiter of whether to grant encryption products
export licenses.
The NSA staff is assigned to the Commerce Department and
many other federal agencies that deal with encryption policy and
standards. This includes the State Department, Justice Department,
National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), and the
Federal Communications Commission. As one can imagine, the laws
governing the export of encryption are complicated and are under
constant revision. Several countries are completely denied access to
encrypted communications to the United States; other countries have
limitations due to government relationships and political posture. The
current list of (as of this writing) embargoed countries include:

• Syria
• Iran
• Iraq
• North Korea
• Libya
• Cuba
• Sudan
• Serbia

As one reads the list of countries, it is easy to determine why the United
States is reluctant to allow encrypted communications with these
countries. Past wars, conflict of interests, and terrorism are the primary
ingredients to become exiled by the United States.
Similar rosters exist for other countries that have the United States
listed as “unfriendly,” due to their perception of communication with the
United States.
As one can certainly see, the concept of encryption export and import
laws is vague, complex, and constantly in litigation. In the event a VPN
is required for international communication, it will be necessary to
obtain the latest information available to properly implement the
communication as per the current laws.


MAINFRAMES o r large, networked AS/400s now have an intranet.
Most, in addition, already have a presence on the Internet in the form of
a home page, and many are actively exploring the possibilities of using
the Internet for electronic commerce, customer support, and as an ultra
cost effective means of global remote access. In parallel, intranet to
intranet communication via extranets is being viewed as the means of
streamlining and expediting enterprise transactions. Very few enterprises
at present have tightly integrated their intra nets with their data centers.
This is despite the fact that up to 70 percent of the vital data, and many
of the mission critical applications required by these enterprises, are still
likely to reside on their mainframes or AS/400s. That is akin to baking
an apple pie with no apple filling.

Integrating an intranet with a data center is not simply a matter of

implementing TCP/IP on a mainframe or AS/400 along with a Web server.
Many of the host resident, mission critical applications still required
were developed, typically 15 years ago, such that they only work in
Systems Network Architecture mode. The nearest that one can come to
making these applications TCP/IP compatible is to use them in
conjunction with a host resident or “Off Board” tn3270(E) (or tn5250, in
the case of AS/400s) server which will perform standards based SNA to
TCP/IP protocol conversion. Otherwise, the applications will have to be
rewritten to work in TCP/IP mode. This is not feasible since the cost and
effort of doing so for the $20 trillion installed base of SNA mission
critical applications would make all the tribulations associated with the
Y2K challenge appear trivial.
While some of the data center resident data could be accessed
using an Open Database Connectivity type scheme, this is certainly not
true for all of the data center resources. Some data, especially if stored
on “flat files” or non relational databases (such as IBM’s still widely
used Information Management System), can only be accessed via SNA
applications. In other instances, the data make sense only when
combined with the “business logic” embedded within an SNA mission
critical application. In addition to these crucial SNA applications, there
is inevitably a large installed base of SNA only “legacy” devices such as
IBM 4700 Financial Systems, automated teller machines, and control
units that still need to be supported. Thus, there is a need for explicit
SNA related technologies in order to get the most from your host
The good news is that highly proven and stable technology from
more than 40 credible vendors including IBM, Cisco, Attachmate, Open
Connect Systems, Wall Data, Eicon, Novell, WRQ, Farabi,
Client/Server Technology, Sterling Software, Blue Lobster, etc., is now
readily available to facilitate data center to intranet integration in a
seamless and synergistic manner. Enterprises around the world such as
GM, FedEx, Ohio State University, Royal Jordanian Airlines, Nestles,
The Chickering Group, National Van Lines, the State of Idaho, Al Rajhi
Banking & Investment Corp. (Saudi Ara bia’s largest bank), and
Gazprom (a $30 billion natural gas company in Rus sia) are already
gainfully using this intranet to data center integration technology on a
daily basis for business critical production use. Al Rajhi Bank, for
example, uses browser based access to SNA to provide home banking,
while GM, National Van Lines, Royal Jordanian Airlines, and The
Chickering Group use it to permit agents to access applications or
databases resident on mainframes or AS/400s over the Internet.



