Trench Excavation, Bedding and Backfill

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Section 00405 - Trench Excavation, Bedding and Backfill


00405.00 Scope - This work consists of excavating trenches, constructing trench foundations,
and placing bedding, pipe zone material and backfill.

00405.01 General - Excavate, backfill and dispose of excess excavated materials in connection
with minor structures and conduits such as subsurface drain, culvert, siphon, irrigation and sewer pipe
of nominal inside diameters of 100 mm (4 inches) or greater but not exceeding 1800 mm (72 inches).
Perform excavation for major structures, and conduits with a nominal inside diameter or width greater
than 1800 mm (72 inches) according to Section 00510.

Trench excavation does not include earthwork covered under any other section, or any earthwork that
may be specifically included and provided for as Incidental work in the Specifications for other pay items
of the Contract. Dispose of excess excavated materials and perform other matters not covered in this
Section according to Section 00330.

00405.02 Definitions:

Boulder Excavation - The removal, without drilling, blasting or splitting, of masses of rock having one
or more dimensions of 1 m (3 feet) or greater.

Common Excavation - The removal of all material not classified as rock excavation.

Flexible Pipe - For the purpose of these Specifications, potable water pipes and pipes constructed of
corrugated metal, PVC, and polyethylene are considered flexible pipes.

Pipe Bedding - Furnishing, placing and compacting specified materials on the trench foundation so as
to uniformly support the barrel of the pipe to the springline.

Pipe Zone - The area from the top of the bedding to a point 200 mm (8 inches), minimum, above the
top outside of the pipe barrel for the full width of the trench.

Rigid Pipe - For the purpose of these Specifications, pipes constructed of concrete and ductile iron are
considered rigid pipes.

Rock Excavation - Excavation of solid ledge rock that, in the opinion of the Engineer, requires for its
removal drilling and blasting, wedging, sledging, barring or breaking up with power-operated tools.

The term "Rock Excavation" indicates a method of removal and not a geological formation.

Surface Removal - The removal of surface material such as topsoil, sod, pavement, sidewalks, or
gravel, that requires different equipment or methods than those used for trench excavation.

Trench Backfill - Furnishing, placing, and compacting material other than Controlled Low-Strength
Material (CLSM) in the trench, between the top of the pipe zone material and the bottom of the
pavement base rock, ground surface or surface material.

Trench Excavation - The removal of all material encountered in the trench to the depths as shown or
as directed. Trench excavation is classified as either common or rock excavation.

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Trench Foundation - The bottom of the trench on which the pipe bedding is to lie and which provides
support for the pipe.

00405.03 Lines, Grades, and Cross Sections - Excavate trenches to the lines, depths, grades
and cross sections shown on the plans or as established. Variations will be permitted only when
necessary to ensure firm foundations and when such variations will not be detrimental to the work.


00405.10 General - Materials may be native or imported, as specified.

00405.11 Trench Foundation - Where additional excavation is required due to groundwater or

other unstable conditions so that the native material cannot support the pipe ,, provide one of the
following materialsselected general backfill, selected granular backfill, selected stone backfill material or
other approved material may be used for trench foundation.

 selected general backfill conforming to 00330.13

 selected granular backfill conforming to 00330.14
 selected stone backfill material conforming to 00330.15
 other approved material

00405.12 Bedding - If groundwater is present in the bedding zone, use 19 mm - 0 (3/4" - 0)

aggregate bedding. If groundwater is not present, and unless otherwise specified in the Contract,
provide one of the following materials for bedding the pipe:

 9.5 mm - 0 (3/8" - 0) PCC fine aggregate conforming to 02690.30(h)

 Commercially available 19 mm - 0 (3/4" - 0) aggregate

 2.00 mm - 0 (No. 10 - 0) sand drainage blanket material conforming to 00360.10

 Reasonably well graded, from maximum size to dust, sand with 100% passing the 9.5 mm
(3/8 inch) sieve

 Commercially available 9.5 mm - 0 (3/8" - 0) or 2.00 mm - 0 (No. 10 - 0) sand

 Reclaimed glass (mixed waste cullet) conforming to Section 02695

 A continuous cradle of concrete conforming to Section 00440. Acceptance of the concrete will
be by visual inspection.

00405.13 Pipe Zone Material - For flexible pipes, backfill the pipe zone with bedding material
as described in 00405.12.

For rigid pipes, unless otherwise directed, use either:

 25.0 mm - 0 (1" - 0) or 19.0 mm - 0 (3/4" - 0) base aggregate conforming to 02630.10, or

 Commercially available 25.0 mm - 0 (1" - 0) or 19.0 mm - 0 (3/4" 0 ) aggregate

00405.14 Trench Backfill - Use the following materials where shown or required:

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(a) Class A Backfill - Use native or common material that, in the opinion of the Engineer, meets
the characteristics required for the specific surface loading or other criteria of the backfill zone.

(b) Class B Backfill - Use granular material consisting of gravel or crushed rock meeting the
requirements of Section 00641. Designated size shall be 25.0 mm - 0 (1" - 0) or 19.0 mm - 0 (3/4" - 0).

(c) Class C Backfill - Use clean sand with no particle size larger than 6.3 mm (1/4 inch).

(d) Class D Backfill - Use pit run or bar run material, well graded from coarse to fine. The
maximum dimension shall be 75 mm (3 inches).

(e) Class E Backfill - Use Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM) conforming to Section

00405.15 Quality Control - Provide quality control according to Section 00165.


00405.30 Quality Control Personnel - Provide certified technicians in the following fields:

 CAgT


00405.40 General - Perform all excavation and backfilling according to the following

(a) Limitation on Commencement - Do not commence excavation until the undisturbed or

existing ground has been measured and the measurements have been approved by the Engineer.

(b) Natural Stream Protection - Hold to a minimum excavations in, or adjacent to, natural stream
beds. Comply with 00290.30(a). Restore the streambed according to 00405.46(f).

(c) Partial Embankment Construction for Exposed Pipe - Construct partial embankment
according to 00330.42(c-6) and the plans, before excavating trenches.

(d) Temporary Handling of Water or Other Conditions - Provide temporary measures

according to 00405.43.

00405.41 Trench Excavation - Excavate trenches according to the following:

(a) Within Paved Areas to Be Preserved - Excavate trenches for pipe installation by the open
excavation method, unless otherwise directed. Do not disturb the adjoining pavement more than

(b) Open Trench Limit - Limit the length of open trench to 30 m (100 feet), or as allowed.
Related resurfacing shall be completed within 240 m (800 feet) of the open trench limit.

(c) Trench Width - Keep the trench width at the ground surface to the minimum necessary to
install the pipe in a safe manner, but not less than 600 mm (24 inches). In all cases, make trenches of
sufficient width to allow for shoring and to permit proper jointing of the pipe and backfilling of material

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along the sides of the pipe. Refer to the Standard Drawings for minimum trench widths for various
diameter pipes. Make excavations for manholes and other structures wide enough to provide a
minimum of 300 mm (12 inches) between the structure surface and the sides of the excavation. Keep
the top of the trench within right-of-way or permit limits.

(d) Trench Grade - Excavate trenches to the lines and grades shown or as established, with
proper allowance for pipe thickness, pipe bedding and foundation stabilization. Place pipe bedding on a
firm, undisturbed, foundation, true to grade. If the trench is excavated below grade without
authorization, restore to grade with material of the type specified for pipe bedding at no cost to the
Agency. Place the material over the full width of the trench, in compacted layers not exceeding 150 mm
(6 inches).

(e) Disposal of Excess Material - Place excavated material at locations and in such a manner
that it does not create a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or interfere with the function of existing
drainage facilities.

Make arrangements for and dispose of all excess material not required elsewhere on the Project in an
approved manner, at no cost to the Agency, and according to 00310.43(d).00330.41.

(f) Trench Protection - Provide the materials, labor and equipment necessary to protect trenches
at all times. Provide safe working conditions in the trench and protect the work, existing property,
utilities, pavement, and the public. The method of protection shall be according to the Contractor's
design. The Contractor may elect to use any combination of shoring, overbreak, tunneling, boring,
sliding trench shields or other methods of accomplishing the work, provided the method meets with the
approval of the Engineer and complies with all applicable local, state, and federal safety codes.

Be responsible for damages resulting from improper removal of shoring or from failure to shore.

(g) Existing Abandoned Facilities - Remove and dispose of existing abandoned pipe, structures
and other facilities as necessary to construct the trench according to 00310.41(c). Abandon pipe in
place according to 00490

00405.42 Rock Excavation - Where rock excavation as defined in this Section is required,
remove the rock to provide the minimum clearances shown on the Standard Drawings. Excavate and
remove the overburden and expose the rock to allow the Engineer to measure the rock prior to removal.

If using explosives, comply with the requirements of 00170.94. Prior to blasting, obtain the approval of
the Engineer and the appropriate permits. Provide all tools and devices required for loading and using
explosives, blasting caps and accessories. When blasting rock in trenches, cover the area to be shot
with blasting mats or other protective material to prevent the scattering of rock fragments outside of the

00405.43 Dewatering - Promptly remove and dispose of all water entering the trench during the
time the trench is being prepared for the pipe laying, during the laying of the pipe and until the backfill at
the pipe zone has been completed. Dispose of the water in an approved manner without damage to
adjacent property.

Control groundwater to prevent softening of the bottom of excavations or formation of "quick" conditions
or "boils". Design and operate dewatering systems to prevent removal of the natural soils and so that
the groundwater level outside the excavation is not reduced to the extent that would damage or
endanger adjacent structures or property.

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When dewatering near a river, lake, or stream, conform to the requirements of 00290.30(a) and Section
00280. When the presence of water or other conditions in the excavated area would be detrimental to
the purpose of the work, obtain approval of the Engineer for the temporary measures required to correct
or care for the condition.

If water or other conditions encountered require permanent correction or care not anticipated by the
Contract and not due to the Contractor’s neglect or method of operation, perform the work according to

00405.44 Trench Foundation - Make the full length and width of completed trench bottoms
firm. Do not place bedding material before the trench foundation is inspected and approved. If bell and
spigot pipe is used, recess the trench bottom to accommodate the bell.

When, in the judgment of the Engineer, the existing material in the bottom of the trench is unsuitable for
supporting the pipe, excavate below grade, as directed. Replace the excavated material with imported

trench foundation material conforming to 00405.11. Place the backfill trench foundation material in 150
mm (6 inch) layers and compact according to 00330.43 except selected stone backfill material shall be
compacted in 12 inch layers. Bring the backfill trench foundation material to the elevation established.

00405.45 Pipe Bedding - Spread the bedding smoothly to the proper grade so that the pipe is
uniformly supported along the barrel. Excavate bell holes at each joint to permit proper assembly and
inspection of the joint. Bedding under the pipe shall provide a firm, unyielding support along the entire
pipe length.

00405.46 Backfilling - Backfill with material conforming to 00405.13 and the details shown, or
as directed.

(a) General - Begin backfilling when:

 The foundation has been prepared, if required

 The bedding has been prepared
 The drainage facilities and fittings are installed
 The installation has been inspected and approved

Thoroughly tamp and compact all trench backfill with machine or pneumatic operated tampers of a size
and type that will obtain the required density.

Test for density according to 00330.43.

Backfill either to the top of the trench, the surrounding ground level, or the upper limit of excavation, as
directed. Dispose of excess excavated material not used in backfill work according to Section 00330.

(b) Pipe Zone - Place the materials in the pipe zone in layers not greater than 150 mm (6 inches)
thick and in a manner that equalizes pressure on the structure and minimizes stress. Before placing
backfill material, condition, aerate, or wet the material so that the moisture content of each layer is
within minus 4% to plus 2% of optimum moisture content.

As required under the haunches of pipe and in areas not accessible to mechanical tampers or to
testing, compact with hand methods to ensure intimate contact between the backfill material and the
pipe or structure. Provide thorough compaction.

Ponding or jetting will not be permitted within the pipe zone.

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(c) Trench Backfill - The following requirements apply in the trench backfill area and in the pipe
zone, except where in conflict with the requirements of (b) above:

(1) General - Use Class B trench backfill unless otherwise specified or approved.

The Engineer may sample excavated material to determine the suitability of the Class A material
for use as backfill. If the material is approved, the Contractor may elect to use the material in place
of the specified backfill. Prevent excavated material from becoming saturated beyond the critical
moisture limits, and replace any saturated Class A material with Class B, C or D material, as
specified, at no additional cost to the Agency.

(2) Class A, B, C, or D Backfill - Backfill the trench above the pipe zone in successive lifts. Do
not allow the backfill to free-fall into the trench until at least 1 m (3 feet) of cover is provided over
the top of the pipe. Modify the method of compaction as necessary to protect the pipe.

Compact the top 1 m (3 feet) of trench backfill material within the roadway and shoulders, and
within a 2V:1H slope line projected from each subgrade shoulder, to not less than 95% of maximum
density. Compact all other trench backfill material to not less than 90% of maximum density.

Determine the maximum density by AASHTO T 99WAQTC TM 9. If the specified compaction is not
obtained, the Contractor may be required to use a modified compaction procedure or reduce the
thickness of lifts. If approved materials meeting the Specifications cannot be compacted to the
required density regardless of compactive effort or method, the Engineer may reduce the required
density or direct that alternate materials be used. Do not proceed with excavation and pipe laying
operations until the backfill can be compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

If the material is not density testable, the Engineer will observe each layer for deflection or reaction
under the compaction equipment to verify that no soft or pumping areas remain. Compact until
there is no perceptible deflection under the compaction equipment.

When the backfilling is complete, finish the surface area as specified. In paved or graveled areas,
maintain the surface of the trench backfill level with the existing grade with 19.0 mm - 0 (3/4" - 0)
crushed aggregate material, or asphalt concrete if directed, until final pavement replacement is
complete and accepted.

(3) Class E Backfill - Backfill the trench above the pipe zone with CLSM material. If the CLSM is
to be used as a temporary surfacing, backfill the CLSM to the top of the trench and strike it off to
provide a smooth surface. If the CLSM is not to be used as a temporary surfacing, backfill the
CLSM up to the bottom of the proposed resurfacing. No compaction of CLSM is allowed. Use
steel plates to protect the CLSM from traffic a minimum of 24 hours. After 24 hours, the CLSM may
be paved, or opened to traffic until permanent surface restoration is completed, if it has hardened
sufficiently to prevent rutting.

(d) Ponding or Jetting of Backfill Materials - Ponding or jetting will not be permitted within
roadbed lateral limits. Ponding or jetting will be permitted outside roadbeds when approved by the
Engineer in writing.

Use Class C or D trench backfill material at the Contractor's expense. Provide drainage at the bottom
of the trench to remove water from the jetting operation. Compact to the density and deflection
requirements of 00405.45(a).

Furnish equipment that provides a minimum gauge pressure of 240 kPa (35 psi) at the discharge
nozzle. Use a rigid pipe that will reach within 0.3 m (1 foot) of the bottom of the backfill. Insert the pipe
at intervals not exceeding 1.2 m (4 feet) throughout the entire width and length of the trench backfill.

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(e) Temporary Trench Plating - When temporary steel plates are installed over a street cut, they
shall be capable of carrying at least an MS-18 loading. Place steel plates with a minimum of 300 mm
(12 inches) bearing on all sides of a cut. Anchor steel plates to minimize shifting. Shim the edges of all
steel plates with cold mix asphalt.

(f) Restoration of Streambeds - Comply with 00290.30(a) and Section 00280. Upon completion
of the work:

 Restore the streambed to its former condition of resistance to scour.

 Remove all matter that has come into the stream due to the Contractor's activities.

00405.48 Surface Removal:

(a) General - For trench resurfacing see Section 00495.

(b) Topsoil - Where trenches cross lawns, garden areas, pastures, cultivated fields or other areas
on which topsoil exists, remove the topsoil to a minimum 300 mm (12 inch) depth and place the material
in a stockpile. Do not mix the topsoil with other excavated material. After the trench has been
backfilled, replace the topsoil.

In lieu of stockpiling the topsoil, approved imported topsoil may be substituted, to a depth specified or
approved, at no cost to the Agency.

Maintain the finished grade of the topsoil level with the area adjacent to the trench until final acceptance
by the Engineer, and repair damage to adjacent topsoil caused by the Contractor’s operations. Remove
all rock, gravel, clay and other foreign materials from the surface. Regrade and add topsoil as required.

(c) Pavement, Curb, and Sidewalk - Use saws to cut portland cement concrete pavement, curbs
and sidewalks, regardless of thickness. In bituminous pavement, when no pavement overlay will occur,
saw-cut the pavement along each edge of the area to be removed. Saw cutting is not required in
roadways that will receive a pavement overlay.When roadways will receive a pavement overlay as part
of the project or following the trench resurfacing, bituminous pavement to be removed may be cut by
wheel cutter, jack hammer, or other approved means.

Upon completion of backfill and just prior to pavement re-surfacing, saw the surfacing on both sides of
the trench a minimum of 150 mm (6 inches) wider than each top of the trench. In areas of any
undermined or damaged surfacing, re-saw to a width outside these areas. When saw-cutting, follow
lines parallel to the pipe centerline.

Where the width changes in areas of asphalt pavement re-surfacing, cut the transition between the
different widths at 45 degrees. When the pipe line changes direction, or there is a connecting pipe line
that requires the saw cut alignment to change at an angle greater than 60 degrees, make a minimum
600 mm (24 inch) transition saw cut. If there is damaged or undermined surfacing at the transition
point, make the transition saw cut beyond the damaged or undermined surfacing. Make the transition
saw cut angle half the angle change in the direction of the pipe line or connecting line.

If the asphalt surfacing is to be overlaid, the second saw cut will only be required to firm subgrade.

A second saw cut for concrete sidewalks, driveways and pavements will not be required unless needed
to reach firm subgrade.

Remove and dispose of pavement lying within the limits of the cuts and from any adjoining areas
damaged by the cutting and removal operations according to Section 00310.

