1 - A Mean-Variance Optimization Algorithm

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A Mean-Variance Optimization Algorithm

István Erlich, Senior Member, IEEE, Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Nakawiro Worawat, Graduate Student Member, IEEE

Abstract— A new stochastic optimization algorithm referred differential evolution and artificial immune systems [1]-[5].
to by the authors as the ‘Mean-Variance Optimization’ (MVO) These algorithms have been applied to solve a range of
algorithm is presented in this paper. MVO falls into the optimization problems from function optimization to
category of the so-called “population-based stochastic complex real world problems like power system stabilizer
optimization technique.” The uniqueness of the MVO
design [5], scheduling vehicle-to-grid transactions [6] and
algorithm is based on the strategic transformation used for
mutating the offspring based on mean-variance of the n-best elephant movement prediction [7].
dynamic population. The mapping function used transforms Although a large number of techniques and approaches
the uniformly distributed random variation into a new one exist in literature to improve many of the population-based
characterized by the variance and mean of the n-best stochastic algorithms, non-convex optimization is still a
population attained so far. The searching space within the challenge to the optimization community. This is mainly due
algorithm is restricted to the range - zero to one - which does
to the large variability with the topological properties of the
not change after applying the transformation. Therefore the
variables are treated always in this band but the function underlying objective function. Therefore, it is necessary to
evaluation is carried out in the problem range. The explore new principles allowing the resolution of a wide
performance of MVO algorithm has been demonstrated on range of non-convex optimization problems. In addition,
standard benchmark optimization functions. It is shown that other desirable features for real-world applications call for
MVO algorithm finds the near optimal solution and is simple to algorithms with less computational overhead and hardware
implement. The features of MVO make it a potentially an
requirements. Along this spirit, a new optimization
attractive algorithm for solving many real-world optimization
problems. algorithm, named by the authors, mean-variance
optimization (MVO) is presented in this paper.
I. INTRODUCTION Like differential evolution, genetic algorithms and particle
swarm optimization, MVO falls into the category of the so-
O PTIMIZATION problems exist in many fields of science,
engineering, and business. As many real-world
optimization problems become increasingly complex, better
called “population-based stochastic optimization technique.”
However, its concepts share some similarities and
differences from other known stochastic algorithms. The
optimization algorithms are always needed. Many such
similarities are in borrowing ideas of selection, mutation and
problems can be precisely formulated, but it is rather
crossover from evolutionary computation algorithms. The
difficult or impossible to solve, either analytically or through
main distinct features of the MVO algorithm is based on the
conventional numerical procedures. This is the case when
strategic transformation of mutated genes of the offspring
the problem is non-convex and, therefore, inherently
based on the mean-variance of the n-best population.
nonlinear and multimodal. Unconstrained optimization
The remaining sections of the paper are organized as
problems can be formulated as a k-dimensional minimization
follows: Section II describes the MVO algorithm. Section
problem as follows:
III presents results on sample benchmark functions. Finally,
conclusions are presented in Section IV.
Min f(x), x =[x1, x2, …, xk]
where k is the number of the parameters to be optimized.
Population based stochastic search algorithms have The flowchart of the MVO algorithm is given in Fig. 1.
become very popular in recent years such as particle swarm The basic steps in the MVO algorithm are described below.
optimization, ant colony optimization, genetic algorithms,
evolutionary programming, bacterial foraging algorithm, A. Initialization of MVO Algorithm and Normalization of
Manuscript revised April 30, 2010. This work was supported in part by The MVO algorithm and optimization problem
the grants - NSF CAREER ECCS #0348221 and NSF EFRI 0836017.
I. Erlich is the Chair of the Department of Electrical Power Systems, parameters have to be initialized. The few MVO algorithm
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (e-mail: istvan.erlich@uni-due.de). parameters to be initialized include:
G. K. Venayagamoorthy is the Director of the Real-Time Power and • dynamic population size, n
Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Missouri University of Science and
Technology (http://web.mst.edu/~ganeshv & e-mail: gkumar@ieee.org). • number of dimensions (problem variables), m, to be
N. Worawat is PhD candidate with the Department of Electrical Power selected for mutation
Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (e-mail: • selection method used

