AIPAC - Wikipedia
AIPAC - Wikipedia
AIPAC - Wikipedia
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC /ˈeɪpæk/ AY-pak) is a lobbying group
t hat advocat es pro-Israel policies t o t he legislat ive and execut ive branches of t he Unit ed
St at es.[4] One of several pro-Israel lobbying organizat ions in t he Unit ed St at es,[5] AIPAC
st at es t hat it has over 100,000 members,[6] 17 regional offices, and "a vast pool of donors".[7]
In addit ion, t he organizat ion has been called one of t he most powerful lobbying groups in t he
Unit ed St at es.[7]
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Coordinates 38.9004676°N
77.0146576°W (http
Endowment $258,533[2]
Employees (2013) 396[2]
Founded 1990
Endowment $24,527,692
Employees (2013) 0
Volunteers (2013) 39
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Political Action Committee
Founded 2021
Location Washington, DC
Unt il 2021, AIPAC did not raise funds for polit ical candidat es it self; it s members raised money
for candidat es t hrough polit ical act ion commit t ees unaffiliat ed wit h AIPAC and by ot her
means.[7] In lat e 2021, AIPAC formed it s own polit ical act ion commit t ee. It also announced
plans for a Super-PAC, which can spend money on behalf of candidat es.[3][8][9] It s crit ics have
st at ed it act s as an agent of t he Israeli government wit h a "st ranglehold" on t he Unit ed
St at es Congress wit h it s power and influence.[10] AIPAC has been accused of being st rongly
allied wit h t he Likud part y of Israel, and t he Republican Part y in t he U.S. An AIPAC spokesman
has called t his a "malicious mischaract erizat ion".[7] The Washington Post described t he
perceived differences bet ween AIPAC and J St reet : "While bot h groups call t hemselves
bipart isan, AIPAC has won support from an overwhelming majorit y of Republican Jews, while J
St reet is present ing it self as an alt ernat ive for Democrat s who have grown uncomfort able
wit h bot h Net anyahu's policies and t he conservat ives' flocking t o AIPAC."[11]
AIPAC describes it self as a bipart isan organizat ion,[12] and t he bills for which it lobbies in
Congress are always joint ly sponsored by bot h a Democrat and Republican.[13] AIPAC's
support ers claim it s bipart isan nat ure can be seen at it s yearly policy conference, which in
2016 included bot h major part ies' nominees: Democrat Hillary Clint on and Republican Donald
Trump. High-ranking Democrat s, including Vice President (lat er President ) Joe Biden and
Senat or (lat er Vice President ) Kamala Harris have addressed AIPAC,[14][15] as well as high-
ranking Republicans, including Paul Ryan, t hen-Speaker of t he Unit ed St at es House of
Represent at ives.
Formation (1953-1970s)
In 1953, American Zionist act ivist Isaiah L. Kenen founded t he American Zionist Committee
for Public Affairs (AZCPA) as a lobbying division of t he American Zionist Council (AZC).[16]
Kenen, a lobbyist for t he AZC, had at earlier t imes worked for t he Israeli Minist ry of Foreign
Affairs. As a lobbyist , Kenen diverged from AZC's usual public relat ions effort s by t rying t o
broaden support for Israel among t radit ionally non-Zionist groups. The founding of t he new
organizat ion was in part a response t o t he negat ive int ernat ional react ion t o t he Oct ober
1953 Qibya massacre, in which Israeli t roops under Ariel Sharon killed at least sixt y-nine
Palest inian villagers, t wo-t hirds of t hem women and children.[16] As t he Eisenhower
administ rat ion suspect ed t he AZC of being funded by t he government of Israel, it was
decided t hat t he lobbying effort s should be separat ed int o a separat e organizat ion wit h
separat e finances.[16]
In 1959, AZCPA was renamed t he American-Israel Public Affairs Commit t ee.[17] Kenen led t he
organizat ion unt il his ret irement in 1974, when he was succeeded by Morris J. Amit ay.[18]
According t o comment at or M.J. Rosenberg, Kenen was "an old-fashioned liberal," who did not