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00405.80 Trench Excavation and Trench Backfill - No measurement will be made for trench
excavation, trench backfill and trench saw cutting.

No measurement will be made for excavation required for the installation of manholes, inlets or other
structures beyond the limits of the trench excavation, except as provided in 00405.82.

00405.81 Saw Cutting - Saw cutting will not be measured separately.

00405.82 Rock and Boulder Excavation:

(a) Rock Excavation - Rock excavation will be measured on the volume basis. Measurement will
be of the actual dimensions of rock removed within the following limits.

The length will be the horizontal distance measured along the centerline of the trench. The
measurement will exclude manholes and other structures, which will be measured separately. The
width will be the width of the rock removed but not greater than the outside diameter of the pipe bell
plus 300 mm (12 inches).

The depth of rock excavation will be measured at 10 m (30 foot) intervals, or as directed , along the
centerline of the trench. The depth will not be more than 150 mm (6 inches) below the outside bell of
the pipe.

Rock excavation quantities for manholes and other structures will be computed from the actual rock
excavated to a depth 150 mm (6 inches) below the bottom of the structure and an area within a line
parallel with, and 300 mm (12 inches) outside of, the actual dimensions of the manhole or structure.

The following will not be measured for payment:

 Soft or disintegrated rock

 Hardpan or cemented gravel that can be removed with a hand pick or power-operated
excavator or shovel
 Loose, shaken, or previously blasted rock or broken stone in rock fillings or elsewhere
 Rock outside of the minimum limits of measurement allowed, which may fall into the

(b) Boulder Excavation - Boulders excavated will be measured in the field by the Engineer after
removal from the excavation but prior to removal from the site. Boulders will be measured for length,
width and height. The volume of each boulder will be defined as the product of 85% of each of the
three measured dimensions. Boulder excavation will be paid on a volume basis.

00405.83 Trench Protection - Shoring, mobile trench shields, overbreak and other trench
protection measures will be considered Incidental work.

00405.84 Trench Foundation - Unsuitable Ttrench foundation removed and replaced

according to 00405.44 will be measured on either the mass (weight) basis or the volume basis, as

(a) Mass Basis - Trench foundation may be measured on the mass (weight) basis. The quantity
of replacement foundation material will be based on weigh tickets from scales meeting the requirements
of Section 00190. Present weigh tickets to the Engineer for signature on the day the material is

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(b) Volume Basis - Trench foundation may be measured on the volume basis, computed using
the following dimensions:

(1) Length - The length will be the horizontal distance measured along the centerline of the
trench. Measurement will be continuous through manhole or structure locations.

(2) Width - The width will be the nominal inside diameter of the pipe plus two times dimension "B"
listed in Table A on Standard Drawing RD300.

(1) Length - According to 00405.80(b-1).

(2) Width - According to 00405.80(b-2).

(3) Depth - The depth will be the vertical distance from the top of the underlying surface
(following excavation of unsuitable material) to the bottom of the pipe bedding. The depth will be
measured at intervals of 10 m (30 feet), or as directed, along the centerline of the trench and the
average depth between points will be used for the volume computation.

(c) Extra Work Basis - When not listed in the Schedule of Items, trench foundation will be paid for
as Extra Work.

00405.85 Pipe Bedding - No measurement will be made for pipe bedding conforming to

00405.86 Pipe Zone Material - No measurement will be made for pipe zone material
conforming to 00405.13.

00405.87 Imported Topsoil - Imported topsoil will be measured and paid for according to
Section 01040.


00405.90 General - There will be no separate payment for trench excavation, trench backfill
and trench saw cutting, as these will be considered Incidental to the appropriate pipe Pay Item.

The accepted quantities of rock excavation, boulder excavation and trench foundation will be paid for at
the Contract price per unit of measurement for the following items:

Pay Item Unit of Measurement

(a) Rock Excavation...........................................................................m3 (Cubic Yard)

(b) Boulder Excavation.......................................................................m3 (Cubic Yard)
(c) Trench Foundation.......................................................................m3 (Cubic Yard)
(d) Trench Foundation.............................................................................Mg (Ton)

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing, placing and compacting all materials, and providing all
equipment, labor and Incidentals necessary to complete the work.

Item (a) includes any additional excavation required for installation of manholes, inlets, or other
structures in rock. Other than as provided in 00405.82(a), such additional excavation is considered
Incidental to the work and no separate or additional payment will be made.

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Payment for item (c) and item (d) includes removal of unsuitable material and replacement as
necessary to provide a stable foundation for the pipe.

00405.92 Incidental Basis - When there is no pay item in the Schedule of Items for trench
excavation or trench backfill, perform the work as Incidental work for which no separate payment will be

Bedding, pipe zone material, and dewatering are Incidental work for which no separate payment will be

Excavation, bedding, and backfill for pipes 100 mm (4 inches) or less in diameter will be Incidental to
the pipe pay item(s), and no separate payment will be made.

Section 00406 - Tunneling, Boring and Jacking


00406.00 Scope - This work consists of installing conduits, pipes, casings, linings and sleeves
by tunneling, boring and jacking without excavating the overlying surface.

00406.01 Descriptive Terms:

(a) Tunneling - Tunneling includes all methods by which an underground passageway is

excavated and lining materials are brought in and placed.

(b) Boring - Boring includes all methods by which a conduit, casing, pipe or sleeve is pushed or
pulled into place and in which the excavation method precludes the stationing of a worker within the
conduit without stopping or removing the excavation equipment.

(c) Jacking - Jacking includes all methods by which a conduit, casing, pipe or sleeve is pushed or
pulled into place with one or more workers inside to excavate and assist in keeping the conduit on the
required grade and alignment.


00406.10 Pipe Bedding and Pipe Zone Material - Furnish pipe bedding and pipe zone
material conforming to the requirements of Section 00405.

00406.11 Pipe - Furnish pipe materials conforming to the strength, class and type specified or
as shown.

00406.12 Casing - Provide casing of a size to permit proper construction to the required lines
and grades. Casing shall be of smooth steel pipe or concrete pipe suitable for the purpose intended.
Optionally, the casing may be constructed of galvanized, standard-offset, tunnel liner plate with gauge
and section modulus as approved.

The class of casing specified is based on the superimposed loads and not on the stresses resulting
from jacking or boring operations. Any increase in casing strength to withstand jacking or boring
operations shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

When pressure grouting is specified, equip jacked casings 900 mm (36 inch) diameter and larger with
nipples installed at the springline and the crown, at 3 m (10 foot) centers.

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00406.13 Grout - Grout for filling the annular space between the carrier pipe and the casing
pipe shall be one part portland cement, five parts sand and seven parts 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) maximum
size rounded aggregate by volume, or as approved.

Grout for pressure grouting outside jacked carrier or casing pipe shall be one part portland cement and
three parts sand by volume, or as approved.

00406.14 Sand - Sand for filling the annular space between the carrier pipe and the casing pipe
shall be clean, sharp and well graded so that 100% passes the 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve, and between
10% and 35% passes the 300 μm (No. 50) sieve, or as approved.


00406.40 Excavation - Excavation for work under this Section is unclassified and includes
whatever materials are encountered to the depths shown or required.

00406.41 Required Submittals - Before beginning the work, submit the following to the
Engineer according to 00150.35:

(a) Tunneling - Submit the following stamped working drawings:

 Tunnel shaft bracing design and dimensions

 Tunnel support details
 Method of backpacking tunnel supports
 Design of bracing to prevent lining from shifting or flotation
 Backfill material or pressure concrete mix design, placement method and equipment
 Poling plate dimensions and details, when required

(b) Boring and Jacking - Submit the following unstamped working drawings:

 Jacking pit construction

 Casing or conduit
 Jacking head
 Excavation method
 Tee or wye installation
 A substitute design for any part of the system that must be changed as a result of the jacking
or boring operation
 Bracing to prevent pipe shift and flotation, if placed in a casing, and the materials, method and
equipment for backfilling
 Backfill material or pressure grout mix, placement method and equipment

Submit for review the following stamped working drawings:

 Jacking pit bracing

 Any structure that is required because of the particular method or procedure used by the

00406.42 Tunneling - Construct the pipe on a firm subgrade, thoroughly compacted and true to
grade. If the material in the bottom of the tunnel is ledge rock, extend excavation of the tunnel to a
depth below the bottom of the pipe, and provide a bedding of crushed aggregate or concrete as
specified in Section 00405. Restore to grade any excavation made below grade without approval by
backfilling with approved bedding material, at no expense to the Agency.

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00406.43 Boring and Jacking - Boring or jacking may be allowed in lieu of the open trench
method or tunneling with approval of the Engineer. Jack or bore all conduit, casings, pipe or sleeves to
the required line and grade.

Equip the leading section of pipe or casing with a jacking head. Perform all excavation entirely within
the jacking head.

Should loss of surrounding material occur during the jacking or boring operation, backpack or grout the
voids before the completion of the shift. Fill or backpack all voids with grout or granular material as

00406.44 Concrete Pipe - Protect the driving ends of concrete pipe against spalling and other
damage. Protect intermediate joints by the installation of sufficient bearing shims to properly distribute
the bearing stresses. Remove all sections of conduit showing signs of failure and replace with new
sections, or with approved cast-in-place sections, which are adequate to carry the loads imposed on

00406.45 Smooth Steel Casing - Join sections of smooth steel casing to be jacked or bored by
welding the joints with a continuous weld for the full circumference, or by other approved means.
Provide joints capable of resisting the jacking or boring forces.

Brace pipe installed in casing to prevent shifting or flotation. Fill the void between the casing and the
pipe with grout or other material, as specified or approved.

00406.46 Grouting Voids Outside Casing - On pipes 900 mm (36 inch) or larger, fill
completely the void space between the tunnel and the casing or liner plate with approved grout. After
the casing or carrier pipe has been jacked or tunneled into position, fill with grout under pressure,
through the grout holes provided, to fill all voids outside the pipe using the following sequence:

 Grout at the springline hole at one end and pump the grout until it appears in the grout hole at
the crown.

 Grout through the opposite springline hole until the grout appears at the hole in the crown.

 Grout through the hole at the crown until the grout appears in the next set of holes along the

 Plug the holes at the starting point and move to the next set of holes.

 Repeat the sequence until the full length of the pipe has been grouted.

Provide a continuous color video recording of the grout placement, to provide documentation that grout
was properly placed according to the above Specifications. On the video, identify the location of the
grouting operation in relationship to the end of the casing, tunnel or liner plate.

00406.47 Cradles for Cased or Tunneled Pipe - Where cradles are shown, provide a
strapped cradle under the barrel of the carrier pipe. The barrel shall bear continuously on the cradles.

00406.48 Placing Fill in Casing - Where shown, completely fill the annular space between the
pipe and the casing, tunnel liner or tunnel wall with approved grout or sand to prevent pipe flotation.
Pour or pump the fill from the two ends and from intermediate points as necessary. Complete grouting
in a continuous operation without stopping. Perform sand filling using a gunite machine or other
approved equipment.

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00406.49 Railroad Crossings - Perform all work in railroad rights-of-way in compliance with
the railroad permit.


00406.80 Length Basis - Pipe installed by tunneling, boring or jacking will be measured on the
length basis, from end to end along the neutral axis, or from center to center of manholes, inlets, or
other structures, as applicable.

There will be no separate measurement of tunneling, boring or jacking, or for casing or conduit used to
install the pipe.

Where tunneling, boring, jacking, or open trench excavation is used at the Contractor's option in lieu of
another specified method, measurement will be made as originally bid.


00406.90 General - Accepted quantities of pipe placed by tunneling, boring, or jacking will be
paid for at the Contract unit price per meter (foot) for the appropriate pipe pay item. There will no
separate payment for casing or conduit used to install the pipe.

If tunneling, boring, jacking, or open trench excavation is used at the Contractor's option in lieu of
another specified method, payment will be made as originally bid.

(a) Tunneling, Boring and Jacking - The additional effort required to place casing, pipe, liner or
sleeve by tunneling, boring or jacking (other than under a railroad) will be paid for at the Contract lump
sum price for the pay item "Tunneling, Boring, and Jacking". Payment will be payment in full for casing
or conduit used to install the pipe and all materials, equipment, labor and Incidentals not included in the
pipe pay item.

(b) Installation Under Railroads - Conduit, casing, pipe, liner or sleeve placed by tunneling,
boring, or jacking under a railroad will be paid for according to 00445.91 and 00445.98.

Section 00420 - Salvaging Pipe


00420.00 Scope - This work consists of removing, cleaning and stockpiling or relaying culvert
pipe and other pipe.

Acceptable pipe, parts and special sections will be referred to as "salvaged".


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00420.10 General - Use joint materials, connecting bands and other materials required in
relaying pipe conforming to the Specifications for the type of pipe and materials involved. Salvaged
material may be used if approved.


00420.40 Trench Excavation - Excavate and backfill trenches to remove pipe and to relay
salvaged pipe according to Section 00405.

00420.41 Removal of Pipe - Excavate materials over the pipe, and remove, disassemble and
clean the exposed pipe without damaging the pipe. Acceptable partial sections of pipe may be cut off
for reuse.

00420.42 Stockpiling - Stockpile salvaged materials not used on the Project as directed.

00420.43 Relaying - Install salvaged materials at the locations, in the quantities designated,
and conforming to Specifications for new installations. As directed, cut sections of salvaged pipe to
obtain the length required for relaying. Make connections to new pipe, inlet and outlet structures,
salvaged or new end sections, or other special sections as provided in the Specifications for new pipe


00420.80 General - The accepted quantities of salvaged pipe will be the length, regardless of
size, kind or type that is removed, cleaned and stockpiled or relaid. Stockpiled pipe will be measured
from end to end of each pipe. Relaid pipe will be measured according to Section 00445. There will be
no separate measurement for excavation and backfill.

The maximum depth to flow line for each run of relaid pipe will be determined along the pipe centerline,
by measuring vertically from the flow line to the surface of the original ground, paved surface or
subgrade and slopes of other excavations, whichever is less.


00420.90 General - The accepted quantities will be paid for at the Contract unit price per meter
(foot) for the following items:

(a) Salvaging and Stockpiling Pipe

(b) Salvaging and Relaying Pipe, Depth

For item (a), the nominal diameter of pipe will be inserted in the blank. For item (b), the nominal

diameter of the pipe will be inserted in the first blank, and one of the following maximum flow line depths
will be inserted in the second blank:

Maximum Depth to Flow Line

1.5 m (5 feet)
3 m (10 feet)
6 m (20 feet)
over 6 m (20 feet)

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Payment will be payment in full for removing, cleaning, transporting and stockpiling or relaying the pipe
as directed. Payment includes all materials, equipment, labor, excavation, backfill and Incidentals
necessary to complete the work as specified.

Section 00430 - Subsurface Drains


00430.00 Scope - This work consists of constructing subsurface drains to the lines and grades
shown or established using drain pipe, special filter material or granular drain material, and drainage

00430.01 Descriptive Terms - The terms used in designating drain pipe or when referring to
them on the plans are as follows:

Aluminum - The base metal for aluminum sheets.

Concrete, Steel, Aluminum, Polyethylene, Polyvinyl Chloride - The basic material of the pipe.

Drain Pipe - Perforated pipe of specified material.

Metal - Aluminum and steel.

Steel - The base metal for galvanized or aluminum coated sheets.

Subsurface Drain - Drainage system beneath the base, usually with a perforated drain pipe, to collect
and drain groundwater.

00430.02 Contractor's Options - If the Contractor has an option of using different kinds of
pipe, the option and its limitations will be shown on the plans or on a "Pipe Data" sheet of the plans.

The limiting factors and requirements shown on the plans or on the Pipe Data sheet are minimums.
The Contractor may substitute stronger, larger, and higher quality material at any installation site,
provided the substitution meets the approval of the Engineer and is made at no additional cost to the

00430.03 Size Determination - The nominal size of pipe will be determined according to
AASHTO tolerances for pipe dimensions for the appropriate kind or class of pipe.


00430.10 General - Use materials meeting the requirements of the following:

Drainage Geotextile.............................................................................02320
Perforated Concrete Pipe...............................................................02410.10
Perforated Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Pipe..................................02420.50
Perforated Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe......................................02410.60
Perforated Corrugated Steel Pipe...................................................02420.30
Perforated Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe.................................................02410.70
Commercial Grade Concrete...............................................................00440
Protective Coatings.........................................................................02420.20
Special Filter Materials....................................................................02610.10

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Wire mesh shall be commercial quality 6.3 mm (1/4 inch) galvanized metal screening.

00430.11 Granular Drain Backfill Material - Granular drain backfill material shall be 37.5 mm -
19.0 mm (1 1/2" - 3/4"), 31.5 mm - 19.0 mm (1 1/4" - 3/4"), or 19.0 mm - 12.5 mm (3/4" - 1/2") crushed
or uncrushed rock or gravel meeting Section 2690.2d and the following gradation requirements:

Percent Passing (by mass)
Sieve Designated Sizes (mm)
Size 37.5 - 19.0 31.5 - 19.0 19.0 - 12.5

50 mm 100
37.5 mm 95 - 100 100
31.5 mm - 90 - 100
25.0 mm - - 100
19.0 mm 0 - 15 0 - 15 90 - 100
12.5 mm 0-2 0-2 0 - 15
6.3 mm - - 0-3

Percent Passing (by weight)
Sieve Designated Sizes (inch)
Size 1 1/2" - 3/4" 1 1/4" - 3/4" 3/4" - 1/2"

2" 100
1 1/2" 95 - 100 100
1 1/4" - 90 - 100
1" - - 100
3/4" 0 - 15 0 - 15 90 - 100
1/2" 0-2 0-2 0 - 15
1/4" - - 0-3


00430.12 Reclaimed Glass - Reclaimed glass (mixed-waste cullet) conforming to Section

02695 may be used as a substitute for backfill material.