To be viable, integration technologies need to be able to

accommodate an extremely broad and disparate population of client
equipment and functionality including PCs, UNIX workstations, coax
attached 3270/5250 terminals, printers, minicomputers, SNA
applications that communicate program to program using LU 6.2 or
LULU Session Type 0based protocols, SNA only devices, SNALAN
gateways (e.g., NetWare for SAA), and legacy control units. The PCs,
workstations, and printers may work in either SNA or TCP/IP mode.
Consequently, you will need SNA Access technologies to deal with
TCP/IP clients, particularly PCs and workstations, and SNA Transport
technologies to deal with SNA only clients. The most pertinent
technologies are:

• SNA Access technologies that permit non SNA clients to gain

access to SNA applications
— ip3270/ip5250 — the use of existing PC/workstation SNA
emulators (e.g., Attachmate EXTRA! Personal Client) and existing
SNALAN gateways (e.g., Microsoft’s SNA server) with proprietary
encapsulation schemes for conveying a 3270/5250 data stream within
— tn3270(E)/tn5250 — IETF standard that enables TCP/IP clients
(e.g., Attachmate EXTRA! Personal Client) to access SNA applications
via tn3270(E) (e.g., IBM 2216) or tn5250 servers
 Browser based Access with 3270/5250toHTML Conversion — thin
client solution where a server resident SNAWeb gateway performs
3270/5250 data stream to HTML conversion replete with some
amount of user interface rejuvenation so that SNA applications can
be accessed directly from a browser.
 Browser invoked Java or ActiveX applets — dynamically download
able applets, which can optionally be cached on a PC/workstation
hard disk, that provide 3270/5250 emulation either directly or in
conjunction with an intermediate SNA Web gateway
 Browser invoked applets as “4” above, but with user interface reju
 Application specific web to data center gateways, e.g., IBM’s CICS
Web Interface or Interlink’s ActiveCICX
 Programmatic (or Middleware) Servers, e.g., IBM’s MQSeries,
Blue Stone’s Sapphire/Web, or Blue Lobster’s Stingray SDK SNA
end to end transport
 Data Link Switching — ubiquitous, standardsbased encapsulation
scheme performed by bridge/routers that permits any kind of
SNA/APPN traffic, independent of session type, to be transported
end toend across a TCP/IP WAN. Desktop DLSw (DDLSw) is also
available where SNA traffic can be encapsulated within TPC/IP at
the source PC
 High Performance RoutingoverIP — alternative to the DLSw
champi oned by IBM, whereby SNAoriented routing is performed
across IP
 AnyNet — IBM protocol conversion technology, integrated within
IBM server software including Comm. Server/NT and OS/390 as well
as within some SNA/3270 emulation packages, that converts SNA
message units into corresponding TCP/IP packets

The three transport technologies ensure that the still large installed
base of SNA devices and control units are able to communicate with
main frame or AS/400resident SNA/APPN applications across an
intranet using SNA on an end to end basis. Of the three, standards based
DLSw, which is available on nearly all major brands of bridge/routers, is
by far the most widely used and the most strategic. AnyNet, in marked
contrast, is not available on bridge/routers or within SNA devices such as
3174s, 4700s, etc. Consequently, it cannot be used easily as a universal
scheme for supporting any and all SNA devices and control units as can
DLSw. Thus, AnyNet is not as strategic or useful as DLSw. High
Performance Routing (HPR) is IBM’s follow on architecture to APPN
and SNA. HPRoverIP, now available on IBM 2216 and CS/NT, has
irrefutable advantages over DLSw: it can support native, data center to
data center SNA/APPN routing over TCP/IP; SNA LU 6.2 Class of
Service (COS)based path selection; and traffic prioritization. If and
when this technology is more readily available, corporations that require
SNA/APPN routing to obtain optimum traffic routing in multi data
center networks, or those that have LU 6.2based applications that rely
on COS, may want to consider HPRoverIP as an alternative to DLSw.
DLSw’s ability to support any and all types of SNA/APPN traffic
effortlessly could be easily abused when trying to integrate intranets
with data centers. DLSw could be used all by itself to realize the
integration by grafting the existing SNA/APPN network, totally
unchanged, onto the intranet through the extensive deployment of DLSw
all around the periphery of the intranet. This brute force, “no SNA
reengineering whatsoever” approach has been used in the past to
integrate SNA networks into TCP/IP networks. With this type of DLSw
only network you would find SNALAN gateways being used
downstream of the intranet, and then DLSw being used to trans port the
SNA output of these gateways across the intranet. While such net works
indubitably work, there are other strategic techniques such as a
3270toHTML and applet based 3270/5250 emulation that should typically
be used in conjunction with DLSw to achieve the necessary integration.
Figure summarizes how the various SNA Transport and SNA Access
integration techniques can be gainfully synthesized to integrate data
centers with intranets.