seek t o win support by donat ing t o campaigns or ot herwise influencing elect ions, but was
willing t o "play wit h t he hand t hat is dealt t o us."[19]
Rise (1970s to 1980s)
By t he 1970s, t he Conference of President s of Major American Jewish Organizat ions and
AIPAC had assumed overall responsibilit y for Israel-relat ed lobbying wit hin t he Jewish
communal landscape. The Conference of President s was responsible for speaking t o t he
Execut ive Branch of t he U.S. government , while AIPAC dealt mainly wit h t he Legislat ive
Branch. Alt hough it had worked effect ively behind t he scenes since it s founding in 1953,
AIPAC only became a powerful organizat ion in t he 15 years aft er t he Yom Kippur War in
By t he mid-70s, AIPAC had achieved t he financial and polit ical clout necessary t o sway
congressional opinion, according t o hist orian Michael Oren.[20] During t his period, AIPAC's
budget soared from $300,000 in 1973 t o over $7 million during it s peak years of influence in
t he lat e 1980s. Whereas Kenen had come out of t he Zionist movement , wit h early st aff
pulled from t he longt ime act ivist s among t he Jewish communit y, AIPAC had evolved int o a
prot ot ypical Washingt on-based lobbying and consult ing firm. Leaders and st affers were
recruit ed from legislat ive st aff and lobbyist s wit h direct experience wit h t he federal
bureaucracy.[17] Confront ed wit h opposit ion from bot h houses of Congress, Unit ed St at es
President Gerald Ford rescinded his 'reassessment .'"[20] George Lenczowski not es a similar,
mid-1970s t imeframe for t he rise of AIPAC power: "It [t he Jimmy Cart er presidency] also
coincides wit h t he milit ant emergence of t he American Israel Public Affairs Commit t ee
(AIPAC) as a major force in shaping American policy t oward t he Middle East ."[21]
In 1980, Thomas Dine became t he execut ive direct or of AIPAC, and developed it s grassroot s
campaign. By t he lat e 1980s, AIPAC's board of direct ors was "dominat ed" by four successful
businessmen—Mayer (Bubba) Mit chell, Edward Levy, Robert Asher, and Larry Weinberg.[22]
AIPAC scored t wo major vict ories in t he early 1980s t hat est ablished it s image among
polit ical candidat es as an organizat ion "not t o be t rifled wit h" and set t he pace for "a
st aunchly pro-Israel" Congress over t he next t hree decades.[23] In 1982, act ivist s affiliat ed
wit h AIPAC in Skokie, Illinois, backed Richard J. Durbin t o oust U.S. Represent at ive Paul Findley
(R-Illinois), who had shown ent husiasm for PLO leader Yasir Arafat . In 1984, Senat or Charles H.
Percy (R-Illinois), t hen-chairman of t he Senat e Foreign Relat ions Commit t ee and a support er
of a deal t o allow Saudi Arabia t o buy sophist icat ed Airborne early warning and cont rol (AWAC)
milit ary planes was defeat ed by Democrat Paul Simon. Simon was asked by Robert Asher, an
AIPAC board member in Chicago, t o run against Percy.[23]
Contemporary period (Post-1980s)
In 2005, Lawrence Franklin, a Pent agon analyst pleaded guilt y t o espionage charges of
passing U.S. government secret s t o AIPAC policy direct or St eve J. Rosen and AIPAC senior
Iran analyst Keit h Weissman, in what is known as t he AIPAC espionage scandal. Rosen and
Weissman were lat er fired by AIPAC.[24] In 2009, charges against t he former AIPAC employees
were dropped.[25]
In February 2019, freshman U.S. Represent at ive Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesot a), one of t he first
t wo Muslim women (along wit h Rashida Tlaib) t o serve in Congress, t weet ed t hat House
Minorit y Leader Kevin McCart hy's (R-California) support for Israel was “all about t he
Benjamins” (i.e. about t he money).[26] The next day, she clarified t hat she meant AIPAC.[27]
Omar lat er apologized but also made anot her st at ement at t acking "polit ical influence in t his
count ry t hat says it is okay t o push for allegiance t o a foreign count ry.” The st at ement s
aroused anger among AIPAC support ers, but also vocal support among t he progressive wing