00430.40 General - Excavate trench, prepare bedding, backfill, except as noted in 00430.46,
and dispose of excavated materials according to Section 00330. If required, place drainage geotextile
according to Section 00350 before backfilling.

Install pipes in paved areas according to Sections 00405 and 00445.

Install a Type W-1 delineator at each outlet protection block as shown.

00430.41 Foundations in Unyielding Material - Excavate rock, hardpan or other unyielding

materials a minimum of 75 mm (3 inches) below established grade of the pipe exterior to place special
filter material or drain backfill material.

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00430.42 Laying Pipe - Lay the pipe according to Section 00445. Place pipe with perforations
down unless otherwise directed.

00430.43 Joining Pipe - Fasten pipes together with appropriate coupling fittings or bands as
specified for the type of pipe used. Close upstream end of pipe with plugs suitable to prevent entry of
soil materials.

00430.44 Contact Surfaces, Aluminum to Concrete - Coat aluminum pipe and aluminum
coated steel pipe that contact portland cement concrete with asphalt mastic according to Section 00445.

00430.45 Inspection - The installation will be inspected after the pipe is laid and joined and
before backfilling. Remove and reinstall or replace any pipe found to be out of alignment, unduly settled
or damaged.

00430.46 Backfilling:

(a) Special Filter Material - After the pipe is installed and inspected, place up to 300 mm (12
inches) of uncompacted special filter material above the top of the pipe. Above this, place approved
backfill material or special filter material, as directed, and compact according to Section 00405.

(b) Granular Drain Backfill Material -– Drainage Ggeotextile is required when using granular
drain backfill material. Place granular drain backfill material according to (a) above and as shown.


00430.80 Trench Excavation and Backfill - There will be no separate measurement for trench
excavation and backfill.

00430.81 Drainage Geotextiles - Quantities of drainage geotextiles will be measured

according to Section 00350.

00430.82 Installation Under Pavement - Extra for pipe installed under pavement will be
measured according to Section 00445.

00430.83 Drain Pipe - Quantities of subsurface drain pipes of the various kinds, types and
sizes will be measured according to Section 00445.

00430.84 Special Sections - Quantities of special sections will be measured according to

Section 00445.

00430.85 Special Filter Material and Granular Drain Backfill Material - There will be no
separate measurement for special filter material and granular drain backfill material.

00430.86 Delineators - Quantities of delineators will be measured according to 00840.80.

00430.87 Subsurface Drain Outlet - Subsurface drain outlets will be measured for payment on
a unit basis, per each, by actual count of units in place as specified.


00430.90 Trench Excavation and Backfill - There will be no separate payment for trench
excavation and backfill.

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00430.91 Drainage Geotextile - Drainage Ggeotextile will be paid for according to Section

00430.92 Installation Under Pavement - Extra for installation of pipe under pavement will be
paid for according to Section 00445.

00430.93 Drain Pipe - The accepted quantities of subsurface drain pipe will be paid for at the
Contract unit price per meter (foot) for the following pay item:

(a) mm (Inch) Drain Pipe

The nominal diameter of pipe will be inserted in the blank.

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing and placing the pipe including all materials, equipment,
labor and Incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified.

00430.94 Special Filter Material and Granular Drain Backfill Material - There will be no
separate payment for special filter material or granular drain backfill material. Payment will be included
in payment for the item " mm (Inch) Drain Pipe".

00430.95 Delineators - Delineators will be paid for according to 00840.90.

00430.96 Subsurface Drain Outlet - The accepted quantities of subsurface drain outlets will
be paid for at the Contract unit price per each for the item "Subsurface Drain Outlets". Payment will be
payment in full for all materials, equipment, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work,

 Furnishing and installing pipe

 Constructing outlet protection blocks
 Connecting pipe to inlets
 Excavating and disposing of excess materials


Section 00432, which is not a Standard Specification, is included in this Project by Special Provision.


00432.00 Scope - This work consists of constructing wearing surface drains and outlets to the
dimensions, lines, and grades shown and directed.


00432.10 Aggregate - Provide aggregate for wearing surface drains meeting the applicable
requirements for the coarse aggregate used in the open-graded HMAC wearing course on the Project.

00432.11 Asphalt Cement - Provide asphalt cement meeting the applicable requirements for
the asphalt cement used in the open-graded HMAC wearing course on the Project.

00432.12 Broadband Limits - Provide 19 mm (3/4 inch) ATPB for the wearing surface drain

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00432.14 Acceptance of Drain Material - Acceptance of the wearing surface drain material will
be visual by the Engineer at the point of placement.

00432.15 Drain Outlets - Provide non-perforated 75 mm (3 inch) PVC Schedule 40 pipe

meeting the requirements of 02410.70.

Provide commercial quality 6.3 mm (1/4 inch) mesh galvanized metal screening for the end of each
outlet pipe.

Provide concrete for protection blocks at drain outlets meeting the requirements of Section 00440.


00432.20 Compactors - Provide compactors meeting the applicable requirements of 00745.24.

00432.22 Planing Machines or Grinders - Provide planing machines or grinders capable of

loosening pavement material to the dimensions, lines, and grades shown.

The equipment shall produce a trench with clean, vertical sides.


00432.40 Season and Temperature Limitations - Place wearing surface drain material within
the limitations for open-graded HMAC specified in 00745.40.

00432.41 Scheduling - Construct wearing surface drains before placing the open-graded
HMAC wearing surface. Place the open-graded HMAC wearing surface no more than four weeks after
construction of the drains.

00432.42 Preparation of Underlying Surfaces - Thoroughly clean the wearing surface drain
trench, and treat with asphalt tack coat conforming to Section 00730.

00432.43 Hauling, Depositing, and Placing - Haul, deposit, and place the wearing surface
drain material in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.

00432.44 Compaction - Compact the wearing surface drain material as specified in

00745.49(d) for open-graded HMAC.

Do not crush the outlet drain pipe during compaction.

00432.45 Disposal of Materials - Dispose of materials according to 00620.42.


00432.60 Correction of Defects - Correct defects in material and work according to 00745.60.


00432.70 Pavement Smoothness - The surface of the finished trench shall meet the
applicable requirements of 00745.70.

00432.75 Correction of Pavement Roughness - Correct pavement roughness according to


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00432.80 Wearing Surface Drains - Each continuous run of wearing surface drains, excluding
wearing surface drain outlets, will be measured by the meter (foot).

00432.81 Wearing Surface Drain Outlets - Wearing surface drain outlets will be measured on
the unit basis, per each, by actual count. Each wearing surface drain outlet includes the protection
block, drain pipe, and rodent screen.


00432.90 Wearing Surface Drains - The accepted quantities of wearing surface drains will be
paid for at the Contract unit price per meter (foot) for the item "Wearing Surface Drains".

Payment will be payment in full for removing and disposing of existing materials, for furnishing and
placing all materials, and for furnishing all equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary to complete the
work as specified.

00432.91 Wearing Surface Drain Outlets - The accepted quantities of wearing surface drain
outlets will be paid for at the Contract unit price per each for the item "Wearing Surface Drain Outlets".

Payment will be payment in full for excavating and removing existing materials, for furnishing and
placing all materials, and for furnishing all equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary to complete the
work as specified.

Section 00435 -– Prefabricated Vertical DrainsWick Drains


00435.00 Scope - This work consists of furnishing and installing prefabricated vertical
drainswick drains at locations and according to details shown or as directed.


435.10 00435.10 General - Use new prefabricated vertical drains wick drains from
the QPL
435.11 or that conform to these specifications.

00435.11 Core - Use a continuous plastic core material with grooved channels, a pattern of
protruding studs, or mesh-type materials fabricated to promote drainage along the axis of the vertical
drain. Vertical drain core material shall conform to ASTM D 638 and ASTM D 4716. Wick drain core
material should conform to ASTM D 638 and ASTM D 4716.


Jacket - The jacket material shall:

 Be a synthetic, non-woven geotextile capable of resisting all bending, punching and tensile
forces imposed during installation

 Not crack, peel or otherwise become damaged during installation

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 Be sufficiently rigid when embedded to withstand lateral earth pressures and to ensure vertical
flow capacity through the core

 Allow free passage of pore water to the core without passage of soil material or piping

Test the jacket material in both saturated and dry conditions. It shall conform to the following:

Test Specification Minimum Value

Grab Tensile ASTM D 4632 355 N (80 pounds)

Trapezoidal Tear ASTM D 4533 110 N (25 pounds)
Puncture Strength ASTM D 4833 220 N (50 pounds)
Burst Strength ODOT TM 814 900 kPa (130 psi)
Permeability ASTM D 4491 0.05 mm/s

00435.13 Assembled Drain - The assembled drain shall:

 Be resistant against wet rot, mildew, bacterial action, insects, salts, acids, alkalis, solvents and
any other significant ingredients in the groundwater

 Be band-shaped (rectangular cross section) with an aspect ratio (width divided by thickness)
not exceeding 50

 Have a minimum equivalent diameter of 50 mm (2 inches) using the following definition of

equivalent diameter:
dw =
dw = diameter of a circular drain equivalent to the band shaped drain
a = width of the band shaped drain
b = thickness of the band shaped drain

00435.14 Acceptance Requirements - Each shipment of prefabricated vertical drainwick

drain materials shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's Quality Compliance Certificate according to

Submit three samples of any proposed splices for approval at least 21 calendar days before the
installation of any drains.

Identify the drain materials with labels or tags that include the manufacturer’s name, lot or control
number, individual roll number and date of manufacture.


00435.20 General - Install prefabricated vertical drains wick drains using a mandrel or sleeve

 Has a maximum cross-sectional area of 6400 mm2 (10 square inches)

 Is sufficiently stiff to prevent wobble or deflection during use

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 Protects the prefabricated vertical drainwick drain material from tears, cuts and abrasion
during installation

 Has an anchor plate or similar arrangement at the bottom to prevent soil from entering the
drain during its installation, and to anchor the drain tip at the required depth at the time of
withdrawal. Use anchors conforming to the dimensions of the mandrel or sleeve.


00435.40 Prefabricated Vertical DrainWick Drain Installation Requirements:

(a) Acquisition and Storage - During shipment and storage, wrap the drain in heavy paper,
burlap or similar heavy-duty protective covering and protect it from sunlight, mud, dirt, dust, debris and
other detrimental substances.

Material damaged during shipping, unloading, storing or handling will be rejected.

(b) Proposed Installation Details - Submit full details on the material, equipment, sequence and
method proposed for wick drain installation to the Engineer for review at least 14 calendar days before
beginning trial prefabricated vertical drainwick drain installation.

(c) Trial Installation - Before production installation of prefabricated vertical drainswick drains,
demonstrate that material, equipment and methods produce a satisfactory installation, at permanent
installation sites. Install at least five trial drains totaling approximately 75 m (250 feet) at locations

(d) Production Installations - The Engineer’s approval of the method or equipment used to
install the trial drains does not necessarily constitute acceptance for the remainder of the Project. If at
any time the Engineer determines that the method of installation or equipment does not produce
satisfactory prefabricated vertical drainswick drains, alter the method or equipment as directed to
comply with the plans and specifications.

(e) Installation Procedure - Prefabricated vertical drainsWick drains will be located, numbered
and staked by the Engineer.

 Preserve stakes and protect field instrumentation equipment. Stakes and instrumentation
damaged by the Contractor will be repaired or replaced by Agency forces. The cost of repair
or replacement will be deducted from monies due the Contractor. Do not work in the affected
area until repair or replacement has been made.

 Locate the prefabricated vertical drainswick drains within 150 mm (6 inches) of the staked
locations. Prefabricated vertical drainsWick drains more than 150 mm (6 inches) from the
staked locations, damaged or improperly installed, will be rejected and abandoned in place
without payment. Rejected drains will be replaced at the Contractor’s expense.

 Install prefabricated vertical drainswick drains in the presence of the Engineer's


 Provide the Engineer with a suitable means to determine the depth of the drains at any time
during installation and the final length installed at each location.

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 Plumb equipment for installing prefabricated vertical drainswick drains before installing each
drain. Do not deviate from the vertical more than 60 mm in 3 m (0.2 foot in 10 feet) during
installation of the drains.

 Install prefabricated vertical drainswick drains using a mandrel or sleeve inserted into the soil
using a continuous push static mass (weight) or vibration while keeping disturbance of the
subsoil to a minimum. Installation by driving will not be permitted. Jetting techniques will be
permitted only after receiving written approval from the Engineer. The mandrel or sleeve
penetration rate shall normally be between 0.15 m/s and 0.6 m/s (0.5 and 2 feet per second).

 Install the prefabricated vertical drainswick drains from the designated working surface to the
depth shown or as directed.

 Perform the installation without damaging the drain while advancing or retracting the mandrel
or sleeve. Alternately raising or lowering the mandrel while advancing will not be permitted.
Retract the mandrel or sleeve after each drain is installed. Raising the mandrel will be
permitted only after completing a drain installation.

 Cut off completed prefabricated vertical drainswick drains neatly 0.3 m (1 foot) above the
designated working surface.

(f) Obstruction Clearance Procedures - Satisfactory installation may require clearing man-
made or natural obstructions that prevent the proper insertion of the mandrel or sleeve and installation
of prefabricated vertical drains.wick drains.

Where obstructions are encountered:

 Immediately notify the Engineer before completing the drain and before installing other drains.

 Upon Engineer’s approval, Aattempt to install a drain adjacent to the obstructed location.

 Based on the results of this attempt and when directed, attempt to install a second offset drain
within 0.6 m (2 feet) horizontally of the obstructed drain, or if directed, implement obstruction
clearance procedures and install the drain at the specified location.

The Contractor may use augering, spudding or other approved methods to loosen the soil and remove
any obstruction material before installing prefabricated vertical drainswick drains. Do not penetrate
more than 0.6 m (2 feet) into the underlying compressible soil.

If augering, use augers with a minimum outside diameter equal to the largest horizontal dimension of
the mandrel, sleeve, shoe or anchor, whichever is greatest. , The maximum outside diameter of the
auger shall not be more than 75 mm (3 inches) greater than the minimum outside diameter.

00435.41 Splicing - Splice wick drain material by stapling to insure structural and hydraulic
continuity of the drain. Overlap the jacket and core a minimum of 150 mm (6 inches) at each splice.

A maximum of one splice per drain installed is permitted.


00435.80 Length Basis - The quantities of prefabricated vertical drainswick drains and
obstruction clearance will be measured on the length basis.

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(a) prefabricated vertical drains Wick Drains - The length of accepted drains will be the distance
the installation mandrel tip penetrates below the specified surface plus the required cutoff length above
the designated working surface.

(b) Obstruction Clearance - The length of accepted obstruction clearance will be the length from
the designated working surface at the time of installation to the depth penetrated by the auger or spud,
or if directed, to the bottom of the obstruction.

Obstruction clearance will be measured for payment only when authorized by the Engineer.


00435.90 Length Basis - The accepted quantities will be paid for at the Contract unit price for
the following items:

Pay Item Unit of Measurement

(a) Prefabricated Vertical DrainsWick Drains........................................m (Foot)

(b) Obstruction Clearance........................................................................m (Foot)

Item (a) includes trial installations and splices.

Item (b) includes pre-augering, spudding or performing other acceptable methods to clear obstructions
so that prefabricated vertical drainswick drains may be satisfactorily installed, including disposing of
any surplus preaugered or obstruction clearance materials.

Payment will be payment in full for all materials, equipment, labor and Incidentals necessary to
complete the work.

No payment will be made for the following:

 Unacceptable trial drain installations

 Drains that are not installed and anchored to the required depth
 Clearing obstructions caused by the Contractor or obstructions within 0.6 m (2 feet) of the
specified surface
 Prefabricated vertical drainsWick drains placed in excess of the designed length unless
additional lengths are directed by the Engineer
 Prefabricated vertical drainsWick drains installed more than 150 mm (6 inches) from the
staked location, damaged or improperly installed

Section 00440 - Commercial Grade Concrete


00440.00 Scope - Provide, place and finish commercial grade concrete (CGC).


00440.10 Materials - Materials shall meet the following requirements:

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Bonding agents....................................................................................02070
Curing materials...................................................................................02050

00440.11 Proportions - Furnish, in writing, to the Engineer, the proportions by weight of the
following materials before using any CGC.

 Cement
 Each size of aggregate
 Fly ash
 Air entraining admixtures
 Other admixtures
 Water

00440.12 Properties - Provide a workable CGC mixture that is uniform in composition and
consistency, and has the following properties determined by test methods specified in 02001:

 Minimum Cement Content - Furnish CGC mixtures which have at least the minimum cement
or (cement + fly ash) content of 570 pounds per cubic yard.

 Entrained Air - 4.0% to 7.0%.

 Slump - 5” or less

 Compressive Strength - Unless otherwise noted, CGC shall attain a 28-day compressive
strength of at least 3000 psi..
 Temperature - 50 °F to 90 °F

00440.13 Mixing CGC - CGC may be field mixed or commercially mixed for work items listed in

00440.14 Acceptance Sampling and Testing:

(a) General - Acceptance sampling and testing will be based on samples obtained at the site of
placement from the discharge of the delivery vehicle. All sampling and testing shall be performed by a

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CGC may be accepted visually for the following items of work:

Work Item Section

Electrical Conduit Backfill.....................................................00960

Fence post footings..............................................................01050
Guardrail anchors.................................................................00810
Irrigation system thrust blocks..............................................01120
Mailbox support footings.......................................................01070
Outlet Protection Blocks.......................................................00430
Square tube sign supports....................................................00930

(b) Delivery Ticket - Send a delivery ticket with each load of CGC recording the source, day, time
of batch, size of load and quantity of individual constituents in the load. A delivery ticket will not be
required for field-mixed concrete.

(c) Plastic CGC - Acceptance of plastic CGC will be based on tests performed by the QCT
according to the MFTP and the tolerances and limits of 00440.12.

(d) Hardened CGC - Acceptance of hardened CGC will be according to 00440.12. Cast one set
of cylinders per 20 cubic yards, with a maximum of one set per day.