EXTRANETS HAVE BEEN AROUND as long as the first

rudimentary LAN to LAN networks began connecting two different
business entities together to form WANs. In its basic form, an extranet is
the interconnection of two previous separate LANs or WANs with
origins from different business entities. This term emerged to
differentiate between the previous definitions of external “Internet”
connection and a company’s internal intranet. Figure depicts an extranet
as a Venn diagram, where the intersection of two (or more) nets forms
the extranet. The network in this intersection was previously part of the
“intranet” and has now been made accessible to external parties.
Under this design, one of the simplest definitions comes from
R.H. Baker,1 “An extranet is an intranet that is open to selective access
by outside parties.” The critical security concept of the extranet is the
new net work area that was previously excluded from external access
now being made available to some external party or group. The critical
security issue evolves from the potential vulnerability of allowing more
than the intended party, or allowing more access than was intended
originally for the extra net. These critical areas will be addressed in this
article, from basic extranet setup to more complex methods and some of
the ongoing support issues.
The rapid adoption of the extranet will change how a business
looks at its security practices, as the old paradigm of a hard outer
security shell for a business LAN environment has now been
disassembled or breached with a hole to support the need for extranets.
In many cases, the age-old firewall will remain in place, but it will have
to be modified to allow this “hole” for the extranet to enable access to
some degree to internal resources that have now been deemed part of
the extranet.
Recognizing the growth of extranets as a common part of doing
business today is important, and therefore the business enterprise must
be ready with architectures, policy, and approaches to handle the
introduction of extranets into its environment. A few of the
considerations are the requirements versus security balance, policy
considerations, risk assessments, and implementation and maintenance

Outside Network Co. Net


Extranet Venn diagram.

Recognizing the growth of extranets as a common part of doing business

today is important, and therefore the business enterprise must be ready
with architectures, policy, and approaches to handle the introduction of
extranets into its environment. A few of the considerations are the
requirements versus security balance, policy considerations, risk
assessments, and implementation and maintenance costs.
From requirements versus security balance standpoint, the issue
is the initial claim by business that extranets are an immediate need and
absolutely must be established “if we are to remain competitive.” But
from a security standpoint, such a drastic change to the environment,
which may not have had any form of an extranet in place, may well be
throwing their financial data assets out the door with the first
implementation of an extranet. Therefore, care must be taken from a
security perspective and put in balance with the claimed business need
for an extranet implementation.
One of the first areas of review and (possibly) update is the inner
company’s security policy. This policy most likely was not written with
extra nets in mind and thus may need modification if a common security
philosophy is to be established regarding how a company can
securely implement extranets. However, the policy review does not
stop with one company’s review of its own policy, but also includes
connecting the company or companies on the outside. In the case of
strategic business relationships that will be ongoing, it is important that
both parties fully understand each other’s responsibilities for the
extranet, what traffic they will and will not pass over the joined link —
what degree of access, and by whom, will occur over this link.
Part of any company’s policy on extranets must include an initial
requirement for a security risk assessment, the main question being:
what additional levels of risk or network vulnerability will be introduced
with the implementation of the proposed extranet? As well as
vulnerability assessment, a performance assessment should be
conducted to assist in the design of the extranet to ensure that the
proposed architecture not only addresses the security risk, but that it also
will meet performance expectations. Some of the questions to be
asked in a combined security and performance assessment should be:

 data classification/value of data

 data location(s) in the network
 internal users’ access requirements to extranet components (internal
access design)
 data accessibility by time of day (for estimating support costs)
 protocol, access services used to enter extranet (network design
 degree of exposure by transmission mechanism (Internet, private
net, wireless transmission)
 end user environment (dialup, Internet)
 number of users, total/expectation for concurrent users access
(line sizing)
 growth rate of user base (for estimating administrative costs)
 CONUS (continental U.S.), international access (encryption