of t he Democrat ic Part y and "revived a fraught debat e" in American polit ics over whet her
AIPAC has t oo much influence over American policy in t he Middle East ,[23] while highlight ing
t he det eriorat ion of some relat ionships bet ween progressive Democrat s and pro-Israel
organizat ions.[27] On March 6, 2019, t he Democrat ic leadership put fort h a resolut ion on t he
House floor condemning ant i-Semit ism, which was broadened t o condemn bigot ry against a
wide variet y of groups before it passed on March 7.[28][29]
Thomas Dine developed a net work t o reach every member of congress. American Jews, t he
"vit al core" of AIPAC membership,[32] made up less t han 3% of t he U.S. populat ion and was
concent rat ed in only nine st at es.[33] Today, t housands of AIPAC support ers gat her at AIPAC's
annual Policy Conference in Washingt on, D.C. every year. Donors and VIPs are invit ed t o t he
Leadership Recept ion on t he final night of t he conference, which host s hundreds of members
of Congress.[34]
AIPAC has creat ed "caucuses" in every congressional dist rict , wit h AIPAC st affers organizing
every dist rict 's Jewish communit y, regardless of size. Campaign cont ribut ions were bundled
and dist ribut ed t o candidat es in congressional dist rict s and where t hey would do some good.
According t o journalist Connie Bruck, by t he end of t he 1980s, t here were "dozens" of polit ical
act ion commit t ees wit h no formal relat ion t o AIPAC, but whose leader was oft en an AIPAC
member.[33] The Wall Street Journal report s t hat in 1987 at least 51 of 80 pro-Israel PACs
were operat ed by AIPAC officials.[35][36] Some commit t ees t hat "operat e independent ly" of
AIPAC but "whose missions and membership align" wit h it include t he Florida Congressional
Commit t ee, NORPAC in New Jersey, To Prot ect Our Herit age PAC near Chicago, and t he
Maryland Associat ion for Concerned Cit izens near Balt imore.[23]
The Washington Post st at es t hat "it s Web sit e, which det ails how members of Congress
vot ed on AIPAC's key issues, and t he AIPAC Insider, a glossy periodical t hat handicaps close
polit ical races, are scrut inized by t housands of pot ent ial donors. Pro-Israel int erest s have
cont ribut ed $56.8 million in individual, group, and soft money donat ions t o federal candidat es
and part y commit t ees since 1990, according t o t he non-part isan OpenSecret s. Bet ween t he
2000 and t he 2004 elect ions, t he 50 members of AIPAC's board donat ed an average of
$72,000 each t o campaigns and polit ical act ion commit t ees."[37] According t o Dine, in t he
1980s and 1990s cont ribut ions from AIPAC members oft en const it ut ed "roughly 10 t o 15%
of a t ypical congressional campaign budget ."[7]
According t o former Represent at ive Brian Baird (D-Washingt on), "Any member of Congress
knows t hat AIPAC is associat ed indirect ly wit h significant amount s of campaign spending if
you're wit h t hem, and significant amount s against you if you're not wit h t hem." "AIPAC-
connect ed money" amount ed t o about $200,000 in each of his campaigns for office — "and
t hat 's t wo hundred t housand going your way, versus t he ot her way: a four-hundred-t housand-
dollar swing."[44] AIPAC-direct ed campaign cont ribut ions—as wit h many int erest groups—came
wit h considerable "t act ical input ". AIPAC st affers t old Baird and ot her lawmakers, "No, we
don't say it t hat way, we say it t his way." Baird complained, "There's a whole complex semant ic
code you learn. ... Aft er a while, you find yourself saying and repeat ing it as if it were fact ."[7]
AIPAC st rongly support s subst ant ial U.S. aid t o Israel. In March 2009, AIPAC execut ive
direct or Howard Kohr appeared before t he House Commit t ee on Appropriat ions' Foreign
Operat ions subcommit t ee and request ed t hat Israel receive $2.775 billion in milit ary aid in
fiscal year 2010, as called for in t he 2007 Memorandum of Underst anding bet ween t he U.S.