00440.15 Quality Control - Provide quality control according to Section 00165.

00440.30 Quality Control Personnel - Provide certified technicians in the following fields:


00440.40 Mixing and Placing

(a) Mixing - Mix CGC to the extent that ensures a uniform distribution of materials throughout the

(b) Placing - Place CGC according to the following:

 Place using the best common practices to avoid segregation.

 Vibrate and spade to achieve a dense homogeneous concrete, free of voids and rock pockets.
 Place within 90 minutes after batching and mixing.
 For sign supports, signal supports, and luminaire supports place CGC according to

(c) Forms - Provide forms for CGC using the best common practice. Place to the lines and
grades called for or as directed.

For sign supports, signal supports, and luminaire supports remove forms and perform subsequent
loading according to Table 00540-1.

(d) Weather - Do not place CGC when the air temperature is below 35 °F without approval.
Protect CGC from freezing if the air temperature is expected to drop below 35 °F during the first five
calendar days after placement.

(e) Curing - Cure CGC by covering with wet burlap, canvas, sand or other acceptable material,
and keep moist for a minimum of seven calendar days, or by using curing compound as described
below. Curing compounds may be used except on concrete surfaces or reinforcement that will come in
contact with adjacent concrete pours. Use curing compounds according to the following:

Type 1 or 1-D Type 2

Section Item Clear White-Pigmented
1 1
00480 drainage curbs
00599 slope paving curbs, and
berm paving Yes No
00759 walks, sidewalk ramps,
driveways, surfacings,
1 1
curbs, and islands
Use Type 2 except when the Engineer requires Type 1 or 1-D.

Application rate shall not be less than 1 gallon per 150 square feet.

00440.41 General Surface Finish - Give the concrete surfaces a general surface finish, in
accordance with 00540.53(a), in addition to the finish specified for a particular item of work.

00440.42 Replacement or Price Reduction - Remove concrete represented by cylinders that

fail to meet the minimum strength requirement and replace at Contractor's expense. If the Engineer
determines that the low-strength concrete is suitable for the purpose intended, the Contractor may
accept a price reduction established by the Engineer instead of removal and replacement.


00440.80 Measurement - There will be no separate measurement of CGC.


00440.90 Payment - There will be no separate payment for CGC.

Section 00440 - Commercial Grade Concrete


00440.00 Scope - This work consists of furnishing, placing and finishing commercial grade
concrete (CGC).


00440.10 General - Proportioning, mixture, and acceptance of materials for CGC shall comply
with 00440.11, 00440.12, 00440.13 and 00440.14. Use materials meeting the following requirements:

Bonding agents....................................................................................02070
Chemical admixtures...........................................................................02040
Concrete materials...................................................02001.30 and 02001.50
Curing materials...................................................................................02050
Fly ash............................................................................................02030.10

00440.11 Proportioning of CGC Mixture - Before using any CGC on the Project, furnish in
writing to the Engineer, the proportions by mass (weight) of the following materials, when used:

 Air entraining admixtures

 Cement
 Each size of aggregate
 Fly ash
 Other admixtures
 Water

00440.12 Tolerance and Limits of CGC Mixtures - Provide a workable mixture of CGC that is
uniform in composition and consistency, and has the following characteristics:

 Minimum Cement Content - Furnish CGC mixtures which have at least the minimum cement
or (cement + fly ash) contents shown in 02001.30, Table 02001-1.

 Entrained Air - Furnish CGC mixtures that have entrained air contents according to the
provisions of 02001.50 and Table 02001-2.

 Slump - Do not allow slump to exceed 130 mm (5 inches) , except as noted in Table 02001-3.

 Compressive Strength - Unless otherwise noted, CGC shall attain a 28-day compressive
strength of at least 20 MPa (3,300 psi).

 Temperature - Mix CGC at a temperature between 10 °C (50 °F) and 32 °C (90 °F).

00440.13 Field-Mixed Concrete - Work items listed in 00440.14(a) may be either commercially
mixed or field-mixed.

00440.14 Acceptance Sampling and Testing:

(a) General - Acceptance sampling and testing will be based on samples obtained at the site of
placement before any pumping, unless provided otherwise. The QCT shall perform all required
sampling and testing.

CGC mixture may be accepted visually for the following items of work:

Work Item Section

Electrical Conduit Backfill.....................................................00960

Fence post footings..............................................................01050
Guardrail anchors.................................................................00810
Irrigation system thrust blocks..............................................01120
Mailbox support footings.......................................................01070
Outlet Protection Blocks.......................................................00430

(b) Batch Masses - Send a batch ticket with each load recording and attesting to the source, day,
time of batch(es), size of load and quantity of individual constituents in the load. A batch ticket will not
be required for field-mixed concrete.

(c) Plastic CGC - Acceptance of plastic CGC will be based on tests performed by the QCT
according to the MFTP and the tolerances and limits of 02001.50, Tables 02001-2 and 02001-3.

(d) Hardened CGC - Acceptance of the hardened CGC will be according to the provisions of
00540.16(d). Cast one set of cylinders per 20 m3 (20 cubic yards), with a maximum of one set per day.

00440.15 Quality Control - Provide quality control according to Section 00165.


00440.30 Quality Control Personnel - Provide certified technicians in the following fields:



00440.40 General:

(a) Mixing - Mix CGC to the extent that ensures a uniform distribution of materials throughout the

(b) Placing - Place CGC according to the following:

 Place using the best common practices to avoid segregation.

 Vibrate and spade to achieve a dense homogeneous concrete, free of voids and rock pockets.

 Place within 90 minutes after batching and mixing.

(c) Forms - Provide forms for CGC using the best common practice. Place to the lines and
grades called for or as directed.

(d) Weather - Do not place CGC when the air temperature is below 2 °C (35 °F) without approval.

Protect from freezing if the air temperature is expected to drop below 2 °C (35 °F) during the first five
calendar days after CGC placement.

(e) Curing - Cure CGC by covering with burlap, canvas, sand or other acceptable material, and
keep moist for a minimum of seven calendar days.

Curing compounds may be used if not applied to the concrete surfaces or reinforcement that will come
in contact with adjacent concrete pours. Use compounds according to the following:

Type 1 or 1-D Type 2

Section Item Clear White-Pigmented
1 1
00480 drainage curbs
00599 slope paving curbs, and
berm paving Yes No
00759 walks, sidewalk ramps,
driveways, surfacings,
1 1
curbs, and islands
Use Type 2 except when the Engineer requires Type 1 or 1-D.

Application rate shall not be less than 0.25 L/m2 (1 gallon per 150 square feet).


00440.41 General Surface Finish - Give the concrete surfaces a general surface finish, in
accordance with 00540.53(a), in addition to the finish specified for a particular item of work.

00440.42 Replacement or Price Reduction - Remove concrete represented by cylinders that

fail to meet the minimum strength requirement and replace at Contractor's expense. If the Engineer
determines that the low-strength concrete is suitable for the purpose intended, the Contractor may
accept a price reduction established by the Engineer instead of removal and replacement.


00440.80 Measurement - There will be no separate measurement of CGC.


00440.90 Payment - There will be no separate payment for CGC, as the cost will be included in
payment for the particular items of work using CGC.

Section 00442 - Controlled Low Strength Materials

00442.00 Scope - This work consists of furnishing and placing controlled low-strength materials

00442.01 Definition - Controlled low-strength material is highly flowable lean concrete mix; a
mixture of fly ash, cement, fine aggregates, water and admixtures, if necessary.


00442.10 General - Materials shall meet the requirements of the following Part 02000 Sections
of the Standard Specifications as well as modifications given in the Special Provisions:

Fly ash........................................................................................... 02030.10

Portland cement............................................................................. 02010.10
Admixtures.......................................................................................... 02040

00442.11 Fine Aggregates - Fine aggregates shall be commercial quality concrete sand.

00442.12 Proportioning of CLSM Mixture - Furnish the following, to the Engineer, prior to
using any CLSM on the Project:

 Written certification of proposed CLSM materials proportions and compressive strength.

 28-day cylinder reports from a trial CLSM batch based on above certification. Include
evidence that compressive strength requirements for specific applications are met.

00442.13 Compressive Strength - CLSM shall attain a 28-day compressive strength of

1.0 - 1.7 MPa (10050 - 2050 psi).

00442.14 Acceptance - Acceptance will be based on the Engineer's review and approval of
written certification and trial batch cylinder reports as required by 00442.12.


00442.80 General - The quantities of CLSM will be measured as specified for the application
where CLSM is used.


00442.90 General - Payment for CLSM will be as specified for the application where CLSM is

Section 00445 - Sanitary, Storm, Culvert, Siphon and Irrigation Pipe


00445.00 Scope - This work consists of constructing or reconstructing culvert, siphon, sanitary
sewer, storm sewer, and irrigation pipe 1800 mm (72 inches) and less in diameter or equivalent

Install pipes in the kinds, sizes and lengths and at the locations shown on the plans or as directed to the
lines and grades established. The work includes furnishing and constructing joints and connections to
other drainage structures or systems, as necessary, for complete installation.

00445.01 Definitions and Descriptive Terms - The following terms have the meanings
presented below when used in this Section:

Aluminum, Concrete, Steel and Polyethylene - The basic material of the pipe

Concrete Block - Encasements, thrust blocks, anchor blocks, plugs and cutoff diaphragms

Culvert - Concrete, corrugated metal, ductile iron or polyethylene pipe

Flexible Pipe - Pipes constructed of corrugated or spiral rib metal, PVC, and polyethylene. For the
purposes of these Specifications, all potable water pipes are considered to be flexible pipes.

HDPE - High Density Polyethylene

Irrigation Pipe - Gravity or low-pressure transmission pipe. Refer to Section 01120 for sprinkler-type
irrigation pipe.

Joint - The place where the ends of sections or modified sections of pipe contact one another

Metal - Aluminum and steel

Pavement - Pavement as defined in Section 00110, as well as driveways, curbs, gutters, walks, dikes,
walls and other similar asphalt or portland cement concrete structures

Pipe - All pipe, regardless of kind, size, shape (such as arch pipes) or use

Plain - Unreinforced concrete

PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride

Rigid Pipe - Pipes, other than potable water pipes, constructed of concrete and ductile iron

Sanitary Sewer Pipe - Concrete, PVC, solid wall HDPE or ductile iron pipe

SDR (Standard Dimensional Ratio) - The pipe’s minimum outside diameter divided by its wall

Section - The individual pieces in which the furnished pipe is manufactured

Siphon, Storm Sewer, and Irrigation Pipe - Concrete, PVC, HDPE, ductile iron or metal pipe

Steel - The base metal for galvanized sheets and aluminum coated sheets

00445.02 Contractor's Options - If the Contractor has an option of using different kinds of
pipe, the option and its installation and other limits will be shown on the plans or on a "Pipe Data" sheet
in the plans.

The limiting factors and requirements shown on the plans or on the Pipe Data sheet are minimums.
The Contractor may substitute stronger, larger, and higher quality material at any installation site,
provided the substitution is approved and is made at no additional cost to the Agency.

00445.03 Size Determination - The nominal size of pipe will be determined according to
AASHTO tolerances for pipe dimensions for the appropriate kind or class of pipe.


00445.10 General - The manufacturer or fabricator shall furnish appropriate certification, based
on the manufacturer's quality control tests, that the materials used in the production of the pipe meet
these Specifications. Materials and strength shall be as specified for the particular kind of pipe and
fittings required.

Use flexible elastomeric gasket joints on all pipes and fittings. Furnish caps or plugs with each fitting,
outlet or stub as required, with the same type gasket or joint as the pipe.

For sanitary sewers provide tee or wye fittings in the main of the same materials as the pipe. All fittings
shall be of sufficient strength to withstand all handling and load stresses encountered. Material joining
the fittings to the pipe shall be free from cracks and shall adhere tightly to each joining surface.

Cap or plug all fittings and provide with gaskets of the same material as used in the pipe joint. Fit with
an approved mechanical stopper, or install an integrally cast knockout plug. The cap or plug shall be
capable of withstanding test pressures without leaking and, when later removed, shall permit
continuation of piping with jointing similar to joints in the installed line.

00445.11 Materials - Use materials meeting the requirements of the following:

Corrugated or spiral rib aluminum alloy pipe..................................02420.40

Corrugated polyethylene pipe.........................................................02410.60
Corrugated or spiral rib steel pipe and pipe arches........................02420.10
Ductile Iron pipe..............................................................................02420.11
Metal reinforcement in blocks.........................................................02510.10
Commercial Grade Concrete in blocks................................................00440
Nonreinforced concrete pipe...........................................................02410.10
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe..........................................................02410.70
Protective coatings..........................................................................02420.20
Reinforced concrete pipe................................................................02410.10
Rubber gaskets ..............................................................................02440.40
Solid Wall HDPE 02410XX.65XX


(a) Pipe Anchors - Use pipe anchors conforming to the Standard Drawings and as shown. Metal
bands shall conform to the material Specifications for the metal pipe to which they are attached.

(b) Slip Joints - Construct slip joints according to the details shown. The outer sleeve and
tapered section shall conform to the material Specifications for the metal pipe with which they are

(c) Safety End Sections - Use safety end sections conforming to 02420.10 and the Standard
Drawings. Provide safety bars unless otherwise indicated on the plans.

(d) Cleanouts - Construct cleanouts of the same materials as the adjacent pipe.

(e) Tracer Wire - Use 12-gage stranded copper insulated high molecular weight polyethylene
(HMWPE) tracer wire. The HMWPE insulated cover shall be green and a minimum 1140 µm (45 mil)
Use 12-gage stranded copper tracer wire with green THNN insulation.

(f) Fittings for Concrete Pipe - Where fittings are fabricated by inserting a stub into a hole cut in
the pipe, grout with a non-shrinking grout. Coat surfaces to receive grout with an epoxy bonding agent
prior to grouting. Fitting stubs shall not protrude inside of the sewer pipe.

00445.12 Asphalt Mastic - The asphalt mastic specified in 00445.47 for aluminum and
concrete contact surfaces shall consist of a mixture of asphalt, mineral stabilizer, and fillers conforming
to AASHTO M 243 or ASTM D 4586. An approved product from the QPL may be used.
The asphalt mastic specified in 00445.47 for aluminum and concrete contact surfaces shall consist of a
mixture of asphalt, mineral stabilizer, and fillers conforming to AASHTO M243.

00445.15 Quality Control - Provide quality control according to Section 00165.


00445.30 Quality Control Personnel - Provide certified technicians in the following fields:



00445.40 General - Construct culvert, siphon, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and irrigation pipe
according to the following:

(a) Trench Work - Excavate trench, prepare bedding, pipe zone material and trench backfill, and
dispose of excavated material according to Section 00405 for pipes 1800 mm (72 inches) and less in
diameter and Section 00510 for pipes over 1800 mm (72 inches) in diameter.

(b) Line and Grade - Centerline and grade control will be established prior to the start of
construction. The Special Provisions will indicate whether it will be done by the Agency or the

Do not vary from established line and grade by more than 31 mm per m (1/32 inch per inch) of pipe
diameter. Variance shall not exceed 13 mm (1/2 inch), subject to the following limitations:

 The variation does not result in a level or reverse sloping invert
 The variation in the invert elevation between adjoining ends of pipe, due to non-concentricity of
joining surface and pipe interior surfaces, does not exceed 16 mm per m (1/64 inch per inch) of
pipe diameter, or 13 mm (1/2 inch) maximum.

(c) Pipe Distribution and Handling - Unload pipe only by approved means.

Inspect the pipe and fittings prior to lowering into the trench to insure no cracked, broken or otherwise
defective materials are used. Clean the ends of the pipe thoroughly, remove foreign matter and dirt
from the inside of the pipe, and keep the pipe clean during laying and joining.

(d) Laying Pipe on Curves - Lay pipe on horizontal or vertical curves as shown or approved.
When deflecting the pipe from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane, or when long
radius curves are shown, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed that recommended by the
pipe manufacturer.

(e) Concrete Closure Collars - Use concrete closure collars only when approved, and only to
make connections between dissimilar pipe or where standard rubber gasketed joints or transition
couplings are not available. Place the collars using an approved commercial concrete bonding agent
applied to all surfaces in contact with the collar. Where concrete closure collars are necessary to join
PVC pipe, first prepare the PVC surface for bonding to the concrete by applying a dense coating of
clean mortar

sand to the pipe using PVC solvent cement. After the cement has cured, apply an approved
commercial concrete bonding agent to the sand surface prior to placement of the concrete.

(f) Installation of Sanitary Sewer Service Tees and Wyes - Provide a compacted base of pipe
bedding material under all tees, wyes and branch fittings, extending to the springline of the fittings.

Cap all service lines for sanitary sewers with watertight plugs or caps suitable for resisting the pressures
of hydrostatic or air testing.

Where tee or wyes for connection are absent or unusable, connection of service lines shall be made in
accordance with 00490.

The maximum line or grade change accomplished with any one fitting shall not exceed 45 degrees and
shall be accomplished with long radius curves or bends.

(g) Pipe Anchors - Construct metal or concrete pipe anchors as specified or as shown. Install
anchors on runs of pipe located on slopes greater than 2019% or greater.

00445.41 Installing Pipe under Railroad - Prior to beginning any under-track work, submit
plans of construction, and details of the methods and equipment proposed to be used, to the Engineer
for submittal to the Railroad. Do not begin under-track work until Railroad approval is obtained.

Within the limits indicated on the plans, do not install the pipe under the railroad tracks by the open
trench method. Within these limits install the pipe by tunneling, jacking, boring or similar methods,
approved by the Railroad, as the Contractor elects, according to Section 00406. Install the pipe to the
lines and grades established and backfill completely all voids around the installation with specified
material, to the satisfaction of the railroad.

00445.42 Laying Pipe - Begin pipe laying at the downstream end of the pipe line with the lower
segment of the pipe in contact with the shaped bedding throughout its full length and as follows:

 Elliptical Pipe - Place with the major axis within 5 degrees of a vertical plane through the
longitudinal axis of the pipe.