The risk and performance assessment would, of course, be

followed by a risk mitigation plan, which comes in the form of selecting
an acceptable extranet architecture and identifying the costs. The cost
aspect of this plan is, of course, one of the critical drivers in the business
decision to implement an extranet. Is the cost of implementing and
maintaining the extranet (in a secure manner) less than the benefit gained
by putting the extranet in place? This cost must include the costs
associated with implementing it securely; otherwise, the full costs will
not be realistically reflected.
Finally, the company implementing the extranet must have a clear
set of architectures that best mitigate the identified vulnerabilities, at the
least cost, without introducing an unacceptable degree of risk into its
computing environment. The following section reviews various extranet
architectures, each with differing costs and degrees of risk to the

3.7.1 EXTRANET ARCHITECTURES Router Based Extranet Architecture

The earliest extranet implementations were created with network routers

that have the capability to be programmed with rudimentary “access
control lists” or rules. These rules were implemented based solely on
TCP/IP addresses. A rule could be written to allow External User A
access to a given computer B, where B may have been previously
unreachable due to some form of private enterprise network firewall (and
in the early days, this firewall may have been a router also). Figure
depicts this very basic extranet. A more realistic rule can be written
where all computers in an “outside network” are allowed to access
computer B in a company net work, thus forming an extranet. This is
depicted in Figure.

Outside Network
Co. Net



Basic extranet with router

As network security architectures matured, routers as the sole

network access control device were replaced by more specific security
mechanisms. Routers were originally intended as network devices and
not as security mechanisms and lost functionality as more and more
security rules were placed in them. Additionally, the security rules that
were put into them were based on TCP/IP addresses, which were found
to be subject to spoofing/masquerading and thus deemed ineffective in
positively identifying the real external device being granted access.
Therefore, routers alone do not provide an entirely secure extranet
implementation; but when used in conjunction with one of the following
extranet architectures, routers can be a component to add some degree
of security, but only when used in conjunction with other network
security devices.

Outside Network
Co. Net

A Router


More realistic extranet

Outside Network
Co. Net
Auth Server

Fire B


Extranet using an application layer gateway firewall.

Application Gateway Firewalls

As network security architectures matured, the introduction of

application layer gateway firewalls, software tools on dedicated
machines, usually dual homed (two network interfaces, one internal, one
external), became the more accepted external protection tool. These
software tools have the ability to not only perform router type functions
with access control rules, but also provide user authentication services
on a per user basis. This user authentication can take the form of an
internal user authentication list, or an external authentication call to
token based authentication services, such as the ACE Secure ID™
system. Figure depicts this type of architecture setup to support an
extranet using an a application layer gateway firewall to enable
authenticated users inward access to an enterprise in a controlled
In addition to supporting access control by IP address and user,
some gateways have the further capability to restrict access by specific
TCP/IP service port, such as Port 80, HTTP, so the extranet users can
only access the internal resource on the specific application port and not
expose the internal machine to any greater vulnerability than necessary.
Follow on application layer gateway implementations have since
emerged to provide varying additional degrees of extranet connectivity
and security. One such method is the implementation of a proxy
mechanism from an outside network to a portion of an internal company
network. Normally, a proxy performs control and address translation for
access from an intranet to the external Internet. These types of proxies
normally reside on the firewall, and all user access to the Internet is
directed through the proxy. The proxy has the ability to exert access
control over who in the intranet is allowed external access, as well as
where they can go on the Internet. The proxy also provides address
translation such that the access packet going

Outside Network Co. Net


Outbound proxy architecture.