and Israel t hat allocat es $30 billion in aid for Israel over 10 years. Kohr st at ed t hat "American
assist ance t o Israel serves vit al U.S. nat ional securit y int erest s and advances crit ical U.S.
foreign policy goals." The milit ary hardware Israel must purchase t o face t he increased t hreat
of t errorism and Islamist radicalism is increasingly expensive due t o t he recent spike in
pet roleum prices which have enabled count ries such as Iran t o augment t heir milit ary budget s,
according t o Kohr.[42][45]
Whet her AIPAC lobbied for t he Iraq War is disput ed. Represent at ive Jim Moran (D-Virginia) has
st at ed t hat AIPAC had been "pushing t he [Iraq War] from t he beginning."[46] A report in The
New Yorker also report ed t hat AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of t he war.[47] However,
according t o t he Jewish News, AIPAC never support ed or lobbied for t he war in Iraq.[48]
According t o a columnist at The Washington Post: "Once it was clear t hat t he Bush
administ rat ion was det ermined t o go t o war [in Iraq], AIPAC cheered from t he sidelines."[37]
Some observers suggest ed t he official silence owed t o concerns t hat linking Israel t o t he war
would alienat e friendly Arab st at es.[49]
AIPAC's official posit ion on Iran is t o encourage a st rong diplomat ic and economic response
coordinat ed among t he Unit ed St at es government , it s European allies, Russia, and China.[37]
In 2012, AIPAC called for "crippling" sanct ions on Iran in a let t er t o every member of
Congress.[50] In line wit h t his approach, AIPAC has lobbied t o levy economic embargoes and
increase sanct ions on Iran (known as t he Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013).[4] However,
according t o The New York Times , it s effort "st alled aft er st iff resist ance from President
On agricult ure and agricult ural t rade AIPAC lobbies for great er cooperat ion bet ween t he t wo
count ries.[53] AIPAC considers agricult ure t o be a key economic sect or for economic
cooperat ion bet ween t hem.[53]
AIPAC has been compared t o firearms, banking, defense, and energy lobbies as "long" being "a
feat ure of polit ics in Washingt on." It s promot ional lit erat ure not es t hat t he Leadership
Recept ion during it s annual Policy Conference "will be at t ended by more members of
Congress t han almost any ot her event , except for a joint session of Congress or a St at e of
t he Union address."[54] The New York Times has described AIPAC as "a major force in shaping
Unit ed St at es policy in t he Middle East "[55] t hat is able t o push numerous bills t hrough
Congress. "Typically," t hese "pass by unanimous vot es."[51]
A House of Represent at ives resolut ion condemning t he UN Goldst one Report on human right s
violat ions by Israel in Gaza, for example, passed 344–36 in 2009.[56][57]
AIPAC advises members of Congress about t he issues t hat face t oday's Middle East ,
including t he dangers of ext remism and t errorism. It was an early support er of t he Count er-
Terrorism Act of 1995, which result ed in increased FBI resources being commit t ed t o fight
t errorism.[59]
AIPAC also lobbies for financial aid from t he Unit ed St at es t o Israel, helping t o procure up t o
$3 billion in aid yearly, making Israel "t he largest cumulat ive recipient of U.S. foreign
assist ance since World War II."[60] According t o t he Congressional Research Service (CRS),