 Flexible Pipe - Place with longitudinal laps or seams at the sides. At circumferential lap joints,
place pipe so that the downstream piece is outside.

 Paved Invert or Partially Lined Pipe - Place with longitudinal centerline of paved segment
coinciding with flow line.

 Rigid Pipe - Place with bell or groove ends facing upstream.

 Round Elliptically Reinforced Concrete Pipe - Place so that the manufacturer's marks
designating the top and bottom of the pipe are within 5 degrees of a vertical plane through the
longitudinal axis of the pipe.

00445.43 Placing and Joining Pipe:

(a) General - Lay pipe proceeding upgrade with spigot ends in the direction of flow. Assemble
joints in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer for the type of joint used. The
trench bottom shall form a continuous and uniform bearing and support for the pipe at every point
between joints.

Prevent excavated or other foreign material from getting into the pipe. Plug or close off pipes that are
stubbed off for future connection. When cutting or machining of the pipe is necessary, use only the
tools and methods recommended by the pipe manufacturer. All field joints shall:

 Provide equal or greater strength than the adjoining pipe

 Fit close and tight

 Provide a smooth and uniform interior surface

 Secure and hold adjoining sections to each other
 Fasten securely to adjoining structures and special sections

(b) Concrete Pipe - Lay elliptical reinforced pipe so that the top or bottom marks are not more
than 5 degrees from vertical. Provide all rigid non-reinforced pipe entering or leaving manholes with
flexible joints within 450 mm (18 inches) of the manhole structure and placed on firmly compacted

(c) PVC Pipe - Install PVC pipe and fittings in conformance with the manufacturer's

Cut the pipe in a neat manner, at right angles to the axis of the pipe, and dress the cut end.

(d) Polyethylene Pipe - Install solid wall HDPE and corrugated HDPE polyethylene pipe and
fittings in conformance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Assemble and join solid wall HDPE pipe at the site using the thermal butt-fusion method to provide a
leak proof joint. Double bell joint couplers shall be used to make all joints and other pipe connections
for corrugated polyethylene pipe. Threaded or solvent-cement joints are not permitted. All equipment
and procedures used shall be in strict compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Use
personnel certified as fusion technicians by the manufacturer of the pipe or fusing equipment to
accomplish the fusing.

Joints for corrugated polyethylene pipe shall be made with either a bell/bell or bell and spigot coupling.


(e) Metal Pipe - Install metal pipe and fittings in conformance with the manufacturer's

(fe) Pipe Joints - Construct field joints, suitable for testing, for siphons, sanitary sewers, irrigation,
and other installations as specified.

Construct watertight field joints for storm sewers and culverts with elastomeric joint material. Test joints
according to 00445.720.

(gf) Inspection - After the pipe is laid and joined, and before any backfilling over it, the installation
will be inspected. Take up and relay or replace any pipe found to be out of alignment, unduly settled, or

00445.44 Strutting Metal Pipe - When the plans or Special Provisions call for metal pipe to be
installed in a tied or strutted condition, place the ties or struts before backfilling, conforming to the
details shown. Strutting with timber is not permitted in pipe furnished with paved inverts or with
centrifugally applied bituminous inner linings. Remove the ties and struts after the embankment over
the pipe is completed and compacted.

00445.45 Backfilling:

(a) General - After the pipe is installed and inspected, backfill pipe zone and trench according to
Section 00405 for pipes 1800 mm (72 inches) and less in diameter, and according to Section 00510 for
pipes over 1800 mm (72 inches) in diameter.

(b) Exposed Pipe - When the top 25% of the pipe is exposed above the top of the trench, place
and compact embankment materials in layers according to the requirements of the plans for the Pipe

Do not cross any pipe with tractors or other heavy equipment until it has been bedded and backfilled as
specified, and is protected by at least a 1.2 m (4 foot) cover of compacted fill.

(c) Elliptical Pipe - Where elliptical shaped metal pipe is furnished, place backfill in a manner that
will maintain a vertical elongation between 4% and 6% greater than the indicated normal diameter, and
fill up to the minimum cover above the top of the pipe indicated on the fill height table included with the

When elliptical shaped metal pipe 1200 mm (48 inches) and larger in size is furnished, install and
maintain suitable tell-tales throughout the length of the pipe at intervals not exceeding 4.3 m (14 feet).

Hang the tell-tales from the crown of the pipe and use as a progressive check on the pipe deflection
during backfilling and filling.

Remove tell-tales after the entire fill over the pipe has been completed.

00445.46 Concrete Blocks - When called for by the plans or directed, construct concrete
blocks, with commercial grade concrete according to Section 00440.

00445.47 Contact Surfaces, Aluminum to Concrete - Where uncoated aluminum pipe or

aluminum coated steel pipe will be touching portland cement concrete, give the contact surfaces of the
pipe a coating of asphalt mastic applied at a rate which will give a minimum dry film thickness of
1.27 mm (50 mils).


Do not place concrete on contact surfaces until the mastic coating has dried to practical hardness. The
coating is considered to have reached practical hardness when firm pressure between the thumb and
fingers shows a slight tacky condition, but the film is not ruptured, and none of the coating adheres to
the fingers.

00445.48 Tracer Wire - Install tracer wire in all trenches for sanitary and storm sewers. Place
the tracer wire directly over the pipe centerline and on top of the pipe zone material. Splice a branch
tracer wire at each manhole and extend a single wire up the outside of the manhole. Drill a 10 mm (3/8
inch) diameter hole through the manhole wall within 0.5 m (18 inches) of the finish grade of the manhole
rim. Extend the wire through the hole with a 1 m (3 foot) minimum length of coiled wire inside the
manhole. Seal the opening in the manhole wall with silicone sealant. Place a branch tracer wire over
each pipe connected to the main sewer.

Make tracer wire splices using a solderless connection kit that effectively moisture seals two or more
conductors for direct burial, and securely join the wires both mechanically and electrically.
Make tracer wire splices using a high-pressure compression type solderless connector to securely join
the wires both mechanically and electrically. Insulate splices to be moisture and waterproof. Splices
wrapped with tape will not be accepted as waterproof. Have all splice kits approved prior to installation.

Test all tracer wire with locating equipment prior to acceptance.

Finishing, Clean Up and Testing

00445.70 General:

(a) Storm Sewer and Culvert Installations - Inspect storm sewer systems and culverts to assure
that the lines are free of obstructions and leakage. Perform TV and deflection testing as required.

(b) Siphon, Irrigation and Sanitary Sewer Installations - After laying and joining pipe for
siphons, irrigation and sanitary sewers, and backfilling trenches, test the installations for watertightness,
including inlet and outlet connections, to the Engineer’s satisfaction. Perform TV, deflection hydrostatic
and low-pressure air testing as required.

00445.71 Requirements Prior to Tests:

(a) General - All sanitary gravity systems, siphon systems and irrigation systems and
appurtenances shall successfully pass a hydrostatic or air test prior to acceptance and shall be free of
visible infiltration of water. Test manholes as specified in Section 00470.

On pipe 750 mm (30 inches) in diameter and larger, individual joints may be tested by an approved joint
testing device. All details of the testing procedure shall meet the approval of the Engineer.

(b) Plugging Tees, Wyes, Stubs and Service Connections (Sanitary Only) - Plug all wyes,
tees, stubs and service connections with gasketed caps or plugs securely fastened or blocked to
withstand test pressures.

(c) Testing Equipment - Furnish all necessary testing equipment and perform the tests in a
manner that provides observable and accurate measurements of either air or water leakage under the
specified conditions. Calibrate and certify gauges at the direction of the Engineer. Provide the
certification with the gauge.

(d) Cleaning - Prior to the testing and inspection of the system, flush and clean all parts of the
system and remove all debris.

00445.72 Pipe Testing:

(a) General - After completing installation of the system, including all service connections,
backfilling and compaction, and prior to wearing surface paving, conduct a low-pressure air test or a
hydrostatic test. Provide all equipment and personnel for the test. Conduct tests during normal working
hours. The Engineer may require testing of manhole-to-manhole sections as they are completed in
order to expedite the acceptance of the system and allow connections.

The method, equipment and personnel used in testing shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. The
Engineer may, at any time, require a calibration check of the instrumentation used.

(1) Safety Precautions - Only qualified personnel will be permitted to conduct the test. All plugs
used to close the system for the testing shall be capable of resisting the expected internal
pressures. Securely brace plugs, if necessary.

(2) Ground Water - The presence of ground water will affect the results of the test. Determine the
average height of groundwater over the lines immediately before starting the test, using an
approved method.

(b) Hydrostatic Testing - Pipe and joints shall sustain losses not exceeding 0.006 L/hr per mm
diameter per 30 m of pipe (0.04 gallons per hour per inch diameter per 100 feet of pipe) when field
tested by exfiltration methods, except (1.1 L/hr (0.3 gallons per hour) may be used in arid climate zones
if approved by the engineer.

The hydrostatic head for test purposes shall exceed the maximum estimated ground water level in the
section being tested by at least 1.8 m (72 inches) of water column and in no case shall be less than
1.8 m (72 inches) of water column above the inside top of the highest section of pipe in the test section,
including service connections. The engineer shall make the final decisions regarding test height for the
water in the pipe section being tested. The length of pipe tested by exfiltration shall be limited so that
the pressure on the invert of the lower end of the section shall not exceed 8.5 m (28 feet) of water

The pipe test section may be filled 24 hours prior to time of exfiltration testing, if desired, to permit
normal absorption into the pipe walls to take place.

All service connection footage shall be taken into account in computing allowable leakage.

(c) Air Testing - The pressure gauge used in air testing shall have minimum divisions of 0.5 kPa
and an accuracy of 0.4 kPa (0.1 psi and an accuracy of 0.0625 psi). All air testing shall be by the Time
Pressure Drop Method. The test procedure is as follows:

(1) The Contractor may wet the lines prior to testing.

(2) Determine the average height of the groundwater over the line. The test pressures required
shall be increased 9.8 kPa for each 1 m (0.433 psi for each foot) of average water depth over the
exterior crown of the pipe.

(3) Add air slowly to the section of system being tested until the internal air pressure is raised to
27 kPa (4 psi) greater than the average back pressure due to groundwater.

(4) After the test pressure is reached, allow at least two minutes for the air temperature to
stabilize, adding only the amount of air required to maintain pressure.

(5) After the temperature stabilization period, disconnect the air supply.

(6) Record the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to drop from 24 kPa to
17 kPa (3.5 to 2.5 psi) greater than the average backpressure due to groundwater.

The tested section will be acceptable if the time recorded in (6) above is not less than the time in
seconds (T) computed by the formula:

T = K/C

K = the sum of the computations (0.000 055 938 d2L) for each size of pipe and its
length in the section
C = the sum of the computations (0.000 050 143 dL) for each size of pipe and its
length in the section, except that the minimum value for C shall be 1
d = inside diameter of the pipe in mm
L = length of pipe in m

K = the sum of the computations (0.011 d2L) for each size of pipe and its length in
the section
C = the sum of the computations (0.0003882 dL) for each size of pipe and its length
in the section, except that the minimum value for C shall be 1
d = inside diameter of the pipe in inches
L = length of pipe in feet

(d) Individual Joint Testing:

(1) General - The Contractor may test each individual joint for leakage using a pneumatic joint
testing apparatus. The method, equipment and personnel used in individual joint testing shall be
as approved. The Engineer may, at any time, require a calibration check of the instrumentation
used. The pressure gauge used shall have minimum divisions of 0.5 kPa and have an accuracy of
0.4 kPa (0.1 psi and have an accuracy of 0.0625 psi). All air used shall pass through a single
control panel.

(2) Method - All air testing shall be by the Time Pressure Drop Method. The test procedure is as

a. Determine the average height of the groundwater over the line. The test pressures
required below shall be increased 9.8 kPa for each 1 m (0.433 psi for each foot) of average
water depth over the exterior crown of the pipe.

b. Add air slowly to the section being tested until the internal air pressure is raised to 27
kPa (4 psi) greater then the average backpressure due to ground water.

(3) Acceptance - The joint shall be considered acceptable if the pressure drops less than 7.0 kPa
(1 psi) within five seconds.

00445.73 Deflection Testing for Flexible Pipe - Conduct deflection tests of sanitary and storm
sewers constructed of flexible pipe prior to wearing surface paving,. Conduct the testing by pulling an

approved mandrel through the completed pipeline. Use a mandrel having at least 6 vanes and a
diameter 95% of the pipe’s initial inside diameter.

Conduct testing on a manhole-to-manhole basis after the line has been completely flushed out with
water. Conduct the tests not less than 30 days after the trench backfill and compaction have been
completed. Tests may be conducted sooner if approved by the Engineer. The tests may may be
conducted concurrently with television inspection. If conducted concurrently, the mandrel shall be pulled
in front of the camera so that the deflection testing is clearly recorded on the video tape unless
approved by the engineer. A water depth gauge shall be provided, located on the TV camera side of
the mandrel. The gauge shall be graduated with the marks at 0.50” increments clearly visible during TV
inspection. The gauge shall be capable of measuring depth of water in 0.50” increments from 0.50” to
2.50”. The gauge shall be designed so that it will remain plumb regardless of the rotation of the
mandrel or the camera.

00445.74 Television Inspection of Sanitary and Storm Sewers - After laying and joining
sanitary and storm sewer pipe installations from 150 mm (6 inches) to 1800 mm (72 inches) in diameter,
including backfill and compaction of trenches, but before any finish surfacing or final paving, conduct a
television inspection and make a written report of all sanitary sewer pipes and one-quarterall of the
storm sewer pipes. If deficiencies requiring correction are discovered, television inspection of additional
runs of pipe may be required, as directed.

The television inspection shall be conducted by a technical service that is equipped to make audio-
visual tape recordings.

The audio-visual tape recordings shall:

 Be in color VHS format

 Be clear and usable
 Include a visual footage meter recording reading on the taperecording.
 Include a voice recording of suspected deficiencies
 Identify groundwater infiltration sources associated with construction or materials defects.

Submit the audio-visual tape recordings and written report to the Engineer for review. Correct all
deficiencies that are revealed in the tape recording and written report. Make an additional television
inspection of repaired pipes at no additional cost to the Agency.

All tapes recordings and written reports shall become the property of the Agency.

00445.75 Repairs - Locate and repair any sections failing to pass the required tests and
inspections. Repeat the specified tests and inspections on those sections at no expense to the Agency.

Following a successful hydrostatic or air test, visible infiltration of ground water in any section will be
considered evidence that the original test was in error or that failure of the section has occurred.
Correct such failures and retest the repaired sections, at no expense to the Agency.


00445.80 General - Trench excavation, bedding, pipe zone material, and trench backfill, tracer
wire and acceptance testing for pipes 1800 mm (72 inches) and less in diameter will be measured
according to Section 00405.

Measurement for trench excavation, bedding, pipe zone material, and trench backfill, tracer wire and
acceptance testing for pipes greater that 1800 mm (72 inches) in diameter will be as specified in
Section 00510.


00445.81 Pipes and Appurtenances - The quantities of pipe of the various kinds, types and
sizes, complete and in place, except pipe installed under railroad, will be determined by the length and
depth of installation as follows:

(a) Pipes - The length will be measured with no deduction for structures or fittings, along the pipe
flow line from center to center of manholes, inlets, special sections or the end(s) of pipe, whichever is

The depth will be used to determine the maximum depth range and pay item for each pipe. The
maximum depth range for each pipe will be one of the following:

Maximum Depth to Flow Line

1.5 m (5 feet)
3.0 m (10 feet)
6.0 m (20 feet)
over 6.0 m (20 feet)

The depth in excavation areas will be the maximum measured vertical distance between the pipe flow
line and the surface of the original ground or subgrade, whichever is less, or the slopes of other areas
outside the subgrade limits.

The depth in embankment areas will be the maximum measured vertical distance between the pipe flow
line and the surface of the constructed embankment as determined in 00330.42(c-6).

(b) Tee and Wye Fittings - Tee and wye fittings will be measured on the unit basis per each by
actual count of units in place. No deduction will be made from measurement of pipe for the length of
the fitting. Pipe plugs, stoppers and other fittings required to accomplish the work will be Incidental to
this item.

(c) Slip Joints - Slip joints will be measured for payment on the unit basis, per each, by actual
count of units in place.

(d) Sloped and Skewed Ends - Sloped ends, skewed ends, or sloped and skewed ends will be
measured on the unit basis, per each, by actual count of units in place.

(e) Safety End Sections - Safety end sections will be measured for payment on the unit basis,
per each, by actual count of units in place.

(f) Metal Pipe Anchors - There will be no separate measurement for metal pipe anchors.

(g) Concrete Pipe Anchors - Concrete pipe anchors will be measured on the unit basis, per
each, by actual count of units in place.

(h) Concrete Closure Collars - Concrete closure collars will be measured on the unit basis, per

(i) Concrete in Blocks - The quantities of concrete used in blocks will be measured in place on
the volume basis.

(j) (j) Reinforcement - The quantities of reinforcement used in blocks will be measured on
the mass (weight) basis or lump sum basis according to 00530.80 and either 00530.81 or
(k) Tracer Wire - There will be no separate measurement for tracer wire.

00445.84 Television Inspection - The quantities of television inspection will be measured by

the meter (foot). Measure pipes with sloped ends to the top of the sloped end sections.

00445.85 Acceptance Testing - No measurement will be made of required air, hydrostatic and
deflection acceptance testing.

00445.86 Installation Under Pavement - Pipe installed under pavement will be measured
according to 00445.81. Trench resurfacing will be measured according to Section 00495.

00445.88 Installation Under Railroad - There will be no measurement of materials (except for
pipe) for the lump sum pay item "Pipe Under Railroad". Pipe installed under railroads will be measured
according to 00445.81.


