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GL Applied Data Science Program

DEWPNZAQ4Y Network Analysis

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 1 / 25

Overview of this week / module:

Data collection and visualization for exploratory data analysis

Network analysis

Unsupervised learning - clustering


Overview of this lecture:

Examples of networks and representing networks

Summary statistics of a network

Centrality measures - finding important nodes in a network

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 2 / 25

A network (or graph) G is a collection of nodes (or vertices) V

connected by links (or edges) E . The network is denoted by G = (V , E ).


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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 3 / 25

A network (or graph) G is a collection of nodes (or vertices) V

connected by links (or edges) E . The network is denoted by G = (V , E ).

Network research:
In recent years network research witnessed a big change:
From study of a single graph on 10-100 nodes to the statistical
properties of large networks on millions of nodes
Characterize the structure of networks
Identify important nodes / edges in a network
Identify missing links in a network

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 3 / 25
Examples of networks

Network Vertex Edge

World Wide Web web page hyperlink
Internet computer network protocol
power grid generating station transmission line
adukejyme1990@gmail.com / substation
friendship network person friendship
gene regulatory network gene regulatory effect
neural network neuron synapse
transportation airport direct flight
Netflix person / movie rating
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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 4 / 25
Different kinds of networks
simple network: undirected network with at most one edge between
any pair of vertices and no self-loops
e.g. Internet, power grid, telephone network

multigraph: self-loops and multiple links between vertices possible

e.g. neural network, road network

directed network: i → j does not imply j → i

e.g. World Wide Web, food web, citation network

weighted network: with edge weights or vertex attributes

e.g. transportation networks

bipartite network: edges between but not within classes

e.g. recommender systems such as Netflix

hypergraph: generalized ‘edges’ for interaction between > 2 nodes

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e.g. protein-protein interaction network
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Large networks look like hairballs


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Representation of a network

Two common representations of a network G = (V , E ):

adjacency list
undirected graph 1 − 2 − 3: E = {{1, 2}, {2, 3}}
directed graph 1 → 2 ← 3: E = {(1, 2), (3, 2)}

adjacency matrix of size n × n (where n = |V |) with

1 if (i, j) ∈ E
Aij =
0 otherwise

For weighted graph, Aij can be non-binary

How does the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph look like? How to
is meantoffor
friends or suggest
personal new friends in a social network?
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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 7 / 25
Representation of a network


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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 8 / 25
Quantitative measures of networks

Some quantitative measures of networks to describe structural patterns of

a network and to compare networks:

connected components
degree distribution

diameter and average path length

homophily or assortative mixing

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Connected Components
Connected component: set of nodes that are reachable from one another


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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 10 / 25
Connected Components
Connected component: set of nodes that are reachable from one another
Many networks consist of one large component and many small ones

Number of components

1e+02 1e+00

1e+00 1e+02 1e+04 1e+06 1e+08

Component size

Figure 3. Component size distribution. The fraction of components with a given component size
a log-log issize
for personal
Most vertices
in the
(99.91%) are
2011 Facebook
in the
network on a log-log
component. only.
scale. Most vertices (99.91%) are in the largest component.
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algorithm UhlerWe
(MIT) Network
find that the average distance Analysis pairs of users was 4.7 for Great
between Learning
Facebook 10 / 25
users and
Degree distribution of the Internet
Degree of a node: number of edges connected to a node


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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 11 / 25
Degree distribution of the Internet
Degree of a node: number of edges connected to a node
Many networks show a power-law degree distribution (i.e., distribution
that is linear in log-log plot)


Figures from Chapter 8 in “Networks: An Introduction” by

This Newman
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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 11 / 25
Degree distribution of Facebook network


1e−04 1e−03 1e−02 1e−01 1e+00




Global Glo

U.S. U.S

1 5 50 500 5000 1 5
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From “The Anatomy ofuse by adukejyme1990@gmail.com
the Facebook only.
Social Graph” by Ugander et al. (2011)
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Caroline Uhler (MIT) 1. Degree Network
Analysis p . (a) The fraction of users with
Great Learning 12 / 25de
Diameter of a graph