to the Internet is stripped of the user’s original internal address, and only
the external gateway address of the enterprise is seen on the packet as it
traverses the Internet. Figure depicts these proxy functions.
The proxy provides both security and network address
functions, although the entire process can be used in its reverse to
provide an extranet architecture because of its ability to provide access
rules over who can use the proxy, where these proxy users are allowed
to go, and what resources they can access. Figure depicts a reverse
proxy extranet architecture.
Today, most proxies are set up for HTTP or HTTPS access,
although application layer gateway proxies exist for most popular
Internet access services (Telnet, FTP, SQL, etc.). One of the major
issues with proxy servers, however, is the amount of cycle time or
machine overhead it takes to manage many concurrent proxy sessions
through a single gateway. With highly scalable hardware and optimized
proxy software, it can be carried

Outside Network Co. Net

A Router

Reverse proxy extranet architecture

to potentially handle high user demands, but the system architecture

must be specifically designed for high loads to be able to meet user
response expectations while still providing the security of an
authenticated proxy architecture. On the inward proxy depicted in
Figure, the proxy can be configured to only allow access to a single
internal resource on a given TCP/IP port. Further protection can be
added to this reverse proxy architecture by putting the target internal
resource behind a router with specific access control rules, limiting the
portion on the company intranet that inbound proxies can reach, which
can ensure limited access on the intra net; should the internal machine
ever be compromised, it cannot be used as a “jumping off point” into the
rest of company intranet.

A somewhat hybrid architecture extranet, where some firewall

controls are put in place but the external user is not granted direct
inward access to an enterprise’s internal domain, has been evolving
and put in place as a more popular extranet implementation. In this
architecture, the external user is granted access to an external resource
(something outside of the enterprise firewall), but still on the property of
the enterprise. Then, this external resource is granted access to one or
more internal resources through the enterprise firewall. This architecture
is based on minimizing the full external access to the intranet, but still
makes intranet based data available to external users. The most popular
implementation is to place an authenticating Web server outside the
firewall and program it to make the data queries to an internal resource
on the enterprise intranet, over a specific port and via a specific firewall
rule, allowing only that one external resource to have access to the
one internal resource, thus reducing the external exposure of the
intranet. Figure depicts this type of extranet.

Extranet with authenticating Web server.

Issues with this type of architecture include reliance on a single user

interface that can be safely placed outside the enterprise firewall, which
makes it vulnerable to attack. Additionally, there is the issue of whether
tight enough access rules can be placed on the access method between
the external user interface resource (the Web server, in this example)
and the internal resources that it needs access to on the protected
enterprise intra net. If these two issues can be safely addressed, then this
form of extranet can be very useful for an enterprise extranet with a high
volume or varied user base and a large intranet based data repository.
The user front end has been deployed as a Web server, usually
SSL enabled to ensure data integrity and protection by encrypting the
data as it passes over an external SSL link. Access to this external server
is also associated with some form of user authentication, either a static
ID or password over the SSL link, and more recently with client digital
certificates where each individual accessing the SSL enabled site is
issued his own unique digital certificate from an acknowledged
certificate authority, thereby validating his identity. Each client
maintains its own digital certificate, with the Web server having some
record of the public key portion of the client’s digital certificate, either
directly in the Web server internally, or accessible from a standalone
directory server (usually LDAP reachable).
The most recent entrant in the extranet architecture arena is the
Virtual Private Network (VPN). This architecture is based on a
software tunnel established between some external entity, either
client or external net work, and a gateway VPN server. Figure depicts
both types of VPN architectures. External Network A has a VPN
server at its border which encrypts all traffic targeted for Company
Network C; this is a gateway to gateway VPN. Or, External Client B
may have client VPN software on his workstation which would enable
him to establish a single VPN tunnel from his workstation over the
external network to Company C’s VPN server.
VPN architectures