00445.90 General - The Contract unit price for each pay item reflects plan requirements or the
Contractor's choice from the applicable options listed on the Pipe Data Sheets (if provided in the plans).

Payment for trench excavation, bedding, pipe zone material, and trench backfill, tracer wire and
acceptance testing for pipes 1800 mm (72 inches) and less in diameter will be as specified in Section

Payment for trench excavation, bedding, pipe zone material, and trench backfill, tracer wire and
acceptance testing for pipes greater that 1800 mm (72 inches) in diameter will be as specified in
Section 00510.

00445.91 Pipes and Appurtenances - The accepted quantities will be paid for at the Contract
price per unit of measurement for each of the pay items listed in the Schedule of Items. Payment will be
payment in full for furnishing and placing all materials, equipment, labor and Incidentals necessary to
complete the work as specified.

(a) Pipes - Payment for pipes 1800 mm (72 inches) and smaller in diameter will be made at the
Contract unit price per meter (foot) for the following item:

____ mm (inch) _______ Pipe, _____ Depth

The nominal pipe diameter will be inserted in the first blank. The type of pipe will be inserted in the
second blank. The appropriate flow line depth range from the list in 00445.81 will be inserted in the
third blank.

Payment for pipes larger than 1800 mm (72 inches) in diameter will be made at the Contract unit price
per meter (foot) for the following item:

____ mm (inch) _______ Pipe

The nominal pipe diameter will be inserted in the first blank. The type of pipe will be inserted in the
second blank.

For arch type pipe, the nominal diameter of circular metal pipe from which the pipe arch is formed, or
reformed, will be inserted in the first blank.

(b) Appurtenances - The following items, when in the Schedule of Items, will be paid for at the
Contract price for the unit of measure specified:

Pay Item Unit of Measurement

(a) Pipe Tees, mm (inch).................................................................Each

(b) Pipe Wyes, mm (inch).................................................................Each
(c) Slip Joints, mm (inch).................................................................Each
(d) Sloped End Sections, mm (inch)................................................Each
(e) Safety End Sections, mm (inch)................................................Each
(f) Concrete Pipe Anchors..........................................................................Each
(g) Concrete Closure Collars......................................................................Each
(h) Concrete in Blocks.......................................................................m3 (Cubic Yards)
(i) Reinforcement in (Pounds)
(j) Reinforcement in Blocks...................................................................Lump Sum

Payment for items (a) through (g) will be by actual count for units installed, and will include payment for
pipe plugs, stoppers and other fittings required to accomplish the work.

For items (a) through (e) the nominal size will be inserted in the blank.

Payment for item (c) includes payment in full for furnishing and installing the outer sleeve of the slip joint
as specified. The cost of the inner sleeve will be included in payment for the item " ___ mm (inch)
Culvert Pipe, ______ Depth".

Payment for the item (e) will be payment in full for all costs involved in furnishing and installing safety
end sections, including safety bars when required.

There will be no separate payment for metal pipe anchors or tracer wire. Payment will be included in
payment for the appropriate pipe pay item.

The accepted quantities of reinforcement will be paid for on the mass (weight) or lump sum basis
according to 00530.90. If there is no item provided in the Schedule of Items for "Reinforcement in
Blocks" the cost will be considered Incidental with payment for reinforcement included in the item
"Concrete in Blocks".

00445.94 Television Inspection - Payment for television inspection will be made at the
Contract unit price per meter (foot) for the item "TV Pipe Inspection". Payment will be payment in full for
furnishing all equipment, labor and Incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified.

00445.95 Acceptance Testing - All work and material involved in testing, excluding TV testing,
of siphons, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, culverts and irrigation systems as specified will be
considered Incidental and included in payment made for the applicable pipe pay item.

00445.96 Installation Under Pavement - There will be no separate payment for the additional
work involved in placing pipe under pavement. Payment for trench resurfacing will be according to
Section 00495.

00445.98 Installation Under Railroads - Payment for the additional work involved in placing
pipe under existing railroad tracks as specified within the limits indicated on the plans, will be made at

the Contract lump sum amount for the pay item "Installing ______ mm (inch) Pipe Under Railroad". The
nominal diameter of pipe will be inserted.

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing all equipment, labor, and Incidentals necessary to
complete the installation as specified. Payment for the pipe will be made according to 00445.91.
Payment for resurfacing will be according to Section 00495.

00445.99 Incidental Basis - When neither the Special Provisions nor Schedule of Items
indicates separate payment for work under this Section, perform the work as Incidental work for which
no separate payment will be made.

Section 00450 - Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch and Arch


00450.00 Scope - This work consists of constructing structural plate pipe, pipe arches, plate
arches, horizontal ellipses, vehicular underpasses and special shaped structures.

00450.01 Definitions:

(a) Structural Plate Pipe - Built-up pipe with a circular cross section of the type, thickness and
diameter specified. It is fabricated with the vertical diameter about 5% greater than the nominal
diameter shown on the plans.

(b) Structural Plate Pipe Arch - Built-up pipe with a cross section made up of a multi-centered
shape of four circular arcs, tangent to each other at their junctions, symmetrical about the vertical axis,
and of the type, thickness and span specified. The size is designated by span and rise, measured from
the inside crests of corrugations.

(c) Structural Plate Arch -– Single or multiple radius structures comprised of a number of curved
metal plates that form an arch shape when assembled. The structure is Built-up pipe with a cross
section of variable radii to form an arch shape structure designed to be supported along its lower edges
on separately constructed reinforced concrete foundations, and of the design, type, thickness and span
as shown. This size is designated by span and rise measured from the inside crests of corrugations.

(d) Structural Plate Horizontal Ellipse - Built-up pipe in an elliptical shape with the horizontal
diameter approximately 20% greater than the nominal diameter. The size is designated by span and
rise, measured from the inside crests of corrugations.

(e) Structural Plate Vehicular Underpass - Built-up pipe in a high arch shape with large radius
sides and invert, and small radius corners between sides and invert. The size is designated by span
and rise, measured from the inside crests of corrugations.


00450.10 General - Use materials meeting the following requirements:

Aluminum alloy structural plates.....................................................02430.20

Bolts, nuts and washers..................................................................02430.90
Galvanized structural plates............................................................02430.10
Commercial grade concrete.................................................................00440


00450.40 Trench Work - Excavate trench, prepare bedding, backfill and dispose of excavated
material according to Section 00510 and the following:

(a) Trenches In Unstable Areas - Excavate unstable materials under the pipe or pipe arch and to
a width of at least one-half the diameter or span width on each side of the structure, to depths below the
established elevation for the bases or foundation of the structure, as directed. Unless otherwise
directed, backfill with granular structure backfill. Bring the backfill material to the moisture content
required for compaction and place in 150 mm (6 inch) layers. Compact each layer according to
00330.43. Bring the backfill material to the elevation established.

(b) Trenches in Unyielding Material - When rock, hardpan or other unyielding material is
encountered, remove it below the designated grade, as ordered, to a depth under the pipe or pipe arch
equal to at least 40 mm/m (1/2 inch per foot) of fill height over the top of the pipe, but not less than
200 mm (8 inches), nor more than three-fourths the vertical dimension of the structure. Unless
otherwise directed, backfill with granular structure backfill.

00450.41 Installation in Paved Areas - If structures are installed within paved areas to be
preserved, resurface according to Section 00495.

00450.42 Erection:

(a) General - Assemble corrugated metal plates at the site of installation to the lines and grades
shown or directed. Connect the plates at longitudinal and circumferential seams with bolts. Stagger
joints so that no more than three plates come together at any one point. Each plate shall be curved to
one or more circular arcs as required, and according to 02430.10, to provide an assembled structure of
specified dimensions and design.

Retain any camber specified for the invert when assembling and erecting the structures. Do not create
an adverse grade in the structure.

(b) Plate Thickness - The thickness of the respective top, corner and bottom plates in any one
structure shall be as shown.

(c) Bolts - Use at least 13 bolts per meter (4 bolts per foot) of longitudinal seam. Space bolts at
circumferential seams not more than 300 mm (12 inches) apart. Use additional bolts for special
conditions of installation if called for in the Special Provisions or by the plans. Unless otherwise
permitted, place all bolts with nuts on the inside of the structure.

(d) Assembly - Assemble structural plate structures according to the manufacturer's assembly
instructions and the following:

 Hold the unsupported edges of all plates in position by temporary props.

 Extend each row of side plates far enough to support the plate above until the first complete
ring has been assembled.

 Progressively install enough bolts to hold the plates in position. Do not tighten bolts until
tightening will not interfere with adjusting and matching of additional plates and sections.

 Do not damage the galvanizing or other protective coating when using drift pins or pry bars.
Repair any damage at Contractor's expense.


 After all plates are in place, progressively and uniformly tighten the bolts from one end of the
structure to the other end.

 Tighten bolts to at least 135 N×m (100 foot pounds) of torque for plates 5 mm (0.188 inch) thick
or less, and 200 N×m (150 foot pounds) of torque for plates more than 5 mm (0.188 inch) thick.

 Recheck and retighten as necessary before backfilling.

 Do not torque bolts above 400 N×m (300 foot pounds) during tightening.

(e) Damaged Coating - Repair damaged galvanizing according to 02420.10(d).

00450.44 Arch Substructures and Headwalls - Rest each side of each arch in a groove
formed in the concrete, or rest on a galvanized angle or channel securely anchored to or embedded in
the substructure. If the span of the arch is greater than 4.6 m (15 feet) or the skew angle is more than
20 degrees, provide a metal bearing surface having a width at least equal to the depth of the

Metal bearings may be either rolled, structural, or cold-formed galvanized angles or channels, and shall
be at least 5 mm (3/16 inch) thick. Anchor the horizontal leg securely to the substructure on 600 mm
(24 inches) centers or less. When the metal bearing is not embedded in a groove in the substructure,
punch one vertical leg and bolt to the bottom row of plates.

00450.45 Strutting - If strutting is required, place and remove according to 00445.44.

00450.46 Backfilling - Backfill and compact the trench according to 00510.48(d) and the

(a) General - Perform backfilling so that a vertical elongation between 4% and 6% greater than
the indicated normal diameter is maintained. Place backfill material evenly on both sides of the
structure at least up to the three-quarter point of the structure. Fill above the top of the pipe with
minimum cover as indicated on the fill height table included with the plans.

(b) Exposed Pipe - Place and compact embankment materials at exposed pipes according to
Section 00445.

(c) Tell-Tales - Install and remove tell-tales according to Section 00445.

(d) Arches And Horizontal Ellipses - In addition to the other provisions of this subsection,
exercise care as follows:

(1) Before Headwalls Are Placed - If backfilling pipes before headwalls are built, place the first
backfill material midway between the ends, forming as narrow a ramp as possible until the top of
the pipe is reached. Build the ramp evenly from both sides, and compact the backfill material as it
is placed. After the ramps have been built to the top on each side of the pipe, deposit the
remainder of the backfill evenly on both sides from the top of the pipe both ways from the center to
the ends.

(2) After Headwalls Are Placed - If headwalls are built before the pipe is backfilled, place the first
backfill material adjacent to one headwall until the top of the pipe is reached. Then deposit backfill
material evenly on both sides from the top of the pipe toward the other headwall.

In multiple installations, follow the above procedures. Use care to place and bring the backfill up evenly
on each side of each pipe to avoid unequal pressure.

Compact the backfill material thoroughly, but not excessively. Ponding or jetting of backfill material is
not permitted.Puddling the backfill is not permitted.

00450.47 Footings and Headwalls - Construct footings and headwalls for arches according to
the design shown and the requirements of Sections 00440 and 00530.

00450.48 Contact Surfaces, Aluminum to Concrete - Where uncoated aluminum pipe will be
in contact with portland cement concrete, give the contact surfaces of the aluminum pipe a coating of
asphalt mastic according to 00445.47.

00450.49 Work Quality - The following defects constitute poor work and the presence of any in
an individual culvert plate or in a shipment will be cause for rejection:

 Dents or bends in the metal itself

 Illegible brand
 Loose or unevenly lined or spaced bolts
 Ragged edges
 Unrepaired, bruised, scaled or broken spelter coating
 Uneven laps
 Variation from the specified alignment
 Wrong plate location


00450.80 Trench Work - For pipes having diameters of 1800 mm (72 inches) and less, there
will be no separate measurement of trench excavation, bedding and backfill. The quantities of
excavation for pipes over 1800 mm (72 inches) in diameter will be measured according to Section

00450.81 Installation Under Pavement - The quantities for pipe under pavement will be
measured according to 00445.81.

00450.82 Structures - The quantities of structural plate pipes, pipe arches, arches, horizontal
ellipses and vehicular underpasses will be measured for payment on the length basis, excluding
overlaps and the lip of plates at structure ends. Pipe arches and arches will be measured along the
bottom centerline of the structures. The length of structural plate pipes, horizontal ellipses and
vehicular underpasses will be the average of the top and bottom centerline measurements.

00450.83 Reinforcement - The quantities of reinforcement used in footings and headwalls will
be measured on the mass (weight) basis according to 00530.81.

00450.84 Concrete - The quantities of concrete used in footings and headwalls will be
measured on the volume basis according to 00540.82.


00450.90 Trench Work - There will be no separate payment for trench excavation, bedding and
backfill for pipes having diameters of 1800 mm (72 inches) or less. The accepted quantities of
excavation for pipes over 1800 mm (72 inches) in diameter will be paid for according to Section 00510.

00450.91 Installation Under Pavement - There will be no separate payment for installing pipe
under pavement. Payment for trench resurfacing will be according to 00495.90.

00450.92 Structures - The accepted quantities for structures will be paid for at the Contract
unit price per unit of measurement for the following items:

Pay Item Unit of Measurement

(a) mm (inch) Structural Plate Pipe.......................................m (Foot)

(b) x Structural Plate Pipe Arch................................................m (Foot)
(c) x Structural Plate Arch........................................................m (Foot)
(d) x Structural Plate Ellipse.....................................................m (Foot)
(e) x Structural Plate Vehicular Underpass..............................m (Foot)

In item (a) the size will be the nominal diameter of the pipe in mm (inches). In items (b), (c), (d) and (e),
the size will be the span and rise, in mm (inches), of the structure.

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing and placing all materials, equipment, labor and Incidentals
necessary to complete the work.

00450.93 Reinforcement - The accepted quantities of reinforcement in footings and headwalls

will be paid for according to 00530.90.

00450.94 Concrete - The accepted quantities of concrete in footings and headwalls will be paid
for according to 00540.92.

Section 00459 (cast-in-place concrete pipe) remain as a special provision and is not to be included in
the standard specifications.

Section 00460 - Paved Culvert End Slopes


00460.00 Scope - This work consists of constructing portland cement concrete paved culvert
end slopes at locations indicated on the plans or where designated.


00460.10 General - Use materials \ meeting the following requirements:

Curing compound.................................................................................02050
Commercial grade concrete.................................................................00440
Welded wire fabric..........................................................................02510.40


00460.40 General - Construct paved culvert end slopes according to Section 00440 and the

 Shape the base on which the concrete is to be placed to the lines and grades established.
Water and compact the areas before placing concrete.

 Finish the surface of the paved culvert end slopes to a smooth, uniform texture by troweling
and floating and then brush the surface with a broom or burlap, as directed.


00460.80 Area Basis - The quantities of each paved culvert end slope, as shown on the plans,
will be measured on the area basis. No actual field measurement will be made, except to check the
work, unless changes are ordered, and no allowance will be made for paved culvert end slopes which
are constructed on a skew.

If changes are ordered and made in the work, those paved culvert end slopes that are changed will be
measured in the field. Measurements will be based on the actual surface area of the paved culvert end
slope (not including the culvert opening) plus the face area of the cut-off wall.


00460.90 Area Basis - The accepted quantities of paved culvert end slopes will be paid for at
the Contract unit price per m2 (square foot) for the item "Paved Culvert End Slopes". Payment will be
payment in full for furnishing and placing all materials, equipment, labor and Incidentals necessary to
complete the work.

Section 00470 - Manholes, Catch Basins and Inlets


00470.00 Scope - This work consists of constructing manholes, catch basins, inlets, sumps,
siphon boxes, slope protectors and other similar structures. Construct the structures of commercial
grade concrete, corrugated metal, or other material, with necessary frames, covers, gratings, and other
fittings and hardware.

References to manholes, sumps, inlets, siphon boxes and slope protectors refer to standard structures
of specific design and use, and are identified on the plans. The term "concrete" refers to commercial
grade concrete.

00470.01 Cast-in-Place and Precast Construction - Concrete manholes shall be cast-in-

place or precast, as shown or specified. Concrete sumps shall be precast. Concrete inlets and siphon
boxes may be either cast-in-place or precast.


00470.10 General - Use materials meeting the following requirements:

Concrete drain tile...........................................................................02410.40

Corrugated metal pipe...................................................02420.10, 02420.40
Joint material.................................................02440.40, 02440.50, 02440.60
Commercial grade concrete.................................................................00440
Metal frames, grates, covers, and ladders......................................02450.30
Nonreinforced concrete pipe...........................................................02410.10
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, Schedule 40....................................02410.70
Precast concrete manholes, catch basins and inlets.....02450.10, 02450.20
Reinforcement................................................................02510.10, 02510.40
High density pPolyethylene (HDPE) Pipe.......................................02410.60

00470.11 Precast Concrete Manholes and Bases - Furnish cones with the same wall
thickness and reinforcement as riser sections.

Prior to delivery of precast manhole sections to the job site, yard permeability tests may be required at
the point of manufacture. The precast sections to be tested will be selected at random from the
stockpiled material to be supplied to the Project. All test specimens will be mat tested, and shall meet
the permeability test requirements of ASTM C 497/C 497M.