Let dij denote the length of the geodesic path (or shortest path)
between node i and j

The diameter of a network is the largest distance between any two

nodes in the network:
adukejyme1990@gmail.com diameter = max dij

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 13 / 25
Diameter of a graph

Let dij denote the length of the geodesic path (or shortest path)
between node i and j

The diameter of a network is the largest distance between any two

nodes in the network:
adukejyme1990@gmail.com diameter = max dij

If network is not connected, one often computes the diameter in the

largest component.

Algorithms for finding shortest paths: breadth-first search for

unweighted graph, Dijkstra’s algorithm for weighted graphs

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Small-world and 6 degrees of separation

Concept of 6 degrees of separation was made famous by sociologist

Stanley Milgram and his study “The Small World Problem” (1967)

In his experiment participants from a particular town were asked to

get a letter to a particular person in a different town by passing it
from acquaintance to acquaintance.
18 out of 96 letters made it in an average of 5.9 steps, suggesting
that the diameter of the social network in the US is 6

Any reasons why we should take the conclusion of 6 degrees of

separation with a grain of salt?

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 14 / 25
Diameter of Facebook (2011)

Percentage of pairs within hop distance

0.6 0.8


0.0 0.2

0 2 4 6 8 10
hop distance

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e 2. Diameter. meant for personal use by adukejyme1990@gmail.com only.
From “The Anatomy of the Facebook Social Graph” by Ugander et al. (2011)
neighborhood function N (h) showing the percentage of user pairs tha
h hops of each or publishing
other. the contents
The average in part orusers
distance between full on
is liable for legal
Facebook action.
in May 2011 was 4
Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 15 / 25
Homophily (or assortative mixing): tendency of people to associate with
others that are similar


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From “The Anatomy of the Facebook Social Graph” by Ugander et al. (2011)
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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 16 / 25
Find important nodes in a network
Centrality measure: A measure that captures importance of a node’s
position in the network; there are many different centrality measures:


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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 17 / 25
Find important nodes in a network
Centrality measure: A measure that captures importance of a node’s
position in the network; there are many different centrality measures:
degree centrality
Simple and intuitive: individuals with more connections have more
influence and more access to information.
Does not capture “cascade of effects”: importance better captured by
having connections to important nodes

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 17 / 25
Find important nodes in a network
Centrality measure: A measure that captures importance of a node’s
position in the network; there are many different centrality measures:
degree centrality
Simple and intuitive: individuals with more connections have more
influence and more access to information.
Does not capture “cascade of effects”: importance better captured by
having connections to important nodes
eigenvector centrality
score that is proportional to the sum of the score of all neighbors is
captured by largest eigenvector of adjacency matrix
builds the foundation for Google’s PageRank algorithm

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 17 / 25
Find important nodes in a network
Centrality measure: A measure that captures importance of a node’s
position in the network; there are many different centrality measures:
degree centrality
Simple and intuitive: individuals with more connections have more
influence and more access to information.
Does not capture “cascade of effects”: importance better captured by
having connections to important nodes
eigenvector centrality
score that is proportional to the sum of the score of all neighbors is
captured by largest eigenvector of adjacency matrix
builds the foundation for Google’s PageRank algorithm
closeness centrality
tracks how close a node is to any other node

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 17 / 25
Find important nodes in a network
Centrality measure: A measure that captures importance of a node’s
position in the network; there are many different centrality measures:
degree centrality
Simple and intuitive: individuals with more connections have more
influence and more access to information.
Does not capture “cascade of effects”: importance better captured by
having connections to important nodes
eigenvector centrality
score that is proportional to the sum of the score of all neighbors is
captured by largest eigenvector of adjacency matrix
builds the foundation for Google’s PageRank algorithm
closeness centrality
tracks how close a node is to any other node
betweenness centrality
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measures the extent to which a node lies on paths between other nodes
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Which centrality measure to use

Choice of centrality measure depends on application!