t hese include providing aid "as all grant cash t ransfers, not designat ed for part icular project s,
and...t ransferred as a lump sum in t he first mont h of t he fiscal year, inst ead of in periodic
increment s. Israel is allowed t o spend about one quart er of t he milit ary aid for t he
procurement in Israel of defense art icles and services, including research and development ,
rat her t han in t he Unit ed St at es."[61]
Policy Conference
In 2016, nearly 20,000 delegat es at t ended t he AIPAC Policy Conference; approximat ely 4,000
of t hose delegat es were American st udent s.[62] For t he first t ime in AIPAC's hist ory, t he
general sessions of Policy Conference were held in Washingt on, D.C.'s Verizon Cent er in order
t o accommodat e t he large number of delegat es. Keynot e speakers included Vice President
Joe Biden, former Secret ary of St at e Hillary Clint on, Republican president ial candidat e Donald
Trump, Governor John Kasich, Senat or Ted Cruz, and Speaker Paul Ryan. Israeli Prime Minist er
Benjamin Net anyahu, who has spoken at AIPAC before in person, addressed Policy Conference
via sat ellit e on t he final day of t he conference. Senat or Bernie Sanders chose not t o at t end
t he conference.[63]
Prominent officers and
Howard Kohr has been t he CEO of AIPAC since 1996, nearly half of it s exist ence, serving wit h
most of it s president s.[64]
AIPAC presidents
Edward Levy Jr. Ended 1988[66] Building-supplies execut ive in Det roit
Mayer "Bubba"
1990–1992[67] Real est at e developer in Mobile, Alabama
Mit chell
David St einer Const ruct ion and real est at e execut ive
AIPAC has a wide base of support ers bot h in and out side of Congress.
Support among congressional
members includes a majority of
members of both the Democratic and
Republican Parties. According to
AIPAC, the annual Policy Conference is
second only to the State of the Union
address for the number of Federal
officials in attendance at an organized
AIEF t rips for members of Congress occur every t wo years, becoming "t he t op spender on
congressional t ravel" in t hose years.[83] In August 2019, t he foundat ion sponsored week-long
t rips wit h 72 members of Congress: 41 Democrat s and 31 Republicans.[84] They t raveled t o
Israel and t he West Bank and visit ed wit h Israeli Prime Minist er Benjamin Net anyahu and
Palest inian Aut horit y President Mahmoud Abbas.[85][86] Ot her educat ional act ivit ies include
regular seminars for congressional st aff.[87]
Crit ics alleges t hat t hese t rips are propaganda rat her t han educat ion and do not t ell t he
Palest inian "side of t he st ory,"[88] and t hat t hey violat e et hics rules prohibit ing lobbying groups
from gift ing personal t ravel t o congresspersons.[89]
Former AIPAC execut ive direct or Tom Dine and legislat ive direct or Douglas Bloomfield
crit icized t he move, saying it could call t he organizat ion's neut ralit y int o quest ion.[91]
In March 2022, t he PAC released it s first endorsement s of 130 candidat es for t he House of
Represent at ives and t he Senat e.[92][93] The list included 37 Congresspersons of t he Sedit ion
Caucus who had vot ed t o overt urn t he 2020 elect ion of Joe Biden.[94] The endorsement drew
crit icism from a variet y of sources. Former U.S. ambassador t o Israel Daniel C. Kurt zer said it
was "very disappoint ing t hat AIPAC has t urned a blind eye t o t he damage t hat t hese people
have done t o our democracy. Their support of Israel cannot ever t rump t hat damage."