Although both server to server VPN and client to server VPN

architectures are offered in the industry today, it is this author’s
experience that the more popular extranet architect is the client to server
VPN architecture, as it offers the most flexibility for the most diverse
audience of external users. This flexibility does add to the complexity of
the implementation, as it can involve a potentially large number of
external desktops, all with differing configurations. The benefits of
VPNs include the ability to safely traverse external public networks with
some assurance of data integrity and authentication as part of the VPN
implementation. This architecture shows the most promise to meet the
needs of extranets and cost savings for a world hungry for connectivity
over public/external networks, although it still has some growing pains
to go through to reach full product maturity.
An emerging standard for VPNs is coming out of the ITEF IPSec
implementation, which draws a roadmap for the next generation TCP/IP
security protocol. Under this protocol, standards are being drafted that
will enable differing devices to securely communicate under an agreed
upon security protocol, including key exchange for encryption and
standardized authentication. Today, there are IPSec compliant products
on the market; however, the standard is still evolving and tests are being
conducted to evaluate differing vendor compatibilities with each under
the IPSec standard. One of the leading initiatives to evaluate this
compliance is the Automotive Network Exchange (ANX) test, which is
intended to establish a large extranet environment between the core
automotive manufacturers and their vendors.
In the meantime, there are a wide variety of VPN product
vendors on the market some touting IPSec compliance and others, with
proprietary implementations with IPSec in their future product
roadmaps, choosing to wait until the standard stabilizes. The
recommendation is to either select a vendor offering IPSec if it has
some degree of maturity within its own product line, or one that is
planning on adopting the standard; IPSec appears to be a viable standard
once it fully matures.
Regardless of what VPN solution is being considered for
implementing secure extranets, a few technical considerations must be
understood and planned for before selecting and implementing a VPN
extranet architecture.
Scalability. Similar to proxy servers, VPN servers incur a fair
amount of processing overhead that consumes processing resources as
high levels of concurrent VPN sessions pass through a single server. It is
important to attempt to estimate one’s projected user base and current
access to appropriately size a VPN server. Some servers are on
established lower level processors for smaller environments and should
not be implemented where high concurrent access rates are expected,
although there is some benefit to physical load balancing spreading the
access among multiple servers. However, there is also concern about
implementing too many servers to manage easily. A balance between
installing a single large server and creating a single point of failure
versus implementing many smaller servers creates an administrative
Multi homed Intranets and Address Translation. In large intranet
environments, many operate under a split DNS (domain naming
structure) where intranet addresses are not “advertised” to the external
networks, and external addresses are kept external so as not to flood the
internal net work. Additionally, many larger intranet environments have
multiple gate ways to external networks. If one of the gateways is
established with a VPN gateway and an external client makes a
connection to the internal intranet, it is important that the tunnel comes
in through the appropriate VPN gate way, but also that the return traffic
goes back out through that same gate way so that it gets re encrypted
and properly returned to the external VPN client. Figure depicts the
correct traffic patterns for a multi homed intranet with a single VPN
gateway and an external VPN client.
VPN Based Access Control. Many forms of gateway VPN servers offer
the ability to restrict user access to a company intranet based on access
groupings. This is especially important when intranets are being
established for a diverse set of external users and it is important to
minimize user access to the intranet. This type of access control is, of
course, critical in establishing secure extranets, which further
highlights the importance of understanding VPN access control
User Authentication. Multiple options exist for user authentication,
although the recommended option is to select a high level
authentication method (e.g., onetime passwords) or a time synchronized
password method. Under the IPSec standard, client side digital
certificates are evolving as a standard for high level authentication.
Unfortunately, initial implementations of client side digital certificates
for user authentication are entirely software based, eliminating the
second factor authentication, the something the user physically has” in
their possession. The return to true two factor authentication under
digital certificates will not really occur until physical smart cards
become part of the authentication architecture. (Smart cards are credit
card type tokens that have a physically embedded chip which can be
read electronically and written to, either with a portion of the client’s
digital certificate or the encryption algorithm used to unlock the digital

Co. Net
Outside Network


Traffic patterns for multi homed intranet with a single VPN gateway
and an external VPN client.

IPSec Interoperability. Ultimately, the IPSec standard will stabilize,

and all vendors following the established standard will allow different
vendors’ VPN products to interoperate. Under this environment, a
company can implement a vendor’s VPN server, and their acknowledged
clients can purchase and use an IPSec compliant client to gain access to
the company intranet once they are authorized.

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