978-1-4244-8126-2/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE

Further optional parameters used in the strategic exploration whereas a large size leads to better exploitation.
transformation are:
• shaping scaling factor, fs Start
• Asymmetry Factor AF
• initial value of shape factor sd.
The numbers of problem variables, k, to be optimized 1. Initialize algorithm and optimization problem parameters
2. Normalize optimization variables (values), x, (range 0.0-1.0)
have to be initialized within the allowed limits. It can be
(x is a k dimensional vector)
done by the user; otherwise the variables are initialized
The range of the search space for all optimization
1. De-normalizing variables
variables within the MVO algorithm is [0,1]. However, 2. Fitness evaluation
fitness evaluation is carried out using the actual values in the
problem space (fitness evaluation space). Therefore, during
the optimization, de-normalization is carried out in every yes
single iteration. Termination criteria
B. Termination Criteria
The MVO search process can be terminated based on a
Dynamic Population
completion of a specified number of iterations (fitness Store a population of the n-best fitnesses and their corresponding
evaluations), the solution, x, attaining a desirable fitness or
normalized values x1 to xk, mean xi and variance vi
no improvement in the fitness over the last s iterations. The
termination criteria is determined by the user for a given # Fitness x1 x2 … xi … xk
optimization problem. In this context, the MVO algorithm is 2
not different from many of the heuristic optimization …
algorithms. It should be noted that the number of iterations n
in the MVO algorithm is equivalent to the number of ---
offspring fitness evaluations. vi ---

C. Dynamic Population 1 n
1 n

The MVO utilizes a single parent-offspring pair concept

xi =
∑ xi ( j ) (1) vi =
∑ ( xi ( j ) − xi )2 (2)
j =1 j =1
but incorporates information of performance of the n best
individuals stored in the archive table through mean and
variance. The population size n, is taken to be a minimum of Parent Assignment
Store best fitness, fbest, and its corresponding optimization values,
two. In order to factor population performance in the MVO
operations (described below), a minimum of two initial
random solutions are needed at the beginning. If n is greater
than two the table of best individuals is filled up Create an Offspring
progressively over iterations in a descending order of the Selection: Select m (m< k) dimensions of x
fitness. When the table is filled with n members an update is Mutation: for selected dimensions m
performed only if the fitness of the new population is better xi = random() (3), si = −ln( vi ) ⋅ f s (4)
than those in the table. As fitness improves over iterations, − u i ⋅ si 1 ( 1−ui )⋅ si 2
h( xi ,si1 ,si2 ,ui ) = xi ⋅ ( 1 − e ) + ( 1 − xi ) ⋅ e (5)
the population members keep changing, in other words,
dynamic. xi = hx + ( 1 − h1 +
h0 ) ⋅ xi − h0 (6)
Mean, xi , and variance, vi, are computed after every '
hx = h( ui = xi ), h0 = h( ui = 0 ), h1 = h( ui = 1 )
update of the archive for each dimension using (1) and (2) 1
1 n
xi = ∑ xi ( j )
n j =1
0 x'i 1
vi = ∑ ( xi ( j ) − xi )2 (2) Crossover: For the remaining dimensions of x, use values of xbest
n j =1 New individuals of x are combination of the parent xbest, and
the m mutated dimensions
where, j goes from 1 to n (population size). At the beginning
xi corresponds with the initialized value of xi and the
variance is set to vi = 1.0 . Fig. 1. MVO algorithm flowchart.
Small population size will result in focusing on
D. Parent Assignment performed better than strategy 1. However the conclusion
The individual with the best fitness fbest (first position in can not be generalized.
the table), and its corresponding optimization values, xbest,
are stored in memory as the ‘parent’ of the population for Mutation -First the values of the selected dimensions m are
that iteration. Generally it is possible to use any individuals randomized from a uniform distribution in the range of [0,
saved in the table or their combinations as parent. The 1].
authors tested the mean of all individuals and some variants x'i = random()
of the weighted means. However, in all optimization
The generated random values are transformed then based
examples tested so far the best population as parent provided
on the mean and variance of the m best population stored in
the best performance.
the archive table. The transformation and the corresponding
function are key features of the MVO algorithm.
E. Offspring Creation A transformation function, h, is introduced based on the
Creation of an offspring, of k dimensions involves three mean and shape factor, si, given in (4).
common evolutionary computation algorithms’ operations, si = −ln( vi ) ⋅ f s (4)
namely: selection, mutation and crossover. The scaling factor fS allows for controlling the search
process. A small value of fs (between 0.9 and 1.0) allows the
Selection - m of k dimensions of the optimization problem slope of the mapping curve to increase (see below) and thus
are selected for mutation operation. The following four better exploration. Values of fs above 1.0 (and up to 10) will
selection strategies were studied: result in a flat curve and thus improved exploitation. The
1) Random selection parameter fS allows also to define different slopes si1 , si2 to
2) Neighbor group selection
a) moving the group forward in multiple steps focus on the space to be searched below or even above the
b) moving the group forward in single steps mean value.
3) Sequential selection of the first variable and the rest, Dimensions m of the randomly generated variables are
randomly. transformed using (5) and (6).
The two versions of strategy 2 are demonstrated in Fig 2.
h( xi ,si1 ,si2 ,ui ) = xi ⋅ ( 1 − e−ui ⋅si1 ) + ( 1 − xi ) ⋅ e( 1−ui )⋅si 2
Strategy 2 a)
xi = hx + ( 1 − h1 + h0 ) ⋅ x'i − h0
Run ν
hx = h( ui = x'i ), h0 = h( ui = 0 ), h1 = h( ui = 1)
x1 x2 x3 … xn-6 xn-5 xn-4 xn-3 xn-2 xn-1 xn
Run ν+1 The transformation function is illustrated in Fig. 3.
Mapping function
⋮ 0.8 characterized by
x i and si1 = si 2
Strategy 2 b)
Run ν xi used for
fitness 0.4