Conservat ive pro-Israel columnist Jennifer Rubin called it "t ruly horrifying".[95]
AIPAC's push int o t he polit ical campaign support comes amid t he erosion of bipart isan
support for Israel in t he US, wit h opinion polls showing growing crit icism for t he st at e among
younger Democrat s, including American Jews, t he breaking of t he t aboo on comparisons
bet ween Israel's t reat ment of Palest inians and apart heid Sout h Africa, and rising support for
t he Boycot t , Sanct ions and Divest (BDS) movement .[31]
The UDP spent $2.3m in opposit ion t o Summer Lee in t he Pennsylvania Democrat ic
congressional primary race in Pennsylvania. Lee has support ed set t ing condit ions for US aid t o
Israel and accused t he count ry of at rocit ies in Gaza, comparing Israeli act ions t o t he
t reat ment of young black men in t he U.S.[31] The UDP also spent $2m in a Nort h Carolina
senat e primary t o support t he incumbent Valeria Foushee against Nida Allam, t he first Muslim
American woman t o hold elect ed office in Nort h Carolina and t he polit ical direct or for t he
2016 president ial campaign of Bernie Sanders. Bot h candidat es are endorsed by t he squad.[31]
UDP spent an est imat ed $280,000 t o support incumbent Ohio's 11t h Congressional Dist rict
incumbent Shont el Brown over her primary challenger, progressive Nina Turner.[96][97]
The UDP spent a furt her $1.2m t o help t he Democrat ic congressman for Texas, Henry Cuellar,
face off a challenge from Jessica Cisneros, a 28-year-old immigrat ion lawyer also endorsed
by t he Squad.[31] Aft er Amnest y Int ernat ional and Human Right s Wat ch released a report
accusing Israel of imposing apart heid, Cuellar said "[t ]hese inaccuracies incit e ant isemit ic
behavior" and decried what he called "dangerous effect s of falsified name-calling."[31][98]
J St reet spokesperson Logan Bayroff, has called AIPAC "a Republican front organisat ion", a
fact t hat he said t hey are obfuscat ing while "t rying t o persuade Democrat ic vot ers who t hey
should support ". He added: "The Unit ed Democracy Project sounds innocuous ... but t he
reason t hat t hey’re aligning wit h cert ain candidat es is because t hey are more aligned wit h
t heir more hawkish posit ions on Israel".[31]
In mid-March 2024, wit h report s of AIPAC and UDP planning t o spend $100M t o primary
incumbent progressive House Democrat s, opponent s formed t he Reject AIPAC coalit ion (ht t
ps://www.reject "t o prot ect democracy & Palest inian right s".[99][100] Founding
members include: Democrat ic Socialist s of America (DSA), Gen-Z for Change, IfNot Now,
Just ice Democrat s, Nat ional Iranian American Council, Our Revolut ion, Progressive Democrat s
of America (PDA), Root sAct ion, Sunrise Movement , Working Families Part y.[101][102]
One crit ic, former Congressman Brian Baird, who "had admired Israel since I was a kid," but
became alienat ed from AIPAC, argued t hat "When key vot es are cast , t he quest ion on t he
House floor, t roublingly, is oft en not , 'What is t he right t hing t o do for t he Unit ed St at es of
America?', but 'How is AIPAC going t o score t his?'" He cit ed a 2009 House resolut ion he
opposed condemning t he Goldst one Report on civilian deat hs. "When we had t he vot e, I said,
'We have member aft er member coming t o t he floor t o vot e on a resolut ion t hey've never
read, about a report t hey've never seen, in a place t hey've never been.'"[7] Baird worries t hat
AIPAC members and support ers believe t hat t hey're "support ing Israel" when t hey are
"act ually backing policies" such as t he killing of civilians in Gaza, "t hat are ant it het ical t o it s
highest values and, ult imat ely, dest ruct ive for t he count ry."[7]
A crit icism of AIPAC's proposal for t ougher sanct ions on Iran is t hat t he primary incent ive
P5+1 negot iat ors can give Iran t o st op it s nuclear program is reduct ion in t he sanct ions t hat
have harmed Iran's economy. By imposing even harsher sanct ions on Iran, AIPAC t akes t his chip
away. According t o a "senior" Obama Administ rat ion official, t he administ rat ion t old AIPAC
leadership t hat it s t ougher sanct ions on Iran "would blow up t he negot iat ions – t he Iranians
would walk away from t he t able." The official asked t hem, "Why do you know bet t er t han we