Precast manhole sections shall consist of circular sections in one of the following standard nominal
inside diameters:

1050 mm (42")
1200 mm (48")
1350 mm (54")
1500 mm (60")
1800 mm (72")
2100 mm (84")
2400 mm (96")
3000 mm (120")
3300 mm (132")
3600 mm (144")

Heights of sections shall be multiples of 150 mm (6 inches), except heights of manhole sections
1800 mm (72 inches) through 2400 mm (96 inches) in diameter shall be as required to fit site

00470.12 Cap Screws - Cap screws and washers for watertight manhole covers shall be
stainless steel with 414 MPa (60,000 psi) minimum tensile strength conforming to the requirements of
ASTM A 453/A 453M.

00470.13 Inside Drop Manhole Connectors - Furnish stainless steel anchor bolts and anchor
straps for inside drop pipe connections.

00470.14 Pipe and Fittings - Furnish pipe and fittings as specified and conforming to the
applicable portions of Section 00445. Use tees, ells and other fittings for drop manholes made from the
same material as the pipe connecting to the manhole.

00470.15 Pipe Stubouts for Future Sanitary Sewer Connections - Pipe stubouts shall be the
same type and strength classification as approved for use in the lateral, main or trunk sewer
construction. Where there are two different classes of pipe at a manhole, the higher strength pipe will
govern strength classification. Furnish watertight plugs with each stubout and adequately brace against
hydrostatic or air test pressures.

00470.16 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Carry-Through - All sanitary sewer carry-through pipes
and fittings through storm sewer manholes shall be ductile iron conforming to Section 02420.

00470.17 Sump Backfill - Use crushed or uncrushed rock, visually well graded in size from
either 100 mm to 50 mm (4 inch to 2 inch) or 150 mm to 50 mm (6 inch to 2 inch).

00470.18 Base Drain Backfill - Use aggregate base or selected granular backfill material that
is free from silts or other fines.



00470.40 General:

(a) Excavation, Backfill and Foundation Stabilization - Excavate and backfill according to
Section 00405. When specified, or as directed, remove unstable material that will not support the
manhole or other structure, excavate below grade and backfill with trench foundation stabilization
material according to Section 00405.

(b) Pipe Connections - Place connecting pipe at the required alignment and grade. Set the
connecting pipe through the full thickness of the wall flush with the inner face of the wall. Ensure that
pipe connections to the structure are completely watertight. Connect all pipe to manholes according to
the manufacturer's recommendations.

Grout concrete pipe connections to manholes so they are watertight ,using non-shrink grout conforming
to 02440.50. When grouted into the manhole section, the pipe section shall not extend more than 18
inches0.6 m (2 feet) outside the manhole. If an approved flexible connection for concrete pipe is
provided at the manhole, full or partial pipe sections may be stubbed into the manhole as required.

Connect flexible pipe to sanitary manholes using an approved adapter specifically manufactured for the
intended service. Use only flexible pipe adapters from the QPL. Do not use field-fabricated waterstops
or improvised adapters. Adapters requiring the use of grout for installation shall be anchored and
finished using non-shrink grout conforming to 02440.50.

00470.41 Precast Concrete Manholes - Precast manhole components may be used to

construct standard, drop and carry-through manholes.

(a) Bases - If bases are cast in place, consolidate the concrete by mechanical vibration. Screed
off the concrete so that the first manhole section to be placed has a level, uniform bearing for the full

If bases are precast, carefully place the base section on the prepared bedding so as to be fully and
uniformly supported at true grade and alignment.

Construct the invert to match that of the sewer pipe. Where the size of the sewer pipe is changed at the
manhole, construct the invert to form a smooth transition without abrupt breaks or unevenness of the
invert surfaces. Where a full section of concrete sewer pipe is laid through the manhole, break out the
top to the springline of the pipe for the full width of the manhole, and completely cover the exposed
edge of the pipe with mortar. During construction divert existing flows of water or sewage away from
new concrete or mortar surfaces to prevent damage to the fresh concrete or mortar until the initial set
has been achieved.

(b) Precast Manhole Sections - Thoroughly wet all lift holes, completely fill with nonshrink grout,
and smooth and point both inside and out to ensure watertightness.

(1) Sanitary Manholes - Use preformed plastic or rubber gaskets on all joints between manhole

(2) Storm Manholes - Non-shrink grout is allowed on joints, and on 600 mm (24 inch) extension
rings above the cone. In roadways and other areas intended for traffic, a minimum of one 600 mm
(24 inch) diameter precast riser is required between the cone and manhole cover frame.

When grout is used do the following:

 Clean and wet the surfaces to be joined with water.


 Apply non-shrink grout to the lower portion of the bell or groove of the section already laid
and to the upper portion of the spigot or tongue of the section being laid.

 Clean the joint recesses, fill completely with non-shrink grout and wipe to a smooth finish
both inside and out.

 Do not allow free water to come in contact with grout joints within 24 hours after the
mortared joints are finished.

 Protect the completed joints against rapid drying.

(c) Grates, Frames, Covers and Fittings - Set metal frames for manholes and sumps on full
non-shrink grout beds to prevent infiltration of surface water or groundwater between the frame and the
concrete of the manhole section. If concrete is to be poured around the frames, coat the portion of the
frame that will contact the concrete with hot asphalt before placing the concrete. Set frames, covers
and grates true to the locations and grades established. Clean bearing surfaces and provide uniform
contact. Secure all fastenings. Construct all mortared, sanitary sewer manhole necks and all riser ring
joints made with non-shrink grout using an approved commercial concrete bonding agent applied to all
cured concrete surfaces being grouted.

00470.42 Precast Concrete Catch Basins and Inlets - Install precast catch basins and inlets
to the specified line and grade.

00470.43 Cast-in-Place Concrete Construction:

(a) General - Construct cast-in-place manholes, inlets, siphon boxes and concrete slope
protectors according to Section 00440. Finish all inside surfaces smooth and free of depressions or
protrusions. Form exterior surfaces with steel, plywood or other approved materials. Form other
surfaces with matched boards, plywood, or other approved material. Do not cast directly against trench
walls, rock, or earth.

(b) Cast-in-Place Catch Basins and Inlets - Construct forms for both the inside and outside
walls of cast-in- place catch basins. Forms shall be tight and well braced, with chamfered corners.
Remove all water and debris prior to placing concrete.

Consolidate the concrete immediately after placement with an approved vibrator. Limit vibration time to
that necessary to produce satisfactory consolidation without causing segregation. Screed the top
surface and trowel exposed surfaces to a smooth finish, free from marks or irregularities. Radius
exposed edges with a steel edging tool. After forms are removed, patch any defects in the concrete
with an approved mortar mix.

Immediately after removal of forms and final finishing, cure according to 00440.40(e).

00470.45 Steps and Ladders - Fasten steps and ladders to the manhole walls according to the
manufacturer’s recommendations and as shown.

00470.46 Corrugated Pipe Slope Protectors - Construct corrugated metal slope protectors
according to the plans and the applicable requirements of Section 00445.

00470.48 Sump Backfill - Place and compact granular backfill material around concrete sumps
in layers no more than 300 mm (12 inches) thick and according to 00330.43. Avoid damage or
displacement of the structure.


00470.49 Concrete Inlet Base Drains - Provide concrete inlets with base drains leading from
abutting aggregate base or selected granular backfill material.

Use nonreinforced concrete pipe, concrete drain tile, polyethylene pipeHDPE or polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) plastic pipe for basin drains. Place and compact backfill without damaging pipe or inlet.

Maintenance, Clean up and Testing

00470.70 Cleaning - Upon completion, clean each structure of accumulated silt, debris or
foreign matter of any kind and keep clean until final acceptance of the work.

00470.71 Sanitary Manhole Acceptance Testing - Field test all sanitary sewer manholes for
acceptance by either hydrostatic or vacuum testing after completion of backfilling, compaction and
surface restoration, including paving. If the manhole fails the test, make necessary repairs by an
approved method, and retest the manhole. Repair and retest the manhole until a satisfactory test is

(a) Hydrostatic Testing - Perform hydrostatic testing according to ASTM C 497/C 497M. Plug all
inlets and outlets and fill the manhole with water. Fill each manhole to the rim at the start of the test.
Leakage in each manhole shall not exceed 1.1 L/hr/0.3 m (0.3 gallons per hour per foot) of head above
the invert. Determine leakage by refilling to the rim using a calibrated container. Manholes may be
filled 24 hours prior to the time of testing to permit normal absorption into the manhole walls.

(b) Vacuum Testing - Perform vacuum testing according to ASTM C 1244/C 1244M. Plug and
brace all pipes entering the manhole. Place the test head in or on top of the manhole ring. Draw a
vacuum of 254 mm (10 inches) of mercury on the manhole, close the valve on the vacuum line of the
test head, and shut off the vacuum pump. Measure the time for the vacuum to drop to 228 mm (9
inches) of mercury. The manhole is acceptable if the time for the vacuum reading to drop from 254 mm
(10 inches) of mercury to 228 mm (9 inches) of mercury meets or exceeds the values indicated in the
table below:

Minimum Test Times For Various Manhole Diameters

Diameter (mm)
750 or
825 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800
Depth * (m) Time ** (s)
2.4 or less 11 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 33
3 14 15 18 21 25 29 33 36 41
3.7 17 18 21 25 30 35 39 43 49
4.2 20 21 25 30 35 41 46 51 57
4.9 22 24 29 34 40 46 52 58 67
5.5 25 27 32 38 45 52 59 65 73
6.1 28 30 35 42 50 53 65 72 81
6.7 31 33 39 46 55 64 72 79 89
7.3 33 36 42 51 59 64 78 87 97
7.9 35 39 46 55 64 75 85 94 105
8.5 39 42 49 59 69 81 91 101 113
9.1 42 45 53 63 74 87 98 108 121

* Depth is measured from the top of the manhole to the lowest invert.

** Test times for manhole depths between those shown in this table may be calculated by

Diameter (inches)
30 or
33 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
Depth *
Time ** (s)
8 or less 11 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 33
10 14 15 18 21 25 29 33 36 41
12 17 18 21 25 30 35 39 43 49
14 20 21 25 30 35 41 46 51 57
16 22 24 29 34 40 46 52 58 67
18 25 27 32 38 45 52 59 65 73
20 28 30 35 42 50 53 65 72 81
22 31 33 39 46 55 64 72 79 89
24 33 36 42 51 59 64 78 87 97
26 35 39 46 55 64 75 85 94 105
28 39 42 49 59 69 81 91 101 113
30 42 45 53 63 74 87 98 108 121

* Depth is measured from the top of the manhole to the lowest invert.
** Test times for manhole depths between those shown in this table may be calculated by


00470.80 General - The quantities of manholes, sumps, inlets, catch basins, siphon boxes,
slope protectors, and other structures will be measured on a unit basis, per each by actual count.
Required earthwork not covered as trench or ditch excavation, pipe connections, sump, rock backfill,
aggregate base backfill and drain tile is considered incidental to the pertinent structure and no separate
measurement will be made.

No separate measurement will be made for acceptance testing of sanitary sewer manholes.


00470.90 General - The accepted quantities will be paid for at the Contract unit price for one or
more of the following items:

Pay Item Unit of Measurement

(a) Concrete Sanitary Sewer Manholes......................................................Each
(b) Concrete Storm Sewer Manholes..........................................................Each
(c) Concrete Manholes, ________.............................................................Each
(d) Concrete Sumps....................................................................................Each
(e) Concrete Inlets, Type ______...............................................................Each
(f) Concrete Siphon Boxes.........................................................................Each
(g) Concrete Diversion Boxes.....................................................................Each
(h) Concrete Irrigation Boxes......................................................................Each
(i) Concrete Junction Boxes.......................................................................Each
(j) Concrete Monument Boxes...................................................................Each
(k) Manhole Slope Protectors.....................................................................Each
(l) Catch Basins, _______.........................................................................Each

In items (c), (e) and (l) the type of structure will be inserted in the blank, with a separate pay item
provided for each type.

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing and placing all materials, equipment, labor and Incidentals
necessary to complete the work as specified, including all earthwork not covered as trench or ditch

There will be no separate payment for performing required acceptance testing.

Section 00475 - Drain Wells


00475.00 Scope - This work consists of drilling 200 mm (8 inch) diameter drain wells, including
furnishing and installing steel well casings, at the locations and to the depths shown, for the purpose of
intersecting large voids in underlying rock.


00475.10 Well Casing - Use NPS 8 (8 inch), Schedule 40 black steel well casing pipe
conforming to ASTM A 53/A 53M.


00475.40 General - Drill the drain wells at the locations and to the depths directed, before
constructing manholes and inlets.

Test each drain well by running water into it to determine if the well has sufficient capacity. The well
shall have a capacity of at least 1500 L/min (400 gallons per minute) for eight continuous minutes.


00475.80 Drain Wells - The quantities of drain wells will be measured on a unit basis, per each,
by actual count.

00475.81 Extra for Drain Wells Deeper than 30 m (100 Feet) - The quantities of drain wells
deeper than 30 m (100 feet) will be on a length basis for the amount greater than 30 m (100 feet).

00475.82 Steel Well Casing - The quantities of steel well casings will be measured on a length

00475.83 Testing Wells - No separate measurement will be made for testing drain wells or for
the water or other materials used.


00475.90 General - The accepted quantities will be paid for at the Contract unit price per unit of
measurement for the following items:

Pay Item Unit of Measurement

(a) 200 mm (8 Inch) Drain Wells......................................................................Each

(b) Extra for 200 mm (8 Inch) Drain Wells Deeper Than 30 m (100 Feet)....m (Foot)
(c) NPS 8 (8 Inch) Steel Well Casing............................................................m (Foot)

Item (a) will be payment in full for all costs involved in drilling 200 mm (8 inch) drain wells up to 30 m
(100 feet) in depth.

Item (b) will be payment in full for all extra costs involved in drilling in excess of 30 m (100 feet) in depth.
The Contractor will not be entitled to extra or additional payment if it is not necessary to drill deeper than
30 m (100 feet).

Item (c) will be payment in full for all costs involved in furnishing and installing steel well casings.

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing and installing drain wells and casings including all
materials, equipment, labor and Incidentals required to complete the work as specified.

00475.91 Testing Wells - No separate or additional payment will be made for testing drain
wells or for the water or other materials used.

Section 00480 - Drainage Curbs


00480.00 Scope - This work consists of constructing mechanically extruded curbs using either
commercial grade concrete (CGC) or asphalt concrete material.

Construct the curbs at the locations and to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the plans or as


00480.10 General - Use materials meeting the requirements of the following:

Emulsified Asphalt...............................................................................02710
Epoxy Bonding Agent.....................................................................02070.10
Preformed Expansion Joint Filler....................................................02440.10

00480.11 Commercial Grade Concrete - Furnish commercial grade concrete (CGC) according
to Section 00440. Provide combined coarse and fine aggregates conforming to the following gradation
limits when tested according to AASHTO T 27, unless otherwise approved:

Sieve Size Percent Passing,

by mass (weight)


12.5 mm (1/2") 100

9.5 mm (3/8") 75 - 100
4.75 mm (No. 4) 50 - 75
1.18 mm (No. 16) 20 - 40
600 mm (No. 30) 12 - 23
300 mm (No. 50) 5 - 15
150 mm (No. 100) 0-5

00480.12 Asphalt Concrete - Use a dense graded asphalt concrete mixture conforming to
Section 00745 (Level 2, 25 mm (1 inch) or 19 mm (3/4 inch) Dense). The mixture may be varied when
conditions require , if approved by the Engineer.


00480.40 Preparation of Base - Clean pavements upon which drainage curbs are to be
constructed so that they are free of dirt, dust, oil, grease or other extraneous matter.

00480.41 Bonding Material Application:

(a) CGC Curbs - Bond CGC curbs to underlying pavements with an epoxy bonding agent from the
QPL or conforming to 00480.10. Apply according to the manufacturer's recommendations and at a rate
that provides a thorough coating to the surface with all voids and depressions filled. Place the new curb
on the epoxy bonding agent within 15 minutes after spreading, or before it loses its tackiness,
whichever is sooner.

(b) Asphalt Concrete Curbs - Bond asphalt concrete curbs to underlying pavement with either:

 An epoxy bonding agent meeting the requirements of 00480.10 or from the QPL, applied in the
manner specified in 00480.41(a), or

 An emulsified asphalt of the type designated by the Engineer and conforming to 00480.10.
Apply emulsified asphalt at a rate of 0.2 to 0.5 L/m2 (0.05 to 0.10 gallons per square yard) of
curb. Place the new curb on the emulsified asphalt after the asphalt separates from the water
(breaks), but before it loses its tackiness.

00480.42 Commercial Grade Concrete Curbs:

(a) Placing and Finishing - Feed concrete into the extruding machine at a uniform rate and
operate the machine under sufficient uniform restraint to forward motion to produce a well compacted
mass of concrete. Perform finishing work as required to present a smooth, dense surface.

Remove and replace honeycombed sections. Repair of honeycombed and other defective sections by
plastering will not be permitted.

(b) Transverse Expansion Joints - Space expansion joints as shown. The width of the joint and
thickness of the filler shall not be less than 12 mm (1/2 inch). Construct each expansion joint at right
angles to the curb alignment, normal to the surface of the curb and provide complete separation of new

Firmly support the adjacent portions of the curb with close fitting shields if expansion joints are sawed
before the concrete has hardened.

Mortar the joint filler in place if sawing is performed after the concrete has hardened.

(c) Transverse Contraction Joints - Space contraction joints as shown. Form the joints by
grooving, by inserting and removing plates or other devices, by inserting and leaving in place preformed
expansion joint fillers or by other approved means.

Make joints no wider than 6 mm (1/4 inch), and deep enough so that at least one-third of the cross-
sectional area of the curb is severed. Tool the edges of joints. Clean unfilled grooves and fill with joint
filler flush with the surface of the concrete.

(d) Curing - Begin curing curbs immediately after completing machine or hand finishing of the
fresh concrete, according to 00440.40(e).

00480.43 Asphalt Concrete Curbs - Construct asphalt concrete curbs by the mechanical
extrusion method. Produce a well compacted mass of asphalt concrete with a uniform texture finish.