x1 x2 x3 … xn-6 xn-5 xn-4 xn-3 xn-2 xn-1 xn

Run ν+1 0.2

⋮ 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Selected variables xi' changed randomly

Fig. 3. Illustration of mapping function and transformation.
Fig. 2. Selection strategies 2a and 2b.
By extending the function h(*) by h1 and h0 according (6) the
Different strategies can be applied for selection and the right output range of the function become exactly [0,1] as the case
strategy depends on the optimization problem. According to for the input. The effects of the mean and shape factor on the
the authors experience the strategy 2 and 3 always transformation function are shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
1 parent. Here, crossover is by direct cloning of certain genes.
In this way the offspring is created by combining the vector
Parameter x i: xbest, and vector of m mutated dimensions.

0 0.25 1
0.6 0.5 0.75
1 Fig. a)
xi symmetrical
0.8 mapping function
0.4 si 1 = si 2 = 10
0.2 xi
Shape si = 10
mapping function
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 si 1 = 10
x' i
si 2 = 20
Fig. 4. Effects of mean of dynamic population on the transformation
function h 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1 x'i
Parameter shape si 1 = si 2
0 5 asymmetrical
0.8 Fig. b)
10 15 mapping function
0.8 si 1 = 20
si 2 = 10
xi = 0.5
0.2 0.2 mapping function
si 1=si 2=10