do what st rengt hens our hand? Nobody involved in t he diplomacy t hinks t hat ."[19] A former
congressional st affer complained t o journalist Connie Bruck, "What was st riking was how
st rident t he message was," from AIPAC. "'How could you not pass a resolut ion t hat t ells t he
President what t he out come of t he negot iat ions has t o be?'"[103]
Protesters at AIPAC conference in
Washington, D.C., May 2005
AIPAC has been crit icized as being unrepresent at ive of American Jews who support Israel,
and support ive only of right -wing Israeli policy and viewpoint s.[104] A PEW cent er poll found
t hat only 38% of American Jews believe t hat t he Israeli government is sincerely pursuing
peace; 44% believe t hat t he const ruct ion of new set t lement s damages Israel's nat ional
securit y.[105][106]
Among t he best -known crit ical works about AIPAC is The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,
by Universit y of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer and Harvard Kennedy School professor
St ephen Walt . In t he working paper and result ing book, t hey accuse AIPAC of being "t he most
powerful and best known" component of a larger pro-Israel lobby t hat dist ort s American
foreign policy. They writ e:[107]
AIPAC has also been t he subject of crit icism by prominent polit icians including former
Represent at ive Dave Obey of Wisconsin,[108] and former Senat or Mike Gravel.[109]
Democrat ic Congressman Jim Moran from Nort hern Virginia has been a vocal crit ic of AIPAC,
causing nat ional cont roversy in 2007 and drawing crit icism from many Jewish groups aft er he
t old California Jewish magazine Tikkun t hat AIPAC had been "pushing t he [Iraq War] from t he
beginning," and t hat , "I don't t hink t hey represent t he mainst ream of American Jewish t hinking
at all, but because t hey are so well organized, and t heir members are ext raordinarily powerful
– most of t hem are quit e wealt hy – t hey have been able t o exert power."[46][110] AIPAC's
membership has been described as "overwhelmingly Democrat ic" by one conservat ive
columnist (Jennifer Rubin).[111]
In 2020, Democrat ic Congresswoman Bet t y McCollum accused AIPAC of hat e speech and
said t he group is a hat e group.[112][113]
In 2020, Senat or Bernie Sanders said AIPAC provides a plat form for bigot ry and said he will
not at t end t heir conference.[112] In 2023 (February 19), on CBS Face the Nation, Sanders said
t hat AIPAC, formerly bipart isan, had evolved t owards at t empt ing t o "dest roy" t he American
progressive movement .[114]
In August 2022, AIPAC t weet ed t hat "George Soros has a long hist ory of backing ant i-Israel
groups...Now he’s giving $1 million t o help @jst reet dot org support ant i-Israel candidat es and
at t ack pro-Israel Democrat s. AIPAC works t o st rengt hen pro-Israel mainst ream Democrat s. J
St reet & Soros work t o undermine t hem." In response t o t he t weet , t he left -wing Jewish
organizat ion IfNot Now denounced AIPAC for ant isemit ism, t weet ing t hat "AIPAC is t he
ant isemit ic far right ...They are not a Jewish org, nor claim t o be one."[115][116]
Former Senat or William Fulbright , in t he 1970s, and former senior CIA official Vict or Marchet t i,
in t he 1980s, cont ended t hat AIPAC should have regist ered under t he Foreign Agent s
Regist rat ion Act (FARA).[117] FARA requires t hose who receive funds or act on behalf of a
foreign government t o regist er as a foreign agent . However, AIPAC st at es t hat t he
organizat ion is a regist ered American lobbying group, funded by privat e donat ions, and
maint ains it receives "no financial assist ance" from Israel or any ot her foreign group.[118]
In 2006, Represent at ive Bet t y McCollum (DFL) of Minnesot a demanded an apology from
AIPAC, claiming an AIPAC represent at ive had described her vot e against t he Palest inian Ant i-
Terrorism Act of 2006 as "support for t errorist s." McCollum st at ed t hat AIPAC
represent at ives would not be allowed in her office unt il she received a writ t en apology for t he
comment .[119] AIPAC disput ed McCollum's claim, and McCollum has since declared t he
incident over.[120]
Steiner resignation
In 1992, AIPAC president David St einer was forced t o resign aft er he was recorded boast ing