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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 18 / 25
Which centrality measure to use

Choice of centrality measure depends on application!

In a friendship network:

high degree centrality: most popular person

high eigenvector centrality: most popular person that is friends with
popular people

high closeness centrality: person that could best inform the group

high betweenness centrality: person whose removal could best break

the network apart

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 18 / 25
Case study: CAVIAR (criminal network in Montreal)

Data based on 11 wiretap warrants from 1994-1996 → 11 periods

Mandate of CAVIAR project: Seize drugs, arrests only in period 11

11 seizures total with monetary losses for traffickers of $32 mio
phase 4: 1 seizure $ 2.5mio, 300kg of marijuana
phase 6: 3 seizures $ 1.3mio, 2 x 15kg of marijuana, 1 x 2 kg of
phase 7: 1 seizure $ 3.5mio, 401kg of marijuana
phase 8: 1 seizure $ 0.4mio, 9kg of cocaine
phase 9: 2 seizures $ 4.3mio, 2kg of cocaine + 1 x 500kg marijuana
phase 10: 1 seizure $ 18.7mio, 2200kg of marijuana
phase 11: 2 seizures $ 1.3mio, 12kg of cocaine + 11kg of cocaine

Unique opportunity to study changes in the structure of a criminal network

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in upheaval meant
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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 19 / 25
Case study: CAVIAR (criminal network in Montreal)
network consists of 110 (numbered) players: 1-82 are traffickers,
83-110 are non-traffickers (financial investors, accountants, owners of
various importation businesses, etc.)
initially, investigation targeted Daniel Serero, alleged mastermind of
drug network in downtown Montreal
initially marijuana
Project was imported to Canada from Morocco
after first (The
DEWPNZAQ4Y seizurepolice bias
in phase 4, and the scope
traffickers of law-
reoriented to cocaine import
from Colombia, transitingmonitoring)
through the United States
# de participants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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Case study: CAVIAR (criminal network in Montreal)

Phase 3
Phase 6

Phase 8 Phase 11

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 21 / 25
Case study: CAVIAR (criminal network in Montreal)
Role of the different actors:
Daniel Serero (node 1): mastermind of the network
Pierre Perlini (node 3): principal lieutenant of Serero (executes his
Ernesto Morales (node 12): principal organizer of the cocaine import,
intermediary between the Colombians and the Serero organization

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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 22 / 25
Optional: Additional thoughts - Criminal networks

Given a social network and k criminal suspects, how to determine

other suspects?

Same question is extremely important in biology: given certain genes

that are known to cause a certain disease, determine other candidate
genes (e.g. based on protein-protein interaction network for
determining autism genes: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/057828)

How do we identify nodes that are “between” a given set of seed


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Caroline Uhler (MIT) Network Analysis Great Learning 23 / 25
Optional: Steiner trees
Determine a small subnetwork that contains the given suspects / genes
and connects these nodes

Steiner tree:
shortest subnetwork that contains a given set of nodes
NP-complete problem
there exist polynomial time approximations

⇒ use collection of approximate Steiner trees for further analysis:

autism interactome / criminal interactome
For genomics applications, see:

⇒ compute nodes with high betweenness centrality in interactome to

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obtain candidate genes / suspects
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Chapters 1 - 10 (but mostly chapters 6 - 8) in

M. E. J. Newman. Networks: An Introduction. 2010.

For an analysis of the Facebook network:

J. Ugander, B. Karrer, L. Backstrom and C. Marlow. The Anatomy of
the Facebook Social Graph. 2011.

For more information on the CAVIAR network:

C. Morselli. Inside Criminal Networks (Springer, New York).
Chapter 6: Law-enforcement disruption of a drug-importation
network. 2009.
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