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x'i x'i
Fig. 5. Effects of shaping scaling factor on the transformation function h.
Fig. 6: Effect of different shape factors si1 ≠ si2
As can be seen, with decreasing variance and thus
increasing shaping factor, the corresponding curve is getting Treating zero variance - Zero variance can occur when all
more flat so that the space to be searched is focused on the individuals stored in the archive do not differ with respect to
region near to the mean value. However, all curves start and particular optimization variables. In consequence, the shape
end at zero and one, respectively. Therefore, the search still factor of the mapping curve tends to zero and the
covers the whole space between the min/max limitations, optimization does not progress. The probability of zero
even though the probability to be selected near to the border variance is increasing as the number of mutated variables m
is less. is small.
One of the approaches to solve this problem is to use the
The effect of different shape factors si1 ≠ si2 is
last no-zero variance further. The authors have seen
demonstrated in Fig. 6. Obviously, by choosing different considerable improvements with the following insertion to
shape factors the space to be searched can be controlled by the algorithm:
shifting emphasis to preferred side of the curve around the
si1 = si ; si2 = si
mean value. The algorithm implemented by the authors for
where si calculated from the last nonzero variance vi
utilizing this control alternative is as follows: if si < sd → sd=sd..kd ; si1=sd.
if xi < x i → si 2 = si ⋅ AF ; si1 = si else if si > sd → sd= sd /kd ; si1=sd.
else if xi > x i → si1 = si ⋅ AF ; si 2 = si Assuming that the variables sd and kd are common for all
where AF represents the asymmetry factor in the range of optimization variables and are initialized to:
[1-10]. sd = 75
kd = 0.0505/k + 1.0
Crossover -For the remaining un-mutated dimensions the
genes of the parent, xbest, are inherited. In other words, the For sd, any value between 10 and 90 is fine but 75 was
values of these un-mutated dimensions are clones of the chosen for the benchmark function optimizations in this
paper. The variable sd allows tracking the mean of all si TABLE II
resulting from the last no-zero variance. Dimension Initialization Number of
Name Range Evaluations
III. BENCHMARK FUNCTION RESULTS f1 30 [-2.048 , 2.048] 200000
For evaluating and comparing the MVO algorithm with f2 30 [[-5.12, 2] 200000
best results reported in literature using variants of PSO [7, f3 30 [-1.28, 1.28] 200000
8], a test suite of standard benchmark optimization functions f4 30 [-50, 50] 200000
consisting of various unimodal and multimodal problems are f5 30 [-50, 50] 200000
used. Five of these functions are presented in Table I. The
parameter settings for the benchmark functions are presented RESULTS AVERAGED OVER 50 TRIALS
in Table II. The parameter settings for the MVO algorithm Functio
are as follows: Min Mean Max Std based
n Name
• dynamic population size, n = 2, 4.18e-05 4.68e-02 1.38e-01 4.12e-02 5.39e+000
• randomly selected number of variables for mutation (FDR – [8])
is 1, and 1.00e-99 5.30e-08 2.51e-06 3.55e-07 4.36e-010
f2 (CLPSO –
• the shape scaling factor, fs = 1.0 and asymmetry 8])
factor, AF=1.0. 1.20e-03 4.40e-03 8.72e-03 1.76e-3 3.15e-03
f3 (SADE –
TABLE I [9])
BENCHMARK FUNCTIONS 9.27e-30 6.96e-27 1.67e-25 2.58e-26 6.60e-30
Function f4 (SADE –
Benchmark Function fmin [9])
n 3.23e-28 6.21e-25 1.59e-23 2.82e-24 5.00e-29
f1 (100(x i+1 − x i2 ) 2 + (x i − 1) 2 ) 0 f5 (SADE –
i=1 [9])
[y i2 − 10 cos(2πy i )+ 10]
xi , x i < 0
f2 2
yi =
round(2x i ) 1
, xi ≥
2 2
i = 1,2,......,D
f3 ix i4 + N(0,1) 0
D −1
{ 10 sin 2 ( π yi ) + ∑ ( yi − 1 )2 [ 1 + 10 sin2 ( π yi +1 )]
i =1
+( yD − 1 )2 } + ∑ u( xi ,10,100,4 ),
i =1
f4 1 0 Fig. 7. Fitness graphs over 50 trails for the benchmark function f1 in
yi = 1 + ( xi + 1 ),
4 Table I.
⎧k( xi − a )m ,xi > a,
u( xi ,a,k ,m ) = ⎨0, −a ≤ xi ≤ a
⎪ m
⎪⎩k( − xi − a ) ,xi < −a,
0.1{sin2 (3πx1 ) + (x i − 1)2 [1+ sin2 (3πx i+1 )]
f5 D
+(x D − 1)2 [1+ sin2 (2πx D )]}+ u(x i ,5,100,4)

All function optimization are carried for 50 trials and are

shown in Table III. The fitness graphs for five benchmark
function optimization with the MVO algorithm over 50 trials
are shown in Figs. 7 to 11. It can be observed from Table III,
that MVO algorithm produces the best result for function f1
and similar results to those reported in literature for f2 to f5
Fig. 8. Fitness graphs over 50 trails for the benchmark function f2 in
functions. It should be noted that these results are based on a Table I.
single parent-offspring pair.
A new optimization algorithm – the mean-variance
optimization - has been presented. The main characteristics
of the MVO algorithm is based on the unique transformation
used for mutating genes in the offspring based on the mean-
variance of a dynamic population. Both inputs and outputs
of the mapping function used to transform uniformly
distributed random variables covers the range [0,1].
Therefore the optimization is performed in the same range.
Variables are de-normalized only for any function
evaluation. In the basic MVO presented in this paper, a
single parent-offspring pair per concept is implemented. The
performance of MVO algorithm has been demonstrated on
standard optimization benchmark functions. It is shown that
MVO algorithms finds the near optimal solution and is
simple to implement.
Fig. 9. Fitness graphs over 50 trails for the benchmark function f3 in
Table I. Currently, MVO algorithm is evaluated on constrained
optimization problems. The performance of the MVO
algorithm needs to be investigated with respect to population
size, other selection and crossover strategies and methods
treating the problem of zero variance. Furthermore, the
authors are working towards a swarm MVO algorithm
(SMVO). Another promising approach comprises dynamic
parameter control during the iteration which allows
adaptation to the specific optimization problem and iteration

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