00480.44 Line and Grade - Place a 3.6 m (12 foot) straightedge on the top or face of curb.
The curb surface shall not vary more than 6 mm (1/4 inch) from the edge of the straightedge, except at
grade changes or curves.


00480.80 Length Basis - The quantities of drainage curbs will be measured on the length
basis, for each continuous run measured along the line and grade of the curb.


00480.90 Length Basis - The accepted quantities of drainage curbs will be paid for at the
Contract unit price per meter (foot) for the item "Drainage Curbs". Payment will be payment in full for
furnishing and placing all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the
work as specified.

Section 00490 - Work on Existing Sewers and Structures


00490.00 Scope - This work consists of joining new work to existing work, repairing or
abandoning of sewer lines and structures, and adjusting existing manholes, sumps, inlets, boxes and
other similar structures. Remove and dispose of pipe, manholes and catch basins that are scheduled
for removal according to Section 00310.

00490.01 Descriptive Terms:

Adjust - To raise, lower or reconstruct structures to a new top elevation flush with the surrounding

Box - Valve box, meter box, monument box or other similar structure with a removable cover.

Bypass Pumping - The process of pumping sanitary sewer or storm flows around a manhole or
pipeline during the construction or rehabilitation of those facilities.

Inlet - Structure designed to receive surface water through a grate or orifice and to discharge
water through pipes.

Manhole - Manhole, sump or similar structure designed to permit entry and working space,
usually at intersections of sewer pipes.

Manhole Neck - The upper portion of a manhole, having vertical walls and a uniform diameter or
dimension just sufficient to receive and support the metal frame.


00490.10 General - Materials used shall be either existing materials in a condition suitable for
reuse and meeting current design, or new materials that meet the following:

Joint materials...............................................02440.40, 02440.50, 02440.60

Metal frames, covers, grates and ladders.......................................02450.30
Commercial grade concrete.................................................................00440
Precast concrete sections..............................................02450.10, 02450.20

00490.11 High Early Strength Concrete - Use high early strength concrete conforming to the
requirements of commercial grade concrete, except it shall contain a minimum of 420 kg/m 3
(705 pounds per cubic yard) of Type III or Type IIIA cement or an approved Type C or Type E admixture
with a minimum of 350 kg/m3 (592 pounds per cubic yard) of Type I or Type II cement.


00490.40 General - Excavate and backfill according to Section 00405. Remove and dispose of
old concrete and other materials according to Section 00310.

Obtain approval before reusing salvaged metal frames, covers, grates and fittings on structures to be

When concrete is poured around frames, paint the portion of the frame that will contact the concrete
with hot asphalt before the concrete is poured.

Provide high early strength concrete when shown on the plans, or when traffic is required to traverse
the structure due to staging requirements. The Engineer will determine the length of curing time.

New construction shall conform to Section 00470.

Repair, replace or restore to existing condition any manhole or similar structuresump backfill, inlet base
drain, aggregate base or pavement disturbed or fouled by the adjustment work as directed.

Bypass pump sanitary sewer and stormwater flows around the pipe section or manhole being repaired
or replaced by plugging an existing upstream manhole and pumping the flow around the work to a
downstream manhole. Submit a bypass pumping plan to the Engineer at least 48 hours before
beginning bypass pumping. Use a pump with adequate capacity to handle existing flows and additional
flow due to rain. Pumps shall not exceed a noise level of 86 dB at a distance of 15.2 m (50 feet). Do
not operate bypass pumps at night except in an emergency. Do not discharge raw sewage onto private
property or city streets, or into storm drain systems.

00490.41 Manholes over Existing Sewers:

(a) General - Construct manholes in accordance with Section 00470. Test all sanitary sewer
manholes in accordance with Section 00470.


Prevent material or debris from entering the line.

When required, provide all diversion facilities and perform all work necessary to
maintain flow in existing lines. Obtain the Engineer's approval prior to diverting flows.

(b) Manholes over Existing Rigid Pipe Sewers - Construct manholes over existing rigid sewers
after first cleaning and applying an approved commercial concrete bonding agent to all surfaces of the
pipe that will be in contact with the manhole.

If the top of the existing rigid pipe is to be cut out, cut it to the spring line for the full width of the
manhole. Smooth and point the exposed edge of pipe with mortar.

Make rigid sewer pipe connections using an acceptable pipe connection according to Section 00470.

(c) Manholes over Existing Flexible Pipe Sewers - Construct manholes over existing flexible
sewers systems with approved water stops, watertight fittings or boots at connections with the existing
flexible sewer.

If approved, manholes may be constructed over existing PVC sewers and sealed at the manhole wall
using the following method:

 Apply a coating of PVC solvent to the pipe that will be in contact with the manhole.

 Apply a dense coating of clean mortar sand over the PVC solvent cement.

 After the cement has cured, apply a commercial concrete bonding agent to the sand prior to
placement of concrete.

(d) Manhole Connections -– Core or sawcut Construct openings in the existing manhole base or
barrel as required. Construct connections that are watertight and that will provide a smooth flow into
and through the manhole. All sanitary sewer pipe connections, including those at invert level as well as
penetrations for drop connectors, conduits and carry-throughs, shall conform to the requirements of
Section 00470.

00490.42 Service Line Connections to Existing Sanitary Sewers - Make connections of

service lines to existing sewers watertight. Make connections, where possible, to existing tees or wyes
that have been previously installed and plugged. Remove the plug and make the connection according
to Section 00445. Make transition couplings between dissimilar pipe materials using approved
commercial adapters with stainless steel bands.

Where tees or wyes for connection are absent or unusable, connect service lines with approved
commercial taps. Do not backfill any tap until it is inspected and approved by the Engineer.

Install taps by coring without protrusion into, or damage to, the existing sewer. Support the sewer and
replace bedding material, as necessary, to prevent settlement of the sewer grade.

00490.43 Abandoning Pipe in Place - Drain abandoned pipes and plug watertight. Plug
abandoned pipes with gasketed mechanical plugs or grout seals, as directed. Where abandoned pipes
connect to sewer manholes, install the plugs or seals from the inside of the manhole and reshape the
channel to conform to the Standard Drawings.

Fill abandoned pipes greater than 300 mm (12 inches) diameter with sand, controlled low-strength
material meeting the requirements of 00442, or other approved material.

00490.44 Filling Abandoned Pipes, Manholes and Catch Basins - Cap or plug all connecting
pipes to manholes and catch basins that are scheduled to be abandoned. Remove the manhole cone
or flat top and manhole sections, or the catch basin frame, to a minimum depth of 1.0 m (3 feet) below
finish grade and fill the remaining manhole barrel or catch basin with granular material meeting the
requirements of Section 02630. Compact the granular material to 90% of maximum density according
to AASHTO T 99. When in landscaped or unimproved roadway sections, backfill with approved
materials meeting the requirements of 00330.13. Place topsoil meeting the requirements of 00330.11
for the last 0.3 m (1 foot) of backfill.

00490.45 Salvaging Manhole Frames, Covers and Grates - Remove manhole frames, covers
and grates scheduled for salvage and store in an approved location. Frames, grates and covers
meeting Specifications may be salvaged from structures to be adjusted and may be reused in the work
if of suitable size and condition. Replace, at no additional cost to the Agency, all items damaged or lost
by the Contractor with similar items that are comparable in all respects with those they are to replace,
and which are adequate for the intended purpose.

Clean salvaged components to be reused of foreign material by methods that will not harm the

00490.46 Adjusting Manholes:

(a) Metal Steps and Ladders - If existing manholes or similar structures have metal steps or
metal ladders, provide new steps or new ladder extensions in the adjusted structure, in kind. Construct
according to the Standard Drawings.

(b) Concrete and Masonry Manholes - Manholes may be raised or lowered as specified below
or as shown.

(1) Minor adjustments of manholes are those that require adding or removing precast grade rings
or metal rings as approved.

(2) Major adjustments of manholes are those that infringe into the cone or flat top section.
Remove the cone or flat top, add or remove sections, and replace the cone or flat top. Use risers
to attain desired grade.

Precast sections removed in the adjusting work may be reused in other adjusting work or in new
construction provided they are in good condition and otherwise conform to the Specifications. Precast
items that are not used in the work become the property of the Contractor.

(c) Raising Tops of Manholes - The top of the manhole may be raised by the use of riser rings or
by reconstructing the neck. Fabricated metal rings and plates may be furnished and used in the
adjustment work, provided that:

 The metal and its fabrication provide at least the strength and support required for covers or
 Uniform bearing of bearing surfaces is assured
 Positive safeguards are made against displacement when in service

Do not exceed 460 mm (2418 inches) total distance from the top of the metal frame at its new adjusted
grade to the top of the cone. Riser rings and repairs shall conform with the requirements of Section
00470. Extend manhole barrels of brick, block or concrete in kind.

(1) Concrete Manholes - Reconstruct the neck of the manhole as follows:

 Remove existing frames, covers and grates.

 Chip away the exposed top surface on which new mortar or concrete is to be placed, to a
depth of 40 mm (1 1/2 inches) or until firm concrete is exposed.

 Clean the new surface by brushing, and moisten with water at the time of placing new

 Place new concrete to the required grade and cure at least three days when using
commercial grade concrete, and as directed when using high early strength concrete.

 Seat the frame in fresh mortar and bring to the proper grade.

(2) Masonry Manholes - Reconstruct masonry manholes of bricks or concrete blocks as follows:

 Raise with new bricks, blocks, precast components, mortar or combinations thereof, or
with concrete, as conditions warrant.

 Do not place mortar for building up existing masonry to a depth of more than 75 mm
(3 inches).

 Do not place concrete to a depth of less than 75 mm (3 inches).

 To conform to these requirements, cut down as necessary the existing shells or walls of
structures to be adjusted to provide space for the new construction.

(d) Lowering Tops of Manholes (Minor Adjustment) - When the adjustment does not require
removal of the cone or flat top, proceed as follows:

 Expose the top of the structure to the required depth.

 Cut off or remove elements of the structure to an elevation below that established for the
bottom of the metal frame or cover.

 Build up with mortar, concrete, brick or concrete blocks to the required elevation.

 Join new material to old as specified in above under (a) through (c).

(e) Metal Manholes - Adjust metal manholes to grade by resetting the entire structure on a firm
foundation, by adding extensions of like design and material, or by severing the barrel in an acceptable
manner. Salvaged structures not reused on the Project become the property of the Contractor.

00490.47 Adjusting Catch Basins and Inlets:

(a) Cast-in-Place Concrete Catch Basins and Inlets:

 After existing frames and grates or covers have been removed, chip away the exposed top
surface to expose firm concrete. Provide at least 25 mm (1 inch) clearance below the frame to
be placed.

 Clean the new surface by brushing and moistening with water at the time of placing new

 Provide the necessary forms to maintain existing structure dimensions in the new work.

 Place new concrete according to Section 00440 to the required grades. The frame may either
be preset in the form or placed in the fresh concrete to the required grades.

 Finish the concrete top surfaces as required to match the grades required.

 Grout existing and new inside surfaces as required to attain a uniform surface transition.

(b) Precast Concrete Catch Basins and Inlets - The entire precast structure may be reset to a
new grade when the nature of the structure and conditions permit.

Precast concrete sections may be added or removed as required to obtain proper grade.

Precast structures may be raised by using precast sections provided that:

 The material conforms to the general requirements of the existing structure

 Sections are set and joined to each other and to existing sections

 Uniform bearing of bearing surfaces is assured

 Positive safeguards are made against displacement when in service.

(c) Catch Basin Connections - Adjust as follows:

 Place connecting pipe at the required line and grade.

 Set the connecting pipe through the full thickness of the wall flush with the inner face of the

 Connect to the structure with a watertight joint.

00490.48 Adjusting Boxes, Cleanout Lids and Similar Structures - Raise or lower boxes,
lids and similar structures by one of the following methods:

 Resetting the entire structure on a firm foundation.

 Adding extensions of like material below the original structure if raising the structure to a point
where it would not enclose or protect its contents.

 Placing precast box extensions, or cast-in-place concrete.

 Complete replacement of the structure with a new structure of adequate design approved by
the Engineer.


00490.49 Finish Grade - Center a 3.6 m (12 foot) straightedge, as far as practical, over the
center of the cover of manholes and boxes. The final grade of the pavement surface and adjusted
manholes and boxes shall not vary more than 6 mm (1/4 inch) from the finish grade and cross section at
any point along the straightedge.


00490.80 Unit Basis - The quantities of adjusted and reconstructed manholes, sumps, inlets,
boxes and other similar structures will be measured on the unit basis, per each by actual count.

Manholes over existing sewers, connections to existing structures, and filling abandoned structures will
be measured on the unit basis, per each by actual count.

00490.81 Incidental Basis - There will be no separate measurement for abandoning pipes in
place, removal and disposal of existing structures and pipe, or bypass pumping.


00490.90 Unit Basis - The accepted quantities will be paid for at the Contract unit price per
each for the following items:

(a) Minor Adjustment Of Manholes

(b) Major Adjustment Of Manholes
(c) Adjusting Sumps
(d) Adjusting Inlets
(e) Adjusting Boxes
(f) Adjusting Catch Basins
(g) Manholes Over Existing Sewers
(h) Connection To Existing Structures
(i) Filling Abandoned Structures

Item (a) applies to manholes adjusted by adding or removing precast or metal grade rings.

Item (b) applies to manholes adjusted by:

 Removing and reconstructing part or all of the cone or flat top

 Removing and replacing the entire cone or flat top
 Adding precast risers below the cone of precast manholes

Item (g) applies to manholes that are installed over existing sewers and includes all incidentals required
to complete the work as specified.

Item (i) applies to filling abandoned pipes, manholes, sumps, inlets, boxes and other similar structures
and includes all materials and labor required to complete the work as specified.

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing and placing all materials including all equipment, labor and
incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified.

Earthwork, backfill, protective coatings, replacement of manhole or similar structuresump backfill, base
drains, aggregate bases, pavements, connections, structure abandonment, structure filling and other
miscellaneous work will be considered incidental to the work with no separate payment being made.

Section 00495 - Trench Resurfacing


00495.00 Scope - This work consists of resurfacing pipe trenches, including replacement of
pavement, curbs, sidewalks, rock surfacing, topsoil, landscaping and other features removed or
damaged during pipe trenching operations.


00495.10 General - Provide trench resurfacing materials that match existing material removed
from pipe trenches, or meeting the following:

Hot Mixed Asphalt Concrete (HMAC)..................................................00745

Emulsified Asphalt Concrete (EAC).....................................................00735
Asphalt prime coat...............................................................................00705
Asphalt seal and cover coat.................................................................00710
Concrete sidewalks, curbs and driveway.............................................00759
Concrete paving...................................................................................00756
Rock surfacing.....................................................................................00641
Topsoil, planting and seeding..............................................................01040

Tack Coat for sealing the edges of asphalt concrete paving shall be RC 70 or MC 70 conforming to
AASHTO M81 or M82.

Sand used for edge sealing shall be clean sand with no visible sign of silts or organic materials.


00495.40 General - The following construction requirements are for resurfacing trenches in
various locations. Refer to Section 00405 for trench surface removal requirements.

(a) Hot Mixed Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) Paving - Place HMAC paving according to Section

(b) Emulsified Asphalt Concrete (EAC) Paving - When temporary surfacing is required prior to
placing permanent surfacing, place EAC paving a minimum of 25 mm (1 inch) thick. The temporary
paving shall be smooth with surface variations not greater than 12 mm (1/2 inch) from the existing
surfacing. Where the temporary patch adjoins existing surfaces the joint shall not be greater than 6 mm
(1/4 inch) high. Maintain the temporary surfacing until the permanent surfacing is placed. HMAC
paving may be used If approved.

(c) Asphalt Prime Coat - Apply asphalt prime coat according to Section 00705.

(d) Asphalt Seal and Cover Coat - Apply asphalt seal and cover coat according Section 00710.

(e) Edge Sealing Tack Coat Application - Seal all adjoining asphalt concrete pavement surfaces
with an edge sealing tack coat. Place sufficient tack coat to seal the adjoining surfaces. After the tack
coat has been placed, place clean sand over the tack coat. Reapply additional tack coat and sand
cover to any edges that are not completely sealed in the first application.

(f) Aggregate Base - Place aggregate base according to Section 00641.

(g) Concrete Sidewalk, Curb and Driveway - Construct concrete sidewalk, curbs and driveways
according to Section 00759.

(h) Concrete Paving - Construct concrete paving according to Section 00756.

(i) Rock Surfacing - Construct rock surfacing according to Section 00641.

(j) Topsoil - Place topsoil according to Sections 00405 and 01040.

(k) Landscaping - Place landscaping according to the requirements of Section 01040.


00495.80 Area Basis - Measurement for trench resurfacing will be on the area basis. The
length will be measured horizontally along the centerline of the installed pipe from edge to edge of the
surface replaced. The width will be measured from edge to edge of the top of the trench.

When the pipe is installed under pavement by tunneling, boring, or jacking methods, the work will be
measured for payment according to Section 00406.


00495.90 Trench Resurfacing - Quantities of trench resurfacing accepted for payment will be
paid at the Contract unit price per square meter (yard) for the item "Trench Resurfacing".

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing, placing and compacting all materials as specified or as
directed and providing all equipment, labor, and Incidentals necessary to complete the work.

Any replacement of disturbed landscape items other than topsoil is considered incidental to the work
and no separate or additional payment will be made.

When the pipe is installed under pavement by tunneling, jacking, or boring methods, the work will be
paid for according to Section 00406.

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing, placing and compacting all materials as specified or as
directed and providing all equipment, labor, and Incidentals necessary to complete the work.

Any replacement of disturbed landscape items is considered incidental to the work and no separate or
additional payment will be made.

00495.92 Incidental Basis - When neither the Special Provisions nor the Schedule of Items
indicates separate payment for trench resurfacing or other work under this Section, perform the work as
Incidental work for which no separate payment will be made.


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