about his polit ical influence in obt aining aid for Israel. St einer also claimed t hat he had "met
wit h (t hen Bush U.S. Secret ary of St at e) Jim Baker and I cut a deal wit h him. I got , besides t he
$3 billion, you know t hey're looking for t he Jewish vot es, and I'll t ell him what ever he want s t o
hear ... Besides t he $10 billion in loan guarant ees which was a fabulous t hing, $3 billion in
foreign, in milit ary aid, and I got almost a billion dollars in ot her goodies t hat people don't even
know about ."[121] St einer also claimed t o be "negot iat ing" wit h t he incoming Clint on
administ rat ion over who Clint on would appoint as Secret ary of St at e and Secret ary of t he
Nat ional Securit y Agency. St einer st at ed t hat AIPAC had "a dozen people in [t he Clint on]
campaign, in t he headquart ers... in Lit t le Rock, and t hey're all going t o get big jobs."[121]
New York real est at e developer Haim Kat z t old The Washington Times t hat he t aped t he
conversat ion because "as someone Jewish, I am concerned when a small group has a
disproport ionat e power. I t hink t hat hurt s everyone, including Jews. If David St einer want s t o
t alk about t he incredible, disproport ionat e clout AIPAC has, t he public should know about
it ."[122]
Spying allegations
In April 2005, AIPAC policy direct or St even Rosen and AIPAC senior Iran analyst Keit h
Weissman were fired by AIPAC amid an FBI invest igat ion int o whet her t hey passed classified
U.S. informat ion received from Lawrence Franklin on t o t he government of Israel. They were
lat er indict ed for illegally conspiring t o gat her and disclose classified nat ional securit y
informat ion t o Israel.[123][124] AIPAC agreed t o pay t he legal fees for Weissman's defense
t hrough appeal if necessary.[125]
In May 2005, t he Just ice Depart ment announced t hat Lawrence Ant hony Franklin, a U.S. Air
Force Reserves colonel working as a Depart ment of Defense analyst at t he Pent agon in t he
office of Douglas Feit h, had been arrest ed and charged by t he FBI wit h providing classified
nat ional defense informat ion t o Israel. The six-count criminal complaint ident ified AIPAC by
name and described a luncheon meet ing in which, allegedly, Franklin disclosed t op-secret
informat ion t o t wo AIPAC officials.[126][127]
Franklin pleaded guilt y t o passing government secret s t o Rosen and Weissman and revealed
for t he first t ime t hat he also gave classified informat ion direct ly t o an Israeli government
official in Washingt on. On January 20, 2006, he was sent enced t o 151 mont hs (almost 13
years) in prison and fined $10,000. As part of t he plea agreement , Franklin agreed t o
cooperat e in t he larger federal invest igat ion. All charges against t he former AIPAC employees
were dropped in 2009.[128]
The endorsement of t he polit icians was described as "morally bankrupt and short -sight ed" by
Richard Haass, president of t he Council on Foreign Relat ions, while Abe Foxman, former head
of t he Ant i-Defamat ion League, called it a "sad mist ake", and Dan Kurt zer, a former U.S.
ambassador t o Israel, urged AIPAC t o reconsider t he move.[129] Halie Soifer, of t he Jewish
Democrat ic Council of America, said t he move suggest ed "one must compromise support of
America’s democracy t o support Israel",[129] which, she not ed in an opinion piece published in
Haaretz, present s "a pat ent ly false dichot omy reject ed by t he overwhelming majorit y of
American Jews."[129][132]
AIPAC defended t he endorsement s by st at ing t hat it was "no moment for t he pro-Israel
movement t o become select ive about it s friends".[129][130][131] In a lat er, "rare rebuke" of t he
lobby group from wit hin t he Israeli government , Alon Tal, a member of t he Knesset , crit icized
t he AIPAC endorsement s as "out rageous", not ing t hat crit icism was import ant for maint aining
what Tal referred t o as "a healt hy relat ionship bet ween Israel and American Jewry", according
t o The Times of Israel.[133]
AIPAC in film
The Israeli document ary film The Kings of Capitol Hill feat ures int erviews wit h former and
current AIPAC personalit ies and depict s how AIPAC has moved t oward t he polit ical right wing
and away from polit ical posit ions most American Jews hold.[136]
See also
Further reading
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